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by Nigel Findley, et al.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Chapter 8: Hunter’s Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80

Chapter 2: Geography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Chapter 9: Miscellaneous Information . . . . . .34
Chapter 3: Dragon Psychology. . . . . . . . . . . .39 Adventures
Chapter 4: Role-Playing Dragons . . . . . . . . . .46 The Millennium Dragon (C.S.) . . . . . . . . . . .90
Chapter 5: Dragon Hall of Fame. . . . . . . . . . .56 Invitation to a Robbery (C.K.). . . . . . . . . . . 100
Chapter 6: New Dragon Species . . . . . . . . . . .64 The Servants of the Verdant Cloud (J.T.) . .109
Chapter 7: Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Draco Holy Wars (W.T.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120


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Terminology other, score upon score, they bent have been scribed with great preci-
their breath against the body of sion.) This combination of lan-
Several new Asgorath, and the skies rang with guage and script explains the
terms are re- their lamentations. Only one of the difficulties and delays involved in
quired before Spawn of Asgorath withheld his translating the tome.
one can con- breath. Instead, he pulled a shard From its content and the mythic
veniently talk of the Crystal Sun from the flesh of forms used, it is obvious to
about dragons. Asgorath, and used it to draw scholars that the Book of the World
Throughout blood from his own flesh, and this is an example of holy literature—
this book, the blood fell upon the face of the that is, it once was at the center of
word dracoforms is used to refer to World. a body of religious beliefs. The na-
dragons and their obvious kin. “As before, there was movement ture of some of those beliefs can be
(Thus a wyvern is a dracoform, as where the blood fell, but the crea- inferred from the myths contained
is a gold dragon.) The word dra- tures that came forth from this in the Book, but there is insuffi-
conic is used as the adjective for blood were not of the pure red. Col- cient cultural context to confi-
matters relating to dragons ored like the products of the World dently analyze the belief structure.
(“things draconic”). they were, like the unliving (For example, it is not known
metals. And the Renegade raised whether the creation myths are
Draconic Origins his voice, and his voice was a trum- symbolic or intended to be taken
pet: ‘I too have Created.’ as absolute truth.)
“. . . The World was still flat, here The sheer volume of mythic ma-
“The form of Asgorath began to
before the beginning of Time, be-
stir, as the Renegade knew it must. terial within the Book, and the rel-
fore Asgorath the World-Shaper
The Renegade spread his wings atively organized chronological
folded the cloth of existence into
and flew, and the Spawn of the and contextual structure used
its final form. The World was flat,
Renegade followed him into the throughout, imply that it origi-
and above it hung the Crystal Sun
farthest reaches of the world.” nated from a fairly sophisticated
that Zotha had wrought before
culture. This is paradoxical, since
Asgorath cast him down. Asgorath
—from the “Book of the World” no cultures of sufficient sophistica-
soared above the World and looked
tion apparently ever arose in
down upon it, and she saw that it
Excerpted from The Origin Asram. The possibility cannot be
was good.
Myths—A Treatise by Dunkelzahn overlooked that the Book was
“And so Asgorath bent her form of Candlekeep, 1354 DR transported from elsewhere and
around the Crystal Sun, and
abandoned in Asram, but that the-
touched her breath to it. And the Perhaps surprisingly, there are ory also has its problems. There is
Crystal Sun burst into fragments
very few origin myths that relate no modern culture that contains
that pierced the flesh of Asgorath,
directly to dragons. One of the few even the vaguest mythological or
and her blood fell on the World.
is a tome known as the Book of the symbolic echoes of the Book’s con-
Where the drops fell, the Powers of
World. Only one copy of this book tent. Judging from the oxidation of
the World and the Powers of the
has ever been found—and that in the Book’s metal pages, the speci-
Crystal Sun came together, and the land of Asram, about 100 years men under examination was prob-
the Spawn of Asgorath came forth
ago. The language of the book is ably no more than 500 years old.
upon the face of the World.
Thorass—more correctly, an even In that time, it seems unlikely that
“Red, they were, red that would an entire religio-mythic tradition
more archaic form of Thorass than
later depart from its purity But would vanish from Toril. But that
most samples of this language—
here before the beginning of Time,
but the script used is a simplified seems to be the case here. (The
their red was the pure red of the
runic form. (No doubt the selection wild speculations that the Book of
shattered Crystal Sun. They the World did not arise in Tori1 at
of runic script was necessitated by
spread their wings and took to the the construction of the book: it all are discounted by most reputa-
skies, circling around the still, cold
consists of 300 sheets of thin, flexi- ble scholars.)
form of Asgorath. One after an- ble metal onto which the runes The Book provides a fascinating

origin myth relating to dragon- close a correlation—can Asgorath diverged from
kind. From a close reading of the be Tiamat and the Renegade be the great apes
text, it becomes obvious that Bahamut? a little more
Asgorath the World-Shaper is a An interesting speculation has than 17,000
dragon. The implication—that a recently arisen. It has long been years ago.) It is
dragon created the universe, and thought that the Book of the World obvious, then,
that dragons were the first crea- represents a body of human, demi- that the hu-
tures to exist—is quite fascinating. human, or humanoid myth. Is this manoid races
A further point arises from the sen- a short-sighted and humanocen- once dwelt in a
tence that reads, “And so tric assumption? The key features world without
Asgorath bent her form around the of the origin myth—sacrifice, be- dragons as we know them.
Crystal Sun, and touched her trayal, and rebirth—are common How does that fit in with several
breath to it.” In the original to almost every humanoid ethos, ancient elvish myths—particu-
Thorass, the word “breath”—nor- but in all of those myth-bodies the larly the Parwiccan Cycle—that
mally used as a singular or un- central characters are anthropo- deal with “dragons” and
countable noun in this context— morphic. In other words, human- “wyrms”? The key phrase is
has been given a plural suffix oid myth-builders create gods in “dragons as we know them.” It is
(“breaths”). Is this meant to imply their own image. In the myth pre- our contention that the creatures
that Asgorath is a multi-headed sented in the Book of the World, described in the Parwiccan Cycle
dragon? there is not a single humanoid are not true dragons, but dragon
The text is clearer when it comes character. precursors. Our evidence indicates
to the “Spawn of Asgorath.” There Might not the Book of the World that these “pre-dragons” were
can be no doubt that these crea- present an origin myth that was considerably smaller than modem
tures are red dragons. The follow- originally developed by dragons— specimens, with little or none of
ing sentences hint that this probably red dragons—them- the daunting array of powers
religion holds the red dragon as selves? At a later date, humanoids shown by true dragons. In addi-
the most important species of adopted the myth, and incorpo- tion, it seems obvious that these
dragon. All others would “later de- rated it into the Book—for the creatures were not sentient; in
part from . . . purity.” Book of the World is obviously a fact, they probably had no more
When the Renegade (“bahmat” humanoid artifact. than animal intelligence, and
in the original Thorass) duplicates Dragons have never been hence the most borderline form of
the actions of Asgorath, the drag- thought to be great mythogra- self-awareness. Thus, the “drag-
ons that arise are “not of the pure phers. Does this statement tell us ons” that figure so centrally in the
red,” but rather “colored . . . like more about dragons or about the Parwiccan Cycle are little more
the unliving metals.” The implica- prejudices of researchers? than large, winged lizards.
tion here is obvious: The Spawn of Although these pre-dragons
the Renegade are the metallic— were probably long-lived by hu-
and primarily good-aligned-drag- (The following is excerpted from man standards, we believe that
ons, What the Book of the World an address to the Council of Sages their life spans were but a fraction
contains is not only an origin myth by Kelmara of Arabel, 1346 DR) of those of modern dragons. If their
of dragons—which makes it im- life span was even as short—rela-
portant enough in its own right— Dragonkind represents some of tively speaking—as 200 years,
but also one of the few surviving the newest species on the face of however, a question arises. Evolu-
evil-oriented origin myths. Toril. My colleagues and I find the tion proceeds at a rate directly pro-
It is easy to speculate, based on evidence incontrovertible: Drag- portional to the life span of the
this myth. The plural inflection of ons, as we know them now, arose creature—or so our research indi-
the word “breath” might be taken no more than 10,000 years ago. cates. How could the pre-dragons
as implying multiple heads; the (For comparison, our research in- evolve into true dragons so rap-
Thorass word for renegade is dicates that humanity—the idly? A climatic or other environ-
“bahmat.” It seems almost too youngest of the humanoid races— mental upheaval of unparalleled

violence would speculations concerning a global Their ascent was guided by
be required. upheaval, we all know well her lik- powers beyond our ken. As evi-
The Parwic- ing for apocalyptic philosophies. dence of this, take the fact that, in
can Cycle And depending on the Parwiccan every world and in every sphere,
comes to the Cycle for substantiation is like and on every alternate plane we
rescue again, walking on thin ice—your support have yet explored, there are drag-
with its talk, may at any moment vanish from ons. And these dragons differ not
variously, of beneath you. one whit from those native to Toril.
the “month of Take, for example, the phrases Dragons are beyond the reach of
mist,” the quoted by my learned colleague. A our biology, I fear—even beyond
“seven-turn winter,” and “Tear- “seven-turn winter” certainly such far-flung and ill-supported
fall.” It seems clear to us that Tori1 seems to be evidence of climatic theorizing as that characterized by
was struck by one of the large upheaval; seven years of winter my worthy colleague.
rocks that comprise the Tears of would, anyone must agree, be a ca-
Selune, upsetting the world’s cli- tastrophe. But a little research un- (Kelmara’s response to Verilux’s
matic balance. Such a global ca- dermines the certainty of this rebuttal, in its entirety 1346 DR)
tastrophe could easily cause the conclusion. At the time and in the
extinction of some species, and the language in which the Parwiccan Collops!
rapid evolution of others. Cycle was written, “turn” was
In response to the environmen- used in varying ways by various
tal upheaval, the pre-dragons groups. In some writings, “turn” (The following is excerpted from
quickly evolved into the multiple refers to a circuit of Tori1 around its An Ecology of the Planes by Garth
dragon species known today. primary—a year. In others, how- of Suzail, 1354 DR)
ever, “turn” refers to a circuit of
Selune around Toril—a month. The “diffusion theory” has often
(The following is excerpted from a Still others use “turn” to refer to a been invoked by philosophers to
rebuttal by Verilux to the address single rotation of Toril around its explain why creatures on planes
by Kelmara of Arabel, 1346 DR) own axis—a day. While a seven- totally removed from each other
month winter might be inconven- should be biologically indistin-
Kelmara speaks with great assur- ient, it could hardly be classed as a guishable. The most commonly
ance about the link between life catastrophe. held version of the theory asserts
span and evolution rate. Even if “Tearfall” is a strong, emotive that each creature arose—whether
one were to accept fully the evolu- image, and I wish to congratulate this be by evolution or no—on a
tionary theory—and I do not—it my colleague on its selection. single world. Then individual crea-
should be obvious to even the most Watching your faces as she spoke, tures somehow were removed
addle-pated student that life span members of the Council, I saw the from their home plane and trans-
would have very little relation to profound effect it had on you. How ferred to others, where they
evolutionary rate. More important much would that effect be less- thrived. The necessary removal is
by far would be the length of a gen- ened should I tell you that the orig- speculated to occur by various
eration, which I define as the dura- inal word — ileleste — could also be means: spontaneously-opening
tion separating a single creature’s translated as “falling rain”? gates (or “fistulae,” to use the term
sexual maturity and the sexual Nay, I fear my colleague has commonly in vogue), purposeful
maturity of that individual’s first failed to convince me of her posi- attempts at “cross-pollination”
offspring. Depending on the spe- tion. It seems obvious to me that performed by plane-traveling sen-
cies involved, dragons reach sex- dragons did not evolve on Toril as tients, accidental transfers (as
ual maturity not much later than Kelmara wishes us to believe. when a pack animal or a pet es-
do humans. Thus a dragon genera- They may, perhaps, have arisen capes on an alien plane), or even
tion is little longer than a human from baser creatures, but this divine intervention.
generation. transcendence was not under the (There is a more extreme version
As to my learned colleague’s blind drivings of natural selection. of the diffusion theory that will be

discussed in more depth later in of dragon seems to be a subset of lier.
this text. It holds that one single properties belonging to one or Eliminating a
plane is the source of all life, and other of the archetypes. Or, con- shadow—as by
that creatures diffused throughout versely, each archetype seems to shining a light
the multiverse from this source.) possess a superset of the proper- on it—has no
At first glance, it would seem that ties possessed by the appropriate effect on the
the diffusion theory can be proved class of dragonkind. creature cast-
or disproved by close examination Some sages truly believe this ob- ing the
of the fossil records of several servation to be representative of shadow. But
planes, searching for traces of a the truth of the matter. According what is the
certain species. If evidence for the to this theory, the very existence of effect on shadows when the crea-
evolution of that creature occurs the two archetypal forms—Baha- ture casting them is removed from
on one plane but not on others, mut and Tiamat—is responsible the scene?
then surely the diffusion theory for the existence of dragons
would be proven. Unfortunately, throughout the multiverse. In met-
however, there is not one explored aphorical language, dragons are (The following is excerpted from
plane where the fossil record is the shadows that the archetypes Evolution and Creation by Terr-
anywhere near complete. There cast across the planes. As shadows ance Balancehand of Scornubel,
are puzzling gaps, anomalies, and are, in a sense, subsets of the crea- 1356 DR)
even apparent reversals of causal tures casting them—as they must
events, which make us question be, since shadows are two-dimen- The case of dragons has been used
how much we will ever be able to sional—so are the “shadows” of as a major supporting point for
learn categorically from fossils. the dragon archetypes subsets of both sides of the ongoing “creation
And here the conversation must those archetypes’ characteristics versus evolution” argument.
turn to dragons, for in these spe- and powers. (The shadow analogy The creationist argument won-
cies the diffusion theory seems to is actually quite an elegant one. At ders how evolution can explain the
be the only suitable explanation your leisure, examine the shadow occurrence of dragons on virtually
for their wide-spread existence. cast by a simple object such as a every known plane, and in virtu-
Dragons are the only creatures for cube. Depending on the viewer’s ally every crystal sphere of the uni-
which there exist archetypal orientation to the cube and to the verse. The fact that dragons—
forms. In dragonkind, these forms surface on which the shadow is almost indistinguishable, biologi-
are Bahamut, the Platinum cast, the shadow can take the form cally, from one another—can be
Dragon, and Tiamat, the Chro- of a square, a rectangle, a paral- found in Realmspace, Greyspace,
matic Dragon. All of the “core” lelogram, or more complex poly- and other spheres ad infinitum is
species of dragonkind—the good- gons. This simple experiment only explicable if one accepts that
aligned metallic dragons and the shows how different shadows of some Unitary Principle (i.e., god or
evil-aligned chromatic dragons (ig- the same source can be as different association of gods) created them,
noring for a moment those fringe as a green and a red dragon.) simultaneously, throughout the
species like crystal dragons) seem Is it any wonder that many drag- universe. The problems with this
to be pale reflections of their arche- ons worship the archetypal forms? position are that there is strong
typal forms, displaying some but If this theory of shadows is true, fossil evidence in several spheres
not all of that archetype’s charac- then the archetypes truly are the for an evolutionary process, plus
teristics. For example, a red creators of dragonkind, although an undeniable evolutionary tree
dragon possesses some but not all the sense of creation is diluted in that explains how various draco-
of the characteristics attributed to this case, since it seems to lack the forms diverged from one another.
Tiamat, while a gold dragon pos- aspect of an act of will. The evolutionary point of view
sesses some but not all of the char- What are the consequences if plays heavily on the biological evi-
acteristics attributed to Bahamut. this theory turns out to be correct? dence for the kinship of dragons
Indulging in mathematical lan- One possibility arises from a con- and dracoforms such as wyverns
guage for a moment, each species sideration of the analogy used ear- and drakes, and repeatedly touts

the fossil re- in this or any world). How much This is how I view the creation
cord that more elegant for the creator(s) to versus evolution controversy. The
shows “dragon set up initial conditions whereby worlds we live in arose from the act
precursors” in the evolution of those very same of will of a Unitary Principle. But
various lo- dragons is inevitable according to after that initial act of will, all other
cales. Why the laws of nature, magic and, sci- developments were according to
would a Uni- ence? Some readers may be fa- the laws of the world. Dragons—
tary Principle miliar with the game of “pockets,” and elves and humans and orcs
actively at- which reputedly was widely and the rest—did evolve, but only
tempt to de- played in the ancient land of because the Unitary Principle cre-
lude its “children” by planting Mulhorand. The purpose of the ated the initial conditions so it was
such evidence? The problem with game is to strike a single “key” inevitable that they evolve.
this position is that evolutionists ball with a stick, in a very precise This explains how dragons—
are at a loss to explain how drag- way, so that it contacts other balls and other species too, of course—
ons that evolved in Realmspace on a table, and causes those balls could have arisen in so many dif-
and Greyspace—two significantly to fall into holes or pockets posi- ferent places in the universe. The
different ecosystems—have tioned around the table. When one Unitary Principle—through the
evolved so convergently that it is views the end result of the game— original, one-time act of creation—
impossible by any means (short of all balls but the key safely residing so designed the initial conditions
asking dragons) to determine their in the pockets—the most simple in each of those diverse regions
sphere of origin. conclusion to draw about how that dragons could not avoid
And so it is from these contradic- they ended up there is that some- evolving.
tory positions that I select dragon- one picked up the balls and placed Creation and evolution are then,
kind as the ultimate support for them in the pockets. (This it becomes obvious, not contradic-
my thesis. equates, in my mind, to the “spe- tory theses, but merely different
Evolution and creation are not cial creation” theory.) It is cer- stages within the process that is
contradictory and mutually exclu- tainly a simple way of reaching the the development of the universe.
sive, as most sages would have end result. But how much more
you believe. The two are inti- elegant it would be if—instead of
mately and elegantly linked, two placing the balls individually and (The following is excerpted from
sides—as it were—of the same somewhat arbitrarily in their an inebriated tirade by Corkitron
coin. I believe it is impossible to eventual pocket homes—the same Allinamuck, member of Halflings
deny that dragons evolved to their result were reached with a single Inc., of no fixed address, 1357 DR)
present state in the Forgotten striking of the key ball? Theoreti-
Realms. It is also impossible to cally, a powerful and precise There’s always been dragons, and
deny that the same thing occurred enough stroke of the key ball there’s always going to be dragons,
in the world of Greyhawk, and in would cause all other balls to end that’s what I think. You want to
the many other spheres that have up in pockets, creating a complex know any more, why don’t you ask
been visited by spelljamming ves- and artistically pleasing dynamic the darned dragons?
sels. How, then, can this quandary pattern as they did so.
be solved? Once the key ball is struck, all Evolution
The problem lies in the tendency other motions of the balls are ac-
to view creation as a single act in cording to the laws of motion The following theories related to
which a Creator says, “Let there known to sages and mathemati- the evolution and interrelation-
be dragons,” and there were drag- cians. If one did not actually wit- ship of dracoforms are drawn from
ons. Such a kind of special crea- ness the original striking of the key the writings of a group of sages
tion seems somewhat arbitrary, ball, one could come to believe that known only as the “Club of
and far from subtle (and I will ad- the eventual outcome was a result Candlekeep.” These sages, al-
mit that I view subtlety as one of of those laws only, and not involv- though members of the Order of
the greatest attributes of divinity ing any act of volition at all. Candlekeep, are more interested

in exploring the pageant of the The variety of dinosaurs was characteristic
past than plumbing the mists of truly staggering. Every ecological of the wyvern
the future through the predictions niche was filled by some form of (such details
of Alaundo the Seer. reptilian creature. There were fly- rarely fossilize
No one knows the identities of ing dinosaurs, walking dinosaurs, well, however).
the members of the Club. None of and swimming dinosaurs; crea- Skull size indi-
their writings—which have been tures that fed on plants, and those cated that the
distributed fairly widely through- that fed on other dinosaurs. Over creature had a
out the Realms—claim individual spans of millennia, evolution and slightly
authorship; all are identified only natural selection experimented smaller brain
as having been written by the with literally thousands of differ- than the wyvern (which is no great
Club. ent designs: small, fast carnivores; thinker, even today). This was al-
The writings of the Club of huge, slow herbivores that de- most an order of magnitude larger
Candlekeep—particularly those pended on size to protect them than the brains of its contempo-
relating to dragons—are highly from predators; heavily armored raries, however, giving it a huge
controversial. For each sage who herbivores; gigantic, ferocious competitive advantage in the nat-
accepts their findings, there’s at predators. In many cases, these ural selection sweepstakes.
least one other who claims that the experimental models were carried Parallel with the development of
Club members are tin-pot liars, or to totally illogical extremes—for eodraco, reptilian creatures at the
at least sadly deluded. It can’t be example, monstrosities so heavily other end of the size scale were de-
denied, however, that the Club’s armored that they were unable to veloping characteristics that
writings do show a level of internal move out of the way of even the would eventually cause their de-
consistency otherwise unheard of slowest mud-flows. It seems scendants to be classified as mam-
in the debate over dracoform ori- highly unlikely that any of these mals. From these small, scurrying
gins. early creatures had anything close creatures, all mammalian inhabit-
to intelligence or self-awareness. ants of the world today would
The Fossil Record In the period between 12 million eventually develop.
and 10 million years ago, this About ten million years ago,
When examined closely, and with changed. A single reptilian species something catastrophic happened
the purpose of answering certain arose that showed the rudiments to the ecosystem in which
specific questions, the fossil record of intelligence. With the ability to eodraco, the pre-mammals, and
of Toril is rife with gaps and contra- anticipate and plan, it avoided the the dinosaurs lived. (Even the
dictions. When viewed with a wide natural disasters that befell its Club of Candlekeep seems divided
enough focus, however, the story forebears. With the ability to coop- on the nature of this catastrophe.)
that it portrays is clear and very erate, groups of individuals were Some theories hold that the cli-
compelling. The broad picture able to survive the predation of mate changed due to a diminished
that it produces is incontestible. creatures that could easily over- output from Toril’s sun; other theo-
According to this record, drag- power a single specimen. The Club ries—like that promulgated by
ons as we know them arose some of Candlekeep refers to this crea- Kelmara of Arabel—blame an im-
ten million years ago. Before that ture as eodraco (meaning “dawn pact on Toril of one of the Tears of
time, there were no intelligent life- dragon” in a language whose ori- Selune. Still others credit divine
forms on Toril—at least, none that gin has long been forgotten). intervention from some deity who
still survive. The most common From incomplete fossils labori- wanted to give intelligence a help-
creatures in existence were the ously reconstructed, sages deter- ing hand. A lunatic fringe believes
huge reptilian creatures we call di- mined that eodraco was similar in that a climatic upheaval was
nosaurs. These were, according to size and configuration to the mod- caused by certain semi-divine
the fossil record, larger than virtu- ern wyvern, averaging 35 feet creatures using Toril as a battle-
ally any creature alive today— long, with a 50-foot wingspan. No ground.
larger, definitely, than any planet- evidence was found indicating In any case, in an almost unbe-
bound form of dragon. that eodraco had the tail sting lievably short time—evolution-

arily speaking, show an astounding number of dracoform can learn how to best
of course—the other variations which—for one use its developing intelligence,
dinosaurs be- reason or another—proved not to and it can train numerous batches
came extinct. be viable. A strain of winged, of offspring in this effective use.
Only the multi-headed dragons flourished Thus, a semi-intelligent dracoform
smaller rep- for perhaps a million years, but that lives long enough to learn how
tiles, the pre- eventually died out. (There’s some to think, and then long enough to
mammals, and evidence—but nothing substan- train many offspring, will be more
eodraco sur- tial—indicating that the hydras strongly favored evolutionarily
vived. (This and pyrohydras are a surviving off- than a short-lived creature that
isn’t intended to rule out the as-yet shoot of this evolutionary dead has one brood of offspring then
unsubstantiated—but recurring— end.) dies.) The upshot is that ignidraco
rumors that claim dinosaurs still Eodraco split into two main sub- began to grow smarter.
live in various remote and isolated forms at about this time. One— The Club of Candlekeep is un-
regions of Toril.) which fairly rapidly died out—kept sure exactly when it happened,
Eodraco was never very numer- the same metabolic set-up as its di- but at some time in this process,
ous. As the larger creatures on nosaur ancestors. The other devel- ignidraco split into two major sub-
which it fed died off, the numbers oped an ability to regurgitate genera. One genus—labelled in-
of eodraco diminished even fur- intestinal gas and ignite it with an ficedraco — developed a
ther. There was simply an inade- enzymatic, hypergolic reaction in personality (if such a term can be
quate food supply to support a the back of the throat. This ability used) of great ferocity, and became
large population of 35-foot-long gave this strain of eodraco — called more of a solitary predator. By this
carnivores. ignidraco by the Club of Candle- time, the populations of food ani-
keep—the ability to breathe out mals had grown to the point where
The Descent of Dracoforms blasts of fire. the evolutionary pressure select-
As with many lines that derived ing for increased intelligence had
Even. with its diminished popula- from the pre-mammals, it turned diminished somewhat. So “pure,
tion, eodraco as a genus (genus be- out that intelligence was the most ravening predators” (as one anon-
cause it probably comprised a significant survival trait of all, ymous Club member put it) were
number of diverse species) wasn’t however. Certain derivatives of ig- once again more viable.
out of the evolutionary woods yet. nidraco began to develop the glim- The other offshoot of ignidraco—
Evidence showed that the climatic merings of real intelligence—not the genus labelled by the Club as
upheavals that eliminated the the rudimentary, little-more-than- ferrodraco — tended more toward a
larger dinosaurs continued for sev- animal thought. processes shown cooperative lifestyle. Without the
eral millennia, putting extreme se- by earlier eodraco. This was true overwhelming ferocity of its
lection pressure on eodraco. It was self-awareness, and perhaps even cousin genus, natural selection
at this time—according to the Club the ability to perform abstract continued to push ferrodraco to-
of Candlekeep—that certain draco- thought. (It’s unknown—and prob- ward greater intelligence.
forms diverged from the main ably impossible to determine— (While it’s impossible to tell from
stream of dragonkind. Two major whether the dracoforms began to fossils what color a creature’s skin
examples of such diversion were develop language at this time.) was, it’s obvious from the names
the wyverns—whose sheer aggres- Since it was intelligence, and not selected that the Club believes the
sion made them viable in a com- randomly-evolved sets of other at- chromatic dragons to be de-
petitive ecosystem—and the tributes, that was the strongest scended from inficedraco, and the
various species of drakes and the survival trait for ignidraco, natural metallic dragons to be descended
pseudodragon— in whom dimin- selection began to favor longer life from ferrodraco.)
ished size (and hence appetite) spans. (This makes some sense Both genera continued to un-
proved to be valuable survival since the ability to effectively use dergo a fascinating series of evolu-
traits. intelligence is acquired and can be tionary changes. Some
Fossils dating from this period passed on to offspring. A long-lived maintained the gastrointestinal

trick that al- oriental dragons are supposed to The Family Tree of
lowed them to have descended from a totally dif- Dracoforms
breath fire. ferent species—called eodraco
orientalis — which diverged from According to the theories put for-
Others modi-
the mainstream trunk of eodraco. ward by the Club of Candlekeep—
fied their di-
Even with these modifications, and modified by their apologists—
gestive tracts
there are a few mysteries that still the chart on page 9 illustrates the
still further,
remain. If dragons’ breath weapons connection between the various
enabling them
to spit acid or derive only from modifications to dracoforms.
exhale corro- the digestive tract, how can one ex-
sive chemicals (theoretically gas- plain the blue dragon’s ability to Magic
tric enzymes). One species—which breathe lightning bolts? (Also, the One topic on which the Club of
eventually became the white “heat-absorbing chemical reaction” Candlekeep has been conspicu-
dragon—developed the ability to explanation for the white dragon’s ously silent is the development of
trigger a chemical reaction that ab- breath weapon seems very much magic among dracoforms. All of
sorbed heat energy from the envi- like verbal tap-dancing.) the major dragon strains, show
ronment, having the effect of a In general, catalogers—those some kind of magic use, whether
blast of frigid air (or so claims the sages who have written the major in the form of spellcasting or in-
Club). bestiaries of Toril—have quite hap- nate abilities. Where did these
pily ignored the complex taxon- abilities come from?
A Few Problems omy put forward by the Club of Prospective authorities other
Candlekeep, and have grouped all than those in Candlekeep have
Needless to say, the writings of the dragons under the genus draco. varying suggestions. There are ar-
Club of Candlekeep don’t answer The names of the most common eas in Tori1 where the land itself
all questions about how dragons species of dragons—according to seems to have high levels of magi-
arose. The Club is conspicuously these catalogers—are as follows: cal activity, claim some sages.
silent about where in the evolu-
Creatures evolving in such areas
tionary tree certain dracoforms Black: D. causticus sputem with a high background of magical
fall. Good examples—which have Blue: D. electricus energy might develop magical
been seized upon by the Club’s de- Brass: D. impudentus gallus abilities. Other sages suggest that
tractors—are faerie dragons, cloud Bronze: D. gerus bronzo innate magical abilities are
dragons, and those rulers of the Copper: D. comes stabuli granted by the gods, for their own
spaceways, celestial (radiant) Gold: D. orientalus sino dux inscrutable reasons.
dragons. Also, the Club’s family Green: D. chlorinous nauseous Still others believe that innate
tree contains no mention of orien- respiratorus magical abilities can evolve and be
tal dragons. Red: D. conflagratio horribilis inherited like any other character-
(Some apologists for the Club Silver: D. nobilis argentum istic. Magical abilities—so claim
have attempted to add these miss- White: D. rigidus frigidus these sages—come from a link
ing species to the overall structure.
with other planes (usually the Pos-
According to these worthies, faerie In their turn, those sages who fol- itive or Negative Material planes).
dragons are highly developed off- low the writings of the Club of A creature with such a link can
shoots of pseudodragons (the rea- Candlekeep refuse to use these draw energy from those planes
son for this rather doubtful names—and, in fact, consider and weave it into a certain effect.
conclusion seems to be the faerie them somewhat gauche and over- In the many nonsentient creatures
dragons’ small size). Cloud drag- blown. that have innate magical abilities,
ons and celestial dragons are pur-
this interplanar connection and
ported to derive from a third genus
management of the energy flow so
of dragons that spun off from igni-
generated is totally subconscious.
draco at the same time as infice-
(This theory explains such contin-
draco and ferrodraco. Finally,

uous effects as a fear aura.) Some A more extreme theory holds and demihu-
creatures, however, gain a more that the dragons of Tori1 were— mans. Others
conscious awareness of—and millennia ago—taught their dismiss the
hence control over—this magical magic-using abilities by dragons question as
flow. These creatures can modify who had come from elsewhere. meaningless:
the effects of the flow, either turn- (Different variations of the theory Dragons, they
ing the magical ability on and off at identify the source of these drag- say, just don’t
will, or altering the way it mani- ons as the future, the past, other have the pa-
fests in the physical world. This planes, and other crystal spheres.) tience or the
awareness and control would, hy- Needless to say, this theory is not inclination to
pothetically, increase with age, as widely held among reputable dedicate their lives to research.
the creature becomes more used to thinkers.
the flow of power. In the case of The extended life span of drag- Continued Evolution
dragons, this theory might explain ons raises an interesting question:
their fear aura, their (usually high) If these beasts live so long, why The tale of evolution might not
magical resistance, and their other aren’t they better wizards? After have come to an end with the drag-
innate abilities. all, with four hundred years at his ons we know today. Certain sages
But what about actual spellcast- disposal, a dedicated human mage believe that evolutionary forces
ing? The answer here seems to could devise a pretty potent ar- still act on dragons, particularly
spring from the creatures’ ex- mory of both common and unique those of evil alignment (the chro-
tended life spans—well over a mil- spells. Why doesn’t this occur with matics). Instead of dietary priva-
lennia for many species, and dragons? tion or climatic upheaval,
perhaps even longer for celestial Various sources propose various however, these evolutionary forces
dragons. As these long-lived crea- answers. One answer—possibly now take the form of adventuring
tures evolved higher and higher in- the most disturbing—is that this companies and dragon-hunters.
telligence, they must have seen does occur. Among the most an- Those dragons capable of dealing
other intelligent creatures— cient of dragons, so this belief with or avoiding such predators
whether humans and demihu- goes, the level of magical knowl- survive to breed; those incapable
mans or extraplanar visitors—ma- edge is literally incomparable. of so doing, die out. Is this not also
nipulate magical energy in the These creatures have elevated the an evolutionary pressure?
form of spells. With centuries in practice of magic to an almost god- The direction in which this pres-
which to experiment, these early like level. An example of such an sure is forcing dragons isn’t imme-
draconic potential spellcasters overwhelmingly powerful crea- diately clear, however. Increased
could eventually have learned— ture is the legendary gold dragon intelligence and enhanced magical
simply through trial and error— Nexus, reputed to live in magically power are obvious pro-survival
how to cast spells. (There’s also the sustained luxury in the midst of traits. Are dragon-hunters merely
very good possibility that these Anauroch, the Great Desert. (The creating a race of more intelligent
creatures—who were, after all, fact that such a draconic “super- and more magically adept evil
huge, dangerous, and quite daunt- mage” hasn’t been reliably re- dragons?
ing—could have extracted knowl- ported simply means that nobody Some experts aren’t sure. They
edge of magic use from spell- has lived to tell the tale or that the think that, while enhanced intelli-
casters of other races.) Over sev- dragon has simply wiped the gence and power are useful, one
eral multi-century generations of memory from the minds of any day sufficiently smart and strong
experimenting dragons, it is possi- witnesses.) adventuring companies will come
ble that a species could develop a Less potentially apocalyptic an- along to exterminate even the
high level of magical sophistica- swers abound, of course. Some toughest of dragons. What these
tion. (After all, how long does it sages are convinced that the dra- sages see as a more pro-survival
take to research a new spell? Not conic mind is simply insufficiently development is an alteration in
long when compared with a life complex to extend magical knowl- alignment and outlook—a swing
span measured in centuries.) edge beyond the level of humans away from the evil alignment that

literally invites be explained away easily. but the main one is that dragon
heroic adven- One possible explanation for species—with the exception of the
turers to come these nontraditional dragon types golds—do not have a written lan-
calling. Ac- is that—under certain circum- guage. (By assuming human form
cording to stances—different dragon species they can write, but most simply
these experts, can actually interbreed to form in- don’t care to.) This means that
as the more termediary types. Among the dragon histories are predomi-
aggressively chromatics, this seems fairly com- nately oral—tales told by one
evil of the mon, and the results are easily pre- dragon to another, and passed on
chromatics are dictable. Among the metallic from generation to generation. For
killed off, the predominant align- dragons, however, the results are creatures such as dragons, who
ment of the survivors will swing unpredictable and often bizarre. are more interested in the acquisi-
more and more toward true neu- Crosses between chromatics and tion of wealth than in the acquisi-
tral. (This is a very controversial metallics are almost unheard of, tion of knowledge, there is little
position to hold. Most of the more but when they do occur, the re- attraction in spending great
cynical thinkers don’t accept this sults are even more outlandish. amounts of time learning and re-
thesis for a moment. If an adven- Perhaps thankfully, the vast ma- citing long oral histories.
turing company comes along and jority of these interdragon crosses Draconic oral histories are usu-
terminates an evil dragon’s kin, is are infertile. (Refer to Chapter 6 for ally short—particularly when
that dragon more likely to become a more detailed discussion of these compared to the extensive tradi-
neutral or vengeful?) crosses.) tions of human epic poetry—and
The predictions of Alaundo the concentrate on things that matter
Seer, collected and studied at Draconic History a great deal to that particular spe-
Candlekeep, have something to cies of dragon. The evil chromatics
say about the future development The previous—admittedly specu- generally have the shortest oral
of dragons. Unfortunately, these lative—sections on draconic ori- traditions. There are some reli-
predictions are even more opaque gins and evolution will probably gious myths (which will be dis-
and cryptic than the majority of have led some readers to echo the cussed in a later section), but most
Alaundo’s insights. His writings earlier quote from Corkitron Al- histories deal with interesting—
seem to imply some kind of “tran- linamuck of Halflings Inc.: “Just and usually unpleasant—ways of
scendence” —a massive change in ask the darned dragons!” dealing with intruders who might
the place in the Grand Scheme The problem is that most drag- want to make off with a dragon’s
held by dragons—but only time ons are not great historians. With hoard.
will make sense of these obscure the exception of brass dragons, The metallics are a little more in-
prophesies. generally the only pieces of infor- terested in the preservation of ab-
mation the creatures are really in- stract wisdom, but this varies from
New Dragon Strains terested in passing from species to species. The lawful me-
generation to generation are of sig- tallic dragons—the golds, silvers,
Seemingly new and hitherto unre- nificance only to dragons. (Brass and bronzes—maintain oral tradi-
ported varieties of dragons keep dragons also have a very dracocen- tions that at least partially relate to
turning up in tales throughout the tric view of the world, but they do justice and the preservation of dra-
Realms. While many of these new enjoy collecting, disseminating, conic society. (This doesn’t mean
varieties seem to actually be mis- and retelling bits of gossip.) Even that they’re not interested in pass-
interpreted or misreported ver- those few dragons who do keep ing on unique ways of discourag-
sions of traditional dragons—for track of what might be called gen- ing thieves, of course.) The oral
example, a gray-scaled “lead eral history are frequently unwill- traditions of brass dragons contain
dragon” that actually turned out ing to pass on the information to much that sounds totally trivial to
to be an immature bronze with a nondragons. humans—gossip, pointless anec-
dermatological disorder—there There are several reasons for dotes, and long, rambling reminis-
are occasional sightings that can’t this lack of historical knowledge, cences—while that of copper

dragons is rich with wit and so- son, male black dragons often brag dragons
phisticated wordplay (leavened of their wealth to others of their should, by
with bawdy humor, atrocious kind—should they encounter rights, be a
puns, and seemingly endless them—and even to other crea- very powerful
shaggy-dog stories). tures, hoping that the word will and dangerous
The extended clans of gold drag- eventually reach a female seeking entity, this is
ons do sometimes keep written a mate. (This behavior has a signif- very rarely the
histories, but these generally con- icant disadvantage, of course: case. The drag-
centrate on the movements, activi- Word of the dragon’s wealth might ons typically
ties, and acquisitions of also eventually reach a powerful spend the ma-
individuals. Although legends tell adventuring company . . . .) jority of their time wrangling over
of individual draconic scholars Sometimes two or more females who’s dominant to whom. The
that use their extended life spans select the same male. In such a only time clans achieve their full
to collect and sift through histori- case, the females fight for domi- potential is when they are led by
cal information, these worthies are nance, the winner getting the such powerful individuals that no
few and far between . . . if they male. These fights normally take other dragons in the group want to
truly exist at all. place high in the air over the risk challenging for dominance.
male’s swamp lair (so the male can Black dragons have no sense of
Customs and Social watch and admire from the etiquette. They are totally chaotic
ground). They’re usually nonle- in every sense of the word. The
Mores thal, with one female conceding idea of personal possession and
Social norms and ideas of etiquette and slinking off to seek a mate else- territory is, for black dragons, de-
vary widely between dragon spe- where. fined only by an individual’s abil-
cies. The following discussions Black dragons are protective ity to hold onto such things. A
concentrate only on the more com- parents, as long as such protective black dragon maxim is, “This is
mon dragon types, ignoring the behavior doesn’t threaten their my claw, that is my lair; this is my
unintelligent dracoforms and the own lives. If the dragons must tooth, that is my food” (transla-
infertile interspecies crosses. choose between almost certain tion: “It’s mine, and I’ll rip you up
death and abandoning their if you try for it”).
Black Dragons young, the young are simply out of
luck. (Black dragons have good Blue Dragons
As with most of the chromatic memories and a tendency toward
dragons, blacks are solitary crea- Like blacks, blue dragons are by
vicious revenge, however.)
tures. They are highly territorial In extremely hostile environ- nature solitary creatures. Unlike
with regard to other dragons, even ments, or when circumstances their black cousins, however,
those of their own species. Black threaten the entire species, black blues do form into social organiza-
dragons congregate only to mate tions on a regular basis. The oldest
dragons sometimes gather into
and raise offspring, or on those and most powerful blue dragon in
clans. These groups are loosely
very rare occasions when dire knit and shot through with politi- a particular geographical region is
need overcomes their naturally cal maneuvering and out-and-out known as the suzerain, and all
chaotic attitudes and forces them blues within that region pay it offi-
fights for dominance. In a group
to cooperate to achieve some goal. situation, black dragons only sub- cial homage. The size of the region
It is the female dragon that picks ruled by a suzerain varies, depend-
ordinate themselves to another
a mate and is the dominant mem- dragon if they know that dragon ing on the dragon population of the
ber of a mated pair. Females select can kill them if they don’t obey. region and on the power of the su-
among prospective mates based (Since most blacks also have a to- zerain. (Obviously, a millennia-old
on the candidates’ worth as drag- tally overblown view of their own suzerain (a wyrm) can enforce fe-
ons. This is almost always mea- abilities, this doesn’t happen very alty over a larger area and greater
sured by the size of the hoard the number of dragons than could a
male has amassed. For this rea- younger individual.)
Even though a clan of black

While still tary dragons to bear, and tempers between visits.)
evil and rapa- often reach a hair-trigger state.) Brass dragons are Chaotic in
cious, blue The position of suzerain is largely alignment, in that their goals and
dragons are ceremonial. While the suzerain offi- ambitions are their own, and not
highly lawful, cially has the authority of life and determined by any other source of
particularly in death over the dragons within its authority. This doesn’t mean that
dealings with territory, this authority is almost they’re uncooperative, however.
the suzerain. never used. About the only official Neighbors usually go to each oth-
All blue drag- duty that a suzerain has to perform er’s aid, which is just as well, since
ons within the is to authorize or deny petitions brass dragons share much the
territory claimed by a suzerain from dragons who wish to mate. same environment as the more
have three choices. They can sub- (Should the entire territory be powerful blue dragons.
mit themselves to the suzerain’s threatened, the suzerain could be- Sometimes rivalries develop be-
will and command, which is the come the commander-in-chief of a tween brass dragons, usually
most usual case. Or they can sim- horde of blue dragons who would when they can’t agree on where
ply leave the suzerain’s territory, follow his orders without question. each other’s territory ends. These
either moving into the sphere of in- Theoretically.) rivalries almost never become vio-
fluence of another suzerain— For blue dragons, mating is an lent, however, as other brass drag-
hopefully one more acceptable to important matter, constrained by ons in the same region usually act
them—or finding an area that has social norms. As well as officially as willing arbitrators, helping the
been claimed by no suzerain. asking the suzerain for permis- rivals to talk out their differences.
The third option is to challenge sion, the prospective mates must Mating is much more of a free-
the suzerain to a death-duel, hop- also swear an oath to remain to- wheeling thing among brasses
ing to become suzerain them- gether until the offspring of the un- than is typical for other dragons.
selves. Death-duels are highly ion reach the age of 26 (juvenile). They frequently mate simply for
structured things. Official chal- the pleasure of it, with no concern
lenge must be given and accepted. Brass Dragons over long-term relationships or
(The acceptance is compulsory, commitments—unless offspring
however. A suzerain refusing to ac- Brass dragons are highly social result. In this case, the parents re-
cept a challenge is considered by creatures, enjoying contact and
main together until the offspring
all other blue dragons to have con- conversation both within their
are old enough to fend for them-
ceded his authority.) The date and species and outside it. Like other
place of the duel are then set and dragons, however, they prefer to Brass dragons are dedicated par-
communicated to all other blues in live alone, within a territory de-
ents. Mates often remain together
the territory—and sometimes be- fined by their personal ambitions.
until their young reach young
yond it. In the case of suzerains The territory of one brass dragon adulthood. Sometimes parents ar-
with high profiles, the duel site is often borders on the territory of an-
range for other brasses to foster
often chosen to be a central loca- other, however, and these neigh-
their children. These foster par-
tion, even outside the suzerain’s bors are almost always on good
ents take responsibility for the off-
official territory (the High Moor re- terms. In fact, the contiguous spring for sometimes up to a
gion is often selected). Dragons boundaries of their terrain are pre-
decade at a time. The parents see
from all over the Realms may at- dominately determined through this as a good way of making sure
tend a duel like this. discussion rather than through
that their young have the widest
A duel is a red-letter day for the the active rivalry common to other possible experience of the world in
dragons; and few nearby blues fail draconic species. Such neighbors which they live, and the best possi-
to attend for the spectacle. (A duel frequently visit each other, to bask ble training for survival in a some-
day is not a good time to stumble in the sun and indulge in long, times-hostile world. The dragons
into the blue dragons’ territory. drawn-out conversations. (These who take on the foster duties do so
Such close proximity with others of visits are frequent only in draconic
because such a duty raises their
their kind isn’t an easy thing for soli- terms, however. Years often pass status among their own kind. (It

also means that they’ll always demihuman form. be as deserv-
have someone to talk to.) Both true Most human and demihuman ing of survival
parents and foster parents make cultures have a legend similar to and happiness
sure that they pass on to the young the following: A traveler, ship- as themselves.
their oral historical tradition. wrecked on a deserted coastline, They often
Brasses often develop networks comes upon a small group of work behind
of informants and confidants—of- beachcombers, or perhaps fisher- the scenes to
ten with sphinxes and similar men, who dwell in the isolated re- promote the
creatures, and sometimes even gion. These beachcombers help causes of Law-
with humans and demihumans— the shipwrecked soul, nursing him ful Good soci-
that are elaborate enough to back to health, all the while asking eties.
shame the human gossip-mongers him incisive questions about his Bronze dragons are less territo-
who do a lucrative business in the background and world-view. rial among themselves than virtu-
larger cities of the Realms. Drag- Eventually, they agree to help him ally any other species of dragon.
ons with such extensive sources of find his way home. In most ver- Although they’ll never share their
information gain great status sions of the story, at about this hoard with another—or even di-
among their kind, and they fre- time a group of pirates arrives on vulge its hiding place—they fre-
quently receive visitors from far the scene with the intention of set- quently live together in fairly close
away who wish to hear the gossip ting up a base on the coastline. proximity. Bronzes sometimes go
and legends so collected. One of The beachcombers claim to be to- on treasure-hunting expeditions
the most telling compliments tally unarmed and incapable of de- together, sometimes in groups as
among brass dragons is, “He (or fending themselves, asking the large as six individuals. Most of
she) has an ear to the wind.” sailor what he intends to do to pro- these expeditions are submarine
Mutual defense is usually on an tect them from the not-so-tender raids against outposts of sahuagin.
informal basis, usually when one mercies of the pirates. Although At the end of the adventure, the
brass has learned the whereabouts vastly outnumbered, the sailor re- dragons divide the wealth accord-
of a blue and wants help in bashing alizes that he must do something ing to the age of the participants:
it. Groups of brass dragons some- to save his pacific benefactors. He The older—and more powerful—
times congregate with the inten- plans a heroic single-handed at- the dragon, the larger its share.
tion of cooperating for some tack against the pirates, knowing Bronzes also occasionally join
greater, more far-reaching goal. full-well that he’s going to die in human or demihuman expedi-
Usually nothing comes of these the attempt. As he throws himself tions—always in human or demi-
meetings, however, since they into battle, committing his soul to human form. At the end of such an
usually degenerate into pointless his god, the sky is suddenly full of expedition, they usually reveal
gab-fests. (As Aurus, the rogue bronze dragons who fall upon the their true nature, and claim the li-
gold dragon, once put it, “With pirates and destroy them. One of on’s share of the treasure. (Since
brasses, when all’s said and done, the dragons—whom the sailor now they’ll only go on such an expedi-
more’s said than done.“) realizes are the true forms of his tion with Lawful Good creatures,
benefactors—ferries the sailor the division of treasure rarely be-
Bronze Dragons home on his back. This is a sign of comes nasty.)
significant respect to one who sub- Bronze dragons have great re-
Although not quite as social as ordinated his own survival to do- spect for the power and knowledge
brasses, bronzes enjoy the com- ing what he thought was right. (No of the elders among them. Younger
pany of their own kind. They can sage knows for sure whether this dragons often go on pilgrimages to
sometimes be seen swimming and legend sprung from a true occur- visit the homes of wyrms or great
playing together in oceans or rence or not.) wyrms, to benefit from the experi-
lakes, and occasionally gather for Bronzes enjoy the company of ence of these worthies. Bronzes
pirate-hunting expeditions or humans and demihumans, and— have a very straightforward atti-
shark-feasts. Usually, however, unlike the vast majority of drag- tude toward personal conduct that
bronzes congregate in human or ons—consider the “small races” to reflects the human Golden Rule:

“Do unto oth- Copper Dragons serious in their courtship of eligi-
ers as you ble females—generally those who
would have Copper dragons have been de- have earned status in the loosely
others do unto scribed as incorrigible pranksters knit copper dragon community by
you.” Although who love all forms of humor. They amassing large hoards—and any-
this may seem also love being the center of atten- one, of any species, who ridicules
simplistic tion. Since humor requires com- their efforts is in for serious trou-
when com- pany of some kind, they are fairly ble. Coppers are dedicated par-
pared with the social creatures. Unfortunately, ents, making sure that their
bodies of law they’re also prideful, and hate to offspring are well provided for and
promulgated by other creatures, it be the butt of jokes and practical protected. The parents maintain
seems to serve the bronzes more jokes. The upshot of this is that custody of the children, and are re-
than adequately. If a bronze is seen they must find most of their com- sponsible for all facets of their rear-
to have transgressed this princi- pany outside their own species. ing and maturation until they
ple, his or her neighbors take evi- Coppers sometimes get together reach the legal age of majority at
dence of this wrongdoing to the for joke sessions, but—since this 51 (young adult). The children are
nearest wyrm or great wyrm for usually leads to jokes at the ex- then encouraged to go forth and
judgment. After weighing the evi- pense of others in the group, which live their lives as they see fit. Dur-
dence, the elder dragon decides on is not appreciated by the targets— ing the rearing process, the par-
these sessions usually become ents make sure that the young are
a punishment, which usually
takes the form of “proscription”— nasty. This nastiness usually re- well-versed in the species’ oral tra-
mains verbal, as jokes become dition.
no other bronze can talk to or have
more and more pointed and vi- On the 51st anniversary of an
any dealings with the transgres-
sor. The length of this proscription cious to salve damaged pride, and offspring’s hatching, the parents
leads to a quick break-up of the throw a celebration to which all
can range from months to centu-
ries, but can be for life, in cases of session. There have been tales of copper dragons in the area—and
dragons fighting—and even kill- sometimes dragons of other spe-
serious transgressions. Bronzes
ing—each other at such meetings, cies and even nondragons—are in-
take proscription very seriously—
on both sides of the issue. They so more sensible individuals shun vited. These celebrations take
never talk with a proscribed these joke-fests as potentially place in out-of-the-way locales—of-
dragon, and individuals rarely do damaging to their health. ten atop high rocky mesas, well
anything to warrant such a bleak A copper dragon will sometimes away from interlopers—and are
and unpleasant punishment. adopt a group of humans or demi- usually riotous affairs. The attend-
(There are some rogue bronzes in humans, usually in a similar ees typically consume huge quan-
guise. Coppers are almost always tities of a liquor made from a plant
the world, but these are rare and
fairly tiresome to spend much time called fireweed, which the dragons
unhappy creatures.)
with, however. The human or de- purchase from humans or demi-
Bronzes show a high degree of
mihuman groups eventually try to humans near their homes. Even
parental respect. They visit their
expel the prankster, and the when the location of such a cele-
parents on a fairly regular basis—
dragon usually has to reveal its bration is known, it isn’t a good
perhaps every 50 years or so—and
true nature in order to receive the idea to drop in unannounced. In-
listen to their advice or wisdom.
respect it thinks it deserves. terrupting a group of inebriated,
Bronzes do not mate for life—such
would probably be foolishness for Groups so adopted sometimes prankster dragons is not a recipe
creatures living a millennia or make great efforts to keep the for a long and happy life.
more—but partnerships do fre- friendship—and the help—of the After the young have reached
dragon, but almost all such associ- majority, the parents usually sepa-
quently last several centuries. No
ations eventually break up. rate, although there have been
bronze would enter into such a
There are only two topics about cases reported where a particu-
partnership without first consult-
which coppers never joke: mating larly well-matched pair of dragons
ing its parents and obtaining their
and child-rearing. Males are very has raised many broods together.

