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CEM 3330/3335" Dual Voltage Controlled Amplifier ‘The CEM 3330 and CEM 3335 and control mixing may be are dual, high performance, ‘accomplished within the device voltage controlled amplifiers itself. Finally, the VCA outputs intended for electronic musical _are signal currents, allowing the instrument and professional device to be conveniently used idio applications. For the in two-pole voltage controlled 3330, each amplifier includes _filters, as well as dual voltage complete circuitry for simu controlled amplifiers. taneous linear and exponential The 3336 is the same device control of gain. in addition, the as the 3330 but without the ‘operating point of the amplifiers linear control circuitry, and is may be set anywhere from Class intended for those applications B to Class A, allowing the user which require only the exponen: to optimize those parameters tal control of gain. critial to the particular appl The devices include an tation. Also featured are omchip 85 volt Zener, allowing virtual ground summing nodes them to operate off 15 volt Yor both the signal andlineer supplies as well as +15, -5 volt control inputs, 30 that signal supplies. CEM 3330 Circuit Block and Connection Diagram Features er te @ Low Cost @ Two Independent Voltage Controlled Amplifiers in a Single Package 1m Simultaneous Linear and Exponential Control Inputs Wide Control Range: 12008 Very Accurate Control Seales for Excellent Gain Tracking @ Exceptionally Low Control S Voltage Feedthrough: ~60d8 rd minimum without trim, better than -80dB with trim 1 Low Distortion: Less than 0.1% @ Exceptionally Low Noise Better than -100d8. 1 Class B to Class A Operation Summing Signal and Linear se nce ow " Control inputs rae aur ale Current Outputs for Ease of es 7 Use in Voltage Controlled 2Pole Filters Can Be Used in VCO and VCF Contra! Paths Without Causing Shift £15 Volt Supplies This datasheet was brought to you by synfo.n CEM 3330/ CEM 3335 _ Electrical Characteristics Vee = +15V Ta= 25°C Parameter Conaivions [Min Tye Max [Unie Exponential Control Range 1700150 «*YC Linear Controt Range 100130 8 Peak Cel Current, top Gas | 400 2600 wa (aput plus outout Gia A | $800 $1400 HA Exponential Control Sele Beasivty 23032 [mvs Temoeo of Exponential Control Seale +3000 +3300 +3600 | em Tempeo of Linear Control Seale = #100 1300 | pom Exponential Control Seale Error? os evn tevornions¥ Linear Conto) Seale Eeor? - os ts | Celi Corent Gain 142 oma Current Gain Tempco x10 1300 | oem | =] ee Log Converter Output 6 0 os fm | oz a Output Voltage Compiiance <3 as| v c st Untrnmnd Datars me zs |= ime Gea | - 03 1 fs oo es, Trimmed Distortion? Giass 8 oz os | % crane botenie Class 02 | & Foret 4 ‘Unirmred Contra! Feedthrough? clas 8 0208 | uA i Class A - 7 23 fue [wo Sy: “Trimmed Controi Feedthrough? Class 8 - or 08 | ua tr zt Cas A 1 cleat a : ‘Oviout Nowe Current in 20K cise | - 42 35 |nanMs i Banawitn (VG = 0 Clas A 3512 [rans fun: cam cen Sigal Curent Banaancin® ‘cian | 30100 Ke casa | 100 3800 =| He vveve = OM Sianal Cucrent Stew Rate cass | 69 150 shins fou mer Gina | 400 7800 fim |e a Crosstalk Between VERS F106 | 60-70 oe le Internal Bis Current at Sanat & Linear] Com@ | eo 175 360 | na | 37 i Contra inputs casa | 330 300-600 | na * Exponentiai Control input Curent | tor- 10008 | 4 0813 | aA 2 Linear Control Input Offset Voltage a os | mv foe Signal Input Oftet Voltepe as ss | ow | Positive Supply Current case | os i321 | ma aa om Gana | 28 27 37 | ma _ erin Positive Supply Range 2 - ow] ay Co Nesative Supply Range® 45 ae | iv Note 1: From current gaine of +2008 10 -80dB, Peak cell current i ass than 1004, [Note 2: Output signal is 10d8 below clipping and is at a frequency of TKHz. Vg = 0 [Note 3: Current gain varie from unity to maximum attenuation (>11048) [Note 4: Peak Output Current i #200uA. [Note S: Current limiting resistor requied for negative voltages greater than -6 volts Note 6: Classis defined st a idle curcent of 1uA: Clas Aisa an ile current of 1004. CURTIS ELECTROMUSIC, SPECIALTIES Covered by US. Patent #4,004,141, Curtis Eleetromusic Specialties (CES) ‘srumes no responsibility for use of any ercultry described. No circuit censes ‘re impliad. CES reserves the right at anytime without notice, fo change 2d Sieultry Printed USA-© 1980

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