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Marine environmental impacts of power-desalination

plants in Kuwait
Ahmad Al-Dousari,^'* Abdul Nabi Al-Ghadban,^
and Neil C. Sturchio^
'Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research, Safal ¡3109, Kuwait
^University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607, USA
'Corresponding author: drMhmad@hotmaiLcom

Kuwait's Ministry of Electricity and Water is planning to supplement the existing electric power gen-
eration capacity in the country by constructing new Gombined-Gycle Gas-Turbine Stations at Shuaiba
North Power Station and Subiya Power Station in order to meet the increasing power demand. The plans
also include installation of a Multistage Flash Distillation Plant for seawater desalination at Shuaiba to
increase Kuwait's supply ofpotable water.
Gonstruction of these new facilities will impact the environment, and so therefore needed to be carefully
assessed before the planned work could go ahead. Thus, the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research con-
ducted an environmental impact assessment for these sites, as per the guidelines of Kuwait s Environment
Public Authority. The environmental impact assessment was performed in three parts: air, marine, and
hydraulics, by separate multidisciplinary teams that conducted field surveys, took measurements, collected
and analyzed samples, and in some cases, carried out predictive numerical modeling studies of the poten-
tial impact of plant operations on the surrounding environment. These studies took into account the impact
of the already existing, as well as the planned, power generation and desalination facilities. This paper
summarizes the final results of the marine environmental impact assessment, including the results of the
hydraulic surveys and modeling studies.

Keywords: environmental assessment, power generation, seawater, desalination

Introduction water in Kuwait has been discussed by Darwish

et al. (2008). Electrical power generation and wa-
The population of Kuwait is now around ter desalination in Kuwait is now done at co-
2.6 million, and it has been increasing at an an- generation power-desalination plants, where steam
nual rate of about 3.6% per year for the past five from turbines is used to desalinate water using a
years. This rapid increase in population has ere- multistage flash distillation (MSF) process. Most
ated a corresponding increase in the demand for of the fuel consumed by these plants consists of
electricity and water. The demand for both power heavy oil and crude oil. The use of gas turbines in
and desalinated water is forecast to increase at ap- combined-cycle gas-turbine power and desalination
proximately 5 to 6% per annum for the next 10 plants could promote a significant increase in en-
years. The need for more energy-efficient means ergy efficiency; in addition, the use of natural gas
of production and consumption of electricity and in place of crude oil as a fuel source for power

Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 15(Sl):50-55, 2012. Copyright © 2012 AEHMS. ISSN: 1463-4988 print / 1539-4077 online
DOI : 10.1080/14634988.2012.667336
Al-Dousari et al. /Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 15 (2012) 50-55 51

generation results in less air pollution and helps to the proposed developments are acceptable to inter-
conserve Kuwait's oil resources. Kuwait's Ministry national lending institutions; to enable the MEW to
of Electricity and Water (MEW) has accordingly obtain necessary funding for construction and oper-
made plans to construct two new large-capacity gas- ation ofthe new power stations in accordance with
fueled plants at Shuaiba North and Subiya. all existing and proposed international regulations,
The proposed power plants at both Shuaiba and orders, and legislation; to ensure comprehensive
Subiya will be constructed at sites where there understanding of the coastal biotopes that are
are existing power plants, with intake and outfall likely to be impacted by the new plants' seawater
structures (Figure 1). In Shuaiba, the proposed site intakes and effluents (i.e. heat, brine, and pollutant
of the new plant is the decommissioned Shuaiba discharges); to recommend mitigation measures
North Thermal and Gas-Turbine Power Station, to be followed during construction and operation
located within the existing Shuaiba Area Authority of the new plants; and to ensure that the locations
Industrial Complex, about 50 km south of Kuwait selected for seawater intakes and outfall channels
City. In Subiya, the proposed site of the new have the least environmental impact. The proposed
combined-cycle gas-turbine power station is within plants will be constructed in accordance with
the existing Subiya Power Station (SPS), which is the findings of this study, which was prepared in
about 100 km north of Kuwait City. At the Shuaiba accordance with Law 210/2001 regarding Kuwait's
site, new intake and outfall structures will be EPA and the policies and guidelines of the World
constructed at the approximate locations of similar Bank and the International Finance Corporation.
structures that existed prior to the decommissioning The approach followed to obtain the necessary
of the power station that formerly occupied the information involved three phases:
site. At the Subiya site, the proposed design of the
plant may use existing seawater intake and outfall 1. Data-gathering, including literature survey,
structures. Therefore, land use at both sites will not previous studies conducted by the Kuwait
change as drastically as it would have if the sites had Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) and
been previously undeveloped. Shuaiba is a heavily others, documents from Kuwait's MEW,
industrial area where the impact of the construction and personal communications; field surveys,
and operation of the new plant will be relatively including a hydraulic survey of water levels,
small compared to ongoing industrial activities. currents, and other hydrodynamic parame-
ters, and environmental quality surveys of
the water, sediment, and marine ecology; and
Methodology laboratory analyses of water and sediment
samples for detailed characterizations of the
The major objectives of this study were as fol- baseline condition of nutrients, pollutants,
lows: to assess the existing baseline conditions of and marine ecology.
and potential environmental impacts on the local 2. Numerical hydraulic modeling, using the
marine environment, with emphasis on water and RM A-10 code (produced by Resource Model-
sediment quality as well as benthic ecology; and to ing Associates, Suisun, California, USA) for
provide recommendations on design specifications both project locations, inputting field survey
and mitigation measures, in order to minimize po- data for calibration and validation; and as-
tential environmental impacts ofthe proposed power sessment of a variety of model scenarios for
and desalination plant developments. plant intake and outfall discharges, weather
The specific objectives of this study were as fol- conditions, and intake designs.
lows: to demonstrate that the proposed development 3. Data and model result integration, includ-
projects meet all local, national, and international ing synthesis of baseline data and assess-
regulations and guidelines pertaining to the envi- ment of baseline environmental quality at the
ronment; to ensure that this environmental impact two project locations; synthesis of numeri-
assessment (ElA) and the proposed developments cal modeling results and assessment of likely
are compliant with the regulations of Kuwait's EPA, environmental impacts of the two projects
so that the MEW can obtain the necessary permits to on their respective local marine environ-
construct and operate the new power stations in ac- ments; and documentation of all EIA results
cordance with all existing and proposed regulations, in the form of a final environmental impact
orders, and legislations; to ensure that this EIA and statement.
52 Al-Dousari et al. /Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 15 (2012) 50-55

