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Emulsion breaker and metal removal

technology increased FCC residuum processing

Frequent and unexpected changes in crude blending properties result in operational
and performance challenges from the desalter to the catalytic cracker


GE Power & Water

s the global economy necessary to economically operation and performance.
slowly recovers, refiner- extract oil sands and tight oil When processing opportunity
ies can expect to see a add to a refinery’s processing crudes, refiners often operate
positive shift in the demand for challenges. For example, these the desalter more as an extrac-
finished petroleum products in crudes typically contain greater tion vessel, removing many
mature markets and growing, levels of solids than conven- more contaminants than just
developing regions. Refining tionally produced crudes, with salt; for instance, metals, solids
facilities around the globe will the distribution of those solids and tramp amines can be
continue to look for ways to shifted toward smaller particle dealt with in the desalter.
increase production and profit size, increasing the difficulty of While the individual desalter
margins, while reducing or solids management. Tight oils challenges may not be
eliminating unscheduled shut- can also contain significant particularly new, their conver-
downs and the subsequent levels of production chemicals, gence is.
untimely cost of cleaning and including hydrogen sulphide For these converging chal-
replacing equipment. (H2S) scavengers containing lenges, the optimal solution
The utilisation of opportunity amines. Critical characteristics emerges from the ability to
crudes in the refinery process- can vary greatly from batch to leverage an understanding of
ing diet is a key driver of batch, even within shipments the interplay between chemis-
refinery profitability, given that labelled as coming from the tries and their application, with
crude oil accounts for more same crude oil supply. This the operational experience and
than 85% of a refiner’s cost high degree of variation adds expertise to optimise refinery
structure. Opportunity crudes significant complexity to the systems for maximum perfor-
are those that trade at a processing strategy and puts a mance. Included are practices
discount compared to similar premium on the ability to such as split feed, whereby the
crudes in the marketplace. The rapidly respond to unexpected, primary emulsion breaker is
availability of such opportunity frequent changes in crude injected into both the oil and
crudes such as oil sands, light blending properties. the water. Crude stabilisers,
tight oils (LTOs) and high While processing these wetting agents, reverse emul-
naphthenic acid containing opportunity crudes creates sion breakers, amine/metals
crudes, continues to be an clear cost advantages for the removal aids, and pH modifi-
excellent profit improvement refiner, many of the distin- ers comprise the balance of the
opportunity for those refineries guishing characteristics that chemistry tools suite in the
able to process these drive the discounts are at the solution mix. Their common
feedstocks. root of a variety of processing points of application are shown
The production techniques issues, particularly desalter in the key of Figure 1.

www.digitalrefining.com/article/1001118 Processing Shale Feedstocks 2015 1

Crude storage A Crude stabilisers
and feed B De-emulsifiers
C Solids wetting agents
A D Metal and amine removal aids
E Metals removal
B F Liquid/solid separation aids
Secondary G Bio-augmentation aids
H MACarrier
Scenario 1
B I Phosphate removal
C Pond/lagoon

Wash Scenario 2
water Desalters Crude unit G Clarification
Activated sludge
Brine Primary (Biological Tertiary
effluent Reclamation treatment) E
(via slop system) Non-oily F I F
Influent wastewaters Underflow Filtration
Oil E F Discharge
source 2 recycle (multimedia)
Influent sludge
source 3 ... and/or
Oily sludge EQ membrane-based
source 4
Hazardous F Dewatering Landfill
Oily waste- sludge Oily float
Scenario 3
G H I Membrane
F Dewatering Incineration Intra-plant
bio-reactor Export
Wastewater operations

Figure 1 Flow diagram: view of crude unit and wastewater operations

Metal contamination remove metal contaminants in effects, including low boiling

Contaminants in crude oil the past, including filter point compounds that will
feedstocks can be an impedi- adsorption, precipitation, and increase fractionator overhead
ment to processing discounted treatment with inorganic acids issues by partitioning to the
crude oil supplies in a reliable, among many others.4 Work overhead system, compounds
safe and profitable fashion. over the past 20 years has that degrade at crude preheat
Specifically, metals contamina- shown a highly effective temperatures to low boiling
tion poses a threat to a wide method to improve metal point compounds previously
array of refinery operations removal in the desalting mentioned, autopolymerisation
including crude unit fouling, process is to effect a transfer of in the crude preheat that result
catalyst contamination, and the metals from the hydrocar- in fouling, and scaling tenden-
finished product quality. bon phase to the water phase cies in the brine system. Due to
Almost all crude oils contain utilising water-soluble these known issues, the MR
detectable metal levels, and hydroxyacids. An additional technology has evolved from
their solubility and concentra- benefit to this method is the commodity acids, through the
tions can vary widely.1 While removal of amine and ammo- addition of scale inhibitors to
some forms of metal contami- nia compounds from the crude prevent scale adherence, to the
nation can be effectively oil, which will reduce crude most recent proprietary blends
removed via the normal desalt- tower fouling and overhead that include solution modifiers
ing process, other types do not system salt-induced corrosion. to prevent scale formation. The
readily transfer to the water Care must be exercised when recent product evolution
phase and therefore require selecting a metal removal (MR) successfully removes metals
additional means to remove aid treatment programme. and amine compounds without
them.2,3 A number of Many hydroxyacid compounds introducing harmful side
approaches have been used to will introduce unwanted side effects, resulting in a robust

