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That’s the ticket!

How an FAA Designee
helps ensure that Boeing
delivers on its promises

Kathy Landino, an FAA Designee, begins an

inspection during a night shift. FAA Designees
support Boeing manufacturing around the clock
with three shifts. Every Boeing jetliner needs an
Airworthiness Certificate before it’s delivered to
a customer.
Marian Lockhart photo

By Bev Holland hold a number of positions at BCA, in- The efforts of Landino and her fellow FAA
cluding final assembly inspector and airworthiness designees play a major role

hen Kathy Landino joined customer quality support representative. in ensuring that Boeing delivers on the
Boeing Commercial Airplanes Today she’s one of eight authorized indi- promises it makes to its customers. These
in July 1977, she had no idea that viduals at the Boeing Delivery Center in designees are authorized to conduct FAA
30 years later her name would be on the Seattle who perform U.S. Federal Avia- conformity inspections—meaning that
airworthiness certificates for a good por- tion Administration conformity inspec- they’re empowered to confirm the airwor-
tion of Boeing 737 airplanes flying today. tions and issue airworthiness approvals thiness of parts and aircraft after review-
An average of two planes a week receive for parts and aircraft. Issuing FAA Cer- ing all final documents that specify how an
her signed certificate above the main en- tificates of Airworthiness is a process re- airplane was designed, planned, built and
trance door, signifying to the flying pub- ferred to as “ticketing.” After ticketing inspected.
lic that the plane is in condition for safe the airplane, Landino files her paperwork “Everything begins and ends with the
operation. with the FAA while Field Operations per- customer,” said Paul Wolf, senior manager
After beginning work in Boeing’s re- sonnel move the airplane into position for FAA Designee Administration who’s
ceiving warehouse, Landino went on to for its new owners, Boeing’s customers. responsible for Landino and more than 200

18 October 2007 BOEING FRONTIERS


sign, in compliance with the Quality Man- Those initial tests assure that the design
agement System. The Production Certifi- and processes used to build each plane are
cate number the FAA assigned to Boeing sound and satisfy the compliance require-
is PC700; this number also can be found ments for aircraft-certification eligibility.
on the aircraft data plate, signifying which This also establishes the process founda-
FAA approval covers its manufacture. tion for aircraft to be built in exactly the
In every case, an original Certificate of same way—which enables the ability to
Airworthiness is required before an aircraft obtain a Production Certificate.
is delivered to a customer and the custom- “My colleagues and I perform final
er operates it in commercial service. The inspections for the FAA, but production
process at Boeing is extensive, involving workers on the line have to make sure that
thousands of employees and suppliers who they build quality and safety into each
add their expertise to the product. In fact, it plane every day,” Landino said.
could be said that all BCA employees are
responsible for airplane quality and safety. Walking the plane
The 787 Dreamliner is currently going A critical part of Landino’s responsibil-
through both Type and Production Certi- ities is the “ticket walk” to certify new air-
fication efforts, leading to airworthiness planes just off the production line.
certification and delivery. Her first step is to review all the pa-
Wolf noted that type-design certifica- perwork from design and production, in-
tion is the cornerstone of the process. cluding flight manuals, engine manuals,
“Compliance and conformity go hand- lab test results—and even “squawks”
in-hand,” he said. “Everything about the (flight discrepancies documented by a
plane’s design, along with production’s flight crew) and reports from test pilots
conformance to that design, means the after they fly the plane. “Everything is
plane will be in condition for safe opera- kept in a log where any one of the des-
tion. Every FAA Designee has to have ignees can refer to it,” Landino said. Her
complete trust in the production and qual- signature is in the log book of each plane
ity management systems that go into each she inspects.
plane in order to issue an Airworthiness Once she deems all the paperwork
Certificate. All FAA Designees essentially satisfactory, Landino moves to the next
perform the duties on behalf of the FAA step. Donning her canary yellow safety
within The Boeing Company.” vest, Landino walks out to the flight line
at Boeing Field in Seattle, where the new
Inspections are integral planes are sitting on the tarmac. She lit-
Part of a designee’s job involves inspect- erally walks around the plane, inspecting
ing airplane components. “The inspection everything from wheel wells to emergen-
process is one element of a continuous ef- cy lights. Inside she checks the emergen-
fort by Boeing, the FAA, and its designees cy equipment and safety features, such as
to ensure quality and safety,” Wolf said. emergency floor lighting.
“The FAA and its designees are a vital part If everything looks good, she’ll sign the
of the checks-and-balances system that en- Airworthiness Certificate and slide it into
sures a safe air transport system.” a plastic holder over the front cabin door
Landino is familiar with parts inspec- (in a Boeing 737). The inspection process
tion. She spent four years as an inspector takes anywhere from 30 minutes to two
in the Materials Review Segregation Area hours—pretty short compared to the years
and five years as an inspector on the 727 required for a new type design and months
other FAA Designees globally. “The cash and 737 production lines. to build millions of parts, test and assem-
register doesn’t ring until an aircraft is is- Long before a part or system enters pro- ble them into a Boeing airplane.
sued an original FAA Certificate of Air- duction, it undergoes a series of lab tests All along, FAA personnel and desig-
worthiness, either by the FAA or one of our and FAA conformity inspections. Once nees are reviewing documentation and
designees acting on behalf of the FAA.” prototype structures have been built, all inspecting production lines, making sure
major components complete rigorous every part conforms to the certificated
Certificate required stress and endurance tests that go way be- design.
When Boeing has demonstrated to the yond conditions that would be encountered And it all circles back to the customer.
FAA that a new aircraft design meets the during the service life of the airplane. For “Compliance to the processes that
standards for airworthiness certification, a new-model aircraft, such as the 787, this Boeing has documented to safely design
the FAA issues a type design approval, also involves many months in Flight Test and build aircraft and parts is what en-
known as a Type Certificate. A Production where all systems are tested and the air- ables us to obtain Certificates of Airwor-
Certificate (PC) is issued to Boeing after it plane is operated to the extremes in order thiness—and deliver what we committed
has proved to the FAA that it can reproduce to demonstrate that it complies with the re- to our customers,” Wolf said. n
an aircraft in conformance with its type de- quirements.

BOEING FRONTIERS October 2007 19

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