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special feature of this book is thatk&e phrases and wobds CONTENTS

are given in English with their translation in German as
well askheir pronunciation in Devnagri Script so that Sr. No Chapter Page No.
they are easy to pronounc
*. 1 Introduction 9
A new chapter containi
Germaas and practical 1.1 The Alphabet 10
of your stay,has.been in 1.2 Pronunciation of Vowels 11
gestions therein being based on my personal experiences 1.3 Pronunciation of Consonants 14
2 Basic Vocabulary 19
,. . in Germ_rlny..,Iamsu I
I shall like to ad fves 2.1 Basic Words 19
years of hard work and practice in reading, writing, ht~ar- 2.2 Basic Expressions 22
ing and speaking. However, when one has to travel ;it a 3 Cardinal Numbers and
short notice and for a short'span if time, a thbrough stiidy Ordinal Numbers 24
of the language is not possible. Thisbook is intendeii to 4 Time - Days -Months 28
serve a8 an essential langyage guide before your journey 5,: Family Relations 38
' . 6 Some Professionals 40
and as a ready reckoner during the stay itself. I
I am extremely tharikul to Dr. Subhash ~ a n a dfore &it- 7 "' Customs and Passport ' 43
ing the Foreword. I also thank all the readers of the first ,>
8' Journey 46
and second editions for thejr encouraging response. I thwk 8.1 Journey by Road 48
Shri. Raja Marathe for designing the cover and Shri M'.G. 8.2 Journey by Train, Aeroplane and
Joshi for printing the book efficiently in a short time. Ship 62
i 8.3 Asking the Way 68
8.4 Sightseeing 70

6 R G e m a n Far lndlans German For Indians S 7

Asking help for Language 1. INTRODUCTION
General Conversation
Invitations, Greetings & Regrets
At the Bank ( changing money ) German has many dialects. It is not possible to get
At the Post Office to know these dialects within a short time. There is a
Telephoning substantial difference of pronunciation in these dialects
Conversation with a Doctor which may confuse a beginner. Therefore I have tried to
Emergency give the pronunciation with reference to the "Standard
Shopping German" which is used by the press, radio, television,
In a Hotel stage and schools, and which can be understood by German
Eating out people speaking any dialect. The German script is similar
Some Common Opposites to English.
Parts of the Human Body
Names of Colours The pronunciation of German words is mostly tn
Sports and Entertainment accordmce with their spellings and viceversa.
Musical Instruments
A key to pronunciation :s beinip~ovidedhere. The
Names of Flowers
sounds of any two languages are never exactly the same.
Fruits and Nuts
And nothing can take the place of the accent of a native.
Names of Animals and Birds
If you keep your ears open and.try to copy the accent of
Information about Germany the German speaking people you meet, you can successfully
with Map jump the pronunciation hurdle. I hope the key to
Tips to Travellers pronunciation provided here will help you in your efforts.

German For Indians
- - German For Indians 1 9
N (enn) Vowels are always pronounced in the same way if they
0 (Oh) occur under the same circumstances. Only their length
p (pe) varies. It can be short or long. It is mostly short when
Q (koo)
followed by two or more consonants and long otherwise
and also when doubl~ ?d or wh en i t is followed by 'h'.
R (err)
S (ess) 1 T

pronun examples
T (te) ciation
u (00) short JiT danken & (to thank)
v (fow)
lang ?Vl (long)
w (ve)
haben G& (to have)
X (ix) a, aa, long m S
ah Staat ?aS<(state)
Y (ipsiion)
Zahl aE7 (number)
Z (tset)

9 sechs 3im (six)

geben fkd3 (to give)
I short qs leer +ST (empty)
Lehrer $ 5 (teacher)

* 'e' a t the end of a word is pronounced like '3'

e.g. Farbe - d q (colour)
Anlage - jmcrm4 (plant, installation)

10. German For Indians

German For Indians W 11
pronun- examples The following combination of vowels are called
ciation "~i~hthongs"

5 ist (is) diphthongs pronun-

d ciation
wir ~ J (we)R
tief 85% (deep)
ai, ei
ihn $I (him)
sieht &s< (sees)
o short offen (open)
o, 00, oh long rot its< (red)
au, eu
Boot $s< (boat)
ohne ?i/~qq (without)
D~ not confuse the sounds of 'ei' (Jm) and 'ie' ($1
short kirz qj8 (short) Weise
.. . M. 4. (way, manner)
u, uh long ~t F (good) Wiese 8 ~ ~ (meadow)
Uhr ;I;m (watch)
The following modified vowels are called Umlaut.

The vowels a, o and u when they bear a sign (") are

called umlaut.
a (a umlaut)
6 (O u~nlauk)
ii (U umlaut)

These umlauts have a different pronunciation than the


original vowels. Their length also can be short or long.

German For Indians German For Indians 13

dann F l (then)
danken sr;rh (to thank)
a short Flache +?TT(area)
long erklaren *Jit-;r
(to explain)
0 ( short Gelenk %h (joint)
konnen &%q (can) Lage 8T.y (position)
szhon ?dls? I

ii I short

Kiirze @q
* 'g' When preceded by 'i' a t the end of a word is
pronounced like '4T' richtig - m721(correct) -
H, h 5 Haus 6EFf (house)
heinen &(to be called)

1.3 PRONUNCIATION OF CONSONANTS * When 'h' is placed after a vowel, i t is silent and it
makes the vowel long
e, g. Fahrt v;rs&.journey)
example gehen $ 5 (to ~ go)
Boden d'h (ground) ja - m (yes)
Baum W (tree) Januar mfli (January)
(in words Carbon &
of nongerman Cafe &

14 11 German For Indians

German For Indians 15
leider ~+~FEX
(unfortunately) Saal (hall)
Lampe WJI(lamp) Sache :mJi (thing)
Macht m.(power)
Visum fim (visa)
Maschine *T;IJI (machine) Tag (day)
mein 9iS;i (my) Tabak Imm;. (tobacco)
halten q?;t;l (to halt)
Nachbar (neighbour)
(in all German words)
parken ¶X;r (to park) Vater 'KT (father)
I Punkt g?R (poiit) vie1 &;r (much)
d by 'f in the beginning of a word
and followed by a vowel, it is pronounced like '%' * s (in borrowed words or words of Greek origin.)
e.g. Pfund (pound) e.g. Visum f@J4 (visa)
Violine ~&~?I@XJI
Q,4 -q Quelle &?JI (well)
bequem h&(comfortable) I--wann qr;r (if, when)
Wein m$?l (wine)
R, r R recht i??(right) Weib Y T V (wife)
rot ??s< (red)
Regal ~ R (she10
( Taxi 7Kf& (taxi)
Regel ?%T(rule)
S, s I I was imT (what)
* 'Sf, When it comes in the beginning of a word and
Zahl (number)
Zoll FFitfl (customs duty)
is immediately f o ~ ~ o w ebyh a vowel, is pronounced like '3'. zahlen ?dFi (to pay)
- e. g. singen f$~?? (to sing) ,

I Zeit (time)

16. German For Indians

German For Indians 17

ch - after a, o, u is proi~ouncedlike 'q' 2.1 Basic Words

which welche
e.g. flach (flat)
Koch dq (codk) where
from where woher
Buch Tq (book)
ch - afcer e, i, eu, a, 6, ii pronounced like where t o wohin
e.g. recht i?< (right) who
nicht R?z (not) what
Flache d ? ~ (plane)
q when
Biichy 'q$TT (books) why
chs - pronounced like '37 whom wen
to whom wem
e:g. ' Fuphs (fox)
ck pronounced like % ; whose wessen,
e.g. decke h q (cover) how
wie vide
sp - pronounced like ?q! how many
wie vie1
e.g. $<
spat (late) how much
st pronounced like ?< how long
wie lange
e.g. Stadt 9"$Z. (city) and
sch - pronounced like ?I or
here hier
e.g. Schule ?kflq (school)
tsch pronounced like there dort
e.g. Deutsch 8- (German) not
also auch

18. German For Indians

often Mr. Herr
Mrs. Frau
seldom selten
Miss. Fraulein
really wirklich
all alle
of I from von
for but aber
again wieder
in In
at least mindestens
to ZU
rather, quite ziemlich
to, after naeh
at first zuerst
before vor
a t last zuletzt
with mit
important wichtig
without ohne
possible moglich
on an I auf
other nndere
at an / bei
both beide
through durch
until bis
more mehr
no more nicht mehr
less wenig
enough wnug
soon bald
quick sehnell
some einige
inside drinnen
outs~de draufien

German For Indians U 21

20 H German For Indians

Yes Ja m Have a good Vie1 SpaD* &lW1
No Nein T+T
time ! Vie1 Vergniigen .
Thank you Danke schon SKliJi
Thank you very much Vielen Dank 6'&~ sm
Please! welcome! Bitte schon ! k q ?+I
See you again!
Good day! hallo!
How are you?
Guten Tag! *T
Auf Wiedersehen! amq &&qq

Wie geht es Ihnen? ift k% ?

Excuse m'e. Entschuldiyng/ wsm
That's right Das stimmt
All' right Sehr gut
Thank god. Gott sei Dank.

That is very Das ist sehr

nice of you. nett von Ihnen
What a pity! Wie schade!
How nice! Wie schon !

Just a'moment, Moment bitte


Good luck! Vie1 Gliick

22 German For Indians

3. CARDINAL NUMBERS AND 21 twenty-one einundzwanzig
ORDINAL NUMBERS 22 twenty-two zweiundzwanzig
23 twenty-three dreiundzwanzig:
zero null 24 twenty-four vierundzwanzig
one eins 30 thirty dreiBig
two zwei 40 forty vierzig
three drei 50 fifty funfzig
four vier 60 sixty sechzig
five funf 70 seventy siebzig
six sechs 80 eighty achtzig
seven sieben 90 ninety neunzig
eight acht 100 hundred hundert
nine neun 200 two hundred zweihundert m
ten zehn 254 two hundred zweihundertvier-
and fifty four -undfiinfiig
1,000 thousand tausend *

thirteen , dreizehn 10,0000 ten thousandzehntausend dTT&

fourteen vierzehn 1,00,000 one lakh hunderttausend
fifteen fiinfzehn 10,00,000ten lakh eine Million jm;rjlFTPd*
sixteen sechzehn
1,000 Millionen = 1 'Milliarde
seventeen siebzehn
eighteen achtzehn (mik w* = 3m;rJirnd3t,
nineteen neunzehn (1,000,000 Millionen = 1Billion
m* = 3m;rmdw

twenty zwanzig (3m;rrnJii;r

24 8 German For Indians Gennan For Indians 2

The other NUMERALS are derivedfrom these numbers by The decimal point is represented by 8, Comma in German
adding the suffixes given in the table below
e. g. 12.25 = 12,25
twelve point twenty five = zwol~omrnafiinfundzwan~ig
-ma1 -fach -te -tel -tens w&m+n-?~
(-times) (-fold) (-th) (-th part) Gly)

einmal einfach der -- erstens

(once) (onefold/ das (firstly)
single) die &
m hImri8 *Ji
zweimal zweifach der zweite halb zweitens

double) die 1
(twice) (twofold, das ( t h e
mrmm himr18 FmlZJi
(halb) -(secondly)

dreimal dreifach der - drittel drittens

(thrice) (threefold) das

@!T?i Idritte (a third (thirdly)

die (the third)

3. Multiplication

viermal vierfach der vierte viertel viertens

(four (fourfold) das
1 (the (a fourth (fourthly)

*m *mp
tiim18 *& **
fourth) part)

26 German For Indians German For Indians m 27

4. -
hour Stumde
Sekunde w31
quarter of an hour viertelstunde
%=I following hour.
half an hour halbe Stunde $&&9s;sq
m q ?s;sq e.g. ~tis half past nine (i.e. 9.30).
Es ist halb zehn.
today heute
tomorrow fimq mrsm*.
morgen .ii;h. hi^ abovedesc&edmethodis the easie~t~netolearn as
day after tomorrow iibermorgen ituses to ("or) and past (nach) like in English, the only snag
yesterday gestern h f being the half hours.
day before vorgestern oneother easy method is like the railway time e.g. 8.15
w = eight fifteen
acht Uhr funfzehn
Immediate future is expressed in present tense.

