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Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong

G.R. No. 155550. January 31, 2008.


P. CHIONG, respondent.

Evidence; Appeals; Factual findings of the lower courts

deserve the utmost respect and are not to be disturbed on appeal.—
We have scoured the records, and found no reason to depart from
the wellsettled rule that factual findings of the lower courts
deserve the utmost respect and are not to be disturbed on appeal.
Indeed, Chiong’s Northwest ticket for Flight No. 24 on April 1,
1989, coupled with the PCG stamps on his passport showing the
same date, is direct evidence that he was present at MIA on said
date as he intended to fly to the United States on board that
flight. As testified to by POEA personnel and officers, the PCG
stamp indicates that a departing seaman has passed through the
PCG counter at the airport, surrendered the exit pass, and
complied with government requirements for departing seafarers.
Calvo, Philimare’s liaison officer tasked to assist Chiong at the
airport, corroborated Chiong’s testimony on the latter’s presence
at the MIA and his check-in at the PCG counter without a hitch.
Calvo further testified that she purposely stayed at the PCG
counter to confirm that Chiong was able to board the plane, as it
was part of her duties as Philimare’s liaison officer, to confirm
with their principal, TransOcean in this case, that the seafarer
had left the country and commenced travel to the designated port
where the vessel is docked. Thus, she had observed that Chiong
was unable to check-in and board Northwest Flight No. 24, and
was actually being given the run-around by Northwest personnel.

Same; Witnesses; If a witness’ relationship with a party does

not ipso facto render him a biased witness in criminal cases where
the quantum of evidence required is proof beyond reasonable
doubt, there is no reason why the same principle should not apply
in civil cases where the quantum of evidence is only preponderance
of evidence.—It is of no moment that Chiong’s witnesses—who all
corroborated his testimony on his presence at the airport on, and 1/22

flight details for, April 1, 1989, and that he was subsequently





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Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong

off—are, likewise, employees of Philimare which may have an

interest in the outcome of this case. We intoned in Philippine
Airlines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 417 SCRA 196 (2003), thus:
(T)his Court has repeatedly held that a witness’
relationship to the victim does not automatically affect the
veracity of his or her testimony. While this principle is often
applied in criminal cases, we deem that the same principle may
apply in this case, albeit civil in nature. If a witness’
relationship with a party does not ipso facto render him a
biased witness in criminal cases where the quantum of
evidence required is proof beyond reasonable doubt, there
is no reason why the same principle should not apply in
civil cases where the quantum of evidence is only
preponderance of evidence.

Same; Burden of Proof; Burden of Evidence; Air

Transportation; Contracts of Carriage; Although initially, the
burden of proof was with the passenger to prove that there was a
breach of contract of carriage, the burden of evidence shifted to the
airline when the former adduced sufficient evidence to prove the
facts he had alleged—at that point, the airline had the burden of
going forward to controvert Chiong’s prima facie case, the burden
of evidence to establish its claim.—It is true that Chiong’s
passport and seaman service record book indicate that he had left
the country on April 17, 1989 and come back on October 5 of the
same year. However, this evidence fails to debunk the facts
established to have transpired on April 1, 1989, more particularly,
Chiong’s presence at the airport and his subsequent bumping-off
by Northwest despite a confirmed ticket. Although initially, the
burden of proof was with Chiong to prove that there was a breach
of contract of carriage, the burden of evidence shifted to
Northwest when Chiong adduced sufficient evidence to prove the
facts he had alleged. At that point, Northwest had the burden of 2/22

going forward to controvert Chiong’s prima facie case. As the

party asserting that Chiong was a “no-show” passenger,
Northwest then had the burden of evidence to establish its claim.
Regrettably, Northwest failed to do so.

Pleadings and Practice; Motions to Dismiss; Defenses and

objections not pleaded either in a motion to dismiss or in the
answer are deemed waived.—We uphold the RTC’s and CA’s
ruling that the failure of Northwest to raise the foregoing defense
in its Motion to Dismiss or Answer constituted a waiver thereof.
Section 1, Rule 9 of



Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong

the Rules of Court provides: SECTION 1. Defenses and objections

not pleaded.—Defenses and objections not pleaded either in
a motion to dismiss or in the answer are deemed waived.
However, when it appears from the pleadings or the evidence on
record that the court has no jurisdiction over the subject matter,
that there is another action pending between the same parties for
the same cause, or that the action is barred by a prior judgment
or by statute of limitations, the court shall dismiss the claim.
(Emphasis supplied)

