Control Freaks!

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Paul taught the Galatians that

witchcraft and idolatry are
"works of the flesh." A work of
the flesh is simply a character
flaw of the old sin nature
BEFORE Christ that lingers on
if the person does not submit
him or herself to the cross. To
submit to the cross is to allow
the Holy Spirit to progressively
break you in both your
personality and your character
So what does this mean, WITCHCRAFT!
exactly. Does it mean that
demons are not involved in a
When people try to control you, you
"work of the flesh?"
are going to react in one of a few
Absolutely not. Witchcraft and
ways. You are either going to give in
idolatry are demonic
and acquiesce, give up and pretend
practices. What it DOES mean
that "all is well, " when deep down,
is that people who have
you are really seething within, or if
witchcraft in them as a work of
you are like me, you are going to
the flesh---a personality
resist. The bible says that rebellion is
flaw--- are more susceptible to

demonic influence, praticularly
religious demons and devils. I like the sin of witchcraft. True----if it
have witnessed too many is God that you are rebelling against.
manifestations of evil spirits in However, if religious pretenders and
ALL of the works of the flesh, so hypocrites try to throw what they call
clearly there are two definitions a spiritual covering over you,
of witchcraft and idolatry. rebellion is good, but running is
even better!.
Where a work of the flesh is a
personality type that is Spiritual covering is yet another
predisposed to demonic doctrine of demons that puts God's
involvement, the actual act of people in bondage by taking one
witchcraft and idolatry are scripture out of its natural context
demonic practices. When and forming a teaching that
demons are looking for "human brainwashes and hoodwinks those
workers" to implement their who submit to it. The "spiritual
agenda, they target people who covering" net entrapped me for 25
already have witchcraft and years.
idolatry built into their persona
as "a work of the flesh." As a minister in an authoritarian
bureaucracy ruled globally by just 12
Along these lines, the witchcraft bishops, I watched and experienced
demon is attracted to a person how the traditions of men made the
with a soul that is predisposed word of God of none effect. Bishops
to to the three (3) “P”s of rule the pastors under their authority
position, prestige and power. In like holier than thou puppet masters.
other words, those who wish to
dominate, to acquire fame and The power and control of the Bishops
prominence, can become a safe lie in their ability to appoint pastors
haven for the witchcraft demon. and fill pulpits. Any pastor in full time
In such cases, the captive’s ministry is totally dependent upon
own personality will be a secure whether or not the Bishop chooses to
place in which demons of a favor them with an appointment to a
similar nature will be able to charge that will be lucrative enough to
hide and secretly function. financially provide for himself and his
This is because no one will
suspect that the captive’s I was not well liked by bishops
ambitious striving for control because I had a full time secular
and domination is demonic career. As such, I could not be placed
because the captive has under any Bishop's thumb in order to
continued to demonstrate over survive financially. So my
time a steady pattern that punishment was that I was appointed
propels them to seek power. to those charges that could not afford
Consequently, everyone just to pay a full time pastor's salary---
assumes that the captive churches that no pastor without a

is simply being true to his
nature or character and secular job could survive serving.
therefore, doesn't have a
demon. In most cases in such a system, the
pastors' primary objective is
The witchcraft demon will also to protect his own power base and
hide within weaker therefore, their interactions with the
personalities. For example, Bishops are usually characterized by
there are those who wear a subservience, flattery, subtle
facade of false humility, who manipulation and "out and out" lies.
appear to be very self effacing The irony is that the Bishops are
and passive. However, deep dependent on the ministers they rule
within his or her soul is a to advise them since the Bishops
striving to “be somebody.” don't usually live in the communities
People with this kind of soul will that they oversee. So he needs his
offer up many testimonies of ministers to tell him the truth.
their inadequacies and their
lack of ambition, yet when However, a Bishop's ministerial
confronted, they will show in advisors are so threatened by him
their actions that they are not at that one lie begets yet another lie and
all convinced of their own the entire leadership
unworthiness. system operates on a foundation
of lies, cover-ups and pretenses. With
In fact, when there is even a Satan being the father of lies, no
minor concern or question wonder the devil has a seat in such
about their actions or motives in a religious/political system.
a particular situation, they will
become extremely defensive Within a complex bureaucratic
and resentful. If others show a hierarchy as I have described, sin
tendency to take their self- spreads like leaven from top
belittling attitude and leadership in a circular, downward
recriminations seriously, a fall, then in an upward spiral. As the
seething anger may erupt that is root of such a system is rotten, the
out of balance and extreme. deception within charismatic, non-
denominational systems spreads far
For instance, while the so-called beyond just a few pastors or a handful
“humble” will proclaim their of ministries. Ministers and
unworthiness, a witchcraft laypersons within a charismatic
demon will cause them to make system alarmingly and systematically
great demands for mimic the same key people. Leaders
consideration and admiration watch and imitate well known leaders
from others. The witchcraft spirit as they pass on the same false
will rise up and expose itself in teachings.
these “low key” people,
presenting a strong
unwillingness to accept even
I personally have moved beyond