In German the time can be expressed in different ways. to avoid confusion.

As in English by counting the minutes 'to' (vor) the next

hour and by counting the minutes past or 'after' (nach) the
last hour.

Sharp at 5
punkt funf. 1 F-I
urn 5 Uhr 39 p3JTi.

Round about gegen 5 Uhr.

m 3m-
It is 5 minntes past 1 after four.
Es ist fEnf Minuten nach vier Uhr. 5 O'clock.

28. German For Indians German For Indians il 29

I will meet you
a t 8 O'clock
Ich treffe Sie
morgen um 8 Uhr
m w 3511
h~i * lecture end ? die Voriesung
zu Ende ?
HOW long will it Wie lange
I am sorry that Es tut mir leid, ?;i Rm m, continue ?
dauert es ?
I am late. ich bin spiit. $?T h ?k.
~tlasts three Es dauert
At what time Wann sol1 ich T 7 h391 82
drei Stunden.
should I be there ? hours.
dort sein? sm;r?
Ich habe eine
Can I come Kann ich nach J;n $91 m m I have a
good clock. gute Uhr.
after 2.30? halb drei kommen? gcr 7s?
Geht Ihre Uhr
At what time IS your clock
Urn wieviel Uhr richtig ?
does the post/ correct ?
offnet die Post1
bank / shop open ? die BanWdas Sic geht ~ichtig.
It is correct.
Geschaft ?
sis fire minutes Sie geht f ~ n f 3s~
slow / fast. Minuten nach I VOT. TKJ 1 &.
At what time does Urn wieviei Uhr
the posUbanWshop schliefit die Wann essen m*
~t what time
dose ? Post / die Bank / Sie zu sft%
you eat in
der Laden ? the afternoon? Mittag ? - . m?
At what time Urn wieviel Uhr What do you Was machen mu&
will the show / ist das Stiiek / do in the Sic am Abend ? 8 5114 ?
evening ?
30 8 German For Indians German For Indians 8 31
Do you have Haben Sie an ~~~m morning
any plan for this diesem Wochenende 83qiJ* noon
weekend ? etwas vor ? Qjm-iGk? before noon
I would like to Ich mochte $91 4 9 ~ J i evening
invite you on Sie am Samstag 8PIww3i& night
Saturday evening zum Abendessen d%c!& midnight
for dinner. einladen. wSak3. dam
Eine Woehe
Can you come Konnen Sie -8 A week has
to us at about h a t sieben Tage..
gegen sieben Uhr ?ih b zrn seven days.
7 0' clock? bei uns sein? mmSm;l? Sie hei5en
They are
We will go to Sonntag
Wir gehen Sunday
cinema after nach dem Essen Montag
dinner. ins Kino. senstag
I work from Ich arbeite von Donnerstag
8 a. m. to 1.30 p.m. acht bis halb Freitag
and 2 p.m. to zwei und von Samstag I
6.45 p.m. zwei bis viertel sonnabend
vor sieben. Ein Jahr hat
~n year has
t h e h e months
I work part time. Ich arbeite nur Sie sind
. halbtags. They are

32 FB German For Indians

February Febru&r Der Winter
March Marz
April April What is the Dc r wievielte ?i*q
May Mai date t a d a ~? ist heute ? i j m~ q ?
June '
July Today is 21st H*ute ist der ~ Z J ~ S Z ~
August August March. einundnuanzigst~ Jm?;s;s?cimftmrzq
Marz. M
September September
October Oktober
November How is the Wie ist das $r~,3~mh
weather there ? Wetter dart ? a?
An year has Ein Jahr hat How is the Wie ist das $pr.i~mh
365 days. weather here Wetter hier im
365 Tage. * I
in summer/winter ? Sommer 1
.A leap year has Ein Schaltjahr
It rains ~m sommer r;q**
366 days. hat 366 Tage. mm.
sometimes in regnet es
summer. manchmd.
There are four ES gibt vier
seasons. Jahreszeiten. There is a lot Es gibt vie1
Schnee im Winter.
~ m *
93 F'im.
spring of snow in winter.
Der Friihling
summer Der Sommer
- autumn Der Herbst

34 1 German For Indfans German For Indians . 35

o; out for a
arir spazieren
Is it warm 1st es warm W W ~ walk and will und bleiben
enough ? nicht zu Hause.
genug ? W? not sit at home.
Nice weather, SchOnes Wetter,
Just see, it Sehen Sie ! Es h * ' ~
isn't i t ? nicht wahr ?
has started beginnt zu
raining. dft;Z.q
regnen. WIT. What is the Was ist die
temperature TemperRWr
Please, wait Warten Sie, bitte heute ?
a& $, hq, today ?
for sometime. noch ein biDchen ! ;ifa f&&
Today is - 10 'C Heute ist - 10' C
DOyou have Haben Sie einen &q $
an umbrella ? Regenschirm ? vFif&f?
I don't have Ich habe T?T my
one. keinen. *.
Can you lend Kijnnen Sie mir && & &JT(
me an umbrella ? einen Regenschirm w& ~ J T $
leihen ? m?
I will return Ich gebe $91 %fq T*
your umbrella Ihren Regenschirm ff;rf'ppt rii;h
tomorrow. morgen zuriick. w.
If the sun Wenn die Sonne h8 &qq
- shines, we will scheint, gehen ?W,k57 fbR
36. German For Indians
5 FAMILY RE ION aunt die T a n k 9
family die Familie
nephew der Neffe %iw
father niece die Nichte
der Vater father-m-law der Schwiegewaer b -9
mother die Mutter mother-in-law die Schwiegennutter f
parents die Eltern der Schwiegersohn b 9-53
grandfather son-in-li w
der GroBvater
die GroRmutter
daughter-in-law die Schwiegertochter 8 ?m*
brother-in-law der Schwager 27 B W R
grandparents die GroBeltern
;ster-in-law die Schhwagenn 8 '&f%
der Sohn
daughter stepfather der Stiefvatet 27 2-'
die Tochter stepmother die Stiefmutier 8- 2
brother der Bmder
Stepbrother der Stietbruder b -9
die Schwester
brothers and stepsister die Stiefschwest.6'~ 8 ? h a *
die Geschwister
sisters husband der Ehemann b TSW
wife die Ehefrau 8 TSW
boy der Knabei a couple das Ehepaar qsm "
der Junge
fiance der Brautigam ti*
€7~1 das Msdchen aiam
young girl fiancee die Braut
das Friiulein
grandson der Enkel
granddaughter die Enkelin
grandchildren die Enkelkinder
cousin (brother) der Vetter
cousin (sister) die Kusine
- uncle der Onkel

38 m German For Indians ,

6 SOME PROFESSIONALS blacksmith der Schlosser i%
dispensing chemist der Mechaniker k *2rftmT
der Apotheker t7 M k mechanic
baker architect der Architekt k m?@U
der Backer h h der Techniker & bTk3
bookseller der Buchhandler k technician
cobbler chemical engineer der Chemiker &% 9
der Schuhflicked
der Schuster
h? L S ~
cook der Koch &a
painter der Maler &W
der FIeischer/
housepainter der Streicher & ??X?R
der Metzger
hair-dresser artist der Kfinstler %7
der Friseur
jeweller der Schauspieler %7 917mim
der Juwelier film actor
optician der ~echtsanwailt%7 t 9 q -
der Optiker lawyer
accountant der Buchhalter magician der Zauberer b FR3J
enj$neer police die Polizei 8-
der Ingenieur
doctor policeman der Polizi& &
der A n t
teacher waiter der Kellner k
der Lehrer
businessman civil servant der Beamte %7
der Kaufmann
farmer priest der Pfarrer %7-
der Landwirt
peasant socialworker dersozial- &?%%m
der Bauer
driver der Fahrer
leader der Leited social worker
der Fiihrer (female)
salesman der Verkaufer social caretaker
electrician der Elektriker (fema1.d

40 .

German For Indians

der Tischter lady secretary

For Indians . 41
nurse die Kranken- 8- 9 k
telepho~ist die Telephonistin 8 &+&+&
receptionist die Empfangs- 8 m q
waitress die Kellnerin 8
lady police die Polizistin 8
lady hairdresser die Friseuse 8
laboratory die Laborantin 8
your passpod, Ihren PaB
-s* m,
lady ~oumalist die3bumalistin 8 bitte ! R?q !
please !
lady cook die Kochin 8 Gm'1;~
saleswoman die Verkauferin 8 &q$qj& Here is my Hier ist am i;K
lady doctor die Antin passport. mein PaO. W mt
lady teacher die Lehrerin 8 3-
kindergarden teacher die Kinder- 8 I am here Pch bin hier f33 am
-gii?tenerin on holiday / auf Urlaub I m3@'m
lady drycleaner die Reinigerin 8 busmess / &sehiiftsreiste / $2-4
housewife die Hausfiau 8 for stodies, fiirs Studium Vq?S qe.
cleaning woman die Putzfrau 8
lady textile worker 8 &fT&r-
lady cashier
die Text&
die bssiererin 8
I will be staying Ich werde 327 s
a few days 1 ein paar Tage I Imq I
two weeks h, zwei Wochen 1 SW!jtbii

German For hdians .43

a few months. einige Monate e q *q
zm S?T& ;pr&M
bleiben. WrGh. M~~ I close them ? Kann ich sic
I do not know yet. Ich weiD noch nieht.$?T schlieoen?
If you have any difficulty in understanding. .. May I go ?
Darf ich
weitergehen ?
d $21 ?mZ7k3
I am sorry,
I do not
Es tut mir
leid, ich kann
*,. i;sr m You will have Sie mussen
to pay duty on t h i s dafur Zoll zahlen.
** * *.
nicht Deutsch. R?z g&.
Is there Spricht hier
fhz am

anyone here jemand h
who speaks English ? Englisch ? *?T ?
Customs I t is not new.
Das ist nieht neu. TiT w mz *.
Do you have Haben Sie etwas &
anything to declare ? zu verzollen ?
q ?
Do you have Haben Sie noch
any more baggage ? mehr Geplick ?
& **
;rm rn ?
I have Ich habe nichts $ 9 ~9rq R?m(
nothing to declare. eu venollen.
%*. There is one Ein Geptickstiick *. *2w
piece missing. fehlt.
Please, open this bag. Bitte, ofmen Sie kq,
diesen Koffer! %6ki7

Those are my bags Das sind meine

Koffer. ?ht
Where can I get Wo finde ieh ein aM ~ P
In this topic first some common useful sentences for
any type of journey are given. In 8.1 journey by car ie.
a Tax1 ? Taxi ? mtft?
by road is described with common written signals and
signs mentioned in it. In 8.2 journey by train, aeroplane
and ship is considered. In 8.3 useful phrases and sen-
tences which you will need while searching for a particu-
Please, get me
a Taxi
Bitte, besorgfm &%
Sie mir ein Taxi !b 3 R Jm;[
lar address are given. In 8.4 some sentences regarding
sightseeing are given along .with a useful vocabulary of
common landmarks and sightseeing places. How much will Was kostet
bis. . .?
c?S *
it cost upto. . .? q b..?
Have you packed Haben Sie Ihre 73217 5'1 g m q
up your luggage ? Koffer gepackt ? & ?rlliR HOW far is it Wie weit ist a?&v
es bis. . .? q tr. . .?
up to. . .?
Are you ready Sind Sie b 8 I
for journey ? Bitte, bringen Sie Wqs
Where are you
reisefertig ?

Wohin fahren

#& mt;r sft ?

Take me to this
addresdhotel. mich zu dieser
going ? Sie ? zum Hotel. m.
We are going
to Berlin 1 to
Wir fahren
nach Berlin /
RJX pjit;l
%/ q
Please, stop
Bitte, halten
Sie hier!
my friend. zu meinem Freund. w& m,
$ am in a hurry. Ich habe es eilig. $?T m4 '3
Vnach' in the sense 'to' is used for town or country. &?T.
zu = to, is used for a person or otherwise.)

46. German For Indians

Please drive Bitte, fahren f&q, q+ & A person who is going Lo travel by his own car and wants
fast / slow. Sie schnell / to share it with someone, infonns the agency about his
*/-+im. travel plans. You can contact the agency an4 get the
benefit of travelling a t a cheaper rate than railways. In
How can I Wie kann ich % pi $21 -..--wav
this " both are beneficiaries and you get an opportunity

take my luggage ? mein GepBck to befriend a German person alsc~.

