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1. If you (send) …………………….this letter now, she (receive)………………………………. it tomorrow.

2. If I (do)……………………… this test, I (improve) ………………………………. my English.
3. Peggy (go ) …………………………… shopping if she (have) …………………………. time in the
4. Simon (go) ……………………………. to London next week if he (get) ……………………… a cheap
5. If they (study / not ) ………………………..harder, they (pass / not ) …………………………... the exam.
6. If it (rain ) ……………………. tomorrow, I (have to / not ) ………………………………water the plants.
7. If I.................... (study) hard, I......................... (pass) this year's exam.
8. If the weather........................ (be) fine, we........................ (go) on a picnic.
9. If I............................ (travel) to Paris, I........................... (visit) the Eiffel Tower.
10. If they.......................... (not invite) me to their birthday party, I......................... (not go).
11. If he.............................. (get) my email, he............................... (send) us the information we need.
12. If she.............................. (travel) to London, she........................ (visit) the museums.
13. If I....................... (get) the money, I................................ (buy) a mobile phone.
14. If I......................... (have) enough time this evening, I......................... (watch) a movie.


1. If I ( be ) ……………………… rich, my life ( change ) ……………………… completely.

2. I ( invite ) …………………………..all my friends if ( have ) ……………………….. a house by the beach.
3. If we (have) …………………… a yacht, we (sail) ………………………… the seven seas.
4. If they (tell) ………………………… their father, he (be) ………………………very angry.
5. We (help ) ………………………… you if we (know ) …………………………
6. My brother (buy ) ………………………….a sports car if he (have ) ……………………the money.
7. If I........................ (win) the lottery, I.....................(be) a millionaire.
8. If I......................... (be) rich , I........................(quit) my job.
9. I............................ (buy) anything I want if I..................... (get) that jackpot.
10. I............................ (buy) the most expensive car if I............................(want).
11. If I.......................... (travel) somewhere, I........................... (stay) in the most luxurious hotels.
12. But I....................... (not be) too materialistic if I.................... (win) millions of dollars.
13. I.......................... (help) the poor if I........................... (become) a millionaire.
14. I.......................... (give) some money to charities if......................... (be) rich.

1. If you (study ) ………………………… for the test, you (pass ) ……………………………it.

2. If you (ask ) …………………………me, I (help ) ……………………………………you.
3. If you (speak ) …………………………… English, she (understand) ……………………….
4. I (write ) ………………………… a postcard if I (have ) …………………………….. your address.
5. If it (not/ start ) …………………………… to rain, we (walk ) ……………………………… the museum.
6. If she (take ) …………………………. the bus, she (not / arrive ) …………… ……………… on time.
7. If you.................................... (work) hard, you.............................. (pass) the exam.
8. If they........................... (take) him to hospital earlier, he................................. (not die).
9. I.................................. (send) you the document if you....................................... (give) me your email address.
10. He.............................. (not miss) the bus if he................................ (wake up) earlier.
11. If I............................... (know) you were coming, I...................................... (prepare) a delicious meal.
12. If you......................... (not be) late, you.............................. (catch) the six o'clock train.
13. If the weather .................................. (be) better last weekend, we..............................(go) to the beach.
14. If you............................ (come) to the meeting yesterday, you............................. (met) Jane

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