2 Processing Shale Feedstocks 2015 www.digitalrefining.com/article/1001118

and commercially viable tech- into the brine effluent. They that would allow them to
nology that can allow increased provide consistently superior maintain optimal desalter
volumes of discounted, high desalter operation during peri- performance while taking
metal crude oils to be ods when high BS&W crudes advantage of the margin
processed. and slops are processed, and improvement gained from
aid in maximising crude rates increasing the rate of vacuum
Iron removal capabilities by controlling emulsion tower bottoms (VTB) processed
GE initiated work in the 1980s build-up at the desalter inter- in the FCC unit. GE’s team of
to remove iron from various oil face. Benefits which often on-site engineers and product
streams to reduce the impact result can be summarised as application specialists were
on finished products. follows: invited to initiate a 90-day trial
Additionally, it is widely • Lower overhead corrosion to improve desalter operations.
known that metal contamina- rates, allowing for extended The crude blend was contami-
tion of catalysts used in run lengths nated with levels of solids and
production of hydrocarbon • Lower neutraliser and emul- surfactants that prevented the
fuels results in undesirable sion breaker usage, creating desalter from achieving good
conditions that increase hydro- lower treatment cost emulsion resolution and solids
gen and coke production and • Lower water in desalted removal. Together with tech-
ultimately limit fuels produc- crude, reducing the fuel nologists at GE’s hydrocarbon
tion. For example, a number of required at the crude furnace, process lab, the team deter-
indices have been developed saving energy cost and reduc- mined that the desalter rag
for fluid catalytic cracking ing furnace emissions layer had grown considerably
(FCC) catalysts to relate metal • Lower amps on transformers, as the WTI and EF blend was
contamination on the equilib- reducing electrical cost processed. That large rag layer
rium catalyst to hydrogen and • Reduced slop oil production, trapped high levels of solids,
coke production, including: lower reprocessing costs and and the solids were the source
potential increase in unit of many metals such as iron
Jersey Nickel Equivalent Index = 1000 *
charge rate. compounds. In addition, the
(Ni + 0.2V +0.1 Fe), and
crude blend contained organic
Case study: challenge metals including calcium
Shell Contamination Index = 1000 * A US Gulf Coast refinery naphthenates.
(14Ni + 14Cu + 4V + Fe)5 adopted an aggressive strategy Finally, the team concluded
of blending tight oils, including that the oil undercarry in the
As can be seen, iron plays Eagle Ford (EF), to significantly desalter brine resulted from
a marked role in metal increase its profit margin and oil-coated solids. Using GE’s
contamination of FCC catalyst, supply flexibility. This blend proprietary desalter simulator,
albeit lower than nickel and contained significantly higher the team was able to demon-
vanadium. levels of solids and metals. strate that the solids and
Unfortunately, it also presented metals could be removed much
Emulsion breaking two obstacles that added to the more efficiently with a combi-
The proprietary Embreak cost of operations. First, the nation of Embreak emulsion
emulsion breaking products desalter suffered from periodic breaker and Predator metals
are usually oil-soluble chemi- oil undercarry in the desalter removal chemistry in conjunc-
cals designed to improve crude brine; second, high metals tion with strategic operational
oil dehydration, salt removal, loading, specifically calcium changes to help improve
and effluent brine quality in and iron, limited the refinery’s removal performance. This
electrical desalters and other ability to process vacuum combined programme would
similar process equipment. tower bottoms (VTB) in the permit the refinery to effec-
Embreak products help reduce FCC unit. The non-GE chemi- tively process these crude
emulsion build-up at the oil/ cal supplier was unable to blends. Using this desalter
water interface and increase improve performance. analysis, the new strategy and
solids removal from the crude The refiner needed a solution its application at the desalter

www.digitalrefining.com/article/1001118 Processing Shale Feedstocks 2015 3

rag layer. Most importantly,
Average = 56 metals and solids removal
600 increased dramatically. Metals
Oil and grease, ppm removal efficiency gains were
500 evident, as illustrated in Table
400 1, Figures 4 and 5. Figure 6 also
shows that filterable solids
300 removal averaged over 80%
with the GE solution.

