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1. Based on the general meeting of shareholders of PT White Diamond, dated 7th

January 2019. We proudly annouce that we place new building at:
Diamon Main Tower Building
Jl. Merdeka no. 45 Palembang

At the bussiness activities in our new place will be effective at 21st January 2019. The
correspondence will be addressed to our new address. Our phone number and fax will be
change into (0711) 88777969. There is no change in ownership, company name, staff,
website and email address. Our old building will be used for our subsidiary.
We do hope that all the bussiness activities will run better at our more spacious ans
comfortable place. Thank you for your attention
The aim of the text is to announce_____
a. The change of ownership
b. The new company’s email
c. The new company’s website
d. The company’s name change
e. The moving of company’s location

2. Based on the general meeting of shareholders of PT White Diamond, dated 7th

January 2019. We proudly annouce that we place new building at:
Diamon Main Tower Building
Jl. Merdeka no. 45 Palembang

At the bussiness activities in our new place will be effective at 21st January 2019. The
correspondence will be addressed to our new address. Our phone number and fax will be
change into (0711) 88777969. There is no change in ownership, company name, staff,
website and email address. Our old building will be used for our subsidiary.
We do hope that all the bussiness activities will run better at our more spacious ans
comfortable place. Thank you for your attention
It can be implied from the text that ______
a. The office is much better than the old one
b. The new building is occupied by subsidiary
c. The announcement is addressed to the staff only
d. The electronic letter is addressed to the new address
e. The policy will be done a month after the General Meeting

3. Attention, Please!
We have received a notice from the State Electricity Company, announced that many
electrical installations needs improvement.

Due to the repair of electrical installations, the State Electricity Company will break the
circuit. Concenquestly, blackouts will accur around the area of our company today between 9
a.m and 3 p.m.
It is actually a big problem to our company since all equipment use electricity. We will use a
generator for electrical supply.

However, the generator has limited power. We expect that all rooms swicth off unnecessary
electrical devices, especially air conditioners. It will uncomportable, but there are no other
Please be adviced. Thank you.
who is the text addressed to?
a. Managers
b. Employers
c. Employees
d. Security officers
e. Room caretakers

4. Attention, Please!
We have received a notice from the State Electricity Company, announced that many
electrical installations needs improvement.

Due to the repair of electrical installations, the State Electricity Company will break the
circuit. Concenquestly, blackouts will accur around the area of our company today between 9
a.m and 3 p.m.

It is actually a big problem to our company since all equipment use electricity. We will use a
generator for electrical supply.

However, the generator has limited power. We expect that all rooms swicth off unnecessary
electrical devices, especially air conditioners. It will uncomportable, but there are no other
Please be adviced. Thank you.
After reading the text, the addressesees probably will ______
a. Leave their office rooms
b. Turn on the generator
c. Move to an open area
d. Turn on the airconditioner
e. Open windows for fresh air

5. Last week, I went to school by bus. On the way home, I boarded bus alone because I
had to attend on OSIS meeting. I sat on the second row. On the way, a teen boarded on the
bus. He sat on the second row too beside my seat.

After a few minutes, he noticed me. When I saw him, he bowed his head. It happened
several times. I was afraid. I stopped at the bus stop near my house. I alighted from the bus,
bu he was behind me. I walked fast to my home, he followed me. When I opened the gate at
home, he called my name. I stopped and looked at back. He smiled and said that he was
Danu, my friend at elementary school. On the bus, he wanted to greet me, but he doubted
me. Therefore, he made sure that is was me by following me. The we chitchatted at my
home. He was really fat when he was at elementary school, now his body is in shape.
The writer went home ______
a. Sadly
b. Calmly
c. Slowly
d. Hurriedly
e. Happily

6. The history of Alhambra is linked with geographical place where it is located:

Granada, Spain. On a rocky hill that is dificult to access, on the banks of the River Darro,
protected by mountains and surrounded by woods, among the oldest quarters in the city, the
Alhambra rises up like an imposng castle with redish tones in its ramparts that prevent the
outside world from seeing the delicate beauty the enclose.

Originally designed as military area, the Alhambra become the residence of royalty and of
the court of Granada in the middle of nineteenth century, after the establishment of the
Nasrid kingdom and the construction of the first palace, by the founder king Mohammed ibn
Yusuf ben Nasr, better known as Alhamar.