Long-term relationships, how- Faerie dragons associate in Faerie drag-
ever—those lasting longer than 50 small family groups but, since the ons have no
years—are very rare, since cop- creatures can communicate tele- natural ene-
pers find it difficult to remain seri- pathically over ranges of up to two mies—other
ous that long. miles, these groups tend to be than evil hu-
Once mature, copper dragons spread out. Different faerie dragon manoids, but
have no great love for authority of groups will cooperate in dire need, they’re usually
any kind, preferring to be free- but such need rarely occurs. able to deal
wheeling individualists. Appar- Groups that live in the same re- with them—
ently, no copper dragon has ever gion get together twice a year—on and this shows
tried to set itself up as ruler of a the two solstices—to engage in in their child-rearing habits. Mat-
community (probably for the very joke-fests, to tell tall tales, and to ing is approached with the same
good reason that doing so would revel in each other’s company. happy-go-lucky and thoroughly
set it up as the target of more prac- During these times, they feast on enjoyable lack of restraint with
tical jokes than it really cared to various berries and roots that have which the faerie dragons tackle
deal with). mildly mind-altering effects on the everything in life. Hatchlings are
Some of the more magically-en- tiny creatures. These twice-yearly raised cooperatively by the family
dowed copper dragons are fasci- celebrations tend to get a little group. Since even hatchlings have
nated with spells that affect rock wild—something like a conference significant magical ability and re-
and stone. There is an unsubstan- of jesters—and the other intelli- sistance, little must be done to pro-
tiated rumor that one great wyrm gent inhabitants of the woods tend tect the young dragons physically.
managed—somehow-to create a to stay well away from them. (This The elders of the group see their re-
stone golem that it used as a isn’t for fear of physical damage, of sponsibility to the young more as a
guardian for its lair. course, but stumbling into a group matter of making sure they learn
of 20 or more inebriated—and immediately that life is to be en-
Faerie Dragons highly magical—pranksters can joyed to the utmost.
be somewhat disturbing to one’s Faerie dragons are fascinated by
Faerie dragons —although many equanimity. . . ) magic, and they collect magical
sages trace their descent from the Family groups will sometimes items with more dedication than
pseudodragon, rather than from go to great lengths to prepare and one might expect from such fun-
the mainstream of eodraco — war- execute practical jokes on an epic loving creatures. They feel great
rant mention because of their in- scale against other family groups. kinship toward gold dragons, and
triguing habits. These creatures Such jokes usually escalate into they often hang around with the
are most like the brasses in out- full-blown joke wars, but these larger creatures, goading and en-
look—loving wit and humor, par- contests of physical humor never ticing them to speak at length of
ticularly in its most physical turn nasty. Both the perpetrators matters magical. (It must be re-
form—but they don’t share their and the victims of these elaborate corded that the golds find the
larger relatives’ short tempers pranks relate the details with great smaller creatures a little tire-
when they prove to be the butt of glee to anyone willing to listen. some—and exhausting—to spend
well-constructed jokes. They love Unlike the other good dragons, time with, but they are too good-
the company of their own kind, who treat death as a dignified mat- hearted to chase the faerie dragons
and of other intelligent woodland ter, faerie dragons celebrate the away.)
beings, such as sprites and pixies. death of members of their family Faerie dragons have no respect
They also thoroughly enjoy the group with wild, uninhibited for authority, either within their
company of elves (they find the wakes. (Their belief is that they species or outside it. There is no fa-
elves a touch too serious on occa- can do no higher honor to their be- erie dragon king, since everyone
sion, and see it as their responsibil- loved dead than show that their knows that the attempt to set one-
ity to get the sometimes straight- own lives are richer—more uproar- self up as an authority—no matter
laced creatures to lighten up ious and joyful—for their exist- in how insignificant a sense—
whenever possible). ence.)

would merely candidates were proposed for the relationships between two or more
be an invita- position, one male and one female. human states, the dragon will cer-
tion to every Showing the wisdom that always tainly request advice from the
faerie dragon characterizes a (potential) King of King. His Resplendence will think
on the planet Justice, the two candidates settled long and hard before giving it.
to get the the potentially divisive matter by As his title implies, the King is
“stuffed shirt” swearing an Oath of Concord (the also the dispenser of justice in the
to “lighten dragon equivalent of marriage) golds’ society. Unlike the bronzes,
up.” and sharing the responsibilities golds have a fairly elaborate sys-
and authorities equally. Kings re- tem of laws (which will be dis-
Gold Dragons tain their position until their cussed in Chapter 3, “Dragon
deaths, or—more likely—until Psychology”). Like the bronzes,
Gold dragons are the most lawful they decide to step down in favor of they have only one commonly-
of dragon species, and they form one whom they think will serve the used punishment: proscription.
the most orderly societies. Unlike race well. There are reputed to be Gold dragons take proscription ex-
all other dragon races, golds select several retired Kings living in re- tremely seriously.
one of their number as overall mote parts of Faerun. Golds are social among their
ruler for their species. This Unlike most human kings, His own kind—although much more
dragon—His (or Her) Resplen- Resplendence (or Their Resplen- dignified and reserved about it
dence, the King (or Queen) of Jus- dences, in the case mentioned than brasses or even bronzes—and
tice—is assisted by a number of above) never finds it necessary to enjoy the company and conversa-
Lords, also selected from the gold actively rule. The position of King tion of the short-lived races (hu-
dragon population. The King of could just as easily be described as mans and demihumans). (Con-
Justice for western Faerun is cur- “Elder Advisor.” The other drag- tacts with these races are usually
rently (1357 DR) a great wyrm ons turn to the King for advice and conducted while polymorphed
named Lareth. Nobody knows for guidance when they must make into a less daunting form.) Of all
sure where His Resplendence decisions that could affect the spe- the demihuman races, golds enjoy
lives, although there are almost as cies as a whole or the flow of his- the company of elves above all.
many tales as tellers. His home is a tory in Toril. Even though elves are usually
castle deep in the Elven Woods These policy decisions often re- much more chaotic and unpredict-
near Myth Drannor, some say; or a fer to the self-appointed quests able than the dragons, their long
citadel in the midst of Anauroch; that golds often go on. Although life span gives them an almost dra-
or a huge cave complex on a magi- the result of a particular quest— conic appreciation for the sweep of
cally-concealed island in the midst say, to eradicate certain evil mon- history.
of the Dragon Sea (how appropri- sters that are threatening a human Golds are unique among dragon-
ate); or even a floating cloud city settlement—may appear obvious kind in that they have a written
that drifts wherever His Resplen- and highly desirable, dragons of- language of their own. (They can
dence wishes. The gold dragons ten consult with the King before only write this language when po-
themselves know where His Re- undertaking the quest, just to lymorphed into human or other
splendence Lareth dwells, or at make sure that there are no hidden suitable form, since their large
least how to contact him, but consequences that the dragon has claws—although dexterous—are
they’re not telling. missed. Are the monsters neces- inappropriate for holding a writing
The King of Justice is usually sary in the ecosystem, for exam- implement.) They keep extensive
the oldest and most powerful gold ple, to keep under control written histories that, although de-
dragon in the region. Although the creatures that would, if allowed to tailed, tend to view everything
dragons hold official elections multiply freely, pose an even from the draconic point of view,
when the position must be filled, greater threat to the human settle- which diminishes their value to
these are almost always by accla- ment further down the line? human historians. (As an exam-
mation. Only once has it been re- If the proposed quest is one that ple, a draconic history dating from
corded that two equally qualified involves political matters, or the the time of the battle of Singing

Sands (1194 Green Dragons ing of the tale). The dragon
DR) between brought in a large number of
Aglarond and Although generally classified as arcs—under promises of protec-
Thay was re- Lawful in alignment, greens rarely tion from the elves that dwelt in
cently discov- show this trait to any creature not the woods—who immediately
ered. The in their immediate family group- started chopping down the trees
history deals ing. Green dragons are masters of and selling the lumber. (The
little with the intrigue, politics, and back-biting, dragon, of course, took a large cut
battle, concen- both within their own species and of all profits.) When the elves tried
trating more outside it. They will do anything to to expel the orcs, the dragon pro-
on the hatching date of the then- further their own ambitions: ma- tected her workers. After several
current King of Justice’s offspring, nipulate other dragons or similarly profitable months of this, the
and on the trial of a rogue dragon— powerful creatures, intimidate hu- green dragon sent a human
since proscribed, so his name was mans and demihumans, maim agent—under the power of a sug-
stricken from the history—who and kill anyone opposed to them, gestion spell—into the elven com-
seemed to have provided military lie shamelessly, promise anything munity to offer the help of a
intelligence to the forces of Thay.) (since they have no intention of (nonexistent) powerful brass
Many gold dragons are fasci- ever fulfilling those promises), and dragon in getting rid of the orcs.
nated by magic; they love to add generally use every nasty trick in The brass dragon would expect
magical items to their hoards. the book. some kind of repayment, of
These they investigate and exam- Making this whole situation course. The elves jumped at the
ine and sometimes even find uses more fraught with danger, the opportunity. Under the effect of a
for. Most of the super-mage drag- goals of green dragons aren’t par- change self spell—which was just
ons, wielding almost god-like ticularly straightforward. Al- the ticket for making a green
powers, that are frequently men- though they love wealth for the dragon look like a brass—the
tioned in legend are golds. status it gives them with other green drove off the orcs, and then
Another way in which golds are dragons, that isn’t the extent of it gladly accepted the elves’ gold
unique is that they sometimes their ambitions. More so than just for the services rendered. The
mate for life. There is a draconic about any other draconic species, green was satisfied since both the
tradition called the Oath of Con- greens are out for power. Not just short-term lumber business and
cord, which is binding for the life of power over other greens, but the payment from the elves had
both participants. Two dragons power over any other creatures nicely expanded its hoard.
bound by the Oath are considered that happen to live anywhere near Although greens find it much
“one flesh, one breath, one life.” their territory. easier to cheat and manipulate
Lifetime unions are rare, but all Even though they aren’t overly nondragons, they certainly aren’t
golds respect those who enter into intelligent as dragons go, they above putting one over on mem-
them. have a seemingly innate talent for bers of their own species. (Humans
Gold dragons are devoted par- coming up with nasty schemes have a saying that goes, “Fool me
ents, nurturing and protecting that will gain them power—and once, shame on you; fool me twice,
their young until the offspring earn them treasure—without their shame on me.” The green dragon
choose to leave. This is occasion- having to do any work. (This is an- equivalent is, “Fool you once,
ally not until the younger dragon other way in which greens are tough.”)
reaches full adulthood (101 years). unique: no other species of dragon Greens will on rare occasions
By tradition, the first act that a has much interest in setting up work together to pull off a particu-
gold must perform on leaving its business concerns.) larly nasty score. When dealing
parents is to visit the King of Jus- The classical example of a green with dragons who know them and
tice and offer its obedience. To dragon’s double-ended business who have equally crooked out-
dragons, this is more a joyous oc- deal happened in a remote and looks, greens (usually) keep prom-
casion than an onerous task. wooded part of the Realms (the ex- ises that they make, if only out of
act locale varies from telling to tell- self-protection.

Among their own kind, green them. They believe that they, wealth is like a
dragons are rude, crass, and loud, above all other species, are closest personal invi-
the females even more so than the to the ideal of draconic nature and tation to
males. There are certain roots that behavior, and that every other dragon and
have a mildly mind-altering effect dragon race has slipped from this treasure-
on greens (these are usually poi- purity. hunters.
sonous to nondragons). Under Although red dragons are not so- Reds are
their influence, the greens’ social cial creatures, preferring their own highly territo-
behavior is even worse than usual. company, they do go out of their rial. Although
The courtship of green drag- way to gain news about the activi- they will on
ons—which is initiated by the fe- ties and achievements of other rare occasions adopt a patronizing
male—is as coarse and boorish as reds in their corner of the world. and protective attitude toward
might be expected. Once two drag- If they judge that their own creatures that they consider very
ons have paired, however, and the achievements and wealth exceed much weaker than themselves,
female is impregnated, their na- those that they hear about, they entering a red dragon’s territory is
ture changes. There is strong loy- feel smug and self-satisfied, know- most frequently and invitation to
alty between members of a mated ing that they hold status in the es- -attack. This is certainly true if the
pair—a radical departure from nor- timation of others. Should they intruder is another dragon, even
mal green behavior—and an im- hear of achievements and acquisi- another red. (In fact, the worst ter-
mense dedication to the offspring tions greater than theirs, however, ritorial battles are between reds,
when they hatch. Parents take their jealousy knows no bounds, since both combatants are too
great pains to inculcate their off- as they feel they have lost status. proud to back down and show
spring with the survival skills of Reds who learn such unwelcome weakness before the other. Other
manipulation and double-dealing. news will frequently fly into a rage, species are more likely to recog-
Green parents will give their lives going forth from their lairs to rav- nize a losing position and escape
for their offspring, if necessary, age the countryside, loot, pillage, with their lives.)
making them unique among the and burn until they feel that their Reds feel great rivalry with silver
evil dragons. The parents usually own achievements have overtaken and copper dragons, but they save
continue this level of protection those of the dragon that they re- their most vociferous hatred for
until the offspring achieve young cently learned about. golds. The word vociferous is ap-
adulthood at 51 years of age. During these jealous rages, no propriate because, while reds will
Once the offspring have left their one in the vicinity is safe (least of loudly proclaim their eagerness to
parents, the paired dragons almost all the messenger who brought the immediately dispatch any gold
always separate, to find new mates unwelcome news). The bright side they encounter, they often find
later. No loyalty or responsibility is is that dragons in such a mood are some important reason why they
felt by any member of the family less cautious than usual, some- shouldn’t engage a gold in combat.
group to any other, once the young times taking foolish risks or under- The reason for this is that al-
have left. (There is a tradition, estimating the abilities of foes they though they are overbearingly ar-
however, that greens shouldn’t encounter. rogant, reds aren’t stupid. They
double-deal on their parents or off- The converse of this interest in know, deep down, that golds are
spring . . . unless the opportunity news is also true—reds often go to more powerful than they—even
is just too good to pass up.) great lengths so that word of their though they won’t admit it—and
power and wealth reaches others so are less than eager to start a bat-
Red Dragons of their kind. These lengths in- tle they could well lose. (The gods
clude such stratagems as burning help anyone who points this out to
Reds are the archetypical evil only half of a village, or releasing a red dragon, of course.) Pride and
dragons: rapacious, ferocious, one survivor of an adventuring their unwillingness to back down
vengeful, and avaricious. Red party to spread the dragon’s fame sometimes make reds attack wan-
dragons recognize these traits in far and wide. The downside of this dering golds even when they know
themselves, and they are proud of is that a widespread reputation of that they are outmatched.

Reds despise her offspring from the lair and friendships start with the dragons
weakness in from her territory. Needless to say, polymorphed into a less daunting
their own kind there is no loyalty felt between form, such deception weighs heav-
above all. If generations of reds. ily on the silvers, and they almost
the word gets Reds hate any form of authority. inevitably eventually reveal the
around that a They do not ask their elders for ad- truth. (Since silvers are good
particular red vice or knowledge—even if such judges of character and maintain
has “lost it” would save their lives—since they only those friendships that are
for some rea- consider admitting that the elders true and deep, this eventual reve-
son—has been have something they need is the lation rarely has a detrimental ef-
badly wounded, for example, or is same as putting themselves under fect on the relationship.)
becoming senile and infirm—other the authority of another. No matter how close such a
reds descend on the hapless drag- friendship grows, however, a silver
on’s lair and strip it clean, proba- Silver Dragons dragon always eventually returns
bly killing the owner in the to its own kind for some time. Of-
process. The reds’ rationale is Silvers are highly social creatures,
ten, in the cases of really good
summed up in their saying, “To perhaps even more so than friends, the silver dragon remains
have is nothing, to keep is all.” In brasses. There is a twist to this, in human society for the entire life
other words, if you can’t protect however: They seem to prefer the of its human associate (which, af-
what you have, you didn’t deserve company of humans and demihu-
ter all, is rarely more than 70
to have it in the first place (this ap- mans to that of their own kind.
years—less than one-tenth the life
plies to life as well as to physical Many silvers feel that dragon-
span of a dragon).
wealth). kind has a lot to learn from hu- Silvers form loosely-knit com-
Courtship among red dragons is mans, and a few things to learn
munities based on extended fam-
initiated by the female. When a fe- from demihumans. Millennium- ily groups. This doesn’t mean that
male feels the urge to have off- long life spans are of great benefit,
the group or clan lives together; it
spring—which happens perhaps these silvers believe, because they
merely means that members of the
every century or so—she seeks a allow, one to take the long view.
group feel a higher loyalty and re-
prospective mate (the selection cri- But they have the disadvantage spect toward members of their
teria are, of course, wealth and that it becomes easy to miss oppor-
group than toward those outside
power). Male reds never turn down tunities for new experiences be-
it. The eldest member of the family
the courtship advances of a fe- cause of a feeling that any
grouping—referred to as “the Sen-
male, since they gain status in the opportunity you have now will al- ior” —is the patriarch or matriarch
eyes of other males from such ad- ways be available a century or so
of the clan. Group members give
vances. Once the female is impreg- from now. Short-lived races like
great credence to the wisdom and
nated, the male leaves her and humans have so little time that
opinion of the Senior, and act
returns to his own life. they must seize every opportunity
against the Senior’s recommenda-
The female raises her hatchlings that comes their way, and thus
tions only after serious thought.
alone—or with the help of another they fill their short lives with a dy-
The Senior is also the dispenser
female who is either infertile or too namism and drive generally un-
of justice for the family group. Sil-
old to reproduce—and protects known to dragons. Most silvers vers have a less formal approach to
them ferociously against threats. believe that their kind would bene-
law than do golds. Like brasses,
(This protection only rarely ex- fit if they could learn some of hu- they have a single major law
tends to the mother sacrificing her manity’s drive. With a
(although in some groups it is ex-
life for her young, however.) By the combination of draconic perspec- panded by family regulations and
time the young have reached the tive and human initiative, what
commentary). The silvers’ central
young adult stage—or perhaps could they not accomplish?
law is, “Action that causes harm is
even earlier—the mother’s solitary Philosophy aside, many silvers
crime” (with the unstated corol-
and jealous nature overcomes her form true and lasting friendships lary, “Action that causes no harm
maternal instincts, and she orders with humans. Although most such

is one’s own business”). Silvers are ries, and even for life, as the couple abuse that
very careful in the application of keeps raising broods of offspring. accompanies
this law. Dragons are free to do such confron-
whatever they like, as long as their White Dragons tations is usu-
actions are totally harmless. (As a ally stunning
Whites are the least intelligent spe- in its vicious-
human legalist once said, “Your
cies of western dragon, and their ness.)
right to throw a punch stops where
behavior shows it. They have very Unlike other
my nose begins.”)
Family groups can grow very little in the way of either foresight dragon spe-
or planning, and their memory is cies, whites
large, sometimes numbering in
rudimentary and capable of recall- mate purely for pleasure. If off-
the scores of dragons, scattered
ing only physical events, not ab- spring arise from this activity, so
around the world. Such groups co-
operate with other groups only un- stract concepts. There’s one be it, but this isn’t the goal of the
exception to this: They remember activity. Should the female be-
der circumstances dire enough to
warrant it. This kind of coopera- offenses against them, and they come impregnated, the male in-
tion is very rare, however, since a have a very well-developed sense stinctively stays around to protect
single clan of 40 or more silver of vengeance. her. Once the eggs hatch, however,
dragons is enough to deal with White dragon vendettas are bru- the two creatures go their separate
most kinds of problems. tal and violent things that more of- ways. The hatchling dragons fol-
ten than not get the creatures into low one or other of the parents,
Silvers hate injustice and cru-
elty, and they gladly help good- serious trouble. Whites aren’t and the older dragons do not ob-
aligned creatures in dire need. The given to planning or considering ject to the young tagging along.
difference between silvers and consequences. Their approach is The parents feel no obligation to
golds is that silvers usually wait more of a straight-forward attack. protect the young, however, and so
for their help to be requested— Against foes who are capable of the offspring must learn to fend for
whether directly or indirectly. planning—and know the whites’ themselves immediately. (The in-
They are less likely to go off on self- obsession with revenge—this ap- fant mortality rate for white drag-
appointed quests than are golds. proach puts them at a great disad- ons is rather high.)
Silver dragons have a deep taboo vantage. The time at which young drag-
against mating with members of Whites are not social creatures. ons leave their parents and strike
the same family group. Thus, The only contact with their own out on their own varies wildly.
kind that they pursue is sexual. Some leave almost immediately,
when they feel the urge to mate,
silvers sometimes have to go far Whites sometimes work together, while others remain for a century.
afield to find an acceptable candi- but only because their immediate In the latter case, the parent usu-
date. Either sex can initiate court- goals coincide. Cooperation of this ally drives the offspring away,
ship. Silvers are civilized in all kind isn’t arranged or planned; it sensing that it may soon become a
things, and their courtship rites just happens. (Take, for example, rival. (And the parent is some-
are very decorous. When two drag- the case of two whites who both times right. There have been cases
ons have agreed to be mates, they happen to be settling grudges with recorded where a young dragon
the same whaling village on the has killed its parent for the older
must receive the blessings of the
Seniors of both family groups. same day. They’ll work together in dragon’s hoard.)
(This is rarely withheld, and never razing the village, but then they White dragons have been de-
will probably be at each other’s scribed—by other dragons—as
without good cause.)
throats when it comes time to split “the thugs of dragonkind” and as
Silvers share the concept of an
Oath of Concord with golds, but up any loot.) being “about as subtle as volca-
In general, whites are highly ter- noes.” Even those lucky whites
with a slight difference. A silver’s
Oath is binding only until all off- ritorial with regard to others of the that can communicate with an in-
spring from the union have same species (and sex). Border telligent creature rarely have
reached adulthood (at 101 years). skirmishes between whites are thoughts worth communicating.
Some dragon unions last for centu- rarely fatal (although the verbal

Interspecies N: The race is thought of neu- tion. If there’s any choice in the
trally, but some suspicion is matter, though, the silvers won’t
evident. kill the wyverns, but simply chase
The following A: The race is greeted with an- them off or—preferably-move
table shows tipathy them to a region where they can
how the vari- H: The race is hated. live without doing any harm to
ous species of SH: There is a strong hatred for sentient creatures.
dragons feel the race in question; immedi- The silvers also try to train the
about each ate attack is the rule. wyverns not to attack humans, de-
other. These mihumans, or their flocks. (Even
are only preferences, to be used as Dragons and Other the silvers have to admit that this
guidelines. training isn’t proving overly effec-
Dracoforms tive.) The reason for this effort is
Examples In general, dragons react to other that silvers as a group tend to
dracoforms—such as drakes, think “there but for the grace of
Brass dragons and faerie dragons
pseudodragons, and wyverns—ac- the gods go I.” In other words, they
feel goodwill toward each other. Fa-
cording to alignment. Conflicting feel that wyverns got the short end
erie dragons tolerate coppers, while alignments usually incur antipa- of the evolutionary stick, but—if
coppers feel goodwill toward faerie thy at best or hatred at worst. (For suitably controlled and tended
dragons. (These interrelationships
example, Chaotic Evil reds won’t over a few millennia—they might
aren’t always symmetrical.)
like Neutral (good) pseudodra- develop into intelligent creatures
gons.) that could be swayed to a good-
Notes on the Racial aligned outlook. (It must be said
Preferences Table A significant exception occurs that gold dragons, who usually
between silver dragons and tend to be more quixotic than sil-
P: The race is generally prefer- vers, consider this effort to be a to-
wyverns. Silvers greatly dislike
the havoc that wyverns some- tal waste of time. It’s not in their
G: Considerable goodwill exists
times wreak on human and demi- nature, however, to interfere, or
toward the race.
human settlements, and they do even try to discourage the silvers
T: The race is viewed with toler- their best to prevent such depreda- from their task. Who knows? They
ance and generally accepted.

Racial Preferences Table

Black Blue Brass Bronze Copper Faerie Gold Green Red Silver White
Black P A H H H SH H A A A A
Blue A P SH H H H H A A A A
Brass A SH P G G G G A H G A
Bronze A A T P G T G A H G A
Copper A A T * G P G G A H G A
Faerie N N G G T† P P H A G A
Gold H H G G G T‡ P H SH G H
Green A A H H H SH H P T H H
Red A A H H H H SH A P H H
Silver H H G G G G(T) G H SH P H
White N N A A A A H N T A P
* Because brass dragons try to steal attention from coppers.
† Faerie dragons find copper humor to be coarse.
‡ Golds pretend to like faerie dragons, so as not to hurt the small dragons’ feelings.

might eventually succeed.) shipers, so the philosophy goes, minds of other
From the other side, the more in- Tyr would appear as a mighty gold dragons.
telligent dracoforms also react to dragon, wreathed in glory; to lam-
dragons based on alignment. This masu he would manifest himself Astilabor (As-
is tempered by a realization that as a celestial lammasu. TIL-uh-bore)
even the weakest true dragon is There are some specifically dra-
many times stronger than the conic gods, but these deities seem (Acquisitor,
most powerful pseudodragon. If a to have decreased in influence Hoardmistress)
smaller intelligent dracoform over the millennia. There are still Deity of Ac-
encounters a dragon with whom it some dragons that worship these quisitiveness
has an alignment conflict, wisdom ancient Powers, but such devout Greater Power of Limbo, (C)N
dictates that it should simply keep individuals seem to be diminish- Symbol: A 12-faceted gem
its head down until the dragon has ing in number. Most dragons now
gone about its business. worship either the human gods— Astilabor is revered by dragons of
in other aspects, of course—or every species, since she is, in a
Religion worship no gods at all. way, an archetype of dragonkind.
Astilabor represents the desire to
Like most other intelligent crea- The Gods of the Dragons acquire and hold wealth—greed, if
tures, dragons have enough free viewed in an evil sense, but also
will to decide which deities they Asgorath (AZ-gore-ath) the desire to gain status by acquir-
worship, or if they’ll worship any. ing wealth. Dragons that worship
(In other words, within each spe- (World-Shaper)
Astilabor sometimes promise the
cies, different individuals may Deity of Creation
deity a share of their gains if she’ll
worship different gods.) As a gen- Greater Power, Home Plane Un-
help them in an upcoming ven-
eral rule, the more powerful the known, Alignment Unknown
ture, but then they never sacrifice
species in question, the fewer Symbol: An unadorned circle (rep- what they promised her. (How, af-
members feel the need to worship resents totality)
ter all, could the Hoardmistress re-
gods. (This might be changing in spect them if they gave up their
the Realms, however.) Asgorath the World-Shaper is re- wealth so easily?)
Many dragons who do worship puted in myth and legend to be the
Astilabor manifests as a huge
deities follow the same alignment- creator of the universe, and of
dragon that shimmers with all the
specific gods as do humans and de- dragonkind. The true alignment of
chromatic and metallic colors of
mihumans. For example, there are Asgorath is unknown; each
dragonkind. She is reputed to have
many red dragons who worship dragon that worships Asgorath—
a hoard, hidden somewhere in the
Bane, Loviatar, and Malar, while a and the god has followers among plane of Limbo, that contains
number of gold dragons revere Tyr every species of dragonkind—be-
more wealth than that found on all
or Torm. Although it may seem lieves wholeheartedly that the god
the planets of the universe. She
strange that dragons would wor- shares its alignment. (Thus, reds
sometimes (very rarely) grants
ship deities who are generally per- believe that Asgorath is Chaotic
‘boons from this staggering hoard
ceived as humaniform, there is a Evil—as implied in the Book of the
to followers who have pleased her.
philosophical reason. Many World mentioned at the beginning
sages—some of them dragons—be- of the chapter—while bronzes be- Garyx
lieve that the gods of the Realms lieve Asgorath is Lawful Good.) (GAIR-iks)
are actually multifaceted forces Asgorath never manifests him-
who appear to their worshipers in self before his faithful. (In fact, (Firelord, All-Destroyer, Cleanser
forms that those worshipers can myths claim that Asgorath mani-
of Worlds)
understand. Thus, Tyr isn’t in- fested himself only once, during
Deity of Fire-using Dragons
nately a human god; that’s just the the act of creating the universe.)
Greater Power of the Abyss, CN(E)
way he manifests himself to hu- He makes his existence felt as a
Symbol: A reptilian eye superim-
man worshipers. To draconic wor- powerful, dynamic presence in the
posed over a flame

Garyx repre- Hlal (Huh-LAL) that these dragons worship
sents the de- (there’s more to life than humor,
structive—or, (The Jester, The Pursued) after all... namely, treasure).
perhaps, the Deity of Draconic Humor Hlal appears in whatever form
cleansing— Lesser Power of Olympus, CG best suits her (doubtless humor-
influence of Symbol: A single flame (“the light ous) purposes at the moment. If
flame. He is of wit”) she’s not actually in the process of
portrayed as playing a trick on someone, she
either the All- Hlal epitomizes draconic wit. Al- usually chooses the form of a faerie
Destroyer or as though she delights in sophisti- dragon that glows with a yellow-
the Cleanser of Worlds. He is wor- cated wordplay and the more gold aura.
shiped under both aspects (obvi- dignified forms of humor, she can’t
ously not by the same individual). resist the opportunity to play a Kereska (Kuh-RES-kah)
In his destroyer aspect, he is wor- prank on an unsuspecting victim;
shiped by red dragons. As the the more seriously that victim (Wonderbringer, Light of Magic)
Cleanser of Worlds, some rogue takes himself, the better. Myth has Deity of Magic
gold dragons—who have come to it that Hlal played a particularly Greater Power of Limbo, CN
the dark conclusion that the only elaborate practical joke on Null, Symbol: A five-pointed star, the
way to rid the world of evil is to and is now hard-pressed to stay lower two points extended
sterilize it and start again—revere one jump ahead of the angry
him. Deathwyrm. According to legend, it is Kereska
Garyx usually manifests himself Hlal is worshiped by coppers Wonderbringer who first taught
as a huge dragon the color of fire and by faerie dragons, although in dragonkind how to wield the
(sometimes red, sometimes gold). neither case is she the only deity powers of magic. As such, she is

still revered by dragons of all spe- placability with mercy of their is said that to
cies (more so by the more magi- own. (If mercy to a criminal be con- touch Null is
cally adept, of course). Kereska is sidered a crime, so be it.) instant death.
able to cast any known spell as Lendys appears as a huge, wing-
many times per day as she likes, less, platinum-colored dragon. His Tamara (Tuh-
and—since she is the font of magi- eyes give forth beams of brilliant MAH-ruh)
cal creativity—she can create any light from which no one can hide.
new spell-like power on an in- (Her Benefi-
stant’s notice. Null (NULL) cence, Her
Dragons researching new spells Mercy)
often invoke the name of Kereska (Deathwyrm, Reaver, Guardian of Deity of Life and Light
before beginning. Kereska has the the Lost) Greater Power of Elysium, NG
ability to imbue any dracoform Deity of Death and the Dead Symbol: A seven-pointed star on a
with whatever level of spellcasting Greater Power of Gehenna, LE/LN field of black
ability she wishes, and she can be- Symbol: A circle, divided
stow new spells and spell-like diagonally into white and black Tamara is the consort of Lendys.
powers upon any dragon that suffi- semicircles She strives ever to temper his
ciently pleases her. hard-edged justice with a sense of
Although she always appears as Null, the draconic god of death and forgiveness. The preservation of
a dragon, the other details of her the dead, is worshiped in two life and happiness is all to Tamara,
appearance—size, color, etc.— seemingly contradictory aspects. and if justice must be somewhat
change from manifestation to As Reaver, god of death, he is Law- bent to achieve that goal, so be it.
manifestation. She is always sur- ful Evil and is worshiped by many Some of the Lawful Good dragons
rounded by a pulsating aura of evil dragons. In this aspect, Null (golds, silvers, and brasses) still
magical power, however. enjoys the taking of life, and he worship both Lendys and Tamara,
blesses others who serve him in while some brasses and coppers
Lendys (LEN-dis) this capacity. Null works accord- worship Tamara alone.
ing to a plan and a schedule, how- Tamara appears as a huge, wing-
(Scale of Justice, Balancer, ever, which has been set before less dragon—slightly smaller than
Weigher of Lives) him by Fate, and so he is not his Lendys—the color of burnished
Deity of Balance and Justice own master. platinum. She radiates a comfort-
Greater Power of Nirvana, LN As Guardian of the Lost, Null is able aura of warmth and love.
Symbol: A sword balanced on a the Lawful Neutral guardian of the
needle’s point dead. As such, he shepherds the Task (TASK)
animae (souls) of dragons to their
Lendys is justice personified. He respective planes when they die, (The Taker and Holder, Wrester)
represents the principle that every and he ensures they are no longer Deity of Greed
action has a reaction, that the uni- troubled by enemies they may Greater Power of Pandemonium,
verse is like a bookkeeper’s jour- have had while alive. In this as- CN(E)
nal, and that everything must pect, Null is worshiped by dragons Symbol: A pile of five coins
balance at the end. It is Lendys of all alignments; individuals
who ensures that he who does evil who’ve just lost someone close to While Astilabor is the deity of ac-
receives evil, that he who does them will sometimes make offer- quisition (with no stigma of evil at-
good receives good, and that he ings to Null to speed the dearly de- tached), Task is undeniably the
who lives by the sword dies by the parted’s animae to its final resting deity of greed. Task wants it all, no
sword. Lendys has no mercy in his place. matter how he has to get it, no
soul, nor forgiveness, and he gives Null appears as a region of im- matter the cost to whoever cur-
no second chances. He is wor- penetrable blackness in the shape rently owns what he wants. His fol-
shiped by the lawful dragons, but of a huge dragon. He is surrounded lowers share his attitudes. Task
they usually try to balance his im- by an aura of numbing cold, and it reveres greed and selfishness, and

he sometimes Zorquan (ZORE-kwon) deities dedicated to protecting
rewards fol- hatchlings, finding mates, and
lowers who (High One, Greatest Wyrm) vengeance upon enemies. Over
show these Deity of Dragonkind the millennia, however, these dei-
characteristics Greater Power of the Prime Mate- ties have been largely forgotten.
in good mea- rial Plane, N All dragons, no matter what de-
sure (such Symbol: A black circle superim- ity they follow, believe in a life af-
rewards are posed on a larger, concentric white ter death. (The concept of the
never material, circle draconic afterlife will be discussed
of course, further in Chapter 9.)
since Task wouldn’t give up any- Although Zorquan is often de-
thing that he owned). scribed as the deity of dragonkind, The Holy Wars
Myths claim that Task’s lair in he is really the deity of dragon-
ness. As Corellon Larethian repre- Many millennia ago, the dragons
the plane of Pandemonium hides
sents the central ideals of of Toril worshiped the draconic
the largest and richest hoard in the
elvenkind, so does Zorquan repre- pantheon almost without excep-
universe (followers of Astilabor
sent the central ideals of dragon- tion. Very rare indeed was the
dispute this). Task is worshiped by
kind. He represents power, dragon who didn’t revere at least
the evil dragons—reds most of
all—and even by some brasses. pride—which all dragons, even one of these deities. During this
golds, have in abundance—and, period, many wars were fought
Task appears as a huge dragon
most importantly, status. Al- over religion. These wars were not
whose hide is so studded with
though he is generally classed as only between species, but also
gems that it’s impossible to tell
what color he was originally. neutral, Zorquan’s alignment within species.
would more properly be described The worst conflicts were, pre-
as “any.” dictably, between different-aligned
Xymor (ZIE-more)
Zorquan is totally unconcerned worshipers of the same gods. For
with creatures other than dragons, example, good adherents of Null—
Deity of Enlightened Justice except when their behavior affects in his aspect of Guardian of the
Greater Power of the Seven Heav- dragonkind. He is the implacable Lost—find his worship as
ens, LG enemy of any who would harm Deathwyrm by evil dragons as the
dragonkind—not, you will note, in- ultimate perversion, and vice
Symbol: A reptilian eye superim-
posed over a square of gold dividual dragons. Adventurers versa.
who slay the occasional black or One religious conflict is particu-
In the draconic pantheon, Xymor blue dragon will never feel Zor- larly worthy of note, since this di-
is the offspring of Lendys and Ta- quan’s wrath. Members of all vided the usually monolithic gold
mara. Xymor combines Lendys’s dragon species worship Zorquan. dragon culture. The consort dei-
sense of justice with Tamara’s love He can manifest himself as a per- ties Lendys and Tamara date back
of mercy. Xymor is thus the perfect fectly-formed version of any species as far as mythological records
of dragon. Whatever his form, his reach. In comparison, their off-
enlightened Justicemaker, who
knows when to temper justice with eyes crackle with sparks, some- spring Xymor is a recent addition
mercy and punishment with for- times spitting lightning bolts that to the pantheon.
flash and crack around his body. As the precepts and principles of
giveness. As such, he is worshiped
Zorquan is said to live somewhere Xymor became more widely
mainly by golds, silvers, and
bronzes, although a few brasses on the Prime Material plane. Many known within gold culture, many
and coppers also pay him homage. legends tell of dragons with the te- of the younger golds turned away
from the worship of Lendys and
He appears as a huge dragon merity to visit his halls, but none
Tamara. These younger dragons
wrapped in a scintillating aura of give details on how to get there.
light so brilliant that it is impos- had never been totally satisfied
sible to tell his color. The draconic pantheon once con- with the theoretically adversarial
tained many more gods, including relationship between the two dei-

ties. Xymor’s consistent approach that Asgorath was the pinnacle of dragon on the
to justice and mercy made more its own race, and that the god planet.
sense to them, and they tried to shared its alignment. While sil- After the
win other golds over to their belief. vers, for example, could—grudg- war, various
Hard-headed worshipers of Len- ingly—accept the golds’ con- dragon philos-
dys and Tamara saw this as fool- tention that Asgorath was a Law- ophers of dif-
ishness—how could so recent a ful Good gold, neither could toler- ferent species
god be as powerful as The Balan- ate the reds’ belief that Asgorath independently
cer and Her Mercy?—but also as a was a Chaotic Evil red. Warfare put forward
threat to their own beliefs. Al- tore through the ranks of dragon- the theory that
though this conflict of beliefs kind, and at one time was violent the draconic deities were not the
never degenerated into violence, enough to significantly deplete the protectors and guardians of
religious intolerance became quite Tori1 dragon population and actu- dragonkind. Belief in these deities
widespread throughout the ranks ally threaten extinction unless had almost led dragonkind to ex-
of gold dragons, something un- something changed. tinction. How could it then be said
known before or since. Maybe it was the subtle influ- that belief was a beneficial thing,
The most far-reaching holy war, ence of Zorquan, or maybe it was either for dragonkind as a whole or
however—one that included drag- just that self-preservation finally for individual dragons?
ons of every species, and even came to outweigh the drives of fa- Surprisingly, the vast majority
some other dracoforms—revolved naticism. Whatever the case, the of dragons accepted this reason-
around the true nature and align- dragons eventually turned away ing, and they turned away from
ment of Asgorath the World- from the war, realizing that to fol- the worship of the ancient gods.
Shaper. low their present course would Needless to say, some dragons
Each dragon, of course, believed lead to certain death for every never gave up their beliefs or prac-

tices, but most quence is that a dragon that fol- Earthrust Mountains to determine
of these hid lows a particularly unpopular the truth of rumors about a power-
the fact that god—where the odds are actually ful red dragon in a particular iso-
they continued quite good that the dragon is the lated valley. When they eventually
to worship. last worshiper of that god—real- located the valley, the company
This enlight- izes that its death also means ob- discovered that the rumor was
ened state, livion for the god. Such a dragon true—the valley was home to a ma-
where most would do whatever is necessary to ture adult red dragon. They also
dragons felt no stay alive—whether this involves found the valley populated by an
need of gods, surrender, dishonor, dishonesty, extended clan of mountain barbar-
lasted for some centuries, but or even loss of its hoard. ians, who called themselves the
slowly dragons have been drifting A draconic myth known to most Lost.
back toward religious observance. species talks of a “turning of the These humans lived in a precari-
Some have returned to the old Great Cycle.” When that date— ous symbiosis with the dragon.
gods, while more have begun to whenever it might be—arrives, They served the dragon—whom
worship the common human gods any of the draconic deities still in they considered to be a god—by
(under different aspects, of existence will receive a huge influx raising herds of highland sheep on
course). of new power as believers flock which the dragon fed. They also
back to them. Dragon philoso- scouted the area to inform the
Twilight of the Gods phers love to quote dates for this dragon of what was going on in the
“turning,” but there are as many region. In return, the dragon pro-
All dragon religions share one be- proposed dates as there are philos- tected them from invaders.
lief: That the purely draconic dei- ophers, ranging from last Deep- This arrangement had lasted for
ties are somehow dependent for winter to several millennia hence. almost a century by the time Lar-
their very existence on the contin- rap and her company arrived on
ued belief of their followers.
Should a draconic deity lose all
Dragon Worship the scene. Before the arrival of the
dragon, the Lost had been a poor,
worshipers— in other words, if no Dragons are undoubtedly among weak tribe living in conditions that
living dragon continued to believe the most powerful creatures in the were wretched even. by the stand-
in that deity—he would cease to Realms. It only makes sense that ards of other mountain barbarian
exist. (According to this belief, sev- certain groups worship dragons as clans. They were often attacked by
eral of the members of the old dra- deities in their own rights. This other clans from nearby valleys,
conic pantheon vanished from the dragon worship typically breaks and their continued existence was
multiverse centuries ago.) down into two forms. in serious doubt.
This has a significant conse- The first kind of dragon worship Under the protection of the
quence for those few dragons who is the primitive belief, usually to- dragon, however, the frequent at-
do still believe in draconic deities. tally sincere, that dragons are tacks against them stopped, and
These dragons feel that it’s vital for truly divine creatures. There are they began to flourish. The Lost
them to find new worshipers for known to be dragon-worshiping quickly increased in numbers, in
their gods. (They see the feared cults among the hill and mountain self-confidence, and in ferocity,
possibility that they might be the barbarians of the Far Hills and the and soon they were the ones raid-
last faithful dragons in the world, Earthrust Mountains, and perhaps ing neighboring valleys. Unlike
and realize their deaths would others among the horse barbari- other clans, the Lost took pris-
mean nonexistence for their gods.) ans of the Ride. oners—particularly wounded ene-
Thus, these dragons are vigorous The best example of a primitive mies—and left them, bound,
missionaries, trying to convert dragon-worshiping cult was de- outside the dragon’s lair as food
members of their species—and scribed in the journal of Larrap of and entertainment for their god.
sometimes dragons of other spe- Baldur’s Gate. In the year 1352 When Larrap and the Keen Edge
cies—to their faith. DR, Larrap traveled with the Keen company arrived, the dragon had
Another interesting conse- Edge adventuring company to the been forewarned of their approach

by its worshipers, and it was wait- under their raids were paying mat- of warfare.
ing for them. All but three of the ters back with interest. Larrap’s last
company were slain, but the In attempts to attract another visit to the
dragon was destroyed. winged god to protect them, the valley was in
As soon as it was obvious that Lost were leaving human sacri- 1355 DR. The
the dragon was truly dead, the fices—some of them even volun- Lost were once
mountain barbarians fell upon the teers—outside the dragon’s lair, again raising
surviving adventurers and tried to and they had build large replicas of sheep—now
kill them in vengeance for slaying the dragon out of wooden frames for their
their divine protector. Of those covered with tanned hides. Re- wool—and
who had survived the dragon’s at- membering the fates of her com- were on better terms with the
tacks, only Larrap escaped the panions, Larrap was under- neighboring clans. The brass
wrath of the barbarians and re- standably unmoved by the barbar- dragon knew from its human
turned to civilization. ians’ predicament. She and her en- scouts that Larrap had returned.
Needless to say, Larrap didn’t tourage emptied out the dragon’s The dragon greeted the adven-
manage to carry away much of the hoard—what was left of it—and re- turer coolly but politely, but quite
dragon’s hoard when she made turned to civilization. firmly told Larrap that it would be
her getaway. A month later, healed About a year later, though, Lar- best if she never returned to the
up and surrounded by hired men- rap’s curiosity caused her to re- valley, since outside influences
at-arms, she returned to the valley turn to the valley. The barbarians would, at the moment, only be de-
to rectify that situation. She found had a god again. A young adult structive to the society that the
the Lost on the verge of extinction. brass dragon had installed itself as brass was developing among the
Now that the dragon was gone, the resident deity, and it was trying to barbarians. Larrap agreed with
neighboring tribes who’d suffered influence the tribe away from a life the dragon’s judgment, and—al-

though they ple of such a group in the Realms is tribe described by Larrap, these
contain exten- the Cult of the Dragon. This shad- orc tribes live in a symbiotic rela-
sive details on owy group is described in detail by tionship with dragons. They sup-
everything Ed Greenwood in DRAGON® mag- ply the dragons with prisoners
else—her writ- azine, issue #110. (Briefly, the Cult (food and entertainment), informa-
ings purposely is dedicated to creating a race of tion, and an army, should one ever
obscure the dracoliches—undead dragons of be required. In return, the dragons
location of the great power—that will eventually protect the orcs, and sometimes
valley. rule the world.) aid them in other ways.
Situations Although the Cult of the Dragon The majority of such humanoid
like the one Larrap described are is by far the most organized, pow- tribes worship their dragon pa-
rare. Becoming a god who is sin- erful, and far-reaching dragon- trons . . . or claim that they do. The
cerely worshiped by a primitive worshiping cult, it’s almost sincerity of this worship no doubt
people requires a level of restraint certainly not the only one. (The ob- varies wildly, but all of the human-
that most evil dragons just don’t vious problem with trying to iden- oids realize that it’s important to
have (and a good dragon would tify these groups is that they keep up appearances. It’s difficult
never engage in such a deception always do their best to keep their enough to deal with a dragon at the
without an excellent reason). Ru- activities and existence secret.) best of times, and providing the
mors talk of a few other such ar- According to legend, a dragon cult creature with a huge ego stroke in
rangements, however, in the arose near Myth Drannor in the the form of worship can only make
northern mountains, or among the Year of the Tusk. This cult wor- things easier.
island barbarians of the Sea of shiped a small group of green drag- There are reports that no less
Swords. ons that had recently come to the than three dragon-worshiping orc
There are some examples of sin- Elven Woods. The cult was pur- tribes live in or near the High Moor.
cere dragon worship among more portedly responsible for many kid- Two worship blues that are
sophisticated cultures. These usu- nappings (the victims were thought to be adult or younger, but
ally take the form of secret cults probably sacrificed to the drag- the largest tribe has as its patron
that believe—for one reason or an- ons), and it gave the dragons the and leader a venerable red. This
other—that dragons are worthy of information they needed to waylay orc clan and its dragon are be-
reverence and worship. An exam- and pillage merchant companies lieved responsible for destroying
traveling to and from Myth Dran- or routing an entire dwarven city
nor. The cult was eventually dis- in the mountains east of the High
covered, its members executed, Moor, just north of the Marsh of
and the dragons either destroyed Chelimber. This raid took place
or put to flight. some two centuries ago, when the
dragon in question was only in the
Humanoid Cults very old age category. With two
hundred more years of experience
Traditionally, the goblinoid races and growth, the dragon must now
have been quick to ally themselves be mighty indeed.
with anyone who could conceiv-
ably increase their power. Thus,
goblins and orcs frequently associ-
ate with trolls or ogres. Dragons—
being more intelligent—are a
tricky business, but there are
known to be tribes of orcs and
other humanoids that worship evil
As with the mountain barbarian

