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Operation Red Array
Fifty Thousand Kroner for a Working IFF
A Classic Battletech Scenario

Art—Robert S. Frank II
Writing—Robert S. Frank II
Layout—Robert S. Frank II
Playtesting—Battletech Redneck of Bakersfield, CA
Robert “Hawkeye” Frank
John “Ace” Hallum
Lance “Ion Tiger” Hughes
Opalin “The Keeper” Pickens
Cameron “The Kid” Spears

Playtesting done at The Gaming Experience of Bakersfield, CA

3208 Stine Road

Miniature pictures taken by Robert S. Frank II

Featuring miniatures painted by
Ion Tiger
The Keeper
The Kid
Miniature terrain provided by GXP

Classic BattleTech, Word of Blake, ‘Mech, BattleMech, Inner Sphere, The

Clans, Pacifica (Chara III), The Jihad background story, and anything
else they want to claim is the intellectual property of Wizkids and Fan-
Pro, LLC’s. The Pacifica (Chara III) map is probably the intellectual
property of Electronic Arts, if we remember who bought Infocom. If not,
it’s probably reverted to Microsoft. The Battletech Maps were generated
with MegaMek, copyrighted by Ben Mazur

The Cavalier Cavalry and it’s characters within the Battletech Universe
is the intellectual property of Cavalier Cavalry Productions, and Robert
S. Frank II. The Ace Wrecking Crew belongs to John D. Hallum. Lance’s
unit is already made up of other people’s work, so we’re not claiming

©2006 Battletech Redneck and Cavalier Cavalry Productions

A division of UDFTIRPI, UnLtd.

Table of Contents
Opening Scenes Page 4
Master Campaign Map Page 7
About Operation: Red Array Page 8

Operation: Red Array Page 9

Scenario One: Drop Zone Page 10
Scenario Two: Battle at the Isth-
mus Page 13
Scenario Three: Hold the Isthmus Page 16
Scenario Four: Securing the
Township Page 19
Scenario Five: Seaborne Invasion Page 21
Scenario Six: Crossing the Straits Page 24
Scenario Seven: Meeting Engage-
ment in the Forest Page 27
Scenario Eight: Gunfight at the
Inventor’s Hut Page 30
Scenario Nine: Strike at Enemy
HQ Page 33
Scenario Ten: Held up on the
Coast Road Page 36
Scenario Eleven: Strike South! Page 38
Scenario Twelve: End Run Page 41
Scenario Thirteen: Plains of Woe Page 43
Scenario Fourteen: Destroy WoB
Linchpin Force Page 46
Scenario Fifteen: Betrayal! Page 48
Scenario Sixteen: Island of Hope Page 50
Scenario Seventeen: Extreme
Sanction Page 53
Scenario Eighteen: Last Stand at
the SLDF Facility Page 55

Game Notes Page 57

Marshal Zhukov Page 58

LCDS Mary Ellen Carter, Colos- both men, displaying a schematic
sus Class Dropship of the Inner Sphere with a single
Round Rock Spaceport, Texas world highlighted, could view its
Aberystwyth, Timbuktu Theater, screen.
Lyran Alliance
29 October 3071 Sergei felt that the time to
break the silence had come. “Sir,
The red light over the why have I been summoned?”
bulkhead shone down suddenly
upon Captain Sergei Chereneko, Douglas tapped the
indicating that the Colonel was screen.
now waiting within for his pres-
ence. He’d known the Colonel all Sergei leaned closer. The
his life; his father and the Colonel middle of the Inner Sphere was
went far, far back, before the beginning to be stained by the
Clans had invaded the Inner gold-trimmed white of the abomi-
Sphere. He knew that the Colonel nation known as the “Word Of
didn’t say much, he showed you a Blake Protectorate”. “Chara III?
progression of data and if you did- Pacifica? I know that world, Colo-
n’t reach the right conclusions, nel. It has been peaceful there for
well, the conclusion might as well close to half a century. I take it
be that you just weren’t the right that the ‘Wobbies’ have chosen to
person for the Colonel’s time. Pro- make it less so.”
motions were won and lost in the
crucible of Douglas Glendower’s Douglas nodded and
silence, and that’s where he’d handed over the veriagraph. Ser-
been summoned. gei scanned it. “Archon has re-
quested our support, hmmm.” Ser-
Sergei stepped inside, gei thought about that for a mo-
doffing his garrison cap in respect ment. “Seeing how I am here and
to the man behind the desk. Push- Mary Ellen Carter is not boosting
ing seventy now, Colonel Glen- for space, there must be a compli-
dower’s hair was silver, a beard cation, some reason to deny re-
framing his stern face with it’s quest from Archon.”
deep set eyes that seemed to be
wells at which the twinkle of wa- Narrowing his eyes
ter could just be barely seen at the slightly, Douglas tapped a control
bottom. He motioned Sergei to sit, on his computer highlighting a
and he placed his smallish frame line between a pair of star sys-
into one of the office chairs. On tems. Sergei whistled in amaze-
the desk was the glossy form of a ment. “Archon is trying the old
ComStar veriagraph, with the ‘carrot, stick’, eh? Shifting the
prominent logo of the Archon’s of- Sixth Guard closer to Aberyst-
fice emblazoned on the bottom. wyth while making a ‘request’ is
The monitor for his computer was not very subtle, even for this Ar-
swiveled half way around, so that chon. We cannot leave Aberyst-
wyth under this blatant threat,
sir. A team we could spare, but
certainly not more.” Camp Snoopy (Temporary Bar-
racks, Ace Wrecking Crew)
Nodding his approval Dixie, Cavanaugh Theater
while tapping on his keyboard, Lyran Alliance
Douglas displayed orders to Team 13 November 3071
Two to this effect. “Why am I
here, sir, instead of Lieutenant “Josh, wake up and haul
Colonel MacKenzie, sir? It’s his ass to CnC. We gotta broadcast
team.” from the Nadir jump point coming
The Colonel made a small Josh Edwards rubbed the
motion, moving aside a piece of sleep from his eyes and resolved
paper, revealing a box of Lieuten- then and there to kick John Doz-
ant Colonel’s insignia. Sergei ier’s butt at the next available op-
looked at them, and at the screen, portunity. Not that there wasn’t a
and thought hard before saying a stockpile of previously earned
word. butt-kickings… whatever. He
pulled on his leather jacket and
“Father MacKenzie does walked over to the Quonset that
not wish to leave with the Guard held the in-system commo gear.
unit coming closer. For some rea-
son, you want me to assume the “What the hell is worth
duty of leading Team Two on this disturbing my sleep in garrison,
mission.” guys? Are we being invaded? If
we’re being invaded why are there
The small smile that no sirens and asses-in-‘Mechs?
played across his commander’s Since y’all are here and it’s quiet,
lips let Sergei know he’d been cor- I’m assuming we’re not being in-
rect. “But one team will not be vaded. Kinda brings me back to
enough, sir. Am I presuming too my original question here.”
much in thinking you have
thought of a way around this Josh looked down at the
problem as well?” screen and saw the spiky-haired
form of the diminutive Sergei
A button was pressed and Chereneko. “We get a broadcast
the map returned, tracing an er- from a Captain of an LCAF spec-
ratic line toward the Chara sys- ops formation, and I’m awakened.
tem, revealing the data about Y’all want hazard pay too much.”
units stationed on several of the
systems enroute. It would figure “C’mon Josh,” said Major
that after fifty years of warfare, Dozier. “We’d played it cool if it
the old man would be able to call wasn’t important, but a: It’s Colo-
in these kinds of favors. nel Chereneko now and b: he’s
calling in one of Douglas’ favors.”
tard again. I could have gone a
“Shit.” thousand years without hearing
the name Douglas Glendower
“Yeah, well, we’re just do- again. Every time he’s involved in
ing garrison time here on a short any operation…”
term transitional contract waiting
for Tharkad to pull its collective “Things go wrong?”
head out of its collective nether
region.” “Reina, he plans things to
go wrong. He’s got this thing
“So you mean Doug isn’t about ‘bringing order out of chaos’.
asking for it all, plus New Ava- It’s just that when he sees order
lon?” he didn’t set up, there’s chaos.”

