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The Official Rules Of Empire Roleplay

Table Of Contents:

● Policy A: Respect
● Policy B: Abuse of Channel/Office
● Policy C: Songs/ Music or Other Undesirable Sounds
● Policy D: Abuse Of Power
● Policy E: Distribution/Selling Materials
● Policy F: Avatars
● Policy G: Supervisors
● Policy H: Patrols
● Policy I: Respect Administration Teams And Their decisions
● Policy J: Chain Of Commands (CoC)
● Policy K: Other Communities
● Policy L: Media Assets
● Policy M: Privacy & Security
● Policy N: Miscellaneous
● Policy O: Inactivity
Policy A: Respect
(1) Any and all members (Member, Friend, Staff, Administration, etc.) are required to show a
level of respect towards other members of the community, at all times.
(2) Slandering or “talking down” about ANY member is prohibited. (e.g Cursing towards
another member, starting rumors about another member, making fun of one's sexual orientation,
racial slurs, etc.)
(3) Arguing verbally and/or via text chat is prohibited. If an argument is started a member of
staff is to be notified immediately. DO NOT TRY TO MITIGATE THE SITUATION
(4) Respect towards Staff Member(s) actions/decisions regarding any given situation, is required
at all times. If you feel you were treated unfairly DO NOT argue with the Staff Member
(5) Excessive cursing is not permitted.
Failure to comply with the above policy and anything not listed that may be considered harmful,
disrespectful, or threatening may result in any of the following punishment based upon severity
of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s):
● Talked to by members of Staff and/or Administration
● Kicked from the channel
● Kicked from the Server
● Temporary Ban from Server
● Permanent Ban from Server

Policy B: Abuse of Channel/Offices

(1) Channel/Offices are not to be used to conduct private conversation between oneself or any
group of individuals unless otherwise authorized by a member of Administration or higher.
(2) Channel/Officers are only to be used to conduct work in a proactive manner.
(3) Channel/Offices are not to be used to seclude others.
(4) Walking away / leaving without using AFK channels is prohibited. Anyone planning to be
away from their device are required to join Quick AFK or AFK based upon the amount of time
they plan to spend away from the server. GOING AFK IN LOUNGES, GENERAL LOBBY,
(5) No more than 20 minutes idle time are allowed to pass while in the Quick AFK Channel,
.doing so will result in kick from server.
(6) Separating yourself / occupying a public discord Channel (including but not limited to:
Lounges, General Lobby, Relaxed Lobby) by yourself is prohibited.
Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following punishment based
upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s):
● Person(s) Removed from the channel by staff; Verbal warning by member of staff
● Temporary “Lock-Down”1 of Channel/Office
● Person(s) Kicked from the server
● Permanent Deletion of office

Policy C: Songs/Music or other undesirable sounds
(1) All Music/Media is prohibited in all public lobbies (e.g General Lobby, Relaxed Lobby,
Lounges, etc.) With the exception of “Music Chat.”
(2) Undesirable sounds2 are prohibited in any group lobby (e.g General Lobby, Relaxed Lobby,
Lounges, etc.)
(3) Burping, farting, or any sounds of bodily function are not to be heard through one's
(4) Yelling, screaming, or otherwise escalating past the normal sound level of one's voice is
(5) Excessive background noise through someone’s microphone is prohibited in all lobbies.
(6) Excessive whispering to any user is prohibited. With exceptions in patrol channels.
Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following punishment based
upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s):
● Verbal Warning from member of staff
● Kick from channel
● Kick from Server
● Temporary Ban From Server

Policy D: Abuse of power

(1) Any tag that gives one special abilities not normally obtained; is not to be abused in any way
shape or form (e.g Moving someone without permission, etc.)
(2) Changing the name of a channel is prohibited unless otherwise authorized by a member of
Administration or above.
(3) Changing the description of channel is prohibited unless otherwise authorized by a member
of Administration or above.
(4) Editing your display name is prohibited, unless otherwise authorized by a member of
Administration or above. Name format should be “First Name and First Initial of Last Name.”
(5) If you are not Staff, DO NOT try to enforce rules. If a rule is broken, contact a member of
staff. Staff may NOT Staff another Staff member, contact a member of administration.
Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following punishment based
upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s):
● Verbal Warning from member of staff
● Kick from Server
● Given Permission Revoked tag for a set period of time
● Temporary Ban From Server

Policy E: Distribution/Selling of Materials

(1) Distribution of ANY Community Documents or Files (even to other members of the
community) is prohibited, unless authorized by a member of Administration or above.

(2) Distribution and/or selling of pornographic material, or any material containing nudity
(including partial) and/or sexual reference is prohibited.
(3) Distribution and/or selling any form of illegally obtained software and/or material is
(4) Distribution of images that contain any type of slandering material is prohibited. (e.g
Embarrassing pictures of a Member, etc.)
(5) Selling of any items and/or materials (including software) over the Community discord 3
Server is prohibited.
Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following punishment based
upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s):
● Verbal Warning from member of staff
● Kick from Server
● Temporary Ban From Server
● Permanent Ban From Server

Policy F: Avatars
(1) Avatars may not contain slandering and/or offensive images. (e.g Imposing religion,
Imposing Sexual Orientation, etc.)
(2) Avatars may not contain pornographic material, and/or any material containing nudity
(including partial) and/or sexual reference.
(3) Avatars may not contain personal images of other people without proper consent from that
(4) Avatars may contain your own personal portrait, but no other body parts.
Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following punishment based
upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s):
● Verbal Warning from member of staff & avatar deleted by staff member
● Kick from Server
● Temporary disable of avatars for person(s)
● Permanent disable of avatars for person(s)

