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Enrique T. Yuchengco School of Business and Management


Mapua shall be among the best universities of the world.


a) The Institute shall provide a learning environment in order for its students to acquire the attributes that will
make them globally competitive
b) The institute shall engage in publishable and/or economically viable research, development and
c) The institute shall provide state-of-the solutions to problems of industries and communities


Within the five years after graduation, the graduates of Business Administration
program shall have:
a b c
1. Graduates shall practice as successful business executives for the
advancement of society.   

2. Graduates shall promote professionalism in their respective marketing,

  
operations, sales, and general management fields.


1. Course Code: MGT176

2. Course Title: Distribution

3. Pre-requisite: Strategic Management

4. Co-requisite:

5. Credit: 3

6. Course Description:

The course will expose the students on the different typre of middlemen in the channels of distribution,
and the effective approach to best serve specific consumers through the physical distribution of products
and services. Focus is on the different costs involved from start of production to the point of consumption
in the various marketing activities. Students are required to study a particular distribution system of a
corporation belonging to the top 1000 corporations of the Philippines

7. Program Educational Objectives

Competence Educational
Student Outcomes
Area Objectives
1 2
A An ability to perform the basic functions of management such as planning,
√ √
organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.
B An ability to apply basic concepts that underlie each of the functional areas
of business (marketing, finance human resources management, information
√ √
technology and strategic management) and employ these concepts in
various business situations.

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by:

Distribution and Channel A.Y. 2018-2019 January 2019 Dr. Marthinson M. Villanueva Dean Concordio S. Page 1 of 5
C Ability to select the proper decision, making tools to critically analytically and
√ √
creatively solve problems and drive results.
D An ability to express oneself clearly and communicate effectively with
√ √
stakeholders both in oral and written forms.
E An ability to apply information and communication technology (ICT) skills as
√ √
required by the business environment.
F An ability to plan and Implement business related activities. √ √
G An ability to exercise high personal moral and ethical standards. √ √
H An ability to analyze the business environment for strategic direction. √ √
I An ability to prepare operational plans. √ √
J An ability to conduct business research. √ √

8. Course Outcomes (COs) and Relationship to Student Outcomes

Course Outcomes Student Outcomes*

After completing the course, the student must be able to: A B C D E F G H I J
1. Develop distribution plan and strategies that will be used. D D D
2. Develop original with strong foundations. D D D
3. Determine factors that affect brand equity of brands. D D D
* Level: I- Introduced, R- Reinforced, D- Demonstrated

9. Course Coverage

1 Mission and Vision Signed Certificate of
Orientation and Introduction to the Matriculation
Discussion on COs, TLAs, and ATs of the
Overview on student-centered learning and Lecture
eclectic approaches to be used in the
a. Distribution
b. Role & Importance
c. Value Generations
d. Marketing Channels
e. Levels
f. Customer Service Goals
2 The Channel Participants Open Graded Recitation / CO 1
a. Major Participants in the distribution Discussion /
Channel Power Point
b. Why shift distribution tasks to lecture
c. Distribution Tasks Performed by
3 The Environment of Distribution Channels Open Graded Recitation CO 2
a. The Environment
Discussion /
b. The Economic Environment
Power Point
c. The Competitive Environment
d. The Socio-cultural Environment
e. The Technological Environment
f. The Legal Environment
g. Legal Issues in Channel Mgmt.
4 Behavioral Processes in Distribution Open Graded Recitation / CO 3
Discussion / Quiz
a. Marketing Channel as Social System
Power Point
b. Behavioral Processes
c. How Conflict Emerges
d. Causes of Channel Conflict
e. Conflict & Channel Efficiency

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by:

Distribution and Channel A.Y. 2018-2019 January 2019 Dr. Marthinson M. Villanueva Dean Concordio S. Page 2 of 5
5 Developing the Distribution Channel Lecture / Open CO 4
a. Marketing Channel Strategy
b. Distribution Decisions
c. Channel Strategy as Overall
Corporate Objective
d. Channel Strategy & the Marketing Mix
6 Mid-Terms Examinations

Designing the Marketing Distribution

a. Channel Design Open Graded Recitation
b. Who Engages in Channel Design? Discussion /
c. Channel Design Paradigm Power Point
d. When to Make a Channel Design lecture