% Germany has got very good highways and they charge
tragen ? & ?
no extra tax for using them. All sorts of facilities are
provided on the highways such as; parking places,
telephone, fuel, restaurant, toilets and police help at every
8.1 JOURNEY BY CAR i.e. BY ROAD. few kilometers. There are large self-illurninant boards on
the highways a t short intervals which mention the
distance to such facilities, large towns ahead and the
(i) All taxis have meters. It is better to ask the small and large villages nearby.
approximate fare beforehand. In principle the tip is At petrol pump self-service for filling the petrol is very
included in the fare in Germany, although it is common common. If you ask for the service, it is very costly. Also
to round up the fare to the nearest Mark. There are Taxi +he . . to wash and clean your vehicle is available
-... eouiDment
c e n t r e s . You can get their phone numbers a t and free of cost if you do it yollrselves.
"Information" or in the local guide book; or in the hotel. The last but not tne least tip is about "Insurance'. This
You can get a taxi by a local telehone call; but taxifare 1s very very important. It is better to get yourself insured
is prohibitively high for us., Indinn~ for the total journey abroad, in India before you leave.
- -- . -. If it is not possible then do it the first thing after you
(ii) There are car rental firms at airports and terminals,,
where you can rent a car and drive if you have an have arrived in Germany.
international driving. licence. Insurance against accident for small periods and for
(iii) A still bettepand cheaper method is to contact a particular reason are possibl~?in Germany. The cost
"Mitfahrzentrum" ie. an agency for "Sharing a car". All is negligible a s compared to your total expenditure.
big cities in Germany have such agencies. Their addresses ?herefore it is very useful and advisable Lo get yourself
can be obtained from the "Information" or from the hotel. insured for the stay in Germany.

48. German For Indians &man For Indians 49

1 would like
Here is my
to rent a car.
driving licence.
a small car. einen kleinen q+, I would like .
Wagen +h to insure
a sports car. my self.
- Have you a
I would like it road map of this
Ich mochte ihn $?T 427q $q
for a day / fiir einen Tag / region ?
two weeks ug~ 52T 9Tq im;;;r
zwei Wochen m $& I have run out Ich habe kein
of petrol. Benzin mehr. %h&
i. i
What is the charge Wieviel kostet
per day / per es pro Tag /
* && put in thirty
week ? pro Woche ? mr jl,q
$ Jit q7 liters, please!

What is the Wieviel kostet && $&

Make the tank
charge per es pro
kilometer ?
w!it full.
Kilometer ?
* ?
Ich brauche etwas $21 WJi
I need some
What is the Wieviel so11 ich SiPFh $9~ 01 I etwasW:%sser/ W
oil some water
deposit ? hinterlegen ? 7 I some BIT etwas Luft rTmnrm
- miF

60m German For Indians German For Indians S 51

Please, check Priifen Sie die q$q SR 4

the tires Reifen, bitte ! Laden &e die

A &, kq. charge the
battery Batterie!
I want the Ich mochte das 5?r 42?q m
oil changed. 0 1 wechseln. &&q Wie lange wird
How long will
it take ? das dauern ?
How much will Wieviel wird f%
it be ? es kosten ? *? Bitte, konnen
can you mend
a puncture ? Sie diesen
My car has Mein Wagen q$q ~ ; i ~eifenschaden
a puncture. hat eine Panne. mq q. flicken?
Where is the WO ist die 3-8
Where are Wo sind die
garage ? Garage ? lmiq ? the toilets ? Toiletten ?
Is there a 1st ein . W WFI wo ist die
mechanic here ? Mechaniker ~~~ rfim 7
Where is the
nearest filling
station ?
The car 1s not Das Auto lauft m & Wie weit ist
running properly. How far is
nicht richlig. Rq7 R ? ~ ? T es bis
Diisseldorf ?
Check the spark Sehen Sie die &iq$) 8
plugs. Ziindkerzen -;na
nach ! Is this the
way to Essen?
52 W German For Indians
Which is the Welche StraRe q m ~ i
In this section German is given first just as you see it .
road to Dortmund? fuhrt nach -52 ;rm
Dortmund ? ?
Some written signals
Can you draw me Konnen Sie mir w&q @ Rm
German Devnagari English
a little map ? eine kleine
Zeichnung Caution
machen ? Vorsicht M?z
Take care.
Access only.
Can I park my Kann ich Anlieger frei
car here ? meinen Wagen Ausfahrt
hier parken ? Not in use.
AuBer Betrieb
Can you give Autobahn
Konnen Sie ]Roadworks
me a lift upto mich, bitte, bis ;ahead
Ansbach ? Ansbach
mitnehmen ?
Besetzt / Belei$
I *
Please, switch
I have lost all Bitte, Motor
Ich habe alle off engines !
abschalten !
my documents. Papiere verloren, Oneway street.
We wish you Wir wunschen Do not obstruct
a very good Einfahrt
Ihnen eine entrance.
trip. gute Reise ! Danger
- Lebensgefahr

54. German For Indians German For Indians 65
Insert coin
Nicht iiberholen
No overtaking
Parkplatz Devnagari English
Private parking
Parken Verboten No Parking Entradce
Eingang Jm;mm
Parkzeit 30
Waiting limited Ausgang / Ausfahrt / - ~ Exit
Minuten & Drive in
to 30 minutes Einfahrt
Services on Abfahrt d Departure
highways. A U I ~ ~~ h ~~s t uwaw
hl I m2g Lift
SB. Tankstelle
Self-service Empfang m Sale
petrol station. Ausverkauf Jrmrdifim;mj
Selbst Tanken.
Self service Sonderangebd g s r a ~ i h l i z Special sales
Tankstelle Platform
Petrol pump Bahnsteig / Gleis
Umleitung Ladies
Diversion Damen
Unfall Gents
Accident Herren
Unterfiihrung Timetable
VorfahrtBeachten Fahrplan
Major Road Hold tight
Ahead Festhalten
Anhalten Frei
stop moms to let
Links fahren kemdenzimmer
Keep Left Rooms to let
Rechts fahren Zimmer frei
Keep right
Einordnen . Zimmer zu
Rooms to let
Get in lane
Halt, Poliz@~! vermieten
Stop, police !
Durchgangsverkehr Through traffic Fundbiiro $s-qi'r office
Lost property
- Keine durchfah*
NO throughfare
56. German For Indians
Schliissel-facher 9-q~ m Accessories
Gasthaus / Gasthof I m Repairs
m Stairs
Polizei Bed and
Postamt Breakfast
Arzt ~ccomodation/
Zahnarzt Lodging
Apotheker Changing Room
Sales and
Reiseburo Warning
Reisefuhrer prohibited
Rundfahrt Close doors
Tagesausfliige firmly.
Hot meals
Sprechstunden served.
Sprechzeiten Drinking.
Ruhetag water
Schnelldienst NO Drinking
Zufahrt Water
Platzreser~iemn~ For electric
Zuschlag shavers only.

58 8 German For Indians

Nichtraucher R m Non smoking
Tapwater Reserviert
2&f3l$ Resewed
Schwimmen und Nicht-reserviert R ? w Nonreserved
NO bathing and
Baden verboten swimming. Notausgang %icmmfm E m e ~ e n c yexit
Nicht Anfassen Kostenpflichtig ddqf%~m:i~At owner's
Nicht Beriihren
Nicht Rauchen
Do not touch.
Do not touch.
Do not smoke.
Swimming Pool
- Oben 1 Unten (This side) up /
Offnungszeiten Opening hours
Zeitungen Newspapers
Warteraum Waiting room
Wartesaal Waiting hall
Wartezimmer Waiting room
Wechselstube Currency
exchange centres
Verkehrsamt Traffic office
Tourismusamt Tourist ofice
Stadtzentrum Town centre
Stadtmitte Town centre
Schule School
Kasse Cashdesk
-. Speisekarte Bank
Menu card

60. German For Indians

8.2 JOURNEY BY T The train is Der Zug ist hql W
AEROPLANE AND already there. schon da. 9ih n.
How can I go
to station ?
Wie komme ich
zum Bahnhof?
6?h q $ 9 ~
qy sr~&6 ?
Please keep an Bitte, geben Sie
auf mein
k~t a
eye on my
luggage Gepack acht ! WR?afQ!
Where is the Wo ist der * ~ h
ticket-office ? Fahrkarten %rm&
When is the Wann fdhrt der Wl dit &
- schalter ? next/ firsflast nachstel erstel
letzte Zug nach -4
mfJT /
Please, one first / Bitte, einmxl f=%mTW train to
second class erste 1zweite *4 1 m 4 Mannheim ? Mannheim ? m%F7
ticket to Frankfurt. Klasse nach 3+=74 rn What is the fare Was kostet die 8
Frankfurt ml
to Kiel ? Fahrt nach Kiell ? d rn iffFl
Two secondclass Zwei m m
Is it a through 1st es ein 3Rqm
return tickets to Ruckfahrkarten m q
train ? durchgehender 59- TFfir 7
Bruhl Please !
zweite Klasse Wji zug ?
nachBnih1, bitte ! q~ q,
k qI
Does the train Halt der Zug &ZhV
I would like to Ich mochte $97 4?qa p ~ in. . .? . .?
stop at. . .?
have a lower ein Bett bei &W?&3
berth in sleeping unten im 3 ?.mwn%i-. DO I have a direct Habe ich direkte m4 591-4
compartment. Schlafwagen.

rs this seat 1st dieser w ~ W

connection to
Dannstadt or
shall I have to
Verbindung nach
Dannstadt oder
muR ich
TY 591
9 *~

- vacant? Platz frei ? va;

change ? umsteigen ? GT?m?;i

62 B German For Indians German For Indians PI 63

When does the Wann kommt m 7f;te & 2s there a Hat der Zug mkw
train arrive at , der Zugin WS* dining car on einen &
Cologne ? Koln an ? J m 7 the train ? Speisewagen ? 9 ~ - ?

I would like to Ich mochte R *W * ~ i

register my Please get down Bitte, steigen Sie k q &58
meine Koffer
suitcases. als Reisegepack
h W R 7
mm on this station. an dieser 3mm
aufgeben. wFm'&~.
Station aus ! ?aaftJh;r3Km!
May I have Dad ich Ihre IS smoking 1st Rauchen W&
3 d 59T 53Cq prohibited ? verboten ? ?d&?
your ticket ? Fahrkarte haben ? &?
You will get 1would like to Ich setze mich gern $?T *i
Die Fahrkarte
your ticket a t bekommen Sie sit a t the window. ans Fenster. Jrnr *.
the luggage am Gepack-
Counter again. Please, reserve Bitte, reservileren k
~~ Sft
-schalter wiede~ @W X
You will have t o a seat for me Sie einen Platz
zuriick. Dort
pay there.
fur mich ! qfbfl!
mussen Sie
auch zahlen. Attention, Achtung, Gleis 6! W@, T W M!
platform no. 6 !
Is the train 1st der Zug The fast train Der Schneilzug %-2
in time ? piinktlich ? to Frankfurt nach Frankfiurt wT@f
I would like
via Nurenberg iiberNiimbrg und 3;5 did
Ich hatte gern
and Wurzberg is Wiinburg Ghrt -21 q.
- to have a
einen Fahrplan. leaving just now. sogleich ab.