Throughout the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the fortress became a citadel
with high ramparts and defensive towers, which house two main areas: the military area, or
Alcazaba, the barracks of the royal guard, and the medina of court city, the location of the
famous Nasrid Palaces and the remains of the houses noblemen and plebeians who lived
there. The Charles V Palace, (which was built after the city was taken by Catholic Monarchs in
1492) is also in the medina.

The complex of monuments also has an independent palace opposite the Alhambra,
surrounded by orchards and gardens, which was where the Granadine kings relaxed: the
(adopted from: http:/ 6th December 2018)

What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

a. To promote a tourist resort
b. To describe a historical place
c. The relate the history of a place
d. To tell us about the past history
e. To inform us about a great kingdom

7. The history of Alhambra is linked with geographical place where it is located:

Granada, Spain. On a rocky hill that is dificult to access, on the banks of the River Darro,
protected by mountains and surrounded by woods, among the oldest quarters in the city, the
Alhambra rises up like an imposng castle with redish tones in its ramparts that prevent the
outside world from seeing the delicate beauty the enclose.

Originally designed as military area, the Alhambra become the residence of royalty and of
the court of Granada in the middle of nineteenth century, after the establishment of the
Nasrid kingdom and the construction of the first palace, by the founder king Mohammed ibn
Yusuf ben Nasr, better known as Alhamar.

Throughout the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the fortress became a citadel
with high ramparts and defensive towers, which house two main areas: the military area, or
Alcazaba, the barracks of the royal guard, and the medina of court city, the location of the
famous Nasrid Palaces and the remains of the houses noblemen and plebeians who lived
there. The Charles V Palace, (which was built after the city was taken by Catholic Monarchs in
1492) is also in the medina.

The complex of monuments also has an independent palace opposite the Alhambra,
surrounded by orchards and gardens, which was where the Granadine kings relaxed: the
(adopted from: http:/ 6th December 2018)

From the text we know that Alhambra is ______

a. A palace and fortress complex
b. A castle and military area
c. An old military headquarter
d. Another name of Granada
e. A famous fortress in Granada

8. The history of Alhambra is linked with geographical place where it is located:

Granada, Spain. On a rocky hill that is dificult to access, on the banks of the River Darro,
protected by mountains and surrounded by woods, among the oldest quarters in the city, the
Alhambra rises up like an imposng castle with redish tones in its ramparts that prevent the
outside world from seeing the delicate beauty the enclose.

Originally designed as military area, the Alhambra become the residence of royalty and of
the court of Granada in the middle of nineteenth century, after the establishment of the
Nasrid kingdom and the construction of the first palace, by the founder king Mohammed ibn
Yusuf ben Nasr, better known as Alhamar.

Throughout the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the fortress became a citadel
with high ramparts and defensive towers, which house two main areas: the military area, or
Alcazaba, the barracks of the royal guard, and the medina of court city, the location of the
famous Nasrid Palaces and the remains of the houses noblemen and plebeians who lived
there. The Charles V Palace, (which was built after the city was taken by Catholic Monarchs in
1492) is also in the medina.

The complex of monuments also has an independent palace opposite the Alhambra,
surrounded by orchards and gardens, which was where the Granadine kings relaxed: the
(adopted from: http:/ 6th December 2018)

What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

a. The Charles V Palace is also the medina of fortress.
b. The medina or court city, the location of the famous Nasrid Palaces.
c. The fortress became a citadel with high ramparts and defensive towers
d. The fortress houses twon main areas: the military area and medina.
e. There are the remains of the houses of noblemen and plebeians living there.

9. The history of Alhambra is linked with geographical place where it is located:

Granada, Spain. On a rocky hill that is dificult to access, on the banks of the River Darro,
protected by mountains and surrounded by woods, among the oldest quarters in the city, the
Alhambra rises up like an imposng castle with redish tones in its ramparts that prevent the
outside world from seeing the delicate beauty the enclose.

Originally designed as military area, the Alhambra become the residence of royalty and of
the court of Granada in the middle of nineteenth century, after the establishment of the
Nasrid kingdom and the construction of the first palace, by the founder king Mohammed ibn
Yusuf ben Nasr, better known as Alhamar.

Throughout the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the fortress became a citadel
with high ramparts and defensive towers, which house two main areas: the military area, or
Alcazaba, the barracks of the royal guard, and the medina of court city, the location of the
famous Nasrid Palaces and the remains of the houses noblemen and plebeians who lived
there. The Charles V Palace, (which was built after the city was taken by Catholic Monarchs in
1492) is also in the medina.