Reported Many travelers’ tales report that massive static charges that
the Jungles of Chult are practi- ground themselves to the desert
Sightings cally crawling with the dangerous floor.)
During the creatures. In some areas of the jun- Wild though these rumors may
dragon holy gles, the trees reputedly grow their be in their talk of hundreds of drag-
wars, the pop- branches so as to create distinct ons, there are doubtless at least a
ulation of the layers of foliage, with each layer score of the creatures living within
huge creatures forming an almost independent the Great Desert.
in the Forgot- ecosystem. In these regions—so As discussed in the previous
ten Realms the wilder stories tell—the black chapter, there are at least two
dropped precipitously. Although dragons actually roost in the upper blues known to live in the ‘High
the creatures were, for reasons of layer, sometimes crashing down Moor region. (These two are wor-
food supply and territoriality, through the branches to feed in shiped by orc clans as gods and
never that common, they are now lower reaches of the trees. protectors.) There are probably
considerably rarer. The number of Miasmic swamps—like the one more that have kept their exist-
dragons that an average inhabit- between the Shining Plains and ence quieter. Within human mem-
ant of the Realms will probably see the Orsraun Mountains—are fre- ory, the High Moor has been used
in his lifetime is exactly zero . . . quently home to at least one black twice as a site for death-duels be-
and that’s just the way most peo- dragon. The swamp northeast of tween an important suzerain and a
ple would prefer it to stay. Almraven and the one in eastern challenger. The first of these duels
When a dragon is sighted, the Aglarond are definitely no excep- was attended by some 80 or so
news spreads with almost super- tions. Farther north, in Sembia, blues, the second by more than
natural speed. Unfortunately, the the Flooded Forest is known to twice that.
accuracy of the report degrades at shelter four and perhaps more Southern Vaasa is reputed to be
almost as high a rate. The follow- black dragons of adult age or older. home to a loosely-knit group of
ing sections summarize some of Even the Farsea Marshes in civi- perhaps half a dozen blues. Ru-
the most recent sightings of the lized Cormyr are reputed to shelter mors claim that the suzerain of
different colors of dragons. While a very cunning—and hideously these creatures isn’t a dragon at
much of the information is proba- powerful—black great wyrm. all. In fact, so the tales go, these
bly fairly accurate, the details have (This dragon, rumored to call itself dragons all owe fealty to Zhengyi,
possibly been blurred through Shift, is discussed further in a later Witch-King of Vaasa. (A smaller—
multiple retellings. This informa- section.) but perhaps more persuasive—
tion is current as of the Year of the body of rumor claims the opposite:
Prince (1357 DR). Blue Dragons that Zhengyi is preparing to turn
his might against the blue dragons
Blues favor more arid areas: des- and sweep them from his land.)
Black Dragons erts, windswept plains, and hot There is said to be a sole blue
Since they prefer swamps, badlands. Some rumors—admit- dragon—a great wyrm, unfortu-
marshes, rain forests, and jun- tedly wild and unsubstantiated— nately—upon the island of Lantan.
gles, blacks can be found in most claim that several hundred of the The Lantanna’s skills of invention
parts of the Realms. Black drag- creatures dwell in the Great Desert and innovation have, so far, been
ons have been seen in flight over under the rulership of their suze- unable to remove this danger from
the southwestern margin of the rain, Sussethilasis. their lands.
Bay of Chessenta and the south- These same rumors claim that
ern Chondalwood, and recurring the lightning storms that fre-
quently rage along the margin of
Brass Dragons
rumors place a mated pair and a
brood of several hatchlings in the the Great Desert are actually Enjoying arid, warm climates,
Forest of Mir. (A hatchling black caused by these creatures. (More brasses share much the same ter-
was seen flying over nearby Sara- reasoned theories for these storms rain as blues. There are known to
bush, which lends weight to this claim that the wind blowing over be at least a dozen brasses living in
rumor.) the sands of Anauroch build up Anauroch, and perhaps many

more. Azulbuth (“the Lake of of brasses recently engaged in other dragon
Salt”) is also reputed to be home to combat with a smaller flight of has been seen
more than a handful of the crea- blues over southern Vaasa. The playing in the
tures. outcome of the battle isn’t known. water near the
The eastern foothills of the western end of
Orsraun Mountains, bordering Bronze Dragons the Forest of
Turmish, are said to shelter a Tethir, where it
mated pair of brasses. The story is With their love of deep water, and extends along
told by an adventuring company their ability to polymorph, bronzes the promon-
of an attack by a red dragon while find many parts of the Realms to tory into the
they were traversing these foot- their liking. A thriving community Sea of Swords. Considering the
hills. Just when the company of perhaps as many as ten bronzes creatures’ well-known hatred of pi-
thought that their death was at lives along the western end of Dra- rates, it seems likely that these
hand, two brasses swooped out of gonmere where the foothills ex- dragons have set themselves up as
the sky and drove the red away. tend down to the water. From a buffer between the corsairs of the
(The story goes on to detail the there—in dragon, human, or demi- Pirate Isles and the coastal lands.
small-talk in which the brasses in- human form—they range through- A number of bronzes have been
sisted the company engage before out the whole of Cormyr and reported in and around the Moon-
going about their business.) points south. Some of the islands sea. Most of these probably live at
Brass dragons have been sighted that dot the Sea of Fallen Stars are the far eastern end of this body of
flying over the Great Gray Lands of also homes to bronzes. water, where the mountains ex-
Thar, although it is not known Two mated pairs of bronzes have
tend right down to the shoreline
whether the dragons live there or reputedly just taken up residence and huge caves and fang-like
were just inspecting the area for on the mountainous stretch of the eroded rocks are commonplace. At
their own purposes. Another flight Sword Coast in southern Amn. An- least one, however, is said to live in

or around the ever, and often difficult to reach on In more civilized lands,. an ad-
ruins of Phlan. the ground. The King of Justice, venturing company reported en-
His Resplendence Lareth, ruler of countering a large green—possibly
Copper the gold dragons, is reputed to lair venerable or even older—in the
Dragons in the midst of the Great Desert, or southern reaches of the Elven
in the Elven Woods near Myth Woods. They attacked the dragon,
Dry, rocky Drannor, or on a magically con- wounding it severely, but not kill-
uplands and cealed island in Dragonmere. Cer- ing it. The dragon fled, but the ad-
mountain tainly, he and several of his venturers were unable to find the
ranges form attendant Lords have been seen in entrance to its underground lair.
the homes for most coppers. These all of these areas. They did, however, find what
creatures are most prevalent in the Gold dragons have been sighted looked like a narrow ventilation
northern parts of Faerun. in various spots around the Thun- tunnel like those that some greens
The majority of copper sightings der Peaks, and in the mountains dig to improve the air circulation
are in or around the mountain between the Farsea Marshes and in their lair. The adventurers cast
ranges and chains of hills that bor- High Horn. A mated pair bound to- several cloudkill and incendiary
der the Great Desert. The air is dry gether eternally by the Oath of cloud spells down the hole, but
there, and the winds frequently Concord are said to dwell in the have no knowledge of the result.
blow strongly through the moun- southern reaches of the Deserts- Three venerable green dragons
tain passes. Many travelers tell of mouth Mountains. These two have are known to live somewhere in
having seen coppers soaring and already provided valuable infor- the High Forest. These dragons
playing in the updrafts over these mation to the rulers of Cormyr have been seen flying as far south
mountaintops. The Dragonspine about planned goblinoid incur- as the High Moor region. The ac-
Mountains are also home to at sions from the Goblin Marches. Re- tual locations of these dragons’
least two mated pairs of coppers, curring rumors claim that an lairs are unknown.
perhaps with broods of hatchlings. entire orc raiding army was wiped
According to commonly recited out by these two dragons alone. Red Dragons
tales, the mountain range known A particularly powerful gold
as the Spine of the World was re- Enjoying high hills and soaring
dragon—a retired King of Justice
cently the site of a huge 51st birth- mountain peaks, reds find com-
named Protanther—is thought to
day party for a copper dragon. fortable homes throughout the
live in Novularond, the mountains
Coppers reportedly came from as northlands. There are probably
in the midst of the Great Glacier.
far away as the Orsraun Moun- reds living farther south—two
(Some people believe that the
tains, and the celebration lasted have been seen soaring in the ther-
Great Glacier itself was created by
for two full weeks. mals over the Sunset Mountains
Protanther, and sent south to wipe
Travelers to the southern lands near Yellow Snake Pass—but the
away the evil of Vaasa.)
report that a number of coppers creatures’ tendency to spread
live in the Great Rift. Uncharacter- word of their wealth has made it
Green Dragons
istically, these creatures seem to relatively easy for dragon-hunters
have developed a taste for swim- Greens relish subtropical and tem- to track down those living near the
ming in the large lake in the center perate forests, definitely preferring more civilized lands.
of the rift. (Normally, copper drag- old-growth regions. Known con- The majority of the Realms’ red
ons like getting wet about as much centrations of greens live in the dragon population seems to be
as cats.) Forests of Tethir and Mir, and two concentrated in the mountain
were recently reported flying over ranges that border the Great Des-
Gold Dragons Arrabar in Sespech. Whether ert. In addition, reds have been
these two—presumably a mated sighted near the Glacier of the
Golds have no preferred habitat, pair—lived in the Chondalwood or White Worm, and one was spotted
and they range widely throughout in the Winterwood is not known. circling over the towers of Ironfang
the Realms. Their actual lairs are Another mated pair was seen in Keep. Rumors from northern Mira-
usually in isolated regions, how- eastern Gulthmere. bar claim that a large concentra-

tion of reds dwells in the Spine of where snow and ice continually gnarled and
the World mountain range, prepar- cover the ground. Although whites twisted trees,
ing for a coordinated raid on the are sometimes found among the many of them
southern lands. (Most sages claim snowcapped peaks of the more dead and rot-
that the reds’ rapacious and selfish southerly mountains, these are ting. Since this
nature precludes this kind of coop- usually young—and somewhat is the terrain
eration. The survivors of dragon- unwise—individuals that fre- favored by
ravaged Phlan or the Citadel of the quently fall prey to adventuring blacks, Shift
Raven might disagree with this, companies from the civilized probably
however.) lands. The majority of the whites makes his lair
live in far northerly climes, well somewhere in the region. Adven-
Silver Dragons away from concentrations of hu- turing parties have so far been un-
manity. successful in finding this lair, and
With their ability to dwell in the The largest population of ma- several report run-ins with sur-
clouds, silver dragons can be en- ture and older whites is thought to prisingly large numbers of will
countered almost anywhere in the be on or around the Great Glacier. o’wisps. Some people have even
Forgotten Realms. Those who At the very least, some dozen gone so far as to speculate that
choose earthbound lairs, however, whites have been spotted in that Shift has somehow gained the aid
live in much the same areas as the region in the recent past. The gla- of the will o’wisps in protecting his
red dragons: the northern moun- cier to the north of the Spine of the lair from intruders.
tains around the margin of World range is also presumed to be The great wyrm Sussethilasis, a
Anauroch, the Spine of the World, home to a number of the creatures. suzerain among the blue dragons,
and the mountain range surround- An exploratory expedition to the is reputed to lair in Anauroch, the
ing the Glacier of the White Worm. region of the Sea of Moving Ice re- Great Desert. A traveler in the re-
There are also said to be a number ported seeing many small whites gion claims to have heard two blue
of old silvers who dwell in Novul- in that area. One creature—a dragons discussing the great suze-
arond. These creatures are proba- young dragon, no more than 25 rain as they flew over his campsite
bly the Seniors of various family feet long including tail—attacked one night (presumably the rapa-
groupings. the party, but was driven off with- cious creatures didn’t know he
In human or demihuman form, out losses. was below). One of them men-
silvers wander throughout the tioned the location of Sussethila-
world, sometimes living in cities sis’s lair: some 100 miles west of
and building false identities for
the desert’s edge where it bulges
themselves. (It can only be pre- Tales tell of a great number of eastward into Lost Vale.
sumed that their lairs are guarded dragon lairs scattered throughout The traveler decided to check
by powerful magic during these the Realms. Most of these tales out the truth of what he’d heard,
sojourns.) contain no details of value, how- and headed for the region. His
Although the cloud-based lairs ever; only a few contain informa- courage diminished as he neared
of silver dragons drift with the tion that might be of use to his objective, however, and he
wind, there is one that remains vir- prospective adventurers. (Even soon turned around, but not before
tually stationary. This citadel be- these tales are very rarely com- spotting what looked like a tree-en-
longs to the great wyrm plete, of course, and many un- circled oasis on the horizon. (Opin-
Gargaroth. It stands on the huge doubtedly contain errors.) ions differ as to the reliability of
cloud that wreaths the mighty A black great wyrm that calls this tale. Although the traveler
peak White Fang in the Giant’s himself Shift is rumored to lair in would have no obvious reason to
Run Mountains south of Cormyr. the midst of the Farsea Marshes in lie, the dragons whom he over-
northeastern Cormyr. His vast heard might have been aware of
White Dragons shape has been seen eclipsing the his presence and might, for some
stars as he flew over High Horn. strange reason of their own, have
As might be expected from their
The northern reaches of the Far- planted disinformation.)
color, whites dwell in frigid lands
sea Marshes are overgrown with The ruins of Phlan, on the north-

eastern shores tion to the storm giants, they had Inferno is known to dwell in a cave
of the Moon- been faced by not one, but five high up the northern face of the
sea, is said to huge gold dragons. (It seems obvi- mountain Angaroth. (This is the
be home to a ous that Tamarand learned of the highest of the peaks in the midst of
venerable planned attack and called on the the High Forest.) Inferno is a great
bronze dragon dragons—perhaps other Lords—to wyrm, reputed to be almost two
named Mar- teach the Vaasans a lesson.) millennia old. Rumors—many of
telle. While As mentioned above, an adven- which were probably generated by
some rumors turing company encountered a Inferno himself—put the value of
relate that the green dragon in the Elven Woods, the dragon’s hoard at well into the
dragon has actually moved into south of Myth Drannor. Although millions of gold pieces.
the ruined citadel itself, remodel- the adventurers found out little Other rumors claim that Inferno
ling the place to suit her own pur- about the creature—being more has spent centuries engaged in
poses—and, no doubt, using the interested in trying to kill it than in magical research, and knows more
dungeons and crypts to store her talking to it—the news does tie in about fire-based magic than any
hoard—other tales tell that the with tales that date from almost a mage in Faerun. He is also pur-
true lair is a seashore cave outside century ago. According to these ported to have researched a large
the ruins. In any case, the large tales, a venerable green named number of powerful and unique
creature has been seen sunning Dretch awoke from a century-long spells, most based on fire or other
herself on the battlements of one of sleep and emerged from his con- forms of radiant energy.
Phlan’s high towers. Presumably, cealed lair to terrorize the region. Several adventuring compa-
Martelle has chosen this spot as a A large party consisting of nies—including the well-known
suitable place to observe the activi- several normally independent ad- Hammerfists—have set off for
ties of Zhentil Keep: close enough venturing companies was com- Angaroth, but none have re-
to know what’s going on, but not missioned to rid the area of the turned.
close enough to invite attack. dragon. The party—the Crossed As discussed in a later chapter,
The location of only one gold Swords, as they came to term sometimes members of good dra-
dragon lair is known for sure. This themselves—found the dragon conic species become rogues, turn-
is the home of the wyrm Ta- out of his lair and engaged him in ing their backs on the ways of their
marand, one of the dragon Lords combat. Dretch was grievously fellows and shifting in alignment
that serves His Resplendence wounded, but managed to make to neutral or even to evil.
Lareth, King of Justice. Tamarand his escape. The Crossed Swords One of these rogues—a mature
lairs in a huge cave complex be- were unable to find the entrance adult bronze named Pelath—is re-
neath the highest peaks near to the creature’s lair, so well was it puted to lair on a small island near
Bloodstone Pass. The area is concealed. the Pirate Isles. According to vari-
known also to be home to a clan of It seems quite likely that Dretch ous travelers’ tales, Pelath almost
storm giants, and individuals of and the venerable dragon so re- never appears in his true form,
this clan have frequently discour- cently encountered are one and preferring to live in the guise of a
aged visitors and explorers from the same. Nobody knows whether human hermit. Other tales tell of a
seeking Tamarand’s home. two close brushes with death will hermit in the same area who pos-
Some years ago, a powerful raid- persuade the creature to find a sesses mighty magical powers,
ing party was sent from Vaasa to safer home, or whether Dretch is and it seems likely that these two
find and defeat the gold dragon. now resting up in his concealed worthies—Pelath the dragon and
The result was an absolute disas- lair, planning revenge upon those the magical hermit—are the same
ter for the Vaasan forces. The few who would harm him. being.
survivors reported that, in addi- A red dragon who calls himself

Hoard-Gathering and ventory of absolutely every item in open to inter-
their hoards, but they also keep a pretation.
Status running total of the overall mone- Either one
No matter what their alignments, tary value of their possessions . . . dragon has a
all dragons have an overwhelming and they boast about it. These are larger hoard
drive to build hoards of treasure— not merely the instinctive actions than another
the larger and richer the better. of “large reptilian jackdaws” (as or he doesn’t.
They gather huge piles of gold and the sage Duart once characterized For this rea-
gems, objects of art and of magic, dragonkind). son; dragons
stashes worth thousands or even Although some sages hold theo- assign a very
millions of gold pieces. In almost ries that are more or less bizarre high priority to physical wealth
no cases do the dragons put these and outlandish, the majority of when they’re concerned about rel-
hoards to any use: They don’t naturalists agree on one reason for ative status of individuals. (This
spend their money, they seem to hoard-gathering: status. A drag- attitude isn’t limited to dragons, of
gain no pleasure from art other on’s view of its own importance course. A saying among competi-
than as physical wealth, and in and that of other dragons is based tive human merchants of Cormyr
most cases they are unable to use very much on a sense of status. holds that “Money’s always the
their magical items. Why, then, do There are various ways of ac- best way of keeping score.”)
dragons go to such lengths to quiring status, and these have Status has value to dragons over
gather and protect these huge varying degrees of importance and above enhancing their self-es-
hoards? from species to species. Some ex- teem (which shouldn’t be underes-
Some sages equate draconic ac- amples of ways to acquire status timated as a motivation). Dragons
quisitiveness with the behaviors include demonstrating power over recognized by their peers as hav-
shown by jackdaws and other weaker races (highly important to ing high status enjoy more oppor-
creatures that instinctively steal greens), receiving expressions of tunities to mate, and are
and hoard bright, shiny objects. respect from other dragons of the approached more often by lower-
These creatures are generally un- same species (considered impor- status individuals for help and ad-
intelligent, and unaware of the tant by Lawfully aligned dragons), vice . . . which further raises their
value of the items they collect. If taking on foster- parent duties (sig- status. (This is true only for the
dragons followed a similar behav- nificant only to brasses), being ap- more social species, of course.)
ior pattern, they would have no proached by many females for Among those dragons that follow
reason to choose a small—but mating purposes (a big one for red the draconic deities Astilabor or
priceless—honey-colored dia- males), and initiating and complet- Task, the belief is that the higher a
mond over a large chunk of cut ing a significant quest to promote dragon’s status, the greater their,
glass (in fact, they’d probably take the causes of Good (golds only). position in the afterlife.
the glass, since the lustre of a While important to various High status has its potential
honey diamond is more subdued races, many of these ways of ac- down side as well, particularly
than that of cut and polished quiring status are highly subjec- among the reds. Not only does
glass). That is obviously not the tive and open to interpretation. bragging about one’s wealth at-
case. Which bestows more status to a tract dragon-hunters, but it also
Dragons are well aware of the dragon—receiving a glowing com- gives ideas to young, ambitious
value of their possessions, and— mendation from one’s venerable dragons. Challenging and killing a
while they usually want every- uncle or receiving a polite but per- dragon with high status is a short-
thing—if they’re forced to make a sonal greeting from His Resplen- cut to gaining even higher status
choice, they’ll usually take items dence himself? Dominating an for oneself. The victor not only
of the highest value first. Another entire clan of kobolds, or manipu- takes over the loser’s stash, but
indication that draconic acquisi- lating a handful of hill giants? gains even further status for van-
tiveness is different is shown by This is where hoard-gathering quishing a well-known dragon.
the behavior of red dragons. Not comes in. The size of a dragon’s Thus, dragons that have
only do these greedy creatures hoard—or, more precisely, its over- achieved a certain level of status
maintain an accurate mental in- all value—is measurable and not are occasionally the targets of their

younger, more their status—they generally be- Reproductive Habits
aggressive come less acquisitive and more in-
fellows. These quisitive. Long life span has an interesting
attempts to A great percentage of the oldest consequence when it comes to
usurp status great wyrms—those 1,500 years mating behavior. It’s quite possi-
are sometimes old and up—become more and ble for older dragons to have the
semi-official more fascinated by magic and opportunity to mate with their
duels, where other activities of the mind. There own descendants who are sepa-
challenge is are tales of the most ancient of gold rated from them by as many as
given and ac- dragons building up huge libraries ten—or even more—generations.
cepted (this is certainly the case and spending their declining years The way in which dragons deal
with blues challenging for the posi- studying the various myths and with this matter varies from spe-
tion of suzerain); more frequently, philosophies of the races of Toril, cies to species.
however, they’re just a matter of or other esoteric pursuits. The less intelligent dragons—
the younger dragon swooping on A fascinating legend tells of Il- blacks and whites—seem to have
the elder without warning (this is euthra, a brass dragon who be- no taboo against inbreeding, or
the way reds and whites prefer to came enamored with the game of perhaps no knowledge of its signif-
handle matters). chess. When it could find no mor- icance. For this reason, blacks and
tal players expert enough to give it whites often suffer the conse-
Other Motivations a good game, it challenged the god quences of inbreeding: numerous
Oghma to a match of three games infertile eggs and congenital prob-
Even the most Lawful Good gold lems (both physical and mental).
and beat him soundly in all three.
dragon is concerned about status, The more intelligent dragons are
Rather than bragging, as might be
and thus with building a hoard. aware of the problem of inbreed-
typical for a brass, Ileuthra courte-
Some dragons have other motiva- ously thanked the god, and asked ing, and they solve it in various
tions as well as simply enhancing ways. Among blues, the suzerain
him whether he would care to
their own status. is responsible for ensuring the ap-
challenge it to a game of his choos-
Dragons grow in size and physi- propriateness of any pairing. Reds,
ing. Ileuthra was elevated to the
cal power almost to the end of their status of a minor servant of and others who pick their mates
incredibly long life spans. At some predominately on the basis of sta-
Oghma. Ileuthra now dwells in the
point—and this point varies from tus, know the bloodline of their
plane of Concordant Opposition
species to species and from indi- candidates as part of their reputa-
and still beats The Binder regu-
vidual to individual—a dragon’s larly at chess. tion. Golds, silvers, and bronzes
physical strength reaches a pla- are very logical about the process,
The more intelligent species of
teau. The dragon continues to and they discuss all such matters
dragons often become fascinated
grow in size and weight, however. during courtship.
with the workings of magic and re-
The result is that the dragon’s treat from the world to perform
physical abilities start to decrease.
It can no longer move as quickly,
magical research. (This is one situ- Activity Cycles
ation where the dragons can actu-
fly as powerfully, or fight as fero- Dragons display cycles of activity.
ally put to use the magical items in
ciously. (This is simply a conse- their hoards, if only as objects of At one extreme of the cycle, they
quence of a constant level of are active around the clock, never
study.) While the motivation be-
strength having to move a body sleeping, for up to a handful of
hind this fascination in magic is
that’s steadily getting larger and years. At the other extreme, they
probably simple curiosity, some
heavier.) sages have a different view. As sequester themselves off in their
Great wyrms recognize that this dragons approach the point at lairs and sleep for periods ranging
point is approaching, and usually up to decades in length. While the
which their physical abilities
start to avoid actions that involve evil chromatic dragons show more
wane, they look for magic to sub-
strenuous physical activity. While stitute for decreasing strength. noticeable cycles, with wider ex-
they will do whatever it takes to tremes, than do the metallics,
maintain their hoard—and thus every species of dragon experi-

ences this cyclical behavior. tally asynchronous. Some dragons zation. Some
Among the chromatics, the spe- are beginning their hibernation, dragons who
cies that show the most extreme while others are just awakening, woke from
cyclical activities are the greens, and others are at the height of their hibernation
the whites, and—perhaps surpris- active cycle. Every few centuries, just before
ingly—the reds. During the inac- however, the cycles of chromatic Dragonflight
tive part of the cycle, these crea- dragons begin to shift and to syn- immediately
tures seal themselves up in their chronize more and more. As this return to sleep,
lairs, often protecting themselves happens, there are years when al- while others
with magical wards, mighty illu- most no evil dragons are sighted remain awake
sions, monstrous guardians, or anywhere in Faerun, followed by for as much as twice the length of
sometimes just physical barriers years in which dragon sightings their normal active cycle. This is
(a huge stone rolled into place to are a copper piece a dozen. less true among the metallics—
block the entrance, perhaps). This When this synchronization be- whose cycles tend to diverge more
phase of the cycle is longest for comes perfect, the phenomenon of slowly—but severe disruptions
greens, which sleep for up to 30 Dragonflight occurs. Flights of per- aren’t unheard of.
years—often emerging as a terrible haps hundreds of evil dragons No human sage knows for sure
shock to settlers who have moved sweep down from the northern what causes Dragonflight, al-
into the area in the meantime— lands and fall upon the settle- though most have their own pet
but even reds hibernate for up to a ments of humans and demihu- theories for which they argue vo-
decade. mans. The dragons make no ciferously. They generally agree on
Among the metallics, the peri- distinction based on alignment— one thing, however: The belief
ods of hibernation are significantly or anything else, so it seems—and widely held by common folk—that
less. Brasses and bronzes sleep for cause staggering damage to the the last Dragonflight was caused
perhaps five years, while coppers, civilizations of men before they are by the Cult of the Dragon—is to-
silvers, and younger golds rarely driven away. The last Dragonflight tally wrong. The problem with
sleep for more than a year or two. occurred in the Year of the Worm, speculating on Dragonflight is that
As gold dragons get older, their cy- and laid waste numerous cities the phenomenon happens so
cles of activity become more ex- and settlements, slaying many rarely—once every several centu-
treme. When they reach the old thousands in the process. ries. In the time between flights,
age category, they may be hiber- While the metallic dragons have nations can rise and fall, and re-
nating for up to five years, while no behavior equivalent to Dragon- cords can be lost or destroyed.
venerable individuals may sleep flight, they too suffer an alteration Elven sages, with their longer
for a decade. Great wyrms sleep of their activity cycles during this life spans, are better equipped to
the most, with periods of hiberna- period. The cycles of metallics study the phenomenon of Dragon-
tion lasting 25 years or more. never fully synchronize as do flight. Elven records show that the
Dragons also vary drastically in those of the chromatics, but they period between Dragonflights is
the duration of the parts of their do align more than normal, and not constant, ranging from about
cycles. For example, the active become shorter. During the period 100 years to as many as 700 years.
and inactive periods for white of Dragonflight, most of the metal- Even with their long life spans,
dragons are almost the same lics are active, and they feel an elves have recorded too few Dra-
length: a creature may be active edginess that sometimes blossoms gonflights to determine whether
for maybe 20 years, then hiber- into unaccountable flare-ups of the interval between them is ran-
nate for another 20. Golds, in con- rage. Just before or just after Dra- dom, or whether the interval is cy-
trast, may be active for a century gonflight, even the most calm and clical in some complex manner.
or more between sleeps. beneficent of gold dragons is not a One group of elven sages—as-
Outside influences can affect the particularly safe creature to en- trologers, predominately—has a
cycles of some dragons, particu- gage in idle conversation. theory that makes some sense. Old
larly the chromatics. Normally, the After Dragonflight, the activity astrological charts record that a
cycles of different individuals—no cycles of all dragons almost imme- red wandering star named the
matter what their species—are to- diately fall totally out of synchroni- King-Killer burns in the sky of

Faerun every from his presence. Since nobody Chaotic Good.
several centu- who relates this story seems to In contrast, a copper dragon
ries, and that know the halfling in question, and might become steadily more ob-
its appear- heard the tale from “my wife’s sessed with collecting wealth,
ances are as brother’s best friend’s woman,” no while growing less and less con-
unpredictable one knows how much credence to cerned with the means by which it
as the occur- put in the idea that Tamarand is attained. The normally Chaotic
rences of Dra- knows something about the cause Good dragon might shift to Cha-
gonflight. If of Dragonflight. otic Neutral or even Chaotic Evil.
the ancient Rogue chromatic dragons are
records are accurate, it seems that Rogues even rarer than rogue metallic
two long-past appearances of the dragons, but they do occur. A
King-Killer coincided with Dragon- As with humans, demihumans, young red dragon might be sick-
flights. (Even if this is true, the as- and humanoids, the alignment of ened by the suffering that its older
trologers are as much in the dark dragons reflects not instinctive be- relatives are inflicting on innocent
as everyone else when it comes to havior but an intelligent choice victims. After much soul-search-
explaining how a wandering star about how the creatures respond ing, it might flee to an isolated area
can affect events on Toril in such a to the world. Certainly, dragons where it can live on its own terms
major way.) raised in a society with a strong (Chaotic Neutral alignment), or it
Other theories abound, of alignment are probably going to might try to work to prevent or re-
course. Some sages blame the dra- share that alignment, but there’s verse damage caused by others of
conic deities for Dragonflight, no law of nature that prevents a its kind (Chaotic, Neutral or even
while others claim it’s as natural dragon from changing its align- Lawful Good, depending on how it
as the 11-year cycle in Cormyr’s ment. (In fact, the consequences of went about this task).
rabbit population. Unfortunately, changing alignment are consider- The response to a dragon that
there seems to be no way to test ably less for a dragon than they are turns rogue varies depending on
any of these theories without wit- for a human or demihuman. Drag- the species involved. Bronzes and
nessing another Dragonflight . . . ons progress in power depending golds almost certainly sentence
and anyone who witnessed the last on their age, so they suffer no di- the rogue to official proscription.
one has no enthusiasm for that. rect ill effects from a voluntary Silvers might tolerate the rogue as
The dragons themselves seem to alignment change.) long as it didn’t slip over the line
be almost as ignorant of the causes Dragons that voluntarily change into evil behavior. Coppers and
of Dragonflight as anyone else. their alignments are referred to as brasses generally shun a rogue. If
They know it happens, and they “rogues,” and they’re very rare in- the behavior of a rogue metallic
can feel the tension building as deed. Rogues have decided for rea- dragon becomes actively evil,
their cycles alter, but they don’t sons of their own that they don’t other members of his species
know why, and they have as many go along with the world-view com- might be forced to consider more
wild theories as do humans and mon to dragons of their species. serious measures.
demihumans. These reasons can vary widely. Myths record only one such inci-
There are some exceptions to A gold dragon might become disil- dent, when a flight of gold dragons
this, if one believes rumors. Appar- lusioned after seeing evil continu- hunted down and slew one of their
ently, a halfling adventurer ap- ing to flourish no matter what own kind who was engaging in a
proached the lair of Tamarand the efforts are made to crush it. The wild orgy of destruction across the
gold dragon after the last Dragon- gold grows tired of what it sees as Dalelands. (Most naturalists are
flight and asked for details on why “beating its head against a moun- convinced that the rogue in this
the flight occurred. Tamarand is tain,” and decides to leave the fu- case was actually incurably in-
said to have replied, “Some knowl- tile efforts to younger dragons. It sane, since most sane rogues
edge is only for draconic ears.” has its own life to live, and wants would never consider such a wild
When the halfling pressed for fur- to do it on its terms. This rogue swing in alignment.)
ther details, Tamarand became an- would probably have shifted its In the case of Chaotic Evil drag-
gry and chased the adventurer alignment to Neutral Good or even ons becoming neutral or good,

their kin respond to them in ex- would perform a seemingly good leads to violent
actly the same way they would to act such as population manage- battles be-
any other dragon of that align- ment. In fact, it’s merely enlight- tween the
ment: hatred and attack if the ened self-interest. Selfish dragons creatures.
rogue intrudes on their territory, like reds don’t like to go hungry, Lack of food
general indifference otherwise. and over-hunting their territories also some-
Lawful Evil dragons might con- will lead to that eventuality. times causes
sider retribution against the Among dragons, the golds, sil- whites to head
rogue, but only if the rogue posed vers, and bronzes are the most south from
some kind of danger to them or if careful when it comes to food man- their frigid
they saw some potential gain in it. agement, followed, perhaps sur- homes and feed in more populous
prisingly, by the blues. These areas (often those already inhab-
Dragons and the species concentrate their feeding ited by man).
on whatever prey species is cur- This insensitivity to the ecosys-
rently most common in their terri- tem and their place in it probably
Dragons are undoubtedly at the tory. In this way, they prevent explains why the active and dor-
top of the food chain in Toril. Even overpopulation and resulting mant phases for white dragons are
though they may have natural en- problems (which, of course, could both about two decades long.
emies, these creatures usually kill also prove troublesome for the Without the long and frequent hi-
dragons for reasons other than dragons that feed on the crea- bernation periods, the creatures
food. On the other hand, dragons— tures). Dragons sometimes feed se- would deplete their environment
although omnivores—are highly lectively on creatures higher up on to the point where they couldn’t
efficient predators. the food chain, giving the lower survive.
Dragons eat a lot, particularly creatures a chance to increase in The dragon population has an
those that prefer a carnivorous population, then feed on these even greater effect on the ecosys-
diet. One dragon can make a sig- now-replenished lower animals. tem than does the population of
nificant impact on the animals in a Some golds go so far as to raise dragon prey. The more Lawful and
region; a mated pair and offspring and tend herds while poly- intelligent dragons recognize this
can be catastrophic. Luckily, all morphed into human form and fact, and monitor their own popu-
species but whites seem to under- then later prey on them while in lations fairly closely. Golds, sil-
stand this intuitively. dragon form. (An ancient caution- vers, bronzes, and even blues
Predatory dragons are aware of ary tale tells of the messy conse- manage their birth rates so as to
the danger of over-hunting an area quences when a small group of maintain a fairly stable population
and of depleting it of food species. bandits decided to have a little fun that isn’t too great for the region.
For this reason, they often travel with the solitary old shepherd in a Dragon females have the ability to
far afield to hunt. This is one of the place called Dragon Valley . . . .) control how many eggs they’ll lay
reasons that dragons claim such Reds and other chromatics appre- (although once a female is impreg-
large territories: smaller territories ciate the convenience of tended nated she must lay at least one
are simply incapable of supporting herds, but prefer to have humans egg), and these species use that
them indefinitely. Even the huge and demihumans do all the work ability to ensure that the birth rate
territories claimed by reds would and then simply attack the herds doesn’t much exceed the death
eventually be emptied of prey un- at night. rate (or the emigration rate, if drag-
less the creatures hunted else- White dragons are notable ex- ons are leaving the area for other
where and hibernated on a regular ceptions in these matters. These climes).
basis. (For this reason, certain creatures seem to have no concept Even Chaotic dragons generally
sages believe that the activity cy- of population management; they moderate their birth rates, al-
cle of dragons has evolved as a way feed until an area is totally cleaned though for varying reasons.
to let the prey population of an out of prey. When this happens, Brasses generally lay only one egg,
area build back up again.) they’re forced to look elsewhere for because more than one offspring
It may seem surprising that Cha- food. “Elsewhere” often means an- would cramp their lifestyle too
otic Evil dragons such as reds other dragon’s territory, which much, while reds do so because

each offspring tion moves slowly, and no such This precept is kept around more
could eventu- change has been noticed so far. from tradition than to reflect con-
ally represent Perhaps in a few tens of thousand tinued belief in these deities.
competition years. . . . The sixth precept is also worthy
for the par- of comment. According to the
ents. The Ptarian Code, destroying an enemy of the
The excep- Law and the Good is a second-best
tions are the
Code of Honor
solution. The ideal outcome would
whites and, to This draconic Code of Honor was be the conversion of the enemy to
a lesser extent, developed several millennia ago the ethos of Lawful Good. For this
the blacks. These creatures either by a golden great wyrm known as reason, the Lords—and any other
don’t understand or don’t care Ptaris. Originally intended as a dragons that follow the code—al-
about population control, and they guide to conduct for the Lords who ways try to parley before fighting,
live in a state of continuous catas- attend His Resplendence, the and they always give an opponent
trophe: population boom, followed golden King of Justice, the Ptarian a chance to surrender and recant
by starvation, followed by boom, Code has been picked up by other his evil ways.
etc. members of the gold species, and Among gold dragons, only the
In the case of evil dragons, ad- even by certain silvers. Lords that attend His Resplen-
venturers and dragon-hunters also The Ptarian Code is similar to dence are required to swear an
play a significant role. Particularly the code of chivalry adopted by oath binding them to the Ptarian
among those dragons that spread certain segments of humanity. In Code. Many other golds follow the
word of their wealth to enhance its full form, it comprises several precepts of the code to varying de-
their own status, those individuals hundred lines of elements, nu- grees of exactness, however.
that would be considered the most ances, and commentary. The ma-
attractive mates are also consid- jor precepts, however, are listed The Talons of Justice
ered the best targets for heroes. below:
Some sages point to this fact as a There’s a group of silver dragons
strong evolutionary pressure on Justice and Good above all. that has sworn an oath to follow
the creatures. When a behavior Honor and Fealty to the King. the Ptarian Code. These dragons
that enhances the chance of mat- Honor and Respect to Righteous are of all ages, although most origi-
ing also enhances the chance of Innocence. nally swore the oath when they
getting killed, there’s significant Honor and Duty to the Balancer, to were young and energetic, and re-
pressure to either alter the behav- Her Mercy, and to the Justice- fer to their group as the Talons of
ior, or change the criteria by which maker. Justice. No one knows exactly how
individuals are judged good candi- Honor and Protection to the Lesser many Talons there are, but the
dates for mates. Races. group probably numbers in the
Whichever way evolution takes Honor and Correction to the Ene- scores. Group members are spread
the dragons, these sages believe mies of Justice and Good. throughout Faerun, many living
that it will select against highly Honor and Forbearance for one- in human and demihuman form in
status-conscious individuals. (The self. cities and towns.
rationale is that since status-con- The Talons are a well-organized
scious, bragging individuals are These precepts are fairly self-ex- group, with recognition symbols,
selectively killed by hunters, this planatory, with three possible ex- channels of communication, and
tendency will eventually be bred ceptions. The third precept refers long-range plans. They’ve recog-
out of the race. Alternatively, to protection and respect for good- nized that they’re much more
should dragons change their selec- aligned innocents. The fourth pre- likely to achieve their goal—which
tion criteria so status-conscious, cept is a carry-over from the days is to strongly assist the cause of
bragging individuals are no longer when more dragons worshiped the Lawful Good in the world—if they
the preferred kind of mate, this draconic deities Lendys, Tamara, work under some secrecy. If asked
will also breed the tendency out of and Xymor (The Balancer, Her directly, a Talon will never deny its
the race.) Needless to say, evolu- Mercy, and The Justicemaker). membership in the group, but

Talons rarely volunteer informa- evil-aligned groups, particularly if the human-
tion about their membership. by the Cult of the Dragon. Appar- oids are acting
The Talons sometimes recruit ently, several years ago the cult in an aggres-
other followers of Lawful Good to made an abortive attempt to kill off sively evil
help them with particular projects. as many of the Talons as they manner, indi-
Although the Talons believe that could identify. The cult is still try- vidual silvers
knowledge of assisting in the ing to rebuild its membership after (not members
Grand Struggle should be reward this debacle. of the Talons)
enough, they know that most ad- have been
venturers don’t agree with them. Dragons and Humanoids known to goad
Therefore, they try to make sure humanoids
that any nondragons who help While all of the good-aligned into such actions so the dragons
them are amply rewarded. dragons either like or tolerate hu- can wreak retribution on them.
Because they have the long view mans and demihumans, they view (This behavior is officially frowned
typical of good dragons, the goals humanoids—here taken to refer to upon, but unofficially condoned.)
and activities of the Talons are usu- kobolds, orcs, bugbears, and the Evil dragons view humanoids as
ally subtle. While nondragons can other goblinoid races—with vary- they do humans and demihu-
help them in the short term, the ing degrees of distrust or out-and- mans. The smaller creatures are
lesser races (with the exception of out hatred. Golds are the most enemies, food, subjects for manip-
elves) are simply not long-lived tolerant—they realize that human- ulation, or slaves. Chromatics very
enough to see the sweep of the Tal- oids have a place in the Grand rarely form close associations with
ons’ plans. Without this apprecia- Scheme, and they only physically humanoids or humans or demihu-
tion of the long-term planning, the oppose humanoids when the crea- mans. This is mainly a matter of
day-to-day actions of the Talons tures are actively engaged in evil pride: such a close association
are frequently almost incompre- activity. Silvers, surprisingly, are could be seen as giving the “races
hensible, and typically appear dis- the least tolerant, hating human- of dirt” equal status to a dragon,
connected and useless. oids with a passion. While they, and that’s clearly unacceptable.
The Talons are hated by many too, only engage in open hostilities

Care and course, since their experience of Evil dragons are a completely
the world is highly limited.) Long different story. As soon as the
Feeding before this point—probably before dragon is old enough to recognize
Rearing they reach the age of five—the ef- its true nature—perhaps five years
Dragons fect of the imprinting vanishes, of age—it starts looking for ways to
and they’ll have realized that manipulate the relationship to suit
Some ambi- they’re quite different from their itself. This is true no matter what
tious PCs “parent.” How the relationship the alignment of the parent. The
might come up progresses from here depends on dragon quickly starts pushing the
with the idea of both the treatment the dragon re- limits of any discipline enforced
acquiring a freshly-hatched ceives and on the nature of the upon it.
dragon and rearing it as a pet, dragon. Evil dragons don’t respond well
friend, or guardian. While there’s Good dragons appreciate kind, to the good and respectful treat-
nothing innately wrong with the respectful, and humane treat- ment relished by their good kin.
idea, there are some potential ment, and feel some indebtedness Evil chromatics would see this as
problems. to whoever provided that treat- weakness in their parent, and it
When dragons hatch, they have ment. No matter how good the would tempt them to take over as
a strong imprinting instinct that treatment has been, however, the soon as possible. These dragons
seems to be common to almost dragons never feel blind loyalty respect strength and power, and
every creature. In other words, (it’s an intelligent creature, after won’t attack parents who are obvi-
they consider the first creature all, quite possibly more intelligent ously much more lethal than they.
that they see after emerging from than the people rearing it). This is particularly true for Law-
the egg as their parent, and will— The relationship between a ful Evil blues. They will willingly
initially, at least—consider them- well-reared good dragon and its follow and learn from an evil-
selves to be of the same race as foster parent closely parallels that aligned parent, as long as that par-
that creature. (Human jesters between a human parent and ent remains more powerful than
sometimes go to the trouble of in- child. The relationship can be they. As soon as they see the bal-
cubating ducks’ eggs just so they close or distant, warm or stormy, ance shift, however, they’ll try to
can be present at the hatching, depending on how closely the take over. They won’t kill the par-
and have the ducklings imprint on world-view of the parent matches ent if they can avoid it, but they
them. From then on, the ducklings that of the dragon (with respect to will expect the parent to accept
follow the jester around as though alignment, particularly). A Cha- them as the master from that point
the human were their mother . . . otic brass dragon in a Lawful envi- forward.
much to the amusement of specta- ronment will quickly begin to Chaotic Evil chromatics feel no
tors.) chafe at the discipline, while a loyalty or indebtedness to any-
There’s a significant problem gold in a Chaotic environment body. The first time they’re reason-
here, however. Even the dumbest will quickly feel the need for a ably sure they can manage it,
white dragon is much smarter more organized climate. they’ll turn on their parents, kill
than a duck. The imprinting in- No matter how closely align- them, and take everything of
stinct is a short-term thing for ments and outlooks match, how- value.
dragons, intended to help the ever, the dragon eventually feels
hatchlings survive the first month the need to leave home and make Draconic Abilities and
or two of life in a hostile world. Af- its own way in the world. Again,
ter that, their innate intelligence Cross-Species Rearing
depending on how close the
takes over. relationship was during the drag- The behavior patterns and abili-
Dragons mature mentally at on’s formative years, the on-going ties of unintelligent creatures are
about twice the rate of humans, relationship between parent and mainly instinctive (with some ex-
which means they attain their full dragon can range from close ceptions such as species-specific
share of intelligence and wisdom friendship and mutual respect songs or calls]. This isn’t the case
at about ten years of age. (They’re to complete indifference or even with intelligent creatures, such as
still potentially very naive, of antipathy. humans, demihumans, or drag-

ons. The vast majority of abilities dragon falls 10% of the total height tempts while
and behaviors must be learned from which it started the glide. For flying suffer a
from their parents. example, say the dragon attempts -2 penalty to
its first glide from a 100-foot-high the attack roll.
Flight cliff (the minimum altitude from A self-taught
which a glide can start). The DM dragon might
Take the case of a hatchling dragon rolls a 91. This means that the later be able to
being reared in a human house- dragon almost makes it, but pan- receive instruc-
hold. How is that dragon going to ics just before landing and falls 10 tion from one
learn to fly? Certainly it can watch feet (the effects of falling on drag- of its own kind,
other winged creatures, but ons are discussed in a later sec- but the dragon might already have
dragon flight is quite different tion). If the DM had rolled 00, the developed too many ingrained bad
from the flight of a sparrow. It is poor dragon would have panicked habits for the instruction to re-
very unlikely that the poor crea- immediately after stepping off the move the above restrictions. The
ture will ever learn how to get off cliff, and would have plummeted chance of the instruction working
the ground. the full 100 feet. is 100% minus 10% times the age
Enterprising characters might After an unsuccessful glide, the category of the dragon when it re-
somehow get the creature to a high dragon—assuming it survived— ceives the instruction.
spot so it can glide (which is an in- can try again. The experience of For example, say that a brass
stinctive behavior) and perhaps the fall was probably traumatic, that taught itself to fly is now juve-
teach itself from there the intrica- however, and a modifier of 1d12 is nile (age category 4). If he now re-
cies of true flight. There are prob- added to the success die roll for the ceives flying lessons from another
lems here, too, however. The next attempt (i.e., the DM rolls dragon, the chance of success is
dragon has been raised among 1d100 and 1d12, adds the results, 60% (100 - (10x4)). The DM rolls
flightless creatures (presumably), and compares them to the success 1d100. If the result is 60 or less,
and won’t have developed a drag- target of 90). Although the maxi- the juvenile brass is no longer sub-
on’s normal indifference to alti- mum possible result is now 112, ject to the restrictions listed above.
tude. The problems involved in the dragon can never fall more If the result is 61 or more, the
getting a young gold dragon that is than 100% of the total height from brass’s bad habits are too in-
afraid of heights to step off a cliff which the glide started. grained for instruction to remove
could be the center of much enjoy- Needless to say, it will probably them. No matter how much train-
able role-playing. be much harder for the characters ing the brass receives, he will al-
If the characters can overcome to persuade the dragon to step off ways be subject to flight
this obstacle, it’s still not clear sail- into space for a second time. restrictions. This kind of instruc-
ing. The ability to glide is instinc- As soon as the dragon has com- tion takes 1d4 weeks.
tive, but only to a degree. Dragons pleted one successful glide, it
are intelligent, which implies that never has to make another die roll. Magical Abilities
their ability to feel fear is as great From this point on, it can teach it-
as—if not more than—that of a hu- Many of a dragon’s magical abili-
self to fly. This procedure takes
man. That first glide is a poten- ties are said to be innate. In fact,
1d4+3 months. A self-taught
tially terrifying experience, and it’s the potentiality that’s innate.
dragon can never fly as well as one
could cause the dragon to panic, The creature must still learn how
that was raised by those of its own
with potentially catastrophic re- to manipulate, trigger, and control
kind. Its maneuverability class is
sults (ask any novice hang-glider). that innate potential before it can
one step worse (Class D), its maxi-
The chance of a successful first use magic. This is something that
mum speed is 75% of what it
glide is 90% (roll 1d100, with a re- can be learned only from a dragon
should be (round fractions up; e.g.,
sult of 01 to 90 representing suc- of the same species. A dragon
a self-taught brass has a maxi-
cess). If the roll exceeds 90, then raised away from others of its own
mum flying speed of 23 rather
the dragon has frozen and plum- kind will not gain the innate abili-
than 30), and it can never perform
mets to the ground. For each point ties that other dragons develop as
a wingover maneuver. In addition,
by which the roll exceeds 90, the they increase in age.
all attacks that the dragon at-

