4.3 - 4.4 The Drive and Programming Modes, Startup Flowcharts

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4.3 The Drive and Programming Modes 4.3. The Drive and Programming Modes The drive has a Programming Mode to program the drive for operation, and a Drive Mode used to actually run the moter Drive Mode: In the Drive Mode, the user can start the motor and observe operation status with the monitors that are available, Parameter settings cannot be edited or changed when in the Drive Mode. Programming Mode: The Programming Mode allows access to edit, adjust, and verify parameters, as well as perform Auto-Tuning, Unless set to allow an Upidowa command, the drive will not accept an Uipidown command when the digital operator is in the Programming Mode Note: If parameter b1.08 i se 0 he drive will accept aa Up(dancoenmand only in the Drive Mode, When editing parameters, the user must frst ext the Frogrammmg Mode and ener the Drive Mede before staring the moter Note: "Toallow the drive to nin the motor whil inthe Prgrarnming Mode, stb) -08 to @ Navigating the Drive and Programming Modes The drive is set to operate in Drive Mode when it is first powered up. Switch between display screens by using the and WU keys ae Sea fal ‘Tes display verer allows the weit motte nd cRargethe sped elerence whe the ove runnin Refer to ae Roeieee ier ieine hd as et werd wthpmmnen se ca ad a — 3-5 — ae gaa ‘Slows ne sara dt scloced for dinplay fy the wc in parametss 61-01. The dtl scting dsplayscrivs onpat Manis fe oupt caret eee C) YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710516 S24 VASKAWA AC DrveLI0O0A Techical Manual 4.3 The Drive and Programming Modes Woe oeris sapere hve ee eine efi sigs mp Af Vriig Parmeter (Change: Voi Menno poe BR sic [Asc it afgummetrs aces togt te veorerng cl, mp fro ine the Sy Gompon ne Alowsteweriaaces an talus tings be Refer Parmeter Tao py 32 — pe reo Renin ester diy =o The following actions are possible in the Drive Mode: + Run and stop the drive + Monitor the operation status of the drive (speed reference, output speed, output current, output voltage, ete.) * View information on an alarm + View a history of alarms that have occurred Figure 4.5 illustrates how to change the speed reference from 0,00% to 10.00% while in the Drive Mode. This example assumes the reference source is assigned to the digital operator (b1-02 = 0) and d1-01 is set to 0 or 3 “iietteane f= - S - mo - = - a @ — aim + 3 — mom — aim - GS dense bores 105 fa Figure 4.5 Setting the Speed Reference while in the Drive Mode The drive will not accep change tothe speed reference unil the ENTER key is pressed after the speed reference is entered 35 ofthe spoed reference. Tw have the deve accept shangesto the esd reference as soon as to Note: “This feature prevens accidental ‘changes are made without requiring the ENTER key, set 2 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP CT10616 Z2A YASKAVVA AC OriveL ‘0008 Testi! Nanuat a Bue 1 Programming Mode Details The following actions are possible in the Programming Mode: + Parameter Setting Mode: Access and edit all parameter settings + Verify Menu: Chock a list of parameters that have been changed from their original default values Setup Group: Access a list of commonly used parameters to simplify setup (see Simplified Setup Using the Setup Group on page 87) + Auto-Tuning Mode: Automatically calculates and sets motor parameters to optimize drive performance # Changing Parameter Settings or Values This example explains changing C1-02 (Deceleration Ramp 1) from 1.50 seconds (default) to 2.50 seconds. ee Disney Reawt 1 | Tornathe power ote drive The nia pay pene ~ ia © | rnsntis MD oe MIU sey st ans ening oe ses, > Presto EBD 190 eee pocorn ws > BD ce posceu nec cee ey > © | es FEB von > 2 > ao ee + oa @ Verifying Parameter Changes: Verify Menu The Verify Menu lists edited parameters from the Programming Mode or as a result of Auto-Tuning, It helps determine which settings have been changed, and is particularly useful when replacing a drive. [fno settings have been changed, the Verify Mem will read a2n£. The Verify Menu also allows