Falsus in Uno, Falsus in Omnibus; Witnesses; The legal

maxim falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus is not a positive rule of
law and is not strictly applied in this jurisdiction—before this
maxim can be applied, the witness must be shown to have willfully
falsified the truth on one or more material points.—The legal
maxim falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus, cited by Northwest, is not
a positive rule of law and is not strictly applied in this
jurisdiction. Before this maxim can be applied, the witness must
be shown to have willfully falsified the truth on one or more
material points. The principle presupposes the existence of a
positive testimony on a material point contrary to subsequent
declarations in the testimony. However, the records show that
Chiong’s testimony did not contain inconsistencies on what
occurred on April 1, 1989. Yet, Northwest never even attempted
to explain or impugn the evidence that Chiong passed through the
PCG counter on April 1, 1989, and that his passport was
accordingly stamped, obviously for purposes of his departure on
that day. 3/22

Same; Same; The testimony of a witness must be considered in

its entirety instead of in truncated parts—the technique in
deciphering a testimony is not to consider only its isolated parts
and anchor a conclusion on the basis of said parts.—As to the
criminal case, it is well to note that there is no final
determination, as yet, of Chiong’s guilt by the courts. But even if
Chiong is adjudged guilty, it will have little effect on the outcome
of this case. As we held in Leyson v. Lawa, 504 SCRA 147 (2006):
The testimony of a witness must be considered in its entirety
instead of in truncated parts. The technique in deciphering a
testimony is not to consider only its isolated parts and anchor a
conclusion on the basis of said parts. In ascertaining the facts
established by a witness, everything stated by him on direct, cross
and redirect examinations must be calibrated and considered. It
must be stressed that facts imperfectly or erroneously


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Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong

stated in answer to one question may be supplied or explained as

qualified by his answer to other question. The principle falsus in
uno, falsus in omnibus is not strictly applied in this jurisdiction.
The doctrine deals only with the weight of evidence and is not a
positive rule of law, and the same is not an inflexible one of
universal application. The testimony of a witness can be believed
as to some facts and disbelieved as to others: x x x x Professor
Wigmore gives the following enlightening commentary: It may be
said, once for all, that the maxim is in itself worthless—first, in
point of validity, because in one form it merely contains in loose
fashion a kernel of truth which no one needs to be told, and in the
others, it is absolutely false as a maxim of life; and secondly, in
point of utility, because it merely tells the jury what they may do
in any event, not what they must do or must not do, and therefore
it is a superfluous form of words. It is also in practice pernicious,
first, because there is frequently a misunderstanding of its proper
force, and secondly, because it has become in the hands of many
counsel a mere instrument for obtaining new trials upon points
wholly unimportant in themselves.

Air Transportation; Contracts of Carriage; A contract of

carriage, in this case, air transport, is primarily intended to serve
the traveling public and thus, imbued with public interest—the
law governing common carriers consequently imposes an exacting 4/22

standard of conduct.—Time and again, we have declared that a

contract of carriage, in this case, air transport, is primarily
intended to serve the traveling public and thus, imbued with
public interest. The law governing common carriers consequently
imposes an exacting standard of conduct. As the aggrieved party,
Chiong only had to prove the existence of the contract and the fact
of its non-performance by Northwest, as carrier, in order to be
awarded compensatory and actual damages.

Damages; An award of moral damages, in breaches of

contract, is in order upon a showing that the defendant acted
fraudulently or in bad faith.—Under Article 2220 of the Civil
Code of the Philippines, an award of moral damages, in breaches
of contract, is in order upon a showing that the defendant acted
fraudulently or in bad faith. Bad faith does not simply connote
bad judgment or negligence. It imports a dishonest purpose or
some moral obliquity and conscious doing of a wrong. It means
breach of a known duty through some motive, interest or ill will
that partakes of the nature of fraud.



Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong

Bad faith is in essence a question of intention. In the case at

bench, the courts carefully examined the evidence as to the
conduct and outward acts of Northwest indicative of its inward
motive. It is borne out by the records that Chiong was given the
run-around at the Northwest check-in counter, instructed to deal
with a “man in barong” to obtain a boarding pass, and eventually
barred from boarding Northwest Flight No. 24 to accommodate an
American, W. Costine, whose name was merely inserted in the
Flight Manifest, and did not even personally check-in at the
counter. Under the foregoing circumstances, the award of
exemplary damages is also correct given the evidence that
Northwest acted in an oppressive manner towards Chiong.

Attorney’s Fees; Attorney’s fees may be awarded when a party

is compelled to litigate or incur expenses to protect his interest, or
where the defendant acted in gross and evident bad faith in
refusing to satisfy the plaintiff’s plainly valid, just and
demandable claim.—As for the award of attorney’s fees, while we
recognize that it is sound policy not to set a premium on the right
to litigate, we sustain the lower courts’ award thereof. Attorney’s
fees may be awarded when a party is compelled to litigate or incur 5/22

expenses to protect his interest, or where the defendant acted in

gross and evident bad faith in refusing to satisfy the plaintiff’s
plainly valid, just and demandable claim. In the case at bench,
Northwest deliberately breached its contract of carriage with
Chiong and then repeatedly refused to satisfy Chiong’s valid, just
and demandable claim. This unjustified refusal constrained
Chiong to not only lose income under the crew agreement, but to
further incur expenses and exert effort for almost two (2) decades
in order to protect his interests and vindicate his right. Therefore,
this Court deems it just and equitable to grant Chiong
P200,000.00 as attorney’s fees. The award is reasonable in view of
the time it has taken for this case to be resolved.

PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the

Court of Appeals.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

     Quisumbing, Torres for petitioner.
     Albert R. Palacios & Associates for respondent.

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Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong


Before us is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule

45 of the Rules of Court1 seeking the reversal of the Court
Appeals (CA) Decision in CA-G.R. CV No. 50308 which3
affirmed in toto the Regional Trial Court (RTC) Decision
holding petitioner Northwest Airlines, Inc. (Northwest)
liable for breach of contract of carriage.
On March 14, 1989, Philimare Shipping and Seagull
Maritime Corporation (Philimare), as the authorized
Philippine agent of TransOcean Lines (TransOcean), hired
respondent Steven Chiong as Third Engineer of
TransOcean’s vessel M/V Elbia at the San Diego, California
Port. Under the service crew agreement, Chiong was
guaranteed compensation at a monthly salary of
US$440.00 and a monthly overtime pay of US$220.00, or a
total of US$7,920.00 for one year.
Subsequently, on March 27, 1989, Philimare dispatched
a Letter of Guarantee to CL Hutchins & Co., Inc.,
TransOcean’s agent at the San Diego Port, confirming
Chiong’s arrival thereat in time to board the M/V Elbia
which was set to sail on April 1, 1989 (California, United
States time). For this purpose, Philimare purchased for 6/22

Chiong a Northwest plane ticket for San Diego, California

with a departure date of April 1, 1989 from Manila. Ten
(10) days before his scheduled departure, Chiong fetched
his entire family from Samar and brought them to Manila
to see him off at the airport.
On April 1, 1989, 4
Chiong arrived at the Manila
International Airport (MIA), at about 6:30 a.m., three (3)
hours before the scheduled time of departure. Marilyn
Calvo, Phili-


1 Penned by Associate Justice Mercedes Gozo-Dadole, with Associate

Justices Salvador J. Valdez, Jr. (deceased) and Juan Q. Enriquez, Jr.,
concurring; Rollo, pp. 91-101.
2 Dated April 11, 2002.
3 Dated May 26, 1995 and penned by Judge Enrico A. Lanzanas; Rollo,
pp. 655-685.
4 Now called the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).



Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong

mare’s Liaison Officer, met Chiong at the departure gate,

and the two proceeded to the Philippine Coast Guard
(PCG) Counter to present Chiong’s seaman service record
book for clearance. Thereafter, Chiong’s passport was duly
stamped, after complying with government requirements
for departing seafarers.
Calvo remained at the PCG Counter while Chiong
proceeded to queue at the Northwest check-in counter.5
When it was Chiong’s turn, the Northwest personnel
informed him that his name did not appear in the
computer’s list of confirmed departing passengers. Chiong
was then directed to speak to a “man in barong” standing
outside Northwest’s counters from whom Chiong could
allegedly obtain a boarding pass. Posthaste, Chiong
approached the “man in barong” who demanded US$100.00
in exchange therefor. Without the said amount, and
anxious to board the plane, Chiong queued a number of
times at Northwest’s Check-in Counter and presented his
ticket. However, the Northwest personnel at the counter
told him to simply wait and that he was being a pest.
Frustrated, Chiong went to Calvo at the PCG counter
and inquired if she had money so he could obtain a
boarding pass from the “man in barong.” Calvo, who 7/22

already saw that something was amiss, insisted that

Chiong’s plane ticket was confirmed and as such, he could
check-in smoothly and board the plane without shelling out
US$100.00 for a boarding pass. Ultimately, Chiong was not
allowed to board Northwest Flight No. 24 bound for San
Diego that day and, consequently, was unable to work at
the M/V Elbia by April 1, 1989 (California, U.S.A. time).
It appears that Chiong’s name was crossed out and
with “W. Costine” in Northwest’s Air Passenger


5 Presumably a Check-in Agent.

6 Records (Vol. II), p. 324.


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Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong

In a letter dated April 3, 1989, Chiong’s counsel demanded

as recompense: (1) the amount equivalent to Chiong’s 7
salary under the latter’s Crew Agreement with
TransOcean; (2) P15,000.00 for Chiong’s expenses in
fetching and bringing his family from Samar to Manila; (3)
P500,000.00 8
as moral damages; and (4) P500,000.00 as
legal fees.
Northwest demurred. Thus, on May 24, 1989, Chiong
filed a Complaint for breach of contract of carriage before
the RTC. Northwest filed a Motion to Dismiss the
complaint citing the trial court’s lack of jurisdiction over
the subject
matter of the case, but the trial court denied the
same. 11
In its Answer, Northwest contradicted the claim that it
breached its contract of carriage with Chiong, reiterating
that Chiong had no cause of action against it because per
its records, Chiong was a “no-show” passenger for
Northwest Flight No. 24 on April 1, 12
In the RTC’s Pre-trial13 Order based on the parties’
respective Pre-trial Briefs, the triable issues were limited
to the following:

(a) Whether [Chiong] was bumped-off by [Northwest]

from Flight NW 24 or whether [Chiong] “no-
showed” for said flight.
(b) If defendant is found guilty of having breached its
contract of carriage with plaintiff, what damages 8/22

are awardable to plaintiff and how much.