Luckily for to be of the same species). As soon Other Abilities
these dragons, as the training is complete, the
the ability to dragon can begin to learn spells. It Breath weapons and other attack
tap this poten- can cast the number of spells nor- modes are truly innate and don’t
tial is easy to mally allowed to hatchling drag- have to be learned from other drag-
learn. Training ons (none). Each time it advances ons (with the exception of airborne
in the applica- an age level, its magical ability also combat, as discussed earlier).
tion of these advances one step. Note that, if the
potential creature was older than hatchling Draconic Health
powers takes when it learned the ways of magic, Dragons’ attitude towards health
1d6 hours. This training must it will never catch up with its con- varies from species to species.
come from a dragon of the same temporaries. While all races of dragons obvi-
species, of any age category. For example, take the juvenile ously cherish good health, for Cha-
When the dragon completes this bronze discussed above who met otic Evil creatures it’s much more
training, it immediately gains the another bronze when it was 26 a matter of survival. A sick dragon
powers that its species normally years old. At the completion of its is a weak dragon, and others of its
receives at birth (water breathing magical training, it has the magi- own kind or of other species are
and speak with animals for cal ability of a normal hatchling; in just waiting to take advantage of
bronzes, for example). Each time it other words, it can still cast no any sign of weakness.
advances an age category, the spells. When it turns 51 (young Lawful Evil and all good-aligned
creature gains the next group of adult), it gains the magical ability dragons are much better off, and
powers. Note that this means a of a normal very young bronze; poor health is less of a catastrophe.
human-raised dragon can be again, no spells. When it turns 101 These individuals can depend—
many decades behind its contem- (adult), it gains the abilities of a most of the time—on others to look
poraries in abilities, and may normal young bronze; still no out for their interests and protect
never catch up. spells. Only when it turns 201 (ma- their lives until they get their
Take, for example, a bronze that ture adult) does it gain the ability health back.
is raised for its first 26 years by a to cast a single 1st-level spell per
kindly human hermit. At age 26 day. Food
(juvenile age category), the dragon Certain magical abilities are
finally meets another bronze that truly innate and don’t depend on Dragon dietary preferences vary,
teaches it how to tap its magical training. These are the immunities but—with a notable exception—
potential. Immediately, the juve- shown by certain dragons, such as one fact is constant across the
nile dragon receives the abilities a bronze’s immunity to electricity species: dragons eat a lot. Luckily
water breathing and speak with and a copper’s immunity to acid. for the creatures and for anyone
animals — the abilities usually else who has to share their food
gained at birth. When it turns 51 Language chain, their metabolism is incred-
(young adult), it receives the next ibly efficient and they are able to
group of abilities (create food and Language is also an acquired at- digest inert matter. No matter
water and polymorph self), which tribute. Like any other intelligent how efficient their metabolism,
are usually gained at the young creature, dragons can acquire a however, dragons have a lot of
age category. When it turns 101 language only from another crea- body mass to support, and they
(adult), it receives wall of fog, and ture who speaks that language. burn a lot of energy, particularly
so on. Thus it is quite possible for a cop- when they’re flying.
The same thing happens with per dragon never to learn the cop- Food requirements depend on
spellcasting ability. A dragon per tongue. Dragons raised by the dragon’s level of activity (see
raised apart from its own kind is humans generally learn only the Chapter 3). At the peak of its activ-
totally unable to learn to cast common tongue, unless their par- ity cycle, a very young dragon
spells until it has received 1d8 ent is proficient in other languages must eat up to 10% of its own
days of training from another (and wishes to teach them). weight per day—slightly more if
dragon (this trainer doesn’t have the food is mainly inorganic. Dur-

ing its hibernating, inactive phase, or a large ogre). A golden great this specula-
a dragon needs no food. wyrm has a body length of 150 tion with a re-
The 10% figure decreases as the feet, and a weight of about 200,000 sponse.)
dragon gets older. An adult drag- pounds. It typically must eat 1% of One further
on’s food requirements might drop its own weight per day, or 2,000 consequence of
to 5% of its own weight per day, pounds (a large ox, perhaps). the efficiency
while a great wyrm might only Although the above food re- of draconic di-
need to eat 1% of its own weight quirements are discussed on a per gestion is that
per day, and then only at the peak day basis, that’s rarely how drag- dragons leave
of its activity cycle. ons feed. They typically fast for very little in
So how much do dragons weigh? periods lasting months, then gorge the way of droppings. Those that
Although length and wingspan fig- themselves into a state of lethargy. they do leave, they usually con-
ures may imply that the creatures A draconic feast can be a frighten- ceal.
are unbelievably massive, dragons ing thing. Take, for example, the
are actually rather slender, sinu- young red discussed above. It may Disease
ous creatures, and their huge fast for 20 days, then decide to to-
wings are composed of light (al- tally satisfy its hunger. To do so, it Like most creatures, dragons are
though incredibly strong) bones requires about 10,000 pounds of subject to various diseases. These
food (500 x 20)—an entire adven- range from the merely irritating—
and thin membrane. Dragon phy-
turing company plus equipment. the draconic equivalent of the
sique varies from species to spe-
cies, and from individual to After a similar fast, the golden common cold—to the fatal (unless
individual, but the following fig- great wyrm would hunger for cured). Dragon species that can
ures should give DMs some basis 40,000 pounds of food—an entire cast priest spells are obviously bet-
to go on. (In general, mass is pro- herd of cattle, perhaps. If that ter off when it comes to dealing
portional to the cube of the dimen- sounds bad, remember that 20 with disease. Dragons without
sions, so if you double a creature’s days is a fairly short fast . . . . such abilities—and unable or un-
size, you’ll multiply its mass by 8. The brasses are the one species willing to turn to other dragons for
When you double the length of a that doesn’t suffer from these help—must be more careful not to
dragon, however, you usually rather extreme food requirements. contract diseases. Although it has
don’t quite double its width or These creatures are able— been tried, curative magic cast by
height.) somehow—to gain sustenance human and demihuman priests is
from morning dew, which they insufficiently powerful to rid a dra-
Body Length Weight delicately lift off plants with their conic body of disease.
(ft) * (lbs) long, sensitive tongues. Sages are Dragons are quite aware of the
10 90 at a loss to explain how such large means of transmission of the most
20 700 creatures can maintain their body dangerous draconic diseases. Most
40 5,000 mass and vigorous behavior with are transmitted through bodily flu-
80 35,000 little to no food. ids such as blood (so it’s not a good
Some cynics, however, refuse to idea to bite a diseased dragon),
100 65,000
150 200,000 believe this story at all, claiming while a few diseases are airborne.
it’s disinformation spread by the Infected dragons usually isolate
* Not including tail. themselves from their fellows to
brasses themselves. In fact, these
sages claim, brass dragons eat as prevent the spread of the disease.
Here are two examples of food re- Whites are, again, the exception.
much as any other dragons, but do
quirements; both assume that the When a draconic disease strikes an
it in disguise. When they get hun-
dragons are at the peaks of their area inhabited by whites, it often
gry, they use magical spells to alter
cycles. A young red has a body spreads like wildfire through their
their form—perhaps to appear as
length of 40 feet and a weight of numbers. These epidemics act as
reds or blues—and then go and
about 5,000 pounds. It typically yet another check and balance on
stuff their faces, leaving the other
must eat 10% of its own weight per white population.
species to take the blame. (The
day, or 500 pounds (three knights,
brasses, of course, refuse to dignify

Evil dragons blindness and deafness, and a par- paranoia—wherein the afflicted
have been ticularly nasty syndrome that dragons think that “they” are al-
known to makes it impossible for the dragon ways watching them, and that
sometimes use to control its breath weapon. (For a “they” are out to get them. Brasses
disease as a dragon with this syndrome, the are apt to become pathological li-
weapon. It was DM rolls 1d100 every two hours or ars. Other afflictions are possible,
documented so. If the result is 00, the dragon but not frequent.
that a red lets fly with the full power of its Insanity is not common among
dragon once breath weapon in a random direc- dracoforms. The more serious
threw the body tion.) afflictions—such as when a hatch-
of a diseased blue into the headwa- Physical deformities sometimes ling black dragon suffers from
ters of a river at which golds were occur, although evil dragons im- homicidal mania—usually get the
known to drink. Although a few of mediately kill such unfortunates dragon killed off in a hurry. More
the golds contracted the disease as soon as they emerge from the minor forms of mental distur-
that killed the blue, use of clerical egg. Good-aligned dragons try to bance, such as melancholia
magic prevented any fatalities. (A protect deformed individuals and (wherein the victim suffers from
raiding party of golds soon put an allow them the chance to gain as black moods, fits of brooding, and
end to the further ambitions of much from life as they can, but the feelings of hopelessness), are toler-
that particular red.) hostile nature of the world ensures ated by good-aligned dragons, but
Rare individuals suffer from al- that these dragons rarely achieve considered signs of weakness
lergies. Most of these are mere nui- maturity. among the chromatics . . . and
sances, more akin to hay fever weakness is an invitation to attack.
than to serious allergies that cause Insanity There are a number of natural
shock and death (though an al- As described in the sections on substances that have mind-
lergy that causes sneezing in a fire- breeding habits, dragons that al- altering effects on dragons. (These
breathing dragon can occasionally low significant levels of inbreeding substances vary from species to
be more than a nuisance . . . ). frequently give birth to mentally species, and are usually lethal to
Dragons can also suffer from retarded individuals (as reflected nondracoforms.) Very rarely, drag-
congenital diseases, particularly by a decrease in the dragon’s Intel- ons can suffer from a mental dis-
those species like whites that have ligence attribute). Dragons can turbance whereby they become
no concern for inbreeding. While suffer from other forms of mental strongly addicted to these sub-
many of these congenital condi- disturbance as well. stances (like cats to catnip). While
tions are mental, some are physi- these dragons can be played for
cal. There is a draconic form of In fact, dragons can show the full laughs, the DM should remember
hemophilia, which decreases the range of abnormal psychology ex-
that such addictions are debilitat-
efficiency of blood clotting. (In hibited by humans. There are cer-
ing diseases that will eventually
game terms, any wound that tain forms that are more common
kill the dragons.
draws blood continues to bleed, in- than others, however. Reds are
most likely to exhibit megaloma-
flicting 1d3 additional points of
nia, where the afflicted dragon be-
damage per round, until the
wound is either bound or cured, or comes absolutely convinced that it As mentioned in the previous
until the dragon dies.) This is— is the best of everything: the chapter, great wyrms eventually
fortunately—a very rare condition, smartest, wisest, strongest, fast- reach a point where their physical
since dragons who suffer from it est, most attractive, and most strength ceases to increase, while
rarely survive their first encounter powerful dragon in the entire uni- their bodies continue to grow in
with a foe that fights back. verse. (Golds are by far the most size and weight. Different dragons
There are also congenital mentally stable of dragons, but, reach this point at different ages,
growth defects, where dragons fail when they do suffer from insanity, and continued vigorous exercise
to grow past a certain point, or megalomania is the most common can sometimes stave it off. In gen-
grow much faster than normal. affliction.) The weaker evil drag- eral, however, it sets in at an age of
There are also congenital forms of ons are particularly susceptible to 2d100 + 1,700 years. For each

100 years the dragon lives beyond raving. Especially in the case of are fertilized
this point, its maximum flying evil dragons, the creature’s kin will within the fe-
speed decreases by 1, while for almost certainly have killed it long male’s body.
each additional 200 years, its max- before this happens. After fertiliza-
imum ground speed decreases by The more intelligent dragons tion, the eggs
1. (Thus, a black dragon 300 years will usually not let themselves suf- are surrounded
past this threshold age can fly at fer the indignities of aging, prefer- by a flexible
27 and can move on the ground at ring to “go out in style.” This leathery shell,
11.) In addition, for each 200 years differs from species to species, of a process that
past the threshold, the creature course. While creatures like reds takes 1d10+6
suffers a -1 penalty to its attack frequently stage one last kamikaze days. After that, the female lays
roll. attack against an old enemy (“if the eggs, usually in a sheltered
There is theoretically no limit to you’re going down, you may as area of her lair. The incubation
how long a dragon can live. In real well go down in flames”), golds, sil- time for a clutch of eggs also varies
life, however, their decreasing vers, and bronzes are usually by species, as shown in the accom-
physical abilities put an upper much more dignified about it. panying table.
limit on life span. A dragon with a All dragons have the ability to
normal ground speed of 12 is un- will themselves to die. The process Species # of Eggs Incubation
able to move at all 2,400 years af- is quick, quiet, and totally pain- * Period * *
ter it reaches the threshold age (at less. It is simply a matter of releas- Black 6 200 days
this point the dragon is anywhere ing the link between the dragon’s Blue 4 250 days
from 4,101 to 4,300 years old). anima and its body. When Lawful Brass 4 270 days
Long before this point, it will begin Good dragons feel the chill winds Bronze 3 300 days
having difficulty in catching food of age, they frequently summon Copper 4 260 days
(unless it is highly magical, or is their beloved kin to attend them, Gold 2 320 days
willing to subsist on rocks and and then pass on quietly, saving Green 6 210 days
other inert matter). The word will themselves the indignity and their Red 4 270 days
also get out that the old dragon is loved ones the sadness of a long, Silver 3 280 days
losing it. In the case of evil drag- lingering senescence. White 7 195 days
ons, this generally means that This tradition—the “final audi-
* For an average clutch.
young challengers will arrive to ence,” as the dragons term it—is a
Clutches can vary by up to 2 eggs
fight the dragon for its hoard. highly dignified ritual, filled with
in either direction.
Decreasing mental capacity is respect, love, and a quiet joy that
also a problem. Although not all comes from knowing the depart- * * Plus or minus 10%. All eggs
dragons become senile, most do. ing dragon has lived a long and full hatch within one hour of each
In game terms, the chance that a life. One of the things that makes other.
dragon will eventually suffer from proscription such a harsh penalty
senility is 75% (60% for golds). for these dragons is the knowledge It takes a hatchling 2d20 minutes
If the die roll indicates that the that no one will attend the final au- to free itself from the eggshell.
dragon will eventually become se- dience of a proscribed dragon. There is a 10% chance that any
nile, the problem will start at age given hatchling is unable to escape
2d100 + 1,400. For each 100 Reproduction from the egg without help. Chaotic
years beyond this onset age, the Evil dragons won’t help such a
dragon will lose 1 point each of In- The reproductory process for drag- trapped hatchling, leaving it to die
telligence and Wisdom, and will ons is a strange cross between the (any creature too weak to find its
suffer a cumulative 5% chance of mammalian and reptilian. Mating own way into the world doesn’t de-
spell failure whenever the creature is remarkably mammalian logisti- serve to live, these creatures
tries to cast a spell (this doesn’t af- cally. The physical act of mating think). All other species will help
fect innate abilities, however). causes the female to ovulate—the such an unfortunate. Dragon
When either Intelligence or Wis- number of eggs produced depend- hatchlings are immediately hun-
dom reach 0, the creature dies, ing on the species—and the eggs gry, and will eat just about any-

thing. They are Master’s Guide on pages 77-78. claw attack, with a +2 bonus to
blind for the This following section extends the attack roll. A successful attack
first 12-24 these rules to account for the means that the attacker has suc-
hours immedi- unique tactics, strengths, and cessfully grappled, and that the
ately after weaknesses of dragons. two dragons are locked together.
hatching. When dragons engage in combat (The above procedure is used only
with other dragons, they always if one dragon doesn’t wish to grap-
Reproduction do so aloft if that’s possible. Their ple. If both creatures want to grap-
and Aging tactics depend on the number of ple, they simply fly together and
dragons involved, and the relative grab onto each other.)
Females lose the ability to lay eggs powers, strengths, and sizes of the Once dragons have grappled,
when they reach the great wyrm creatures. they’re unable to fly, and they im-
age category. (They can still enjoy If a dragon is fighting multiple mediately plummet toward the
mating, however, and many do.) enemies, or if it is significantly ground. Dragons, although they
Males become totally unable to smaller than its enemy, it always have a large expanse of wings even
mate at all when they reach the chooses some form of ranged com- when they’re not flapping them,
age of 1,200. bat: spells or breath weapon. If nei- reach terminal velocity quickly—
ther is possible, the combat tactic in fact, in just over three seconds
Unusual Combat of choice is grappling. (much less than a combat round).
Situations Grappling: To successfully For game purposes, it can be as-
grapple, the attacking dragon sumed that grappled dragons are
Dragon vs. Dragon must be able to catch its enemy (in immediately falling at terminal ve-
Many of the intricacies of airborne a three-dimensional environment, locity, which is about 125 feet per
combat are already discussed in this isn’t necessarily easy). The at- second, or 7,500 feet per combat
sufficient detail in the Dungeon tacker must then roll a successful round.

While grappled, dragons can at- when to release its foe. It decides to down to the
tack by bite or claw, and receive a cut it really close, and doesn’t re- ground. Either
+4 attack roll bonus to all such at- lease the blue until they’re only dragon can
tacks. They can also choose to use 750 feet above the ground. Both choose this op-
their breath weapons, but there’s a dragons roll 2d10, and both roll 5s. tion, whether
significant risk that they’ll suffer The attacking red continues its fall or not it was
damage themselves because of the for five seconds, during which the attacker. If
proximity to their target. A grap- time it drops another 625 feet. The its foe wants to
pled dragon using its breath red pulls out of its fall at a height of free itself from
weapon on its foe must roll a suc- 125 feet above the ground. (Close!) such a desper-
cessful saving throw vs. breath The blue isn’t so lucky. After the ate dragon, the only option is to kill
weapon or suffer one-quarter of red releases it, it falls for another it in midair. As soon as one dragon
the damage that the attack inflicts seven seconds (5 + 2), during dies, the other is immediately free
on the other dragon. (Since grap- which time it would fall 875 feet. from the grapple (the survivor still
pled dragons fall 7,500 feet per Since it doesn’t have that much al- falls for another 2d10 seconds, of
round, they’ve got to start at a titude to play with, it slams into course).
pretty good altitude if they want the ground and suffers 20d6 Pulling Out: When a dragon fi-
much of an opportunity to put the points of damage. nally gets itself under control after
above attacks into effect.) Things get slightly more compli- release from a grappling attack,
The real purpose of a grappling cated when both combatants are it’s not simply hovering. The
attack is to cause an opponent to willing to grapple. All the way dragon has, in fact, pulled out from
slam into the ground at terminal down, neither one of the dragons an uncontrolled fall into a high-
velocity (which would inflict 20d6 knows whether it has the initiative speed screaming power-glide. It’s
points of damage; see the later sec- or not when it wants to let go. The currently traveling in a straight
tion on “Falling Damage”). The procedure is as follows: One line at twice its normal maximum
trick is for the attacking dragon— dragon or the other will decide to speed. (The dragon can choose the
the one that initiated the grapple— let go first. (If they both decide to direction in which it pulls out.) It
to wait until both dragons are do so simultaneously, the dragons must decrease its speed by 10 per
about to hit the ground, then sud- separate immediately. Both fall for round, until it reaches its normal
denly release its foe and stop its 2d10 seconds; neither suffers the maximum speed. During this per-
own fall. If the attacker cuts it close two second penalty.) The DM rolls iod (probably three rounds), the
enough, its foe won’t be able to 1d6. On a result of 1-3, the dragon dragon’s maneuverability class is
stop itself before it hits the ground. does have initiative, and its foe suf- two steps worse than normal (MC
The dragon that initiated the fers the two-second penalty. On a E), and its allowable rate of climb is
grapple can decide at what altitude result of 4-6, however, the dragon half normal (pulling up too hard
it wants to release its foe. When it wanting to release finds that the will tear the dragon’s wings out at
does so, both dragons continue to other dragon is still hanging on. the roots).
fall for a period of time before they This procedure is repeated until The difficulties of pulling out be-
are back in complete control. The either the dragon wishing to re- come significant in tight spaces—
attacker falls for 2d10 seconds; its lease gains the initiative, both say, in a valley between mountain
foe falls for 2d10 + 2 seconds (this dragons decide simultaneously to peaks. While a dragon might have
reflects the reaction time the let go, or both dragons slam into extricated itself from a grappling
dragon needs to realize it’s free and the ground. attack, it might have too much
to do something about it). Remem- There’s yet another twist to the speed and not enough time to do
ber that a falling dragon plummets tactic of grappling. If, on the way anything with it before it slams
125 feet per second. down, one dragon is so badly into the side of a mountain. A
Here’s an example: A red dragon wounded that it wouldn’t be able dragon that power-glides into an
grapples an unwilling blue, and to save itself from crashing any- obstacle suffers 10d6 points of
both plummet, biting and scratch- way (see the section “Maintaining damage.
ing, toward the ground. The red Airworthiness”), it can choose to
was the attacker, so it decides hang on and ride its foe all the way

Falling tainly do its best to escape. Few fire-breathing dragon will allocate
Damage: dragons denied the freedom of its breath weapon so as to cause
Dragons are flight will have any stomach for the most effect. Three hit points
much heavier continued combat. worth of fire damage is about
than humans, If a dragon is denied escape for equivalent to a single torch, so a
and thus hit some reason, or if it’s so fanatical powerful dragon can set off quite a
the ground about destroying its enemy that it fire-storm without totally exhaust-
considerably wishes to fight on, normal dragon ing its breath weapon.
harder . . . combat rules and routines come If it has the opportunity—in
sometimes. Be- into play. other words, if it’s not prevented
cause they have wings—which, from doing so by organized
even if unusable for flight, make Attacking Settlements defenders—an intelligent dragon
great brakes—their terminal ve- will set fires in a cross-shaped pat-
locity is lower than that for a Particularly during Dragonflight,
tern over the town. This is the best
human-sized figure. Dragons, dragons have been known to at-
way of starting a true fire-storm,
therefore, suffer 2d6 points of tack villages, towns, and even cita-
and of causing uncontrolled panic
damage for every 10 feet fallen (not dels. The tactics used in such an
among the civilians.
1d6 as for man-sized creatures), to assault will vary depending on the
As the panic is building to its
a maximum of 20d6. Any creature dragons’ goals, of course, but most
peak, the dragon will focus its re-
hit by a falling dragon suffers a such attacks start with neutraliz-
maining magic or breath weapon
similar amount of damage (suc- ing any organized resistance.
on obvious concentrations of de-
cessful saving throw vs. staves for The most powerful weapon that
fenders. If it can shatter the de-
half damage). dragons can use against the inhab-
fenders’ organization and scatter
Maintaining Airworthiness: itants of a settlement is panic. If
them, its eventual victory will be
The Dungeon Master’s Guide the appearance of a dragon over-
much more certain.
states on page 78 that any winged head can get the defenders to flee
How a dragon proceeds from
creature that loses more than 50% the settlement or lock themselves
here really depends on its ultimate
of its hit points cannot sustain it- away inside their homes, all the
purpose. If its goal is simply death
self in the air and must land as better. It’s much more likely,
and destruction—as seems to be
soon as possible. The creature can though, that the defenders will be
the case during Dragonflight—the
glide safely to the ground, but it too well-disciplined for this. If the
creature might simply land in the
can’t gain altitude or fly faster dragon can panic the civilians,
streets, killing anyone it finds and
than half its normal movement however. . . . The best-drilled fight-
using its sheer bulk to destroy
rate. (If it can’t find a safe place to ing force in the world would find it
put down, of course, it’s out of hard to be effective when the
To adjudicate dragons attacking
luck.) streets and thoroughfares are
buildings, the DM has two options.
For dragons, there’s an addi- mobbed with screaming, fleeing
One is to use the simplistic system
tional rule. Any dragon that loses people. For this reason, a dragon
described on page 76 of the
more than 80% of its hit points is will often circle over the town long
Dungeon Master’s Guide, using
incapable of gliding. It falls, totally enough to be noticed before it
the row for ram, but giving the
out of control, with the conse- starts its actual attack. (If the
structure a penalty to its saving
quences discussed under “Falling dragon can safely fly low enough
throw of 1 times the dragon’s age
Damage.” (Since the creature is al- for its fear aura to take effect, it will
category. (Thus, a hard stone gate
ready grievously wounded, a fall certainly do so to enhance the
house attacked by an old dragon
from any significant altitude will panic.)
would have a saving throw target
almost certainly kill it.) Civilians are also terrified by fire
of 5, but would suffer a -8 pen-
and magic. Fire-breathing dragons
alty to its die roll.) Alterna-
Ground Combat or those that can cast fire-based
tively, the DM could use the
spells often use their abilities to ig- BATTLESYSTEM™ rules in the
Once a dragon is rendered incapa- nite the roofs of the town, which
Castles guide book.
ble of flying, it will almost cer- are probably wood or thatch. A

Prisoners beforehand on a sensible battle wanting to re-
plan. A good division of labor duce a well-
Whether or not dragons take pris- might be to have half the airborne defended
oners depends entirely on their ul- force lay fires, while the others citadel had bet-
timate purpose. Dragons in concentrate on using their magic ter come up
Dragonflight certainly wouldn’t or breath weapons to pick off knots with a different
bother, but at other times they of defenders (particularly those idea.)
might consider capturing a few un- who can use magic). The actual Less intelli-
fortunates to ransom, torture for battle plan will depend on the gent dragons—
information, or eat. goals of the attack and the nature specifically,
Dragons can capture a prisoner of the target. (Three reds who want blacks and whites—rarely cooper-
using a snatch attack. A successful to raze a farming village might as ate. When they do, it’s a very
attack means that the dragon has well just land in the streets and go poorly organized effort.
grasped the victim in a claw. (As on a rampage. The same reds
described in the Monstrous Com-
pendium, there’s a 50% chance
that the snatched creature has its
arms pinned.) Although a dragon
can automatically inflict claw
damage on a snatched victim each
round, a dragon interested in tak-
ing prisoners can waive this at-
tack. If the creature decides to
transfer a prisoner to its mouth,
the normal rules apply, but
again—once the victim is success-
fully grasped—the dragon can
waive the automatic bite damage.

Again, depending on their ulti-
mate goals, dragons might cooper-
ate on a town attack. Chaotic
dragons are much less likely to do
so than their Lawful relatives, but
even a selfish red will realize that
his chances for success and sur-
vival are greater if he has several
accomplices when he attacks a cit-
Intelligent dragons will decide

Dragons are Description particularly those who share his
as interested in world-view. He’s enjoyed many
keeping track Aurus—as he calls himself—is a
friendships in many lands, some-
of unique per- rogue gold dragon. Before he had
times staying in one place long
sonalities as reached the age of 500, he’d be- enough to share an entire human
are humans. come cynical about the activities lifetime with a particularly close
The reasons of his elders and contemporaries. friend. No matter how close the
differ from spe- They’d been fighting the forces of friendship, Aurus has never
cies to species: evil for millennia, sometimes at
openly admitted his true nature.
reds want to the cost of their own lives, and de-
He maintains the identity of a
know about potential rivals, golds finitely at the expense of their en-
powerful and highly mysterious
want to revere mighty defenders of joyment of the world. But evil was
Law and Good, while brasses sim- still as prevalent and as powerful For the last decade or so, Aurus
ply enjoy a good tidbit of gossip. as ever. He turned away from the
has changed his behavior. He’s set-
Following are some of the most rest of dragonkind. His kin predict-
tled down in Arabel, and he has
famous (or notorious) examples of ably proscribed him, but Aurus started a trading post in which he’s
dragonkind. All of these dragons couldn’t have cared less. The soci-
a silent partner. No one knows ex-
have the ability to communicate ety and friendship of gold dragons
actly what his purposes are, and
with any intelligent creature. held no more interest for him.
nobody who’s ever met Aurus
Aurus had always cherished his
would have the gall to ask him.
strong sense of curiosity. Now he
Aurus Aurus’s appearance varies, of
had a chance to indulge it. He trav-
course, but he usually chooses the
Race: Gold eled the length and breadth of guise of a tall, slim man with a bald
Age Category: Great Wyrm Faerun—usually polymorphed
head, aquiline nose, and piercing
Alignment: Neutral into human or demihuman form, eyes. His force of personality is un-
Armor Class: -12 since he didn’t particularly want
believably strong. Acquaintances
Movement: 12, Fl 40 (C), Jp 3, Sw to rub his one-time kin’s noses in
have been quoted as equating a
12 (15) the fact that he still existed. In the
conversation with Aurus as “like
Hit Dice: 24 eight centuries since his proscrip-
trying to chat with a volcano that
Hit Points: 120 tion, Aurus has spent some time in
you aren’t quite sure is dormant.”
THACO: 5 virtually every part of the Realms,
No. of Attacks: 3 + special from the Moonshae Isles to the
Damage/Attack: 1d10/1d10/6d6 lands of distant Kara-Tur.
Breath Weapon: 24d12+12 Over the centuries, Aurus has
Magic Resistance: 70% confirmed his conclusion that his
Size: 155’ (body), 140’ (tail) kin were wrong in their world-
XP Value: 20,000 view. He has become a true neu-
tral, believing that the Grand
Spells Normally Memorized: Scheme of Justice as promulgated
phantasmal force, read magic, by His Resplendence is simply a
blindness, flaming sphere, fireball, load of collops. It is the Cosmic Bal-
lightning bolt, fire charm, fire trap, ance that makes the world go
teleport, wall of stone, chain light- around—the eternal knife-edge
ning, death spell, delayed blast balance between Good and Evil,
fireball,statue, incendiary cloud, Chaos and Law—and it is his re-
cure light wounds, invisibility to sponsibility to do a small part in
animals, find traps, silence (15’ r.), maintaining that balance.
feign death, speak with dead, ab- When it comes to other dragons,
jure, plant door Aurus is definitely a loner. He has
come to enjoy the company of hu-
mans and demihumans, however,

Nobody knows where Aurus’s matter how ludicrous it may ap- peared on Toril
lair is. No doubt it’s well-hidden pear on the surface—and he is (or any other
and well-protected. Also, there’s known for his ability to pull valu- planet).
little doubt that he’s moved it since able wisdom from even the most Sages con-
his break with the gold dragons. trite statements or writings. His tinue to debate
dignity and the sense of power that the true nature
His Resplendence Lareth, surrounds him makes it impos- of Bahamut. Is
King of Justice sible to forget that Lareth has lived he the arche-
for almost 2,000 years, and is con- type of all good
Race: Gold ceivably the most powerful crea- dragonkind,
Age Category: Great Wyrm ture on the planet. the ideal of which all other dragons
Alignment: Lawful Good Lareth almost always retains his are merely shadows? Is he an ava-
Armor Class: -12 true form. Only on the few occa- tar of a greater deity? Or is he a
Movement: 12, Fl 40 (C), Jp 3, Sw sions when he wanders the world fluke of nature, a powerful, mortal
12 (15) does he don the guise of another creature who is worshiped by
Hit Dice: 24 creature—usually a venerable elf other mortals?
Hit Points: 145 mage. Whatever the truth of the mat-
THAC0: 5 Nobody knows exactly where ter, Bahamut is doubtless a power-
No. of Attacks: 3 + special Lareth’s lair is, although conflict- ful being. His physical attack
Damage/Attack: 1d10/1d10/6d6 ing rumors are rife. modes are normal for a dragon of
Breath Weapon: 24d12+12 the Realms. When it comes to his
Magic Resistance: 70% Bahamut breath weapon, however, he has
Size: 160’ (body), 142’ (tail) several choices. He can exhale a
XP Value: 20,000 Race: Platinum (unique) cone of cold 80 feet long, which is
Age Category: Great Wyrm five feet wide at his mouth and ex-
Spells Normally Memorized: Alignment: Lawful Good panding to a width of 40 feet at the
cantrip, protection from evil, de- Armor Class: -15 far end. His use of this follows the
tect evil, know alignment, clairau- Movement: 12, Fl 40 (C), Jp 3, Sw same rules as any Realms dragon
dience, clairvoyance, detect 12 (15) (i.e., he can use it as many times
scrying, wall of fire, Leomund’s se- Hit Dice: 30 per day as he wishes, so long as he
cret chest, magic jar, control Hit Points: 175 doesn’t exceed his total allowable
weather, geas, power word, stun, THAC0: 5 damage).
prismatic spray polymorph any No. of Attacks: 3 + special In addition, he has two other
object, bless, cure light wounds, Damage/Attack: 2d6/2d6/6d8 breath weapons, each of which he
augury, heat metal, call lightning, Breath Weapon: 30d12+14 can use four times per day. The first
stone shape, cure serious wounds, Magic Resistance: 85% is a cloud of vapor, 50 feet long and
reflecting pool Size: 180’ (body), 180’ (tail) 40 feet wide, which causes crea-
XP Value: 28,000 tures that fail their saving throws
Description against breath weapons to lose
Spells Normally Memorized: their substance and assume gas-
Lareth is recognized by the others special eous form for 12 turns. The second
of his race as the most powerful is a roar so powerful that it acts as a
gold dragon on Toril. Despite the ti- Description disintegrate spell, literally shaking
tle “King of Justice,” Lareth only objects and creatures apart. Crea-
rarely must truly rule or dispense Bahamut the Platinum Dragon
has been described both as the tures that roll successful saving
justice. Most of the time he acts as throws against this attack are per-
an elder advisor for any other gold King of all Good Dragons, and as a
deity in his own right. Certainly, he manently deafened, and any crea-
that wishes his advice. ture within 100 yards of Bahamut
Lareth is a quiet, calm soul with is a unique creature who—if leg-
ends tell a—right—has existed from when he roars must roll a success-
a thoughtful manner. He will con- ful saving throw vs. staves or be
sider whatever is said to him—no the first day that dragons ap-
deafened for 3d4 turns.

Bahamut is dwells in a great fortified palace Spells Normally Memorized:
highly magi- “behind the east wind.” Some special
cal. He can use sages interpret this as being some-
any wizard or where on the elemental plane of Description
priest spells, Air, while others believe that the
two per day of platinum dragon dwells some- Tiamat the Chromatic Dragon is
each level. In where on the Prime Material plane. similar in nature to Bahamut; no-
addition, he body knows for sure whether she
can shape- is a natural creature, the Queen of
Tiamat Evil Dragons, a demon, or a deity
change at will.
According to legend, Bahamut Race: Chromatic (unique) of some kind. She, too, is reputed
spends fully half his time wander- Age Category: Great Wyrm to have been in existence from the
ing the world of Toril, usually in Alignment: Lawful Evil first moment that dragonkind em-
the guise of a harmless old man. Armor Class: -15 erged upon Toril.
On these trips, he is usually ac- Movement: 4, Fl 40 (D) Tiamat is horrible in appear-
companied by seven gold great Hit Dice: 30 ance: a fat, bloated body supported
wyrms of maximum power and hit Hit Points: 120 on stubby—almost useless—legs.
points, also disguised in some way. THAC0: 5 She has five heads, each identical
(Nobody knows where these drag- No. of Attacks: Special in color and appearance to that of
ons come from. Some sages specu- Damage/Attack: Special one of the five species of evil
late that they are the spirits of dead Breath Weapon: Special dragons—black, blue, green, red,
Kings of Justice, returned to the Magic Resistance: 85% and white. She also has a long, ser-
Prime Material plane by Bahamut Size: 185’ (body), 200’ (tail) pentine tail tipped with a sting that
to serve him.) XP Value: 40,000 drips with black venom. Her wings
Myths claim that Bahamut are huge, able to carry her with in-

credible speed and maneuverabil- Each head can withstand 16 900 years or so,
ity for a creature of her size. On the points of damage before it “dies” he has dedi-
ground, however, her small legs and becomes useless. These hit cated himself
make her clumsy and slow. points do not count against almost exclu-
Tiamat is a deadly opponent. Al- Tiamat’s total; only hits against sively to the
though her sheer size prevents her body do so. If all of Tiamat’s study of magic.
claw and kick attacks while on the heads are killed, or if she is re- He still collects
ground, she can use two claw at- duced to 0 hit points, she immedi- treasure, cer-
tacks while flying. These attacks ately plane shifts to her lair on one tainly, but he
inflict 1d10 points of damage each. of the planes of Hell (or, if she is de- usually uses
She can also use all other draconic feated while in Hell, she is de- his wealth to purchase new and in-
attack modes, such as snatch (fly- stroyed). Her heads and body teresting magical items, tomes,
ing only), wing buffet, and tail regenerate fully in 24 hours. and spell materials. His lair—
slap. In addition, she can use her Tiamat is able to travel astrally reputed to be somewhere in the
tail sting (but not in the same or ethereally at will. Desertsmouth Mountains—is pro-
round that she slaps with the tail). The Chromatic Dragon’s pur- tected by magical wards and con-
The tail is sinuous enough that she poses are unknown. She has been jured creatures of almost limitless
can attack enemies directly in known to visit Toril, but such visits power (including an iron golem, or
front of her and to the sides, as well are—thankfully-very rare. She so legend tells).
as behind. The sting inflicts 1d6 has an insatiable greed for trea- The power of Nexus himself has
points of damage, and the victim sure, but prefers that creatures been described as “almost god-
must roll a successful saving bring it to her in the form of gifts. like.” Each day he can cast three
throw vs. poison—with a -3 wizard spells of each level from 1st
penalty—or die agonizingly in one Nexus to 9th and two priest spells of each
round. level from 1st to 7th. He can select
The Chromatic Dragon’s five Race: Gold each spell at the time of casting
heads can operate entirely inde- Age Category: Great Wyrm from the spell list of the appropri-
pendently of each other. During Alignment: Lawful Good ate level, including any unique
any round, each can perform any Armor Class: -12 spells discussed in Chapter 7. (Af-
one of the following actions: Movement: 12, Fl 40 (C), Jp 3, Sw ter all, Nexus was the originator of
Bite: Each head inflicts damage 12 (15) many of these exclusively dra-
as though it were a great wyrm of Hit Dice: 24 conic spells.) This awesome ability
the appropriate color. Hit Points: 112 to select his spells at casting time
Breath Weapon: Each head has THAC0: 5 was granted him by the goddess
a breath weapon equivalent to that No. of Attacks: 3 + special Kereska Wonderbringer for his ef-
of the great wyrm of the appropri- Damage/Attack: 1d10/1d10/6d6 forts in advancing the magical
ate color. Breath Weapon: 24d12+12 ability of dragonkind.
Spell: Each head can cast any Magic Resistance: 70% Nexus is a font of magical wis-
two wizard spells per day. The Size: 130’ (body), 115’ (tail) dom. For a price, he will identify
spell levels available vary from XP Value: 25,000 any magical item brought to him,
head to head, as shown on the fol- cast any spell, or teach individuals
lowing chart: Spells Normally Memorized: any spell they are capable of learn-
special ing. His price is always very high,
Color Spell Level however: a magical item of great
White 1st Description power, or a large number of lesser
Black 1st-2nd Among gold dragons, Nexus is one items. He always requires pay-
Green 1st-3rd of the most famous personalities, ment in advance, and his magical
Blue 1st-4th second only to His Resplendence abilities make it very unlikely that
Red 1st-5th Lareth himself. Nexus is around anyone could dupe him. (If DMs
1,400 years old, and for the past don’t want their players to have
access to Nexus—who can provide

an excellent personality to build up a cult of Her lair is presumably some-
way of deplet- orcs that worship her as a goddess. where in the High Moor region, but
ing parties’ Flashburn is exceptionally intel- nobody knows exactly where. It is
supplies of ligent for a red, and she has a very probably guarded by fanatical orcs
magic items in good sense of what people want to as well as whatever unpleasant
exchange for hear. She is exceptionally persua- surprises Flashburn has managed
information— sive, normally very soft-spoken to cook up on her own.
they need sim- and reasonable. This is just a fa-
ply make it cade, however. Underneath she’s a Lux
impossible for typical red dragon: vicious, selfish,
the PCs to find his lair.) and very direct. Much as she tries Race: Red
Nexus is totally uninterested in to control it, she has a very short Age Category: Mature Adult
the world outside, except when it temper, and is given to furious Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
relates to magic. He is brusque rages. (Good tendencies)
with people who waste his time, Her orc worshipers—who now Armor Class: -6
but enjoys long, rambling discus- number nearly 300—follow her de- Movement: 9, Fl 30 (C), Jp 3
sions with people intelligent and votedly. They’ve seen her power Hit Dice: 16
knowledgeable enough to be wor- and realize that they’re much bet- Hit Points: 82
thy of his attention. (Such para- ter off with her around than they THAC0: 5
gons are, of course, very few and would be without her—even if she No. of Attacks: 3 + special
far between.) does occasionally toast a handful Damage/Attack: 1d10/1d10/
of them in a fit of pique. (Also, of 3d10
Flashburn course, they’re entirely too terri- Breath Weapon: 14d10+7
fied to do anything to cross her.) Magic Resistance: 40%
Race: Red Flashburn is a good leader; she Size: 100’ (body), 92’ (tail)
Age Category: Venerable has a natural talent for strategy XP Value: 12,000
Alignment: Chaotic Evil and tactics. She’s turned a motley
Armor Class: -9 crew of orcs into a well-trained and Spells Normally Memorized:
Movement: 9, Fl 30 (C), Jp 3 almost disciplined fighting force. magic missile, wall of fog, fog
Hit Dice: 19 Nobody knows exactly what cloud, improved phantasmal force
Hit Points: 88 Flashburn’s goals are, but they
THAC0: 5 certainly don’t bode well for any- Description
No. of Attacks: 3 + special one who lives near her territory.
Damage/Attack: 1d10/1d10/ Lux is the name taken by a rogue
3d10 red dragon (his real name is
Breath Weapon: 2d10+10 Torch). He was always a small
Magic Resistance: 55% dragon, more given to the world of
Size: 160’ (body), 150’ (tail) ideas than his contemporaries. He
XP Value: 18,000 had sometimes questioned what
gave him and his kin the right to
Spells Normally Memorized: enforce their will over everyone
magic missile (x2), blindness, im- and everything around them, but
proved phantasmal force, light- had given up that line of thought
ning bolt (x2), ice storm, as basically useless. The world
protection from good was as it was, and thinking wasn’t
going to change things.
Description Lux suffered his crisis of faith
some two centuries ago. He and a
Flashburn dwells in the High Moor younger dragon were attacking an
region. She has used her power adventuring party that had shown
and her surprisingly charismatic the temerity to climb a mountain

peak near Lux’s lair. The party was He turned his back on his old ways ants that live in
much stronger than the dragons and moved his hoard to a lair in the the region.
had anticipated. Lux’s companion Spine of the World range. They have a
was killed, and Lux himself was so Since then, Lux has been an ob- mutual de-
badly wounded that he couldn’t server rather than a participant in fense pact, but
fly. They’d left their mark on the the ongoing struggle between this has actu-
adventurers, however: only one— good and evil. If something should ally extended
a mighty warrior—was still alive, happen to force him to choose one into respect
and he was in a bad way. Lux over the other, he would select and friendship.
searched for him, thirsting for re- good. But he has worked hard to Tamarand’s
venge. make sure that he’s never yet been main claim to fame is that the odds
He found the man in a box can- put in that position. are good that he will become King
yon, looking for a way out. When of Justice when Lareth steps
the man heard the dragon ap- Tamarand down. He is a wise creature,
proaching, he turned. Human and knowledgeable in the ways of hu-
dragon regarded each other Race: Gold mans and demihumans. Like
through hate-slitted eyes. Both Age Category: Great Wyrm Lareth, he weighs every decision
were almost unconscious from Alignment: Neutral before he makes it; unlike Lareth,
pain and blood loss; their muscles Armor Class: -12 he can quickly be decisive when
quivered with exhaustion. But Movement: 12, Fl 40 (C), Jp 3, Sw circumstances warrant. Although
they faced each other, ready to end 12 (15) still dignified in demeanor, Ta-
the other’s life, even if it cost his Hit Dice: 24 marand is relatively friendly and
own. Hit Points: 110 open (not around his lair, how-
And that was when Lux looked THAC0: 5 ever).
for the first time into the eyes of No. of Attacks: 3 + special
the human warrior. Realization hit Damage/Attack: 1d10/1d10/6d6
Breath Weapon: 24d12+12
him with a staggering impact. He
recognized the look in those eyes, Magic Resistance: 70% Race: Bronze
the thoughts that were running Size: 151’ (body), 138’ (tail) Age Category: Mature Adult
through the brain behind them. XP Value: 20,000 Alignment: Neutral (Chaotic ten-
“You killed my friend,” the dencies)
thoughts went, “and now you Spells Normally Memorized: Armor Class: -5
wish to kill me. If die I must, then phantasmal force (x2), blindness, Movement: 9, Fl 30 (C), Sw 12
with my last breath I will spit on flaming sphere, lightning bolt (x2), Hit Dice: 17
your corpse.” The same thoughts fire charm, fire trap, teleport, wall Hit Points: 73
were running through Lux’s mind. of stone, chain lightning, death THAC0: 5
All his old questions came back spell, delayed blast fireball (x2), in- No. of Attacks: 3 + special
to him. What gave him the right, cendiary cloud, cure light wounds, Damage/Attack: 1d8/1d8/4d6
he asked himself, to take the life of invisibility to animals, find traps, Breath Weapon: 14d8+7
this man? Was this man, then, en- silence (15’ r.), feign death, speak Magic Resistance: 30%
titled by that same right to take with dead, abjure, plant door Size: 65’ (body), 57’ (tail)
Lux’s life? Leaving the warrior to XP Value: 11,000
slump in amazement over the hilt Description
of his broadsword, Lux turned and Spells Normally Memorized:
Tamarand is a gold dragon Lord in unseen servant, wall of fog, invisi-
made his painful way home to his the service of His Resplendence
lair, where he spent many weeks in bility misdirection
Lareth, King of Justice. His lair is a
deep thought. huge cave complex beneath the
Eventually he came to an un- Description
highest peaks near Bloodstone
shakable conclusion. Every senti- Pass. Tamarand is on excellent Purely and simply, Pelath the
ent creature has a right to survive terms with a large clan of storm gi- bronze was always a selfish crea-
and to live its own life, he decided.

ture. From Pelath limits his involvement with Justicemaker. In return for this
birth, he the pirates to retrieving treasure dedication, and for sterling service
chafed under from ships that were accidentally in the cause of Lawful Good,
the discipline sunk through the overzealous Xymor has granted Havarlan a
of his elders actions of the pirate crews. He has number of additional powers that
and his peers. never actively helped them with normally are the province of hu-
He found their actual raids, nor will he. man paladins. (In fact, Havarlan
dedication to In the guise of the hermit-mage, and a handful of other Talons are
the preserva- Pelath is a sharp-tongued, cranky the closest thing that dragonkind
tion of law and personality. If he’s approached has to paladins.)
good entirely too much trouble. while he’s swimming and enjoying Havarlan can detect the pres-
The only times he was really himself, he can be quite open and ence of evil intent up to 60 feet
happy as a hatchling were when friendly with people or creatures away by concentrating on locating
he was swimming the depths of who enjoy the same pursuits. evil in a particular direction. She
the Sea of Swords by himself. As receives a +2 bonus to all saving
soon as he figured that he was old Havarlan throws. She is immune to all forms
and powerful enough to survive on of disease. She is surrounded by an
his own, he turned his back on his Race: Silver aura of protection from evil with a
family, his community, and his Age Category: Wyrm radius of ten feet, and she can turn
species. He looked for a place Alignment: Lawful Good undead, devils, and demons as a
where he could live the life he Armor Class: -10 7th-level priest. In return for these
wanted. Movement: 9, Fl 30 (C), Jp 3 powers, Havarlan has sworn an
He eventually found it: a tiny is- Hit Dice: 22 oath to donate fully one-half of all
land some ten leagues from the Hit Points: 103 treasure she ever receives to a fund
westernmost Pirate Isles. His lair is THAC0: 5 from which the Talons can draw at
a large cave in the island’s central No. of Attacks: 3 + special need.
hill, its entrance concealed and Damage/Attack: 1d8/1d8/5d6 Havarlan is a dedicated, almost
trapped to prevent unwanted in- Breath Weapon: 22d10+11 fanatical, opponent of evil. The
trusion. Pelath spends most of his Magic Resistance: 55% depth of her dedication and the
days swimming with the dolphins Size: 130’ (body), 55’ (tail) force of her will give her an effec-
of the Sea of Swords. His hoard XP Value: 19,000 tive Charisma of 18 when talking
isn’t large for a dragon of his age, to humans and demihumans who
but he cares little for status and Spells Normally Memorized: de- share her Lawful Good alignment.
considers the entire Sea of Swords tect undead, sleep, locate object, She often travels the world in the
with all its multitudes of ship- web, lightning bolt (x2), confusion, guise of a female warrior with
wrecks to be his personal treasure Evard’s black tentacles, shoulder-length silver-blonde hair.
vault. feeblemind, teleport, mass sugges-
When he’s not swimming, he tion, cure light wounds, pass with-
maintains human form, pretend- out trace, detect charm, know
ing to be a wizard who has chosen alignment, call lightning, cure dis-
the life of a hermit. As such, he can ease, imbue with spell ability
chase away intruders without ad-
vertising his true nature. Description
Pelath—in the guise of the Havarlan is the leader (the “Barb”)
hermit- mage—has some dealings of the Talons of Justice, a group of
with the pirates who ply this part silver dragons who have sworn an
of the ocean. In return for gifts of oath to follow the Ptarian Code of
money and gems, he “summons” Honor. In her position as Barb,
his “dragon familiar,” who helps Havarlan has dedicated herself—
the pirates with salvage operations “life and breath”—to Xymor, the
(for a share of the take, of course).

Unless other- pale-skinned caucasoid do not pro- Armor Class
wise specified, duce striped or spotted children.
the new Other sages, of course, consider The crossbreed will follow the
dragon species this explanation a load of collops.) same armor class progression as
described in In size, the offspring will fall in a one of its parents, randomly se-
this chapter all range between the sizes of the two lected.
share the in- parents. To calculate the size of a
nate properties chromatic cross, take the upper Hit Dice and THAC0
discussed in and lower size limits for the par-
The offspring will have a base
the introduc- ents at the appropriate age range,
number of hit dice equal to the av-
tory section on dragons from the and determine the difference. erage of the parents’ hit dice. Con-
Monstrous Compendium. These Then roll d100 and consult the fol- tinuing with the example of the
properties include age progres- lowing table:
pink dragon: Reds have 13 hit dice
sion, attack modes, fear aura, base; whites have 11 hit dice base.
senses, flight, etc. Roll Size
The average is 12, thus the pink
01-25 Parent A - 10% of differ- will have 12 hit dice.
Crosses Between ence
When averaging hit dice, round to
26-35 Parent A - 25% of differ-
Chromatics ence
the nearest half of a hit die. Half a hit
die corresponds to 3 additional hit
As mentioned in an earlier chap- 36-65 Parent A - 50% of differ-
points. Take a cross between a red
ter, chromatic dragons can inter- ence
and a blue (a purple dragon). Reds
breed. In the vast majority of 66-75 Parent A - 75% of differ-
have 13 hit dice base, ‘while blues
cases, however, the offspring are ence
have 14 hit dice base. The average is
infertile (“mules”). The nature and 76-00 Parent A - 90% of differ-
13x hit dice, or 13 hit dice plus 3 hit
characteristics of the offspring are ence
points. All modifications for age are
variable. In two cases of whites based on this result. Thus, a very
breeding with blacks (for exam- Parent A is the larger of the two old purple (+5 hit dice modifier) will
ple), the offspring might show parents. have 18 hit dice plus 3 additional hit
quite different characteristics. Here’s an example: a juvenile
points, or a hit point range of 21 to
Here are some guidelines for pink dragon (a red crossed with a
DMs who would like to create their white). At juvenile age, a red’s Similarly, a chromatic cross will
own chromatic crosses. body size is 42-61 feet, while a have a base THAC0 equal to the
white’s body size is 23-32 feet. The
average of its parents’ THAC0s.
Appearance difference in the upper range is 29
Round all fractions up.
feet (61-32); the difference in the
The color of a chromatic cross lower range is 19 feet (42-23). The
will be a blend of the two parents’ DM rolls percentile dice, with a re- Damage
colors. For example, a red crossed sult of 23. This means that the up- The damage caused by a cross-
with a white will yield pinks, while per range for the pink dragon’s breed’s claws and by its bite are de-
a white crossed with a black with body size is 61 feet minus 10% of termined separately. For each kind
yield grays. The saturation and in- 29. Rounding all fractions to the of attack, roll 1d6. On a result of 1-
tensity of the color will vary wildly, nearest integer, this yields 58 feet. 3, the damage caused by the at-
even within a single clutch of off- The lower range for the pink’s tack is the same as for parent A; on
spring. (There have been stories body is 42 minus 10% of 19, or 40 4-6, the damage caused is the
about spotted or striated dragons, feet. Thus, the body of this pink same as for parent B.
but no reliable confirmation of dragon will range from 40 feet to
such sightings exists. Most sages 58 feet long. The same technique
agree that variegated dragons sim- Breath Weapon
can be used to calculate the length
ply can’t arise, pointing to human of the creature’s tail. The damage caused by a cross-
skin color as an analogy: a dark- breed’s breath weapon will always
skinned negroid crossed with a be the same as one of its parents

(random selection)—at the appro- abilities and its spellcasting skills Intelligence
priate age category, of course. by the appropriate parent. is, largely, an
(Thus the breath weapon of a very acquired char-
young red-blue cross will cause ei- Behavior acteristic as
ther 4d10+2 or 4d8+2 points of well. The cross-
damage, 50% chance of either.) In the case of crossbreeds, be- breed will dis-
The nature of the breath weapon is havior is an acquired, not an in- play the same
another matter. The crossbreed nate, characteristic. It will pick up intelligence
can inherit the breath weapon the behavior patterns of whichever range as the
from one parent, or can possess a parent raises it. Typically the parent that
breath weapon that’s a combina- crossbreed will leave the parent raised it, with one complication. If
tion of the two breath weapons. To ten years before a member of the the other parent is more intelligent
determine this, roll d100 and con- parent’s species normally would. than the parent raising the cross-
sult the following table: Crossbreeds are typically breed, then the crossbreed’s intelli-
asocial-not antisocial, in the sense gence will fall at the upper end of the
Roll Breath Weapon that they shun other creatures; raising parent’s range. The con-
01-40 Same as parent A they simply don’t actively seek out verse is also true.
41-80 Same as parent B companionship. Crossbreeds vary As an example, take a pink
81-00 Combination widely in their attitude toward mat- dragon (a red-white cross) who is
It’s up to the DM to decide ex- ing. Some seem asexual, having no raised by the red parent. Reds are
actly what the combination interest in the activity at all—as exceptionally intelligent, with In-
weapon looks and acts like, but it though the fact of their sterility telligence scores of 15-16. The
should come as a complete shock made the whole process a waste of other parent, the white, is consid-
to the players. As an example, a time. Other individuals go to the erably less intelligent. Thus the
purple dragon might breathe a opposite extreme, devoting much crossbreed would have an Intelli-
cloud of flame that’s so highly of their time to the pursuit of mat- gence score of 15. If the crossbreed
charged with static electricity that ing opportunities. Most cross- had been raised by the white par-
mini lightning bolts are crackling breeds fall somewhere in the ent, however, it would have dis-
within it. Half of the damage middle, sharing the sexual drives of played an Intelligence score of 7
caused by the breath results from the parent who spent the most time (the upper end of white dragons’
the flame, and half from the elec- with them during their rearing. Intelligence range).
tricity. Thus a creature who is im-
mune to fire (for example) would
still take half damage from the
breath weapon (save for one-
quarter damage) as a result of the
electricity. A black-red cross, on
the other hand, might spit a corro-
sive liquid that bursts into flame
on contact and burns like napalm. Mercury Dragon -
page 66
Innate Abilities and
Crossbreed dragons will inherit
their spellcasting ability from one
parent and their innate abilities
from the other. As discussed in the
chapter on “Role-Playing Drag-
ons,” the crossbreed must be
taught how to access its innate


CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Temperate and In addition to their breath weapon and the attack modes
subtropical/Mountains shared by all dragons, they have an additional attack tech-
(preferably volcanic) nique. If the illumination in the area is moonlight or brighter
(and this includes spells like light), they can curve the
FREQUENCY: Very rare
mirror-bright membranes of their wings to reflect and con-
ORGANIZATION: Solitary or clan centrate the available light into a beam of dazzling bright-
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any ness. They can aim this beam at one enemy per round—at
DIET: Omnivore the expense of not being able to use their wing buffet that
INTELLIGENCE: High (13-14) round—and the enemy must roll a successful saving throw
vs. spell or be temporarily blinded for 1d4+1 rounds. If not
TREASURE: See below using this technique as a weapon, they can use the beam
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good much like a spotlight.