Figure 1. Location map showing Shuaiba and Subiya areas where planned facilities are to be constructed. Insets show expanded
satellite views of existing development at these sites.

Results and Discussion the design of the outfalls promotes re-oxygenation

by turbulent mixing with air. If oxygen scavengers
Impact on water quality such as sodium bisulfite (SBS) are added to the
Dissolved oxygen intake water to prevent corrosion, then additional
The concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) in oxygen loss may be evident. Measured DO concen-
seawater is controlled mainly by temperature, and it trations in the seawater in the Shuaiba and Subiya
decreases with increasing temperature. Therefore, areas during field surveys of water quality taken in
when seawater is heated it loses some of its DO. In 2008 were all above the EPA water-quality standard
MSF plants, the seawater is completely de-aerated, of 4 mg 1~'
losing all of its oxygen, but the residual seawater pH
is normally mixed with cooling water before dis- Normal operations of a power-desalination plant
charge. Outfall water from power and distillation should not affect the pH of seawater significantly
plants is thus somewhat depleted of DO, even though (Altayaran and Madany, 1992). The only time that
Al-Dousari et al. /Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 15 (2012) 50-55 53

pH values may decline to unacceptable values (be- ard, the antiscalants are less biodegradable and have
low Kuwait's EPA recommended range of 6.5 to 8.5) metal-complexing tendencies similar to natural
is during acid cleaning of distillers to remove cal- humic substances; therefore, they could influence
cium carbonate scale. It is suggested that when such metal solubility and transport in the marine environ-
cleaning is performed, it be done in small sections, ment (Lattemanrt and Höpner, 2003). At this time,
and the acidic cleaning waste be greatly diluted with no specific information on which antiscaling and
cooling water during discharge. The natural buffer- antifoaming agents or other additives, if any, will be
ing capacity of the carbonate system in seawater used in the proposed plants at Shuaiba and Subiya.
should be able to neutralize the acidity ofthe clean-
ing waste. Heavy metals (corrosion products)
Heavy metals are added to the discharge wa-
Chlorine and other additives ter at power-desalination plants through the slow
Chlorine (as CI2 gas or hypochlorite solution) but inevitable corrosion of pipes and heat exchang-
is added continuously to seawater at the intake of ers. Heat exchangers are typically constructed of
power plants to act as a biocide to reduce biofoul- Cu-Ni alloys, and some other components of the
ing. The Kuwait's EPA recommended limit for Cl plants are constructed of stainless steel which can
concentration in discharge water is 0.5 mg 1~'. The release Fe, Cr, Ni and Mo during corrosion. Higher
practice at the existing SPS is to maintain the Cl amounts of heavy metals may be released during an-
concentration at 0.2 mg 1"' in the intake water and tiscaling procedures using acids. Surveys of power-
to monitor its concentration at the outfall. The Cl desalination plant discharges, seawater near these
concentration at the outfall of the existing Subiya plants, marine life, and sediment transects show that
Power Station is 0.05 mg 1"' or less. Therefore, if the amounts of heavy metal contamination that can
the Cl at the intake does not exceed 0.5 mg 1~', the be attributed to power-desalination plant operations
discharge water ofthe proposed plants is not likely is apparently minimal (Abdel-Moati and Kureishi,
to exceed the Kuwait's EPA recommended limit. 1997; Bou-Hamad et al., 1997). Most ofthe heavy
metal load associated with industrial sources ends
Although the ehlorine concentration is low,
up in the sediment column, where it may have lim-
the total amount discharged is large (e.g. about
ited bioavailability (Khordagui, 2002).
2,000 kg d~') because of the high volume of
seawater used for plant operations. It is important to
minimize the usage of chlorine, because chlorine is Impact on sediment quality
highly toxic to marine organisms, and because it can Physical and chemical characterizations of bot-
react with natural organic matter to form carcino- tom sediments from the Shuaiba and Subiya areas
genic trihalomethanes and with petroleum compo- were performed as part of this EIA. There were no
nents to form chloroaromatics such as chlorophe- clear indications in this data set of an impact from
nols and chlorobenzenes (Saeed et al., 1999). It is the existing power-desalination plants on sediment
suggested that the experienee with chlorine usage quality. The distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons
by existing plants be reviewed to determine the min- and heavy metals appeared to reflect the impact of
imum amounts of Cl that are effective in preventing other industrial and shipping activities in the study
biofouling, so that the proposed plants can plan to areas. The major sediment-related issue pertaining
minimize their use of Cl. According to Lattemann to the power plants is sediment deposition around
and Höpner (2003), intermittent shocking is com- the intake of the SPS, which requires continuous
monly performed daily, in which much higher con- dredging to maintain an open intake channel. This
centrations of Cl (up to 8 mg 1~') are used to control dredging activity disturbs sediments and increases
regrowth of bacteria. So, there will be occasional the turbidity of the water column, as well as in-
pulses of high-Cl discharge. This could be harmful terfering with normal sediment transport by tidal
to the local marine ecosystem. The impact of these currents and wave action. In comparison, little sedi-
high-Cl wastewaters can be mitigated by mixing ment transport occurs at the Shuaiba site because of
them with low-Cl cooling water before discharge. its protected location adjacent to the Shuaiba harbor.
Other additives commonly used in power-
desalination plants include polymer-based Impact on marine ecology
antisealants and polyethylene glycol as an antifoam-
ing agent. Although polyethylene glycol is readily The impact of power-desalination plants on the
biodegradable and does not pose a significant haz- marine ecosystems ofthe Gulf has been reviewed
54 Al-Dousari et al. /Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 15 (2012) 5t)-55