“Nope, just wants half. “Sounds like a dangerous

One battalion of your fine merce- man.”
nary Ace Wrecking Crew.”
“Dangerous enough to get
Josh suddenly knew how you killed. But I owe him one; he
to pay John back. did save me and my command
from the Ghost Bears. And just
when we’ve got on good with the
Tiger Base (Bivouac of the All Vol- Hounds, he drops this baby-faced
unteer Group of the Kell Hounds) light Colonel in my lap and says
Gienah, Cavanaugh Theater he’s calling in the favor. And dam-
Lyran Alliance nit, I think we’ll have to go.”
23 November 3071
Reina looked puzzled,
Noelani Vought paced as watching her CO get more and
the screen flickered off. She’d more flustered. “Go where?”
signed her unit on with the Kell
Hounds after going through a “Knowing this guy, hell.”
long, tiring trial period and now
her past was catching up with
her. An old bond, a promise, a
commitment had been called forth
and she was going to have to step
up or bow out.

Reina Siddley walked in

and leaned against the filing cabi-
net. “What’s wrong, Noelani? You
look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“No, a ghost would be

preferable than seeing that bas-
About OPERATION: RED years, and being developed by them,
ARRAY (O: RA) we’ve used this system for force gen-
eration. A heavy lance contains 320
O: RA is a campaign pack devised by tons of ‘Mechs. A medium lance is 240
Cavalier Cavalry Productions and Bat- tons, while a light lance is 160 tons. If
tletech Redneck to run a campaign dur- you would rather use the Battle Value
ing the Word of Blake Jihad. Each sce- system, simply replace 320 tons with
nario has two different outcomes, a win 5000 BV points, 240 tons with 3750
or a loss. Each result will let you know BV points, and 160 tons with 2500 BV
which scenario to run next. The entire points.
campaign can swing between dire
straits for the players to the heights of You will need the map sheets available
martial glory… and then turn back. in Map Compilations 1 and 2, or the
Even at the very end, there is still a seven map packs. If you would rather
chance for total victory and humiliating play with 3D terrain, the map pictures
defeat. are included in this campaign pack to
give you a general idea of terrain lay-
Scenario one leads into scenario two out. An overall map of Pacifica, based
(player win) and scenario three (player on the game “Crescent Hawk’s Incep-
loss). Scenario two leads into scenario tion” is also included.
four (player win) and scenario five
(player loss), while scenario three leads This game is meant to conform to all
into scenario five (player win) and sce- Level Two rules as set forth by FanPro
nario six (player loss). This mission in Battletech: Master Rules (revised)
“tree” allows for each battle to have an
effect on the battles down the line, and Have fun.
to the ultimate level of victory. Robert S. Frank II
Commando #184 – Battletech Redneck
Battletech Redneck has been playing #1
with “standardized force tonnages” for




Scenario: ONE – Drop Zone have done without this test of his
abilities and really could have
LCDS Yarmouth Castle, Overlord used the weight of the entire Cav-
Class Dropship alry in this situation. But the
In Final Approach Colonel had used his connections,
Chara III (Pacifica), Freedom allies, and friends to build for Ser-
Theater gei this coalition of troops to lead.
Lyran Alliance (Word of Blake But as the azure bolts of PPC fire
Protectorate) rose to meet his troopers over the
1 January 3072 southwestern peninsula they were
trying to secure, it was the Colo-
Wrapped in the tight shell of his nel’s enemies he worried about.
ablative drop cocoon, Sergei
Chereneko felt the weight of three Situation:
worlds lift off his shoulders to be
replaced by the gut-swirling sen- Allied command decided to drop
sation of free-fall. There wasn’t on the remote southwestern pen-
any space-borne opposition so the insula of Chara III’s only conti-
dropships were granted a free nent. It’s location promised a
ride. Off to the east, the LCDS minimal resistance level and a de-
Concordia was discharging the fensible position if the situation
black and red ‘Mechs of Major became untenable. But ‘minimal’
Vought’s command. To the south isn’t zero, and the some of the
west, the Irian registered FWLS dropping ‘Mechs would encounter
Texas Hold ‘Em was laying out it’s opposition patrols. Mostly light
load of warriors from the Ace recon ‘Mechs, they would be a
Wrecking Crew. Despite the calm danger if the survivors could get
look of the dropping ‘Mechs, Ser- back and report about the scope of
gei knew that orbit’s cold shoulder the Allied invasion force. As the
would be replaced with a warm ‘Mechs dropped also tended to be
welcome on the planet below. The toward the lighter end of the
third planet in the Chara system, weight scale, these initial fire-
Pacifica hung below the falling fights could go either way.
tons of war machines, including
his own TR-1 Wraith. Archon Force Composition:
Steiner had ordered some support
in taking this planet back for the Allied units:
Alliance, in case there was some-
thing the Blakists knew about the Players deploying Allied units
SLDF facility that had been over- may use any 160 or 240 ton lances
looked forty-five years ago. So now at their disposal.
he was leading Team Two of the
Cavalier Cavalry and a coalition Opposition units:
of additional forces in to this fra-
cas. Damn the shifting of the Players deploying Opposition
Sixth Lyran, Sergei really could units field the same number of
Combat Area
Scenario One: Drop Zone

lances as Allied lances. Opposition and direction have been selected,
units cannot field a 240 ton lance player will roll a D6. On a one, the
until the Allies field their second drop will drift. Roll a D6 for direc-
240 ton lance. The skill level of tion (1 = north on combat area), a
Opposition ‘Mechs will be the D6 for distance, and a D6 for final
same as Allied skill levels, except- facing (relative to player’s selec-
ing the number one Opposition tion). If the drift carries them out
160 ton lance, which will have a of the Combat Area, the ‘Mech can
skill level one higher than the Al- enter the Combat Area on the be-
lies number one lance. ginning of the fourth turn, in the
hex the player drifted out of.
The map layout and Opposition
Opposition ‘Mechs deploy first, Deployment Zone is illustrated on
each lance occupying a different Page 11
section of the center area of the
combat area. Each lance must de- Post Scenario:
ploy as a unit, with no ‘Mech more
than three hexes from a lance- If the Allies defeat the Opposition,
mate. go to Scenario TWO (2)
If the Opposition deals the Allies
Allied ‘Mechs then deploy. Allied a defeat, go to Scenario THREE
player will select any hex to drop (3)
his ‘Mech into play. Once the hex

Scenario: TWO - Battle at the but I am afraid it is not a pleasure
Isthmus circus.”

