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First American Title Ins. Co. scrow #3 Escrow # 399426RC/JN a Order No. Escrow No. Loan No. WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: County of San Mateo “ Department of General Services “ County Government Center Redwood City, CA 94063 Attn: Lynda Green MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: CONVEYANCE TO A GOVERNMENT AGENCY eae 93208000 PYRDED AT REQUEST OF FAST AMERICAN TLE WSURANGE CO. '93 DEC 2 AN 8 00 WARREN SLOCUM RECORDER SAN MATEO COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S, USE Ton 7D Gans der aoe GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, KEET NERHAN, a married man, hereby GRANTS) to COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, a political subdivision of the state of California, the real property in the City of El Granada, California (unincorporated) County of San Mateo 1 State of California, See Exhibit "A" hereto, consisting of three (3) pages. THIS GRANT DEED INCLUDES, AS RESTRICTIONS, THOSE RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH IN PARAGRAPHS 6, 7, 8, 9, AND 10 OF THAT CERTAIN AGREEMENT ENTITLED " GREEMENT TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY" DATED OCTOBER 19, 1993. SAID RESTRICTIONS ARE ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "B, CONSISTING OF FOUR (4) PAGES. APN # 047-340-010 040 JPN # 047 034 340 01 A 04 A pag... November 29, 1993 CALICO be Sonor SBN" Bates oT on_ November 30, 1993 before ma, the undersigned a Notary Public In and for said State, per sonal appeared. personally known 19 me oF proved to me on tho bass of stistaclory ‘evidence) to be the persons] whose names) t/re subscribed tothe within instrument ond acknowledged to me that he/sheniney executed the same WITNESS my pa Sianatur MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE deseribed as 90080zcE 1002 (6/82) STAPLE HEHE General STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF AZ. ‘ Ade personaly inown to me (or proved tome on the basis of salafacory evidence) o be the persons) whose name) see subscribed othe ‘within inaroment and acnowledged tome that e/shefheyexected {he samein his/erhheir uboried capacity ies), and tha by hse! “ORFICIAL SEAL UAE ALL « nN c e 7 = PARCEL I: COMMENCING at a point on the Easterly line of Columbus Street, as said street is shown on that certain map entitled "MAP OF GRANADA SUB. NO. 1", filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Mateo County, State of California in Book 5 of Maps at page 43, said point being distant along the centerline of Cabrillo Avenue as shown on said map; North 85° 21° 42° East 10.00 feet and along said Easterly line of Columbus Street, North 4° 38" 18" West 213.67 feet and along a curve to the left with a radius of 84.85 feet @ distance of 82.74 feet from a concrete monument marking the center of Plaza Cabrillo as shown on said subdivision map; thence from said point of beginning, North 75° 09° 50" East 694.16 feet to a 1/2" pipe; thence South 52° 15° East 820.00 feet to a 1/2" pipe; thence North 37° 45° East 1380.00 feet toa 1/2” pipe; thence North 52° 15° West 856.83 feet to a 1/2" pipe set on the Northeasterly prolongation of the Northwesterly line of Santa Maria Avenue as shown on said Subdivision Map; thence along last said line, South 59° 26" 18" West 983.30 feet; thence South 45° 12° 30" West 475.98 feet; thence South 69° 18° 15" West 450.00 feet to the Easterly line of Columbus Street; thence along said Easterly line from a tangent that bears South 33° 0S" 52” East along a curve to the right with a radius of 814.85 feet through an angle of 22° 38° 29" a distance of 322.00 feet to the point of commencement. PARCEL i: ‘A non-exclusive easement for public and private utilities, landscaping, fencing and construction of appurtenant structures. Said easement being more particularly described as: A strip of land fifty feet (50.00") in width, running through the Lands of Half Moon Bay Properties (APN 047-330-010), said strip extending from the Northerly R/W line of State Highway, Rt. 56 (Cabrillo Highway) as shown on the State of California Right of Way Record Map Dist. 4, from San Mateo County, Rt. 56, Section D, Sheet 3 of 16, to the Southerly line of the Lands of J. L. Johnston as shown on that certain Records of Survey in Vol. 9 of L. L. S. Maps Pages 7-11, Records of San Mateo County,‘said fifty foot wide strip lying twenty five feet (25.00) on each side of the following described centerline: BEGINNING at the intersection of the said Northerly R/W line of State of California Rt. 56 with the Northerly subdivision line of Shore Acres Subdivision as shown on that certain map filed in Vol. 3 Pg. 95 Records of San Mateo County, thence from said Point of Beginning, along said Northerly R/W line, North 58° 24° 42" West 18.77 feet and North 64° 07" 20° West 210,00 feet to the True Point of Beginning of said centerline. EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 3 NnNNRNZee

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