Policy G : Supervisors
(1) Lieutenant: Give 10-90 or 10-93’s
● Coach other officers
● Checking if the vehicle structure is followed
● May have a Staff Tag
(2) Corporal - Sergeant
● Gives 10-90’s ONLY
● Coach other Officers within your own department
● Checking if the vehicle structure is followed

Impersonating a Supervisor will result in any of the following punishment based upon the
severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s):
● Seven (7) day suspension
Policy H: Patrols
(1) Push to talk is required in patrol lobby’s at all time.
(2) All members of the server are required to have a headset while in patrol lobbies.
(3) All RTO Channels must be respected.
(4) Members MUST be in the perspective Patrol Channels while in the Servers.
(5) Members MUST adhere to vehicle, uniform, and weapon structures, as well as all
Department/Subdivision Training.
(6) Members MUST have an audible microphone while in patrol lobbies.
(7) Members MUST be dedicated to patrols. Watching/playing other media3 is prohibited while

Policy I: Respect Administration Team & Their Decisions

(1) Do not ask for promotions
(2) Do not question decisions made by the Administration Team.
(3) Do not lie to Administration Team.
(4) Do not disrespect the Administration Team in any way.
(5) Head Administration is the highest level of staff, as such, their decisions are final.
Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following punishment based
upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s):
● Counseling
● Kick from server for an hour
● Kick from server for a period of 7 days
● Termination of membership

Policy J: Chain of Command (CoC)

(1) Do not skip ranks.
(2) Do not skip ranks even though that the next high rank member may solve your problem.
Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following disciplinary actions
based upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s):
● Kick from the server
● Temporary ban for 48 hours
● Termination of membership

Policy K: Other Communities & Servers

(1) Members are allowed to be involved with any other Grand Theft Auto V Role-play
Community/Clan. However there are certain stipulations in place.

● All members are allowed to connect to their own private server as long as they are the
only ones connecting.
(2) Current Members who wish to join other communities will be required to submit a short notice to
their chain of command declaring their intentions. In this submission, they will be required to include the
● The name of the other community.
● Their avatar or callsign on the other community.
● Why they chose to join this other community.
● Declaring whether or not they intend to rise into a ‘staff’ or equivalent position in that

(3) Applicants seeking to join the server that are currently a member of another community will be
required to declare their membership in their application. If they are a ‘staff’ member or equivalent in this
second community, they will also be required to declare that in their application.
● Applicants who are currently staff or equivalent in another communities will be required to
acknowledge that will be unable to earn a staff-in-training rank or higher in the server

(4) Current and Future members that hold the rank of ‘staff in training’ or higher will be restricted
from joining other communities at any time. If current staff in training members, staff members or
administrators wish to join a second community, they will be required to rescind their ranks , and to
return to a ‘member’ status effective immediately.

Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following disciplinary actions
based upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s):
● Demotion of one’s position to one below Staff In Training
● Termination of Membership.

Policy L: Media Assets

(1) Recording/streaming of any content or asset to any website or online avenue is strictly
prohibited unless they are a member of the approved Media Team.
(2) English must be spoken in all public lobbies.
(3) the server is not responsible for any communication held on any 3rd party application.
(4) Use of any Asset for personal gain or benefit of non authorized individuals and/or
organizations is strictly prohibited.
(5) Coming on the servers Discord Server while under the influence of alcohol or narcotics is
strictly prohibited.
(6) Inappropriate, offensive, harmful disconnect/away messages is strictly prohibited.
Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following punishment based
upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s):
● Counseling
● Kick from server for an hour
● Kick from server for a period of 7 days
● Termination of membership
Policy M: Privacy & Security
(1) Sharing of any personal information including but not limited to: Sex, Sexual Orientation,
lifestyle, Race, Financial status etc, is forbidden any information that you decide to share will be
at your own risk and can not and will not be responsible.
(2) It is recommended for all members under the age of 13 years old to have their
parents/guardian permission prior to joining any RP (Role Play) Community.
(3) business must be communicated on discord.
(4) Recording in ANY Discord Channel must be approved by Administration.
Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following punishment based
upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s):
● Counseling
● Kick from server for a period of 7 days
● Termination of membership

Policy N: Miscellaneous
(1) Rank is considered a privilege; abuse of rank will result in demotion.
(2) Forming a group or “clique4” within the community is prohibited.
(3) In order to join a sub-division within your primary department, you must first achieve the
rank of Officer/Deputy/State Trooper/Firefighter or higher.
Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following punishment based
upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s):
● Kick from server for an hour

Policy O: Inactivity
(1) If a member is to become inactive from the server for more than 7 days, a “Leave of
Absence” (LOA) post must be made by the member on the servers website.
(2) LOA’s are allowed for up to 30 days. If a member requires an LOA longer than 30 days, they
must get Administration approval.
● The maximum amount of time Administration can grant an LOA extensions for is 3
months. After the 3 months have elapsed and the member has not returned, they will be
removed and asked to re-apply.
(3) If a member is inactive for 30 days or longer without posting an LOA they will be removed
from the server and asked to re-apply.
(4) Administration reserves the right to:
● Remove anyone from the server for inactivity based on their professional judgement.
● Grant extensions longer than 3 months on a case-by-case basis (emergencies or severe
circumstances only).

Policy P: Response Speed Limit

Code 1) Follow all traffic laws and speed limits.

Code 2) Follow all traffic laws doing 10 mph over the speed limit and light and siren only
in heavy traffic and through intersections.

Code 3) Respond lights and siren all the way to the call changing the tone of the siren in the
intersection and as well in heavy traffic and doing 20 mph over the speed limit in a residential
area and 120 mph at the most on a main highway.

Official United Roleplay Document 2019

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