Clarke Isthmus Sergei was startled to hear John

Chara III (Pacifica), Freedom Dozier’s booming laugh. “It de-
Theater pends how many Blakists she
Lyran Alliance (Word of Blake leaves for me!”
3 January 3072 Shaking his head, wobbling his
Wraith slightly, Sergei moved his
The drive inland had begun. All ‘Mech off toward the front.
the peninsula had been secured,
the dropships grounded and Situation:
unloaded of their cargo of ‘Mechs.
Lt. Colonel Sergei Chereneko Allied command had pushed to
watched as the blue (anthema to form an initial staging line across
his Russian heretige) markers in- the narrow part of the isthmus
dicating his forces began to move connecting the southwestern pen-
northeast. Just as the first unit insula to the southern arm of the
crossed the narrowest part of the continent. Soon after establishing
landmass, suddenly the corner of a basic presence, the lead ele-
his SatTrak display began to glow ments have come under fire by a
red. His commline soon crackled significant body of ‘Mechs. An
and popped. even fight, a meeting engagement
in the classic sence, the outcome
“We have contact with the enemy. will keep the drive inland on tar-
Opposition forces spotted incom- get or deflect it, exposing a flank.
ing from northeast.”, called in Allied command still has yet to
Commander O’Connor, the CO of deploy the heaviest forces, having
the small Canopian security de- just grounded them at the LZ. It
tachment. will be up to the screening forces
of both armies to settle this fire-
“Array your force in a skirmish fight and seize the initiative.
line, O’Connor. I’ve got 7th Cav-
alry moving up to reinforce you. Force Composition:
The Hounds and my Team 2 are
moving to hold the east flank. The Allied units:
rest will move up once contact is
made.” Consist of any 160 or 240 ton
lances the player wishes to com-
“Roger.” mit to the battle.

“Team Two, gather up those Opposition units:

mercs and move out. Major Doz-
ier, you’d best get to the north. Consist of the same tonnage as
There’s Canopians waiting for you deployed by the Allied player.
Combat Area
Scenario Two: Battle at the
Skill levels are set at the same These starting positions are illus-
level as the Allied player as well. trated in the map on page 14

Deployment: Post Scenario:

Allied units deploy within three If the Allies trump the Opposition,
hexes of the southern edge of the move to Scenario Four (4).
Battle Area in any land hex. If however, the Opposition deci-
mates the Allies, move to Scenario
Opposition units deploy within (5)
three hexes of the northern edge
of the “Open Terrain 1” map.

Scenario THREE: Hold The for your introduction to Nikolai,
Isthmus and you can discuss this. Until
then, we must win.”
Clarke Isthmus
Chara III (Pacifica), Freedom He snapped off the comm
Theater angrily, but was rewarded with
Lyran Alliance (Word of Blake the sight of the Ace Wrecking
Protectorate) Crew’s axe wielding lance move
3 January 3072 out to bolster the line. And he
suddenly had a new appreciation
“What are you using for for the commanders who’d put up
intelligence, Red Star Six? Magic with him in the past with his own
Eight Balls? Ouija Boards? A deck reckless attitude. Not that he’d
of Nova Cat playing cards? Mar- been that bad, of course. Pushing
garet Olsen’s Do-it-yourself Home his Wraith to its top speed, he set
Séance kit? Over.” off to join the battle.

Sergei Chereneko mut- Situation:

tered a few choice Russian oaths
under his breath before keying his The surviving Opposition patrols
mike. “Crunch. We are all sur- have reported back to their HQ,
prised. Not shutting down enemy and they’ve fielded their ready-
patrols did this. It is not intel’s reserve teams to try to hammer
fault. If it were, well, my father back the Allied force before they
does not take failure lightly. We can break out of their landing
can still push through and up the zones, and to deny the Allies of
coast, but we must all do our duty any sense of security for their
now. So get that Berzerker over to dropships. Either covering the LZ
the enemy lines, and I will get be- while Command prepares for a
hind them. If you do not, I shall switch to ‘Plan B’ or smashing the
contact Major Dozier and he can opposing force for a drive up the
explain reality for you. After the coast, the Allied force deploys in a
campaign, if you still feel intel skirmish line to meet the oncom-
needs a critique, I shall arrange ing ‘Mech forces.

Combat Area
Scenario Three: Hold the

Force Composition: Opposition forces start within the
first seven hexes of eastern edge
Allied Forces: of Combat Area

Consists of any 160, 240, Map layout with deployment ar-

or 320 lance in the player’s unit. eas is illustrated on page 17

Opposition Forces: Post Scenario:

The Opposition will field If the Allies break through in vic-

an identical weight as the Allies, tory, go to Scenario FIVE (5)
with equivalent skill levels. If the Opposition is pressing their
advantages, go to Scenario SIX (6)

Allied forces start within three

hexes of western edge of Combat

Scenario Four: Securing the In its drive inland, Allied
Township command realized that it’s supply
line would get longer as the oppo-
Northwest of Arvin sition’s got shorter. To help offset
Chara III (Pacifica), Freedom this, a push was made to capture
Theater the small town of Arvin with it’s
Lyran Alliance (Word of Blake facilities for maintaining the in-
Protectorate) dustrial ‘Mechs, now called
3 January 3072 “’Mech-it Lube”, and move a sub-
stantial part of the supplies for-
Missiles arced over the ward. This would allow for faster
small buildings impacting on a action and more daring assaults
‘Mech trying to find cover from to shorten the invasion timetable.
the relentless pursuit of the Allied
command. Eight of the LRM’s ex- Force Composition:
ploded across its chest, but de-
spite the best efforts of the Arte- Allied Units:
mis IV FCS, two missiles
slammed into a house, setting it Consists of any units
on fire. available to players

“Check your fire, Valkyrie Opposition Units:

Two.” Sergei commed. “We can’t
be sure if all the civvies have beat Consists of units compris-
feet.” ing Allied unit’s total weight, plus
an additional 80 tons for every
“Roger.” three lances fielded.

This little town had a full Deployment:

‘Mech gantry in place, left over
from when Alexander Kerensky Allied forces begin with four hexes
used Pacifica as a staging point of north edge of “BattleTech” map
against the usurper, Stephan
Amaris. Now used for maintain- Opposition forces begin within
ing the Agro- and Forestry- southeastern quadrant of “City
‘Mechs, a facility like that would (Residential)” map
allow the Allies to repair and re-
load far closer to the front lines, Map layout with deployment ar-
shortening their supply chain. But eas is illustrated on Page 20
as missile fire came arcing back
toward his command, he knew it Post Scenario:
wasn’t going to be just given to
him. If the Allies take the ‘Mech-it
Lube, go to Scenario SEVEN (7)
Situation: If the Opposition keeps its hold on
Arvin, go to Scenario FIVE (5)
Combat Area
Scenario Four: Securing The