100 Benefits
Based on the high level of
0 improvement demonstrated,
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Elapsed time, days the refinery opted to continue
with GE rather than pursue
Figure 2 Oil and grease on GE programme alternate suppliers and technol-
ogy. Since that time, the
Embreak and Predator
programme has continued to
Average = 160 deliver value and stable unit
600 operations. This technology
Oil and grease, ppm

combination is a potent solu-

tion for desalting tight oil
400 crude blends dependably, with
reduced oily undercarry, tight
rag layer control, excellent
200 solids removal and outstanding
metals reduction.
100 Prior to adopting Embreak
and Predator, the refiner was
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 only able to process up to 9%
Elapsed time, days of the FCC unit feed as VTB.
After implementing GE’s
Figure 3 Oil and grease on competitor’s programme programme, the VTB rate into
the FCC unit has increased by
Metals removal efficiency nearly 49% at a constant cata-
lyst quality. This has produced
Competitor Raw crude, ppm (avg) Desalted crude, ppm (avg) Removal rate, % an annualised marginal
Na Fe Ca Na Fe Ca Na Fe Ca upgrade of over $12MM/yr.
GE 35.6 21.6 8.9 7.3 5.2 2.5 80.0 75.9 71.9
Incumbent 30.1 11.8 12.3 14.2 13.9 9.7 52.8 0.0 21.1 This refiner continues to capi-
talise on opportunity crude
Table 1 blends, and does so with
was recommended. Applying Case study: solution
the Predator metals remover in As illustrated in Figures 2 and Conclusions
concert with a traditional 3, the Embreak and Predator GE’s suite of emulsion breakers
Embreak demulsifier at the technologies significantly and metal removal (MR) chem-
desalter ensures these solutions impacted desalter performance istries has been successfully
address two of the more by reducing oil undercarry. applied in a growing number
important emulsion antago- High amp excursions and level of applications. While exact
nists; namely, solids and swings were also reduced by a goals differ, all are geared
surfactants. significant compression of the toward removing contaminants

4 Processing Shale Feedstocks 2015 www.digitalrefining.com/article/1001118

from the crude oil supply that
will have harmful effects
downstream of the desalter, 120

Iron in crude out, ppm

including fouling, heat transfer
loss, impact on catalytic 100

processes and finished fuel 80

GE solution
quality issues. The example
cited shows solids removal of 60
80%, iron removal of 75% and
calcium removal in excess of
70% from the crude stream. 20
Every application of Embreak
and Predator is unique and 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 449
offers its own set of challenges Elapsed time, days
that can influence ultimate
performance. As the volume of Figure 4 Crude out iron (Fe)
experience grows, the informa-
tion obtained deepens the 80
understanding of how to
Calcium in crude out, ppm

successfully apply these prod- 70

ucts to an ever broader set of 60

operating conditions and feed- GE solution
stocks. Operating parameters implemented
such as dehydration efficiency, 40
pH control, operating tempera- 30
ture, desalter type, slop oil,
mix valve ΔP, wash water
quality and other potential 10
process limitations all must be 0
considered when selecting and 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 449
evaluating a treatment Elapsed time, days
Figure 5 Crude out calcium (Ca)
Embreak and Predator are trademarks
of General Electric Company; may be
registered in one or more countries.
1 Speight J G, The Desulfurization of
Heavy Oils and Residua: Technology and 80
Economics, CRC Press, 1999, 105-106. 70
Efficiency, %

2 Pillon L, Interfacial Properties of 60

Petroleum Products, CRC Press, 2007,
3 Standal S H, Blokhus A M, Haavik J, 40
Skauge A, Barth T, Partition coefficients 30
and interfacial activity for polar 20
components in oil/water model systems,
J Colloid Interface Sci, 212, 1999, 33-41.
4 Howe W W, Williams A R, Classes of 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 203
Metallic Complexes in Petroleum, J.
Elapsed time, days
Chem. Eng. Data, Vol. 5, 1960, 106-110.
5 Sadeghbeigi R, Fluid Catalytic Cracking
Handbook: Design, Operation, and Figure 6 Filterable solids removable efficiency on GE programme KPI ≥70%

www.digitalrefining.com/article/1001118 Processing Shale Feedstocks 2015 5

Troubleshooting of FCC Facilities, Gulf Anibal Valle is Account Manager at
Publishing, 2nd Ed, 2000, 63-66. Water and Process Technology at GE LINKS
Kristopher “Kris” Kohl is Sales Director Water & Process Technologies. Email:
Anibal.Valle@ge.com More articles from the following
at GE Water & Process Technologies.
Jim Trigg is Senior Process Applications categories:
Email: kristopher.kohl@ge.com
Paul White is Area Manager at GE Specialist at GE Water & Process Corrosion / Fouling Control
Water & Process Technologies. Email: Technologies. Email: jim.trigg@ge.com Shale/Tight Oil & Gas

6 Processing Shale Feedstocks 2015 www.digitalrefining.com/article/1001118

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