NO. APPEARING: 1 (2-5) Breath Weapon/Special Abilities: A mercury’s breath

weapon is a beam of brilliant, yellow-gold light. The beam is
ARMOR CLASS: -1 (base) five feet wide and extends in a straight line 60 feet from the
MOVEMENT: 15, Fl 36 (C), Jp 3 creature’s mouth. Any creature caught in the beam receives
HIT DICE: 11 (base) damage from heat (saving throw for half damage). The heat
THAC0: 9 (base) of the beam is intense enough to ignite flammable objects
NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 + special that fail their saving throws vs. magical fire.
A mercury dragon casts its spells and uses its magical abil-
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2d4/2d4/2d10 ities at 10th level, plus its combat modifier.
SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below At birth, mercury dragons are immune to fire and all magi-
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Variable cal forms of blindness. They also receive a +3 bonus to sav-
MAGIC RESISTANCE: See below ing throws against light-based attacks (such as light cast at
SIZE: H (25’ base) their eyes). As they age, they gain the following additional
MORALE: Fanatic (17 base)
XP VALUE: Variable Young gaze reflection at will
Juvenile mirror image three times per day
Mercury dragons are fast, highly-maneuverable creatures Adult polymorph self twice per day
with relatively small bodies and long tails. Although basi- Old telekinesis twice per day
cally good in alignment, they are very whimsical creatures, project image once per day
making decisions and changing them at the drop of a hat. Wyrm
Their behavior is almost impossible to predict. Habitat/Society: Mercury dragons are loners by nature.
At birth, a mercury dragon’s scales are dull silver. As it Having another creature around would put more constraints
ages, the scales become brighter and brighter, until at adult on their freedom of behavior than they’d feel comfortable
age they gain a brilliant mirror finish. Sunlight or other with. Their mating behavior is like that of brass dragons:
sources of light reflecting off the scales and wings of a mer- free-wheeling, fun-loving, and generally irresponsible. If the
cury dragon can be blinding. female becomes impregnated, however, the male’s protect-
Mercury dragons speak the tongue common to good drag- ive instincts take over. Mercuries are very protective of their
ons, but at such a high speed that there’s only a 75% chance offspring, and will—if necessary—give their lives to save
that any given statement is understood. them. Offspring usually stay with their parents until they
reach the juvenile age category, although some break away
Combat: Mercury dragons are as unpredictable when it much sooner.
comes to combat as they are in any other situation. Some- Because of their unpredictable, sometimes almost irratio-
times they parley before combat, other times they wade right nal nature, mercuries very rarely have close relationships
in, and yet other times they do whatever it takes to avoid with other creatures in the area. For this reason, mercuries
combat. They are good-aligned, however, and they never at- have to depend on magical and mechanical traps and guards
tack other good-aligned creatures unless sorely provoked. to protect their lairs when they’re away.
Mercuries always use their spells in combat if at all possi-
ble. They’re very creative, so even if they’ve memorized Ecology: Mercuries eat anything, but they prefer to feed on
nothing but Tenser’s floating disk, unseen servant, or some- metal ores. Although they have no venom attacks, the flesh
thing else not related to combat, they’ll figure out some inno- of mercury dragons is highly poisonous.
vative way of using it to their advantage.

Age Body Lgt.(’) Tail Lgt.(’) AC Breath Weapon Spells W/P MR Treas. XP Value
1 3-6 3-6 2 2d8+1 Nil Nil Nil 1,400
2 6-11 6-11 1 4d8+2 Nil Nil Nil 2,000
3 11-17 11-20 0 6d8+3 Nil Nil Nil 4,000
4 17-21 20-25 -1 8d8+4 1 10% ½H 7,000
5 21-24 26-30 -2 10d8+5 11 15% H 9,000
6 24-27 30-33 -3 12d8+6 211 20% H 10,000
7 27-30 33-36 -4 14d8+7 222 25% H 11,000
8 30-33 36-39 -5 16d8+8 3221 30% H, I 13,000
9 33-36 39-42 -6 18d8+9 3322 35% H, I 14,000
10 36-39 42-45 -7 20d8+10 33321 40% Hx2, I 15,000
11 39-41 45-48 -8 22d8+11 333221 50% Hx2, I, X 16,000
12 41-44 48-51 -9 24d8+12 3333221 70% Hx3, I, T, X 17,000

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Temperate/Mountains or
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Carnivore
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil

NO. APPEARING: 1 (1-4)

ARMOR CLASS: 2 (base)
MOVEMENT: 6, Fl 21 (D)
HIT DICE: 12 (base)
THAC0: 9 (base)
NO. OF ATTACKS: See below
SIZE: G (45’ base)
MORALE: Steady (11-12)
XP VALUE: Variable

Dracohydras are hideous, multiheaded winged

monsters that combine the worst features of
dragons and hydras. No one knows precisely what
their origin is. Some sages believe they’re ancient
off-shoots of the pre-dragons that have been dracohydra head has been reduced to 0 hit points,
hibernating for millions of years; others believe the head “dies” and becomes useless. As soon as all
they’re the next step in the evolution of dragons; heads are destroyed or the body is reduced to 0 hit
still others think that they’re the result of points, the dracohydra is dead.
tampering by supernatural beings—perhaps In combat, 80% of successful frontal attacks
deities, or perhaps Tiamat the Chromatic Dragon. against a dracohydra damage a head (random
Dracohydras have been reported with two to five selection); only 20% hit the body. For foes attacking
heads. Twenty-five percent of dracohydra have two from the side, the odds are reversed: 80% of hits
heads, 50% have three heads, 15% have four damage the body, while 20% hit a
heads, and 10% have five heads. randomly-selected head. Foes attacking from the
The creatures are a muddy brown color, ranging rear always inflict damage on the body.
to a lighter brown, almost cream, on their bellies.
Breath Weapon/Special Abilities: Dracohydras
Their eyes are red.
spit sprays of concentrated acid, similar to the
Dracohydras speak their own tongue, a
breath weapon of a black dragon. The acid stream is
derivative of the language of evil dragons.
three feet wide and extends 40 feet in a straight line
Dracohydras can understand about half of what
from the creature’s head. All creatures caught in
evil dragons say, and vice versa. Dracohydras know
no other languages. this stream must roll successful saving throws vs.
breath weapon for half damage.
Combat: Dracohydras share the same attack Each head is able to use its breath weapon
routines as standard dragons. Each round, each of independently, dividing the total allowable damage
the creature’s heads can either bite or use its breath between as many uses as the creature desires. This
weapon. Heads inflict 2d8 points of damage per means that a five-headed great wyrm is an
bite. The creature’s claw attack inflicts 1d8 points incredibly daunting foe, since each of its five heads
of damage per claw. can inflict 12d2 + 12 points of damage.
A dracohydra’s total hit points are divided as Dracohydras use their special abilities at 8th
follows: half are assigned to the body, and the other level, plus their combat modifier.
half are split evenly between the heads. (For Dracohydras are born with an innate immunity
example, say that a three-headed dracohydra has a to acid. As they age, they gain the following
total of 72 hit points. Its body has 36 hit points, additional powers:
while each of its heads has 12.) When a

Young adult wall of fog twice per day at the cost of their own lives. Should it look as
Adult darkness three times per day though continued defense might mean death, the
Old stinking cloud twice per day parents flee. Any encounter with more than one
Wyrm cloudkill once per day dracohydra is with a mated pair with one or two off-
spring of age category hatchling (60%) or very
Habitat/Society: Dracohydras are found in inac- young (40%).
cessible mountain areas far from civilization. They Dracohydras hate all other dracoforms. If they
prefer snow-covered peaks and mountains around think they can get away with it, they’ll attack other
which storms frequently play. dracoforms on sight. Dracohydras also have no love
Dracohydras are most like whites in their out- for humans, demihumans, and humanoids. They
look: rapacious, selfish, and ferocious. Their low in- sometimes enslave these smaller creatures, but the
telligence makes it difficult for them to plan or think period of servitude never lasts long before the dra-
in an abstract manner, so their behavior is always cohydra gets hungry and eats its slaves.
Dracohydras are ferocious hunters that often kill Ecology: Like other dragons, dracohydras can
other creatures even when they aren’t hungry, ap- consume almost anything, including nonliving ma-
parently for sport. The creatures are basically bul- terials like rocks and gems. (As the famed dragon-
lies. If faced by a strong foe that won’t back down, hunter Smerdiuk Dragonbane once put it, “If it’s
they often run away. Conversely, they enjoy playing not on fire, they’ll eat it. Hells, if it is on fire, they’ll
with a weaker foe before killing it. put it out then eat it.“) The creatures have a contin-
The creatures are by preference solitary, associat- uously voracious hunger, which they much prefer
ing with others of their kind only to mate. Offspring to satisfy with fresh meat.
remain with the parents only until they reach the The main enemies of dracohydras are
young age category. They then either head out on stormgiants, stone giants, and red dragons—who
their own or—rarely-challenge one of the parents consider the flesh of the creatures’ young to be a
for its hoard. Parents protect their offspring, but not delicacy.

Age Body Lgt.(’) Tail Lgt.(’) AC Breath Weapon Spells W/P MR Treas. XP Value
1 5-14 2-6 5 1d2+1 Nil Nil Nil 1,400
2 14-23 6-12 4 2d2+2 Nil Nil Nil 2,000
3 23-32 12-20 3 3d2+3 Nil Nil Nil 4,000
4 32-42 20-30 2 4d2+4 Nil Nil E 7,000
5 42-52 30-40 1 5d2+5 Nil 5% E, O, S 9,000
6 52-63 40-50 0 6d2+6 Nil 10% E, O, S 10,000
7 63-74 50-60 - 1 7d2+7 Nil 15% E, O, S 11,000
8 74-85 60-70 - 2 8d2+8 Nil 20% E, O, Sx2 13,000
9 85-96 70-80 - 3 9d2+9 Nil 20% E, O, Sx2 14,000
10 96-108 80-90 - 4 10d2+10 Nil 20% E, O, Sx2 15,000
11 108-120 90-100 - 5 11d2+11 Nil 20% E, O, Sx3 16,000
12 120-125 100-105 - 6 12d2+12 Nil 20% E, O, Sx3 17,000

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Temperate/Cities; rarely,

temperate/hills, barrens, or
forested hills
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Omnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Supra-genius (19-20)
ALIGNMENT: Lawful neutral (good)

ARMOR CLASS: -2 (base)
MOVEMENT: 12, Fl 30 (C)
HIT DICE: 12 (base)
THAC0: 9 (base)
NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 + special
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-10/1-10/3-30
SIZE: H (25’ base)
MORALE: Fearless (20 base)
XP VALUE: Variable

Steel dragons love the companionship of humans

and demihumans, thus explaining their preference
for cities. They are highly magical and intellectual.
Although considerably smaller than many of its exposed skin with lard or other grease, as this atten-
kin, the steel dragon shares the strength and ro- uates the effect of the gas (the penalty is now only -
bustness typical of other dragons. Its scales are a 2). The gas’s effectiveness is very short-
bright metallic grey reminiscent of brushed steel, lived—within two minutes of exposure to oxygen,
ranging to a darker hue—almost like blued the gas becomes inert.
gunmetal—on the creature’s underside and toward In preference to any physical attack, the dragon is
its tail. The membranes of its wings have the sheen likely to use magic. From birth, it can polymorph
of fine silk. self five times per day. Each change in form lasts
Steel dragons speak their own tongue, the tongue until the dragon chooses a different form; reverting
common to all non-evil dragons, and all commonly- to the dragon’s normal form does not count as a
used human and demihuman tongues. change. Steel dragons cast their spells and use their
There is almost certainly a close relationship be- magical abilities at 11th level, plus its combat mod-
tween the steel dragon and the Greyhawk dragon of ifier.
Oerth. As they age, they gain the following additional
Combat: At heart a peaceful creature, the steel Young detect lie three times a day
dragon avoids combat where it can. If conflict is in- Juvenile charm person three times a day
evitable, however, it fights with great intelligence Adult suggestion three times a day
and lethality, using a claw/claw/bite attack routine. Mature adult antipathy/sympathy twice a day
Old imbue with spell ability once a day
Breath Weapon/Special Abilities: Three times
per day the dragon can exhale a highly potent gas The steel dragon is immune to wizard spells of 1st
that has an effect similar to the feign death spell. through 4th level. Against all other magical effects,
Characters exposed to the gas must roll a success- it has a magic resistance of 75% (regardless of age).
ful saving throw vs. poison with a -4 penalty, or fall It can use all magical items permitted to the wizard
into a comatose state, virtually indistinguishable class.
from death, which lasts for 2d10 turns. The maxi-
mum amount it can exhale would fill a cube 30 feet Habitat/Society: Because of its love for and fas-
on a side; however, the dragon can carefully meter cination with humanity and demihumanity, the
the amount. The gas is quickly absorbed through steel dragon often lives polymorphed into human
the skin, which is just as effective as if breathed. form. Its favored habitat is a large city, where it fre-
Partial protection can be gained through coating all

quently owns a big house. Steel dragons are some- Steel dragons are very rare creatures. Even the
times the centers of artistic and intellectual largest city might have only one or two living (se-
gatherings—poetry readings, discussion groups, cretly) in its midst. Although they take stringent
etc. In their human identities, these artistically in- precautions to prevent their true nature from being
clined dragons are sometimes well-known among discovered, one steel dragon can recognize another
the intelligentsia and patrons of the arts. They keep on sight. Dragons in the same city are usually on
their true nature secret. good terms, visiting each other’s homes, and occa-
Most steel dragons, however, are less outgoing. sionally going on “hunting trips” together. Every
Although by no means antisocial or reclusive, they 12 years, a steel dragon seeks a mate. Ideally this
limit themselves to a small group of friends and ac- mate is from the same city, although steel dragons
quaintances. These confidants can come from all have been known to range far and wide searching
walks of life, but they are usually selected on the ba- for just the right companion. The couple retires to
sis of their access to interesting and hard-to-obtain the wilderness, where they raise a single offspring.
information. Steel dragons with this outlook often Once the youngster is old enough to fend success-
become clearinghouses or brokers of valuable infor- fully for itself—about 15 years—the parents return
mation and intelligence. to their separate lives, although they will usually re-
Food is usually the creature’s biggest problem: Al- main close; they are always ready to help the off-
though it might take the form of a man or woman, it spring if it gets itself into serious trouble. The
must eat enough to maintain its true bulk. Every two creatures rarely select the same mate twice.
weeks or so, it drops out of sight and travels to nearby
wilderness areas (where it might claim to own a hunt- Ecology: Steel dragons can be found—if they
ing lodge). Here it hunts, making up for its enforced wish to be found—in any large town or city. They
fast (at least, by dragon standards) in the city. Like are at the top of the food chain, with no natural ene-
other dragons, the steel variety is omnivorous, but it mies. In cities, they rarely work as artisans, prefer-
prefers fresh meat. It never eats domesticated herds, ring to act as collectors and disseminators of
preying instead on wild animals—particularly those information (like sages).
baneful to humankind.

Age Body Lgt.(’) Tail Lgt.(’) AC Breath Weapon Spells W/P MR Treas. XP Value
1 3-6 2-5 1 Special Nil 75% Nil 1,400
2 6-11 5-9 0 Special Nil 75% Nil 2,000
3 11-17 9-13 -1 Special Nil 75% Nil 4,000
4 17-21 13-18 -2 Special 1 75% ½H 7,000
5 21-24 18-20 -3 Special 21 75% H 9,000
6 24-27 20-23 -4 Special 221 75% H 10,000
7 27-30 23-26 -5 Special 322 75% H 11,000
8 30-33 26-29 -6 Special 3321 75% Hx2, I 13,000
9 33-36 29-32 -7 Special 3332 75% Hx2, I 14,000
10 36-39 32-35 -8 Special 33331 75% Hx3, I 15,000
11 39-41 35-38 -9 Special 333321 75% Hx3, I, X 16,000
12 41-44 38-41 -10 Special 3333221 75% Hx3, I, T, X 17,000

FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Omnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Very (11-12)
TREASURE: See below
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil

NO. APPEARING: 1 (1-4)

ARMOR CLASS: 0 (base)
MOVEMENT: 12, Fl 30 (C)
HIT DICE: 13 (base)
THAC0: 7 (base)
NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 + special
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1d8/1d8/2d8
SIZE: G (36’ base)
MORALE: Champion (15-16)
XP VALUE: Variable

Although the existence of yellow dragons has long

been predicted by sages (based on theories of pri-
mary colors), the first specimen was spotted only
five or so years ago. The creatures are solitary and
secretive, preferring to lay in wait for prey to stum- A yellow dragon casts its spells and uses its magi-
ble into carefully-prepared traps instead of hunting
cal abilities at 8th level, plus its combat modifier.
At birth, yellows have soft, tan-colored scales. As Breath Weapon/Special Abilities: A yellow
they grow older, the scales harden and become dragon’s breath weapon is a high-velocity blast of
lighter in color, eventually reaching the yellow-grey scorching air mixed with sand (imagine a super-
of desert sands. Their scales always have a dusty heated sandstorm). This affects an area 50 feet
texture to them, giving them a finish that doesn’t long, 40 feet wide, and 20 feet high. Creatures
reflect light well. Even their teeth and claws have a caught within this blast must roll successful saving
similar finish. No part of the yellow dragon will glint throws vs. breath weapon for half damage. Regard-
in the sunlight, thereby giving away its position. less of the outcome of this roll, they must make an-
Yellow dragons speak their own tongue, which is other saving throw vs. breath weapon. A failure on
quite different than that spoken by other evil drag- this saving throw means that the abrasive sand in
ons. Yellows have no interest in speaking with other the breath blast has damaged their eyes, blinding
races, and so they learn no other languages. them for 1d4+1 rounds.
At birth, yellow dragons are immune to fire and
Combat: Although preferring guile to combat heat, and they can cast silence, 10’/radius at will. As
and ambush to attack, yellows are fierce and cun-
they age, they gain the following additional powers:
ning fighters. Even if forced into a situation where
direct combat is inevitable, they’ll still use their Young create or destroy water three times per
spells and innate abilities so as to mislead, misdi- day
rect, and distract their opponents. Juvenile dust devil three times per day
A favorite hunting tactic for a yellow is to dig a Adult improved invisibility twice per day
steep-walled, cone-shaped depression in the sand, Old wind wall three times per day
and then bury itself at the bottom of this crater with Wyrm enervation three times per day
just its eyes and nostrils above the surface. When
an unfortunate creature stumbles into the large de- Habitat/Society: Yellow dragons love deserts,
pression, the dragon begins moving its wings below preferring areas of sandy, windswept desolation.
the surface of the sand, causing the steep walls of They are most comfortable in daytime tempera-
the cone to collapse. Trapped in a sand avalanche, tures of 105° and up, although they can easily sur-
the prey tumbles right into the dragon’s mouth. vive subfreezing temperatures at night. (The first

specimen of a yellow dragon was collected in an ons separate. The mother raises the offspring, but
area of Anauroch called the Anvil of the Gods, won’t go out of her way to protect them from attack-
where the average daytime temperature is 115°.) ers. The young dragons usually leave home before
They share much the same territory as brasses; they reach the juvenile age category.
thus the species occasionally come into conflict. The main enemies of yellow dragons are brasses,
Yellows are solitary, selfish creatures that form no who will actively hunt and kill the smaller crea-
close bonds with any other creature, including tures.
other yellows. They are highly territorial; the only Ecology: Although able to eat anything, yellows fa-
time they’ll let another yellow into their territory is vor fresh meat. . . preferably still kicking. (Demi)hu-
when it’s a member of the opposite sex, and the mans are considered a delicacy, as are the
dragon is in the mood for mating . . . which is actu- unhatched eggs of brass dragons. (Yellows rarely
ally quite rare. Immediately after mating, the drag- get to enjoy this latter feast.)

Age Body Lgt.(’) Tail Lgt.(’) AC Breath Weapon Spells W/P MR Treas. XP Value
1 2-7 1-4 3 2d4+1 Nil Nil Nil 1,400
2 7-16 4-12 2 4d4+2 Nil Nil Nil 2,000
3 16-35 12-21 1 6d4+3 Nil Nil Nil 3,000
4 35-44 21-28 0 8d4+4 Nil Nil E 5,000
5 44-53 28-36 -1 10d4+5 1 Nil E, O, S 7,000
6 53-62 36-45 -2 12d4+6 11 5% E, O, S 9,000
7 62-71 45-54 -3 14d4+7 21 10% E, O, S 10,000
8 71-80 54-62 -4 16d4+8 221 15% E, O, Sx2 11,000
9 80-89 62-70 -5 18d4+9 222 20% E, O, Sx2 13,000
10 89-98 70-78 -6 20d4+10 2221 25% E, O, Sx2 14,000
11 98-107 78-85 -7 22d4+11 2222 30% E, O, Sx3 15,000
12 107-116 85-94 -8 24d4+12 22221 35% E, O, Sx3 16,000
Draconic Spells mage trying to develop her own The spell calm
version of calm might find it to be a enables a
Certain dragons have developed a 5th- or 6th-level spell, rather than dragon to tem-
number of unique spells that seem a 1st-level spell.) In addition, the porarily nullify
to be usable only by dracoforms. human varieties of these spells the effects of
(Many of these were devised by have significantly decreased its fear aura.
Nexus, the golden great wyrm.) power, as reflected in area of effect, While the
The majority of these spells seem range, etc. Thus a human version dragon con-
to depend somehow on the unique of breathblock might create a 10’ centrates,
architecture of the draconic mind. by 10’ shield, rather than the 50’ creatures suf-
Thus most magic-using dragons by 50’ barrier created by the dra- fer no morale effects from the sight
are theoretically capable of learn- conic version. or presence of the dragon. The
ing these spells. Nondraconic caster can end the spell at any time
spellcasters, however, are gener- Calm simply by ceasing to concentrate
ally incapable of wielding this on it.
magic. (Alteration) The spell is ended immediately if
There’s no reason why human Level: 1 the dragon suffers any damage, or
and demihuman wizards can’t re- Range: 0 if it casts a spell of 4th level or
search their own versions of these Component: V higher (the concentration required
spells once they’ve seen the ef- Duration: Concentration to cast such a spell disrupts its fo-
fects, however. Should they de- Casting Time: 1 cus on damping its fear aura).
velop their own versions of these Area of Effect: Caster
spells, the spells are typically Saving Throw: None
higher level than the draconic ver-
sions. (For example, a human

Hand caster’s view of the hand is When the familiar arrives, it is
blocked, the spell terminates. totally loyal to its master. Find hu-
Hand is one of the few draconic manoid familiar is actually a form
spells that might possibly be of charm, however; it grants its
Level: 2 learned by a nondragon. victim a similar opportunity to
Range: 5 yards throw off its effects. On a regular
per level Find Humanoid Familiar basis, the familiar can roll a saving
Components: throw vs. spell, this roll suffering a
(Conjuration/Summoning) penalty of -1 for each three age
V, S
Level: 3 categories of the casting dragon.
Duration: 2 rounds/level Range: 1 mile/level The frequency of the saving throw
Casting Time: 2 Component: V depends on the race of the familiar.
Area of Effect: Special Duration: Special A successful saving throw
Saving Throw: None Casting Time: 1d20 hours means that the familiar has
Area of Effect: 1 familiar thrown off the effects of the spell
For dragons unable to polymorph Saving Throw: Special and is totally free-willed again. (Its
or shapechange into human or de- first reaction will probably be to es-
mihuman form, the lack of small This spell is similar to the normal cape.) If the dragon is within five
manipulating digits is a real prob- wizard spell find familiar, except miles of the familiar and awake
lem. They can’t write, they can’t that the familiar summoned by when it shakes off the influence, it
open small jewelry boxes, etc. The this spell is a humanoid. Only will sense the termination of the
hand spell solves this problem. races of the goblinoid class are eli- telepathic bond, and thus know
The spell brings into being a gible to become familiars (i.e., ko- that its familiar is free. The drag-
faintly glowing area of force simi- bolds, goblins, orcs, and on’s response depends on its align-
lar in size and shape to a human hobgoblins). ment and mood.
hand. It has four fingers and an op- The humanoid so attracted is The DM can select an appropri-
posable thumb. The fingers of the unshakably loyal to the dragon ate humanoid candidate depend-
hand are much more precise in caster (morale 20), willingly giving ing on where the dragon is casting
their movements than the digits of its life for its master. The dragon the spell, or he can use the follow-
an unseen servant. In fact, the and humanoid share the ability to ing table:
Dexterity of the hand’s fingers is communicate telepathically at a D20 Frequency
equal to the casting dragon’s Intel- range of up to five miles. The
ligence plus 0-2 (1d3-1).
Roll Familiar of Save
dragon gains no sensory bonuses, 1-6 Kobold Every 2 years
The hand is very weak, particu- and it suffers no damage should 7-11 Goblin Every year
larly when compared to the crea- the humanoid familiar die. 12-14 Orc Every 9
ture casting it. It can lift objects The casting takes considerable months
weighing up to 60 pounds, and it time. The dragon must be in a 15-16 Hobgoblin Every 6
can apply an equivalent amount of calm, relaxed state, well away months
force. Thus it can crush only the from any distractions, and must *
17-20 *
most fragile of objects. The hand continuously repeat a monoto-
cannot wield a weapon, nor can it nous, hypnotic chant until the fa- * No humanoid available; spell
throw an object. miliar appears. It’s impossible for fails.
The hand can deliver a single the dragon to maintain the chant
slapping attack per round; its for longer than 20 hours, so if at Killing a familiar while it is still
THAC0 is the same as that of the the end of this period no familiar bound by the spell is not accept-
caster. This slap causes no dam- has arrived, the spell is a failure. A able behavior, and will probably
age, but a successful hit will break dragon can cast this spell no more bring down upon the dragon retri-
a spellcaster’s concentration and than once per year; it can have no bution from various celestial
ruin a spell. more than one familiar at one powers. (Killing the thing once it
The caster must be in direct line time. has shaken the spell is just fine,
of sight of the hand. As soon as the however.)

Humanoids, humans, and demi- parts of their hoards. Even Lawful adjudicate this
humans may try to develop a simi- Good dragons sometimes use depending on
lar spell on their own, but they venomdust. circumstances.)
gain no benefits from any knowl- Although
edge they have of the draconic ver- Firetrail the spell’s
sion. The spell is too closely main purpose
aligned to the mental architecture (Invocation/Evocation) is to put a
and innate magical abilities of Level: 4 town to the
dragons to be translated into a Range: Any torch, firetrail
form usable by nondracoforms. Component: V can also cause
Duration: Special serious personal damage. Anyone
Venomdust Casting Time: 2 under the firetrail when it reaches
Area of Effect: Special the ground is struck by 1d20 drop-
(Invocation/Evocation) lets, each of which inflicts 1d2
Saving Throw: None
Level: 3 points of damage (roll a successful
Range: 0 Firetrail is a spell developed by an saving throw vs. spell for half dam-
Components: V, S ancient—and long dead—red age). Any creature foolish enough
Duration: 1 month/level dragon named Thermal for a spe- to fly through a descending fire-
Casting Time: 1 round cific purpose: setting fire to towns trail is struck by 3d10 droplets,
Area of Effect: Special and other settlements that the each inflicting 1d2 points of dam-
Saving Throw: Special creature wanted to attack. This is age (roll a successful saving throw
a very rare spell, and only a few vs. spell for half damage).
The venomdust spell enables the evil dragons are aware of it.
dragon to create small amounts of Firetrail must be cast by a
poisonous dust with an incredible dragon while in flight. As its name
degree of toxicity. This dust can implies, it creates a trail of tiny, fi-
then be sprinkled onto objects, ery droplets in the air behind the
where it adheres. Anyone touch- dragon. These droplets fall to the
ing an object so treated with bare ground at a rate of 30 feet per
skin must roll a successful saving round. When they touch the
throw vs. poison or die agonizingly ground or any solid object, they
in one round. Even someone who burst into flame, each burning for
successfully saves suffers 2d10 only a few seconds but with the
points of damage. The caster is to- same amount of heat as a burning
tally immune to the toxicity of the torch. This fire has an 80% chance
venomdust. of igniting anything flammable
For each effective level of the (usual modifiers apply for wet ma-
caster, the spell creates enough terial, etc.). The length of the trail
dust to cover an area of one square is 40 feet per effective level of the
foot. Thus a red wyrm, which casts casting dragon. Thus a red wyrm
spells at an effective level of 20, (effective level 20) could create a
could create enough venomdust to firetrail 800 feet long.
cover a 4’ x 5’ area. While it is still falling, the trail
Venomdust can be detected by can be disrupted by spells like gust
detect magic, and inactivated by a of wind or by natural winds. These
successful casting of dispel magic. effects won’t prevent the droplets
The caster can dispel the toxicity of the trail from reaching the
of venomdust at any time. ground, however: they’ll just
Dragons frequently use venom- spread it out, possibly enhancing
dust to protect the most precious its effects. (The DM must carefully

Wingbind fers 2d6 points of damage per ten the breath weapon (roll a success-
(Evocation) feet fallen, up to a maximum of ful saving throw vs. breath weapon
20d6. The rules for power-glides for one-quarter damage). Any other
Level: 4 (see the section on “Pulling Up”) creatures within 30 feet of the
Range: 40 feet/ also apply. breathing dragon—but on its side
level Should human or demihuman of the invisible shield—also suffer
Component: V mages try to develop their own one-half damage from the breath
Duration: 1 versions of this powerful spell, weapon (roll a successful saving
round/level they’ll find it to be a 9th-level spell. throw for one-quarter damage).
The most spectacular use of this
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One dragon
Breathblock spell was when the legendary gold
Autophon defeated the demon
Saving Throw: Special (Evocation) Lash and the red dragon the de-
Level: 5 mon used for a mount. As the red
Wingbind is a highly effective com- dragon prepared to use its breath
Range: 10 feet/level
bat spell known to very few drag-
Component: V weapon, Autophon cast
ons. When the spell is cast, it breathblock. The red’s fire bil-
Duration: 1 round/level
creates a web or net of force that
Casting Time: 2 lowed backward around it, caus-
entangles around the target
Area of Effect: 50’x50’ shield ing the dragon no damage but so
(which must be a dragon). This
Saving Throw: None enraging the demon that it at-
force net has the same effect as a
tacked its own mount. This took
grappling attack: the dragon is un-
Breathblock is another useful the pressure off the gold Autophon
able to fly and plummets toward long enough for him to slay both
combat spell, although it has its
the ground. demon and red dragon.
defensive component as well. The
The target dragon receives an
spell brings into being an invisible
initial saving throw vs. spell to
avoid the effects of the spell. At the
wall of force 50 feet on a side. This Contact Archetype
wall is totally impassable to all
end of each subsequent round, it (Divination)
forms of draconic breath weapons.
receives another saving throw vs.
The caster can bring the wall into Level: 7
spell, but this time with a cumula-
existence anywhere within the Range: 0
tive -3 penalty. A successful sav-
maximum range. He can move the Component: V
ing throw means that the dragon
wall instantaneously to any point Duration: Special
has broken free from the net of
inside that range. Casting Time: 4 rounds
Used as a defense, the wall of Area of Effect: Special
The wingbind spell remains in
force can be maneuvered as a Saving Throw: None
effect until either the duration ex-
shield to protect the caster, other
pires, the victim successfully
creatures, or valuable objects (i.e., This spell is similar to the normal
saves, the caster is slain or ren-
treasure). wizard spell contact other plane,
dered unconscious, the caster pur-
Used as an attack, the caster can except that with it a dragon can
posely releases the spell, or the
position the invisible shield directly contact only one of the two arche-
victim slams into the ground.
in front of the mouth of a dragon types of dragonkind—Bahamut
The rules for grappling as dis-
about to use a breath weapon. the Platinum Dragon or Tiamat
cussed in Chapter 4 apply to uses
Since the shield is completely im- the Chromatic Dragon. Both
of wingbind as well. A wingbound
pervious to dragon breath, the powers resent such contact, so
dragon falls at 125 feet per second,
breath weapon either reflects or bil- only brief answers are given to the
or 7,500 feet per round. After the
lows back upon the breathing questions the caster asks. For
wingbind spell is terminated—for
dragon. Unless the dragon is im- every three effective levels (or frac-
whatever reason—the victim con-
mune to its own attack form— tion thereof) it possesses, the
tinues to fall for another 2d10 sec-
which is usually the case—the dragon can ask one question. Con-
onds (250-2,500 feet). If it strikes
dragon suffers half damage from tact with the minds of such power-
the ground during this time, it suf-

ful creatures poses the risk of in- Using this spell, the draconic romantic
sanity; for powerful dragons, this caster can ward a particular door- magic. While
risk is generally lower than for hu- way or portal so that any creature casting the
mans contacting extraplanar be- who tries to pass through the por- spell, the
ings, however. If insanity occurs, it tal without first speaking a word of dragon can
strikes as soon as the first question command is immediately the sub- choose
is asked, and lasts for 2d10 weeks. ject of a modified form of death whether or not
spell. (Here the word “portal” can the warding is
Chance Chance Chance also refer to a cave opening or tun- to be visible. If
of to of nel no more than 30 feet in diame- the dragon
Power Insanity * Know Veracity† ter.) A single application of this chooses visibility, the portal is out-
Bahamut 30% 70% 100% spell can kill up to 50 Hit Dice or lined by a faint blue glow; this glow
Tiamat 45% 85% 75%‡ levels of creatures before becom- isn’t bright enough to be seen in
ing inert. full daylight, but it is obvious un-
* For each effective level of the
Each creature passing through der twilight or darker conditions.
dragon caster, decrease the
the portal rolls a saving throw vs. According to rumor, a number of
chance of insanity by 1 %.
wands with a -2 penalty; a suc- human mages have developed
† If the archetype doesn’t know
cessful save means that the crea- their own (9th-level) versions of
an answer, and the veracity roll
ture survives. Even if the creature this spell. All have suffered highly
fails, the archetype emphati-
successfully saves, the creature’s unpleasant fates when they tried
cally gives an incorrect answer.
Hit Dice or level is deducted from to use the spells, however. Almost
If the chance of veracity is
the total power remaining to the half of the mages died during the
made, the archetype’s answer is
warded doorway. If a creature casting, while the others suffered
passing through the door has more various degrees of permanent pa-
‡ Tiamat’s chance of veracity is
Hit Dice or levels than remain in ralysis or contracted terminal ill-
decreased by 15% for each step
the spell, the spell ends and the nesses.
of alignment the questioner is
creature is unharmed.
away from Tiamat’s Lawful
For example: A dragon has cast
Evil. (Thus, if the questioner is a
death door on the entrance into
Chaotic Good brass, the chance
her cave. Three characters try to
of veracity is only 15%.)
pass through the portal—a 15th-
level fighter, a 16th-level cleric,
There are rumors that various
and a 16th-level wizard. The
powerful human mages have de-
fighter and cleric fail their saving
veloped their own versions of this
throws and die immediately; the
spell. (These versions are all 9th
wizard makes his saving throw
level.) The rumors continue, how-
and survives. The death door spell
ever, to relate that any mage who
has expended 47 levels (15 + 16 +
has actually tried casting the spell
16), which means that only 3 re-
has become incurably insane.
main. Later, a 4th-level thief walks
through the door. Since the thief
Death Door has more levels than remain to the
(Necromancy) spell, the spell ends and the thief is
Level: 7 Note that only the doorway or
Range: 0 portal itself is warded. A character
Component: V could conceivably smash through
Duration: Special or otherwise penetrate the wall
Casting Time: 2 rounds next to the door and enter safely. A
Area of Effect: One doorway/portal portal protected by a death door
Saving Throw: Negates spell radiates a strong aura of nec-

Cold Curtain nently (until regained through ad- Draconic Magical Items
venturing, if applicable).
(Necromancy) At the end of each round that a Because they lack manipulative
Level: 8 creature remains within the area digits—at least, in their true forms—
Range: 0 warded by the cold curtain, it loses dragons aren’t big users or creators
Component: V another level or Hit Die (no saving of magical items. There are some
Duration: Spe- throw against these subsequent exceptions, however, and a few of
cial losses). This loss continues each these are definitely worthy of note.
Casting Time: round until the creature steps Unless otherwise specified, all of
back through the curtain outside these magical items are usable only
2 rounds by dragons. (Tales are common that
the warded area. (This passage
Area of Effect: One doorway/portal relate the unpleasant fate-usually
from inside to outside doesn’t
Saving Throw: Negates incurable insanity or painful
cause another level loss.)
The curtain can affect any num- death—of humans, demihumans,
This is another defensive or ward- and humanoids who have tried to
ber of creatures simultaneously.
ing spell quite similar to death wield these devices.)
When it has drained a total of 30
door. Using this spell, the draconic
Hit Dice or levels, the spell termi-
caster can ward a particular door- Orb of Draconic Influence
way or portal so that any creature
Note that only the doorway or This is a sphere of deep-green vol-
who tries to pass through the por-
portal itself is warded. A character canic glass (obsidian) upon which
tal without first speaking a word of
could conceivably smash through an intricate geometric pattern has
command is immediately the sub-
or otherwise penetrate the wall been etched, and then delicately
ject of a modified form of energy
next to the door and enter safely. A filled with gold. By concentrating
drain. (Here the word “portal” can
portal protected by a cold curtain on the orb, a dragon can alter the
also refer to a cave opening or tun-
spell radiates a strong aura of nec- behavior of all dragons within a
nel no more than 30 feet in diame-
romantic magic, and the warded range of ten miles.
ter.) The portal so warded must be
area has a temperature some 20° This alteration is very subtle (as
the only entrance into a room or
lower than the area outside the a guideline for DMs, the user
chamber no larger than a volume
curtain. should be able to describe the de-
of 8,000 cubic feet (a cubic room
While casting the spell, the sired alteration in one word (e.g.,
20 feet on a side, for example).
dragon can choose whether or not “friendly,” “angry,” “attack,” etc.),
A single application of this spell
the warding is to be visible. If the and is the same for every dragon in
can drain up to 30 Hit Dice or
dragon chooses visibility, the por- range. The DM must adjudicate
levels of creatures before becom-
tal is covered by a faintly- the use of this item carefully. In
ing inert. Each creature passing
shimmering blue glow that is general, the orb can shift a drag-
through the portal rolls a saving
totally transparent; this glow isn’t on’s reaction by up to 5 points in
throw vs. wands with a -2 pen-
bright enough to be seen in full either direction on the Encounter
alty; a successful saving throw
daylight, but it is obvious under Reactions table (Dungeon Master’s
means that the creature is unaf-
twilight or darker conditions. Guide, page 103).
A failed saving throw means The orb has other powers as
that the creature is subject to the Special Spells well. Any dracoform that might
full effect of the cold curtain spell. In addition to these spells, there wish to attack the bearer of the orb
As soon as the creature passes are draconic versions of resurrec- must roll a successful saving
through. the portal, it loses one tion and raise dead, which can re- throw vs. staves to do so. In addi-
level or Hit Die (as if struck by a unite a dragon’s anima with its tion, the bearer cannot be scried
wight). A monster loses 1 Hit Die body. These spells have the same upon by any means.
permanently, suffering losses in characteristics as their human There are a few sages who be-
both hit points and attack ability. versions. Only truly unique drag- lieve that an orb of draconic influ-
A character loses a level, a Hit Die, ons have the ability to cast these ence or something similar is
hit points, and abilities perma- immensely powerful spells. responsible for the phenomenon of

Dragonflight. (Many more sages form. Polymorph and shape gained breath
ridicule this position.) change spells cause the circlet to weapon.
fall off, stunning the dragon. These po-
Circlet of the Wyrm There are legends of a similar tions are
circlet of the great wyrm, but this highly toxic to
This is a band of platinum or magical item has never been nondragons
equally precious metal, usually found. (roll a success-
unadorned, that magically ex- ful saving
pands or contracts to fit snugly Potion of Dragon Breath throw vs. poi-
around the brow of any dragon son with a -4
that dons it. While wearing the cir- There is a different formulation of penalty, or die horribly in 1d4
clet, the dragon receives all the this potion corresponding to each rounds).
powers of a wyrm of the appropri- of the major races of dragonkind.
ate species. This includes in- Thus there are potions of black Gauze of Appearance
creased damage from breath dragon breath, potions of blue
weapon, increased Hit Dice, in- dragon breath, etc. Although this item was created by
creased combat modifier, and de- If a dragon drinks a full draught dragons and is still crafted almost
creased THAC0. The dragon of one of these powerful potions, it exclusively by them, it can be used
automatically receives the innate can immediately use the breath by intelligent creatures of any race
magical powers that are normally weapon attack of the correspond- or class. It takes the form of a small
gained by a dragon only when it ing type of dragon. The damage in- sheet of the thinnest, most filmy
reaches the age category of wyrm. flicted is that of a dragon one age material imaginable. It’s effec-
Finally, the dragon can cast as category lower than the drinker. tively invisible unless a creature is
many spells as can a wyrm (it (For example, an adult green actively looking for it, and even
doesn’t automatically learn any drinks a potion of red dragon then the chance of noticing it is
new spells, however, so this might breath. It is able to breathe flame only 60%.
not be a significant benefit). inflicting the same damage as a To be effective, the gauze must
All of this assumes that the young adult red— 10d10+5 points be draped around the top of a door-
dragon isn’t already a wyrm or of damage.) This newly-gained way or portal so that anyone trying
great wyrm. Wyrms are totally un- breath weapon is in addition to the to pass through the portal must
affected by the circlet, while great dragon’s own breath weapon. brush past the gauze. The gauze
wyrms diminish in power while The formulations of these potions immediately makes any invisible
wearing the circlet. are very tricky, and it’s very easy to creature who touches it visible
The dragon can remove the cir- make a mistake. To reflect this, again. In addition, the creature
clet at any time, but the mental there’s a 20% chance that any given who touched the gauze is totally
shock causes the creature to be potion is defective. A defective po- convinced he is still invisible, and
stunned for 1d4+1 rounds. For tion can be totally ineffective (50%), he is unwilling to believe anyone
each round that the dragon en- can be poisonous (25%; roll a suc- who tries to claim otherwise.
gages in melee combat, there’s a cessful saving throw vs. poison or Gauze of appearance also dissi-
(noncumulative) 5% chance that suffer 3d20 points of damage), or pates any illusions that pass
the circlet falls off (stunning the can cause catastrophic failure through it, and it strips away the
dragon). If the dragon grapples or (25%). This horrible consequence effects of minor spells like change
is grappled by another dragon, the means that the first time the dragon self. Even the effects of a hat of dis-
chance increases to 10% per tries to use its newly gained breath guise or similar item are reversed
round (noncumulative) as long as weapon, the attack form is triggered by the gauze.
the dragons continue to grapple. internally, inflicting the full damage Dragons frequently drape
There is also a one-shot 7% chance on the breathing dragon (no saving lengths of gauze around their trea-
that the circlet falls off whenever throw allowed!). sure hoard. Although they can
the dragon executes a wingover. The effects of a potion of dragon usually detect invisible intruders,
Dragons can wear the circlet breath last 1d4 hours, or until the any animal guards they may be
only when they’re in their own drinker has exhausted its newly using might not be so lucky.

(Following are selves can remark it. for every race of dragon in Faerun.
some excerpts It seems to me that many drag- Short of experience—which, if
from “The ons use their musk to mark the truth be told, very few people
Compleat boundaries of their territory. enjoy—the best source from which
Dragon- There may be marks on the to learn the location of a dragon
Hunter,” a ground, such as tracks or the signs lair is from others. Common folk
manual com- of a large object passing by. These who live in the lands surrounding
posed by signs are rare, however. Dragons a dragon’s lair, and who typically
Smerdiuk Dra- are large, but they move with a suffer most under its depreda-
gonbane, grace that belies their size. More tions, frequently know more about
famed dragonslayer of Arabel. As like cats they are in carriage than the lair’s location than the so-
might be expected for any project lizards. Many, so it seems, can pass called wise. Never ask directly,
so ambitious, other experts are lin- through the most tangled forest since the very people you speak
ing up for their turn to poke holes leaving nary a fallen branch bro- with might be under the dragon’s
in Smerdiuk’s conclusions. In gen- ken underfoot. Then, too, dragons sway. But nevertheless lead the
eral, however, the author seemed are cunning and will conceal their conversation around to the topic of
to have most things right . . . al- tracks, or perhaps lay tracks lead- nearby terrain. Much can be
though, with any creatures as ing in a false direction. Recall that learned from what people do not
powerful as dragons, a little igno- the spoor of a dragon is small con- say, perhaps more from what they
rance goes a long way. It must also sidering his size, and it is his wont do say. Give everyone your ear.
be noted that Smerdiuk left Arabel to hide them in any case. Do not What you learn will surprise you.
two years ago on a journey to depend on sighting the droppings
Mount Angaroth, greatest of the of a dragon. On Selecting Your Time
peaks among the High Forest, with The second most vital clue as to
the avowed intention of destroying where a dragon dwells is, simply As is well known, dragons are ac-
the red dragon Inferno reputed to put, experience. One must learn to tive both day and night. When,
live there. He has not returned.) think like the quarry, absorb its then, is the best time to confront
likes and dislikes and its preju- them? My own preference is night,
dices. Red dragon lairs are often or at noontime when the sun
On Finding a Dragon stands directly overhead in the
near the highest point of the sur-
As all who wander the Realms rounding region, for example, as sky. My reason is simple. If the sun
know, dragons are highly territo- these fell creatures relish the sense is sinking low, you will cast
rial. The problem is often not so of power this gives them, and the shadows, and sometimes these
much how to find a dragon, as how clear view it provides of approach- shadows will be even larger than
to prevent the dragon from finding ing enemies. Yellow dragons (aye, your true form. Dragons know
you before you are ready. It is best there are yellow dragons) will lair this, and prefer to hunt soon after
to be prepared at all times, but at perhaps the lowest point of their dawn or before dusk, since at these
there are several unmistakable territory. Their reasoning is that times the enlarged shadows of
signs that should serve to set you creatures who are lost, wounded, their prey make them easier to
on your guard when a dragon is in or tired often travel downhill spot from on high.
the area. rather than up, even when they If you have magic that enables
The scent of a dragon is strong, a are unaware that they do so. Lying you to see at night, then an hour or
powerful musk with an edge to it in wait at a low spot, the yellow so after the light of the sun has left
reminiscent of the scent of the tries to maximize the chances that the sky is a fine time. Those drag-
lemon blossom. While it seems a meal will stumble by and be de- ons that have hunted at sundown
likely that the scent varies from voured with the least possible ex- are at their most sluggish.
dragon species to species, I have ertion by the dragon. You should temper this advice
found myself unable to differenti- Although I may seem arrogant, I with what knowledge you have
ate the odors. I can only assume can honestly say that I can scan about the particular dragon you
that a difference does exist, but is the lay of the land and unerringly hunt. Remember, the main pur-
so subtle that only dragons them- pick out the best prospective lairs pose as yet is to draw near to the

dragon unannounced. If you know ings, he will be surprised and you is sorely
that it has under its sway certain can strike him grievously from wounded.
animals, then be assured those an- ambuscade. You must so time your Dragons can
imals will be set on guard to detect actions, and so dispose your destroy you
or stop you. Choose your time of forces, as to prevent him from re- from a dis-
approach so that these creatures treating back within his lair. tance with
are at the greatest disadvantage. Consider the tactics of this. You breath and
have chosen the place of combat, with magic.
On Where to Face Your you have had time to dispose your You must do
forces to your best advantage. Al- all within your
Dragon though it is the dragon who compass to force the beast to ex-
Many self-proclaimed dragon- chooses the time, you have under haust both these sources of power.
hunters will tell you ’tis best to your command two of the three Feinting advances, particularly by
face the dragon within its lair. It major facets of any battle. forces immune to the dragon’s
may be sleeping, they will tell you, powers, can turn the tide of battle.
and you may be able to fall upon On Approaching the Lair If one of your number is protected
the beast and slay it without cost against fire, have him try to draw
to yourselves. Recall that a dragon’s sense of vi- the red dragon’s attention and his
Believe them not. Aye, the sion is one of his weakest senses, attack. If one is unharmed by light-
dragon may be sleeping. But even while scent is his strongest. As you ning, send him first toward the
the basest white dragon will have approach the opening to his lair, blue. Do what you can to draw the
ringed itself with traps, noise- you must do so from downwind. dragon’s attacks to those quarters
makers, and deadfalls so as to As a guide: if you can smell the where they do the least damage.
make a riotous clamor should any musk of his lair, he cannot smell Also, do what ever is needful to
approach. Only if you can guaran- you in your approach. You can dis- prevent the dragon from taking to
tee that your approach will not be guise your scent by wearing the the sky. As in any form of combat,
detected—and the only reasonable undressed skins of animals, al- he who holds the high ground
way to so guarantee is to approach though this might arouse the great commands the field. A dragon
magically, perhaps in ethereal creature to hunger. a-wing commands the highest
form—should you consider beard- Always approach in silence, ground of all.
ing the dragon in his den. whether magical or no. Bind all Forestall his initiative. Take up
Remember that the dragon metal on your clothing, as the superior positions around the exit
knows his den. He has probably sound of a metal sheath striking a from his lair. As he emerges, drop
dwelt there for as long as you have rock can be heard from a surpris- nets weighted with boulders upon
lived or longer. He knows every ing distance. Shun metal armor, or him. Entangle him with magic.
nook and cranny, every cave and silence it with spells. With archers or spellcasters ar-
arch, every pit and deadfall. He rayed on high ground around him,
will have it warded with magic and On Battling Your Dragon he would have to climb through
poison and beasts with fang and their concentrated fire to take to
As any who have seen one will
claw. He knows the exact compass the sky, something he may not
know, a dragon close up is a fear-
of his home, and every avenue of have the will to do.
some foe. He is fast, lithe, and pow-
approach to where he lies. You These two things above all: ex-
erful almost beyond belief. For
know none of these. haust his distance attacks and pre-
every time you hew him with an
For these reasons I tell you it is vent his flight. Do these two things,
axe, he will tear you twice with a
best to fight and defeat the dragon and you will probably triumph. If
claw. He will snatch you in his tal-
immediately outside his den, as he the dragon achieves the skies and
ons and chew on you like a bone.
arrives or as he leaves—the latter still retains breath weapon or
He will smash you senseless with
is the better. Use your wiles to magic, unless the gods smile on
his tail and buffet you from your
draw near to the opening to his you, you are lost. Remember, strike
feet with his wings. I say to you,
den. As he sets out to hunt, set him grievously from the outset. An
close with a dragon only when he
upon him. With the gods’ bless- injured dragon cannot fly.

