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Summary of The Necklace

Mathilde Loisel is a beautiful woman married to a clerk in the ministry of education. She
suffered endlessly, feeling born for every luxurious thing in this world. She suffered from her
poorness life but she had high pride for social class status that turns into a nightmare. One day,
Monsieur Loisel came home with a ball invitation held by the ministry of education. Her
husband was so happy because the guests very selected and a few clerks invited. Instead of being
delighted, she flung the invitation petulantly across the table and cried. She hadn’t any
appropriate dress to wear and asked four hundred francs for a new glamour dress.

The day of the party drew near, and Madame Loisel seemed sad, uneasy and anxious. She had no
jewels, diamonds, or stone. monsieur loisel suggest her to use flowers decoration, of course, she
refused it because it didn't look classy. She borrows one of Madame Forestier diamond necklace
that suits with her dress. Madame Loisel was the prettiest woman at the ball. She looks elegant,
graceful, smiling, and quite above herself with happiness. All the men stared at her and asked to
be introduced to her. She danced madly, ecstatically, drunk with pleasure, with no thought for
anything, in the triumph of her beauty, in the pride of her success, in a cloud of happiness made
up of this universal homage and admiration, of the desires she had aroused.

At 4 o’clock she came home, it was cold and her husband want to cover up her shoulder with the
garments but she refused it because it looked like a cheap thing. Arrived at home, she realized
that the necklace was gone. Her husband went everywhere that a ray of hope impelled him but he
didn’t found anything. They visited jewel stores looking for a similar necklace and it cost forty
thousand francs. It made them had a debt with a loan shark. She told forester it takes time to
return the necklace because they were repairing the broken claps

Madame Loisel came to know the ghastly life of abject poverty. From the very first she played
her part heroically. This fearful debt must be paid off. She would pay for it. The servant was
dismissed. They changed their flat; they took a garret under the roof. She came to know the
heavy work of the house, the hateful duties of the kitchen. Her husband worked in the evenings
at putting straight a merchant's accounts, and often at night he did copying at twopence-
halfpenny a page.
After 10 years, all the debt was paid off and madame Loisel came to Madame Forestier and said
the truth about the necklace. Ironically, the necklace she borrowed 10 years ago was just an
imitation necklace worth 500 frans.
1. Plot
There are 5 elements that are common to a storyline of the text (plot). Bellows are the plot
from “the necklace” short story
 Introduction
At the beginning of the story, narrator describes Mathidle Loisel as the main role.
We learn about her back story, character and ungrateful of what she has. She is a
beautiful woman who is not happy with her marriage. She belongs to middle of social
class but always daydreaming being a rich woman. She think luxury and delicacy are
belongs to her. she wants to be admire, famous, sought after and make others woman
jealous of what she has. her husband, Monsieur Loisel always grateful about what they
have. He tries to be the best man for mathidle and give everything that she wanted, but
she never satisfied.
 Rising Action
The rising action begin with monsieur loisel knowing her wife is not happy with
their marriage and brings an invitation to the ball from ministry of education.
Surprisingly, mathidle is upset because she doesn’t have any dress and jewelry to wear.
Her husband give all his saving to bought her a new dress and suggested her to borrow a
jewel to madame foristier.
 Climax
Loisel borrows a diamond necklace and she is success to be the prettiest woman at
the ball. At the party, she doesn’t want to be close with her husband and wears garments
to protect her from the cold. She think those things aren’t match with her glamour
appearance. Arrived at home, she realized the diamond necklace is no longer around her
 Falling Action
Mathidle and moinsure loise goes out and finds the lost necklace. They found the
same one but cost 4000 francs. Monsieur loisel trying to borrow money as much as
possible to usurers and the whole type of money lenders without thinking about the risk.
Mathidle returns the necklace to forestier and take her it takes time to return the necklace
because they were repairing the broken claps.
 Conclusion
Readers never expect the conclusion of this story. After Mathidle Loisel survive
10 years in poverty, she told forester the truth about the necklace, ironically, she found
out it was fake diamond necklace.