Scenario Five: Coastal Inva- sea as they ran to their waiting
sion: hovervan, Jim saw a cowl-covered
blue and black ‘Mech emerge from
Dockweiller Beach the ocean. Soon joined by others
Chara III (Pacifica), Freedom painted in silver, blue, and green
Theater the ‘Mech strode onto the beach
Lyran Alliance (Word of Blake and to his delight he saw it smash
Protectorate) his sand castle just before his dad
7 January 3072 put him in the hovervan and sped
Young Jim Wilson was
carefully putting the finishing ******
touches on his latest masterpiece.
The budding architect had just Sergei Chereneko said a
added the final tower to his copy brief word of prayer as the small
of the Triad, and now three some- family van moved off. His forces
what identical cylinders of sand wouldn’t shoot it; not being able to
stuck out of the beach. He was tell if it really wasn’t a family on
very proud of it, and started build- holiday, but word was about that
ing connecting walls to his sand the opposition might not be so dis-
castle in preparation for getting at criminating. But this action was
that bad Nondi Steiner when the necessary. While some of the Al-
time came. Suddenly, however, he lied elements had kept the timeta-
heard a funny noise, one he didn’t ble, the force was being bottled up
associate with the beach, but far by a significant ‘Mech force. A
beyond his eight years of knowl- tough nut to crack, but Sergei de-
edge. He turned around to look cided to try and keep to the origi-
out over Pacifica’s inland sea to nal thrust of the campaign
see the water beyond the breaks through the southern tier of the
was, well, bubbling. continent and ordered this auda-
cious move, a seaborne invasion.
“Mom! Dad! Something If successful the campaign would
funny is happening in the ocean!” be back on track. If not… well,
he’d be able to resupply the scouts
Dave Wilson’s head still here but they’d have to come
snapped up and looked out over up with a new plan. As his TR-1
the sea. A veteran of the Clan in- Wraith shifted, grounding the for-
vasion, he had a good idea what it gotten sandcastle into the beach,
was. He thought that this area he watched in amazement as a
would be safe from the fighting ‘Mech emerged from the woods.
beginning to rage again across They’d have good intel on the en-
Pacifica, but apparently he’d emy today he was sure. It was his
guessed wrong. He told Dori to father’s ‘Mech, the “Marshal Zhu-
grab their stuff and ran to Jim kov”, moving toward his force.
and picked him up. Looking back
over his father’s shoulder to the Situation:
Combat Area
Scenario Five:
Seaborne Invasion

Opposition Units:
Pinned on the coast road, ele-
ments of the Allied force are un- Consists of matching total
able to continue around the oppo- force weight of the Allies, without
sition. HQ orders a flanking at- individual lance weight restric-
tack to be made through the shal- tions. (May use 320 ton lances)
low waters of Pacifica’s inland
sea. Intel’s forward scouts have Deployment:
already reconned the area, giving
the Allies a significant advantage. Opposition lances set up first, on
In addition, Nikolai Chereneko eastern halves of either “Open
himself has taken to the battle- Terrain” maps.
field to help the invasion force.
Allied lances then set up, placing
Force Composition: ‘Mechs on any level 1 water hex
on “Coast” maps.
Allied Units:
Map layout with deployment ar-
Consists of any 160 or 240 eas illustrated on page 22
ton lance available to the players.
In addition, Allied team may field Post Scenario:
the 80 ton “Marshal Zhukov”
Charger variant piloted by Nikolai If the Allies storm the beach and
Chereneko (G2, P3 Edge) take out the Opposition, go to Sce-
nario SEVEN (7)
“Marshal Zhukov” stats If the Opposition forces the Allies
found on page ** to swim back in defeat, go to Sce-
nario EIGHT (8)

Scenario Six: Crossing the but it didn’t look very promising.
Straits He had decided to hedge his bets
and send a force to the other arm
Goran Straits of the continent separated by
Chara III (Pacifica), Freedom Pacifica’s Sundering Sea. If he
Theater could shift the axis of his attack
Lyran Alliance (Word of Blake maybe the opposition would be
Protectorate) caught off guard. It still felt like
5 January 3072 dancing to someone else’s tune.

“Colonel, everything is “But you’re bringing a lot

proceeding as planned.” of weight to dance with, sir.”

Sergei Chereneko turned Surprised at Lt. Quarter-

to Lieutenant Amanda Quarter- man’s voice, he hadn’t realized
man and looked into her eyes. he’d thought that last bit out loud.
“You mean, everything in the Watching the last of the ‘Mechs, a
loading is proceeding as planned.” 9K Victor being loaded, he could-
n’t help but wonder what the band
The dark haired young was going to be playing on the
‘Mechwarrior nodded. “Yes sir. other side…
We’ve got almost all the units you
asked for loaded onto the ships. Situation:
No more than an hour or so before
they cast off.” Faced with significant set-
backs on the first thrusts inland,
Sergei looked out over the Allied command decided to send a
beach where several “ro-ro” type heavy unit to secure the north
ships had been commandeered beachhead of the Sundering Sea.
and were being loaded with Control of this area would allow
‘Mechs of the Allied forces. Fight- Allied command to advance on
ing continued on the main thrust, both sides of the sea, shifting

Combat Area
Scenario Six: Crossing the

forces from one side to the other Deployment:
as events warrant. Lack of control
would push them inland, isolate Allied units begin on any non-
them from the LZ, and make re- building hex adjacent to a water
supply more difficult. hex on the “Seaport” maps

Force Composition: Opposition units, representing the

surprised garrison, start out on
Allied Units: the north half of the City
(Downtown) map.
Consist of 320 ton lances at the
player’s disposal. Map layout with deployment ar-
eas is illustrated on page 25
Opposition Units:
Post Scenario:
Consists of 240 ton lances, with
every third lance fielded being up If the Allies take the port, go to
rated to 320 tons. Scenario FIVE (5)
If the opposition forces them
away, go to Scenario EIGHT (8)

Scenario Seven: Meeting En- Militech’s engineers, Sergei
gagement in the Forest Chereneko lit the jump jets up on
his ‘Mech and pierced the canopy
Archon National Forest of the forest they were marching
Chara III (Pacifica), Freedom through. From his lofty perch he
Theater could see the bright blue and gold
Lyran Alliance (Word of Blake Wolverine belonging to the secu-
Protectorate) rity detail from the Canopian
8 January 3072 Pleasure Circus he’d picked up.
Bright flares coming from it’s
“Goddamnit.” large pulse laser suggested it’d
found something. Whatever it
“Roger that, Red Star was, fighting it in this snarl was-
Six.” n’t going to be a walk in the
Sergei Chereneko looked
surprised; he hadn’t realized his Situation:
com was on when he uttered the
oath. As the Allied command
tried to gain a superior position by
“Thank you for responding marching through the southern
so quickly, Tovarich Dozier. But I forest, the opposing commander
am afraid the command knows came up with the same brilliant
now that I am in a bad mood.” idea. The two forces would engage
in a deadly game of cat and mouse
“Hell, Serge, y’all just under the trees of Pacifica.
commed what we’ve all been
wanting to for the last hour, hour Force Composition:
and a half.”, John Dozier joked
back. “It’s just that none of us can Allied units:
exactly call you to task on it, espe-
cially me. I want Doug to tell the Consist of any units available to
Archon to pay me.” the player

“I will be sure to have him Opposition units:

ask for a couple of extra Kroner
for this march, Ace Six.” Consists of an equal weight of the
Allied units. Skill levels are iden-
“Roger that!” tical, except the number four unit
is one skill level better than his
The woods were so heavy allied counterpart.
that even his quick Wraith’s
ground speed was about the same Deployment:
as an Urbanmech at a dead run.
His patience exhausted, with a Allied units start within three
quick thought of praise for Curtis hexes of western edge of the com-
Combat Area
Scenario Seven: Meeting
Engagement in the Forest

bat area on the “Heavy Forest”
map Post Scenario:

Opposition units start within If the Allies burn the woods down
three hexes of eastern edge of the around the Opposition, go to sce-
combat area on the “Heavy For- nario NINE (9)
est” map If the Opposition uses the Allies
for kindling, rather than the
Map layout and deployment zones trees, go to scenario TEN (10)
are illustrated on page 28

Scenario Eight: Gunfight at much… *crackle*”
the Inventor’s Hut
Sergei hit his com, “Hold
The Inventor’s Hut on MacShane! We’re coming!”
Chara III (Pacifica), Freedom
Theater As he neared the fighting,
Lyran Alliance (Word of Blake Sergei saw the tall industrial
Protectorate) building known as ‘the Inventor’s
8 January 3072 hut’. Its ferrocrete face had been
pockmarked with stray autocan-
Sergei Chereneko’s com- non rounds and missiles. Carbon
mand lance was speeding north- scoring testified to the presence of
ward across the northern half of laser and PPC fire. Still the build-
Pacifica’s continent, trying to as- ing looked sound but the hulks of
sist in the capture of a facility ‘Mechs littered before it did not,
that had become vital to the cam- however. Some were from the op-
paign. Jason Youngblood of the position, yes, but too many were
Kell Hounds had passed on the from his own command. As the
information through Noelani enemy made another push across
Vought; on the off chance he the open yard, Sergei took one
would need it. With parts of the look at the wrecked form of Lt.
campaign failing around him, the Ian MacShane’s Blackhawk-KU,
facility would give his forces a for- leveled his large pulse laser, and
ward base of operations again. planned his revenge.
But the opposition had good intel
on his movements, and while they Situation:
may not have understood the sig-
nificance of the structure, they Desperately needing a base of op-
had a good grip on the idea of erations other than the grounded
shooting up his command. dropships, Allied command races
north to a structure known locally
“To any Allied ‘Mechs! as “The Inventor’s Hut” but the
This is Cav Two-Three-One! We’re Opposition apparently has dis-
under heavy fire! We need assis- cerned this action and raced some
tance! We’ll not be able to hold of it’s faster screening forces north

Combat Area
Scenario Eight: Gunfight at
the Inventor’s Hut

to intercept the Allied strike. edge of “Heavy Woods”

Force Composition: SPECIAL: Treat ALL pavement

hexes on City Ruins as a Level 3
Allied units: hardened building with a CF of
Any lance the player has available
from his forces Map layout with deployment
zones illustrated on page 31
Opposition units:
Post Scenario:
Equal weight as the Allied unit,
with no 320 ton lances. If the Allies kick it in the hut af-
ter the battle, go to scenario TEN
Deployment: (10)
If the Opposition pulls the wel-
Allied forces start within three come mat out from under the Al-
hexes of south map edge of lies, go to scenario ELEVEN (11)
“Rolling Hills #2”

Opposition forces start within five

hexes of northern half of east map

Scenario Nine: Strike at En-
“Walking Bear, keep
emy HQ
marching south. We might need
you to cover our retreat if this
Northeast of Pacifica City
goes badly, and if it goes well, you
Chara III (Pacifica), Freedom
might be needed to mop up resis-
tance in the city. If we could wait,
Lyran Alliance (Word of Blake
we would, but…”
10 January 3072
“Don’t worry, Colonel. I
knew that I’d get left behind every
now and again when I started
booming out of the loudspeakers
driving this old Stalker. We’ll get
of one of the ‘Mechs from the Ace
there though to either save your
Wrecking Crew as the forest
bacon or sweep up the ashes. The
thinned and the faster elements
kitchen help’s job is never done.”
began to stream across the plain.
Despite being a little un-
“Douse that chatter! All
easy talking to Captain Stephen
strike elements, forward at 70
Walking Bear, after all, a month
ago they’d been the same rank,
Sergei smiled at the banter… and
The trees left behind him;
edged the throttle out just a little
Sergei Chereneko had to resist
the urge to accelerate his ‘Mech to
its top speed of 120 KPH. Here
was a chance to devastate the mo-
rale of the enemy. The opposition
Opposition HQ is now ex-
had set up their forward HQ in
posed as the front has crumbled.
the southern capital, and the Al-
Allied command has sent in a
lied forces had just broken
quick strike force to disrupt C3
through. Sure to be heavily
operations before reinforcements
guarded, Sergei was sure this was
can set up a new line of defense.
a chance worth taking.
But the HQ has a sizeable body-
guard unit in attendance as garri-

Combat Area
Scenario Nine: Strike at
Enemy HQ

Allies deploy within three hexes of
Force Composition: northern map edge on either
“Open Terrain” map.
Allied units:
Map layout with deployment
Consists of any 160 or 240 ton zones illustrated on page 34
lance at the players disposal
Post Scenario:
Opposition units:
If the Allies squelch the Opposi-
Consists of Allied weight +80 tons tion HQ, go to scenario TWELVE
per three lances of Allied force. If (12)
Allies deploy less than three If the Opposition HQ keeps rock-
lances, add one ‘Mech within the ing the airwaves, go to scenario
50 to 70 ton range to the OpForce. TEN (10)


Opposition deploys first, any-

where on the “City (Suburbs)”

Scenario Ten: Held Up on the We shouldn’t be rude just because
Coast Road we’re short of mats.”

Skye Highway Situation:

Chara III (Pacifica), Freedom
Theater The invasion has one
Lyran Alliance (Word of Blake chance to keep to the original
Protectorate) plan, but in attempting to flank
11 January 3072 the force through a gap on the
coast, the opposition has made it a
The campaign had shifted trap. But Allied scouts, giving
back and forth, forth and back, them a slight edge in the upcom-
until this force was able to mount ing battle, have discovered the
one last shot at the original time- trap.
table. But to do that they had to
push fast along a narrow stretch Force Composition:
of coastline between the Sunder-
ing Sea and the Great Southern Allied units:
Forest. The ominous looking trees
quite frankly concerned Sergei Any lance available to the players.
Chereneko, and he kept looking at Also, the players may opt to add
them. Suddenly, flying out of the the “Marshal Zhukov”
forest came the “Marshal Zhu-
kov”, his father’s ‘Mech. Opposition units:

“Sergei Nikolaivich, you’d Consists of equal tonnage and

best order your force toward the skills as compared to Allied force.
south. I, unfortunately, have Do not include “Marshal Zhukov”
brought company.” and Nikolai Chereneko during
force generation.
“I understand, father.”
Sergei heated up his weapons. Deployment:
“We will roll out the welcome
mat.” Allies place one lance in a coast
map quadrant in the following or-
“Welcome mat?” der: Lance #1 “Coast #2, SE quad-
rant”, Lance #2 “Coast #1, SW
As the opposition ‘Mechs quadrant”, Lance #3 “Coast #1,
began to appear out of the forest, SE quadrant”, Lance #4 “Coast
hundreds of missiles began to fly #2, SW quadrant. Repeat as nec-
from ‘Mechs like Captain Walking essary.
Bear’s Stalker, Pilot James’ Cata-
pult, Pilot Querrish’s Crusader, Opposition places within five
and Pilot Meader’s Viking. “Well, hexes from south edge of combat
father, we’re rolling out some- area.
thing. Isn’t all that’s important?
Combat Area
Scenario Ten: Held Up on
The Coast Road

Map layout and deployment areas Scenario Eleven: Strike South!
illustrated on page 37
Northern Tidal Plain
Post Scenario: Chara III (Pacifica), Freedom
If the Allies push through, go to Lyran Alliance (Word of Blake
scenario TWELVE (12) Protectorate)
If the Opposition stop them cold, 10 January 3072
go to scenario THIRTEEN (13)
“Ensign Blackwood, you’ll
take east flank. Lieutenant Quar-
terman, you’ve got point. The
main body will fall in behind you.
There’s a chance we can reinforce
the southern drive and do some
good, but we’ve got to be quick.”