The complex of monuments also has an independent palace opposite the Alhambra,
surrounded by orchards and gardens, which was where the Granadine kings relaxed: the
(adopted from: http:/ 6th December 2018)

“________ seeing the delicate beauty they enclose.” (paragraph 1)

The underlined word is closest meaning to _______
a. Sturdy
b. Smooth
c. Delicious
d. Exquisite
e. Satisfying

10. The Camel

One day a mother and a baby camel were having a discussion when the baby camel began
asking. “Mom, why do we have these huge two-toed feet?”

The mother replied. “Well, son, when we trek across the desert, out toes will help us stay on
top the soft sand.”

Two minutes later, the young camel asked, “Mom, why do we have there long eyelashes?.”
“They are there to keep the sand out of our eyes oh the trips through the dessert,” the
mother said.
“Mom, why have we got these great big humps on our back?.”

“They are thereto help us store water for our long treks across the dessert, so we can go
without drinking for long periods of time.”

“So, we have huge feet to stop us from sinking, long eyelashes to keep the sand out eyes,
and there humps to store water.”

“Yes, dear,” said the mother.

What is the story about?

a. What camels’ appearances are like.
b. How camels survive living in the dessert.
c. How mother camels treat their babies.
d. Why camels have such physical appearances.
e. Why camels can live without drinking from days.

11. The Camel

One day a mother and a baby camel were having a discussion when the baby camel began
asking. “Mom, why do we have these huge two-toed feet?”

The mother replied. “Well, son, when we trek across the desert, out toes will help us stay on
top the soft sand.”

Two minutes later, the young camel asked, “Mom, why do we have there long eyelashes?.”
“They are there to keep the sand out of our eyes oh the trips through the dessert,” the
mother said.

“Mom, why have we got these great big humps on our back?.”

“They are thereto help us store water for our long treks across the dessert, so we can go
without drinking for long periods of time.”

“So, we have huge feet to stop us from sinking, long eyelashes to keep the sand out eyes,
and there humps to store water.”

“Yes, dear,” said the mother.

From the text we know that the mother camel was ____
a. Loving
b. Caring
c. Wise
d. Honest
e. Smart

12. The Camel

One day a mother and a baby camel were having a discussion when the baby camel began
asking. “Mom, why do we have these huge two-toed feet?”
The mother replied. “Well, son, when we trek across the desert, out toes will help us stay on
top the soft sand.”

Two minutes later, the young camel asked, “Mom, why do we have there long eyelashes?.”
“They are there to keep the sand out of our eyes oh the trips through the dessert,” the
mother said.

“Mom, why have we got these great big humps on our back?.”

“They are thereto help us store water for our long treks across the dessert, so we can go
without drinking for long periods of time.”

“So, we have huge feet to stop us from sinking, long eyelashes to keep the sand out eyes,
and there humps to store water.”

“Yes, dear,” said the mother.

What can we learn from the text?

a. Our mother must really knows that their children want and need.
b. We should love and care for our parents, mostly our mothers, sincerely.
c. We should be able to make use everything around us for goodness.
d. We should ask for wise people’s advice to help us solve our problems.
e. Our knowledge, skills and abilities are useful if we use them at the right place.

13. Gone too Soon

By Simple Plan

Hey there now

Where’d you go?
You left me here so unexpected
You changed my life
I hope you know
Cause now I’m lost
So unprotected

I’m a blink of an eye

I never got to say goodbye

Like a shooting star

Flyin’ across the room
So fast so far
You were gone too soon
You’re part of me
And I’ll never be the same here without you
You were gone too soon

You were always there

And like shining light
On my darkest days
You were there to guide me
Oh I miss you now
I wish you could see
Just how much your memory
Will always mean to me
In a blink of an eye
I never go to say goodbye

Shine on! Shine on!

Onto a better place
Shine on! Shine on!
We’ll never be the same

What is the song about?

a. About someone who will leave his/her beloved one.
b. About someone who lost his/her beloved.
c. About someone who will become an astronaut.
d. About someone who forgot his memories.
e. About a shooting star.

14. Gone too Soon

By Simple Plan

Hey there now

Where’d you go?
You left me here so unexpected
You changed my life
I hope you know
Cause now I’m lost
So unprotected

I’m a blink of an eye

I never got to say goodbye

Like a shooting star

Flyin’ across the room
So fast so far
You were gone too soon
You’re part of me
And I’ll never be the same here without you
You were gone too soon

You were always there

And like shining light
On my darkest days
You were there to guide me
Oh I miss you now
I wish you could see
Just how much your memory
Will always mean to me
In a blink of an eye
I never go to say goodbye

Shine on! Shine on!