64. German For Indians German For Indians @ 86

I ,- .,-{ ,<...,
.,.L :,. :!7.?
t - *
H O .., :;
F ~;.2.. ~ U G ~ < , ~ : ~ ~
~ u g g a g eqam,XjiTi;
allowed to take
w i s $ ~ z ~ 6 5 $ j @ ? & % <?j.:+.$ . {lI{?t>,p,
. L

T. ,?fi &.;:i<
,: ;n,yu :p,:j,tJ

- u n n k n Sie mi.r

to Vienna 7.. :;I-;,$:

,. . .
Is there * ~ i $ h t , . , Gibt e&$ine~,:;at fk qmf<! ,..
I would like
a se*i~ *e/! ~ " i eineni&t,k$%ii?
F ~ wn~h$&%,!l.,,? %,a+$;. 'i:C
, ~ :, non=wkfq&,(!
a , . , ,,., $; ~icht~~&9~i~4%
1s it a nonstop 1st es ein wwjm?
fliehti? i!"..:
..." ... ..",
. ..'...
s Warm-",q
.;,, e2jfGe
r ; ~ i ~ + ~ t g u ~ , g ;r, ,2
t$i,;,, ,>? ax
. '. 1 .:
,, 3.
, . ;.
compa'*m$, m'
near a window.
a" .,'..
'.' ~

At what ti<e

what 'ti& :;: Wann &Erg&~ft qrq $*I :srfT

check in?
* 5-
? z!>:t[g9,;: ;,

* -',.'- .t

w&~&&:?:t.;?3ii-@Tq, ... &-.$::%

3 t 2, a:<&: 3 t : .
You can go on
foot. It is very
Sie k6nnen zu $I *
FuO gehen. Es ist qp %.W
Excuse me, how Entschuldigen ~ ? j &$I,h in der Niihe. 5U P 3sq.
can I go to the near.
Sie, wie komme 81&hq $21 Gehen Sie s*
station ? ich zum Bahnhof ? mthj ? Go straight
ahead. geradeaus ! ~~~ !
Where does this Wohin fiihrt Go to the first Fahren Sie bis '4ih

road lead to ?

Are we on the
diese Straae ?

Sind wir auf

crossroad and
then turn to left.
zur ersten
Kreuzung und
dann biegen
right road for der richtigen Sie links ab !
Salzburg ? Stralje nach Sie sind auf $T%Jrngj&
You are on
Salzburg ? the wrong road. der falschen S t ~ a f l e . ~9Wq.
Turn to right Biegen Sie an dft;l& Jh
I am new in Ich bin fiemd der nachsten +J~i &i
at the next
this city. in dieser Stadt. corner. Ecke rechts alb ! t ?JiTri~'
What goes Was geht m inz
HOWfar is the Wie weit ist
quicker, the schneller, die ?k,
post-office ? die Post ?
undergropd U-Bahn **v?
railway or the bus ? oder der Bus ?
Can I travel Kann ich mit
by the bus ? dem Bus fahren ? I will prefer Ich will liebeir
fir ?
fahren als zu
to travel than to
Where is the Wo ist die 3-8 go by foot. FuD gehen.
bus stop ? Bushaltestelle ? =q?hq 7 How can I Wie fahre ich
travel best ? am besten ?

68 S German For Inaians

We akkr(r~
f& $+

a fe

Where doeg>@e:.!:.;

How m;$$+*ts (.: Was, kostet.

.. .~ m d & .z,. A,...
, ., ,

the tols cgW<f ,:;:,:

At what time
::;is;; ., -,
.;":, ?
die R*"dfahrt

Wann begnnt
.?;; .,&

- &a -
does it st.L

. .lY
,. . ,..
die R'uridf&hrfi:?..
,,,!.'ax :L b
AND COMMON LANDMARRS building die Gabaude
harbour der Hafen
amusement park der Vergniigungs- & + f q a y & der See
park die Bibliothek
acquarium das Aquarium der Markt
beach der Strand memorial das Denkmal
botanical garden der botanische mountain der Berg
. Garten museum das Museum
bridge die BrSicke old city die Altstadt
castle opera house das Opernhaus
die Burg /
palace der Palast
das SchloB
cave peak of the
die H6hle die Bergspitze
circus der Zircus der Flub
cityhall das Rathaus das Meer
die Kirche
die Kathedrale
das Gericht
shopping area

das Einkaufs-
das Stadion
docks television studio mi *s?@&
das Fernsehst~~dio
die Hafenanlagen
downtown area die Innenstadt tower
tree der Baum
exhibition die Ausstellung
university die UniversiW 8
factory die Fabrik das Tal mT=i
forest der Wald das Dorf mad
fountain der Brunnen waterfall das Wasserfall TV
- bait

gallery die Galerie zoo der Zoo
73 German For Indians German For Indians 13
- t 7 : . J-2 ,&gi y2! < \>*Jf><,

D o you understand ? Verstehen Sie ? 4&sri;f&~??j,,~..,

?3x;,q2;3-;:! $>c:>
d. Ich vezB&.&eri:lcht. 5;?[ diC
' .....
, ,,a .... \..:,::
:,..I., " .~: 5 %

CoWMyoil pilease Ka e msiSfjj&&i:

translate thTsft5r me? mir
I know a little Ich kann ein Sqm 3-W *?T
IS this expression 1st dieser =el.& German, not much. wenig Deutsch, m,
correct ? Ausdruck richtig ? mz?{ 7
aber nicht viel. RE %.
Please, write it Bitte, schreiben &q, &sft 591W h91M 4
down for rqe ! Sie das fur mich ! mg wg R?l!
I can just make
myself understand.
Ich kann mich
dic9%+2~ *.
Just a moment, Einen Augenblick m& ?m+&q machen.
I'll see, if I can bitte ich schaue Fisrq ~q2mq 1

find it in this book. ma1 im Buch

nach,ob ich
ihn finde.
m 5 ;~7ym,
5?T &
k 3 7 .
Please, don't speak
so fast, speak
slowly !
Bitte, sprechen %% 9dh SfI
Sie nicht so
R e 5?t it*,
sondern langsam !
Is there any Kann man es W.
other way of saying irgendwie anders
this ? sagen ?
Wf ?+T

M Reading is not
difficult for me.
Das Lesen fdlt **
mir nicht schwer. hm R.22 9337

My German Mein Deutsch ist ~m I can understand Ich kann fast $91 WfZ
is elementary sehr einfach. &3Tf iq%m. almost everything. alles verstehen. *2sW

My pronunciation Meine Aussprache wq WMJi I don't have Ich habe nicht $91 Wq R9z
is very bad. istsehr schlecht. ';R 9tw ?&z. enough practice genug iJbung im %?
in speaking. Sprechen. 9d?h
I can read a little Ich kann S?( m
but I cannot speak einigermafien lesen, Jmft?mTft;T %,
- - German. aber spreche 37m &TJT
noch sehr wenig. t?m8391.
German For Indians @ ??
76. German FBr Indians
,:F."". ,,!!!8' ,;c>
,.! ;. v
-. :i,B,.,z
Herr. . .

... .
.#!$,;, ,.,,.!,. :.!i ,,A;,; ; l.,L,'t
Mein Name
.?TL : q t w , , ist
;,:,,;\sc, T??,,E%
' ,,.,,.. ; . < .
1. , I.,,':#

. . . / Ich,b,eifie:.
,, ,.?~; ,,.,
./ :.521w,,.,
.I $?I@$>.. .I,
Ich bin. . .

- Glad to meet you. Sehr erfreut.

... .PC... . .... -.
%IT q?.?&Z.
Are you enjoying Gefallt es *p?q* We have been here Wir sind seit R~~ffts5lKF
your stay ? Ihnen hier ? 8m ? for a week. einer Woche hier. N?& &34 &KC
I live in Bonn. Ich wohne in Bonn. 521 3 s ~ ~q ;$Ylq Yes, I like very
Ja, mir gefallt
es sehr gut.
p?q .$@li
I am a student. Ich bin Student. $?I h?&.
But sometimes I Aber manchmal 3FR a?lTff mq
I am here on a Ich bin auf $21 % 3l.n habe ich Heimweh. $21 W@SJ~-
am homesick.
. business trip einer Geschafts-
reise hier. 334
- I hope, we will Ich hoffe, daD $?I
am. see you again. wir Sie bald E m ??
wiedersehen. 8mhn.
I am alone here. Ich bin hierallein. 721 k em m.
See you later. Bis spater. f4-8 2k.
I am with my Ich bin mit meiner $21 f+i k
wifehusband1 Fradmeinem ~ I ~ w I you tomorrow. Bis morgen.
See % m.
friend Mann /meinem T$W w.
Freund. The following few sentences will help you to continue the
general conversation
Yes, I am coming Ja, ich bin hier m, .Am
for the first time zum ersten Ma1 Very well ! Sehr wohl $377 ~ S W
XJTfi m
In Germany. in Deutschland. $? 3$mjs.
once morK! Noch einmal ! *3TIFFm!
No, we came Nein, wir waren W,%
f qk &I
Right Richtig !' !
- here last year. schon letztes Jahr. &$qm. ~@z?T

80 B German FOPIndians
Not bad either ! Auch nicht schlecht ! RE
German FOP&,dims .
?$?z !

- - -

I do not know. . . Ich weill es nicht. $?[ W %'?z It is urgent. Es ist dringendl. mi ?F&?S.
Let me think over Lassen Sie mich %b
& Hurry up ! Bi te, beeilen Sie kq, 3-
for a moment. . . einen Moment %8z sic h ! &%!
nachdenken! m&+i!
Would you be Wiirden Sie so q&i $ * Show it to me ! Bi'te, zeigen Sie
es mir !
QfsJR 1
- good enough to gut sein, mir zu m,RPTJT(
help me ! helfen ! %?%TI I am looking for. Ich suche. . . V( Wq. . .

If you don't mind. . . Wenn Sie nichts S;T SCI R?m - Give it to me ! Bitte, geben Sie es k J y , *8
dagegen haben.. . d%'&. . mir ! QbJR1

Would you mind if. . . Waben Sie etwas F& $i ymm Bring it to me ! Bitte, bringen Sie k 4 , Fliih &
dagegen, wenn.. . i7ifih, S;T. . . es mir ! qfm 1

Is there any news ? Gibt es etwas f%Z my- What do you want ? Was wiinschen Sie? YiTi %?hfi ?
Neues ? *?
We expect you. Wir erwarten dich. RPTJT~d
( Rq.
Nothing special ! Nichts Besonderes! k ? ? ~ 1
I am tired. Ich bin sehr miide. S?! f&l vq.
Don't worry ! Bitte, machen Sie kq, T&
s ~ c hkeine M a e ! f3?[-31
* I am lost. Ich habe mich $21 W?Jy R?l
'P,53 verirrt. M.
- It's importdnt. Es ist wichtig. TI f$f$zqI I am hungry / Ich habe Hunger I $91 Wq W /
thirsty. Durst. &.
82. Geman For German For Indians a 83
I also think Das glaube ich t
m m q $?I ; I am very busy
the same ! auch ! WiiWI at present.

1 think you Ich glaube, Sie 8

$91 m~i, Can you spare Haben Sie jekt &T ?8
are correct. haben recht. 66R ??z. some time for me ' Zeit fiir mieh ? arrSTE h7
now ?
I shall be much Es ware mir sehr mi h'tq, f % ~
. pleased if. . . angenehm, wenn.. .&wm, I will try my Ich werde mein $21 ? f ~ i
level best. Miglichstes tun. F.
Can you advise Konnen Sie mir &h $8
me ? Do not forget Vergifi nieht, +%% Em
einen Rat geben ? TIZ %R ?
what you have wa's du uns m%m
Very well ! Thanks Sehr gut ! Vielen &R ! &&I promised us. verspmchen hast. &$&I RE.
a lot for your Dank far Ihren sizr; $$GI
advice. Rat. Don't be so Seien Sie nicht 3FW R9?i
impatient ! so ungeduldig ! & -91 !
That is really Das ist sehr TW i%R
very kind of you ! nett von finen * %h$73 1 You are really
getting on my
Du fallst mir
wirklich auf
Can I help you ? Kann ich Ihnen
helfen ?
am $?!@I b+ ? nerves ! die Nerven ! em!
What's wrong Was fehlt dir mi $SZ 9
What can I do Was kann ich mf iFiT;I $21
for you? fur Sie tun ? W*F? with you ? denn ? b?
- What can I do
for you?
Womit kann ich
Ihnen dienen ?
*am ~ ? r
51;1 &M 7
Do you know him ? Kennen Sie ihn ? 87 ??I?

84 S German For Indians German For Indians m 85

Do you know that ? Wissen Sie das ? Rih sft mr ? See you again Auf Wiedersehm ! JmV, 8Fd'Fi

I know, who he is. Ich weill, wer m,am qm

$91 Please, do come in ! Ja, bitte, kommen m,%$
er ist. Xir. Sie herein ! rff$TlFT!