Sergei Chereneko’s Wraith

throttled up to 80 kph, and
headed south. They’d stop if they
made contact with the enemy and
pull back just enough to not leave
their big guns behind. After the
debacle at the Inventor’s hut, the
northern tier was even shakier
than the elements in the south.
He was afraid that if he was
forced to stay with the northern
drive that they’d fail, and Pacifica
wouldn’t emerge from behind the
veil of the Word of Blake. He
really found that hard to stomach,
concidering what they’d discov-
ered in the small town of La Mont.
All the educated people had been
rounded up, led to the small
creek… water wasn’t supposed to
be that color. The Blakists had to
pay for this, but he was having
difficulty collecting on their ac-
count. The southern drive, that’s
where the action was.

“Contact.” The sound of

long range missiles and the whine
of a capacitor discharge let Sergei
know that the Canopian soldiers load of ammo. On a 5 or a 6, the
had found the enemy. “Colonel, ammo load is halved.
we’ve got a screening force, and
we’re low on ammo. Bring up the Opposition units:
force, I’m really not configured for
this fight. I’ve only got a few May not contain a 320 ton lance
rounds for my HGR…” The sharp until the Allies field a second 320
crack of the weapon’s discharge ton lance. Defender then can build
sounded over the com. “…but at a –80 ton deficit to the Allies.
there’s less rounds of nickel than Skill levels correspond to Allied
there are Wobbies that need levels. However, as a dedicated
killin’.” harassing force drawn into a
pitched battle, the opposition suf-
Sergei’s ‘Mech moved with fers a –2 initiative penalty for the
ease over the rolling hills as they first four rounds, -1 for rounds
slowly gave way to a broad plain. five through eight, and none there
As he looked out he could see the after.
orderly retreat of his scouts as
they brought the Blakist forces Deployment:
toward them. A delay was intoler-
able, a defeat though could spell Allied force begins within five
doom for the millions on Pacifica. hexes of northern edge of combat
He kicked his ‘Mech to full speed. area.
“All units… CHARGE!”
Opposition force begins within
Situation: three hexes of southern edge of
combat area.
After failing to secure the
Inventor’s Hut, Allied command Map layout with deployment
made preparations to recross the zones illustrated on page 40
Sundering Sea to try to catch the
opposition off guard. But the op- Post Scenario:
position is attempting to flank the
main body with it’s faster ele- If the Allied force defeats the Op-
ments, leading to a pitched battle position scouts, go to scenario
on the northern tidal plains. TEN (10)
If the Opposition blunts the Allied
Force Composition: thrust, go to scenario THIRTEEN
Allied units:

Consists of any lance of the

player’s choosing. Allied units do
not have full ammo bins, however.
For each ‘Mech roll a D6. On a
1,2,3, or 4, the ‘Mech carries a ¾
Combat Area
Scenario Eleven:
Strike South

Scenario Twelve: End Run mike. Behind him, the Allied
main body surged forward across
Northwest of The Citadel Ruins the plain. Chuck Hamlin’s aero-
Chara III (Pacifica), Freedom space fighters had ID’d the com-
Theater mand element of the opposition
Lyran Alliance (Word of Blake force. The cream of that force was
Protectorate) holding the southern approaches
13 January 3072 to Pacifica’s main starport.
Quickly assembling the strike
After a quick pass through force, Sergei decided to break the
the ruins of the old Common- morale of the enemy by eliminat-
wealth Citadel, Sergei had ar- ing their best troops in a lightning
rayed his force on a broad front to strike. As LRM’s streaked over-
swing north toward the spaceport. head illuminated by the flares of
PPC fire, the battle was joined.
“Ace Wrecking Crew,
status.” Situation:

John Dozier’s voice crack- With the OpFor HQ ele-

led to life. “We’re ready. Locked. ments identified Allied command
Loaded. Ready to kick butt.” made the decision to attempt a
‘headhunter’ strike. Not only
“Hounds. Status.” would this disrupt the enemy, it
would leave the starport wide
“We’re all green lights open for an Allied thrust.
here.”, came Noelani Vought’s re-
ply. Force Composition:

“Fourth Hussars. Status.” Allied units:

Wade ‘Deadpool’ Wilson Consists of any lance at the

piped up. “Action, baby, action.” player’s disposal.

“Canopians, status.” Opposition units:

Cassidy O’Connor keyed Mirrors Allied force weight. All

her com. “We’re ready. Give the number 1 elements are one skill
word, Colonel.” level better than their Allied
“GO! GO! GO! GO! GO!”,
Sergei Chereneko yelled into the

Combat Area
Scenario Twelve:
End Run
Deployment: Scenario Thirteen: Plains of
Allied force deploys within five
hexes of west edge of “Battletech” Great Northern Plains
map. Chara III (Pacifica), Freedom
Opposition force deploys on east Lyran Alliance (Word of Blake
halves of either “Open Terrain” Protectorate)
maps. 13 January 3072

Map layout with deployment “Stay on the farm roads,

zones illustrated on page 42 people. Trampled crops will show
up like a giant arrow.”
Post Scenario:
Sighing, Sergei looked out
If the Allies cap the Opposition, go over the impromptu bivouac in
to scenario FOURTEEN (14) the farm country of Pacifica.
If the Opposition keeps it’s head, Many of his units had broken up
go to scenario FIFTEEN (15) long established lances and
formed provisional units. Where
once stood battalions, there were
companies. Companies to lances.
Lances gone. With his command
strung out over both halves of the
continent, the situation had be-
come dire. Losses had forced him
to regroup here at a large farm in
the middle of the northern plain.
Not much place to hide…

A loud crack announced

the arrival of a supersonic air-
craft, shaking his cockpit. Activat-
ing his targeting camera and set-
ting it to full magnification, he
pointed it ahead of the emerging
contrails. On his screen he saw
the star-on-broadsword design of
the Word Of Blake on the
Seylditz. Calling out on all fre-
quencies he had his troops mount
up. They’d been spotted.


Regrouping on the northern

Combat Area
Scenario Thirteen:
Plains of Woe

plains, the Allies are interrupted
by a strike organized after they’d Deployment:
been spotted. Low on replenish-
ables, the Allies turn to defend Allied force starts anywhere in
themselves. the center section of the combat
area, deploying first.
Force Composition:
Opposition force deploys within
Allied units: three hexes of ANY map edge af-
ter the Allied force is deployed.
Consists of any lance at the play-
ers disposal. For every unit, roll a Map layout with deployment
D6. On a 1, the unit has a full zones illustrated on page 44
ammo load. On a 2, 3, 4 the unit
has a ¾ ammo load. On a 5, the Post Scenario:
unit has a half load. On a 6, the
unit has a quarter of it’s usual If the Allies survive, go to scenario
load of ammo. FIFTEEN (15)
If they fall to the Opposition, go to
Opposition units: scenario SIXTEEN (16)

Mirror Allied force.