Onto a better place
Shine on! Shine on!
We’ll never be the same

The line “we’ll never be the same” in the last stanza mean ____
a. The two people will never have the same hobby
b. The two people will never be in the same height
c. The two people will never see each other again
d. The two people can’t get along well
e. The two people will never be in the same path

15. Gone too Soon

By Simple Plan

Hey there now

Where’d you go?
You left me here so unexpected
You changed my life
I hope you know
Cause now I’m lost
So unprotected

I’m a blink of an eye

I never got to say goodbye

Like a shooting star

Flyin’ across the room
So fast so far
You were gone too soon
You’re part of me
And I’ll never be the same here without you
You were gone too soon

You were always there

And like shining light
On my darkest days
You were there to guide me
Oh I miss you now
I wish you could see
Just how much your memory
Will always mean to me
In a blink of an eye
I never go to say goodbye

Shine on! Shine on!

Onto a better place
Shine on! Shine on!
We’ll never be the same

Based on the song, the person who left was like a ______ in darkest days.
a. Shooting star
b. Moonbeam
c. Shining light
d. Tour guide
e. Good memories

16. Gone too Soon

By Simple Plan

Hey there now

Where’d you go?
You left me here so unexpected
You changed my life
I hope you know
Cause now I’m lost
So unprotected

I’m a blink of an eye

I never got to say goodbye

Like a shooting star

Flyin’ across the room
So fast so far
You were gone too soon
You’re part of me
And I’ll never be the same here without you
You were gone too soon

You were always there

And like shining light
On my darkest days
You were there to guide me
Oh I miss you now
I wish you could see
Just how much your memory
Will always mean to me
In a blink of an eye
I never go to say goodbye

Shine on! Shine on!

Onto a better place
Shine on! Shine on!
We’ll never be the same
What feeling best describes the song?
a. Happy
b. Worry
c. Joyful
d. Sad
e. Lonely

17. Gone too Soon

By Simple Plan

Hey there now

Where’d you go?
You left me here so unexpected
You changed my life
I hope you know
Cause now I’m lost
So unprotected

I’m a blink of an eye

I never got to say goodbye

Like a shooting star

Flyin’ across the room
So fast so far
You were gone too soon
You’re part of me
And I’ll never be the same here without you
You were gone too soon

You were always there

And like shining light
On my darkest days
You were there to guide me
Oh I miss you now
I wish you could see
Just how much your memory
Will always mean to me
In a blink of an eye
I never go to say goodbye

Shine on! Shine on!

Onto a better place
Shine on! Shine on!
We’ll never be the same
“So unprotected” (stanza 1)
The underlined word means ____
a. Unaware
b. Unguarded
c. Unbreakable
d. Unavoidable
e. Unreal
18. “Hi, sweetheart. Your teacher called me. She said that you won the first place in the
competition. Congratulations, darling! You are great! I am so proud of you. Can’t wait to see
you at home!”

What do you get from the text?

a. The daughter is proud of herself and she wants to show it off to her friends.
b. The daughter won the competition, so the mother congratulates and compliments
c. The mother compliments her daughter because she did great at school.
d. The mother has not seen her daughter for a long time.
e. The daughter was involved in a fight at school, the teacher called her mother.

19. “Hi, sweetheart. Your teacher called me. She said that you won the first place in the
competition. Congratulations, darling! You are great! I am so proud of you. Can’t wait to see
you at home!”

What is the appropriate reply?

a. It’s all thank to you. You were the one who did this. I’m proud of you too, mother.
See you soon!
b. Of course I am the winner. I am smart and studied hard these past few weeks. If I
didn’t win I would be upset.
c. Yes, I am the champion! Thank you for your support. I wouldn’t be able to win this
without you. Thanks, Mom, I loved you. See you at home!
d. My teacher was not telling the truth. I am not that good in the competition, I’ve
never been.
e. I’m not that great, mum. You shouldn’t be proud of me. It was just luck. I love you
too, mom. See you at home!

20. What is announcement?

a. Something that someone says officially, giving information about something, or
when someone announces something.
b. Which tried to persuade people to buy a product or service.
c. A message or document sent using special system over internet.
d. A book or record ypur thoughts and feelings or what has happened on days.
e. A usually short piece of music with words which are sung

21. What is the antonym of announce?

a. Declare
b. Make known
c. Publicize
d. Withhold
e. Sound off

22. Lily : long time no see you, Jasmine. How’s life?

Jasmine : hi, very good, how about you?
Lily : I’m well. Here I have new friend, she is Rose.
Rose : hi, I’m Jasmine. So happy to meet you.
Jasmine : I’m Jasmine, I’m so happy, too.
What do you do, Rose?
Rose : same with Lily, I’m a writer. How about you?
Jasmine : I’m a computer programmer.