I do not know $s% 3?l

Ich kenne diesen 521rhJi &h Please, have a seat! Nehmen Sie
this gentleman. H e m nicht. &f R ~ z . doch bitte platz ! kJFlFr
i !

He knows Berlin Er kennt r(mk%h What is the best Wann i& die
quite well. Berlin gut. gfinstigste Zeit,
T. time to meet him
a t home ? ihn zu Hause
May I come in ? Darf ich d Q[ anzutreffen ?
hereinkommen ? &rm ?

May I offer D a d ich Ihnen

Your city is very Ihre Stadt ist sehr $mq?zrq $-R eine Zigarette
you a cigarette ?
interesting. interessant. &Ti $ki%?
anbieten ?
I am glad to Ich freue mich, QT M q R?T Ich ziehe
But I prefer
meet you. Ihre Bekanntschaft ~ S T k
J ~? m
my pipe. aber meine
zu machen. R* Pfeife vor.

Will you please Wollen Sie bitte M $f ;ftq

take a seat here ? hier Platz nehmen? 8mwrgr ?iS%

Thanks alot ! Dankeschiin ! mq?.Eit;rl

86 W German For Indians German For Indians m 87

MY wifeand 1 Meine Frau und
would like you to ich wiirden Sic
dine with us on. . . gem am. . .zum
evening. Abendessen einladen.
Ich hole Sie um * ~ i 39
,ma 3m q.
We are giving a Wir geben
small party movenabend

night. I do hope Ich hoffe, Sie

You can come ! k6nnen kommen.

There is a patty. Es findet eine q m,,

Are you coming ? Party statt. ed Ich habe mich $21 mq P13T m
sehr y t amiisiert.. #.
Great, I would Pfima, ich

r the die Einladung.

8s. German For Indians G~~ For Indians a 89

I wish you all Ich wiinsche Ihnen 12. AT THE B
the best ! alles Gute ! (CHANGING MONEY)
Next time you Nachstes Ma1
must visit us. miissen Sie uns
besuchen ! Banks are generally open Monday to Friday from 8.30
a.m. till 12.30 p.m. and from 1.45 p.m. to 3.45 p.m. (On
I am afraid, Leider miissen Thursday upto 5.45 p.m.) On Saturday they work only in
we have got to wir jetzt gehen ! morning.
go now. "The Deutsche Mark" abbreviated as DM or D Mark
Please forgive
(2 d) is the unit of currency in Germany. It is divided
Verzeihen Sie, bitte,
into 100 Pfennige (@PI$. There are coins of 1, 2, 5, 10
me for being daO ich so spat
and 50 Pfennige and of 1, 2 and 5 Mark. The notes are
so late. komme!
available in 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 Mark.
In Germany you will find small currency exchange
Do I disturb S u r e ich dich, offices indicated by words.
you ? Sie ? Geldwechsel (h'%W or Wechselstube -9
Currency c-m be exchanged and travellers cheques
May you reach Kommen Sie gut can be encashed in saving banks and post offices which
home safely ! heim ! are found in.all towns and villages.
Banks and post offices are closed on Sundays and
Don't be upset other holidays.
Exchange offices are open every day a t all major
I am very sorry. Es tut mir leid.
- ___)__
railway stations, a t airports and a t border crossing points.

90. German For Indians Germen For Indians B 91

Where is the Wo ist die jt3Z8kq" What is the rate Welche Gebiihr h~q%ST ,,!!
nearest bank ? nachste Bank ? am? of commission erheben Sie ? Tf& & ?
that you charge ? 1

Excuse me, do Entschuldigen ~?m &,

Wie miichten Sie 8 .dr?& &
you know whether Be, wissen Sie, f%Fi $, ?&T m[ How would you
there is a bank ob es in der 3;r k %4 Jm;rJi like to have the das Geld haben ? %% & ?
or an exchange N&he eine Bank ~6 Jih JrrS;r?i, money ? How Wieviele m
counter near by ? oder eine -9~4 many notes and Geldscheine v~nd %%?WR35
Wechselstube gibt*? how much in wieviele *&?q~i
coins ? Geldstiicke ?
Can you encash Kijnnen Sie diese adft;r $8 &q
these travellers
cheques ?
einliisen ?
Give me
notes and some
Geben Sie mir %GI & %Ti ~
bitte Scheins und ?WJ i

I want to change
change etwas Kleingeld! '
Ich rniichte 91 4 ~ J i
some dollars. einige Dollars SE$FI~ sktf Give me the Bitte, geben Sie k ~ %i #
wechseln. ME% major amount in mir gofie f k t ?it84?WW
high denomination Scheine und den 3;s h k S
I would like to
change some
Ich miichte einige
Pfund wechseln. @g+
@ &&=I.
and the rest in Rest in kleinen ?* '
small notes ! Scheinen !

What is the rate

of exchange
Wie ist der
Kurs heute ?
8 $R &R
$ tkz-31 ?
Could you please Konnten Sie
check that again? das bitte nochmal
w4 *
. today ?
nachrechnen ? ;fiat?* ?

German For Indians 8 93

92 8 German For Indians
Can I open an Kann ich bei srq $21 q $+T 13 AT THE POS'll' OFFICE
account with you? Ihnen ein Konto Jm? $kj
eroffnen ? 'TFh+r7
The offices of "Deutsche Bundespost" (DB) are open
I have a letter Ich habe einen $21 mq from8.00a.mtomidday andfrom2.00p.mto 6.30p.m.They
of credit I an Kreditbrief 1 &&&& / close at noon on Saturdays. Mail boxes are painted yellow.
introduction from einen Empfeh- I&S- Mail boxes which bear a red mark are cleared on Sundays
. . . / a credit and holidays also. In big cities post offices situated near
-1ungsbrief von. ./ &. . . 1 W J ~
main railway station are open on weekdays until late in the
- card 1 a passport. eine Kreditkar~l e / q / a&q
einen ReisepaB. m~frm.
You can book your call through the operator in the
Well, what kind Gern, was fiir ?;is rn u q ~ post office. But local and long distance telephone calls can
of an account ein Konto also be made from the telephone boxes (booths) set up
m* everywhere in postoffices, in public places and on streets.
do you like to wiinschen Sie ~ . t ?SR- The local call costs 30 Pfennig i.e. three 10 Pfennig coins.
open - a saving - ein Sparkonto ~ m -?2
To call a town in Germany first dial therespective call prefix
account or a oder ein jitsr~irs? number which is given at the head of a local exchange
current account ? Girokonto ? md?r? network in the telephone directory.
If the town in any other coun1,ry can be reached directly
Where should Wo mu8 ich
3 YF $91 by dialling, the procedure is just the same as for domestic
I sign ? unterschreiben ? F&& ?
calls. The prefix for the country can be obtained from the
local directory. If you are in doubt call "information" for
I would like Ich mochte das $ 2 ~4 2 7 ~ i m
long distance calls. The number is 00118.
to deposit this auf mein Konto To make a call abroad which cannot be dialed directly
in my account. einzahlen. w. by the subscriber, ring the exchange for foreign trunk calls.
The telephone no. is 0010.

94. German For Indians German For Indians B3 95

Stamps a n be purchased from the post offices andalso
from the "Post-automats" set up in big towns a t several WI &k
What is the postage Was kostet ein
for a letter 1a Brief / eine *IWJ~*
Transfer of money from abroad are paid out in German
currency. It is however not possible to transfer money by
postcard to India ? Postkarte nach d q TCT ?
post from all countries.
Post oEces in Germany operate large scale banking
Indien ?
Can I give a letter Kann ich den WT 5q
services. Deposits and withdrawals can be made atany post
office counter with the same passbook.
The telex net of" Deutsche Bundespost" is the second
to India a t this
counter ? -
Brief nach
Indien bei Ihnen
aufgeben ?
% ?

largest in the world.

$21 d?W
I want to send
this by airmail /
Ich mochte
diesen Brief *
** -&
I am looking for Ich suche ein $91 wq JTiigr express delivary/ per ~uftposv
a post office. Postamt. Wo ist drrzW. jt SR registered mail. per Eilbotenlper 3mi1-
Where is the das nachste nk ~ ! Einschreiben &.
nearest post o6ce ? Postamt ? 6kJrrn 7 senden.

When does the Wann offnet / W $&%? 1 inland postage

post open 1 close ? schliel3t das ml
2 T k
Postamt ? drrzm 7 postage for a
foreign country.
On which counter An welchem Jrr;[ ash Wo ist der j t ~ ~
Where is the
do I get stamps ? Schalter gibt es
Briefmarken ?
&V?T& 7
- mail-box ? Briefkasten ? &%H&f?

96 German For Indians

German For Indians m 97
Excuse me, one Entsculdigung, ~?m, / Are there any Sind Briefe fiir
mit h da ? ich
8iZ *Ji
f%?[ Zl ?
W W4
more question! noch eine Frage ! & W q iwq ! letters for me ?
My name is. . . hei 3e. . .
Must I put stamps MuB man einen rfir WI &FI $h
I would like Ieh mochte diesen $31 4?!~i
for a foreign Brief nach , T S S I R,m
i ;m
country for a letter
to France ?
Frankreich mit FfZ J r n f T ? i s ~
Auslandsporto %&&T ?
t o send this as
ordinary letter
and this one as
als gewiihnlichen
Brief und diesen h3;s
als Dmcksache ZGt? w

frankieren ?
printed matter. senden. 32%
No, k a n c e belongs Nein, Frankreich m, m ? ~
to EC (European gehort zur EG ?&2 t~ ~ I want 80
pfennig stamps.
Ich mochte
Briefinarken zw
$91 d 9 7 q
Community), you (die Europaische (8- 9 l q
need only inland Gemeinschaft), da 'mrsF;r9m), q 80 Pfennig. &?I *ST.
wstage ! brauchen Sie nur & 81
Inlandsporto ! I
I want 10 stamps
of 40 pfennig
Ich bitte zehn
Briefmarken zu
each and 20 stamps vierzig und %X&?l3Z
What is the postage Konnen Sie mir $8Fim
for India ? bitte sagen, %qsrr;h $IV%~ of 50 pfennig each. zwanzig zu i.Fzmfti9~3
wieviel das Porto W WT
fiinfzig Pfennig. @?T *?I.
nach Indien &bT%k?
1stamp the Ich frankiere 31d m q
betragt ?
letters. die Briefe. 8hq.
Do all letters Gehen alle Briefe mqdfgiq The postal pin Hier fehlt &3Kr&Z;ifn
go by airmail ? per Luftpost ? k ?
code number is noch die -8
missing here. Postleitzahl.

99,. German For Indians German For Indians 99

Is this alright now ? 1st es nun y t so ? $T'TG ??i?
Please write Bitte, schreiben &q. SITU&
the address Sie die &ft I would like to Ich mochte Geld i591
~! ??d k
legibly ! Adresse deutlich ! 3TI$Ffq*?I ? send a money order. uberweisen. m.
Where is the Wo ist die 3 ~ 8 How can I do it ? Wie mache iclh das? 8I VCIJiS?lW?
parcel receiving Paketannahme ? 7

- counter ? May I have a Bitte, kann ich ein&$ ?W791 3353 ,

A parcel to
Japan. There are
Ein Plickchen
nach Japan. Es
rnh h m
m.m @%
money order form ? Postanweisu~~gs-
-formular haben ? -*
two books. sind zwei Biicher. %$K. I hope, I had Hoffentlich habe &=%T~T
filled it ich es richtig V TW $21
Books ? Such Biicher ? Solche %?K &C?T~ correctly. ausgefiillt. W Rf9i191
parcels you are Packchen h9h tF/ 8 .-
not allowed diirfen Sie aber f%z
to close. nicht zumachen ! &. I want to send Ich mbchte ein $91 d ? z q Jm;l
a telegram. Telegramm %i!m
This packet is Das Paket ist Vd F(?Jz aufgeben. ?zrm%R.
a Christmas ein Weihnachts- Jm;T
present to Italy. -geschenk nach ? ~ 3 ~ ~ d $ h Is this the Das ist doch WW*
Italien. ;na ?iGfbT. counter for der Schalter ? %JT( 8F27 ?
telegram ?
That you must Das miissen Sie ZiTi Si)
- close ! zumachen ! ' &! How much is Was kostet es mFc %%& TU

100. German For Indians

it per word ? pro Wort ? sit*?