Scenario Fourteen: Destroy Situation:
the Word Of Blake Linchpin
Force Shedding their proxies in
the fight, the Word Of Blake itself
Southeast of Melissa Steiner Me- defends the spaceport against the
morial Starport allies. A heavy force, and totally
Chara III (Pacifica), Freedom fanatical, they will lay down their
Theater lives to stop the Allies from secur-
Lyran Alliance (Word of Blake ing Pacifica.
15 January 3072 Force Composition:

The towering forms of Allied units:

dropships appeared on the hori-
zon. Racing north, Sergei Chere- Consists of any lance of the
neko knew that something would player’s choosing
go wrong. Intel had said there
wasn’t anything between the last Opposition units:
battlefield and the starport, but
he felt uneasy since seeing that Consists of identical weight and
aerospace fighter. As the moun- skills as Allied units, excepting
tains of dropships grew, he could the number 1 element in each
now make out a line of ‘Mechs. lance. That pilot is a G1/P1,
unless the corresponding Allied
“All commands, we have unit is better.
“Red Star Six, this is 7th
Cav Six, we’ve got sight on them Allied force begins within three
as well.” hexes of south edge of combat
“John, can you ID them?”
Opposition force starts within one
“My G-2 says their Word hex of north edge of combat area.
Of Blake regulars, not the mercs
we’ve been fighting since we hit Map layout with deployment
this rock. This is the real deal, zones illustrated on page 47
Post Scenario:
As he got closer to the op-
posing ‘Mechs, he could see their If the Allies turn the white to
paint scheme and knew Major black, go to scenario SEVEN-
Dozier was right with his assess- TEEN (17)
ment. But until the Jihad began, If the Opposition keeps its whites
who knew white could be as sinis- bright, go to scenario FIFTEEN
ter as black? (15)
Combat Area
Scenario Fourteen: Destroy
The Word of Blake Linchpin
Scenario Fifteen: BETRAYAL!
Nothing scared Sergei
Kola Peninsula quite like the promise of help from
Chara III (Pacifica), Freedom his father.
Lyran Alliance (Word of Blake Situation:
16 January 3072 The allied command has
gathered its strength on the Kola
The bulk of his father’s Peninsula for the final push
‘Marshal Zhukov’ hung over Ser- against the Word of Blake forces
gei Chereneko’s ‘Beavis’ much the garrisoning the starport. There
same way his father loomed over are no fallback positions for either
him. It was strange how appear- side. Pacifica will probably be won
ances could be deceiving, as he (at or lost here.
least nominally) was in command
here. As much as he wanted, prac- Force Composition:
tically needed someone to take
over in this situation, the respon- Allied units:
sibility was his. His alone. It was
do or die for the assault. If the Consists of any lance at the
succeeded here, Pacifica would be player’s disposal, plus the
free. If they failed… “Marshal Zhukov”

“But my son, you do not Opposition units:

fight alone. Every one you have
lead here will help. They fight be- Consists of identical weight and
cause you have lead them here, skills as Allied force, except lead
through all obstacles, and they Word of Blake element. WoB com-
can see the end for good or ill. mander possesses G0/P1 skill set.
Even here, now, your father will

Combat Area
Scenario Fifteen:

Deployment: Scenario Sixteen: Isle of Hope

Allied force deploys within walk- Catalina Island

ing MP of south edge of combat Chara III (Pacifica), Freedom
area. Theater
Lyran Alliance (Word of Blake
Opposition force deploys within Protectorate)
three hexes of north edge of com- 15 January 3072
bat area.
It would be hard to con-
At the end of every turn, roll 2D6. sider the campaign anything but a
Starting with two and adding one disaster. Several allied units lay
each turn to a maximum of eight, shattered across both halves of
if the roll matches the target Pacifica’s continent. The remain-
number, one opposition ‘Mech is der lay on this tiny island where a
revealed to be Nikolai’s deep cover daring Kell Hound pilot had
agent. Allied player picks a single brought his Union down inside a
opposition ‘Mech, not to include small valley. Sergei ordered a lit-
the WoB commander, to add to his tle rest and repair, and found a
force at it’s current location. If roll little bright spot as well. The
fails, add one to target number for Hound pilot had seen a Word Of
next round. Blake unit pass by on the
mainland, overlooking the small
Map layout with deployment island off shore, their command
zones illustrated on page 49 unit trailing behind them. If they
could destroy that unit, maybe
Post Scenario: they could force the Blakist’s com-
mand out of the starport. It was
If the Allies crush the Opposition, like holding a pair of fours in a
go to scenario SEVENTEEN (17) high stakes card game, but hell, it
If the Opposition trounces the Al- was also the last hand.
lies, go to scenario EIGHTEEN
(18) Situation:

Realizing that only a total

disruption of opposition command
had any chance for the success of
the operation, they had to lure it
out of the confines of the space-
port. The decision is made to am-
bush a Word of Blake force and
reduce it to make the Word of
Blake Command react to the

Combat Area
Scenario Sixteen:
Isle of Hope

Force Composition:

Allied units:

Consists of any 320 ton lance at

the players disposal

Opposition units:

Consists of 240 ton lances, with

skill levels one better than Allied


Allied force starts within four

hexes of south edge of combat

Opposition force starts with four

hexes of south edges of “Coast #1”
or “Rolling Hills #1” maps, facing

Map layout with deployment

zones illustrated on page 51

Post Scenario:

If the Allies boost their morale

with victory, go to scenario FIF-
TEEN (15)
If the Opposition beats the hope
out of the Allies, go to scenario

Scenario Seventeen: Extreme
Sanction Opposition units:

Melissa Steiner Memorial Star- Consists of Allied weight minus

port 80 tons per lance, at one skill level
Chara III (Pacifica), Freedom lower than the Allied units. If the
Theater Allies take nothing but 160 ton
Lyran Alliance lances, skill levels are two levels
19 January 3072 below Allied units.

The blackened hulk gave Deployment:

little indication it had once been a
seventy-five ton Toyama. It had Allied units start on southern
blocked the main gate into the halves of “City” maps
starport when Sergei Chereneko
broadcast his request for uncondi- Opposition units start on any
tional surrender. A salvo of LRM’s pavement hex on “Dropport” maps
had been the Blakist’s reply.
Without orders his command had Map layout with deployment
returned a volley. Thirty-one dif- zones illustrated on page 54
ferent ‘Mechs had shot at the
Blakist, he and his machine had- Post Scenario:
n’t a chance. He’d offered pity
merely to have only spite as a re- This is a cakewalk, a mop-up op-
ply. The only thing left in his bag eration geared to let the Allies
of emotions for the Word of Blake blow up some Blakists just for one
was contempt. He was, after all, last round of fun. Pacifica is free,
his father’s son. returned to the bosom of the Ly-
ran Alliance. After the last of the
Situation: Word of Blake is rounded up, the
units will leave for their original
As the Word of Blake com- postings… after one hell of a
mand cohesion disintegrated, the party. Congratulations on the suc-
starport garrison marches out in cess of OPERATION: RED AR-
an omega unit configuration in a RAY
last ditch attempt to halt the Al-