recently by Khan et al. (2002) and Abuzinada et al. occur in the vicinity of the outfalls at Shuaiba and
(2008). Even though there is a good amount of in- Subiya. A simple way to mitigate this problem is to
formation in the literature, understanding of the im- increase the intake of water by the plant temporarily
pacts of pollution on Gulf ecosystems remains in- when outfall temperatures are likely to exceed 39°C.
complete. Specific criteria regarding the impact of This will dilute the excess heat with relatively cooler
impingement and entrainment in seawater intakes, seawater. The same approach can be applied during
as well as thermal pollution, biocides, and heavy winter operations, when hydrodynamic models pre-
metals in outfalls, on marine life have been devel- dict outfall temperatures > 10°C above ambient for
oped in a number of studies; these are reviewed here the Shuaiba plant at times.
for the most important pollutants known to be asso-
ciated with power-desalination plants in Kuwait. Chemical pollution
A comprehensive review of the types and
amounts of chemical pollution associated with de-
Impingement and entrainment in seawater salination plants in the Gulf region has been pre-
intakes sented by Lattemann and Höpner (2003). These
Seawater is used in large amounts for cooling authors identified chlorine and copper as the two
and steam generation in power-desalination plants. pollutants of major concern in terms of their total
It is practically impossible to prevent fish and loads and potential detrimental effects on the ma-
macroinvertebrates (e.g. shrimp) from being im- rine ecosystems. An example cited in their study is
pinged on the 10-cm screening racks and 1-cm the Doha West Power-Desalination Plant that has an
moving screens, and consequently being removed outfall located in the intertidal flat of Sulaibekhat
from the ecosystem permanently. Likewise, smaller Bay. The Doha West plant has a daily seawater in-
planktonic organisms entrained into the seawater take of about 10.5 million m^, which is treated with
that circulates through the power-desalination plant about 26,000 kg of chlorine. About 10% of this
will be mostly destroyed by chlorination and thermal chlorine (2,500 kg d~') remains in the discharge to
shock. These effects will have the overall impact of Sulaibekhat Bay. Even though the residual chlorine
reducing biomass, productivity, and species popu- is rapidly degraded in the environment by expo-
lations and diversity in the vicinity of the power- sure to sunshine (~90% degradation in 45 min),
desalination plant. Some of the most abundant fish there is enough residual chlorine to pose substantial
species in the territorial waters of Kuwait, such as danger to marine organisms, especially during in-
the zobaidy, suboor, maid, and beyah, are found pri- coming tides that increase the residence times of
marily in the northern waters including the waters pollutants in the Bay. The seawater intake feed-
around Bubiyan and Failaka Islands. The suboor, an water at Doha West is treated to maintain a chlo-
anadromous species {Tenualoso ilisha) that moves rine concentration of about 2.5 mg T'. Assuming
from saltwater to freshwater to complete its life cy- that only 10% of this chlorine remains in the out-
cle, travels up the Khor Al-Subiya past the seawater fall water, then the residual concentration is about
intake for the SPS. It is likely that there will be loss 0.25 mg 1"'. This is much higher than chlorine lev-
of suboor to this intake, along with shrimp and other els that are known to be harmful or lethal to some
species. marine organisms. Such chlorine concentrations are
likely to result in decreased phytoplankton produc-
tivity as well as a shift in species composition. When
Thermal pollution
chlorine concentrations are higher during shock and