Once he is considerable value to armorers. hunted such a creature. From vari-
unable to es- The smallest piece that can be uti- ous sources I have heard that the
cape to the lized is three feet on a side. This flesh of the gold is reminiscent of
clouds and his piece must be free of puncture and finest venison, and that the flesh of
breath weapon slash wounds, and must not be the bronze tastes somewhat like
is expended, burned or otherwise weakened. If chicken (of course, in the final
the advantage the truth be known, I have re- analysis everything tastes more or
is yours. Strike trieved in my career enough hide less like chicken).
him from a for four sets of armor, no more. The I have heard that in the grim and
distance, with reason is that damage grievous magical south, the offal and other
missile weapons and with magic. enough to slay a dragon will often glands of dragons are considered
Do not let him close. Engage in me- make its entire hide unusable. the highest of delicacies. A traveler
lee only if there are no alternatives Though only a fool would hunt related to me that a past lord of
open to you. Never accept the sur- dragons for food, their flesh can be Mulmaster would dine on nothing
render of an evil dragon; he will eaten if properly prepared, with but the brains of red dragons, and
not honor it. the sole exception of the mercury that another worthy of Chessenta
dragon, which is grievous poison. relished dragon tongue. After vari-
On Breath Weapons This preparation varies from race ous experimentations, I will say
to race. that such cravings must undeni-
There are purportedly ways in The flesh of the black and of the ably be acquired tastes, and that
which to decrease the effective- green must be soaked overnight in the south is even more decadent
ness of your dragon’s breath vinegar, then again overnight in than I had once believed.
weapon. I have tried none of these, fresh water. This will usually re-
and so I cannot vouch for their ve- move the harsher oils from the On Magical Preparations
racity. meat, although it will still have a
Wrapping oneself in water- taste reminiscent of swamp mud. Dragons are innately magical crea-
soaked cloth or in green hides is The flesh of the red must be tures, and this magic permeates
said to mitigate the damage of aged. It must be exposed to the air the parts of their body even after
dragon fire. Some claim the breath for at least two days before it is fit their death. For this reason, there
of the green dragon will not pene- for consumption. Eating it before are many parts of the dragon’s
trate hides soaked in urine or in this time is an invitation to cramps body of use to spellcasters and al-
vinegar. Metal pikes driven into and other highly painful com- chemists. Although I pursue nei-
the ground before you may divert a plaints. Even after aging, the meat ther career, I have spoken with
blue’s lightning. A covering of lard is highly spicy—too much so for those who do, and I will try to dis-
over all open skin reputedly can di- some tastes, although I relish it till herein what little I could under-
minish the torture of a black’s (more so at the time than the next stand of their discourse.
breath. day, however). (A Note: If you are a wizard or al-
The flesh of the white requires chemist, then the remnants of a
On Dressing the Corpse no preparation, other than per- dragon can be of significant use to
haps seasoning. It is tough and you. If you are neither, then you
The art of dressing a slain dragon can sell them to those who are.
generally tasteless.
is similar to that of dressing a hart, From my experience, however, it
I have tried many ways of pre-
save that the creature is so very is almost impossible to determine
paring the meat of the blue
much bigger. If you can hang the beforehand how much you will be
dragon: soaking, aging, seasoning,
creature, by its hind legs, do so. If paid for these substances. Market
cooking, marinating, and char-
this is impossible, lay it on its forces have as great an effect on
ring. Although it is not poisonous,
back. the value of such substances as
I can find no way to make it fit for
Once the creature has been bled they do on the wages of dragon-
human consumption.
and gutted, you may proceed with hunters for hire. As an example, I
As to the flesh of the good-
other matters. once sold a pint of black dragon’s
aligned dragons, I have no direct
The hide of the dragon can be of blood for 11,000 gold coins to an
knowledge since I have never

alchemist. The next time I slew a a dragon corrupts with almost This all
black, his blood fetched little more magical rapidity. Within six hours poses a prob-
than 200 gold coins per pint.) of the creature’s death, the body lem, as the
Chief among the bodily parts of a begins to stink; within eight it be- astute reader
dragon is his blood. This is of use comes literally unbearable. With will already
in potions and as the material com- equal rapidity, the bodily parts re- have sur-
ponent of many spells. It also finds moved from the dragon become mised. To re-
wide use in the inks used for magi- corrupted and useless unless they turn to
cal scrolls. In general, the blood is are suitably preserved. (The civilization
most sovereign for spells that reader will note that this applies with large
somehow relate to the principal only to those parts of the body re- quantities of the slain dragon, the
powers of the dragon. Thus the ferred to as glands or offal. The dragon-hunters—and here I use
blood of a red would add power to flesh of the dragon, once it has the term loosely—must be so
fire magic, while the blood of a been suitably drained of blood, weighted down with containers
blue might find use in magic relat- corrupts no faster than the flesh of and preserving liquid that they
ing to electricity. any other creature. You will now would be unable to track and slay
As it was explained to me, the understand why I explained in the dragon in the first place!
power and applicability of any such detail the correct procedure
such substance relates to the sym- for blooding and draining a On Disposing of the
bolism surrounding that sub- dragon.)
stance and the creature it came Dragon blood can be sealed in air-
Dragon Corpse
from. For example, dragons are tight containers, stoppered with Fire is the sovereign means of de-
able to detect objects that are in- corks or closed with wax. The air al- stroying the corpse of a dragon. It
visible; thus the eye of a dragon ready in the bottle will corrupt the is also one of the only ways of elim-
might be used in magic that con- upper finger’s-breadth of the blood, inating the smell of corrupting
fers the same ability. Dragons are but the rest will perhaps remain us- dragon blood. Anything soaked by
huge and continue to grow able. Solid material must be im- the blood should be burned. I have
throughout their lives; thus the pi- mersed in biocidal material such as as yet found no efficient way of re-
tuitary gland from the base of a the formalin available from alche- moving the smell of spoiled dragon
dragon’s brain might be used in mists. This immersion must be al- blood from the skin of the hunter.
magic that confers growth. There most immediate.
also seems to be a symmetry to
this symbolism. If the creature
wields a certain power, then his
blood or bodily parts may prove
sovereign in magic that resists
that certain power.
I have come across the resting
places of various dragons, and it is
obvious that others have learned
what I have learned about the
bodily parts of dragons. It is obvi-
ous because the entire area has be-
come a foul-smelling abattoir. I
have also seen—and smelt—
adventurers returning to town af-
ter killing a dragon and stripping
its corpse. There is one thing that
these adventurers did not know,
but now do.
The blood and internal organs of

The mythic traditions as a working dead and resurrection. When the
hypothesis —something to hold anima is returned to the material
Draconic onto until a better theory comes world and bound to a physical
Afterlife along. body, that body will in all ways be
All draconic religious traditions the age to which the dragon anima
As do all other agree that, in the absence of extenu- has regressed, with only the mem-
creatures, ating circumstances, the anima ories and abilities appropriate to
dragons have a eventually travels to the outer plane that age. For example, say that a
basically dual appropriate to the creature’s align- gold dragon is 402 (old) when she
nature. They ment while alive. (Thus the anima dies. Five years later, powerful
can be said to comprise two com- of a Lawful Good gold would reside magic returns her to the physical
ponents: the temporal—that is, the on the plane of the Seven Heavens world. She is now 397 years old,
physical and mortal portion—and with the deity Xymor, while the an- with all the powers and attributes
the spiritual—that is, the immortal ima of a Chaotic Evil red might join appropriate to a mature adult gold
and immaterial part. Depending Garyx Firelord in the Abyss.) Unlike dragon. In addition, she won’t re-
on what religion the speaker was the souls or spirits of other crea- member anything that happened
raised in, the spiritual part of a hu- tures, the anima of a dragon doesn’t to her or anything she learned—
man or demihuman can be termed remain on the outer plane for eter- including new spells—during the
the soul or the spirit. The spiritual nity, however. last five years of her life. She will
part of a dragon is known as the Again, all bodies of draconic also remember nothing of what
anima. holy myth agree. The anima stays she experienced while dead. (In
When a dragon dies, its anima is on the outer plane for a time equal fact, it might be hard to convince
freed from its body. (Dragons have to that of the dragon’s mortal life. the old girl that she ever died at
the innate ability to release the an- During this time, the memories, all . . . .)
ima at any time they so will; in ef- the personality, and the identity When an anima has resided on
fect, they can commit suicide with the anima developed while in the the outer plane for as long as the
a single thought.) Different dra- material world begin to fade, or to dragon was alive, it has been strip-
conic religions chart diverse be peeled away like the layers of an ped bare of all memory, experi-
courses for the anima after this onion. Memories are lost too, in the ence, and personality it developed
point. Some draconic holy myths reverse order in which they were while alive. It is a pure, untram-
claim that the anima remains acquired, and at exactly the same meled anima: the ideal form of a
loosely bound to the body—unable rate. One year after its arrival on particular dragon species. Now
to animate the body or otherwise the outer plane, the anima would that it’s been recycled and puri-
affect the material world, but capa- lose all memories that the dragon fied, the anima is ready to be re-
ble of observing events in its gained during the last year before turned to the material world.
vicinity—until the body has totally its death. After a century, it would All dragons believe in reincarna-
decayed away or has been con- lose memories gained during its tion, and in their case they’re
sumed in some other way. Other last century of life. During this thought to be completely correct.
myths claim that the anima trav- process, these animae are availa- The pure anima is reborn in the
els to the plane occupied by either ble for use by the appropriate dra- next dragon of the appropriate spe-
Bahamut or Tiamat—depending conic deities as servants and cies to hatch. At this point, the an-
on alignment—for judgment. messengers. ima can’t be contacted via speak
Nobody can state categorically Note that this has profound con- with dead or any other magic, and
what happens to a dragon’s anima sequences for anyone attempting the dragon can’t be raised or resur-
after death; there is simply no em- to contact the anima of a dead rected.
pirical evidence. Draconic reli- dragon. The longer it’s been since The fact that the dragon popula-
gious traditions put forward a the dragon died, the more it will tion of the Realms has vastly de-
seemingly self-consistent picture, have lost in the way of memory creased over the past millennia
however. Most human sages, in and personality. This also has a has an interesting consequence:
the absence of any better consequence for the (incredibly There’s a waiting list for pure ani-
ideas, accept these draconic rare) draconic versions of raise

mae. These pure animae can be the characteristics of each arche- the planes un-
encountered on the appropriate type’s alignment—Lawful Good der their own
outer plane. There they appear as for Bahamut, Lawful Evil for power (except
perfectly-formed examples of their Tiamat. If the DM decides that a by dying, and
species. They don’t have the ca- dragon that has just died fits the that hardly
pacity to record memories or antic- bill—i.e., it embodies the quintes- counts). Truly
ipate the future, however: the sence of Lawful Good or Lawful exceptional
current instant is all that exists for Evil—there is a 5% chance that the creatures
these pure spirits. They react in- appropriate archetype will select might be able
stantly to stimuli in the manner that anima as a servant. to cast spells
typical for their species, but they This anima will never reach the like plane shift, but these will be
have no consistency of memory outer planes, and thus the dragon literally one in a million. Powerful
or behavior—or even self- can never be raised or resurrected. spellcasters of other races might
awareness—from one moment to An attempt to speak with dead di- be able to assist dragons in planar
the next. (DMs who enjoy dabbling rected at that dragon might, at the travel, however.
in existential philosophy might en- DM’s option, allow the servant to Dragons are creatures innately
joy role-playing such an anima.) manifest itself on the Prime Mate- bound to the Prime Material plane.
Sometimes Bahamut or Tiamat rial plane for a limited time (no (Excerpts from the Book of the
will intercept the anima of a dead doubt to the abject shock of the World, which was mentioned in
dragon on its way to the appropri- spellcaster). Chapter 1, seem to confirm this by
ate outer plane. Both dragon ar- describing dragons as “wyrms of
chetypes have personal guards, Dragons and Planes the earth, linked to the fundament
messengers, and servants, as do of all.”) Some of dragonkind’s mag-
most deities. Each will select only The overwhelming majority of ical abilities are inextricably
those dragons that most epitomize dragons are incapable of traveling linked to the Prime Material plane,

and will van- Spelljamming Dragons— stroy them is more than they re-
ish should a The Crystal Spheres ally want to face.
dragon ever Dragons retain all of their innate
travel to an- Some of the excerpts quoted at the abilities in every crystal sphere
other plane. beginning of Chapter 1 referred to and in the Flow. They are subject
Should a crystal spheres. This is a concept to the same rules as normal spell-
dragon ever taken from the SPELLJAMMER™ casters with regard to wizard and
travel to an- AD&D® game supplement. The priest spells, however.
other plane, it world of Toril and its solar system All of this assumes that the drag-
immediately are within one crystal sphere; the ons under discussion know about
loses its magic resistance, and its system containing Oerth (the spelljamming and the physics/
bonus to saving throws. In addi- planet on which the World of philosophy behind it. In most
tion, it loses all innate magical Greyhawk exists) is within an- cases, of course, this just won’t be
abilities. This refers only to the other; Krynn and its solar system true. Most dragons are as planet-
specific powers that dragons re- are within yet another. All these bound as most humans and sim-
ceive as they progress in age cate- crystal spheres are part of the ply don’t know—or perhaps don’t
gory, not to spellcasting ability. same Prime Material plane. As the want to know—about what’s going
Thus a juvenile gold dragon some- Chapter 1 quotes implied, dragons on over their heads.
how transported to another plane exist—and are relatively com-
would lose the following innate mon—in many different spheres. The Draconomicon
abilities: water breathing, speak No standard form of dragon is
with animals, immunity to fire and able to fly to an altitude of more Many myths that deal with drag-
gas, polymorph self, bless, and de- than eight miles above the surface ons also mention the existence of a
tect lie. It wouldn’t, however, nec- of Toril. At greater, altitudes, the air magical tome entitled the Dra-
essarily lose its ability to cast one is simply too thin to support the conomicon (which translates from
wizard spell per day. The use of creatures. Dragons can be carried an ancient and long-forgotten
spells—both wizard and priest beyond this altitude on spelljam- tongue as “Concerning Dragons”).
varieties—on different planes fol- ming vessels of large size. Within
lows the same rules for dragons as the atmosphere envelopes of these
it does for other spellcasters. vessels, they are able to survive
From a psychological stand- and behave as normal.
point, all dragons feel a deep, un- Dragons are definitely unable to
reasoning fear of traveling to other use conventional forms of spell-
planes. Their entire mental make- jamming helms—their mental ar-
up and personality are built chitecture is simply too
around awareness of their innate bizarre—although they would pro-
abilities, and the concept of losing vide power to a lifejammer, if a
these abilities profoundly terrifies large enough one were built. In
them. (This terror wouldn’t affect spheres as yet undiscovered, dra-
dragons that have been raised by conic spelljamming helms could
other races—as described in Chap- well exist. It’s conceivable that
ter 4—and have yet to be taught to dragons could learn draconic ver-
use these innate abilities. No crea- sions of the spells that create
ture will fear the loss of an ability it helms and open portals in the crys-
never knew it had.) tal spheres. This is left up to the in-
dividual DM.
Fire-breathing dragons are gen-
erally terrified to enter the phlogis-
ton (assuming they know what it
is). The chance that a stray hiccup
or an instinctive reaction could de-

Description This personality shift and emu- Contents
lation don’t mean that the owner
The Draconomicon has been de- The Dra-
starts to think he’s a dragon, tries
scribed as a large tome, almost two conomicon
to fly, or anything like that. A char-
feet wide by three feet tall, and contains in-
acter emulating a brass becomes
eight inches thick. It consists of structions for
progressively more talkative, ego-
two covers, each composed of thin casting dra-
tistical, and boorish; a character
hardwood bound in cured and pre- conic versions
emulating a copper becomes an in-
served white dragon hide. The of the following
corrigible prankster; a character
front cover bears a symbol of two traditional wiz-
emulating a blue becomes highly
reptilian eyes set above a ard spells: darkness (15’ radius),
territorial and aggressive.
downward-pointing flame. This flaming sphere, mirror image, py-
symbol is made of platinum indis- Also, after an additional 1d8
days of possession, the owner of rotechnics, stinking cloud, fire-
solubly attached to the dragon ball, lightning bolt, wraithform,
the Draconomicon gains those in-
hide. The book has more than a fire charm, fire shield, fire trap, ice
nate abilities that “his” species of
score of pages, each of which is a storm, cloudkill, magic jar, teleki-
thin sheet of metal alloy of un- dragon gains at birth. At first, the
character won’t know about these nesis, teleport, chain lightning,
known formulation. The covers move earth, and stone to flesh.
abilities; they’ll occur occasionally
and pages are attached by two Note that nondragon spellcast-
without conscious effort, and
rings of bronze. ers are unable to cast these spells
The language of the book is an much to the surprise of the book
owner. (For example, a Chaotic directly from the book, or even
archaic version of Thorass, but the learn them for later use. Although
Good (Neutral) character who has
script itself—which has been their effects mimic those of tradi-
started to emulate a brass dragon
graven into the metal pages with tional spells, the mechanics of
might suddenly find herself in
great precision—is a simplified ru- these spells are specifically tai-
deep conversation with a squirrel
nic form. This combination of lored for the unique mental archi-
using a speak with animals ability
tongue and script is identical to tecture of dragonkind.
she never knew she had.)
that found in the Book of the In addition, the book gives in-
World. Once these changes have taken
full effect, the owner is unwilling to structions for casting the following
give up the book, or even let it out purely draconic spells: calm,
Effects of his sight. Attempts to remove hand, find humanoid familiar,
Any human or demihuman who the book arouse anger, and possi- venomdust, wingbind, con tact ar-
has the Draconomicon in his pos- bly provoke violence from the chetype, death door, and cold cur-
session for more than 2d4 days owner. tain.
starts to experience personality These effects fade away slowly While these spell descriptions
changes. The owner’s outlook, once the book is out of the charac- would obviously be of most value
personality, and behavior begin to ter’s possession. For the first 24 to dragons, they can also aid hu-
shift slowly until they match the hours after losing possession of the man and demihuman wizards.
personality of the dragon species book, the character is morose and With the Draconomicon in his pos-
with the same alignment as the melancholy, but this dark mood session, a wizard would find it con-
owner. In other words, a Lawful soon passes. The innate magical siderably easier to research his
Good owner will start to behave abilities are lost in 1d4 days, and own versions of all the spells con-
more and more like a bronze, sil- the character’s personality slowly tained therein. The time required
ver, or gold dragon (random selec- returns to normal over a period of for research is unchanged—there’s
tion); a Lawful Evil owner will start 2d6 days. work involved in converting these
to emulate a blue; a Neutral Evil The Draconomicon emits a spells into human terms, after
owner will start to emulate either a strong aura of alteration magic. Its all—but the cost is reduced to 75%
blue or one of the Chaotic Evil aura has neither a good nor an evil of normal. See the Dungeon Mas-
dragons, depending on the nu- influence. ters Guide pages 43-44 for more
ances of his alignment. details on researching spells.
The many legends concerning

the Dra- sumed slain. His body was never In 1311 DR, Taranel was slain by
conomicon found. person or persons unknown who
relate that it The next mention of the Dra- broke into her residence one night
also contains conomicon was a quarter century and garotted her as she sat at her
even wilder later, when it was reported to be in reading stand. After the deed was
spells, includ- the library of the sage Taranel of done, the perpetrators tried to
ing draconic Waterdeep. Once a student of cover their crime by setting fire to
versions of Elminster, Taranel had years ear- the place; however, Taranel’s
resurrection. lier reached a position of some home was protected from fire by
One specific prominence, but her repute was various customized versions of af-
legend also claims that the Dra- now fading, and she was sliding fect normal fires, triggered by a
conomicon contains the full proce- steadily toward obscurity. How contingency spell. Only her study
dure for turning a dragon into a she obtained the Draconomicon is suffered damage, and that was
dracolich. (Refer to Ed Green- not known. very minor.
wood’s article, “The Cult of the For several years, Taranel stud- When the contents of Taranel’s
Dragon,” in DRAGON® magazine, ied the book. (Nowhere is it re- home were checked against the in-
issue #110.) If this is true, then the corded how her personality may ventory of possessions that she
book would be the ultimate prize have changed in the meantime. kept scrupulously updated, an in-
for any member of the cult. There might, in fact, have been no teresting fact turned up. Only one
change, since Taranel was always item had been taken: the Dra-
History described as noble and fair of mind conomicon.
and demeanor.) During this time, The common conclusion is that
The first recorded mention of the so stories relate, she researched members of the feared Cult of the
Draconomicon was in a scroll dat- and perfected human versions of Dragon have acquired the Dra-
ing from 1278 DR. According to two of the spells within: death door conomicon. They knew Taranel
this scroll, the book had been dis- and wingbind. (Other stories tell had it, and so sent assassins to re-
covered in the ruins of a small keep that she also worked long and hard move her and to acquire the book.
in Amn by the adventurer on contact archetype. It is not The current whereabouts of the
Berethond Halfelven. Unable to known whether the temporary Draconomicon are unknown. If it
read its contents, but recognizing mental breakdown she suffered in is truly in the hands of the Cult of
that it had some historical value, 1309 DR was a result of success in the Dragon, the first indication of
he returned with it to Baldur’s researching the spell and its subse- its continued existence might be
Gate. quent use, or simply from over- unpleasant, to say the least.
The scroll goes on to describe work.)
the alteration in Berethond’s per-
sonality. Normally a somber, al-
most morose man, he became
more and more of a joke-teller and
prankster, much to the discomfort
of his friends and associates.
When Berethond led the adven-
turing company the Hammerfists
northward in 1281 DR, it can be
presumed that he took the book
with him. As related in many tales
and songs of the time, the Ham-
merfists met and destroyed a
green great wyrm that lived in the
forest directly west of Dragonspear
Castle. Berethond disappeared
during the combat, and was pre-

This scenario If the DM uses this adventure op- guards either because he can rap-
presents a very tion, the set-up should place em- idly acquire more (from the other
unusual great phasis on the wickedness and evil members of the families who
wyrm that can of the dragon, or the value of his guard him) or because he is arro-
be brought treasure, as appropriate to moti- gant enough to consider their pro-
into a cam- vate the player characters. tection largely unnecessary in any
paign in a vari- event. This scenario has the virtue
ety of ways. In 2. The Dragon As Consultant of mixing good combat with the
this introduc- need for careful role-playing in the
tion, we’ll con- The PCs are forced to seek out negotiation with the dragon.
sider the setting and purpose of Maldraedior as a sage, the only This is suitable for PCs of levels
the dragon and his lair, offering creature that can provide them
6-9 (total party strength of some
many options for the DM. This is a with the information they desper- 45-50 levels is optimal) who can
versatile scenario, usable with ately require. Exactly what this give the guards a fair fight but
characters of medium or high ex- might be is discussed in some de- can’t risk fighting a great wyrm.
perience levels. tail later, when the areas of the
wyrm’s knowledge are presented. These options do not exhaust the
In this case, of course, the PCs will
Game Setting have to provide some service for
possibilities, but they should offer
a wide enough range to satisfy
This scenario is set in the land of the dragon.
most role-play styles and experi-
Unther in the Forgotten Realms This is suitable for PCs who ence levels.
(see FR10, Old Empires, for further aren’t of sufficiently high level to
details). A specific setting has been combat the dragon, but they will
used because an important aspect probably need to be of medium The Dragon of Dalath
of the dragon is his extensive levels to be able to obtain the Maldraedior lives in a temple com-
knowledge, and this needs to be magic or other rewards the wyrm plex beneath the streets of Dalath,
anchored in concrete locations will demand in return for its help. a mining town some 40 miles
within a game world setting. How- This scenario enables the DM to north of the eastern part of the
ever, it is easy for the DM to relo- shoehorn PCs into other adven- Smoking Mountains of Unther.
cate him in an alternative location tures he has designed without be- The existence of this temple is a
within the Realms, or any other ing too arm-twisting about carefully guarded secret.
game world. matters. Maldraedior has lived within it for
nearly 3,000 years, and during
The Wyrm in Game Play 3. The Dragon As Consultant this time he has been served by
Version II members of two families—the Ra-
The wyrm, Maldraedior, can be mahiresh and Kalmarak families.
used in game play in more than This is the same as the version
These folk regard the dragon as
one manner. How he is used may above, with one important altera-
a deity, and serve him faithfully
well affect the manner in which tion. Here, the dragon may be will-
and fanatically. A father will bring
the PCs are lured into the adven- ing to dispense information to the
his son to the Great Chamber (area
ture, as explained in the “Adven- PCs, but they have to prove them-
13 on the map) when he reaches
ture Set-Up” section. Among the selves by fighting their way past
the age of maturity, to be pre-
DM’s options are the following: his attendants and guards (possi-
sented to Maldraedior, and the
bly killing them), and traps to get
combination of the dragon’s fear
1. Slay The Monster! to his central chamber. Only then
and awe effects (and use of charm
will the dragon respect the PCs
This scenario is extremely danger- person spells) make the impres-
enough to consider helping them
ous. Only PCs of levels 11+ can sionable youth a devoted servant
with information, although he will
hope to kill Maldraedior, but if they of the wyrm.
still require services in return.
manage it they should certainly Maldraedior often sends his ser-
In this version, Maldraedior is in-
feel a terrific sense of achievement. vants into the outside world to
different to the welfare of his

gain experience and knowledge sition of priest spells is in some them off to
(using a geas spell to prevent them way a spill-over from the wyrm’s Sekras to find
from ever speaking of him and his acquisition of such spells. Cer- the final clue
lair). A small number of family tainly, the fanaticism of their wor- that at last
members have returned to the ship of the dragon is strong leads them to
temple over the years, some of enough to make this plausible. Dalath.
them having grown powerful as The PCs can
fighters or mages. At the current Adventure Set-Up be lured into
time, the fighter Halmashir has seeking
just returned to the temple and This will depend on the scenario Maldraedior by
provides the dragon with a fear- option employed by the DM to finding an obscure tome which
some bodyguard. some extent, but certain features promises priceless information—
Some who do not return still of drawing the PCs into meeting maybe how the God-King Gilgeam
send gifts, magic, or communica- Maldraedior will be common to can be slain! Or it tells of the exist-
tions back to the temple. Others re- any option. ence of a fabulously rich wyrm of
main within the temple and Most importantly, it will be diffi- extraordinary and unusual nature
become minor clerics, worshiping cult to find the dragon’s home. PCs (no details). Trying to get this infor-
the power of the wyrm. Although should be channelled toward his mation draws them into the net of
Maldraedior is not a god, these lair slowly, by hints, riddles, par- clues and riddles.
clerics still gain clerical spells, just tial information, and cryptic clues. An important specific clue the
as Maldraedior does himself. This If they seek information the DM can use to draw the PCs to
is due to his own worship of a dra- dragon possesses, they will be told Maldraedior is that, in the distant
conic deity, as detailed below in (for example) to look in Firetrees past, he was the suzerain of the
the full description of the dragon. where they will find a clue to visit blue dragons of Unther and
It may be that the humans’ acqui- Kaoll, where a sage may send Mulhorand. Some 2,650 years ago,

he either abdi- them and the temple permanently ings of sculpted stone, a ceiling
cated or disap- alerted. height of 11-16 feet (varying
peared, There is but a single entrance to slightly from place to place), and
depending on the temple of the wyrm. This is are lit with continual light spells
the ancient found below a trap door in the which are more muted in their lu-
source con- basement of Hosnirak’s Antiques minance level than usual (hiding
sulted. The in a dingy quarter of the town. The in shadows is, however, almost im-
references the proprietor is a member of the Ra- possible). They are decorated with
PCs can dig up mahiresh family, and in his shop wall etchings, mosaics, and mu-
should be very he has a fine collection of antiques rals depicting diverse dracoforms.
mysterious about the disappear- from the lands of Unther, The art is rigidly stylized and for-
ance of the dragon. They might Mulhorand, and Chessenta. He mulaic, and it appears to be very
even suggest that his hoard is still has two large guard dogs (war dogs old.
around (though there’s no men- with 14 hp apiece). Old Hosnirak is There are small ventilation
tion as to whether the dragon is a normal man with just 4 hit shafts that lie behind stones with
still alive . . . ). points, but he wears a ring of mind grooved holes drilled in them, but
The placement of these clues shielding that also negates charm, these shafts are far too small
and the pace of the adventure de- sleep, and suggestion spells. (around nine inches in diameter)
pend on how many skirmishes you If visitors are being admitted to to allow even a halfling to crawl
want along the way and the pa- the temple, Hosnirak pulls a small through them. They terminate on
tience of the PCs. It should not be lever carefully hidden beneath the the surface near houses in Dalath.
easy to find such a rare and counter of his shop to alert the The location details that follow
fantastic creature as Maldraedior, temple guards (this lever is only place an emphasis on tactical
though, and it is worth a lengthy spotted if a careful search is made). notes for NPCs who may have to
build-up to meeting him. The PCs may well opt for a covert fight. Since Maldraedior can mate-
break-in, by day (disabling rialize anywhere within the tem-
Dalath Town Hosnirak with a spell such as hold ple, the DM should also be
person) or by night (beware the well-prepared for bringing him
Fuller details of this city may be very noisy dogs!). The DM should into the fray as he deems neces-
found in FR10, Old Empires, page prepare a sketch map of the sary. The DM should also add de-
43. Briefly, it is a town of 6,000 ground floor and basement of tails to the bare basics given for
people effectively ruled by freehold Hosnirak’s shop if the PCs intend a room locations.
merchants and their stooges. Al- break-in.
though many of the merchants are A variety of foreign and some- Generic NPC Profiles
newcomers, the Ramahiresh and times secretive folk visit
Kalmarak families are prominent Hosnirak’s shop on purely com- Before describing the specific
and powerful. All the adult mem- mercial grounds (some of the prop- rooms of the temple, the following
bers of each family know of erty is certainly stolen or looted is a listing of the types of NPC
Maldraedior and his temple, but from far-off tombs). This provides guards the PCs will meet as they
none can speak of either to outsid- cover for the rarer comings and go- wander about.
ers (because of the geas). ings of wyrm worshipers from far- Junior Clerics (3rd-level): AC 4
The DM may well choose to pop- flung towns and cities. It requires (chain and shield); MV 9; C3; hp 15
ulate the major ‘civic posts (Cap- careful observation to discover each; #AT 1; THAC0 20; Dmg 1d6
tain of the Watch, clerks, etc.) with that some who visit the shop (quarterstaff) or special (mold
members of these families, who clearly do not emerge for some bomb or spell); ML Fanatic (18); AL
will soon take steps to keep sur- time afterward. LE; SA/SD spells; Spells: bless,
veillance on any outsiders who command, protection from good,
mention dragons. If these outsid- sanctuary barkskin, flame blade,
ers express any hostile intentions
The Temple of the Wyrm
toward dragons, concerted attacks Generally, the corridors and rooms Each cleric has a potion of heal-
will certainly be made against of the temple have walls and ceil- ing and a glass globe containing

enough yellow mold to cover a 10- are alerted. If this is the case, jun- 7. Temple
foot cube. ior clerics (3rd level) are waiting in Guards
the side passages behind the se- These three
Fighters (3rd-level): AC 1 (plate cret doors. When the party passes rooms are oc-
mail and shield, Dex bonus); MV 6; by, they emerge (almost certainly cupied by the
F3; hp 20 each; #AT 1; THAC0 18; with surprise) and use mold fighter guards,
Dmg 1d8+1/1d12+1 (long sword bombs and then other attacks (see of whom there
+ Str bonus); ML 17 (Fanatic); AL later for details of combat tactics). are a total of
LE. eight (includ-
The fighters each have a cross- 3. Trapped Door ing those listed for areas 4 and 6).
bow in addition to their swords. Five of them are 3rd level and
Another glyph of warding (14
points of chill damage, plus paraly- three are 5th level. Usually, half
Fighters (5th-level): AC -1 (plate are asleep. Each room has coffers
mail +1, shield +1, Dex bonus); sis) is laid upon the door, which is
locked, bolted, and barred to pre- of coins and a small gem or two, for
MV 6; F5; hp 35 each; #AT 1; a total of 5d20 + 100 gp per room.
THAC0 16; Dmg 1d8+4/1d12+4 vent a knock spell from opening it
(longsword +1 and Str bonus); ML on the first attempt. A knock spell
may alert the guards beyond to the 8. Great Library and Study
18 (Fanatic); AL LE.
Each fighter has a crossbow, two presence of intruders if the bolt This spacious chamber is packed
beads of force, and a potion of drops from its frame due to the with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves,
extra-healing. spell! The pit trap is operated from with thousands of tomes on all as-
area 4. pects of the history and societies of
1. Descending Stairs Unther, Mulhorand, Chessenta,
4. Guard Room Thay, and the Shaar. The value of
Beneath the trap door, a circular these books alone would be
stone staircase leads down 50 feet There are always two 3rd-level
fighters and two 3rd-level clerics around 100,000 gp. Maps, brass
to a simple, small square room. models of the movement of the
Setting foot anywhere within this on guard here. A wall-lever here
opens the covered pit (area 3) out- heavens, astrological charts show-
room activates a bell in area 4. ing the correspondence of body
This arouses all the temple de- side the door. This is a 20-foot-
deep, spiked pit that inflicts 2d6 + parts to the heavenly spheres, and
fenses unless the bell in Hosnirak’s similar decorations fill the room.
shop was previously rung to give 2d8 points of damage.
warning of arrivals. Visitors are ex- 9. The Wyrm-Priest’s
pected to wait in this chamber un- 5. Junior Clerics
til called for. The six chambers house nine 3rd-
The doors to the north have a level clerics. Three are asleep at The senior cleric, the Wyrm-Priest,
glyph of warding laid on them any given time unless the temple holds court here. The room is filled
(successful saving throw vs. spell defenses are roused. Each cham- with sculptures of blue dragons
to halve 14 points of fire damage; ber has beds, basic furnishings, (Ganafar’s own work). Incidental
there is also a hold person spell and minor trinkets and coinage treasure is worth 400 gp.
cast at 7th level). A cleric within (value 5d20 + 100 gp per room).
the temple can speak the name of Ganafar, the Wyrm-Priest: Str
the glyph to allow safe passage 6. Living Chamber 10, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 18,
(this applies to all glyphs here). Cha 14; AC -3 (chain mail +1,
This is a general resting and eating shield +1, cloak of displacement);
2. Passage of Chanting room where the guards and clerics MV 9; C7; hp 57; #AT 1; THAC0 14;
meet and relax while off-duty. Dmg 1d6+4/2d4+3 (flail +2 and
Named for the chants made by ac- There are one to two fighters here Str bonus) or spell; ML Fanatic
olytes and clerics returning to the at any given time, unless the tem- (18); AL LE; SA/SD spells, magical
temple, this long passage can be a ple is on alert. items; Spells: bless, combine, pu-
death trap if the temple defenses

rify food and 10. The Wyrm-Blade’s HD lightning bolt (10 feet wide, 60
drink, com- Chambers feet long), three times per day in
mand (x2), fire the direction of his gaze (the bolt
trap, heat This title is given to Halmashir, a starts five feet in front of his face).
metal, know huge (6’7”), swarthy monster of a This helm, which is powerfully evil
alignment, man, brutish and bullying. The (and radiates this strongly) also
resist cold, spir- room is a filthy mess, the rem- confers a permanent immunity to
itual hammer, nants of meals, stinking dirty electrical attacks on Halmashir.
prayer, protec- clothes, and the smell of bad wine He employs a long sword of
tion from fire, and acrid sweat befouling the dancing that fights independently
pyrotechnics, protection from good place. of him, and a vorpal bastard sword
10’ radius, spell immunity +3 (LE aligned), which he uses
Ganafar has a scroll with a flame Halmashir, the Wyrm-Blade: two-handed except when grabbing
strike spell, a flask with two appli- Str 18/98, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 8, the returning dancing sword. He
cations of oil of impact (adds +1 Wis 9, Cha 5; AC -3 (plate mail +3 has a potion of extra healing and a
bonus to attack roll, +4 damage, of fire resistance, boots of striding potion of invulnerability
-1 THAC0 to stats above), a cloak and springing, Dex bonus); MV 9
of displacement, a brooch of and special; F13; hp 92; #AT 2 + Tactics of the Defenders
shielding with 53 hp left, and a special; THAC0 5; Dmg 1d8+6-9
or 2d4+8/2d8+8 or possible spe- If alerted, the junior clerics partly
magical amulet that enables him
cials (see below); ML Fanatic (18); infiltrate the side passages 2a and
the effect of a find the path spell
through areas within the temple AL LE; SD may avoid melee blows 2b and use surprise tactics to at-
(boots). tack the rear of the party, throwing
covered by guards and wards. This
Halmashir wears a giant dra- their deadly mold bombs (treat as
only functions for a worshiper of
the wyrm, however. conic helm that can breathe a 12- grenade-like missiles, ranges 2/5/

9). Any spore cloud released takes vulnerability). He avoids melee if them. The
1d4+1 rounds to disperse. A pair he has the chance to use his dra- magic mouth
of junior fighters also enters the conic helm first. He isn’t bothered cast on the
side passages to lead the melee as- if a minion gets fried by a lightning ceiling be-
saults on any PCs emerging from bolt from the helm, so long as he tween the mid-
the clouds of mold spores. Other gets some PCs as well. Both he and dle pair of
junior clerics fight in area 4 with Ganafar try to back off from a fight braziers also
the junior fighters; they attempt to to recuperate before relaunching does not radi-
lure the PCs into the room rather an attack. ate magic, for
than fight in the doorway. The If necessary, all fight to the the same rea-
spell protection from good will be death. Maldraedior is first roused son. When any creature ap-
cast when the alert is raised; a se- when Ganafar or Halmashir suf- proaches within 30 feet of the
ries of bless spells will be cast by fers a first hit (or is paralyzed, etc.) magic mouth, it lets out a piercing
different junior clerics, beginning and a projected image appears scream (all within 60 feet must roll
at this time, to make sure that this within 1d4 rounds to fight. You successful saving throws vs. spell
spell affects all defenders when should determine carefully under or be deafened for 1d4+1 rounds).
battle ensues. what conditions, if any, the dragon This breaks a small glass globe
The 5th-level fighters use their offers surrender or a cessation of containing oil within each brazier,
beads of force to entrap a couple of hostilities. and in turn this allows a counter-
attackers if possible, entering the As an optional complication, weight to fall, striking a flint to ig-
fray when an opportunity arises. you can give juniors the chance to nite the oil and the incense within
In all cases, the defenders are retreat through the temple during each brazier. This results in each
well-organized and try to cover for battle (along the side passages 2a brazier summoning a fire elemen-
each other so that the wounded and 2b), run up the steps, and tal (12 HD + 12 hp), each with 75
can make a fighting retreat to bring reinforcements to attack the hit points. The elementals attack
swallow a curative potion if this PCs from above. You may deter- immediately.
seems possible. The two major de- mine the number and levels of The doors at the end of this
fenders of the temple, Halmashir these (fighter) replacements as corridor—which is not used by the
and Ganafar, aid their juniors in you see fit. Do this only if the PC temple clerics—are powerfully
different ways. Ganafar casts de- party can take this kind of heat! trapped. Each bears a fire trap in-
fensive spells (protection from fire, These reinforcements can’t make flicting 1d4 + 18 points of damage
spell immunity [against ice storm], their way beyond area 10, so if the if triggered (roll a successful sav-
protection from good 10’ radius, PCs get beyond there they are ing throw vs. spell for half dam-
resist cold), then prayer during safe—until they want to get out, of age). Touching the doorknobs
battle, and then comes out to sup- course. causes a thin, lacquered veneer of
port the resistance with distance Note on further locations: Areas wood to fall from the doors reveal-
spells (heat metal, flame strike, 11-13 are covered by a guards and ing a symbol of insanity which af-
command). He avoids melee un- wards spell in addition to all other fects all looking at the doors.
less the juniors are being over- magical effects listed below.
whelmed; he applies oil of impact 12. Corridor of Distortion
to his flail before meleeing, if he 11. Corridor of Elementals
has time. First melee and spell at- This corridor appears to be twice
tacks against him miss because of This massive corridor is power- its real length, unless a spell such
his cloak; be careful to take all his fully trapped. Two braziers on the as true seeing is employed. In addi-
defensive magic into account. map radiate magic, simply due to a tion to the distance distortion,
Halmashir the fighter is a very Nystul’s magical aura (they are there is a conjure elemental spell
powerful enemy, brutal and vile. harmless decoys). The other four that summons a 16-HD earth ele-
He attacks the weakest target he braziers are dangerous, for each is mental that attacks anyone not ac-
can see, if possible. He takes all a brazier of sleep smoke. None of companied by Ganafar. The
possible defensive precautions them radiates magic, due to a per- elemental lurks half-way along the
(e.g., swallowing his potion of in- manent nondetection spell cast on length of the corridor. The door at

the end has a “egg,” which has four-foot-thick usage is carefully saved. Demi-
glyph of ward- walls. Within the chamber itself is shadow monsters will be used
ing (14 points the dragon’s treasure hoard, early, to support meleeing guards
of chill dam- which should be designed by the and clerics if possible (demi-
age, roll a suc- DM in accord with the needs of his shadow landsharks are a favorite
cessful saving own campaign. If extra magical with Maldraedior). Attacks that
throw vs. spell items are placed, do not forget that provide no saving throws (power
for half dam- the dragon has a hand spell with word, maze) will be used
age and to which he can manipulate many intelligently—maze on a fighter
avoid a hold such items (e.g., a magical wand). (low Int), power word on a wizard
person effect). If he can use items, he will! Spell (low hit point total). Chaos will be
books will be part of the package— used early on. Screen is used to
13. Central Chamber of the Maldraedior doesn’t need them for prevent scrying of area 14. Detect
Wyrm memorizing, but he does need a and dispel magic will be used to
source of new spells and has col- identify a magical effect aiding the
This huge chamber has walls dec- lected several spell books. The PCs and put a stop to it (e.g.,
orated with murals of Maldraedior, dragon has an efreeti bottle here, prayer, haste). And so on;
tapestries showing the dragon in and he will loose the efreet if the Maldraedior has many, many
his full glory, gem-encrusted bra- PCs get here. His gem of bright- spells to choose from!
ziers and sconces (value 15,000 ness is also in the main cavern, Prepare a battle schedule for the
gp), and the like. The ceiling and it will be activated with a com- dragon, weaving his spell use with
height here is 35 feet. Dominating mand word to attack the PCs. that of his servants. Make sure he
the room is a huge, 70-foot-long Within the sealed egg, ioun retreats to regenerate (ioun stone,
statue of the dragon himself, rising stones sustain the dragon’s shriv- staff of curing) well before he is se-
15 feet into the air, in a half- eled body, and his mirror of mental riously threatened. Maldraedior is
crouched position as if ready to prowess (which has a continual a supra-genius. Play him like one.
spring. This is where acolytes are light cast upon it) enables him to Go out there and kill those PCs.
brought to witness a manifestation scry the temple and his many Make them sweat blood to gain a
of the dragon. agents. The staff of curing here victory here.
There is only one way to get will be used in emergency to heal If the PCs win, they get a fabu-
closer to the dragon’s actual physi- damage. Note that Maldraedior lous treasure and a real kick out of
cal body from here. There are se- cannot use the planar travel func- their win. Life may be very sweet
cret doors within the belly of the tion of the magical mirror yet, and until the scores of surviving mem-
stone statue. These can be found he badly wants to learn how to do bers of the Ramahiresh and
by crawling into the stone mouth of this. A first task for PCs negotiat- Kalmarak families begin to track
the dragon and pulling at the base ing with him would be to find out them down for revenge; the wyrm
of the tongue (a successful Intelli- how to help him in this respect. was a god to them, after all. The
gence check with a -4 penalty en- DM can keep the PCs hassled for
ables a PC to see something odd in Dragon Battle Tactics some time if he should so wish.
the stone joint here). PCs can crawl
down the neck only in single file! This dragon has so many spells
But We Come in Peace!!
Below the stone doors is a shaft that your imagination is the only
leading downward some 200 feet limit on what he can do. His If the PCs haven’t come to kill the
to the hidden cavern where highest-level spells can be used dragon, matters are very different.
Maldraedior’s body lies. only close to his own physical There is nothing to stop the DM
body, but this still leaves many op- from requiring that they kill off the
14. Hidden Cavern of the tions. Major area-effect spells (pris- guards and clerics to get to the
Wyrm matic spray, chain lightning) are dragon, of course. But in the event
usually reserved for use in area 14. that the PCs come to talk,
Maldraedior’s real body is sealed The breath weapon will be used Maldraedior is prepared to listen if
inside a 40-foot-diameter stone once as soon as possible, but later the PCs don’t try to go any further

than area 13, they flatter him and scrying, charm monster (x2), mi- Maldraedior’s
bring gifts (but no grovelling), and nor globe of invulnerability, Rary’s projected im-
they look strong and talk smart. mnemonic enhancer, chaos, con- ages cause
Of course, there will be much jure elemental, con tact other only 75% of
subtle mental duelling as the plane, demi-shadow monsters, normal dam-
wyrm tests the PCs with covert distance distortion, chain light- age if success-
threats, insinuations, and the like. ning, globe of invulnerability, leg- ful, and any
Information below will help you in end lore, power word stun, damage
deciding what the outcome of par- prismatic spray, spell turning, caused by illu-
leying will be, and what informa- maze, screen, time stop. sions (such as
tion the dragon may be prepared demi-shadow monsters) is only
to divulge. Priest spells (as 10th-level priest): 50% of normal.
command (x4), fire trap, heat Maldraedior’s physical body is a
Maldraedior (Great Wyrm Blue metal, silence 15’ radius (x2), 20-foot-long, half-mummified,
Dragon): AC -8; MV 9, Fl 30 (C) + glyph, prayer, protection from fire, shriveled form. It is incapable of
special (see below); HD 22; hp 144; free action, lower water, produce fighting or defending itself. At-
#AT 3 + specials (snatch up to L fire, flame strike (x2). tacks upon it automatically hit.
size; kick 1d6+12 feet away; wing Damage caused to it is added to
buffet 1d6+8 damage); THAC0 5; Magical items in lair (area 15): gem that inflicted on the projected im-
Dmg 1d8+6/1d8+6/3d8+8; AL of brightness, ioun stones (clear, ir- age forms of the wyrm. If
N(E); INT supra-genius (19); SZ G idescent, pearly white; enable Maldraedior’s hit point total is re-
(40’ x 15’ x 15’ as image); SA light- dragon to live without air, food, or duced to 0, the body crumbles to
ning bolt breath weapon (3/day, 1 water, regenerates 1 hp/turn), dust.
per 3 rounds, 24d8+12 damage), efreeti bottle, mirror of mental Maldraedior is also slightly re-
fear within 50 yards (saving throw prowess, staff of curing (8 stricted in how he may use his
penalty of -4 for creatures/ charges). Maldraedior also has spells. His 9th-level spell may only
characters with 12 or fewer HD/ spell books here (see area descrip- be used in area 14 of the temple;
levels), spells, manifests through tion for details). his 8th-level spells in areas 14 or
projected images; SD MR 65%, de- 13; his 7th-level spells in areas 11,
tects invisible within 120 feet, im- Special Notes: Maldraedior’s phys- 12, 13 or 14; his 6th-level spells
mune to electrical attacks, spells. ical form is not capable of combat only inside the temple; his 3rd-5th
actions. He appears, and fights, as level spells within the temple or a
Spell-like powers as great wyrm: a projected image that can appear five-mile radius; and his 1st- and
create/destroy water (3/day), dust (and be maintained) at will within 2nd-level spells within the temple
devil, ventriloquism, control the temple, three times per day, for or a ten-mile radius of it.
winds, hallucinatory terrain (1/ up to one hour per projection, or
day each), sound imitation at will, outside the temple (maximum Role-Playing Maldraedior
clairaudience to 240’ within tem- range of ten miles). Such a pro-
ple, telepathic communication. As jected image takes one round to Maldraedior is incredibly old. His
a unique power, Maldraedior has form, and also one round to disap- rheumy, sunken eyes have seen
the permanent power of true see- pear if Maldraedior wishes to with- over 4,000 summers of desert
ing within the temple. draw or manifest himself heat, battle, and blood in the war-
elsewhere within the temple. ring Empires. He has grown weary,
Wizard Spells (as 18th-level wiz- The combat statistics for jaded, and cynical. This affects his
ard): charm person, detect magic, Maldraedior differ from those of a alignment and his demeanor.
magic missile (x2), protection from standard great wyrm (e.g., less Blue dragons are usually Lawful
good, shield, darkness 15’ radius, physical damage) because of the Evil, but Maldraedior has passed
improved phantasmal force, hyp- semi-real nature of his projection. beyond that. He regards Chaos
notic pattern, hand; invisibility, Unfortunately, this also reduces and Law as forces that ebb and
mirror image, clairvoyance, dispel the damage he suffers from at- flow, and he has become indiffer-
magic (x2), fireball, slow, detect tacks. Physical attacks on ent to their struggle. Good and Evil

he regards The Last Faithful Servant 3. Special or Lost Magic:
slightly Maldraedior has several such mag-
differently—he Maldraedior has one absolute pas- ics; but there are some that he
sion that he will not reveal save doesn’t particularly want or need
thinks they are
irrelevancies in exceptional circumstances. (such as a magical net that can
Maldraedior is the last true wor- trap and banish a hakeshar) or
drummed up
by effete phi- shiper of a draconic demipower, can’t use (class-specific items, for
Kalzareinad, minor deity of dra- example). This is a special case of
losophers to
waste time. conic magic (Neutral [Evil]). the treasure hoard knowledge.
The values of It is a splendid irony that
Maldraedior is himself revered by 4. The Banespear: Maldraedior
good he spurns, especially if irrita-
humans who consider him a god, knows of a spear, separated into
ble, although he does not actively
follow the values of evil. Overall, while Maldraedior’s only major rea- shaft and head and hidden apart,
son for staying alive is his role as which can slay the vile tyrant Gil-
Maldraedior is an uncaring crea-
the last servant and worshiper of geam with a single strike into the
ture, sometimes spiteful and mali-
cious. His alignment is best given this all-but-lost demipower. side. Both parts are carefully hid-
Maldraedior passionately reveres den and protected by monsters
as Neutral (Evil).
Maldraedior has deep pride in this deity and hopes that by acquir- and traps of great power and peril.
himself, but he also has some- ing magic he may contact other This is suitable only for PCs of high
thing very unusual in a dragon—a dragons (primarily blues) and con- level, and only if you can handle
half-deprecating, laconic sense of vert them to Kalzareinad’s cult. the turbulence caused by a suc-
humor. He may even crack the He will keep this secret rever- cessful assassination of Gilgeam.
odd joke at his own expense (but ence to himself at all costs. Details
of this cult can be improvised by 5. The Cult of Tiamat:
others had better be more care-
ful!). He despises jesters and the DM if necessary. Maldraedior hates this cult. While
pranksters, such as copper and fa- he would not want to see an an-
erie dragons. He responds well to Maldraedior’s Knowledge cient wyrm like Guyanothaz (Old
people who have killed such This dragon has been around Empires, page 41) killed, he would
pests. Maldraedior respects peo- 4,000 years and has a network of like to see the bullying cult put to
ple who stand up for themselves. spies, plus powerful magical spells the sword. With his help the PCs
He likes flattery, even demands it, and items for scrying. Basically, he could inflict deadly blows on these
but he hates real grovelers. knows anything you want him to Chaotic Evil foes.
know. However, some of his infor-
Interests and Motivations mation may be dated and thus 6. Clerical Politics: Through his
partly wrong. In Unther, consider network of spies and sages,
Maldraedior has only two real in- Maldraedior is especially well-
the following possibilities:
terests: knowledge and magic. informed about the cults opposed
Maldraedior has very extensive in- to Gilgeam. He could furnish the
1. Treasure Hoards: An ancient
terests as a sage; these are outlined PCs with contacts of fellow rebels
more fully below. Maldraedior is wyrm might know the locations of
many lost hoards. against the tyrant. He may, how-
always interested in the acquisi- ever, balk at helping establish con-
tion of magic that can scry, heal, or tact with the clerics of Ishtar,
enable astral or extraplanar travel. 2. Genealogies: Maldraedior has
first-hand knowledge of the gene- whom he regards as intolerably
He also badly wants to learn how good.
alogies of nobles in Mulhorand and
to planar travel with his mirror,
having been unable to master this Unther, where these matters are of
major importance. A powerful per-
function. Maldraedior will be
son exposed as illegitimate or re-
ready to provide information in re-
lated to murderers or worse would
turn for such help.
be struck down if the information
could be proved true.