In the course of proceedings, Northwest, on September 14,

1990, filed a separate criminal complaint for False Testi-


7 US$7,920.00 as basic annual salary, plus vacation leave with pay and
8 Records (Vol. I), pp. 147-148.
9 Id., at pp. 17-24.
10 Id., at pp. 94-97.
11 Id., at pp. 111-113.
12 Id., at p. 161.
13 Chiong’s Pre-Trial Brief, id., at pp. 125-134.



Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong

mony against Chiong based on the latter’s testimony that
he did not leave the Philippines after April 1, 1989 contrary
to the notations in his seaman service record book that he
had left the country on April 17, 1989, and returned on
October 5 of the same year. Chiong did not participate in
the preliminary investigation; thus, on December 14, 1990,
the City Prosecutor of Manila filed an Information against
Chiong with the RTC Manila, Branch 54, docketed as
Criminal Case No. 90-89722.
In the meantime, after a flurry of motions filed by
Northwest in the civil case were denied by the RTC,
Northwest filed a Petition for Certiorari before the CA 15
imputing grave abuse of discretion to the RTC.
Correlatively, Northwest moved for a suspension of the
proceedings before the trial court. However, both the
Petition for Certiorari and Motion for Suspension of the 16
proceedings were denied by the CA and RTC, respectively.
After trial, the RTC rendered a Decision finding
preponderance of evidence in favor of Chiong, and holding
Northwest liable for breach of contract of carriage. The
RTC ruled that the evidence adduced by the parties
supported the conclusion that Chiong was deliberately
prevented from checking-in and his boarding pass
unjustifiably withheld to accommodate an American
passenger by the name of W. Costine.
The dispositive portion of the RTC decision reads: 9/22

“WHEREFORE, premises considered, in consideration of all the

foregoing, judgment is hereby rendered, ordering the defendant
liable to plaintiff in damages by reason of the latter’s inability to
take defendant’s NW Flight No. 24 on April 1, 1989, for the
following amounts:


14 Under Art. 180 of the Revised Penal Code.

15 Records (Vol. I), pp. 460-484.
16 Rollo, p. 455.


VOL. 543, JANUARY 31, 2008 317

Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong
1) U.S.$8,447.00 or its peso equivalent at the time of
finality of this judgment with legal interests until fully
paid, representing compensatory damages due to
plaintiff’s loss of income for one (1) year as a direct result
of defendant’s breach of contract of carriage;
2) P15,000.00, Philippine Currency, representing plaintiff’s
actual incurred damages as a consequence of his failure to
avail of defendant’s Flight No. 24 on April 1, 1989;
3) P200,000.00, Philippine Currency, representing moral
damages suffered and sustained by the plaintiff as a result
of defendant’s breach of contract of carriage;
4) P200,000.00, Philippine Currency, representing exemplary
or punitive damages due to plaintiff from defendant,
owing to the latter’s breach of contract of carriage with
malice and fraud; and
5) P200,000.00, Philippine Currency, for and as attorney’s
fees, plus costs of suit.


On appeal, the CA affirmed in toto the ruling of the RTC.

Identical to the RTC’s findings, those of the CA were as
follows: on April 1, 1989, Chiong was at the MIA three
hours before the 10:15 a.m. departure time for Northwest
Flight No. 24. Contrary to Northwest’s claim that Chiong
was a “noshow” passenger, the CA likewise concluded, as
the RTC did, that Chiong was not allowed to check-in and
was not issued a boarding pass at the Northwest check-in
counter to accommodate a certain W. Costine. As for
Northwest’s defense that Chiong had left the country after 10/22

April 1, 1989 and worked for M/V Elbia, the CA ruled that
Northwest’s failure to raise this defense in its Answer or
Motion to Dismiss is equivalent to a waiver thereof. The
CA declared that, in any event, Northwest failed to present
any evidence to prove that Chiong had worked under the
original crew agreement.
Hence, this recourse.