Hydrodynamic models, discussed previously,
cleaning treatments, even greater environmental ef-
showed that the temperature of seawater in the vicin-
fects are likely. Fish species can sense chlorine and
ity of the outfalls of the proposed plants at Shuaiba
respond by swimming to chlorine-free waters, but
and Subiya will increase by as much as 10°C or
small planktonic organisms cannot avoid being ex-
more, depending on operating conditions. The nor-
posed to chlorine if they drift into the vicinity of the
mal temperature of the Gulf waters around Kuwait
ranges from about 15 to 35°C (Al-Yamani et al.,
2004). According to Shams El-Din et al. (1994), the Not only is chlorine directly toxic to marine
critical temperature is 39°C, above which a sharp ecosystems, but it reacts with bromide in seawater
decline in biological activity is observed in Gulf to form hypobromous acid, as follows:
waters. Therefore, during summer operations, there
are times when temperatures >39°C are likely to HOCI -h Br" HOBr-hCl"
Al-Dousari et al. /Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 15 (2012) 50-55 55

The hypobromous acid then reacts to produce cially in terms of biology and ecology, at each of
halomethanes such as bromoform that, although the sites. Recommendations are given here for mit-
below acute toxicity levels (AH and Riley, 1986; igating and monitoring the most negative potential
Saeed et al., 1999), can be toxic or carcinogenic impacts on the environment. There were positive
to marine organisms through chronic exposure. The changes identified in terms of social and cultural
reproductive tissues and juvenile forms of marine impacts; in particular, a highly positive change in
organisms are particularly sensitive to exposure to the quality of life comes with the more reliable
trihalomethanes. In addition, such compounds can and abundant supplies of energy and potable water
be persistent in seawater and the potential exists that will be created by the new power-desalination
for them to become pollutants in the drinking water plants.
produced by desalination plants, which could pose
a serious threat to public health.
Other than chlorine, the chemical pollutant found References
to be of greatest concern is copper (Lattemann and Abdel-Moati, M., Kureishi, T., 1997. Dissolved cadmium, cop-
Höpner, 2003). Copper is the main component of per, and lead in the coastal waters of Qatar, Arabian Gulf
Cu-Ni alloys used in heat exchangers in desalina- Indian Journal of Marine Sciences 26, 143-149.
tion plants, and there is a typical corrosion rate of Abuzinada, A.H., Barth, H.-J., Krupp, F., Böer, B., Al-
0.025 mm y*"' which contributes a steady dose of Abdessalaam, T.Z., (Eds.), 2008. Protecting the Gulfs Ma-
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times higher, perhaps up to 0.1 mg 1"' or more. on the physical and chemical properties of seawater, Bahrain.
Such concentrations can be toxic to marine organ- Water Research 26, 435^41.
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Lattemann and Höpner (2003) estimate that 30 g Khan, M. Munawar and A.R.G. Price (Eds.), 771? Gulf
of Cu is added to the marine ecosystem with every Ecosystem: Health and Sustainability, pp. 173-191. Kuwait
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plant. Similar quantities of other metals such as Fe, Publishers, Leiden.
Cr, Ni, Mn, and Mo are also likely to be released Lattemann, S., Höpner, T., 2003. Seawater Desalination: Impact
of Brine and Chemical Discharge on Marine Environment.
to the marine environoment, but little data on the
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Kuwait identified potential negative impacts, espe- on the environment. Desalination 97, 373-388.
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