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English 3

Oral production activity Unit 8

Topic: An anecdote

Student: Rigo Turpo Madera

Course: _____________________________________________________________

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Hi, my name is Rigo. One day I was studying for my evaluations or PC's and I stayed
around all night I remember that I was studying the course of calculation, I didn't
dominate the titles that contained the subject, I know, it was very difficult and
exhausting to pass the course, but in the end I passed the course with an average of 18.
Well on one of those nights I decided to unveil and learn in any way the subjects that
could possibly enter the exam. By the way, the exam was at 9 in the morning. I had no
one to remind me what time I should rest or get up, it was just me, my books and my
blackboard. Well I managed to learn all the topics in one night. It was already 5 in the
morning and I decided to rest a little before going to the classroom, but it was a bad
decision. Rest in my bed, and I did not get up until before 10. I felt that I had to get up
but my body did not react, I was practically immobile. I said to myself, you can, come
on, get up Rigo, but nothing. I was very scared, until at last I was able to react. I didn't
have time to get ready, it was too late, I ran quickly to the classroom, I saw my teacher
and classmates, I ignored them and took my exam and I immediately sat in a folder.
The teacher just looked at me, put a face of discontent, approached me. I thought he
would suspend me from the test, but I was able to explain my reasons. Luckily he was
my friend, and he told me it would be the last time he helped me. In the end I could
finish the test. By the way the test lasted 2 hours, and I could finish it in less time than
English 3

I had, I think that was the most incredible thing that has happened to me at the

This task is due on Sunday, May 26th at 23:59 p.m.

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