17 See note 7.



Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong

Northwest ascribes grievous errors to the CA when the

appellate court ruled that: (1) Northwest breached the
contract of carriage with Chiong who was present at the
MIA on April 1, 1989 to board Northwest’s Flight No. 24;
(2) As a result of the breach, Northwest is liable to Chiong
for compensatory, actual, moral and exemplary damages,
attorney’s fees, and costs of suit; and (3) Northwest’s
Exhibits “2” and “3,” the Flight Manifest and the Passenger
Name Record, respectively, were hearsay evidence and
ought to be excluded from the records.
The petition must fail.
We are in complete accord with the common ruling of
the lower courts that Northwest breached the contract of
carriage with Chiong, and as such, he is entitled to
compensatory, actual, moral and exemplary damages,
attorney’s fees and costs of suit.
Northwest contends that Chiong, as a “no-show”
passenger on April 1, 1989, already defaulted in his
obligation to abide 18by the terms and conditions of the
contract of carriage; and thus, Northwest could not have
been in breach of its reciprocal obligation to transport
Chiong. In sum, Northwest insists that Chiong’s testimony
is a complete fabrication, supposedly demonstrated by the
following: (1) Chiong’s seaman service record book reflects
that he left the Philippines after April 1, 1989, specifically
on April 17, 1989, to board the M/V Elbia, and was
discharged therefrom upon his personal request; (2) the
Information filed against Chiong for False Testimony; and
(3) the Flight Manifest and the Passenger Name Record
both indicate that he was a “no-show” passenger.
We are not convinced. 11/22

The records reveal that Chiong, as plaintiff in the trial

court, satisfied the burden of proof required in civil cases,
i.e., preponderance of evidence. Section 1 of Rule 133


18 The “Conditions of Contract” is written at the back of the airplane



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Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong

“SECTION 1. Preponderance of evidence, how determined.—In

civil cases, the party having the burden of proof must establish
his case by a preponderance of evidence. In determining where
the preponderance or superior weight of evidence on the issues
involved lies, the court may consider all the facts and
circumstance of the case, the witnesses’ manner of testifying,
their intelligence, their means and opportunity of knowing the
facts to which they are testifying, the nature of the facts to which
they testify, the probability or improbability of their testimony,
their interest or want of interest, and also their personal
credibility so far as the same may legitimately appear upon the
trial. The court may also consider the number of witnesses,
though preponderance is not necessarily with the greater

In this regard, the Court notes that, in addition to his

testimony, Chiong’s evidence consisted of a Northwest
ticket for the April 1, 1989 Flight No. 24, Chiong’s passport
and seaman service record book duly stamped at the PCG 19
counter, and the testimonies of Calvo, Florencio Gomez,
and Philippine Overseas Employment and Administration
(POEA) personnel who all identified the signature and
stamp of the PCG on Chiong’s passport.
We have scoured the records, and found no reason to
depart from the well-settled rule that factual findings of
the lower courts deserve 20
the utmost respect and are not to
be disturbed on appeal. Indeed, Chiong’s Northwest ticket
for Flight No. 24 on April 1, 1989, coupled with the PCG
stamps on his passport showing the same date, is direct
evidence that he was present at MIA on said date as he
intended to fly to the United States on board that flight. As
testified to by POEA personnel and officers, the PCG stamp
indicates that a departing seaman has passed through the 12/22

PCG counter at the airport, surrendered the exit pass, and

complied with gov-


19 Assistant Manager of Philimare.

20 Lambert v. Heirs of Ray Castillon, G.R. No. 160709, February 23,
2005, 452 SCRA 285, 290, citing Imperial v. Jaucian, 427 SCRA 517



Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong

ernment requirements for departing seafarers. Calvo,

Philimare’s liaison officer tasked to assist Chiong at the
airport, corroborated Chiong’s testimony on the latter’s
presence at the MIA and his check-in at the PCG counter
without a hitch. Calvo further testified that she purposely
stayed at the PCG counter to confirm that Chiong was able
to board the plane, as it was part of her duties as
Philimare’s liaison officer, to confirm with their principal,
TransOcean in this case, that the seafarer had left the
country and commenced travel 21
to the designated port
where the vessel is docked. Thus, she had observed that
Chiong was unable to check-in and board Northwest Flight
No. 24, and was actually being given the run-around by
Northwest personnel.
It is of no moment that Chiong’s witnesses—who all
corroborated his testimony on his presence at the airport
on, and flight details for, April 1, 1989, and that he was
subsequently bumped-off—are, likewise, employees of
Philimare which may have an interest in the outcome of
this case.22 We intoned in Philippine Airlines, Inc. v. Court of
Appeals, thus:

“(T)his Court has repeatedly held that a witness’

relationship to the victim does not automatically affect the
veracity of his or her testimony. While this principle is often
applied in criminal cases, we deem that the same principle may
apply in this case, albeit civil in nature. If a witness’
relationship with a party does not ipso facto render him a
biased witness in criminal cases where the quantum of
evidence required is proof beyond reasonable doubt, there
is no reason why the same principle should not apply in
civil cases where the quantum of evidence is only
preponderance of evidence.” 13/22

The foregoing documentary and testimonial evidence,

taken together, amply establish the fact that Chiong was
present at MIA on April 1, 1989, passed through the PCG


21 TSN, August 1, 1990, pp. 9-14.

22 462 Phil. 649, 666; 417 SCRA 196, 207 (2003). (Emphasis supplied.)