the slightest degree of criticism.
correcting either system by
Normal strivings for power in a any attempt on my part to fix it. I
believer are motivated by a leave that into the hands of others
sincere desire to want to see who have proven scripture by
souls saved and delivered as scripture that the spiritual covering,
the kingdom of this world apostolic teaching is contrary to
become the kingdom of our scripture. Steven Lambert has well
Lord. What distinguishes normal done this laboring task. I recommend
inclinations from obsessions is his book "Spiritual Captivity."
that demonic striving for power
is often rooted in fear, hatred
and feelings of inferiority. The following are some of the
common signs, characteristics and
Let's bring it down home to symptoms, that Lambert identifies
where we all live. Racism is a as religious captivity manifest in
cultural factor that involves corporate settings such as groups,
hatred and fear. . When the home churches, churches, networks,
predominant culture is in fear of and ministries, especially those
losing its power and even identifying themselves as Charismatic
worse, becoming extinct, or Pentecostal.
demons of fear, hatred and The list is taken from Lambert's
pride conjoin with the witchcraft website called
demon to control, dominate
and suppress those of another
race or culture. The Bottom-line is: any ministry in
which EVEN ONE of these signs of
Then there are those who feel abuse is manifest should alert you to
insecure mentally and the undeniable fact that it is ,
emotionally who strive for regardless of how large, popular, or
power as a means to protect well-known===it is practicing
themselves from anxiety and religious captivity. You are not
from a feeling of helplessness. serving the One who died to set the
The witchcraft demon functions captives free, but rather you are
very covertly with soulish serving false gods
natures of this variety. However,
the demon will be exposed And, if after reading this list, you
when he will eventually lead cannot recognize and admit to
the captive to be out of balance yourself that your beloved church or
in very common, everyday ministry is practicing, unbiblical and
situations. ungodly doctrines and practices, then
you are definitely brainwashed and
When a person shuns under the spell of “deceitful spirits
commonplace situations such and doctrines of demons” and these
as acceptance of guidance, demonic lies are “seared in your own
advice, or help, any kind of conscience as with a branding iron”

dependence on the brethren,
any acquiescing or agreement (1 Tim. 4:1,2).
with his brothers and sisters in
Christ, witchcraft as a work of
the flesh is manifested. Such And, that means you need deliverance
protests do not always arise in to be set free from Satan’s bondage
full force but rather will increase and deception. It also means you are
gradually. The demon gets deceived about who you are serving.
involved because pride of this You are not serving the true Jesus,
kind is an open invitation to it. but the Fake One, who is the master
of idols — which is idolatry, which
The witchcraft demon is also means you are an “idolater,” and
attracted to a soul that feels idolaters do not inherit eternal life or
very insignificant. Those have an inheritance in the Kingdom of
who have been consistently Christ and God (Gal. 5:20,21; Eph.
oppressed will develop a rigidity 5:5)!
and an unbalanced “super
strength” which makes them So RUN from your captors and RUSH
think and act as if they can out of the arms of the Fake Jesus
master any situation in their Sananda Immanuel into the arms of
own power. Such a person will the True Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
pretend that he is leaning and who died and was raised from the
trusting on the Lord’s power by dead to set the captives FREE! “He
spouting scripture like “I can do whom the Son sets FREE is FREE
all things through Christ who INDEED!
strengthens me”, yet within his
soul he considers any Here is Steve Lambert's list of 33
weakness as a disgrace and he signs.
is steeped in pride.
1.Apotheosis of the leadership —
For example, he judges other exalting them to God-like status in
saints as being weak, when in and over the group;
reality, he himself feels weak
and insignificant. This is fertile 2.Multi-level authority/government
ground for a witchcraft spirit hierarchy;
because he can use the captive
to intimidate the weaker 3.Absolute authority of the leadership;
brethren and to cause him or
her to feel condemned. 4. No real accountability of the
leadership to the corporate body;
The witchcraft demon also can
enjoy himself by causing the 5.Hand-picked sub-leaders, based on
captive to despise himself when their demonstration of
he has fallen.The witchcraft submissiveness to the ultimate leader
demon is also comfortable rather than on the basis of their
inside of a soul that lusts to leadership skills, spirituality, and

have control over others as well
as over himself. A person under anointing and appointment by God;
the influence of a witchcraft
demon will want nothing to 6.Pervasive abuse and misuse of
occur that he himself has not authority in personal dealings with
initiated or approved of. members;