users to quickly access and re-edit any parameters settings that have been changed [Note:The Verify Menu will not display parameters fom the Al group (except for A 1-02) even if thove poramczts have beea changed fiom their default stings The following example is « continuation of the steps above, Here, parameter C1-02 is accessed using the Verify Menu, and is changed again from 1.50 s to 2.50 s. To check the list of edited parameters 86 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710516 S24 VASKAWAAC DrveLI0O0A Techical Manual 4.3 The Drive and Programming Modes En T Disses 2 | ron Eo res" Anti hips hap he Vs Me oi tei inet ace EM BUD vos Lett > i= ‘# Simplified Setup Using the Setup Group In the Setup Group, the drive lists the basic parameters needed to set up the drive for the elevator. It provides a simplified way to get the elevator running right away by showing only the most important parameters, ™ Using the Setup Group + and how to change parameters in the Setup Group, Figure 46 illustrates how to en The first display shown when entering the Setup Group is the Control Method menu. Skipping this display will keep the current Setup Group parameter selection. The default setting for the Setup Group isa group of parameters most commonly use in control methods, In this example, the Sotup Group is accessed to change bI-01 from 0 to 1. This changes the source of the speed reference from the digital operator to the control citeuit terminals. fem - 37 os ere sg a Lummis | ia ~ mil ~ <1> Use the up and down arcow keys to sroll through the Setup Group, Press tie ENTER key fo view oretange parameter settings <2 To reuunto the previous menu witout saving changes press the ESC Key. Figure 4.6 Setup Group Example YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP CT10616 Z2A YASKAVVA AC OriveL ‘0008 Testi! Nanuat a Sanarconmnin EB escaiierene ™ Setup Group Parameters Table 4.4 lists parameters available by default in the Setup Group. Ifthe desired parameter is not listed in the Setup Group, go to the Programming Mode Table 4.4 Setup Group Parameters Panna Tam Framer co TOT | Svea Ree Sesto Tam] Maca Oubui Faia (cia? | Beeleson £16 | BseFrasscr 103 [spe eens Ms Rees Ca Note: Parameter availabilty depend onthe contr mode set in N1-02 that is used to run the chive and motor. Consequenil some of the parameters lise above may not be acessibie in esta conto modes Switching Between LOCAL and REMOTE When set to LOCAL, the Up/Down command is issued ftom the digital operator keypad, When set to REMOTE, the Up/ Down command is issued from another source To switch between LOCAL and REMOTE, use the LOIRE key. This key is disabled with default stings, but can be enabled by setting parameter 02-01 t0 1 Note: 1. When set for LOCAL, the light on the LOIRE iso 2. The drive cannos witch between LOCAL and REMOTE daring ran 1 Using the LOIRE Key on the Digital Operator ae Diener 1. | Tamonthe erste dive, Theil dpi pp ~ ese HEBD eros naw p neawvetinon noc romticiineite ior peaiin, posite MED oy au 88 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710516 S24 VASKAWAAC DrveLI0O0A Techical Manual 4 Start-Up Flowcharts 4.4 Start-Up Flowcharts This section covers basic setup for the drive, including Auto-Tuning procedures and corresponding flowcharts, Fellow the flowchart that matches the motor used in your application Fictat | [Fee [Austins hice YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP CT10616 Z2A YASKAVVA AC OriveL ‘0008 Testi! Nanuat Sanarconmnin EB escaiierene 4.4 Start-Up Flowcharts Flowchart A: Installation, Wit ‘The flowchart below cavers the basie procedure required to install the drive, motor, and elevator. See the other Moweharts in this chapter for instructions on first powering up the drive, parameter settings, and Auto-Tuning. aL Gis & ora wochanict sna page 97 ing, Basic Setup for Motor and Elevator sin Grea Wiring ompoge 5 hac scale poe sappy econ L oR fa ponar oe ave schera toss steneage concengappestn ot poner ‘Check mo ton don r T “Sel gpoTzo ovat diner siecle Say nts Seed, acarieraton ar oeloraton ramp sede stigsin gs evo Auo-Tnig er mcorparates athe