German For Indians . 101

How long will Wie lange braucht FTirlq
it take to reach ein Telegramm mmz 3m1. Ifyou want to read outthe telephone number it is done as
the telegram nach Hamburg ? 2%l?m follows e. g. Breuer 29 71 62
to Hamburg ? m7
From here to Von hier nach 8;HT m
Hamburg , Hamburg - m-m
about two hburs.
. ungefahr zwei
TCirm 9B.
Where is the
telephone ?
Wo ist das
Telefon ?
I want to deposit Ich mochte Geld 531 4qziq k Wo ist die ngchste 3 3 8 *J!
money. einzahlen. m. Where is the 3
nearest telephone Telefonzelle ? M q?
booth ?

May I use your Darf ich Ihr ad Q[ $a+?

phone ? Telefon benutzen ? ?&&I ?

Do you have a Haben Sie ein t6FT 5?l +Wf

telephone directory ? Telefonbuch ?

Can you help Kb;nnen Sie mir ?8 hm

me get this helfen, diese &+%, *q
number ? Nummer s u w ~ M ?
bekommen ?

102E German For Indians German For Indians 1 103

Will you tell me Wiirden Sie mir I want extension. . . Ich miiehte einen $91 4 ~ W%l
the cost of the anschliellend die
call afterwards ? Gebiihren
Bitte, wiirden Sie fazq,

What was the

mitteilen ?

Was hat das

Would you please
try again after es spiiter noch
einmal versuchen? W W W i
* ?
some times ?
cost of that call ? Gesprach '
gekostet ? We are cut off. Wir sind R~rrh
unterbrochen cm&&l%
I wantto pay Ich mochte worden.
for the call. Das Gespriich
bezahlen. Hello !Here is Hal10 ! Hier ist & 1 83R V3
There is a call
Miiller. Miiller. =@.
Da ist ein
for you ! h f !
~ fur Sie Bitte, kann ich bq ZR QL
Please, may I
speak to. . . mit. . . sprechen ? . . .2hh
- The line is Die Leitung
engaged. ist besetzt. Bleiben Sie &5?i
Hold the
* There is no answer. Es meldet sich wire. am Apparat ! w~I~T'JZ!

I am myself on Ich bin selbst $?[ f@l*
You have got the Sie sind falsch the phone. am Apparat. Jflsl Jrmmz.
wrong number. verbunden.
It is telephone d e r , Amt ! am, m !
The phone is out Das Telefon ist exchange here !
. of order. kaputt.

104. German For Indians German For Indians 105

Would you please Wurden Sie bitte sR &q
take a message ? etwas ausrichten ? m?t ?? 15 CONVERSATION WITH
Would you ask Wurden Sie ihnlsie E@% $ $q / $
In Germany medical sewices are very expensive and it
him / her to call me ? bitten, mich m, R?T
anzurufen ? w? is advisable to insure yourself against illhealth and
toothproblemsfor your stay in Germany before or on arrival
I will ring again. Ich rufe U?L mjJi * in Germany. German doctors or also in hospitals as a rule,
they demand health insurance certificate before treatment.
nochmal an. m. Without insurance coupon no medical tlreatment is possible.
Ifyouare ill andcannotfindahospital,gotothenearest
All the best till
later and hear
Alles Gute bis
spater und
& vq
~ telephone booth and look for "Arztlicher Notdienst" ie.
(emergency medical help.) This sewice is manned around
the clock. In an emergency you could also try the Red Cross
you again ! auf wiederhoren ! ! (Rotes Kreuz) or the Social Assistance Centre at railway
station ("Bahnhofsmission").

Is there a doctor Gibt es hier k w am

here ? einen Arzt ? m$hd?
Where is the Wo ist die
clinic ? Arzt-praxis ? d-nftr?FT ?
What are the Wann sind die Jr;i %8
visiting hours ? Sprechstunden ? ?

I am ill. I am Ich bin krank. $21fa3 %I=&.

$91 W&S3< fh

106. German For Indians

not feeling well. Ich fiihle mich
nicht wohl. RSZMI.
Geman For Indians W 101
I would like to Ich mochte den
see the doctor. Arzt sehen. I have pain here. Ich habe bier
I would like to Ich miiehte einen
have an appointment. Termin haben. Is it broken ? 1st es gebrochen

1s it sprained ? 1st es eine

Is it possible now ? Verrenkung ?
Geht es jetzt ?

I am sorry, it is Es tut mir leid. I have a burn. Ich habe mich

not possible. Jetzt ist es nicht verbrannt.
I have a cut. Ich habe
But it is very Aber es ist sehr einen Schnitl..
urgent. dringend.
I cannot breathe. Ieh kann nicht
Is it possible Geht es morgen atmen.
tomorrow morning? am Vomittag ?
Is it necessary to 1st es notwendig W T3
Yes, come at Ja, kommen Sie
9 0,clock ! go to the hospital ? ins Krankerihaus -21
um 9 Uhr !
zu gehen ? F 3 d
I have had an Ich hatte rn~ilpi?
accident. einen Unfall.
I have broken Ich habe meine mJrEm;rq
Please examine Bitte untersuchen my glasses. Brille zerbrochen. kJr
this wound. Sie diese Wunde !

108 German For Indians

G(emnanFor Indians E 109
I cannot see. Ich kann nicht . $?T m R?z I prescribe you Ich verschreibe 5g~'%m4
sehen h. something for. . . Ihnen etwas fur. . . 3
;m W..-
I have a HOW many times Wie oft am Tag
a day should muR ich es
-backache. Ruckenschmerzen *?%.
I take it ? einnehmen ?
-headache. Kopfschmerzen &?%
-pain in abdomen mih?%
-sore throat
How much do
I owe you ?
Wieviel bin ich
Ihnen schuldig ?

-toothache Zahnschmerzen M?% Thanks a lot, Vielen Dank,

-travel sickness die Reisekrankheit 8w31-~%m%g doctor ! Herr Doktor !
-diarrhoea. Durchfall
-cough Husten

I have chills, Ich habe And not to forget the dentist

Schuttelfrost .
Is there a dentist Wo gibt es
I am constipated Ich habe here ? einen
Zahnant hier?

I have been There is pain in Dieser Zahn tut

Ich habe mich
vomitting. this tooth. weh.
DO not extract it ! Ziehen Sie ihn
- How long? Seit wann ? nicht !

110. German For Indiana German For Indians E 111

The filling has Die Fiillung ist 8 I h\P;:'plve an Ich werde eine
fallen out. herausgefallen. * ' injection. Spritze geben.
.- Sie miissen
YOUmust stay
in bed. im Bett bleiben..
Can you fill it K6nnen Sie ihn JqM;I $j
now ? jetzt fiillen ? h$a+@? DOyou feel Fiihlen Sie sich
And here are somethings the doctor or the dentist better now ! jeizt besser ?
may say to you :
Take this three Nehmen Sie das
Where does it hurt? Wo tut es weh ? ?jt qv aq times a day dreimal tiiglicln
in water. mit Wasser !
Remove your clothes. Ziehen Sie *SR
sich aus ! B?T

Lie down. - Legen Sie sich hin ! FYR& %?Tf& !

Open your mouth. Machen Sie &T&h
den Mund auf ! g;s s m ~ i!
Stick out your Stecken Sie die ?&%I 3 8
tongue. Zunge raus !
TF !
Inhale Einatmen
- Exhale Ausatmen mm
German For Indians M 113
112. German For Indians
16 EMERGENCY Listen.
In case of an emergency it might be too late to turn the
- of this book. Look !
So have a look a t this short list beforehand and learn it
by heart. Be careful.

Be quick !/ Schnell ! Stop the thief.

Hurry up
Stop or I will
Call the police. Rufen Sie die shout .
Polizei !
There has been
Watch out ! Vorsicht ! an accident
Watch out ! Achtung
Call an
Come In. Herein ambulance
Get out. Hinaus

Fire. I have lost

my passport.
Go away. Gehen Sie weg !
I have lost
Get a doctor. Holen Sie einen my baggage.
Arzt !
I have been
Help. Hilfe ! robbed !

114. German For Indians

Where is the Wo ist der
Indian consul ? 17. SHOPPING
indische Konsul ? 8qrq ?
The prices marked on the goods or the prices you are
I have missed given in shops are fixed prices. There are many big depart-
Ich habe meinen $91 m~ mental stores in big cities and towns where you can buy
my train. Zug verpaRt. * ~ h . everything. Some people prefer to go to shops specializing
in one particular line and here you will receive individual
What has Was ist attention and service.
happened ? m5E The opening hours of the shops are from 8.30 a.m. to
passiert ? m?fd
- Do not worry !
6.30 p.m. from Monday to Friday, except on Thuysdays
when the shops are open till 8.30 p.m. On Saturdays shops
Machen Sie sich q& 3 are open from 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Only on the first
keine Sorgen ! yimq
&?T dff;i Saturday of every month they are open upto 4.00 p.m. In
smaller towns the shops are closed at lunchtime. Shops in
Take it easy Nur die Ruhe railway stations where small purch,ases are possible are
3 8 ;rsq. open for a longer time. Shops on the lpetrol pumps are open
Emergency telephone numbers all 24 hours a day and all seven days of the week.
17 (i) In this section some necessary expressions re-
Directory inquiry 118 ouired while shopping, to allow you to be specific and
Police selective, are given.
110 17 (ii)
. . In this section alphabet6cal list of items under
Fire 112

different headings is given.

17 ti)
Can you help me ? Kiinnen Sie mir P&I @b R
helfen ? &+?

I mjust looking Ich gucke nur. $21 ?FW3.

- around.

116. German For Indians

Geman For Indians m 117
I would like a Ich mb;chte einen p r 4 9 7 3 1 That is all Das ist alles mrw*
pullover. Pullover. vq;c *q.
m$h *. for today. fur heute.
Can you show me Konnen Sie mir 8hm Thatis not of Das ist keine W W Wq
some. . .? einige. . . zeigen ? -31. . .-1 good quality. gute Qualitiit. FJi*.
Do you have. . .? Haben Sie.. . & $. . .? Do you have Haben Sie nichts & *
something better ? Besseres ? MTi7
How much does Was kostet das? m m?
this cokt ? Die Farbe gefallt 8d4
I do not like the
Please, whereh eolour. mir nicht. Rm R?z.
Bitte, wo ist die kq, d 8
the department Abteilung fur. . .?
of. . .? -- . .? DOyou have this Haben Sie diese &h4
size in. . .? GroRe in. . .? afRq fl. . .?
Do youalso Verkaufen Sie
sell. . .? That is not the Das ist nicht 'SR fk'z ift
auch. . .?
correct size. die riehtige GroRe. fa~rdrrt4
I will take. . . Ich nehme.. . DO you have the Haben Sie d i m * & *q
Art eine Nummer JTl;f W 4F
How much is that
altogether ?
Was macht das
zusammen ?
same style in
one number kleiner I gr613er ? W d 7 I ? ,*
smaller I bigger ?
Now I have Nun habe ich
everything, alles, was ich Do you have Haben Sie diese & 8fiftq
Ineed. this type in wool ? Art aus Wolle ? d G 3 V *4

118. German For Indians (hrman For Indians 119-

Do you have
Haben Sie dieses && a I do not know Ich weiR nicht 591; RsZ
this material
in blue ?
Material in blau ? 3 m?
exactly. genau.
Can I try on Kann ich die z m ; ~$?I$ 7 ~ q
Here are some phrases which you may hear when you go
this jacket ? - .- -
shoaDinsand this willhelp you to understand the salesman
Jacke probieren ? Mrt& ? / saleswoman.
This is Das ist bestimmt m &&
certainly schon.
What would you Was darf es msrd;~
I always need Ich trage immer $91 gqq like ? sein ? 3W?
size. . . Gro0e. . . ,*q. . .
What would you Was h&ttenSie m k 3 58 SP[ ?
That is very Das ist mir zu rn Pfm like to have ? gem?
costly. teuer. q*.
Which size ? Welche GrijBe ? &~~i.*4 ?
I need. . . Ich brauche. .. $21 m q . . . Welche Farbe ? h9~3W
colour ?
That is cheap. Das ist billig. . m fz?r,.
Can you show Konnen Sie mir & &) firm
something special ? etwas Besonderes &&?& Anything else ? Sonst noch etwas ? ** ?