7 Target Markets and Channel Design Open Graded Recitation /

Discussion / Quiz
a. Market Variables
Power Point
b. Framework for Market Analysis
c. Market Geography
d. Market Density & Channel Strategy
e. Market Behavior
8 Managing the Distribution Channel Power Point Graded Recitation
a. Channel Management lecture
b. Channel Management versus Classroom
Channel Design discussion
c. Motivating Channel Members Open
d. Channel Member Needs & Problems Discussion
9 Administrative Support and Functions Power Point Graded Recitation /
a. Manpower Competencies and lecture
Support Classroom
b. Sales Administration Support discussion
c. Information Technology Open
d. Finance, Credit and Collection Discussion
e. Logistical Consideration and Support
10 Inventory Cost Management Power Point Graded Recitation
a. Inventory System lecture
b. Carrying Cost Classroom
c. Ordering Cost discussion
Credit Management Open
a. The five (5) C’s System Discussion
b. Credit Analysis and Processes
c. Accounts receivables
d. Days Sales Outstanding
e. Credit and collection Processes
11 Final Examinations Summative CO 1 to 4

10. Lifelong-Learning Opportunities

The student, upon completing the course, will be able to understand, appreciate and apply the concepts
and theories learned in the course of their conduct and management of business initiatives in the established
enterprise. They will be able to realize that a vital part of the sales and marketing process is how the product
good and services will reach the intended market effectively which through the distribution system, the
students will be able to think critically how to strategize effectively and manage market channels.

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by:

Distribution and Channel A.Y. 2018-2019 January 2019 Dr. Marthinson M. Villanueva Dean Concordio S. Page 3 of 5
11. Contribution of Course to Meeting the Professional Component

Attendance = 20%
Recitations, Quizzes and Assignments = 50%
Major Examinations = 30%

12. Reference Textbook:

Sustainable Operations and supply chain management, Belvedere, Valeria, 2017

Marketing Channel Strategy, 8th ed. by Robert W. Palmatier 2015
Supply Chain Management: Strategy, planning and operation, Chopra, Sunil, 2016
Marketing Channel Strategy, Stern, Louis W, 2015

13. Course Evaluation

Student performance will be rated based on the following:

Assessment Tasks Weight Minimum Average for

Satisfactory Performance

CO 1 30% 20%
CO 2 25% 15%
CO 3 25% 15%
CO 4 20% 10%
Summative Assessment: Final Examination
TOTAL 100% 60%

The final grades will correspond to the weighted average scores shown below

Average Grade Average Grade

5.00 69 - below 2.00 82.77-86.20
3.00 70.00-72.44 1.75 86.21-89.64
2.75 72.45-75.88 1.50 89.65-93.08
2.50 75.89 -79.32 1.25 93.09-96.52
2.25 79.33-82.76 1.00 96.53-100

13.1. Other Course Policies

a. Attendance
According to CHED policy, total number of absences by the students should not be more than
20% of the total number of meetings or 9 hrs for a three-unit-course. Students incurring more
than 9 hours of unexcused absences automatically gets a failing grade regardless of class

b. Submission of Assessment Tasks

c. Written Examination

d. Course Portfolio

e. Language of Instruction
Lectures, discussion, and documentation will be in English. Written and spoken work may receive
a lower mark if it is, in the opinion of the instructor, deficient in English.

f. Honor, Dress and Grooming Codes

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by:

Distribution and Channel A.Y. 2018-2019 January 2019 Dr. Marthinson M. Villanueva Dean Concordio S. Page 4 of 5
All of us have been instructed on the Dress and Grooming Codes of the Institute. We have all
committed to obey and sustain these codes. It will be expected in this class that each of us will
honor the commitments that we have made.
For this course the Honor Code is that there will be no plagiarizing on written work and no cheating
on exams. Proper citation must be given to authors whose works were used in the process of
developing instructional materials and learning in this course. If a student is caught cheating on
an exam, he or she will be given zero mark for the exam. If a student is caught cheating twice,
the student will be referred to the Prefect of Student Affairs and be given a failing grade.

g. Consultation Schedule
Consultation schedules with the Professor are posted outside the _____ Faculty room and in the
School’s web-page ( ). It is recommended that the student first set
an appointment to confirm the instructor’s availability.

14. Other References

14.1. Books

Marketing Channels: A Management View, Rosebloom, 2016

Integral Logistics Management, Schonsleben, Paul, 2016
Supply Chain Management, Chopra, Sunil, 2016

14.2 Websites

15. Course Materials Made Available

16. Committee Members:

Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by:

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