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Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong

counter without delay, proceeded to the Northwest check-in

counter, but when he presented his confirmed ticket
thereat, he was not issued a boarding pass, and ultimately
barred from boarding Northwest Flight No. 24 on that day.
In stark contrast is Northwest’s bare-faced claim that
Chiong was a “no-show” passenger, and was scheduled to
leave the country only on April 17, 1989. As previously
discussed, the records belie this assertion. It is also
noteworthy that Northwest did not present any evidence to
support its belated defense that Chiong departed from the
Philippines on April 17, 1989 to work as Third Engineer on
board M/V Elbia under the original crew agreement.
It is true that Chiong’s passport and seaman service
record book indicate that he had left the country on April
17, 1989 and come back on October 5 of the same year.
However, this evidence fails to debunk the facts established
to have transpired on April 1, 1989, more particularly,
Chiong’s presence at the airport and his subsequent
bumping-off by Northwest despite a confirmed ticket.
Although initially, the burden of proof was with Chiong to
prove that there was a breach of contract of carriage, the
burden of evidence shifted to Northwest when Chiong
adduced sufficient evidence to prove the facts he had
alleged. 23At that point, Northwest had the burden of going
forward to controvert Chiong’s prima facie case. As the
party asserting that Chiong was a “no-show” passenger,
Northwest then had the burden of evidence to establish its
claim. Regrettably, Northwest failed to do so.
Furthermore, it has not escaped our attention that
Northwest, despite the declaration in its Pre-Trial Brief,
did not present as24 a witness their check-in agent on that
contentious date. This omission was detrimental to
Northwest’s case considering its claim that Chiong did not 14/22

check-in at their counters on said date. It simply insisted

that Chiong was a


23 In our rule on evidence, also called burden of evidence.

24 Records (Vol. I), p. 123.



Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong

“no-show” passenger and totally relied on the Flight

Manifest, which, curiously, showed a horizontal line drawn
across Chiong’s name, and the name W. Costine written
above it. The reason for the insertion, or for Chiong’s
allegedly being a “no-show” passenger, is not even recorded
on the remarks column of the Flight Manifest beside the
Passenger Name column. Clearly, the categorical
declaration of Chiong and his other witnesses, coupled with
the PCG stamp on his passport and seaman service record
book, prevails over Northwest’s evidence, particularly the
Flight Manifest. Thus, we are perplexed why, despite the
evidence presented by Chiong, and the RTC’s specific order
to Northwest’s counsel to present the person(s) who
prepared the Flight Manifest and Passenger Name Record
for a proper identification of, and to testify on, those
documents, Northwest still insisted on presenting
Gonofredo Mendoza and Amelia Meris25 who were,
admittedly, not competent to testify thereon.
In its desperate attempt to evade liability for the breach,
Northwest claims that Chiong worked at M/V Elbia when
he left the Philippines on April 17, 1989. The argument
was not only belatedly raised, as we have repeatedly
stated, but is offtangent.
On this point, we uphold the RTC’s and CA’s ruling that
the failure of Northwest to raise the foregoing defense in its
Motion to Dismiss or Answer constituted a waiver thereof.
Section 1, Rule 9 of the Rules of Court provides:

“SECTION 1. Defenses and objections not pleaded.—Defenses

and objections not pleaded either in a motion to dismiss or
in the answer are deemed waived. However, when it appears
from the pleadings or the evidence on record that the court has no
jurisdiction over the subject matter, that there is another action
pending between the same parties for the same cause, or that the 15/22

action is barred by a prior judgment or by statute of limitations,

the court shall dismiss the claim.” (Emphasis supplied)


25 Rollo, pp. 465-472, 499-510.


VOL. 543, JANUARY 31, 2008 323

Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong

Similarly, Section 8, Rule 15 of the Rules of Court reads:

“SECTION 8. Omnibus Motion.—Subject to the provisions of

section 1 of Rule 9, a motion attacking a pleading, order,
judgment, or proceeding shall include all objections then
available, and all objections not so included shall be deemed

Moreover, Northwest paints a scenario that ostensibly

transpired on a different date. Even if Chiong left the
Philippines on April 17, 1989, it would not necessarily
prove that Chiong was a “no-show” on April 1, 1989.
Neither does it negate the already established fact that
Chiong had a confirmed ticket for April 1, 1989, and first
passed through the PCG counter without delay, then
reached and was at the Northwest check-in counters on
time for the scheduled flight.
Essentially, Northwest argues that Chiong was a “no-
show” passenger on two (2) separate occasions, March 28
and April 1, 1989 because he was actually scheduled to
depart for the US on April 17, 1989 as ostensibly evidenced
by his passport and seaman record book. Had this new
matter alleged been proven by Northwest, it would prevent
or bar recovery by Chiong. Unfortunately, Northwest was
unsuccessful in proving not only the “no-show” claim, but
that Chiong, likewise, worked under the original crew
Northwest likewise insists—now that there is a pending
criminal case for False Testimony against Chiong—that a
falsified part of Chiong’s testimony would indicate the
falsity of his entire testimony,
consistent with the “falsus in
uno, falsus in omnibus” doctrine. Following Northwest’s
flawed logic, this would invariably lead to the conclusion
that the corroborating testimonies of Chiong’s witnesses
are also false. 16/22

