01.1 ePortfolioInstructions180912

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KMF 1014 Introduction to Cognitive Science: 2018/2019

e-Portfolio: Assignment 1 (20%)


1. Assignment 1 concerns the e-Portfolio. Your assignment is to create an e-Portfolio of the

course that you are taking, that is, an e-Portfolio for KMF 1014 Introduction to Cognitive

2. What is an e-Portfolio? The following websites explains the e-Portfolio.



3. For Assignment 1 (e-Portfolio), your group has to create your e-Portfolio for this course
KMF 1014 Introduction to Cognitive Science.

4. The e-Portfolio will be created using wix.com .

5. Go to https://www.wix.com/ . At wix.com you will be able to find tutorials, examples,

materials and templates that may be used to create your group’s e-Portfolio for KMF
1014 Introduction to Cognitive Science.

6. The e-Portfolio will include, but not limited to, the following elements concerning the
units of this course.
 The artefacts, which include, the concepts and ideas in cognitive science that you are
 The use of multimedia for creating your e-Portfolio.
 The reflections (or learning reflections) for the units.
 A mind map for every unit.
 The creativity and purpose of the information displaced
 The assignments: Assignment 2 Brain Sex Experiment and Assignment 3 Group
 References and others.

7. The e-Portfolio that your group is creating has to be informative, clear and attractive.

8. You need to start creating your e-Portfolio as soon as possible. The Deadline for your
group to start creating your e-Portfolio is 19 September 2018. By 19 September 2018,
your group has to provide the URL of your e-Portfolio to your lecturer.

9. Your group will continue to develop your e-Portfolio until Week 12, that is 7 December
2018, after which, your e-Portfolio will be shared for online discussion.

10. Online discussion will start from 8 until 11 December 2018.

KMF 1014 Introduction to Cognitive Science: 2018/2019
e-Portfolio: Assignment 1 (20%)

11. The sample rubrics for evaluating the e-Portfolio is basically as shown below.

E-portfolio Assessment Rubric

E-portfolio Purpose: The purpose of creating and maintaining an electronic portfolio is for students to reflect on four years of education. The portfolio
should include a statement of the student’s goals, philosophy of education, and files which showcase the student’s best work. The work selected by
the student for the electronic portfolio should be organized and reflected upon.

Reflections: The electronic portfolio shows examples of different kinds of work, such as PowerPoint presentations, Excel files, digitally manipulated
photograph examples, and Word documents. Each example is accompanied by a reflection composed by the student. The reflection includes the
course for which the file was created, the time it took to create the file, a brief description of why the file has been included in the e-portfolio, and an
explanation as to why this file demonstrates achievement.

Category Exemplary (20 pts) Proficient (17 pts) Partially Proficient (13 pts) Incomplete (5 pts)
Selection of All artifacts and work Most artifacts and work Few artifacts and work Most artifacts and work
Artifacts samples are clearly and samples are related to the samples are related to the samples are unrelated to the
directly related to the purpose purpose of the e-portfolio. purpose of the e-portfolio. purpose of the e-portfolio.
of the e-portfolio.

Use of The use of The use of The use of No use of audio/video, or

Multimedia audio/video/graphics/ audio/video/graphics/ audio/video/graphics/ graphics. The photos and
photographs is integrated photographs is included and photographs is included but is audio or video are distracting
seamlessly into several appropriate. used randomly and without from the content of the
different artifacts. purpose. portfolio.

Reflections All reflections clearly Most of the reflections A few reflections describe Reflections are missing, and
describe why artifacts in the e- describe why artifacts in the e- why artifacts in the e-portfolio those that are there do not
portfolio demonstrate portfolio demonstrate demonstrate achievement. describe why artifacts in the e-
achievement. achievement. portfolio demonstrate

Creativity and The index serves its The index serves its The index serves its The index does not serve
purpose of the purpose and shows creativity. purpose and shows some purpose but lacks Style its purpose and lacks style
Index The layout and design is creativity
attractive and well thought

Ease of The document is fully hyper- Hyperlinks are organized Hyperlinks from the index The Index is plain with few
Navigating linked between the index (or into logical groups. Not all (or Table of Contents) are if any links. Some links are
Table of Contents), artifacts possible features have been linked to the artifacts but lacks “broken”.
and reflections. The index is employed. organization
well organized and easy to

An updated version of the assessment rubric will be given later.

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