Such people claim to want 7.Paranoia and insecurity by the

everyone around them to be leaders;
free, while simultaneously
demanding to know every detail 8.Abuse, misuse, and inordinate
of even the most insignificant incidence of “church discipline;”
situations. When such a person
has not been informed of 9.Personal materialism,
EVERYTHING, he becomes covetousness, and self-
extremely agitated. aggrandizement by the leaders;

People with this character flaw 10.Members and/or sub-leaders must

can appear to be extremely make a “spiritual covenant,”
generous. No one may even sometimes a signed covenant
notice his desire to dominate agreement, pledging their total
and control because the captive commitment and financial support to
is so subtly manipulative. the leadership and church/ministry;
Usually in such cases, a lying
demon is involved also. 11.Partitioning of the group into
smaller groups that are led by
People who appear to be internally “raised up” lay-leaders who
submissive and giving will have not been anointed or appointed
surprise you with how by God for leadership within the
manipulative they can be. For church;
example, when you righteously
confront them with issues that 12.Financial exploitation and
are important to YOU , they enslavement of the members;
avoid the issue at hand by
simply responding with counter 13.Inordinate attention to maintaining
accusations, whether they be the public “image” of the ministry;
true or not. All confrontation, no
matter how small or 14.Doctrinal demeanment and
insignificant, causes them to devaluation — the requisite of
perceive you as THE ENEMY. espousing and teaching “sound
doctrine” is demeaned and devalued;
One who does not know his
own personality type will 15.Theological incompetency by the
become so frustrated that he leadership, especially with respect to
may develop psycho-somatic the rules of hermeneutics and Bible
illnesses such as major exegesis employed in the formulation

headaches or fits of depression
when he feels “out of control of of doctrine, giving license to twisting
others.” This will happen when and adulteration of Scripture in order
the person will develop an to provide proof-texts for unorthodox
unconscious defense and invented doctrines;
mechanism to fight the
witchcraft spirit by using his 16.Spiritualism, mysticism, and
willpower to repress his own unproven doctrines;
curiosity. As the saying goes,
“curiosity killed the cat.” 17.Abuse and misuse of prophetic
giftings as a means to dominate and
When a person lies to his own intimidate;
soul, this gives demons the
opportunity to attach the body. 18.Devaluation, disallowance,
The desire to have his own way disregard, and displacement of the
will be a source of serious true Fivefold Ministry within the
irritation and inflammation when church;
others do not do exactly what
he expects of them and exactly 19.De facto legalism, or works
at the time that he expects it. mentality, and its resulting loss of the
“joy of salvation,” though “freedom”
The desire to have his own way is forever preached from the pulpit
will be inflamed by the and the church is constantly touted as
witchcraft demon’s lust for being a “safe church” by the
domination. This is when the leadership;
fruit of patience and
longsuffering will come to the 20.Esotericism — hidden agendas and
rescue. The witchcraft demon requirements revealed to members
will cause the captive to be in a only as they successfully advance
constant state of irritation when through various stages of “spiritual
others are “disobedient” or enlightenment,” i.e., unorthodox,
“noncompliant” to his unproven indigenous doctrines;
suggestions, recommendations
and instructions. 21.Isolationism — corporate and
individual, especially with respect to
Any kind of delay or necessity exposure to outside ministry sources;
to wait may even lead to
outbursts of temper that may 22.Performance-based approval and
also erupt into rage. Demons promotion system of members
will also work to cause the predicated on “proven” “loyalty” (i.e.,
captive to minimize such submission) to the leadership;
outbursts so as to cause him to
be ill prepared for a future 23.Devaluation, suppression, and
eruption that will lead to a non-recognition of members’ bona
disaster that demons have fide God-given talents, abilities, gifts,
secretly planned for years. callings, and anointing, as a means of

In such cases, the witchcraft subjugation;
demon will align itself with a
spirit of death. The spirit of 24.Requiring members to perform
death specializes in accidents, menial tasks, such as cleaning toilets,
suicide and murder. The devil setting up chairs, and acting as the
comes to steal, kill and destroy. leader’s personal valet or slave, as a
The demons also work well supposed means to humble them and
when the captive is unaware of teach them to “obey their leaders;”
his own bossy behavior. Even if often called armorbearers.
he becomes hostile and angry
when things don’t go his way 25.Constant indoctrination with a
the witchcraft demon will cause “group” or “family” mentality that
him to still insist that he is impels members to exalt the
merely a gentle and meek soul corporate “life” and goals of the
who is provoked into anger church-group over their personal
because the brethren are so ill goals, callings, and objectives;
advised in their rebellion against
him. 26.Members are psychologically
traumatized and indoctrinated with
The rage arising from the numerous improper fears and phobias
rebellion of significant others aimed at keeping them reeling in
may be hidden to such an diffidence and an over-dependence or
extent that the captive may not co-dependence on their leaders and
even recognize why he feels the corporate group;
depresses and tired. Only
accurate observation can 27.Corporately, there eventually
gradually and progressively develops an inordinately high
uncover the connection incidence of financial, marital, moral,
between the captive’s desire to psychological, mental, emotional, and
control others and how this medical problems, including sudden
desire must be broken by the deaths and contraction of “incurable”
Holy Ghost. and “unknown” diseases;