The legal maxim falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus, cited

by Northwest, is not a positive rule of law and is not
strictly applied in this jurisdiction. Before this maxim can
be applied, the witness must be shown to have willfully
falsified the truth


26 False in one, false in everything.



Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong

on one or more material points. The principle presupposes

the existence of a positive testimony on a material point
contrary to subsequent declarations in the testimony.
However, the records show that Chiong’s testimony did not
contain inconsistencies on what occurred on April 1, 1989.
Yet, Northwest never even attempted to explain or impugn
the evidence that Chiong passed through the PCG counter
on April 1, 1989, and that his passport was accordingly
stamped, obviously for purposes of his departure on that
As to the criminal case, it is well to note that there is no
final determination, as yet, of Chiong’s guilt by the courts.
But even if Chiong is adjudged guilty, it will have little
effect on
the outcome of this case. As we held in Leyson v.

“The testimony of a witness must be considered in its entirety

instead of in truncated parts. The technique in deciphering a
testimony is not to consider only its isolated parts and anchor a
conclusion on the basis of said parts. In ascertaining the facts
established by a witness, everything stated by him on direct, cross
and redirect examinations must be calibrated and considered.
It must be stressed that facts imperfectly or erroneously stated
in answer to one question may be supplied or explained as
qualified by his answer to other question. The principle falsus in
uno, falsus in omnibus is not strictly applied in this jurisdiction.
The doctrine deals only with the weight of evidence and is not a
positive rule of law, and the same is not an inflexible one of
universal application. The testimony of a witness can be believed
as to some facts and disbelieved as to others:
Professor Wigmore gives the following enlightening
commentary: 17/22

It may be said, once for all, that the maxim is in itself worthless—first, in
point of validity, because in one form it merely contains in loose fashion a
kernel of truth which no one needs to be told, and in the others, it is
absolutely false as a maxim of life; and secondly, in point of utility,
because it


27 G.R. No. 150756, October 11, 2006, 504 SCRA 147, 161-162.


VOL. 543, JANUARY 31, 2008 325

Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong

merely tells the jury what they may do in any event, not what they must
do or must not do, and therefore it is a superfluous form of words. It is
also in practice pernicious, first, because there is frequently a
misunderstanding of its proper force, and secondly, because it has become
in the hands of many counsel a mere instrument for obtaining new trials
upon points wholly unimportant in themselves.

From the foregoing disquisition, the ineluctable conclusion

is that Northwest breached its contract of carriage with
Time and again, we have declared that a contract of
carriage, in this case, air transport, is primarily intended to
serve the traveling public and thus, imbued with public
interest. The law governing common carriers consequently
imposes an exacting standard of conduct. As the aggrieved
party, Chiong only had to prove the existence of the
contract and the fact of its non-performance by Northwest,
as carrier, in order to be awarded compensatory and actual
We reiterate that Northwest failed to prove its claim
that Chiong worked on M/V Elbia from April 17 to October
5, 1989 under the original crew agreement. Accordingly, we
affirm the lower court’s finding on Chiong’s entitlement to
actual and compensatory damages.
We, likewise, uphold the findings of both courts on
Northwest’s liability for moral and exemplary damages,
and attorney’s fees.
Under Article 2220 of the Civil Code of the Philippines,
an award of moral damages, in breaches of contract, is in
order upon a showing that the defendant acted
fraudulently or in bad faith. Bad faith 28does not simply
connote bad judgment or negligence. It imports a 18/22

dishonest purpose29
or some moral obliquity and conscious
doing of a wrong. It means breach of


28 BPI Family Savings Bank v. Franco, G.R. No. 123498, November 23,
2007, 538 SCRA 184.
29 Id.



Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong

a known duty through some motive, 30

interest or ill will that
partakes of the nature31
of fraud. Bad faith is in essence a
question of intention.
In the case at bench, the courts carefully examined the
evidence as to the conduct and outward acts of Northwest
indicative of its inward motive. It is borne out by the
records that Chiong was given the run-around at the
Northwest check-in counter, instructed to deal with a “man
in barong” to obtain a boarding pass, and eventually barred
from boarding Northwest Flight No. 24 to accommodate an
American, W. Costine, whose name was merely inserted in
the Flight Manifest,
and did not even personally check-in
at the counter.
Under the foregoing circumstances, the award of
exemplary damages is also correct given the evidence that
acted in an oppressive manner towards