oro eet Fe corr mates below, fro Fowehart 8: Aut-Tuning fer Induction Motors on page 82 Far Cond Cao Vecar fo PM. cr Flchart €:Auto-Tuning for PM Motors on i ia opsratr 10 (Shesdscctnr by gta eps sree ote sped Sete Sood Relorenca Suan ia poranatr 1-18 "Radia nde He onglagioli0 wma ah oor eens a ae eee I -Accseraonteceleraon rama (C10) + Pros sone eran (4130) ‘en stings 2-00) { Aecenratontecleraion rp (C157) The tatege (C205), Fresunia. As stings forte re secuencs ‘ae coment eS oe Figure 4.7 Installation, Wiring, Basic Setup for Motor and Elevator YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710516 S24 VASKAWAAC DrveLI0O0A Techical Manual 4.4 Start-Up Flowcharts Power On Before turning on the power supply + Make sure all wires are connected properly, Also make sure motor phases are connected in the right sequence, + Make sure that no screws, loose wire ends, or tools are left in the drive. + IP an encoder option card is used make sure the encoder is wired correcily and the power supply on the option card is set according to the encoder specification. After turning the power on, the drive made display should appear and no fault or alarm should he displayed. In case of any error refer to Drive Alarms, Faults, and Errors on page 224. Control Mode Selection ‘When the drive is first powered up, one of the four control modes must be selected to match the application. Note that Closed Loop Vector modes require encoder feedback cards. The table below indicates possible control modes depending, fn the motor type and shows the required eneader feedback card aching We oe Nate “Riaeeatina | — coder Option Cae Ope np Veo Co z Noeadrurel Thain wet ih real mer Com Lay Ver Coe 3 PER FO esmane ae io Wil ED 207 oa DOI > ‘sender uae IPM wear itive wed Motor Rotation Direction Setup Depending on the elevator configuration it might be necessary to change the motor direction in onder to have the elevator traveling up when the Up command is given to the drive. Do the following to check the motor rotation direction. + The drive puts out voltage in U-V-W phase sequence when an Up command is input. Check the motor rotation with this phase sequence (for most motors clockwise seen from the shat side). + Ifthe motor drives the clevator in up direction with a U-V-W sequence, make sure parameter bI-14 is set to 0. + IF the motor drives the elevator in down direction with a U-V-W sequence, set parameter b1-14 is set to 1 Note: Always perform motor rotation direction setup prior to seting the encoder rotation direction @ Encoder Setup ™ Encoder Resolution Setup remental signal in ease of absolute encoders with Sin/Cos tracks) in parameter F1-O1 EGperaton Set the encoder resolution (in B $ia-UpProgramming im Encoder Rotation Direction Setup Perform the following steps to make sure the encoder rotation diteetion is set up correctly in the drive finformation about the signal sequence of the encoder are available 1. Check the sequence of encoder phases A and B when the motor crives the elevator in up direction, 2. Ifthe encoder A phase leads phase 8, make suro F1-05 is set 0 0, 3. Ifthe encoder 8 phase leads phase A. make sure F1-05 is set to 1 Ino information about the signal sequence of the encoder are available 4. Tum the motor manually in olevaior up direction while checking the value of mor 2. Ifthe value in U1-05 is positive, the set encoder direction is correct. 3. Ifthe value in U1-05 is negative, aller the setting of parameter F1-05. Note: Always Setthe motor rotation direction prior to the encoder rotation decton. Refer to Motor Rotation Direction Setup on page 91. YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP CT10616 Z2A YASKAVVA AC OriveL ‘0008 Testi! Nanuat ao .4 Start-Up Flowcharts Digital Operator Display Unit Selection The drive allows to choose between different display units for speed related parameters and monitors, acceleration and deceleration ramp and jerk settings. The units can be selected using parameter 01-03 like shown below. Tapa Une ‘t3 Seti ea celesl Rare era SERS, eigen way” 7 e01ie 7 = Sc te ny mre se nf ii gen a ecatjse ii ccs Sol | tinsel mpeg 3 het puatonrs andra vr When using setting 4 to 6 certain mechanical data have to be programmed to the drive prior to changing 01-03. Perform the following steps. 