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How do I conjugate the (regular) future tense in French?

What are the verb endings?

Je Nous
Tu Vous
Il/Elle Ils/Elles

Conjugate using the future tense (I will/shall).

1. Je (regarder) ________________ la télé.

2. En suite je (manger) ________________ mon dîner.

3. Paul (choisir) _______________ un nouveau livre.

4. Nous (entendre) ________________ la musique.

Put these sentences into French using the Future Tense.

1. I will wear my jeans to school and not a uniform.

2. We will understand this soon!
3. We will read the new book and then we will watch the movie.
4. She will write a letter to her friend.
5. They will send a postcard to their mum.
6. Sarah will finish her work first.

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