30 Lopez v. Pan American World Airways, 123 Phil. 256, 264265; 16

SCRA 431, 438 (1966).
31 China Airlines, Ltd. v. Court of Appeals, 453 Phil. 959, 979; 406
SCRA 113, 127 (2003).
32 TSN, October 6, 1992, p. 29.
33 Articles 2232 in relation to Article 2234 of the Civil Code:

Art. 2232. In contracts and quasi-contracts, the court may award exemplary
damages if the defendant acted in a wanton, fraudulent, reckless, oppressive, or
malevolent manner.
Art. 2234. While the amount of the exemplary damages need not be proved, the
plaintiff must show that he is entitled to moral, temperate or compensatory
damages before the court may consider the question of whether or not exemplary 19/22

damages should be awarded. In case liquidated damages have been agreed upon,
although no proof of loss is necessary in order that such liquidated damages may
be recovered, nevertheless, before the court may consider the question of granting
exemplary in addition to the liquidated damages, the plaintiff must show that he
would be entitled to moral, temperate or compen


VOL. 543, JANUARY 31, 2008 327

Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong

As for the award of attorney’s fees, while we recognize that

it is sound
policy not to set a premium on the right to
litigate, we sustain the lower courts’ award thereof.
Attorney’s fees may be awarded when a party is
compelled 35
to litigate or incur expenses to protect his
interest, or where the defendant acted in gross and
evident bad faith in refusing to satisfy36 the plaintiff’s
plainly valid, just and demandable claim. In the case at
bench, Northwest deliberately breached its contract of
carriage with Chiong and then repeatedly refused to satisfy
Chiong’s valid, just and demandable claim. This unjustified
refusal constrained Chiong to not only lose income under
the crew agreement, but to further incur expenses and
exert effort for almost two (2) decades in order to protect
his interests and vindicate his right. Therefore, this Court
deems it just and equitable to grant Chiong P200,000.00 as
attorney’s fees. The award is reasonable37 in view of the time
it has taken for this case to be resolved.
Finally, the issue of the exclusion of Northwest’s
Exhibits “2” and “3” need not detain us long. Suffice it to
state that the RTC and CA correctly excluded these
documents as hearsay evidence. We quote with favor the
CA’s holding thereon, thus:

‘As a rule, “entries made at, or near the time of the transactions to
which they refer, by a person deceased, or unable to testify, who
was in a position to know the facts therein stated, may be
received as prima facie evidence, if such person made the entries
in his professional capacity or in the performance of a duty and in
the ordinary or regular course of business or duty.” [Rule 130,
Section 43, Revised Rules of Court]
Otherwise stated, in order to be admissible as entries in the
course of business, it is necessary that: (a) the person who made

_______________ 20/22

satory damages were it not for the stipulation for liquidated damages.
34 Supra note 28.
35 CIVIL CODE, Art. 2208, par. 2.
36 CIVIL CODE, Art. 2208, par. 5.
37 Supra note 28.



Northwest Airlines, Inc. vs. Chiong

entry must be dead or unable to testify; (b) the entries were made
at or near the time of the transactions to which they refer; (c) the
entrant was in a position to know the facts stated in the entries;
(d) the entries were made in his professional capacity or in the
performance of a duty; and (e) the entries were made in the
ordinary or regular course of business or duty.
Tested by these requirements, we find the manifest and
passenger name record to be mere hearsay evidence. While there
is no necessity to bring into court all the employees who
individually made the entries, it is sufficient that the person who
supervised them while they were making the entries testify that
the account was prepared under his supervision and that the
entries were regularly entered in the ordinary course of business.
In the case at bench, while MENDOZA was the supervisor
on-duty on April 1, 1989, he has no personal knowledge of
the entries in the manifest since he did not supervise the
preparation thereof. More importantly, no evidence was
presented to prove that the employee who made the
entries was dead nor did the defendant-appellant set forth
the circumstances38 that would show the employee’s
inability to testify.’

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is hereby

DENIED. The ruling of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R.
CV No. 50308 is hereby AFFIRMED. Costs against the

          Ynares-Santiago (Chairperson), Austria-Martinez,

Corona** and Reyes, JJ., concur.

Petition denied, ruling affirmed.

Notes.—The operation of an international passenger

airport terminal is no doubt an undertaking imbued with
public interest. (Agan, Jr. vs. Philippine International Air
Terminal Co., Inc., 402 SCRA 612 [2003]) 21/22


38 Rollo, p. 100. (Emphasis supplied.)

** In lieu of Justice Minita V. Chico-Nazario, per Special Order No. 484
dated January 11, 2008.


VOL. 543, JANUARY 31, 2008 329

Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company vs.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue

While it may be true that an airline has the duty to inspect

whether its passengers have the necessary travel
documents, such duty does not extend to checking the
veracity of every entry in such documents—an airline could
not vouch for the authenticity of a passport and the
correctness of the entries therein. (Japan Airlines vs.
Asuncion, 449 SCRA 544 [2005])


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