Flexible Ac Transmission Systems

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Course Code: BEL 801 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:

The course gives an opportunity to attendees to understand more fully the technicalities of steady
state, dynamic and transient stability and to be fully aware of the types and functionality of
equipment available today in the FACTS artillery.

Course Contents:

Module 1 : Introduction

Basics of Power Transmission networks, control of power flow in AC Transmission line, Flexible AC transmission
system controllers Application of FACTS controllers in distribution systems.

Module 2: AC Transmission line and Reactive Power compensation

Analysis of Uncompensated AC line, Passive Reactive Power Compensations, Compensation by a Series Capacitor
Connected at the Mid- point of the Line, Shunt Compensation Connected at
the Midpoint of the Line, Comparison between Series and Shunt Capacitor and SSSC.

Module 3: Static Var Compensator

Static Var Compensator, Analysis of SVC, Configuration of SVC, SVC Controller, Harmonics and Filtering,
Applications of SVC.

Module 4: Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM)

Introduction, Principle of Operation of STATCOM, Simplified Analysis of a Three Phase Six Pulse STATCOM,
Analysis of a Six Pulse VSC Using Switching Functions, Harmonic Transfer and Resonance in VSC, Applications
of STATCOM, Compensation by STATCOM.

Module 5: Unified Power Flow Controller and other Multi-Converter Devices

Introduction, Operation of a UPFC, Control of UPFC, Protection of UPFC, Interline Power Flow Controller,
Convertible Static Compensator, SSR Characteristics of UPFC, Applications of UPFC.

Examination Scheme:

Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE
Weightage (%) 5 15 5 5 70

CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester
A: Attendance

Text & References:

 K. R. Padiyar: Flexible AC Transmission Systems, 2009

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