“Invitation to a She makes her selection among It mattered not one wit to Ralas.
Robbery” is an prospective mates based on the He was a fierce and terrible dragon
AD&D® game male’s worth, which for black and most of the looters lost their
adventure for dragons goes strictly according to lives. Those who managed to es-
four to six the size of his hoard. Since Ralas cape only spread his glory more.
characters of knew that he was a very worthy Those who died usually had some
6th-8th level dragon with a very large hoard, he valuables, so. Ralas’s hoard grew
(about 35 total waited and waited, knowing that because of their efforts.
levels). The someday a discriminating female Eventually the adventurers
adventure in- of his species would come along stayed away and the female black
volves a family of black dragons and he would be chosen as a mate. dragons finally arrived. Three of
that the PCs must negotiate with. Unfortunately, Ralas had led a them came to fight for the right to
The strength of the party should very solitary life and had only seen mate with Ralas, as is the custom
not be great enough that fighting two other black dragons in all the with black dragons. Ralas watched
the dragons is a viable option. years since he left home to find his from the swamp below as the drag-
This is an adventure that the own lair. Having become so accus- ons flew through the air and
PCs stumble into while traveling tomed to living alone, it took him clawed at one another in the hopes
cross country. The adventure almost a quarter of a century to re- of driving the other two away. Ra-
takes place in a desolate swamp alize that a female dragon was not las’s heart swelled to know that he
called Karatorn. going to be drawn to him unless he was worthy of this kind of atten-
Swamp Karatorn can be placed got word out to the rest of the tion. The eventual victor was a
in an area that the characters are world that he had a stockpile of young dragon named Ueurwen.
traveling through for the first time, gold and was ready to raise a fam- Although not as powerful as the
or the adventure’s location can ily. A lazy but crafty creature, Ra- other two, she had the will of a
easily be changed to fit a previ- las struck upon the idea of having dwarf on the trail of gold.
ously encountered swamp that someone spread the word for him. At first Ralas was happy to have
was not thoroughly explored. Be- The next time he went out hunt- a mate, for he thought of it as tak-
cause the swamp is the home of a ing, he traveled by night to an area ing his final step into adulthood.
family of black dragons, it should he knew was thick with orc bands. But there was something in the
be set far from major civilized He hid himself in a large cave and way that Ueurwen spoke that
settlements. began readying a charm human- made him uneasy—a kind of shrill,
oid spell. After eight hours, an orc commanding tone. And, of course,
For the Dungeon Master named Snoggus passed by. Ralas there were the things she said: “Go
composed a brief proclamation of out and get more treasure! I’m
A long time ago, Ralas, a black his wealth, which he had the orc here because I saw potential, not a
dragon, was a contented bachelor. memorize (the most difficult part dragon on his last breath!”
He would awaken once every few of the whole affair), and then sent Soon after Ueurwen arrived, she
weeks and leave his lair in Swamp Snoggus out as his herald. and Ralas had five offspring. Ralas
Karatorn to go off in search of food Snoggus did his job well, and raised them as best he could, for he
and treasure. After a full day of soon many people and creatures in had a place in his heart for them.
plundering, he would return home the area knew that there lived a He silently prayed to no god in par-
weary and comfortable and sit black dragon named Ralas in ticular that as soon as the children
about his lair for a few more weeks. Swamp Karatorn who had a great were old enough to go off on their
Over the decades he amassed a treasure hoard. Although it took own, Ueurwen would decide their
handsome hoard of treasure. many months for word to reach relationship had run its course and
When he reached the age of adult, other members of his species, Ra- she would leave. It was not that he
he knew he was ready to take a las had no time to become bored or hated her, it was simply that he re-
mate. impatient, for as word of his alized he preferred his former soli-
Now it is the custom of the black wealth spread, adventurers from tude.
dragons that the female picks the all over came to try to take his life Three centuries later, it was
mate in a black dragon pairing. and his money. clear to Ralas that he hated

Ueurwen. He could think of noth- that he never is able to simply
ing else but plans with which to re- sleep upon the hoard, have all learned
move her from his life. At first, of driven him to stomp around the sages, con-
course, he thought of simply kill- swamp in despair. cerned drag-
ing her. But he realized that if he Ralas has also become tired of ons and how
should do that, word would simply his mate’s bragging about his best to han-
get out that he was an eligible wealth. It only encourages one dle the
bachelor again. A new mate would party of adventurers after another threat of evil
come along and he would be in the to try to rob him, and he has dis- members of
same bind. He thought of flying off covered status garnered from his the race.
to a distant and secret place, but wealth may not be worth the ef- Since the slaying of dragons is a
the thought of leaving his treasure fort. He is desperate, and he is pre- potential concern of yours, you
behind caused him so much pain pared to take drastic measures to listened with great interest to
he immediately rejected the idea. get his life back in order again. the theories discussed.
He thought of destroying his trea- The position of the first sage
sure, but again, he found that let- Swamp Karatorn was that all of the heroes run-
ting his gold go would be ning around slaying dragons
impossible. Read or paraphrase the following would eventually bring about
So Ralas, now 586 years old, to the players: the end of human- and demihu-
lives in despair. Ueurwen’s con- mankind. His reasoning was as
stant complaints about his lazi- As you travel through the wil- follows: Since the heroes only
ness and his lack of worth as a derness, your brains puzzle slay the weaker members of the
dragon, and her constant move- over a debate you overheard in race (obviously the toughest
ment of his treasure from one the last tavern you had stopped dragons kill off the heroes rather
chamber in his lair to another so at. The discussion, held by two than the other way around), the

Anyone rolling under one-third
adventurers didn’t know, but he was work- of his Intelligence remembers
are insuring ing it. hearing that although the dragon
that only As you look around at your in the swamp hasn’t been heard
the strong- surroundings, it occurs to you from in some time, the swamp it-
est mem- that the wildlife around you has self is reputed to be a source of
bers of the been slowly thinning out and young dragons. According to the
dragon there is now not the sound of a tales, a swarm of dragons leaves
races are left single bird in the air. The the swamp every 75 years or so.
to mate and ground is wet and soft, and
produce off-spring. Since the there is a dank stench in the
The Dragon’s Deal
weak members of the race are breeze. As you top a ridge, you
not left around to dilute the see that you are at the cusp of a Because the swamp houses the lair
strength of the race, someday large, shallow cavity in the of a dragon family, there are no
the dragons races, specifically earth. Within this bowl is a great‘ other creatures about (dragons
the evil dragons, will evolve into swamp filled with black and de- have that kind of an effect on the
super-dragons. cayed trees, rotted vines, and neighborhood). The characters can
The second sage disagreed ve- fetid, standing water. All that work their way over the small,
hemently, going so far as to pour you can see clearly is a large hill muddy areas of land that dot the
the ale from his mug over his in the center of swamp. swamp, of they can simply walk
knowledgeable peer’s head. As you are considering your through the water, which is about
This sage’s position was that path, you hear a bellowing cry, two feet deep on the average. Find-
since the strongest dragons as if some immense creature is ing the source of the noise is not a
have huge hoards that they brag in pain. The sound comes from problem. The PCs need only tromp
about for the sake of status, it is within the swamp, not too far through the swamp for about half
inevitable that these are the from the point where you are an hour, using the growls and mon-
dragons that draw one group of standing. You hear the cry strous cries as an audible beacon.
adventurers after another. again, this time followed by a When they reach the site of the
Eventually probability would roar, the falling of trees, and noise, they can hide behind a
dictate that one of the groups what sounds like a foul oath. clump of trees and see the follow-
would defeat the dragon. ing:
The first sage screamed that The noises are all being made by
his companion was misrepre- Ralas, who is out in the swamp A black dragon, about 120 feet
senting the nature of probability having one of his tantrums. The long from nose to tail, is thrash-
and that if the dragon was rest of the adventure rests on the ing about in the shallow water of
stronger, the dragon was assumption that the PCs will want the swamp. Every once in a
stronger and luck had nothing to investigate the noises coming while it stops, looks up at the
to do with it. The strongest drag- from the swamp. For this reason, sky, and howls in pain.
ons would win and go on to pro- you should make sure the party Every once in a while, the
duce heirs of power. The key to does not have to be anywhere in a dragon mutters something un-
stopping the evolution of drag- hurry—they should have the lux- der its breath. By listening care-
ons, he screamed, inches away ury to be curious and check out the fully, you can hear him talking
from the second sage’s face, was swamp. to himself in the common
to somehow stop the evil drag- As the group approaches the tongue. “What am I going to do
ons from breeding in the first swamp, have each character roll about this?” the dragon grum-
place. an Intelligence check. bles. “I’ve got to get rid of her.
When the second sage calmly Anyone rolling under one-half of But how? I’ve got to get rid of my
asked him how he was going to his Intelligence (round fractions treasure, or make her think it’s
get that to happen, the first sage down) remembers that a dragon is gone. Make everybody think I’m
sat back down and said that he rumored to live nearby, but it has a worthless dragon. That would
not been heard from for some time.

dank enough or that the hoard come up with
be well worth the price to finally hasn’t grown in value for some a way to con-
be alone again! But how to do time. trol where the
it?” treasure ends
l He needs at least half of his

hoard to be spirited away some- up. He does

Such an offer of employment, how. The hoard currently contains not know yet
helping a dragon dispense with his how to get into
22,087 cp, 32,901 sp, 29,876 gp,
hoard, should intrigue even the the level be-
1,382 pp, 5,492 ep, ten small
most cautious of adventurers. chests of gems (each containing 50 neath his lair,
While Ralas continues his futile but he as-
gems), a dozen statues, and 18
rage, the PCs need to muster up sumes that there must be a way
pieces of jewelry. There are also
the courage to approach and offer
the following magical items: a since the water from his lair seems
to help him get rid of his treasure. to wash down into that level.
velvet-lined box containing a vial
As soon as the PCs make their of elixir of youth, a ring of clumsi- Ralas wants the characters to do
presence known, Ralas whirls
ness, a ring of swimming, a wand the job without outside help. Too
around at them, pulls his head many people roaming around the
of frost, and, buried in one of the
back in order to spit his acid, and
gem chests, a gem of insight. lair will soon become obvious.
then stops. He eyes the group sus-
Since Ueurwen seldom leaves the
piciously and asks, “What do you
The dragon really does know every lair, and he wouldn’t be able to
want?” The fact that the group is
piece of his hoard’s value down to keep her out of the lair for more
negotiating with him rather than
the copper pieces, and he makes than a day on a fabricated pre-
attacking suggests that they are tense, moving the hoard will have
sure the PCs are aware that if they
worthy of interest. Since Ralas is
try to make off with more than he to take place while Ueurwen is in
now ready to accept help from al-
is offering, he’ll know about it, the cave.
most any quarter, he is willing to There is a brood of baby black
track them down, and eat them.
listen to the group and to enlist
His lair is located under the lake dragons in the cave. The PCs must
their aid.
that surrounds the large hill at the swear not to harm them in any
He relates to them the informa-
center of the swamp. To get to the way. If pressed on the point, Ralas
tion covered in the “For the
lair, one has to swim under the makes it clear that he will raise the
Dungeon Master” section (leaving
lake and then enter a tunnel that children himself if the plan works
out all information about
leads to the lair. and Ueurwen leaves.
Snoggus). He then offers the group
Ralas has the beginning of a plan The group may be hesitant to
10,000 gp in exchange for helping
he cannot complete by himself: help a black dragon in any way.
him in his plight. He clarifies the
The treasure room sits directly un- The creature is Chaotic Evil after
statements the PCs overheard him
der the water of the lake. Ralas has all, and certain members of the
make and explains that he doesn’t
noticed that one wall of the trea- party might have conflicts of align-
want to really get rid of his hoard,
sure room is currently leaking wa- ment. If they remember the debate
he just wants Ueurwen to think it
ter from the lake, indicating that between the sages, however,
is gone so that she’ll leave and
the wall could be damaged in such they’ll realize that here is the per-
spread word that he’s now a poor,
a way as to bring the whole roof in. fect opportunity to prevent this
worthless dragon. “I’ll still know
In addition, Ralas is aware of black dragon from breeding with-
how much I have,” Ralas says, out having to kill it (and killing it is
small tunnels and chambers un-
“And that’s good enough for me
derneath his lair. If the lake were to an unlikely outcome). Thus they
these days.”
crash in on the treasure room, it are helping prevent a powerful
He has the following conditions
might collapse the floor and the dragon from passing on its
that have to be considered before a
hoard would be washed away strengths to future generations.
plan can be devised:
through the tunnels below. Unfor- Also, if a know alignment spell is
l He can’t remove the treasure
tunately Ralas has no idea where cast on the dragon, it is discovered
himself because it’s rare that he’s
the treasure would end up. If the that the dragon is currently lean-
in the lair that Ueurwen isn’t with ing more toward neutral than evil.
party wants to pursue this plan, he
him complaining that the lair isn’t
makes it clear that they had better His years with Ueurwen have

taught him a them. He only threatens violence if
good deal he thinks this last chance is about Before you is a still, black lake,
about pain and to leave him. about 600 yards in diameter. At
the need for Once the terms of the job have its center rises a very large hill
compassion. been agreed upon and Ralas has made up of grey-green rock.
The PCs can outlined his suggestions and con-
The entrance into the hill is lo-
easily guess, ditions, the group hears a roar
however, that cated on the southern side of the
coming from the center of the
if Ralas spends hill, 75 feet under the water. This
swamp. Ralas explains that
entrance is 200 yards from the
too much time Ueurwen is calling for him and he
shore of the lake.
under Ueurwen’s tongue-lashings, must leave. He reminds them to be
he could well snap back to evil and careful and to stay out of sight
become a rampaging dragon kill- when entering the lair and travel- The Hill
ing indiscriminately simply to ing around in it. 1. Entrance Tunnel
somehow assuage his frustration.
Finally, if the party refuses to help Into the Lair The tunnel is filled with water as
Ralas; he threatens just such a vio- dark as the rest of the lake. The fol-
lent rampage. He is a black dragon Refer to the map when reading the lowing description should be read
after all, and he expects people to be following numbered descriptions. only if the PCs have methods of
concerned if he says that he cannot Once Ralas has bounded off to producing light that will work un-
stand this anymore. his mate’s bellowing, the PCs der water.
This threat should be used as a should work their way toward the
final resort. For the most part, Ra- center of the swamp where they The tunnel is roughly a tube. Its
las sees the party as his last chance discover a black lake surrounding sides are lined with jagged
and is very kind and polite to a hill.

rocks. It is about 30 feet in diam-
rest after traveling through the The Lair
tunnel. If the room is searched, the
eter. The water is so dark that it party finds a small alcove tucked The first level
is impossible for you to deter- behind some fallen rocks. This of the lair is
mine how far the tunnel ex- area might serve as a hiding place where the
tends. later on. There is nothing else of in- dragons make
terest in the room. their home.
Although the tunnel is relatively The walls,
narrow, the dragons can pass floor, and roof
through by drawing their limbs in,
3. Lair Corridor
are all made of
folding their wings back, and slith- a soft stone. Most of the lair is cov-
ering through like snakes. The A wide, sloping passage leads
ered in a smelly mud. The ceilings
tunnel is 90 feet long from the en- down into a dim, red glow. As
in the corridors are 30 feet high.
trance in the lake to the dry cham- with the room you are in, the
ber in the hill. passage is covered with mud
and looks as if it is very slippery. 4. The Central Chamber
Rules for swimming and holding
your breath are covered on pages However, the surface of the floor This large cavern contains three
120-122 of the Player’s Handbook. is interrupted by bumps and pools. There are three natural cor-
The characters do not have to projections that the dragons un- ridors (in addition to area 3) that
swim through the tunnel, how- doubtedly use as claw-grips. radiate out from the cavern. A red,
ever. Although they must hold The protrusions are set apart phosphorescent moss grows all
their breath, they can use the from each other about every two over the walls and edges of the
rough edges of rock as hand- and to four yards. pools. This moss grows through-
foot-holds and crawl up the tunnel. out the lair and illuminates the ca-
The slick surface of the passage verns with an unearthly, scarlet
PCs moving this way move at one-
will make it difficult for the PCs to light. Water drips down from the
third their movement rate.
negotiate the slope. Whereas the ceiling and there are even small
If the party has illumination,
dragons can reach one of the rough streams of water pouring down the
they notice bones from humans
protrusions in a single step, the ad- walls. There are bones of large ani-
and demihumans scattered hap-
venturers will have to travel over mals, humans, and demihumans
hazardly in the nooks and cran-
several yards of slippery surface to scattered about the cavern.
nies of the tunnel.
get the next bracing point. Refer to The central area of the cavern is,
If the party is attempting to navi-
pages 122-123 of the Player’s of course, covered with the slimy
gate the tunnel in the dark, have
each character roll a Dexterity Handbook when the PCs attempt mud. However, circling the cham-
to travel down the corridor. The ber is a natural shelf about a yard
check every ten feet (for a total of
modifiers for the corridor’s physi- wide that is relatively dry. More im-
nine checks) to avoid slamming
against the sharp rocks of the tun- cal situation total -15% (sloped portantly, the shelf is partially hid-
inward +25%, slippery -40%; the den behind boulders and loose
nel. Any character who fails a roll
protrusions are not frequent stones that Ralas pushed to the
suffers 1d4 points of damage.
enough to act as a positive modi- edge of the cavern centuries ago
fier). If a character succeeds in a when he made the cavern his lair.
2. Entrance Chamber Climbing check, he makes it to the The stones produce shadows that
This chamber is covered with a central chamber (area 4) of the the characters can use to hide from
one-inch-deep layer of mud that dragons’ lair without any diffi- Ueurwen if she is in the chamber.
makes walking difficult. There is a culty. If the roll is failed, the char- The water in all of the pools is
tunnel sloping down from this acter slides, out of control, down foul and thick. Pool A is only three
room opposite the tunnel from the the passage and lands in pool A of yards deep. If any of the PCs slip
lake. Dragon footprints and ruts the central chamber with a loud while working their way down to
carved out by the tails of the drag- splash. area 3, this is the pool they land in.
ons run through the mud. Pool B is 20 feet deep at its center.
The party can use this room to Pool C is 30 feet deep at its center.

The first room, the hatchlings start to cry party also notices that there is a
time the party out for their parents. The party heavy spray of water gushing out
enters the cen- can pass through the room with- from the wall behind one of the
tral chamber, out being attacked by the hatch- piles of treasure. The water runs
Ueurwen is in lings, but the noise has a chance to over the treasure and trickles
pool C and attract the attention of Ueurwen down through the cracks in the
Ralas is stalk- (see the description of Ueurwen floor.
ing around the and Ralas at the end of the adven- If they examine the fissure that
chamber. ture for the chance of this happen- the spray of water pours through,
Ueurwen is ing). The hatchlings do not the PCs can clearly determine that
nagging Ralas in a draconic lan- become aggressive unless the ad- the pressure of the lake (which is
guage. Ralas, meanwhile, hangs venturers seem to be threatening where the water is coming from)
his head down and mutters under them. Simply walking toward a has been eroding the cavern wall
his breath. Although the PCs will hatchling is perceived as a hostile over the centuries. If the wall were
probably not understand what is action. to be damaged from within, the
literally being said, they will cer- The noise can be prevented with force of the water would cave in
tainly get the gist. spells that prevent sound (such as the wall, sending an enormous
If the characters splash into pool silence), spells that prevent the amount of water crashing into the
A from the area 3, Ueurwen hears dragons from making noise (such chamber.
it. Ralas will guess that it is the ad- as sleep), or, if the players are If the lake were to flood the
venturers and attempt to draw the imaginative, a spell to entertain room, the floor of the chamber
attention of his mate away from the baby dragons (such as a phan- might collapse and the pile of trea-
the party. For example, Ueurwen tasmal force used to make colored sure near the fissure would be
might move toward pool A and Ra- balls dance through the air) and washed away. Flooding the cham-
las could run to put himself be- awe them into silence. ber would provide an elegant solu-
tween Ueurwen and the pool, There is a crack in the southern tion to moving such a large
nuzzling her neck in an attempt to wall that leads to a narrow tunnel amount of treasure quietly and
get her in an amorous mood so (area 8) down to the second level. very quickly. Of course, the party
she’ll forget about the distraction. will have to explore the room be-
The PCs will of course have to Black Dragon Hatchling (6): AC neath area 6 to find out where the
scramble to get out of the way as 4, MV 4; HD 6; hp 24 (each); (each); treasure will end up, to insure that
soon as possible in case Ralas’s THAC0 16; #AT 3 + special; Dmg they don’t simply lose Ralas’s
ruse fails. For more information 1d6/1d6/3d6, breath weapon for hoard.
about Ralas, Ueurwen, and how 2d4+1. To bring down the wall, the char-
they interact with each other, see acters need to inflict 40 points of
the descriptions of the dragons at 6. Treasure Room damage against the wall with
the end of the adventure. picks (or other instruments used
This chamber contains Ralas’s for digging through rocks). A
5. Nursery hoard. The treasure has been di- magic missile spell will cause its
vided into two piles (Ralas was try- normal damage if used against the
This chamber holds the dragon ing to figure out how much wall, while a lighting bolt spell will
couple’s latest brood. The six treasure he was going to have to inflict only half damage against
hatchlings are each about five feet give up to drive Ueurwen from his the stone wall (because the wall is
long and still clumsy with their lair). Each pile is about 20 feet in four feet thick). Fire-based spells
motions.. Scattered about the nur- diameter and eight to ten feet high. will not cause any damage at all.
sery are bones and the remains of When the characters examine Such work entails two dangers.
creatures that served as food for the room, they discover that there The first is that Ueurwen will hear
the brood. The brood will usually are cracks in the floor, about one to the noise. This means that some
be found flopping about in the two inches wide, that reveal a sort of distraction will be required
room’s one-foot-deep pool. moss-illuminated chamber be-
(for example, getting the hatch-
Whenever the PCs enter the neath the treasure room. The lings to cry). The second is that

whoever is near the fissure when Although Snoggus is a ghost, his comes very
the water comes crashing through abilities differ slightly from those upset and begs
stands a chance of getting washed in Monstrous Compendium. Al- them not to do
away. A successful Dexterity though Ralas’s betrayal of it. He wants
check will be required to make Snoggus was a strong enough rea- them to prom-
sure that anyone working on the son for Snoggus to become a ghost ise that they
wall is able to leap out of the way many centuries ago, he’s weaker are really here
when it crashes in. See area 12 for than most ghosts because he’s a to take the
details of damage to characters very happy ghost. Since his mur- dragon’s trea-
caught up in the deluge. der, he has watched Ralas become sure for them-
Of course, a transmute rock to more and more miserable because selves. If they make the promise,
mud spell is a most efficient way of of Ueurwen. Snoggus doesn’t con- he will help them. If they don’t, he
weakening the wall. If the spell is sider Ralas’s pain complete jus- will attack them to prevent them
cast upon the area of the crack, the tice, but it does make him feel from helping Ralas get Ueurwen
wall will collapse and the water better. out of his life.
will pour in. Snoggus approaches the party Because the ghost cannot leave
Other than widening the cracks because he wants to know if they the pantry, the party can simply
in the floor there is no way to get are there to rob the dragon. If the escape the encounter. However, if
down to the second level from this party answers yes to his question, they have angered him, every time
room. If the PCs do try to smash he claps his noncorporeal hands they pass through the pantry he
their way down, they stand a together and appears about 20 feet will attack them or, if he has lost
chance of alerting Ueurwen. away from them. He then says that more than half his hit points, begin
he is trapped in this room forever, wailing loudly. The wailing stands
7. Pantry but if there’s anything he can do to a chance of attracting Ueurwen’s
help, please let him know. attention.
The tunnels from areas 4, 5, and 6 Snoggus appears as a semi-
slope down into the pantry (area translucent orc with a green glow. Snoggus’s Ghost: AC 0 or 8, MV
7). As usual, the floor is covered He is dressed rather outlandishly 9; HD 10; hp 40; THAC0 11; #AT 1;
with an annoying, slimy mud. in tights, a cloth jerkin, and a little Dmg age 1d4 years (weakened at-
The pantry is a large cavern cap with a feather on it. This is tack due to generally happy dispo-
filled with water four feet deep. how Ralas thought a herald should sition); AL CN; SD hit only by
Stalagmites rise up out of the wa- be dressed, so this is what silver (half damage) or magic (full
ter. About a dozen of them have Snoggus wore. damage) weapons.
the corpses of adventurers pierced If the party attacks, Snoggus
upon them. The bodies are far fights back without another word. There is a passage (area 8) leading
enough down the stone stakes as If they attempt to talk to him, he from one end of the chamber down
to be in the water, where they are does not attack and adds his por- to the second level.
being pickled by Ralas and tion of the story to the background
Ueurwen. information in the “For the 8. Passages to Level Two
When the party enters the Dungeon Master” section. He then
chamber they hear a voice excit- Both of these passages are about
describes how he has watched Ra-
edly ask, “Are you here to rob the three feet wide. The walls and floor
las become more and more misera-
dragon?” The language is the re- are very rough. The passage from
ble over the centuries. He then
gional tongue. The voice belongs the nursery contains mud and the
thanks the group for trying, to
to the ghost of Snoggus, the orc passage from the pantry contains
cause the dragon more pain and of-
who found Ralas his potential running water, but the PCs can
fers to act as a distraction (he can
mates. When Snoggus’s services carefully walk down the sloped
wail up a storm) if the party ever
were no longer required, Ralas passage by using both sides of the
needs him.
brought him down to the pantry wall as hand grips. There is only a
If the PCs tell their side of the
and slammed him onto a stalag- 5% chance of falling while walking
story, specifically that they are
mite. up or down the passages.
here to help Ralas, the ghost be-

Level Two 10. Scrag Lair the pillars to weaken the floor
above, they have to inflict 35
The corridors This room is the temporary home
points of damage against each pil-
of the second of four freshwater scrag trolls that
lar in the same manner as weaken-
level are only got trapped in the underwater
ing the wall in area 6.
ten feet high. stream (area 12) during a storm
If the pillars are destroyed, the
The walls are several miles upstream. When
floor holds steady until the wall in
lined with they came across area 11, they got
area 6 is destroyed and water
cracks and out of the river to determine where
pours through.
narrow crev- they were. They quickly discov-
ices. There is an inch of water on ered they were under the lair of a
dragon family and are trying to de-
12. Underwater River
every floor on the level. As with the
level above, the phosphorescent cide what to do next. Unless the This underwater river flows by at a
red moss grows in abundance. Be- party is moving with exceptional moderate rate. It is only five feet
cause of the water on the floor, the silence, the scrags are prepared to deep and the ceiling is another five
moss is almost like a thick carpet ambush the party when the PCs feet from the surface of the water.
on the ground. If the PCs examine enter the chamber. When the characters examine the
the moss, they discover that it can area, they see that there are four
easily be picked up off the ground. Scrag (Freshwater Troll) (4): AC pillars (much like the pillars in
It is thick and tough and as strong 3; MV 3; HD 5+5; hp 47, 42, 40, area 11), 20 feet downstream of
as net made of high-quality rope. 36; THAC0 15; #AT 3; Dmg area 11. The characters can use
However, the gaps in the moss car- 1d4+1/1d4+1/3d4; SD only fire these pillars to anchor a layer of
pet are much finer than those in a and acid cause permanent dam- moss across the river. If the party
net, and sections of the moss could age, limbs continue to fight even if sets up the moss, destroys the pil-
easily be used as a sieve. severed; AL CE. lars in area 11, then brings the
lake’s water rushing in, the, trea-
9. Green Slime Lair 11. Moss Room sure will be swept through area 11
and into the river. The moss will
There are three green slimes over This long, narrow room is located
act as a sieve, catching the trea-
each of the entrances into this under a portion of the treasure
sure but letting the water pass
room. They wait until someone room. The red glow of the moss in
passes through the door and then the chamber above can be seen
A patch of moss large enough to
they ooze onto them. through the cracks in the ceiling.
block up the river’s tunnel will
Water drips down through these
weigh 280 pounds. The moss will
Green Slime (6): AC 9; MV 0; HD cracks. There are three natural pil-
then have to be lashed with rope to
2; hp 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6; THAC0 lars in the center of the room that
the pillars and staked into the
19; #AT 0; Dmg special; SD see be- prevent the ceiling from caving in
sides of the tunnel.
low; AL N when the dragons walk through
When the water and treasure
the treasure room. The characters
come rushing down upon the
The greens slimes do not cause also notice that the water in the
moss net, there is a base 50%
damage, but turn their victims room flows to the west, toward the
chance that it will hold. Every ten
into green slime in 1d4 rounds. sound of rushing water.
stakes adds +5% to the chance it
They can be scraped off quickly (if The entire floor is covered with a
will hold (up to a maximum of 40
the scraper is then discarded), ex- thick carpet of moss. If the charac-
stakes). Every 25 feet of rope used
cised, frozen, or burned. A cure ters have yet to examine the moss,
adds +10% to the chance it will
disease spell kills green slime. have them roll Intelligence checks
Other forms of attack, including now. Success means they notice
Also, for every hour the PCs de-
weapons or spells, do them no that the moss floats just above the
vote to setting up the net, have
harm. water and is woven together like a
them roll Intelligence checks. Any
fine but strong net.
character who succeeds can add
If the characters want to destroy
the amount he succeeds by to the

percent chance of success. This re- Ralas and Ueurwen tries to con-
flects the PCs’ ability to find the vince her she
best places to spike the stakes and Ralas (Old Black Dragon): AC -3; didn’t hear
secure the ropes. MV 12; Fl 30 (C), Sw 12; HD 16; hp anything. As
Because the tunnels to the sec- 88; THAC0 5; #AT 3 + special; Ueurwen gets
ond level are so narrow, Ueurwen Dmg 1d6+8/1d6+8/3d6+8, acid closer and
cannot find out what happened. breath 6d4+8; SD immune to closer to the
Ralas will tell her he can only as- acid, innate water breathing; AL PCs, Ralas
sume that the treasure was CE. tries different
washed away into the river. Innate spells: darkness (three methods of
If a PC happens to be in areas 11 times/day in a 80’ radius), corrupt taking her mind off her snooping.
or 12 when the wall in the treasure water (once a day), plant growth Just as she’s about to reach the
room is destroyed, or if a PC is in (once a day). PCs, Ralas succeeds.
area 6 and gets caught up in the If the party is spotted by
water from the lake, he suffers Ueurwen (Old Black Dragon): AC Ueurwen, they can make a break
damage as the water and treasure -3; MV 12, Fl 30 (C), Sw 12; HD for the second level, where they’ll
crash through the floor and sweep 16; hp 74; THAC0 5; #AT 3 + spe- be safe from the dragons. If
through the lower chambers. cial; Dmg 1d6+8/1d6+8/3d6+8, Ueurwen sees the party escaping
A character caught up in the del- acid breath 6d4+8; SD immune to down one of the passages, she’ll
uge suffers 5d6 points of buffeting acid, innate water breathing; AL watch it like a cat at a mouse hole.
damage. He must also use the CE.
holding one’s breath rules given Innate spells: darkness (three Concluding the Adventure
on page 122 of the Player’s Hand- times/day in a 80’ radius), corrupt
water (once a day), plant growth If the party successfully brings off
book for 2d4 rounds.
(once a day). the disappearance of the treasure,
If the moss net holds, the PC
both dragons poke their heads
ends up in it amidst a pile of trea-
What the Dragons Do While down into area 12 and conclude
sure. If the net fails, the PC is
the Party Works that it was washed away into the
washed down the underground
river. Ueurwen takes a look at the
stream with the treasure. He suf- For the most part, the dragons are other half of the hoard and then
fers an additional 5d6 points of out in area 4 arguing. To cover any stalks out of Ralas’s life.
damage and lands 50 to 1,000 feet noises the party makes, Ralas is The party is responsible for get-
(1d20 x 50 feet) downstream of the constantly trying to get a shouting ting the treasure back to area 11,
pillars. This fate can be avoided if match going. where Ralas can scoop it up into
the character is able to roll a suc- Whenever loud noises are made the treasure room through the
cessful Strength check to grab the (the hatchlings cry, Snoggus wails, hole in the floor. Their reward is
torn remnants of the net or one of the PCs pound on stone walls with given in 5,000 gp, a two-foot-tall
the pillars and hang on against the picks) there is a 25% chance that statue worth 1,000 gp, and five
force of the water. Ueurwen hears them. If she hears gems worth a total of 4,000 gp.
Of course, the party can easily a noise, she’ll want to investigate. If the net does not hold and the
set up the moss net and then bring Ralas quickly tries to stall her. He treasure really is lost, Ralas will
the wall down after making sure does this either by being affection- wait until his mate has left and
that everyone is out of areas 11 ate, yelling at her, saying he’ll then do his best to kill the party.
and 12. The only problem then is if check it out himself and claiming If the PCs attempt to cheat the
someone working on the wall gets he saw nothing, and so on. dragon and say some of the trea-
caught in the flood. Simply tying a The DM should play these mo- sure was washed away, Ralas will
rope around the character’s waist ments up for tension. For example, merely state that the lost portion of
and having the other characters if the party is in the treasure room the treasure comes out of their re-
hold fast will provide the needed and Ueurwen comes bounding in ward.
security. with Ralas right behind her, she’ll
start sniffing about while Ralas

Introduction settle down, and the dragon has The bard also claims that the
just the spot: Caronal. Zhentish company is hunting for a
This adven- The dragon will allow the flinds vast fortune described on a trea-
ture is de- to move into Caronal. In return, sure map in their possession.
signed for six Verthie has already informed the There is no Zhentish-backed
to eight adven- flinds that they must attack company in that area. The story is
turers of levels Trenahess for her. Verthie hopes a fabrication to lure parties to their
9 to 12. It is that the cultists will think that the doom.
helpful if the flinds moved into Caronal of their Lysinthia usually targets parties
party has at own accord and began raiding. that appear to have overtly good-
least one wizard, one ranger, and The flinds have no idea that the aligned members such as rangers,
one priest. dragon is actually using them. In paladins, and priests who worship
The action takes place in the El- fact, the tribe has agreed to pay the good deities. No good party has
ven Woods, the same woods that dragon a great amount of tribute ever failed to be moved to action af-
contain the ruins of Myth Drannor. annually for the right to use the vil- ter hearing the word “Zhentish.”
Recommended adventure starting lage and enjoy the protection of the More selfish parties are attracted
points are Shadowdale, Hillsfar, or great monster. As a sign of their by the words “treasure map.” In
Essembra. good faith, the flinds have already any case, Lysinthia’s story hardly
paid the dragon a handsome ever fails.
DM’s Information amount of gold. The bard also tells the party
The cultists will doubtlessly ask about Trenahess, claiming that the
A great green dragon named Little
Verthie for help when the flinds be- village is an ideal place for trav-
Verthie lives in an area of woods 80
gin raiding. The dragon will de- elers to use as a base of operations.
miles due west of Myth Drannor.
clare that she wants the cultists to Lysinthia does not go with the
This dragon is worshiped by the
kill the flinds as a sign of devotion, adventurers, claiming that she has
population of Trenahess, a nearby
for she is displeased with the cult- business elsewhere. She says that
village of humans on the east bank
ists’ level of sincerity in worship. she is a bard, and it is her place to
of the River Ashaba.
In Verthie’s mind, whichever tell stories, not be in them.
The humans offer up visitors
faction falls is undoubtedly the
and their valuables to Verthie. In
weaker of the two, and she has no Lysinthia Ficklesong: AC -4;
return, Verthie defends the village
time to deal with weaklings. In ei- MV 12; Bd 10; hp 50; THAC0 16;
from monsters and other com-
ther case, she stands to gain a good #AT 1; Dmg by weapon; SA spell
munities. Verthie’s latest act was
supply of food, and she gets to ability; Climb walls: 75%) Detect
the destruction of Caronal, a
keep the flinds’ gold. noise: 55%) Pick pockets: 80%)
neighboring village, several
Little Verthie has sent the bard Read languages: 30%. AL CN; S
months ago.
Lysinthia to the surrounding cit- 12; D 18; C 15; I 16; W 14; Ch 18.
Caronal and Trenahess were in-
ies. Lysinthia’s job is to lure Equipment: Bracers AC 3, ring
volved in a heated trade dispute,
wealthy, magic-rich adventurers of protection +3, amulet of non-
and matters escalated to the point
to the dragon’s lair or to the town detection, foil +3, dagger +2,
of minor skirmishes. After being
of cultists. The bard has done this cloak of elvenkind, ring of spell
repeatedly beaten in a number of turning, ring of fire resistance.
countless times in the past, and in
these fights, Trenahess called in
return she gets the privilege of se- Lysinthia always carries her
Verthie. Caronal is now a lifeless, spell books, material spell compo-
lecting one or two trinkets from
abandoned village. Verthie feasted
Verthie’s hoard. nents, and a purse with 35 gp and
well that day.
When Lysinthia meets the PCs, 12 PP.
Lately, the humans’ acts of devo- Nonweapon Proficiencies: sing-
she speaks of a Zhentish-backed
tion have displeased the dragon.
adventuring company lurking in ing, musical instrument (lute),
The number of offerings has de-
the area in question. Lysinthia tumbling, appraisal, land-riding,
clined. Thus, the dragon has en-
claims that the company is there swimming, local history (Dale-
tered into negotiations with a tribe
to forge an alliance with an evil lands), read/write Thorass, spell-
of flinds. The flinds wish a place to

craft, blindfighting.
Languages: Common, green A hooded, cloaked figure on this Mir-
dragon, elvish, flind, dwarf. emerges from the rainy dark- tul night!
Spells: 1st level — cantrip, ness and into the warm light of Indeed, it is
change self, charm person, color the inn’s common room. Many most fitting
spray, jump, taunt; 2nd level— of the patrons cast an idle glance that I meet
alter self, forget, mirror image, at the figure, shrug, and return this friendly
scare; 3rd level — delude, hold per- to their drinks. assembly on
son, paralyze, suggestion; 4th The figure lowers its hood, re- the month
level — charm monster, rainbow vealing a human female face of The Meet-
pattern, shout, wall of fire. framed in luxuriously long ing, is it not?
blonde hair. She removes her “I am Lysinthia of
Players’ Information cloak and shakes the water out Ravensgate, a wandering min-
of it by the hearth. strel by trade. If it pleases you
The woman is in her late 20s. and meets with the good inn-
Torrential rains make this She wears no armor, just nor-
spring Mirtul evening a rather keeper’s approval, I shall regale
mal traveling clothes of forest this crowd with songs and tales
wet one and all are thankful for green and light brown. A foil is
the warm, dry comfort of an that will keep the gloom of night
strapped to her belt, and she at bay!”
inn’s walls. The common room carries a lute in a protective
of the inn is packed with such The innkeeper, who has been
pouch slung on her back. watching the stranger, nods in
grateful folk. With a wry smile, she un-
As everyone enjoys another tacit approval. With no further
shoulders her lute, tunes it, and fanfare, Lysinthia acknowl-
tankard of their favorite bever- addresses the crowd.
age, the front door swings open. edges the innkeeper and begins
“My friends, hail and well met her performance.

For the within the Elven Woods, the “Therefore, I came seeking a
next two same woods that shelter Myth group of stalwarts, proficient at
hours, the Drannor. I know not its nature, spell, sword, and stealth, to stop
common though some say it is a great the Blue Talons and their nefari-
room crowd form of undead. ous schemes.
is enter- “During my travels in the El- “My only personal request is
tained by ven Woods seeking more clues that you recover the five hun-
the lovely about this great evil, I had the dred gold coins I lost to the
songstress’s dubious pleasure of encounter- rogue. Do you agree?”
music. She ing an adventuring company
sings cautionary tales of adven- that has cast its lot with Zhentil If the PCs agree, she suggests that
turers dying in their attempts to Keep. they start in the morning. She also
plunder a dragon’s lair, recites a “This company numbers a gives exact directions to
humorous poem of the misad- half dozen humans. One is a Trenahess. If they do not agree,
ventures of a paladin, a maiden, wizard, one a priestess of Shar, she snorts derisively at the party
and a unicorn, and at last leaves three are warriors, and the last a and gets up to leave, wondering
the crowd stomping with a med- rogue. They called themselves out loud how to properly write a
ley of dwarven drinking songs. the Blue Talons. song about a group of cowards.
Lysinthia ends her perform- “Because I am a bard, they al-
ance amid a rain of coins and lowed me to share their camp. I The Village of Trenahess
cheers from an appreciative au- lost many gold coins to the This tiny village is located on the
dience. Even the normally re- rogue in some games of chance, east banks of the River Ashaba. It
served innkeeper is impressed. and I believe that I was cheated is generally overlooked in the
The minstrel collects her out of most of them. travels of most who journey in the
coins, accepts a large mug of ale, “After I turned in for the Realms. Trenahess is recom-
and walks over to your table. night, the group talked about mended to the PCs by Lysinthia.
“Hail and well met,” she says their future plans, though they She stops there often, and she is
to you as she helps herself to a waited until they thought I was aware of the village’s true disposi-
seat without being asked. “I asleep. tion.
hope you enjoyed my music. “According to what I heard, Trenahess has a population of
There are two reasons that I the Blue Talons were sent by 400 humans, most being either
play in common rooms,” she ex- Zhentil Keep to initiate an alli- Chaotic Neutral or Neutral Evil.
plains, after taking a long pull ance with the great evil pres- The “high priest” of Trenahess is
from her frosty mug. ence in the woods. This an 8th-level fighter.
“First of all, I enjoy playing presence supposedly lives near The citizens of Trenahess wor-
and making people happy. Sec- the eastern bank of the River ship a green she-dragon that lairs
ondly, it gives me a chance to Ashaba, about 80 miles west of nearby. This worship has gone on
see if any worthy individuals are the ruins of Myth Drannor. for a century. The citizens call the
sitting in the audience. “Furthermore, the rogue dragon Little Verthie. (The she-
“During my performance, claimed to have a treasure map dragon’s mother was called Big
you fine folks caught my prac- that leads to a vast hoard in the Verthie.)
ticed eye. My instincts tell me same area, but not necessarily Big Verthie was a female green
that you people are the sort who associated with it. dragon that, along with some
can empathize with the heroes “I do not like losing at games other greens, was worshiped by a
in my stories, since you no of chance, I dislike cheaters green dragon cult in these same
doubt have done such deeds of even more, and I certainly do woods centuries ago. Big Verthie,
valor yourselves. Well and good. not relish Zhentil Keep gaining her cohorts, and the cultists were
I have need of the likes of you. a foothold so close to the Dale- slain by elves in the Year of the
“A force of great evil lies lands! Tusk. Little Verthie was over-

looked, and now she carries on the Trenahess with barrenness 14 3. Aloy-
tradition. years ago. Verthie can do much for sius’s Goods:
The townsfolk sustain them- Trenahess, but she cannot cause Aloysius is a
selves by fishing the River Ashaba, the women to bear children! tall, broad-
raising livestock, and farming. In times of true emergency, shouldered
Trenahess boasts a mill, which Trenahess can muster 50 0-level man who runs
produces enough flour to support troops. Rassaloud commands the the combina-
some modest river trade and bring militia. tion pawn
in a small income. Most of the Trenahess has a riverfront dock shop/hardware
profits, of course, go to the dragon. area used to moor fishing boats shop/dry goods
The citizens of Trenahess act and to accommodate the few trad- store. He is the man who appraises
very friendly toward strangers, ing boats that visit the village. items and valuables taken from
hoping to lure them into staying a The following paragraphs de- victimized travelers.
while. Visitors are unaware that “a scribe the most noteworthy build- Aloysius lives above his shop.
while” means “forever.” ings in Trenahess. He is a 5th-level thief of Neutral
Parties of up to eight visitors are 1. The Mill: The mill is the big- Evil alignment. Aloysius is in his
subdued by either drugging their gest employer and source of in- late 20s and is single.
food and drink, or attacking them come for the villagers. The flowing The store sells any equipment
at night while they sleep. These waters of the Ashaba drive the found in the Player’s Handbook
subdued folk are designated as an wheels that grind the wheat. that is base priced at 100 gp or un-
offering for the green dragon. Satkar Miller is the owner of the der. There is a 30% possibility that
When the villagers have secured mill. He is the richest man in the the inventory includes 1d20 trade
the prisoners, the high priest village, and he is considered the bars or small gems valued at 25 gp
sounds a magical horn, which al- mayor. Satkar lives with his wife each. Aloysius sells his wares at a
erts the dragon to the upcoming of- Areen, and 18-year-old son Satkar 25% mark-up.
fering. the Younger. Aloysius: AC -2; MV 12 (9); Th 5;
Offerings occur at dawn. The en- The Millers are 0-level humans hp 26; THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg by
tire village turns out, clad in green of Chaotic Neutral alignment. weapon; SA backstab; Pick pock-
robes, and begins a procession led 2. The Sign of the Emerald ets: 50%; Open locks: 42%; Find/
by the high priest, who wears a Iris: Trenahess’s only inn, this
remove traps: 40%; Move silently:
green dragon mask. three-story structure looks too big
40%; Hide in shadows: 31%; Hear
The procession ends at a hillock for such a small village. It was built noise: 20%; Climb walls: 90%;
two miles north of town. The hil- centuries ago during Trenahess’s Read languages: 25%; AL NE; S
lock has two stout, gnarled oak heyday, when many river travelers 10; D 18; C 13; I 13; W 15; Ch 12.
trees at the apex. stopped by. Equipment: Bracers AC 5, ring
The trees have iron bands that The Iris is a comfortable place of protection +2, dagger +4, short
are used to secure victims with with private rooms, a large com- sword +3.
chains. The immediate area is mon room, and excellent stabling Nonweapon proficiencies: ap-
stained with the blood of past vic- facilities. The food and drink are praisal, blindfighting, tumbling,
tims. top rate. gem cutting, local history, reading
In return for the offerings, the The inn is run by Mother Aggie, lips, read/write Thorass.
dragon defends the village from a rotund, grey-haired old widow of Languages: Common, Thieves’
any enemies. Neutral Evil alignment. Aggie lives Cant, dwarf, orc.
The villagers call themselves the in a set of rooms on the inn’s 4. “High Priest” Rassaloud’s
Servants of the Verdant Cloud, al- ground floor, off the main building. house: Rassaloud is the leader of
luding to the dragon’s chlorine To the unwary visitor, she acts the cult and, some would say, the
breath. They never offer up their sweet and hospitable, the quintes- true leader of the village. He is a
own people to the dragon. sential grandmother. She is re- cruel man who can hide his vi-
It is possible that the sins of this nowned for brewing the best beer in ciousness behind a mask of charm
village are beginning to catch up to the area. None but the cultists know and civility.
it. The goddess Lathander cursed that she also brews sleep potions.