& 58 *
zeigen ? &?
Do you wish to Haben Sie noch
Unfvtunately Die paat mir t4 m~ firm have somthing einen WuIls~h? F?T ?
this does not leider nicht. i;mm R?z.

suit me ! more ?

120. German For Indians

Germ& For Indians 121
Of course, you Probieren Sie $r+& $ &g ~ o rist
t die &tifa
can try this ! doch ma1 die ! w 81
There is the
Kasse ! mq '
How do you like Wie finden Sie v&
$ &&-i
this one here ? diesen da 7 %g?

You are correct, Das stimmt, billig rn fim,f2$Q

this is not cheap ist er nicht. w T RE. One dozen
a pair
But the quality , Aber die -8aIf%k a few
is very good. Qualitat ist sehr w &mT.
gut. It costs. . .
per metre.
Perhaps we will Wir bekommen Rme % a z
get the size. . . vielleicht GroBe. . . ,+q. . . Here is the
goods receipt.
Please come Kommen Sie
in the next week doch nachste Please pay at
Woche noch the counter.
einmal !
DO you have
Which material An welches change ?
do you want ? Material haben
Sie gedacht ? I would like a
film for this
122. German For Indians
Does the price 1st das Entwickeln qg q=&&q r Radiergummi &&
include im Preis ~m+TvTaf%i? exercise book s Schreibheit &
developing? inbegriffen? s Klebstoff +a?&
guide book r Reisefiihrer WWsR
How much do Was kostet ~T%?T~z e Tinte WJi
m?- \ ink
you charge for
das Entwickeln?
labels e Etiketten w
letter paper s Briefpapier &iCFb
I want two Ich mochte $?Id?i.ji
?em magazine e Illustrierte %?*~r.
prints of each zwei Abziige map of town ' r Stadtplan -2
von jedem Negativ. +& m. newspaper e Zeitung m
paperback book s Taschenbuch
r Fiiller w
17 (ii) pencil s Bleistift m6z==
(1)Bookshop (Stationary +Books + Magazines etc.) r Bleistiftspitzer. zm$m&%m
picture e Ansichtskarte &9&4
ball point pen r Kugelschreiber s Lineal f?i%Ei
book s Buch ruler
r Bindfaden RmEk-3
box of paints e Farbkasten
tracing paper s Pausepapier ~ T J f f m
carbon paper s Durchschlag-
- papier (2) Chemist shop
cellophane tape r Klebestreifen antiseptic cream Wundsalbe
crayons e Farbstifte aspirin Aspirin
dictionary s Worterbuch bandage Verband
drawing paper s Zeichenpapier band-aids Heftpflaster
envelopes e Briefurnschlage tablets Kalktabletten
comb Kamm Wb' cologne water Elnisches Wasser &9frmnrr
contraceptive Verhiitungsmittel -IT@&+J eyeliner Lidstift
cotton wool Watte mq facepack Gesichtsmaske
first-aid kit Verbandkasten r,-l face powder ~esichtspuder
gauze Verbandmull lipstick Lippenstift
insect lotion lnsektenmittel make-up bag ~osmetikbeutel
iron pills Eisentabletten nail polish - Nagellack
laxatives , Abfiihrmittel m s m safety pin
sanitary napkins Damenbinden mhE!=h shampoo ~aarwaschmit;tel
sedative Beruhiyngsmittel Seife
digestive pills
H k
tooth brush Zahnbiirste
throat lozenges Halspastilten sm¶TRh
tonic Starkungsmittel $2@@& (4) Clothing
Vitamin pills Vitamintabletten f&%%z&&
belt r Giirtel
The dispensing chemists have an emergency service 24 blouse e Bluse
hours of the day. When the chemist's shop is closed, you will brief e Unterhose
find a notice in the window telling you where to find the e Miitze
nearest chemist shop, which is open. In large towns the big cap
coat r Mantel
chemist shops have staffwhocan serve foreignersin English.
frock / dress s Kleid
(3) Cosmetic and toiletary articles. gloves e HandschuXe
acne cream Aknesalbe handkerchief s Taschentuch
-~i r Hut
after shave lotion Rasierwasser m f t m hat
~acket e Jacke

126 6 German For Indians Geman For Indiane 127

pant / trouser e Hose pendant r AnhSinger
pullover / sweater r Pullover ring r Ring
raincoat r Regenmantel
scarf (6) Provision:
s Halstuch
scarf s Kopftuch r Apfelsaft
apple juice
shirt s Hemd biscuits e Kekse
shoes e Schuhe s Brot
skirt r Rock e Butter
slip r Unterrock r Kuchen
sports jacket r Sakko rKlisg
socks e Socken e Schokoladle
suit (man's) r Anzug r Kaffee
suit (woman's) s Kostum e Kartoffelchips
swim suit r Badeanzug e Gurke
T - shirt T - Shirt s Ei
tie e Krawatte s Mehl
frankfurter e Frankfurter
( 5 ) Jewellery
sausage wurst
bangle r Reif ham r Schinken,
bracelet s Armband ice - cream s Eis
brooch e Brosche lemon e Zitrone
chain e Kette le~tuce r Kopfsalat
earrings r Ohrringe liversausage e Leberwulrst
necklace e Halskette milk e'Milch

128 H German For Indians German For Indians U 129


mustard r Senf 19 IN HOTEL

oil sol German hotels anc boarding houses are very clean
orange juice r Orangensaft and well-managed. The x-ices are generally the same as
r Pfeffer those in other West El ropean countries. Each mom
contains a notice showir g the price that has to be paid
pickles e Pickles
for it. All rooms have I unning hot and cold water and
rolls s Brotchen many rooms have showel and bath. Breakfast is usually
salad r Salat included in price. In addition to the 300 international
salt s Salz hotels, there is also a large number of medium class hotels
sandwiches e belegte Brote with all modem conveniences. Throughout the holiday
areas there are comfortable boarding houses (Pension /
sausages (small) s Wiirstchen
( m%)l Fremdenheim (?h&Wpl) in which you will feel
spaghetti e Spaghetti at home. A furnished Tlat is also available at holiday
sugar r Zucker resorts. (Ferienwohnunglm'rs@
1 sweets s Konfekt Many castles and palaces located in countryside
tea r Tee have been converted into hotels which serve as a special
tomatojuice r Tomatensaft attraction for the tourists. (SchloRhotel (9- It
will be comfortable as well as economical if you stay in
8I, yoghurt r Joghurt
i youth hostels.
db Another alternative is Bauernhof i.e. Farmer's
house, in south of Germany. You will really enjoy the
homely atmosphere there. Hotel guide for the whole of
Germany or for individual parts of it and towns can be
obtained from Deutsche Zentrale fiir Tourismus,
D 6000 Frankfurt am Main, Beethovenstrak 69. At
German nouns always begin with a capital letter. They are the local tourist information office you will get informa-
masculine, feminine or neuter in gender. The gender is tion about "holiday villages" particularly suited to fami-
indicated by 'der' (r) for masculine, 'diet(e)for feminine and lies with children. At the railway station or at the airport
'das' (s) for neuter.
$ 1301' German For Indians
German For Indians 0 131
Ii -.
there is an agency. 'Zimmernachweis" where you can 1' a Ich miichte 5?[ *=Ji
get information about the accomodation available. Early
reservation and confirmation is essential in most of the Einzelzimmer.
major tourist centres. You will have no language diffi-
culty in luxury and first - class hotels, as most of the staff Doppelzimrner #d&T
thefe speaks English.
In this section we are concerned with the small and 0 zimmer mit Emf42
medium priced hotels, boarding houses and farmers zwei Betten ~3
houses. We consider your requirements step - by - step
from arrival till departure.
th Zimmer mit Bad. f&T k
Can you Klinnen Sie mir 3riff;i & f%7
Zimmer mit Duschemm( k 59TJi.
-room with a
recommend ein y t e s Hotel @V $&+I
me a good hotel? empfehlen? &s*?
-room with a Zimmer mit Balkon f847 k e.
Have you got Haben Sie ein +h;Shjm;r balcony
a room ? Zimmer frei? f&? n;rs?
Have you got a Haben Sie ein G l ' h ijft &
I shall like to Ich mijchte ein $91 'Tjl?~< room for the 5th Zimmer fur den f&T V3 h
reserve a room. Zimmer reservieren.m fkidf$?. of May? fiinften Mai? v@& m?
I wrote to you Ich habe Ihnen $21 GWY $h Have you got a Haben Sie @in *
last month. im vergangenen 34 room for tonight? Zimmer fur f&Tw
Monat geschrieben. rii?Tz ?&. heuteabend? s?-E~i*?
Here is the Hier ist die 83~ w8 - fir eine Nacht. -w Wq X
. confirmation Bestatiyng. a?2fZy. for one night
letter. for two nights - fur zwei Nachte - % *zq

132. German For Indians Gelman For Indians m 133

to my room. meinen Zimmer - %'% WS*!
for one week - fiir eine Woche -schliissel!
1 have left my Ich habe meinen $?I WJi
What is the rate Was kostet es key in the room Schliissel im ?* Fi
per day 1 week? pro Tag / Woche? Zimmer gelassen. m.
Is breakfast 1st Friihstiick The room is not Das Zimmer ist %
f TT W ,
included? einbegriffen? clean. nicht sauber. R??5TSi
May I see the
room ?
Kann ich das Did anyone
ring for me?
Hat mich jemand
fti?~ *
Zimmer sehen?

No, I do not Nein, es gefallt Is there any Hat jemand fiir 6TZ %
like it. mir nicbt. message for me? mich eine fQr w q M ? z
Nachricht f&T?dR?
That's fine. Das ist gut. hinterlassen?
I will take it. Ich nehme es.
Where is the lift? Wo ist der Aufiug? d( ?F$7
What is my room Was ist die ?-
number? Zimmernummer?
Do you have a Haben Sie eine 66Fi & mq
Please send my Bitte, schicken newspaper? Zeitung? m?
luggage up. Sie mein
The . . . does . . . funktioniert ...
. Gepack hinauf!
notwork nieht. @s+.
Give me the key Geben Sie mir

134. German For Indins Germ* For Indiana W. 135

-airconditioner die Klimaanlage ift QT-31 It has been a Es war ein sehr Vi WV &3R
very enjoyable angenehmer &
-the heating die Heizung Am.
8- stay here Aufenthalt hier. #iVkSW
I -light das Licht ZTV R?z Can you get us Kannen Sie uns d%'& W
! Taxi? ein Taxi bestellen? W S ZliAft &%W?
-TV der Fernseher ?7 wm
The washbasin is Das Waschbecken a~?* $R
Would you send Wiirden Sie bitte sft k 4
someone to bring unser Gepgck F!R+%
clogged ist verstopft. dit?h down our luggage? hinunter bringen f$53=3 faTih
i lassen? *?
;*i I am leaving Ich reise morgen $$I qgq
i/ early tomorrow. friih ab. Bereiten ~s m. I think you have Ich glaube, Sie 891 -4, $8
Please have my Sie bitte meink 81f2~q413;rq made a mistake haben sich & &?I
bills ready ~echnungvor! bfl &. in the bill. verrechnet . $7??47.

May I please ffinn ich bit& *r;l $91 9Tq A Will you accept Werden Sie
have my bill? " die Rechnung tw&? travellers cheques? Reiseschecks W T ~
annehmen? &s;h?
Is every thing 1st alles W* What you need to understand,
included inbegriffen? V@dFr?
There is room Ja, das ist m6glich. sl, m( W -91
We are in a great Wir haben es &?A7 & qq available. Ja, das geht. m, rnr ?sir
k hun~ sehr eilig. 9a-x &ST. Ja, ein Zimmer sl, WFi f&4i
haben wir noch. & R ~ r c*.

