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Analysing film – CAMELS

Camera work
- This scene has a long shot size, this gives us an idea of setting whilst not losing an
indication of what is happening in the scene.
- The angle of the shot is; eye level, this allows the viewers to feel as if they are there,
watching the springboks train.
- The focus of the shot is rack. The shot begins showing the whole field, but then
focuses in onto Pienaar doing a drill.
- The movement of the shot begins static; however, it then tracks Pienaar is he runs
into one of the tackling bags, the tracking creates a sense of energy.
- The point of view is third person or a spectator’s view.

- The facial expression of the players training is determined.
- As they are playing rugby the body language is fairly aggressive and athletic.
- Posture^
Mise en scene
- In terms of costume probs and objects the players are wearing uniform and they are
using rugby bags. There is also a goal set up to further indicate that they are playing
- The location is a rugby oval, it is surrounded by trees and we can see a mountain in
the background.
- We can hear whisting and grunts

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