If the captive begins to 28.Lack of true personal spiritual

recognize the connection growth and development, especially
between his pride, his desire to in terms of genuine faith and
control others, and his fatigue, experiencing the abounding grace,
depression and anxiety, he will forgiveness, goodness, blessings,
be able to successfully prepare kindness, and agape-love of God;
the ground of his soul for the
expulsion of the witchcraft 29.Members are required to obtain the
demon. In fact, resisting approval or “witness” of their
personal pride will cause leader(s) for decisions regarding
demons to flee without the personal matters;
necessity of casting them out..

As previously stated, the 30.Frequent preaching from the pulpit
witchcraft demon can hide in a regarding not getting out from under
person who naturally has a the “spiritual covering” of the
strong personality as well as a leadership;
person who appears to have a
low self image. Every newborn 31.Members departing without the
comes into this world a sinner, prior permission and blessing of the
yet tooting his own horn. Infants leadership leave the group under a
learn quickly how to have a cloud of manufactured suspicion,
temper tantrum by screaming to shame, and slander;
get its needs met. 32.Horror stories frequently told by
leaders about individuals or families
Babies have the power to who left the group without the prior
control their adult parents with permission and blessing of the
such screams of temper. Jesus leadership, and the terrible
said that the meek would inherit consequences and curses they
the earth. A meek person is one suffered as a result;
who puts the Lord’s will before 33.Departing members often suffer
his own and complies and from various psychological problems
submits to the word of God in and display the classic symptoms
spite of his own desires and associated with Post-Traumatic
feelings. Stress Disorder (PTSD).
So…what to do, says Lambert? Well,
Yet, somehow, the witchcraft here’s a few questions he proposes
demon will use the seemingly for you to ponder:
weak to inherit or “own” the
souls of others. Demons will
use “the weak” to bring guilt Do you know what the signs of hyper-
trips, condemnation and authoritarianism, control, and
accusations against those who domination in a group or church and
have a strength of character how to recognize them?
that they themselves lack.
Do you know if the signs are simple,
This is the witchcraft demon at overt, and obvious, or are they
its best because the weak seem sophisticated and complex, covert,
to be so helpless in their and hidden?
attempts to control people with
“love and affection," they can Could you be objective enough about
set a strong trap for the your church or group and leaders to
unsuspecting. This is the correctly analyze if authoritarian
manner in which the witchcraft abuse is taking place at your church?
demon very often enters into
parent/child relationships, a Do you know how to explain what the
situation that is conducive to a signs are to prospective or suspected
demonic soul tie..” victims in order to convince them they

In this particular conversation
regarding witchcraft are under it?
predispositions of the human
soul, suffice it to say that the Do you know how to throw out a
domineering character flaw is lifeline to rescue them?
the pursuit of power and control.
Do you know what steps are
The blindside is that necessary for victims to recover from
witchcraft does not necessarily the psychologically traumatizing and
manifest itself with open hostility spiritually damaging effects of years
towards others. In fact, it is of subjection to spiritual abuse?
often disguised in socially
acceptable ways, ie. giving Do you know why hyper-authoritarian
advice, seeking to manage doctrines and practices are
other people’s affairs, or taking unscriptural and Biblically-prohibited,
a helpful initiative in problem and could you cite some of the
solving---the butinski personality Scripture passages in which God
type. condemns them?

So keep your eyes opened so Do you know from a biblical

that you can see beyond the standpoint if God requires you to
blindside. always “obey your leaders,” even
when they set requirements that
contravene Scripture or your
conscience, or when they behave as
unscrupulous and undisciplined
tyrants rather than model the
characteristics of servanthood that
Jesus modeled and instructs His
under-shepherds to likewise model

Steven Lambert is a prolific writer

with a prophetic calling, an
academician. I give him his props.
His 33 signs are good ones. That is
Initial why I deferred to him. Yet I have only
one comment that I think is

If I were preparing the list of 33,

number 33 would be number one
on my list. Anytime you come away
from a corporate experience with post
traumatic stress disorder, the rest of
the list shrinks in significance.

But you know Pam. Keepen it real,
I'll simply sing, "hit the road, Jack,
and don't cha come back no mo, no
mo, no mo, no mo!!. Hit the road
Jack, and don't cha come back no
mo!!!!!." What you say?"

I'm just an email or a phone call away. Send

me an email at or
call 518-477-5759

Sheppard's Counseling and Publishing Center, PO Box 356, East Greenbush NY, NY 12061

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