What is Lily doing based on the dialogue?

a. Introducing self
b. introducing Lily’s hobby
c. Introducing others
d. Introducing Jasmine’s occupation
e. Introducing family members

23. Lily : long time no see you, Jasmine. How’s life?

Jasmine : hi, very good, how about you?
Lily : I’m well. Here I have new friend, she is Rose.
Rose : hi, I’m Jasmine. So happy to meet you.
Jasmine : I’m Jasmine, I’m so happy, too.
What do you do, Rose?
Rose : same with Lily, I’m a writer. How about you?
Jasmine : I’m a computer programmer.

Who is a computer programmer?

a. Lily
b. Jasmine
c. Lily and Jasmine
d. Rose
e. Lily and Rose

24. Read the following dialog.

Danny : hello, Roy.
Roy : Hi, Dan. It’s nice to see you here.
Danny : Nice to see you too. How are you?
Roy : Fine, Thank you. And you?
Danny : I am quite well, thanks.
Roy : Have you meet my friend? This is Nani and Tom.
Danny : How do you do everybody? Glad to meet you.
Nani-Tom : how do you do, Danny? Glad to meet you too.
Roy : Please, take a seat. I’ll ask for the menu to the waiters.
Ahmad : I am sorry I am in a hungry.
Danny : Oh are you? That’s bad. Hope to see you again. Goodbye, Ahmad.
Ahmad : Goodbye, everybody.

What does the italicized word mean?

a. Sad
b. Lazy
c. Pleasant
d. Egotistic
e. Uninterested

25. Read the following dialog.

Danny : hello, Roy.
Roy : Hi, Dan. It’s nice to see you here.
Danny : Nice to see you too. How are you?
Roy : Fine, Thank you. And you?
Danny : I am quite well, thanks.
Roy : Have you meet my friend? This is Nani and Tom.
Danny : How do you do everybody? Glad to meet you.
Nani-Tom : how do you do, Danny? Glad to meet you too.
Roy : Please, take a seat. I’ll ask for the menu to the waiters.
Ahmad : I am sorry I am in a hungry.
Danny : Oh are you? That’s bad. Hope to see you again. Goodbye, Ahmad.
Ahmad : Goodbye, everybody.

Who is the mutual friend between them all?

a. Roy, Nani and Tom
b. Roy, Tom and Danny
c. Danny, Ahmad and Nani
d. Tom, Nani and Danny
e. Danny, Roy and Nani

26. “My I introduce myself? What is the synonym of the underlined word?
a. Present
b. Deduce
c. Contest
d. Annoy
e. Dedicate

27. Read the following dialog.

Doni : My brother, Robby, and I are going to go to Rinjani Mountain this weekend. Would
you like to join with us?
David : I’m sorry I have a plan too. I am going to go to Gili Trawangan this weekend.

What does David mean?

a. He will climb
b. He is going to go to Gili Trawangan
c. He will stay at home
d. He is going to go to Rinjani Mountain
e. He will join with Doni

28. Read the following dialog.

Doni : My brother, Robby, and I are going to go to Rinjani Mountain this weekend. Would
you like to join with us?
David : I’m sorry I have a plan too. I am going to go to Gili Trawangan this weekend.
The underlined sentences show the expression of ______
a. Compliment
b. Intention
c. Greeting
d. Congratulation
e. Gratitude

29. When Amanda was a child, she _______ in Amsterdam.

a. lived
b. has lived
c. have lived
d. didn’t lived
e. living

30. I _______ to study hard very night and day for the last four weeks!
a. worked
b. work
c. works
d. has work
e. have worked

31. Somebody _________ my wallet! Now, I really don’t have any money left.
a. stole
b. stolen
c. have stolen
d. stoling
e. has stolen

32. Patrick ______ off his bike three times.

a. has fallen
b. fell
c. fall
d. falling
e. have fallen

33. The Titanic ________ in 1912.

a. sink
b. sank
c. have sank
d. has sunk
e. was sank

34. Read the following dialog.

Daniel : Hi, bro. How’s life?
Jun : good, how about you?
Daniel : more than good. I’m so happy today. My brother gave me two Coldplay’s concert
tickets. I’m going to meet Christ Martin soon. Oh my god I can’t wait! Do you want to join
Jun : When is the event?
Daniel : It’s tomorrow at 7 p.m.
Jun : Sorry, I have to attend an English course tomorrow. How about you Joshua? Do you
have a plan tomorrow?
Joshua : No I don’t. Let me to join you Daniel! I’m a big fan of Coldplay, I want to attend their
concert so bad at least once.
Daniel : Of course. I’ll pick you up at 5 p.m.
Joshua : Yeay,thank you so much.