2. Characters
 Mathilde Loisel
Mathilde loise is a protagonist character, her characteristics are ungrateful, greedy,
vanity, and obsessed with social class. She is the main role of the story, described as a
young beautiful married woman from middle social class. Her vanity makes her feel
entitle to be more than what she has. She always thinks that fate has blundered over her,
and feeling herself born for every delicacy and luxury. She always day dreaming about
luxurious things and never be grateful for all the things that she has. Her daydreaming
becomes reality when she attended a ball party held by the ministry of education. She
was the prettiest woman in there, being honored also admired. Her greediness and vanity
lead her into a nightmare life, causing her to lose everything that she had and become
poorer than before.
 Monsieur Loisel
Monsieur loisel is protagonist character. He takes role as mathilde’s husband. His
characteristics are humble, grateful, simple, hard worker and eager to please his wife. He
is realistic about what things he can get with his family economy condition. He saves
money for special purchases and shows his generosity to give all of his saving to his wife
for a new glamour ball dress. He never complains about his wife dissatisfaction and
always trying to make her happy with small things. He takes control when Loisel brings a
big problem for them, made him deals with usurers and being poorer than before but, he
never complaint about it. He did a hard work to pay all of debt and always loving his
 Madame Foristier
She is a protagonist character, described as a young beautiful rich woman. She is
Mathidle’s school friend and her characteristic are beautiful, humble, rich, and generous.
In the story foristier lends her necklace to mathidle for the ball.
 Jeweler 1
A cameo in the story, he is the person whose appears on the box cointaning madame foristier
diamond necklace.
 Jeweler 2
Jeweler 2 also a cameo in the story. He is the proprietor of the shop which Loisel find
the same necklace as madame forestier’s and with whom monsieur loise arranges the

3. Purpose and Social Function

The purpose of the story is to show the danger in the pursuit of material possessions.
Mathilde obsession for society status and her worries to impress other people make her
doesn’t appreciate and enjoy what she has. Her selfish desire and greedy obsession make her
family to spend ten years working and pay the debt for the necklace that she lost. She also
lost everything that she had and found out that the necklace was fake and all the years of
hard work were wasted.
The social function of the story is to teach us that we need to be grateful about what
we had. We need to realize there are a lot of people are not as lucky as us to have things that
we have right now. Social class always happened in society but we need to realize where the
social class we are belongs to. We also need to be realistic about what things we can get
based on our economy condition. If you want belongs to higher social class, all you have to
do is work hard and gain more money. Meanwhile, mathidle just daydreaming for all the
luxurious things and do nothing to achieve what she wanted

4. Figurative Language
 Hyperbole
Hyperbole is a figurative of speech that involve an exaggeration of ideas to emphasis the
meaning. The example of the use of hyperbole is “she had no clothes, no jewels,
nothing”. It is impossible if Mathidle have no clothes at all, the meaning of no clothes in
here is she is too poor to get a wealthy things. The others example is “by the end of a
week they had lost all hope. Loisel, who had aged five years declared……...”. this one is
hyperbole because it t impossible that someone turn into five years older in a week.
 Personification
Personification is a figure of speech in which a thing (an idea or an animal) is given
human attributes. There are several personification in the story. The first one is “those
ancient night cabs which, as though they were ashamed to show their shabbiness during
the day, are never seen round paris until the dark” This personification aims to emphasize
the ugliness of the cabs. The second one is “she imagined delicate meals, gleaming silver,
tapestries peopling the walls with folk of a past age and strange birds in faery forest…..”.
this is telling us that tapestry on the wall is decorated with important characters. The third
is “she looked at him out of furious eyes, and said impatiently” eye cant be furious and
this phrase emphasize mathidle mad at her husband.
 Metaphor
Methapor is a figure of speech that makes an implicit, implied, or hidden comparison
between two thing that are unrelated without using the word as or like, the comparison is
undirected to the object. One of the example is “she dance madly, wildly, ecstatically
drunk with pleasure with no thought for anything in the triumph of her beauty”. The other
example appear in “in the pride of her success, in a cloud of happiness made up of this
universal homage…..”. in an unstated metaphor, mathidle feeling is compared to a cloud.
 Simile
Simile is a figurative of speech that make a comparison, showing similarities between
two different things directly and using the word “like” or “as”. The example of this
speech is “stopping on each landing to get her breath. And, clad like a poor woman, she
went to the fruiterer, to the grocer, to the butcher…..”.

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