1. Make sure motor data are set up cartectly. Verify the setting of the maximum output frequeney in parameter E104 and the seiting for the number of motor poles in parameter E2-04 or E5-04 2. Set the traction sheave diameter in units of mm te parameter 01-20, Set the correct roping to parameter 61-21. |. Ifa mechanical gear is used, set the gear ratio (tyauy/Mrpacen see! (© Parameter 01-22. Ifa gearbox is not used, make sure 01-22 is set to 1.0, 5. Change parameter 01-03 to setting 4 or 5, The unit and setting values of related parameters will be changed automatically 2 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710516 S24 VASKAWAAC DrveLI0O0A Techical Manual 4.4 Start-Up Flowcharts Flowchart B: Auto-Tuning for Induction Motors Seth Basbleck rout H-OC=W9 used ‘The flowchart below covers Auto-Tuning for induction motors operating with Vif Control, Open Loop Vector Control, or Closed Loop Vector Control epee ‘ceed Recah Abeuring 12 “aubening Ian LCD operator is used the display shows <2: Wan LCD operator ie weed, the deplay shows “Entry Accepted Awce-rnig Fait tection ney Press the Up ko un ‘hee th netrcortactrs, Frente Ran inyen fs cijictopet |) ‘Set wat ur Ao Tung se, End aula [ten tata Fhe reas aing ROWS ‘Ofer we moter consexrs) Open inns HC and HO HM aed sige imal aque, pen the Suselock put (H-C1N8) fe 1 10" detayes > Frossthe Upkey oti if 12 say <> Figure 4.8 Auto-Tuning for Induction Motors YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP CT10616 Z2A YASKAVVA AC OriveL ‘0008 Testi! Nanuat % saparrconenin EB escaiierene 4.4 Start-Up Flowcharts Flowchart C: Auto-Tuning for PM Motors ‘The flowchart belaw covers Auto-Tuning for permanent magnetic motors operating with Closed Loop Vector Control for PM motors. ‘attains HT ana FENG Gas Dine uncon aed Sotth Sandi opt H'-OC=¥2) se ooteo "rat ‘Aut Tening Fait Detecbon indeed on be doping ‘rho on he dioy rion ta Faia sours ae Fressthe Ukev un 10°I8 Press the Us ey ur ‘egea uo Teg. ‘eyed <> ‘deed o> iss fe Run fej one agial operon nd wat ut ito Tung ie. Flere Flowchart: Enoodor OMost Aut Tuning on page 96 vals rea? ‘Selec Rotational BacKEUF Constant Aso Tung T201=1 Prete one r Psi Rayon dgaapoai ‘Open Remar conacbs). (Opes ints HC ans HEC ne cig te ronal sequen, fee the Bastia ett O89) use <1 Ifen LCD operators used the display shows “Tuning Ready” <2 Ian LCD operator is used the dispay shows “Entry Accepied” Figure 4.9 Auto-Tuning for PM Motors 4 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710516 S24 VASKAWAAC DrveLI0O0A Techical Manual 4.4 Start-Up Flowcharts Flowchart D; Encoder Offset Auto-Tuning The flowchait below covers Rovational and Stationary Auto-Tuning procedures used to automatically sct up the encoder offset. Encoder Offset Tuning should be performed when the encoder offset (T2-17) is unknown, when an encoder offset value has been set but problems with the speed feedback accur or when the encoder has heen replaced, GT ‘Salamis HIN sma HNC W Sale sabe urcion ed Sotthe Basblck rout H-OD=He) uso T [Seba ital ogra Pos South Pormoter hve Treg T2OT=9 Piesse Up ey ulin iG” ilayed <> Presse Run eye he doll apertorar wat ur ‘sot wicade neces or ‘ung be moter (ern opti card an TUneipla naar md tha pashan er (ite sever (omove pes) T [Sei Stara Encoser omar A-Tunra] Rea Press he Upto "ite (0 ey ‘Sond cf Piss te Up wt = stove Pros fe ur yon the sip aperalor ‘ed wat on ig hos i Rowise tebe Snags 30 ros fe Fn hy on tho iil opraor Remave ne Fsuuiiam save 2rd wat ul AucrTuingis este ‘rd repeat Ae Tn opie tate Fane uo Turing FaultDetection ‘nage 27 Remora th Fallon source ‘ps post A Toning ‘Opa te meter contacts) (pent Sasclek input H-DO=8/9) fused. Remount ha ropa Freesat ing nig oi; the Tsp shows “Tuning Ready” Figure 4.10 Encoder Offset Auto-Tuning Man LCD operators YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP CT10616 Z2A YASKAVVA AC OriveL ‘0008 Testi! Nanuat 9% Sanarconmnin EB escaiierene

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