What are they talking about?

a.Planning to watch movie
b. Planning to come to English class
c.Planning to attend music concert
d. Planning to play soccer
e. Planning to meet up

35. Read the following dialog.

Daniel : Hi, bro. How’s life?
Jun : good, how about you?
Daniel : more than good. I’m so happy today. My brother gave me two Coldplay’s concert
tickets. I’m going to meet Christ Martin soon. Oh my god I can’t wait! Do you want to join
Jun : When is the event?
Daniel : It’s tomorrow at 7 p.m.
Jun : Sorry, I have to attend an English course tomorrow. How about you Joshua? Do you
have a plan tomorrow?
Joshua : No I don’t. Let me to join you Daniel! I’m a big fan of Coldplay, I want to attend their
concert so bad at least once.
Daniel : Of course. I’ll pick you up at 5 p.m.
Joshua : Yeay,thank you so much.

Who doesn’t has a plan?

a. Jun
b. Daniel
c. Joshua
d. Christ Martin
e. Jonny Buckland

36. Read the following dialog.

Daniel : Hi, bro. How’s life?
Jun : good, how about you?
Daniel : more than good. I’m so happy today. My brother gave me two Coldplay’s concert
tickets. I’m going to meet Christ Martin soon. Oh my god I can’t wait! Do you want to join
Jun : When is the event?
Daniel : It’s tomorrow at 7 p.m.
Jun : Sorry, I have to attend an English course tomorrow. How about you Joshua? Do you
have a plan tomorrow?
Joshua : No I don’t. Let me to join you Daniel! I’m a big fan of Coldplay, I want to attend their
concert so bad at least once.
Daniel : Of course. I’ll pick you up at 5 p.m.
Joshua : Yeay,thank you so much.

Will Joshua go to concert with Daniel?

a.No, he will not.
b. Yes, he will.
c.No, he wont.
d. Yes, he will not.
e. Yes, he did.

37. “Have you told the hoax again?”

The passive form of the sentences is “_______?”
a. Will the hoax be told again
b. Has the hoax been told again
c. The hoax is being told by you again
d. Is the hoax told again?
e. The hoax has been told again

38. The floor _________ since yesterday.

a. Has not swept
b. Has not sweeping
c. Not being swept
d. Has not been swept
e. Not sweeping

39. I am trying to solve a million issues these days.

What kind of figurative langauge used in that sentence?
a. Simile
b. Hyperbole
c. Metaphor
d. Personification
e. Consonace
40. My friend is a Shakespeare when in English class.
What kind of figurative langauge used in that sentence?
a. Simile
b. Hyperbole
c. Metaphor
d. Personification
e. Consonace


41. Change the verbs into the correct forms of past simple or present perfect.

a. I _____________ (visit) Bandung three times.

b. Last year, __________________(visit) Gangnam.
c. I ______________ (play) badminton since I was a child. I’m pretty good.

42. Read the following text.

Dear Dilan,
On Saturday I went to mount Bromo. I stayed at Liza and Daniel’s house at Cemara Lawang,
Probolinggo. It has a big garden with lots of colourful flowers and a fishpond.

On Sunday Liza and I saw Batok mountain and went on the scenic ride on horseback. It was
scary. Then we went to get a closer look at the mountain. We took pictures of the beautiful
sceneries there.

On Monday we went to the zoo at Wonokromo. We saw cockatoos having a shower. In the
afternoon I went home. It was fun.

a. What is the kind of the text above?
b. How many days did Milea spend her Holiday in Probolingo?

43. Fill in the blank with the suitable expression!

Ratu : Rifki, this shirt is for you. I made it by myself.
Rifki : __________________! You are really a talented tailor.
Ratu : I’m glad you like it.

44. Fill in the blank with the suitable expression!

Sandro : I’ve been chosen as a Secretary of the English Associaciation.
Dad : ___________________________

45. Describe the difference of literal and figurative language!


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