136. German For Indians German For Indians 137

Sorry, there is Nein, leider ist ;m;r, m i ; ~
no room available. alles ausgebucht. mh 3
There are many types of places where you can eat
At present we are Zur Zeit sind WW% and drink in Germany.
wir sehr voll. Bierhalle mq == Beerhall. Here beer is
served from huge barrels. You will also be able to order
For how long? Fiir wie lange, dishes, sausages, salads etc.
bitte? Cafe W& = Coffee shop. Here besides coffee you
will be able to get pastries, snacks and drinks.
From when to Von wann Gasthaus = Iun. Usually in the countryside
when? bis wann? where homecooked food is offered in a homely atmosphere.
Milchbar h~ = Miilkbar. Where only plain and
Please s~gnthe Bitte, tragen Sie flavoured milk drinks and pastries are sewed.
register ! sich ein ! Raststiitte m?&q = Roadside Restaurant. This
is usually found on highways. Lodging and other facilitiee
May I see Kann ich Ihren are available here.
your passport ? Pa13 sehen ? Restaurant = Restaurant. This is generally
found in urban areas. Menus often cater to foreign visitors,
as well as offering numerous local specialities.
SchnellimbiB s%~$%K = Snackbar. Here beer
and sausages are served.
Weinstube wa<qdl. = This is a cozy type of
restaurant found in wine producing districts where you
can sample new wintage and wines with simple hot dishes
and snacks.
Das Mittagessen ?iRl = Lunch. This is

generally served from 11.30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

1388 German For Indians

German For Indians 159
May I please see Kann ieh bitte die WT $21 &q
Das Abendessen w f JTr&xgk = Dinner. This is
served from 6.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m., in large restaurants the menu - card? Speisekarte 8r n e ~ i
upto 10 or 11 p.m. haben? &?
Most restaurants display a menucard (Speisekarte
?Wp?p~!~i outside. Sales tax and a service charge Please do not Lassen Sie uns ?,?I F 8
whether included in the price or not is mentioned as a keep us waiting bitte nicht lange f%Zq R?z
foot note in the card. The tip is upto you. You may want for a long time. warten ! &lJi mi%.
to leave a small change.
Tagesgericht zfiq3Raz =Today's special. This I want the same Dasselbe fur mich TC&W
usually offers you a good meal a t a fairprice. bitt\e ! k~i.
I would like... Ich hgtte gem. . . $?I &q M. ..
What would you Was darf es sein?
like ? I would prefer . . . Ich nehme lieber . . $21 %4Ji *. .

What would you Mochten Sie -it?* ?,?I Pmm That is not what Das habe ich mC mq 31
like to drink? etwas trinken? Was*? 1 imr I ,ordered. I nicht bestellt. RZ &&.
trinken Sie gem? &h?,?I w? asked for. . . Ich wollte. . . $sI jhq. .
I recommend ... Ieh empfehle $-?I & ~ 3 q I would like to .Ich mochte 521 *?q?&I
to you Ihnen . . . .
$+I.. Pay zahlen, bitte. fw.
Do you want. . . ? Mochten Sie. . . ? ?,?I . . .
*?&i ? Some useful phrases a t dinner table are given below.
We do not have.... .....haben A polite expression used before starting a meal is
wir F& R ~ r rRR ! "Guten Appetit"
I am hungry / Ich habe Hunger 1 91 mq Eat well ! Guten Appetit ! "$7 3&k!"
I $.
thirsty Durst.
German For Indians Bl 141
140. German For Indians
Please pass me
the bread.
Bitte, reichen Sie
mir das Brot ! 8
k ~ ,
mi ijir2.
DO you want a
piece of cake?
Wollen Sie ein
Stiick von diesem
-2 V h @
Kuchen? @?
Would you like Mochten Sie noch 4?&&
more? etwas? May I pour out Darf ich Ihnen Bd 521 ??h
a glass of wine ein Glas Wein WWim?
How do you Wie schmeckt
like. . . ? Ihnen. . . ?
foryou? eingienen? Jm?iRii.i?

I had enough, Raising the glasses,

Ich habe genug fR !
To your health ! Zum Wohl ! Prost ! 1
thanks. danke.
Some useful vocabulary concerned with the
It is excellent, Es ist food is given here.
ashtray der Aschenbecher
It is very tasty. Es 1st lecker.
glass das Glas
It is my favourite Das ist meine knife das Messer
dish. Lieblingsspeise. napkin die Serviette
plate der Teller
I am full .Ich bin satt.
spoon der Loffel
toothpick der Zahnstocher
I do not like this Ich mag diese dressed garniert
soup. Suppe nicht. baked gebacken
fried gebraten
May I have salt Darf ich um Salz stuffed gefiillt
and pepper?
und Pfeffer bitten? J;S
German For Indians
& %? grilled gegrillt

German For Indians . 143

boiled gekocht MCZ salman Lachs
smoked gerauchert ;fiis4g liver Leber
in vinegar in Essig s;i f i ~ r s r hot sliced meat Leberkase *q
with cream mit Sahne f q SrrS7iJi loaf
liver dumpling Leberknodel +RW%h
Menu card Vocabulary. Herring fillet MatjesfiUet M
mineral water Mineralwasser
apple pie Apfelkuchen
pudding desert Nachspeise TS?W
scrambled egg Ruhrei
Vorspeise &?W4
fried egg
ice cream sundae
'before meal
soup SUPP~
- SsJi
duck Ente Obst &eZ
fish Fisch
pancake Pfannkuchen m
meat steak Steak 92%
trout Forelle Pommes frites h
breakfast ~riihstuck Rindfleisch -9~
poultry Geflugel Saft
goulash Gulasch grun Salat =L,? miE
green salad
minced meat Hackfleisch Sauerkraut S m w
chicken Hiihnchen
ham Schinke~ Em
lobster Hummer ~chweinefleisch ? W W ? T
veal Kalbfleisch Spargel ?&
leg of veal Kalbshaxe e ~ i
. soup of the day Tangessuppe
veal cutlet Kalbsschnitzel eine Tasse Tee WJi m.Ji
a cup of tea
potato Kartoffel ern Gnnchen Tee W 2
a pot of tea

144 m German For Indians German For Indians W 145

eine Tasse Tee Jm;iq mji 2 20 SOME COMMON OPPOSITES
a cup of tea with
milk/ sugar mit Milch / Zucker @ h ?/ ~ good bad schlecht
full voll ( empty leer
sausage wurst yft here hier $ST there dort
onion Zwiebel 38th easy leicht m-522- . difficult schwer
The folloing flavours of ice cream a r e
bright hell
happy froh
billig f%72~
F?S x
~i dark
popular in Germany. beautiful schon ? x ugly hgRlich
weak sehwach?~x strong stark
strawbemy Erdbeer
dr3' trocken &h x wet naR
caramel Karamel early friih RS x late spat
nuts NuR wick schnell 9% x slow langsam
walnut Walnulj wide weit x narrow eng
coffee Mokka distant weit x near nah
chocolate Schokolade similar ahnlich *?T x dis- un-
vanilla Vanille -similar -ahnlieh
coconut KokosnuR big' FOR rihi x small klein yim
lemon Zitrone thick dick fb x thin diinn gqq
long lang 2 short kurz @
hot heiR tZ3 x cold kalt m
correct richtig fm21 x wrong falseh m~
old alt

Jrm x young jung 3"
wornout alt 3FZ x new neu ;iiii
vacant frei n;rs x occupied besetzt bftCiR
now jetzt x then dann m

German For Indians a 147

146 a German For Indians
hand die Hand - "e
21 PARTS OF HUMAN BODY. elbow der Ellbogen -
throat die Kehle - n
head der Kopf - "e lung die Lunge - n
hair das Haar - e heart das Herz - en
forehead die Stirn - en stomach der Magen -
eye das Auge - n wrist das Handgelenk
ear das Ohr - en thumb der Daumen -
back der Riicken - index finger der Zeigefinger -
cheek dieZWange- n
mouth der Mund - "er middle finger der Mittel finger -
lip die Lippe - n ring finger der Ringfinger
tooth der Zahn - "e little finger der kleine Finger
nose die Nase - n
neck der Hals - "e
trunk der Rumpf - "e
shoulder die Schulter - n
chest, breast die Brust - "e
1eg das Bein - P
thigh der Obersehenkel
knee das Knie - e
calf die Wade - n
foot der Fu13 - "e
toe der Zeh - en
heel die Hacke - n
arm der Arm - e
German For Indians 149
148. German For Indians


white wein swimming das Schwimmen mi fW?

black schwarz fishing das Fischen mi %?h
brown braun sailng and das Segeln mHFi
blue blau yachting
grau tennis das Tennis mi*
red rot rowing das Rudern Wi&$
yellow gelb football das FuRballspiel -?&
pink . rosa boxing das Boxen m&&
violet violett wrestling das Ringen mf%
green gun golf das Golfspiel m h?&
skiing das Skilaufen mfiem&T
skating das Schlittschuhlaufenf%l??m
shooting das Schienen m ~Piih
hunting die Jagd fisr~ii
running das Wettlaufen
jumping das Springen mr%
card playing das Kartenspiel 4771 &?rftFI
chess das Schachspiel mi ?msdh
painting das Malen CRT&
drawing das Zeichen mi ?W??h
sculpture die Bildhauerei r~mr?
gardening im Garten arbeiten d % i?m%%k

150. German For Indians German For Indians . 151


flute die Flate 8 *31 snowdrop das Schneeglockchenm a *?h

violin die Violine 8 R*m~i pansy das Stiefmiitterchen m ? w ? h
clarinet die Klarinette 8 -31 daffodil die Narzisse 8 *31
trumpet die Trompete 8m q rose die Rose 8 *q
saxophone das Saxophone dahlia die Dahlie 8358
drum die Trommel a* tulip die Tulpe ifi z-31
guitar die Gitarre 8 Rmq violet das Veilchen m m?h
mandolin die Mandoline ifi 9r??fc~;14 lilac der Flieder b@
mouth organ die Mundharmonika 81-3 jasmine der Jasmin b*
accordion, das Akkordeon m~ &Jif;r hyacinth die Hyazinthe 8 *q
grand piano der Flugel km daisy das Giinseblumchen m k-?h
ptano das &vier mm

152. German For Indians German For Indians 153

almond die Mandel ape der Menschenaffe
apple der Apfel bear der Bar
banana die Banane polar bear der Polar Bar
strawberry die Erdbeere buffalo der Biiffel
blackberry die Brombeer cow die Kuh
raspberry die Himbeer camel das Kame1
gooseberry die Stachelbeer crocodile das Krokodil
grape die Weintraube elephant der Elefant
lemon die Zitrone giraffe die Giraffe
melon d ~ Melone
e mountain goat die Gemse
orange die Apfelsine sheep das ~ c h a f
plum die Pflaume kangaroo das KLinguruh
pineapple die Ananas leopard der Leopard
walnut die WalnuS monkey der M e
fig die Feige lion der Litwe
hazelnut die HaselnuB horse der Pferd
peanut die ErdnuB donkey der Esel
apricot die Aprikose dog der Hund
peach der Pfirsich fox der Fuchs
rabbit das Kaninchen
hare der Hase
cat die Katze

154. German For Indians German For Indians # 155

mouse die Maus
hen das Huhn
seal der Seehund
die Sehlange
ostrich der Straull -
Geography A large part of Germany in the north
peacock der ffau consists of plains, lakes, sea coast and islands. In the
deer das Reh south there is avast hilly area with snow-capped peaks in
stag der Hirsch the German part of Alpg. The main rivers traversing the
country are Rhine, Elbe. Main ,Weser, Spree, Mosel and
Danube. The highest peak in the Alps in Germany is the
Zugspitze ( 2962 m. from the sea level. There are a large
number of lakes all over the country, the larger ones are
the Bodensee, Lake Constance, Chiemsee etc. There is a
very large forest land in Germany, the most famous being
Black forest in Bavaria.
The People-Germany is thinly populated as compared
to India. Large cities and industrial areas such as Berlin,
Rhein-Rhur area, Rhein-Main area, Frankfurb Cologne,
Stuttgart, Bremen, Hannover, Hamburg, Munich, Leipzig,
Dresden are all thickly populated. Formerly there were
various tribes in Germany such as Franks, Saxons,
Swabians, Bavarians. Now the population is mixed but
old traditions, festivals and dialects remain. Although dia-
lects are very much different from each other, there is a
common grammar and the basic vocabulary is also
156. German For Indians common.

German For Indians K8 157

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