Force Composition:

Allied units:

Consists of any lance of the play-

ers choosing

Combat Area
Scenario Seventeen:
Extreme Sanction

Scenario Eighteen: Last Stand
at the SLDF Facility Opposition units:

Abandoned SLDF Facility Consists of same weight as Allies

Chara III (Pacifica) plus eighty tons, with pilots two
Word of Blake Protectorate skill levels better than their coun-
19 January 3072 terparts, to a maximum of G0/P0

The ground began to re- Deployment:

cede from the dropship’s viewport
sending Sergei Chereneko into or- Allied force deploys on any level 1
bit with an acrid taste in his hex inside canyon walls.
mouth. Not only blood from where
he’d bit his lip ejecting from his Opposition force begins on any
dying Wraith, but that of defeat. edge hex on any side of combat
Right now, the remaining shat- area. If an opposition ‘Mech is de-
tered elements of his command stroyed it is replaced with a new
were moving to make their stand ‘Mech within 5 tons of weight of
in the warrens of the old Star the destroyed unit, at one skill
League facility. He’d left behind a level below that of the first unit’s
dropshuttle, not knowing until pilot. When the second replace-
he’d talked to Father MacKenzie ment for that unit is destroyed, no
of the irony of assigning that par- further replacements are issued.
ticular craft to the duty. If any
survived, they’d survive on the Map layout with deployment
Kobiashi Maru… zones illustrated on page 56

Situation: Post Scenario:

Allied command has saved This is the last scenario. It really

all the troops they could before is a “no-win” situation, a last
being overrun. Unfortunately stand against overwhelming odds,
some had to be left behind. Know- designed only to get pilots blown
ing the rumors of Word Of Blake from their ‘Mechs. Operation:
reeducation camps, the remnants RED ARRAY has ended in failure;
choose to fight a last stand and Pacifica is firmly in the grip of the
die with honor. Word Of Blake. If you didn’t die
here, it would just force the Ar-
Force Composition: chon to kill you later. Despite
that, congratulations on making it
Allied units: through RED ARRAY… almost.

Consists of any lance at the

player’s disposal

Combat Area
Scenario Eighteen:
Last Stand at the
SLDF Facility
GAME NOTES: For those of you who’d like to try your
hand at playing or running Red Array,
OPERATION: RED ARRAY started as I’m giving it away in PDF format to all
one of those “what if” ideas. We really who want it. No cost. My way of giv-
couldn’t do long, drawn out campaigns ing back to the Battletech Community
with resource tracking or salvage or with more than designs, artwork, or bad
combat points or such, but we wanted comments on the message board. I’ve
to do more than “pick-up” games. The been playing this silly game for twenty
solution hit us when we picked up an years now, missed out on the Bat-
old, tired copy of Origin’s Kilrathi tleD****s years, and have been a loyal
Saga and were reintroduced to the joys Lyran since the beginning. Crescent
that were Wing Commander I. Inside Hawk’s Inception was important in de-
the manual was the one thing we’d for- fining that image, so that’s why we
gotten about the game, the “mission came back to Pacifica III.
tree”. It descended from a single start
point to a winning and a losing ending. Special thanks go out to Westwood As-
It even had the guide to the possible sociates (defunct) for putting out CHI
outcomes of the game. If it would work way, way back in the day. Mike Stack-
for the Vega Sector, why couldn’t it pole for writing novels worth reading.
work for the Freedom Theater? Loren Coleman, despite his facination
with all things Capellan, for continuing
Writing, layout, art, all that naturally the work better than many gave him
devolved onto me. I’ve been running credit for. Robert Thurston for giving
the fights for years, so it wasn’t like the us a different look at the Clans. Bob
others were going to do it, but that’s Charrette for the Dragoons and Com-
ok. Heck, I like to write. My job was to bine novels. Randall Bills for keeping
keep it somewhat realistic, and to make the dream alive.
it interesting enough to play. Supris-
ingly enough was that when we did be- Finally, I thank my crew for putting up
gin to play test it at Gaming Experi- with this obsession that’s garnered me
ence, people began to take notice of us about ten thousand Kroner… er DOL-
five or six BattleTech Rednecks in the LARS worth of sourcebooks, minis,
back room. Some people have just got- and novels. My nephew Cameron “The
ten hooked on the story. I guess that Kid” Spears. My girlfriend Opalin
means I done good. “The Keeper” Pickens for picking up
the game. My friend Lance “Ion Tiger”
I left O:RA pretty open. It’s a structure, Hughes for saying “Well, since
and is easily adaptable to salvage, and FASA’s Star Trek game went under,
force tracking, and all those compli- why don’t we play this robot game…”
cated strategies that people want to and getting me back into the life. And
play. But it’s a framework and a cam- John “Ace” Hallum, for following my
paign, you don’t need any of that be- lead and trying out my weird ideas for
cause it’s the battles that determine these twenty years.
where one goes from there, so you can
just take a company and play on Robert “Hawkeye” Frank II
through if you’d like. Battletech Commando 184

BattleMech Technical Readout

Type/Model: Marshal Zhukov MSHL-3F

Tech: Inner Sphere / 3055
Config: Biped BattleMech
Rules: Level 2, Standard design

Mass: 80 tons
Chassis: Wells 990 Standard
Power Plant: 320 Ford Light Fusion
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: 4 Chevron I Standard Jump Jets
Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor Type: Krupp 200 Standard
8 ChrisComp 39 Medium Lasers
1 Holly LRM 20
Manufacturer: Monolithic Heavy Industries
Location: Aberystwyth
Communications System: Colmax 90
Targeting & Tracking System: Dalban AQ

Type/Model: Marshal MSHL-3F
Mass: 80 tons

Equipment: Crits Mass

Int. Struct.: 122 pts Standard 0 8.00
Engine: 320 Light Fusion 10 17.00
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 4
Heat Sinks: 16 Double [32] 12 6.00
(Heat Sink Loc: 2 LA, 1 RA, 1 RT)
Gyro: 4 4.00
Cockpit, Life Supt.: 5 3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA+H R: Sh+UA+LA+H 16 .00
Armor Factor: 247 pts Standard 0 15.50

Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 25 38
Center Torso (Rear): 12
L/R Side Torso: 17 26/26
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8
L/R Arm: 13 26/26
L/R Leg: 17 34/34
Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
1 Medium Laser RA 3 1 1.00
1 Medium Laser LA 3 1 1.00
5 Medium Lasers RT 15 5 5.00
1 LRM 20 LT 6 12 7 12.00
(Ammo Locations: 2 LT)
1 Medium Laser HD 3 1 1.00
1 Targeting Computer RT 2 2.00
CASE Equipment: LT 1 .50
4 Standard Jump Jets: 4 4.00
(Jump Jet Loc: 2 CT, 1 LL, 1 RL)
TOTALS: 30 69 80.00
Crits & Tons Left: 9 .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 14,799,240 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,899
Cost per BV: 7,793.18
Weapon Value: 3,277 / 3,277 (Ratio = 1.73 / 1.73)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 37; MRDmg = 16; LRDmg = 5
BattleForce2: MP: 4J, Armor/Structure: 6/5
Damage PB/M/L: 7/6/1, Overheat: 0
Class: MA; Point Value: 19
Specials: if


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