Rassaloud full purse, a serpentine owl, and a carved from one of the horns of the
has no real job. dagger of venom. same silver dragon.
His position as Rassaloud uses the horn to talk
cult leader Rassaloud: AC -5; MV 12 (9); F8; with Little Verthie. One blast
keeps him hp 75; THAC0 13; #AT 3/2; Dmg means there is an offering at dawn,
well-off. by weapon; AL NE; S 17; D 12; C two blasts means “come quick, we
Rassaloud’s 16; I 11; W 14; Ch 15. are under attack.”
house is the Equipment: Silver dragon hide If Little Verthie is summoned by
biggest private armor, shield +3, two-handed dra- the horn, it takes her 2d8 rounds
residence in gonslayer sword (attuned to silver to arrive. She will be in a very foul
the village. dragons), rod of lordly might, mood, for she hates to be sum-
Inside Rassaloud’s house, an in- wand of magic detection, ring of re- moned.
truder can find Rassaloud’s green generation.
dragon mask, a ledger with a care- Nonweapon proficiencies: track- Militia (50): AC 7; MV 9; HD 1—1;
ful listing of all waylaid victims ing, blindfighting, land-riding, aer- hp 4; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg by
ever offered to Little Verthie (he in- ial riding, local history, religion, weapon; ML 10 (15); AL CN or NE.
herited the book from his father, read/write Thorass.
the previous high priest), and a Languages: Common, green Twenty militiamen are armed with
large chest. dragon, elf, orc, silver dragon. short bows and daggers, 20 wield
The chest lies under his bed and pitchforks and clubs, and ten have
contains 450 pp, 350 ep, eight em- Rassaloud’s pride and joy is his spears. The militia’s morale in-
eralds worth 1,000 gp each, a po- armor, fashioned from an adult sil- creases in sight of the green
tion of longevity, a potion of ver dragon that he personally dragon.
super-heroism, a Bucknard’s ever- slew. He also carries around a horn

Cultists (350): AC 10; MV 9; HD Betrayal in the Night
1/2; hp 3; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg wooden pal-
If the PCs stay the night at the Em- lets. Fur-
varies; ML 8 (13); AL CN or NE.
erald Iris, Mother Aggie spikes the thermore,
PCs’ food and drink with a potent your arms
Cultists gain a morale bonus in
sleep draught. DMs must secretly and legs are
Verthie’s presence. The youngest
roll each PC’s saving throw vs. poi- bound tight.
cultist is 14 years old. There are no
son, with a -2 penalty. Failure The pallets
children in the village younger
means that the PC sleeps very are carried
than this.
deeply, not waking up for anything by six robed
until dawn. figures, their robes’ metallic
Arrival in Trenahess
The common room closes down green exteriors catching the
The actual entry into Trenahess is at one in the morning. At three in golden sun’s rays. Sweet in-
an uneventful affair. People seem the morning, the cultists enter the cense fills the air.
friendly enough and gladly give di- PCs’ rooms using Aggie’s master It is apparent that you are in a
rections to the inn or equipment key. There are three cultists for procession. Leading the proces-
shop. Asking villagers about the each PC, and the entire group is sion is an armored figure wear-
alleged great evil reveals nothing. led by Rassaloud and Aloysius. ing a mask of a green dragon.
Little Verthie instructed Lysin- Any PC who successfully saved Flanking the figure are none
thia to go to Trenahess and coach against the draught is attacked in other than Mother Aggie and
several folk on some appropriate his sleep, though the cultists strike Aloysius the shopkeeper!
lies to tell visiting adventurers. to knock him out. Captured PCs Trailing the leading three-
Aloysius and Aggie are the two are trussed up and taken out to the some is a pair of robed cultists
sources of false information. In the center of town along with their carrying all of your earthly
course of conversation, they will possessions. Rassaloud blows the goods on a wooden pallet. The
gradually release the following in- horn, signalling to the dragon of cultists carrying your group
formation. the dawn offering. come next, followed by a vast
• A group of evil creatures dwells If all the PCs are subdued and throng.
to the north. People who have trussed up, read “The Offering.” It seems that the entire vil-
heard the things wail have died on DMs must roll ahead of time to find lage, all robed in green, has
the spot. out when the dragon will appear. turned out for the procession.
l The creatures are probably un- If the PCs won the melee against As they march, the people sway
dead, for they lurk about at night the cultists, Rassaloud sounds the and chant praises to a dragon.
and relish the chill air. horn, using the distress call to
l Prisoners are sometimes used summon Verthie. Rassaloud him- If the PCs attempt to break their
in mysterious rituals. A small hil- self attempts to return to his bonds at any point, they must roll
lock north of the village has a set of home, get his treasure, and leave a successful bend bars/lift gates at-
twin oaks that the undead seem to town until the problem blows over. tempt. Each PC may attempt to
use to tie up their victims. It seems burst the ropes once per turn.
that the undead dwell north of the The Offering
hillock. Half an hour passes, and the
l The creatures devastated The light of the first rays of procession ends at the top of a
Caronal, a village five miles west of dawn awakens you from your wooded hillock. The top of the
here. The place lies abandoned deep sleep. Every joint aches, hillock has two old, gnarled oak
since that fateful night two and your heads feel like they trees. Both trees have metal fas-
months ago. Rumor has it that were used as anvils. A sour taste teners attached to their trunks.
someone in Caronal had discov- fills your unusually dry mouths, Brown splashes of dried blood
ered a treasure trove belonging to a taste that mingles with the dirt are everywhere.
the fell creatures. of a filthy rag that gags you. You are all lowered slowly to
You are lying down, tied to the ground. The six bearers un-

tie each of Mundane items such as blankets,
you from the trees, piling each of you on rope, tools, leather goods, and fur-
your pallets, one pallet like so much fire- niture were untouched.
though you wood. The entire group is se- Besides the dust, rust, over-
are still cured to the pallet with more grown greenery, and general wear,
gagged and rope. Stout ropes are also at- it must be pointed out that each
bound hand tached to both pallets. house’s larder has gone bad. The
and foot. With a final sneer, the green result of the spoilage is the crea-
dragon picks up one rope in tion of many colonies of molds.
chanting, each claw and takes to the air. Each house in Caronal has a
With some small effort the 30% chance of harboring phy-
the cultists tie half of you to the
first oak tree and the other half dragon wings its way north. comids or gas spores, DM’s choice.
to the second tree. You are fac- The purposes of many of
ing north. Verthie flies at an altitude of 400 Caronal’s buildings can still be as-
The two cultists bearing your feet. Proceed to the section dealing certained. Among the buildings
belongings place them 100 feet with Verthie’s lair. are a temple to Lathander, smithy,
north of your position. general equipment shop, village.
The chanting grows ever The Abandoned Village of meeting hall, and, in the center of
louder as everyone pulls back Caronal the village, the Sylvan Respite Inn.
180 feet south of your position. The Sylvan Respite is a three-
All eyes are focused on the The PCs may decide to go in story inn with a large barn com-
northern sky. search of Caronal before they plex in the rear. The buildings are
spend a night at the Iris. Caronal connected. The inn is the only
If the PCs break free at this point, lies five miles to the west of building that has any living crea-
they get a free round of action. The Trenahess. Formerly a village of tures dwelling within.
cultists have never seen victims 500 people, Caronal was attacked The flinds that Verthie was in
successfully free themselves. Be- by Verthie two months ago. Since contact with dwell temporarily at
cause of the voluminous robes, Verthie breathes chlorine gas, the the inn and in the barn. A few un-
each cultist has a movement rate bulk of the citizenry was swiftly fortunate episodes with phy-
of 9. gassed to death. As a result, most comids in the regular dwellings
of the buildings are still standing convinced the flinds to stick to
After an interminable chorus of and intact. these two buildings.
chanting, a speck appears in the Though the smell of chlorine has The inn and the barn each house
northern sky. The chanting gets for the most part dissipated, each 25 flinds. The flinds have their
louder and more frantic as the PC has a 5% chance of detecting a own provisions and normal equip-
speck grows larger. few lingering traces. ment, such as backpacks, blan-
At last, the identity of the There are few traces of bodies; kets, tinder boxes, and the like.
speck is a mystery no longer. human or animal. Verthie took There are no mounts in the entire
Hovering 240 feet in front of you everything formerly alive back to camp.
on massive verdant wings is a her lair. An occasional bone is The leader of the flinds is a par-
huge green dragon of great age. found if PCs insist on searching for ticularly large and nasty flind
The beast opens its great mouth such things. named Gnaarph. Gnaarph is the
and addresses the cultists. Anyone checking for tracks flind who entered into negotia-
“Well done, my ssservantsss! finds numerous fresh humanoid tions with Verthie.
Thisss lot looksss sssucculent! I tracks. In fact, the PCs have one Gnaarph bunks in the best suite
ssshall keep them alive until I chance in six per game turn of run- at the inn. He holds the tribe’s for-
return to my lair! Their material ning into a patrol of eight flinds tunes in a large chest. The flinds’
goodsss I also claim!” while in the village. wealth includes 500 gp, 1,000 ep,
Several of the cultists come Caronal has been stripped of six topazes worth 50 gp each, a sil-
forward and release. you from everything of value. Most of the ver Harper brooch worth 50 gp,
loot wound up in Verthie’s lair. two jars of Keoghtom’s ointment, a

wand of magic detection, and a leads the remnants after the PCs, sider the mist
manual of stealthy pilfering. following approximately 30 min- to be light fog.
If the PCs keep their heads and utes behind them. Gnaarph hopes The air also
decide to interrogate Gnaarph, he that the PCs will be weakened after takes on a
reveals the following: fighting the dragon, whereupon chlorine tang.
“We are the mighty tribe called the flinds will attack the PCs and Any PC roll-
the Shaggy Renders. For many a take the treasures for themselves! ing a success-
tenday we have raided the roads ful Herbalism
that cut through the accursed El- On the Way to Verthie’s Lair check, or any
ven Woods. The pickings have druid of
A very light trail stretches its way greater than 3rd level, notices that
been good!
north from Trenahess to Verthie’s the trees in this region are much
“Our tribe tires of its wandering.
lair, though PCs must roll a suc- older than the ones found around
We craved a place to settle, but did
cessful Tracking check once every the villages. Apparently, this area
not wish to lower ourselves to
turn in order to stay on the trail. is an ancient part of the wood.
back-breaking work.
Two and a half miles up the trail, Some of the oaks grow hundreds of
“The legendary luck of the
at the halfway mark, the PCs spot feet tall.
Shaggy Renders has held up! We
something hanging on a low-lying
encountered a great green dragon.
tree branch. Initial distance is 30 Little Verthie’s Lair
She destroyed the inhabitants of
this village, and gave it to us for a
Closing in, the PCs find eight hu- At around the five-mile mark, the
large sum of gold.
man skulls dangling like pendu- trail continues east around a huge
“We are supposed to raid a hu-
lums from the tree branch. If the clump of massive oaks. The clump
man village for her. It’s called Ten
PCs step up to investigate the of oaks is 400 feet long running
trusses or Tennahis, or something
skulls, the horrid things scream: east to west, and 180 feet wide
like that. After we get settled in,
“Foolish ones! Turn back before north to south.
we’ll do just as she demands!
thy dooms are sealed! Enter not The massive oak trees tower to a
“The dragon lives to the north-
the domain of the great wyrm, lest height of 300 feet, their branches
east somewhere. We do not know intertwining so extensively that it
thy sinews rest in her belly and thy
the exact location, nor do we dare
bones dry in the sun! Flee while is impossible to ascertain where
ask the mighty beast.”
thy lives are still thine own! one tree ends and another begins.
Flinds (50): AC 5; MV 12; HD 2+3; Fleeeeeeeeeeee!” The trail continues north past
hp 18; THAC0 17; #AT 1 or 2; Dmg The skulls end their message the oak trees for another two and a
with a piercing shriek. This trick of half miles, where another talking
1d6 or 1d4 (weapons); SA Disarm;
Little Verthie’s is a simple magic skull arrangement is set up. It is
mouth spell set to go off when any- exactly the same as the skulls in
one approaches within five feet of the previous section. The trail
Gnaarph: AC 0; MV 12; HD 3+3;
the skulls. stretches on for another 16 miles,
hp 27; THAC0 16; #AT 1 or 2; Dmg
While this parlor trick may not then fades out.
1d6 or 1d4/1d4 (weapons); SA Dis-
alarm the PCs, each PC must roll a Verthie lairs in what resembles a
arm; AL LE.
Wisdom check. Those who suc- huge bird’s nest, high in the upper
Gnaarph has a cloak of protec-
ceed realize that there are no na- branches of, dozens of ancient,
tion +5, his prize possession. In a
ture sounds in the area. No birds gnarly oaks. Verthie has pruned
small purse, he carries the key to
sing, no squirrels chatter, no crick- the branches so that the lower 200
the chest and 25 pp.
ets chirp. Everything is quiet and feet of the oaks have no major
unmoving, as if all life that could branches growing out of them.
Gnaarph is a pragmatic flind. He
do so has fled the area. The intertwining branches cre-
realizes that by telling the PCs the
As the PCs continue their north- ate an oval-shaped mass of huge
truth, he may be rid of Verthie for-
ward progress, they notice that an proportions. During the spring
unusual gray mist swirls about and summer, the oak leaves con-
If any of his tribe has survived
them. For visibility purposes, con- ceal the extent of the tight mass. In
the PCs’ onslaught, he personally

the winter, the trap. She has turned many of the ing, suggestion, plant growth, and
bare branches branches into sharpened stakes. entangle, all once per day, and
present the Each PC must roll a Dexterity warp wood three times a day.
viewer with a check for each round of travel. Spells (cast at 16th level of profi-
hopeless tan- Failure means that the PC suffers ciency): 1st level — color spray,
gle of wood 1d6 points of damage. feather fall, taunt, wall of fog 2nd
that looks im- If a PC takes a full 6 points of level — continual light, improved
possible to damage from a stake, he is stuck phantasmal force, invisibility.
move through. fast and must be freed. This takes Little Verthie’s body is 90 feet
The oaks’ a round, and is hard to do quietly long, with a wingspan of 95 feet.
trunks are 30 feet in diameter and (5% possibility). Her tail is 85 feet long. Verthie
are spaced about 15 feet apart. The tunnel goes straight into the speaks common.
PCs entering the clump of oaks mass of branches for 240 feet. It Little Verthie has collected the fol-
can barely make out the massive ends in a circular chamber 150 lowing treasure: 22,345 sp, 33,760
tangle of branches 200 feet above feet in diameter. The exterior walls gp, 5,899 ep, 3,004 pp, 8 diamonds
them. The ground around the of the chamber are 15 feet thick. worth 1,000 gp each, 20 emeralds
trees is moist, but without a single The chamber has an eerie green worth 500 gp each, 8 aquamarines
plant or blade of grass growing. glow about it, supplied courtesy of worth 250 gp each, 8 pieces of jade
The soil smells of chlorine. two green-lensed lanterns with worth 50 gp each, 12 various art ob-
continual light spells cast inside jects worth a total of 34,500 gp, and
Entering the Lair them. The lanterns have shutters, the two lanterns described earlier,
which can be set to either dim the each worth 150 gp.
The entrance to Verthie’s lair lies light or shutter it out altogether. Verthie’s magical items include:
on the western end of the oak
Currently, they are dimmed. a long sword green dragon slayer,
branch tangle. PCs who lack flight The floor of the chamber is cov- mace of disruption, elven chain
must climb up 200 feet of oak tree,
ered by a fabulous carpet of coins, mail, plate mail of etherealness
then negotiate through 25 feet of gems, and valuable items. The +5, bracers of defense AC 5, cloak
tangled branches to the lip of the level of wealth is truly staggering. of elvenkind, staff of curing, wand
Curled up like some malevolent of paralyzation, ring of truth, me-
A Climbing check should be
green armored cat is Little Verthie dallion of thought projection,
rolled each round. PCs who are not herself. She is easily 150 feet long. horseshoes of speed, and a potion
secured by ropes fall if they fail.
It is apparent that she is also of of longevity.
The entrance is 120 feet wide
great age, possibly a millennium. Additionally, Verthie has bits
and 50 feet high. A tunnel leads
Verthie’s back is against the and pieces of different wizards’
into the center of the mass of
northeastern section of the cham- spell books. These fragments are
branches. The lair walls are made ber’s wall. Behind her lies a clutch scattered throughout the lair and
of a 30-foot-thick mass of dense,
of four dragon eggs. If Verthie cast are the source of Verthie’s learned
intertwining oak branches. her illusion (see “Verthie’s Reac- spells.
The tunnel interior is extremely tion”), she is in fact in the south- Verthie’s four eggs are due to
rough, hardly surprising consider- eastern corner. hatch in two weeks. She will fight
ing its construction. DMs using the
fanatically to defend them.
optional rule for terrain effects on Little Verthie: AC -6; MV 9, Fl
tactical movement should con-
30 (C), Sw 9; HD 19; hp 144; Verthie’s Reactions
sider the tunnel’s floor to be rug- THAC0 5; #AT 3 + special; Dmg
ged ground. Verthie can hear characters within
1d8+10/1d8+10/2d10+10; SA
PC using the hide in shadows Breath weapon (20d6+10) chlo- 200 feet of the oaks if they make
skill get a +15% bonus due to the noise (e.g., yelling, laughing, or
rine gas, spells, fear aura (40-yard
cragginess of the tunnel. any form of loud magic).
radius, save with -2 penalty); SD
Since the floor is nothing but Immune to normal missiles; MR If Verthie hears the group ap-
tightly packed, living branches, proach the oaks, she flies out of her
45%; ML 16; AL LE.
Verthie has set up a nasty hidden lair, homes in on the PCs, and in-
Verthie’s powers: water breath-

flicts as much damage as possible. lent, obnoxious, or threatening nage. Now, I
If the PCs make it into the grove PCs are the first to be eaten (1d6 am the object
quietly, but make noise once in- turns). The same fate awaits elven of worss-
side, Verthie casts invisibility on PCs. shhhip, and I
herself, then casts an improved Verthie’s conditions for letting sshhhall ress-
phantasmal force image of herself the PCs go are as follows: first, she store the reign
in the southeastern corner of her gets to keep two items from each of my kind in
chamber. The image makes growl- PC, as well as all of the money they thessse
ing noises at the PCs, its chest ex- have. Second, she wishes the woodsss.
panding as it draws in a huge flinds to be disposed of. Verthie will “He who isss
quantity of air. accept no alternatives. Further ne- the sssire of the egsss I protect, a
When the PCs attack the image, gotiation is futile. wyrm of larger sssize than myss-
Verthie makes the image breathe If the flinds have already been self, alssso wandersss in thessse
on the party. She maintains the il- eliminated or driven away, she is partsss. Together, we sshhall re-
lusion as long as possible. satisfied. The PCs (still tied up) are build the dragon population! Assss
If and when the illusion is all shuttled to the ground 600 feet for you, you may either sssupply
brought down, Verthie attacks the south of her lair. me with your wealth, or your flesh
party from behind with her real Verthie then takes two of each will be usssed to nourisssh me!”
breath weapon. PC’s items for herself (as well as all
Should the PCs actually make it of their money) and drops the re- Conclusion
all the way to the chamber without mainder 800 feet south of her lair.
tipping off Verthie, she attempts to Accomplishing this, the dragon The potential for further adven-
engage them in clever repartee. wings gracefully back to her lair. ture does not end with the death of
During such talk, she casts sug- The PCs are not done with Verthie. Remember, she has a
gestion on the party’s warriors in Verthie yet, however. The dragon mate!
an attempt to get them to attack trails the party back to their base Furthermore, the trail that leads
the spellcasters. city, maintaining a discreet dis- from Trenahess to Verthie’s lair
The suggestion is woven into tance. The night the PCs return to and beyond could have something
normal conversation, so PCs have the city, Verthie briefly attacks. at its terminus. Creative DMs can
no clear idea that magic is being di- During this attack, she loudly place something interesting at the
rected against them. DMs should proclaims her thanks to the PCs trail’s end.
secretly roll the targeted PCs’ sav- for leading her to such a great Finally, if the flinds of Caronal or
ing throws. meal. Verthie gives such thanks re- the cultists of Trenahess have not
Verthie follows up this action by peatedly, mentioning each PC by been dealt with, PCs can be
casting entangle, hoping to immo- name. steered to them.
bilize the remaining spellcasters.
If Verthie has suffered the loss of What Verthie Has to Say
two-thirds (or more) of her hit
points, she lifts her rear feet and At Verthie’s lair, the dragon says
stomps on the floor of the chamber the following, provided she has the
with all her might. opportunity to engage in conversa-
This stomping causes the entire tion.
chamber floor to collapse. Verthie “The name I ussse among hu-
casts feather fall in order to avoid mankind is Verthie. My mother
damage and buy herself some time was called Verthie, and ssshe and
to get airborne. PCs who fall her clan were worshiped in thessse
through the floor suffer 20d6 woodsss a millennium ago, until
points of damage. the ssstinking elvesss wiped them
If the PCs were offered up to out in the Year of the Tussssk.
Verthie, she brings the victims “I wasss but a hatchling at that
back to her lair. Any outright inso- time, and I esssscaped the car-

Players’ his worshipfulness. You briefly go with him, but Ferreous
Introduction stop at the inn to pick up your refused to have the guards ac-
equipment. company him. Ferreous in-
Last night
Instead of taking you to the sisted that he and his friends
you arrived
palace, the guards escort you to could take care of themselves.
in Suzail,
the capitol the Suzail Royal Theatre, a large Azoun and Ferreous finally
building downtown. The guards agreed upon a compromise. A
of Cormyr,
and checked then usher you into a small small group of competent ad-
in at a local room that apparently serves as venturers would guard Ferre-
the office for the theatre. In the ous during the reunion.
inn, the Six Candles. After un-
middle of the room stands King You and your friends are to
packing and washing up, your
adventuring party headed Azoun, talking to a elderly man stay with Ferreous until he re-
with steel-gray hair. turns to Suzail. In return, you
downstairs to the common
You bow quickly to the King, all get out of jail and receive
who accepts your bows with a 5,000 gp for your trouble. King
You and your friends then pro-
graceful smile. The King then Azoun warns that if Ferreous
ceeded to consume a large meal,
introduces you to the other dies while under your care, you
washed down with some excel-
man, Ferreous Costello, owner had better ride as far away from
lent Cormyr pale ale. Quiet
of the theatre and a famous Cormyr as possible.
laughter and fun soon turned
into bragging and loud laughter. writer of satirical plays and par-
Things soon escalated into a odies. The King then asks you to
sit down while he explains your DM’s Background
wild tavern brawl, with you and
mission to you. This short adventure requires 5-7
your somewhat innocent com-
panions caught in the middle of It seems that Ferreous is a player characters of 6th to 8th
it. Of course, when the watch fi- close friend and personal advi- level. A wide assortment of charac-
nally arrived to break things up, sor to King Azoun, who greatly ter types is highly suggested.
all the local people blamed the enjoys Ferreous’s plays. These The beginning of this adventure
whole thing on your party. plays sometimes feature char- is described above. Unknown to
Now it’s morning, and the ris- acters that are obvious parodies Azoun and the player characters,
ing sun is sending a painful and caricatures of various im- Ferreous is actually a steel dragon.
portant people in the city. The reunion he is holding at the
lance of sunlight that goes right
to your brain, after it passes Some of the victims of Ferre- mountain lodge is a meeting of
through the bars of your cell. ous’s wit are not happy with his some of the last dragon worshipers
You are soon informed of the parodies of them. They fear that of the dragon god Hlal, the draco
Ferreous’s closeness to King god of jokes and pranks.
total cost of your fines, taxes,
and compensation fees for the Azoun could taint their relation- After the characters and Ferre-
inn. The sum is a lot more than ships with the King. ous have reached the mountain
all of your funds put together. It Apparently a group of these lodge, the other guests (dragons
looks like you might be in prison angry people have gotten to- disguised as humans) arrive. Dur-
for a while. gether and hired some assassins ing that night, the mountain lodge
About noon, after a lovely to take care of Ferreous. Several is attacked by a small group of as-
lunch of salted gruel, you are unsuccessful attempts have sassins hired by Ferreous’s human
visited by a representative of been made on his life recently. enemies.
King Azoun, who offers you free- Tomorrow,, Ferreous is sup- The next night, Ferreous and his
dom in return for performing a posed to attend some sort of re- friends insist on going to the top of
small task. union at a friend’s mountain the mountain to attend a religious
Penniless, you reluctantly lodge, which is a week’s travel festival. The festival is actually a
agree. You are released and al- from Suzail. Azoun wanted a birthday party for the hatchling of
lowed to clean up before seeing whole company of his guards to the mated copper dragons who
came to the mountain lodge.

Null, the dragon god of death, the PCs to stay and guard the only Dragon
who has an old score to settle with trail up to the mountain top. Worshipers
Hlal, has found out about the party Just as planned, after all the drag- of Hlal
and has decided to use this party ons have gotten drunk and are help-
Ferreous Cos-
to kill a number of Hlal’s few wor- less to defend themselves, the red
tello: An el-
shipers. dragons swoop down out of the sky
It is a well-known fact that the and begin attacking the helpless
dragons at the hatchling birthday good dragons. Ideally, the player
party of a copper dragon get very characters save the good dragons known for his
drunk on fireweed liquor. Null has (especially the steel one), and defeat hilarious paro-
sent out five of his worshipers, all or drive off the red dragons. dies and political satires, Ferreous
is also a steel dragon. His human
red dragons, to attack the dragons
at the birthday party, while they form is that of an elderly man who
Casting Call is always fashionably dressed. He
are all drunk.
On the way up to the festival, This section gives the descriptions is a sharp and intelligent man,
and statistics of the various NPCs with a very sarcastic and dry wit.
there is a chance that the characters
and monsters the characters will Argenta Purenote: A silver
and their charges are attacked by a
dracohydra, which appears out of encounter during the adventure. dragon Argenta appears as a
nowhere. The dracohydra was sent Statistics have not been provided beautiful young female elf with sil-
for the good dragons, as these are ver hair. She is especially fond of
by Null to take care of the player
characters, who are in the way. not needed. humorous and bawdy songs. She
The characters’ charges insist also enjoys dirty limericks and
that the player characters do not mind-teasing riddles.
Mera Quicksilver: A mercury
go all the way to the top of the
mountain with them; they order dragon, Mera appears as a beauti-

ful, middle- Faye Pixy: A faerie dragon, Infernus (8th-level Wizard
aged human Faye appears to be a female Specialist—Invoker): S 10, I 17, W
with green midget, with glistening blonde 10, D 16, C 16, Ch 13, AC 0 (-2), MV
eyes. Her long hair and laughing blue eyes. She 12, HD 8, hp 45, #AT 1, Dmg by
hair is red, truly loves pranks and practical weapon or spell, THAC0 18, AL LE
shot through jokes, and she can barely stop her- Equipment: 2 oils of fiery burn-
with streaks of self from constantly tricking peo- ing, ring of fire resistance, wand of
silver. Mera is ple. She dresses in loud clothing fire (40 charges), bracers AC 2,
very whimsi- and enjoys flirting with any male cloak of displacement, dagger of
cal and flighty. player characters (especially venom, dart of homing, gems
She enjoys jokes, and she loves to dwarves and gnomes). (5,000 gp total)
play practical jokes. She talks so Spells: 1st level — affect normal
quickly that it is sometimes very Twilight Blades (Assassins) fires, burning hands, shield, wall
hard to understand her. She will of fog, magic missile; 2nd level—
playfully flirt with all the male The Blades of Twilight are a group flaming sphere, invisibility pyro-
of adventurers that hires out as as- technics, web; 3rd level: fireball
Bron Tanse: A bronze dragon, sassins. The Blades are lead by (x4); 4th level: fire shield, wall of
Bron appears as a short young hu- Nocturnus and Dusk, male human fire, fire trap; 5th level: Bigby’s in-
twins who grew up in the streets of terposing hand, wall of force
man with a dark tan complexion.
His hair and eyes are dark brown. Waterdeep. They have trained
themselves so that they attack in Thantus (8th-level Priest): S 10, I
Bron loves to engage in intelligent
perfect unison (every round that 10, W 18, D 14, C 15, Ch 10, AC 0,
and lively conversation. He has a
wealth of knowledge about old leg- they both attack one person, one MV 10, HD 8, hp 68, #AT 1, Dmg by
ends and history, especially ones twin receives a +1 bonus to his at- weapon or spell type, THAC0 16,
that have humorous endings. tack roll, while the other twin AL LE
Brazz Polis: A brass dragon, gains a -1 bonus to his AC). The Equipment: potion of undead
other members of the blades are control (vampires), scroll of protec-
Brazz appears as a short young hu-
man with a light tan complexion. the Mage Infernus (a wizard of tion from undead, ring of vampiric
His hair and eyes are light brown. Thay), Thantus (a Zhentarim regeneration, staff of withering (20
cleric of Bane) and Shadeus (a Ca- charges), talisman of pure evil,
Brazz loves to engage in intelligent
and lively conversation. Like Bron, lishite thief). plate mail +3, horseman’s mace
Brazz has a wealth of knowledge +3, gems (5,000 gp total)
about old legends and history, es- Nocturnus (9th-level Fighter): S Spells: 1st level — command, de-
pecially ones that have humorous 18/50, I 14, W 12, D 12, C 16, Ch tect snares and pits, protection
endings. Brazz is also an accom- 15, AC 2, MV 12, HD 9, hp 88, #AT from good, magical stone, pass
plished gossip, and he seems to 3/2, Dmg by weapon type, THAC0 without trace; 2nd level — charm
have tidbits of information about 12, AL LE person/mammal, heat metal, hold
Equipment: ring of blinking, person, spiritual hammer, silence
all the important people in the
Forgotten Realms chain mail of blending +3, flame 15’ radius; 3rd level — dispel
Gorge and Gracy Cooper: tongue long sword, 2 daggers, magic, spike growth, summon in-
gems (5,000 gp total) sects, meld in to stone; 4th level—
These mated copper dragons ap-
pear to be an elderly couple. They sticks to snakes, neutralize poison
Dusk (9th-level Fighter): S 17, I (reversed), giant insect
are both kind and friendly, and
they enjoy telling jokes about vari- 14, W 12, D 18 (-4), C 16, Ch 15, AC
ous relatives. Gracy acts like she is 2 (-2), MV 12, HD 9, hp 77, #AT 3/2, Shadeus (7th-level Thief): S 13, I
slightly addled, but this act hides a Dmg by weapon type, THAC0 12, 14, W 12, D 18, C 15, Ch 10, AC 4
quick and sharp wit. Gorge pre- AL LE (0), MV 12, HD 7, hp 45, #AT 1,
tends to get constantly exasper- Equipment: ring of chameleon Dmg by weapon or spell type,
ated by Gracy, but he can’t hide his power, chain mail of fear +3, frost THAC0 16, AL LE
true affection for her. blade long sword, 2 daggers, gems Equipment: ring of invisibility
(5,000 gp total) ring of protection +3, rod of pas-

sage (10 charges), amulet of proof (called Copper Top), takes seven group of drag-
against detection/location, boots days of steady travel. ons meeting
of striding and springing, cloak of The first day Ferreous is rather on Copper Top
displacement, dagger of venom, surly with the party, but after that Mountain.)
short sword of quickness, gems he becomes very friendly and en- Also, since
(5,000 gp total) tertains them with various jokes they are wor-
Thieving Abilities: and his dry wit. shipers of a
Pick Pockets: 30% The trip is uneventful, since it god of tricks
Open Locks: 65% will take Ferreous’s enemies a few and pranks,
Find/Remove Traps: 70% days to find a new group of assas- they feel that it
Move Silently: 75% sins to replace the last group that is suitable to keep up their cha-
Hide in Shadows: 75% was killed by Azoun’s guards. The rade.
Detect Noise: 45% new group of assassins, the Blades In addition to that, they know
Climb Walls: 80% of Twilight, does not catch up to that the dragon worshipers of the
Read Languages: 0% the PCs until after they have god Null would dearly love to kill
reached the mountain lodge and them. So, they meet in human
Dracohydra: AC 0; MV 6, Fl 21 settled in for the night. form to throw off the evil dragons
(D); HD 14; hp 80 (body 41, each of The DM might wish to roll for that might be keeping an eye out
the three heads 13), #AT 1-3 and 2; random encounters during the for them.
Dmg 2d8 (x1-3) and 1d8/1d8; party’s trip to the mountain lodge.
THAC0 7; SA breath weapon for If the DM wishes to do this, he The Mountain Lodge
6d2+6, +6 to attack and damage should use the following random
The following should be read to the
rolls; SD wall of fog (2/day), dark- encounter tables, located in the
players when they reach the
ness (3/day), immune to acid; AL back of the Monstrous Compen-
mountain lodge, around noon on
CE; no treasure dium.
the seventh day of travel.
Old Red Dragons (5, led by Brim- First and Second Days: Temper-
After a restful and pleasant jour-
stone): AC -7; MV 9, Fl 30 (C), Jp ate Forest
Third, Fourth, and Fifth Days: ney, you have finally arrived at
3; HD 17; hp 125; #AT 3; Dmg
Temperate Rough or Hills the mountain lodge. Set just be-
1d10/1d10/3d10; THAC0 5; SA
Sixth and Seventh Days: Tem- low the mountain’s timberline,
fear aura 30 yards. breath weapon,
perate Mountain the mountain lodge rests on rel-
+4 to attack and damage rolls,
atively level ground. The quaint
heat metal 1/day, suggestion 1/
Ferreous does not change into his lodge is a large log cabin that is
day, spells; SD affect normal fires
located in a clearing among the
3/day, pyrotechnics 3/day, spells; dragon form. Like most Steel Drag-
tall pine trees.
MR 45%; AL CE; no treasure ons, he does not want his secret to
Those of you who are not on
Spells: 1st level — magic missile, become known to any humans, es-
guard duty are quickly set to
sleep; 2nd level — invisibility, web; pecially ones he does not know
work by Ferreous. Some of you
3rd level — lightning bolt that well. Also, he believes that he
can easily handle anything that help tidy the place it a bit, since
it has been several months since
Trip to the Mountain Lodge gets past his bodyguards, even
anyone has visited here. The
while in human form.
After King Azoun has forced Ferre- rest of you help Ferreous unload
Ferreous and his draco friends
ous to let the characters come various food supplies and cook-
meet at the lodge about once every
along, preparations are made for ing utensils from the burdened
five years. They choose to meet in
them to start out immediately. The pack animals.
human forms so that they do not
King provides the characters with attract the attention of the various
supplies and sturdy mountain po- If the players refuse to do any me-
hunters and travelers that move nial labor, Ferreous simply shrugs
nies. The trip to the mountain through the mountain range.
lodge, which is located just below his shoulders and does it all him-
(Imagine the rumors that would self. Later on, any lazy characters
the timberline of the mountain spread if hunters caught sight of a

are told that Description of the Mountain foods, can be found in nearby cabi-
they can eat Lodge nets. The fireplace and the sur-
from their trail rounding area serve as the kitchen
rations instead The mountain lodge is a fairly for the lodge.
of sharing in large building constructed of A number of comfortable chairs
the delightful wooden logs. It is a one-story affair and couches are scattered around
meal cooked with the flat roof reaching a height the fireplace. A few hunting tro-
by Ferreous. of about 12 feet. phies are hanging on the walls of
The lodge rests in a large clear- the main room. This includes the
ing (roughly 150 feet in diameter) stuffed and mounted heads of an
among the pine trees that grow on owlbear, a mountain lion, and a
Ferreous then begins working the gentle mountain slopes. The
on a massive meal that would mountain goat.
area where the cabin is built is The main room has six doors
feed a regiment. It soon become fairly level, but just a little bit be-
apparent that Ferreous is a very (besides the doors to outside) lead-
hind the lodge, the mountain slope ing out of it. Each of the doors
good cook. starts rising at a steeper angle.
As the sun begins to sink, leads to medium-sized identical
The inside of the lodge is domi- bedrooms. Each bedroom is domi-
Ferreous’s friends arrive one at nated by a 50-foot-square main
a time, on foot. nated by a huge wooden bed,
room. In the center of the room is a which has a mattress of the finest
huge, specially designed fireplace goose feathers. Each bedroom also
Describe these arrivals to the play- made of stone and metal. A small contains a large wooden dresser
ers, based on the information on number of cooking utensils sit and cabinet.
Ferreous’s friends that is given near the fireplace, and a number of The lodge is owned by one of
earlier in this adventure. cooking supplies, such as spices Ferreous’s human friends. The
and some dried and preserved friend is a low-ranking noble who

enjoys roughing it in the woods. A few minutes after the meal is age of the
This is why the lodge is rather plain. over, Ferreous politely suggests spy’s favorite
The lodge has no bathroom or out- that any characters inside should member of the
house. The owner believes that join their friends outside, so that opposite sex.
roughing it includes answering the Ferreous and his companions can An image of
call of nature in the woods (look out talk privately. that person
for poison ivy). A small mountain After the characters have left the appears, grabs
spring is located a few hundred feet lodge, the disguised dragons begin the spy, and
to the east of the lodge. talking guardedly among them- begins wildly
The rustic noble is not worried selves, after they offer a short kissing him. A
about magical attacks, so he has prayer to Hlal, their god. If any round later it turns into a hideous,
not bothered to provide the lodge character is foolish enough to try snaggle-toothed hag. Brons then
with any safeguards against magi- to spy on them (either magically or dispels the illusion.
cal attacks or spying. physically), the keen senses of the Brazz Polis (Brass): Brazz uses
Ferreous’s friend has allowed dragons quickly detect him before his dust devil, control winds, and
Ferreous and his draco friends to he overhears anything of impor- control temperature spells to dis-
meet here every five years. The tance. Here are a few suggestions comfort the spy.
dragons themselves have not on what each dragon might do to Gorge and Gracy cooper (Cop-
bothered to provide the lodge with the naughty character: per): They use their stone shape
magical protection, since it might spells to cause the rock in the
cause the lodge’s owner to get sus- Ferreous (Steel): Ferreous ground to rise up right in front of
picious (they also don’t know any steps into another room, safe from the spy. They then change the rock
protective spells, preferring in- prying eyes, and changes into a to mud and use a move earth spell
stead to learn spells that help in bee. He then flies outside and to engulf the spy in the mud.
practical jokes). Also, the dragons stings the character spying on Faye Pixy (Faerie): Faye goes
believe that their charade has him, probably causing the spy to into another room, changes into
fooled everyone, so they have yelp. Ferreous then quickly goes her dragon form, and turns invisi-
grown rather complacent and back inside and changes into hu- ble. She flies directly behind the
overconfident. man form again, before the offend- spy and gently taps him on the
ing character has a chance to do shoulder. She uses her breath
The Guests anything. weapon on him as soon as he turns
Argenta Purenote (Silver): around. She then quickly turns in-
Ferreous’s guests, whose appear- She uses her control winds ability visible and flies back to her room
ances and personalities were de- to whip up a brief windstorm and changes into human form.
scribed earlier, arrive in no specific around the spying character. The
order. Role-play each guest as he wind is strong enough to knock
or she arrives at the cabin.
Attack in the Night
him off his feet, breaking his con-
All the arriving dragons land centration, and ‘causing a lot of Around midnight, Ferreous calls
and change into their humanoid noise. out to the characters and tells
forms long before they reach the Mera Quicksilver (Mercury): them that he and his friends are
area of the lodge, to avoid attract- going to bed. Any characters not
Mera uses her telekinesis spell to
ing unwanted attention. cause the character some discom- on guard duty can sleep in the
After all the dragons have ar- fort, such as pulling his belt ex- main room of the lodge. All the
rived., and introductions and greet- tremely tight, or maybe even bedrooms are used by Ferreous
ings have been made, the meal is undoing it so that his pants fall and his guests.
served. Those on guard duty out- The DM should ask the players
down. The exact effect is left up to
side are bought a small platter of the inventive DM. to describe any precautions they
food. The platter is bought out by Bron Tanse (Bronze): Bron take and traps they set. The play-
one of the female dragons, who casts ESP and then spectral force. ers should also tell the DM who is
flirts with any male characters on He will use the ESP to read the going to be on guard duty at vari-
guard duty. spy’s mind and pluck out the im- ous times during the night. Each

guard should nearby. He picks a small area just on players follow his advice, Ferreous
show his posi- the edge of the clearing and casts and his friends are killed by Null’s
tion on the spike growth and silence 15’ radius red dragons at the birthday party.
map of the on it. He has a small pebble (with The disappearance of Ferreous
lodge and the magic stone cast on it) that he will causes Azoun to put a bounty on
surrounding throw at an unsuspecting guard. He the player characters.
area. hides near the spike growth area Intelligent players will insist on
At 3 A.M. and jumps out to attack anyone that staying with Ferreous until he re-
that morning, gets near him. He uses his staff of turns to Suzail. After much argu-
the Blades of withering first, trying to hit a ing, Ferreous reluctantly gives in
Twilight attack and try to kill weapon arm. He then attacks in nor- to the characters.
Ferreous. Each assassin’s tactics mal melee, and he uses any of his at- Ferreous tells the PCs that he
are described below. tack spells when he can. If he sees a and his friends are expected to at-
priest, he will use his talisman of tend a private religious service on
Nocturnus and Dusk: Nocturnus pure evil on him. the top of the mountain that night.
uses his ring of blinking to quickly Shadeus: Shadeus uses his ring Ferreous tells the players that they
get close to a guard, especially if he of invisibility, his thieving abilities, can go with him and the others un-
is clearly a fighter. Dusk is also get- and his rod of passage to sneak til they are almost at the top, but
ting closer to the fighter, using his into the log cabin and assassinate the characters must not go any far-
ring of chameleon power. They Ferreous. ther since they are not worshipers.
work together to attack one en- If no PC thinks to guard Ferre- Ferreous especially aims this
emy, gaining the special bonus de- ous, and no PC detects Shadeus as comment at any nosey characters
scribed earlier. he moves into the lodge, he from the night before. He warns
Infernus: Infernus attacks from reaches Ferreous’s bedroom. This them that any non-believers will
the opposite direction of Noc- does not help Shadeus much, be struck down immediately by
turnus and Dusk. He comes from since Ferreous and his friends the gods if they look at the holy fes-
the rear of the lodge, toward the have already detected his pres- tival and ceremony. He tells them
mountain peak. He has cast a ence. They easily dispatch him that the pass they will guard is the
shield spell on himself and a wall of with their powers, if no character only trail up to the mountain top.
fog to conceal his presence. He is nearby. Ferreous and his friends insist
hurls his dart of homing at a If a player character is with that the players agree not to go all
guard, or he may wait until some- Ferreous when Shadeus arrives, the way to the mountain top. If the
one comes running out of the Ferreous and his friends let the PCs do not agree, Ferreous tells
house when the twins attack. He player character take care of the them that he will stay at the lodge,
also casts flaming sphere and assassin. If the player character while his friends leave and attend
sends it rolling down the slope and has trouble with the thief, or if he is the religious festival on the moun-
into the melee. If anyone gets killed or knocked out, Ferreous tain. If this occurs, he pretends to go
close, he uses his wand of fire, fire- and the dragons easily dispatch to bed early. Ferreous then shape-
ball spells and oils of fiery burning. the thief (later saying that it was changes into insect form and
Luckily it has been a wet season, pure luck). sneaks out. Allow the players to ac-
so the trees and the log cabin are cidentally find out that he is gone a
too damp to really start burning— Dawn few hours later. Intelligent charac-
they just smolder a bit. ters should realize where he has
Thantus: Thantus has cast de- Just as dawn begins to light the gone and head for the mountain top.
tect snares and pits and looked at sky, the characters and the drag- In this case, the characters do
the whole perimeter of the clearing ons can finally rest, having de- not encounter the dracohydra,
before the assassins attack, proba- feated the assassins and cleared and they arrive at the mountain
bly detecting any such traps set by up the mess. Ferreous tries to per- top just after Brimstone and the
the characters. He has cast pass suade the PCs that since the assas- other red dragons have begun
without trace and protection from sins are dead and the danger is their attacks on the drunken good
good on himself before getting over, the PCs can leave now. If the dragons.

The Mountain Pass comes up the main pass. Because grass, and a
of Null’s mental commands, the small lake sits
The rest of the day can be spent dracohydra attacks only the char- in the middle
resting and recovering from any acters. (Null wants them out of the of the valley.
wounds taken during the fight way so they do not interfere with The valley is
with the assassins. The DM should Brimstone and the others when currently in-
role-play one or two encounters they attack.) habited by five
with the good dragons during the If the player characters are hav- copper drag-
day. Perhaps some of the dragons ing a rough time of it, the good ons, plus the
play practical jokes on one or more dragons secretly aid them with dragon forms
of the characters. some of their spell abilities. The of Ferreous and his friends.
After the sun has set, and an- good dragons only reveal their true The dragons occasionally take
other succulent meal has been natures if all the characters are deep swigs from large barrels that
eaten, Ferreous announces that it knocked out or killed. In this case, are obviously filled with some sort
is time to head out for the moun- the good dragons try to heal any of substance that affects dragons.
tain top. characters badly hurt. They try to All of the dragons are clearly
The mountain pass is fairly maintain their disguises if at all drunk from the potent beverage.
smooth until the group nears the possible. Luckily for the spying character,
top of the mountain. The moon is the dragons are all too drunk to no-
full and it is a clear night, so the tice him as long as he doesn’t go
Birthday Party
characters can see where they are down and try to join the party. If he
going. The pass eventually nar- After an hour of travel, the group is is stupid enough to do that, he will
rows as rocky walls thrust upward very close to the top of the moun- have a number of angry, drunken
on either side. tain. The muted sounds of laugh- dragons to deal with.
Halfway up the mountain, the ter and singing can be faintly The observing character does
pass forks. The path that splits off heard coming from the top of the not have to worry about being
from the main pass is narrower mountain. cursed because he sees all this.
and seems to be a little less rough Ferreous tells the party mem- This is actually just a birthday
than the main one. Ferreous tells bers that they must stop here party for Gorge and Gracy’s son,
the party that the two passes join while he and his friends go on not a religious ceremony.
together again near the top of the alone. He once again tells them The revelry would normally con-
mountain. The side pass narrows how dangerous it would be for tinue till dawn, but unfortunately
until movement can only be per- them to follow and spy on the reli- some red dragons have decided to
formed in single file, with the tall gious ceremony. crash the party. The red dragons,
cliff sides towering above to either Ferreous and his friends then go led by Brimstone, are worshipers
side. The characters will probably farther up the mountain trail, until of the dragon god Null. Many years
be suspicious of this path, feeling they disappear from sight around ago, Hlal, the dragon god of jokes,
that it is perfect for an ambush. a bend. A few minutes later, the played a trick on Null and he has
Ferreous tells the player charac- volume of noise coming from the never forgotten it.
ters that he and his friends do not mountain top increases. As the Null has found out about the
care which route they take. If the hours pass, the noise from the “re- party, and the fact that some of the
characters elect to lead the party ligious ceremony” steadily in- guests are some of the last dragon
through the wider main pass, they creases as the party gets wilder. worshipers of Hlal (see the section
will encounter a dracohydra. If If any character is actually brave on Dragon Religion). Null has or-
they journey up the side pass, the enough to sneak up the mountain dered a group of his worshipers,
trip is uneventful. trail; he finds himself at the lip of a five red dragons, to kill as many of
The dracohydra has been men- bowl-shaped valley that rests at Hlal’s helplessly drunken wor-
tally summoned here by the the top of the mountain. The rock shipers as he can.
dragon god Null. The dracohydra walls of the valley slope down at a Brimstone and the other red
is not happy, to say the least, and it gentle angle. dragons arrive around midnight,
viciously attacks if the group The valley is covered with lush while the full moon is high in the

clear sky. Ran- The characters can get one free If the characters are badly
domly choose round of projectiles and spells at wounded, and the party’s priests
one of the Brimstone and the others before don’t have enough spells to go
characters and Brimstone can react. Once the around, one of the dragons comes
tell him that characters have attacked, Brim- over and heals any badly wounded
he sees five stone mainly stays in the air and characters.
large, winged centers his attacks on the charac- In any case, the characters have
shapes moving ters until two rounds have passed. earned the undying friendship of
across the Then he can breathe fire again, so these good dragons. The dragons
moon toward he swoops down and breathes on might be able to help the charac-
the mountain top. Tell the charac- the characters. ters in future adventures, but only
ters that the moonlight “reveals Brimstone stays in the air and if the characters really need them
that they are red dragons. attacks the characters with his and the situation is desperate.
Right after the characters sight spells (lightning bolt, magic mis- Ferreous asks them to keep his se-
the dragons, but before the charac- sile, and web) as long as possible. cret. His influence in Suzail, and
ters can really react, the reds Once he is out of spells, Brimstone his friendship with King Azoun,
swoop down and head for the top swoops down at the characters could be a real boon to the charac-
of the mountain. and tries to snatch two of them. ters in the future.
No matter how fast the charac- Snatched characters are crushed If the characters ever betray
ters react, Brimstone and the oth- and then dropped from a great Ferreous, they earn themselves a
ers have already made one pass height (400 feet). group of powerful enemies that
over the valley, breathing fire on If the characters badly wound could make their lives miserable
the crowd of drunken good drag- him, Brimstone pretends to fly for a long time to come.
ons. This first run sends the away. Once out of sight, he casts
drunken dragons into a panic as invisibility and then comes back to
they try to regain their befuddled attack the characters before they
senses. In their first run, the red can rush to the aid of any of the
dragons badly burn most of the good dragons.
good dragons. The characters will have their
Once the characters reach the hands full taking care of Brim-
top of the mountain and witness stone, the most vicious of the red
the carnage, they have to deal with dragons. The good dragons are
Brimstone, the leader. Brimstone barely able to take care of the other
attacks the characters while the red dragons themselves, but they
other red dragons continue attack- will have killed them all by the
ing the good dragons. time the characters have taken
The characters have to defeat care of Brimstone.
only Brimstone, as the good drag- If it looks like the characters
ons are just barely able to take care might all be killed by Brimstone,
of the other red dragons. have the good dragons finish off
Brimstone centers his efforts on the others early and come over to
the characters, realizing that they help the PCs.
might disrupt the attack on the Even with the aid of the charac-
good dragons. If the characters ters, the inebriated good dragons
have an easy time of defeating have taken casualties. All of the
Brimstone, throw another one of good dragons are badly wounded,
the red dragons at them. The sec- and all the copper dragons are
ond red dragon has already been dead.
badly wounded by the good drag- If a priest in the party uses spells
ons (down to half his normal hit to heal one of the dragons, that
point total). dragon becomes his friend for life.


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