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St. Louisville Homeowners Association

Talogtog, San Juan, La Union


February 21, 2016

SLV Club House
Present: Dr. Antonia Dag-o- Chairman
Dr. Daniel Calaustro- Vice Chairman
Ms. Juanita U. Gabriel-Member
Ms. Remedios D. Labiano – Member
Ms. Natividad S. Nigos – Member/Secretary
Ms. Helen R. Tugade – President
Order of Business:
I. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 4:22 pm by the Chairman, after a
quorum was ascertained.

II. Approval of the Agenda. The Agenda for the Meeting was presented and on motion duly
seconded was approved with the following other matters added: House of Bringas, Time
Schedule of the Guard, Non-implementation of some policies and SLV Youth Club.

III. Reading and Disposition of the Minutes of Previous Meeting . Copies of the Minutes of
the previous meeting held on January 2016 were distributed for the Board’s consideration.
The Minutes were approved as recorded.

IV. Matters Arising from the Minutes.

1. Committee Membership. The Membership of the different committees were reviewed
and changes were made due to varied circumstances to wit:
- Development and Service Committee: Ms. Gerlina Andress was
recommended as the Chairman on the basis of her responsibility in
garbage disposal and rental of SLV properties as Treasurer. She will
replace Ms. Gabriel who will remain as committee member. Ms. Cherry
Pardo will be excused this year as she is busy with her house
- Social and Cultural Committee. Since this Committee will take charge of
other social activities aside from Sports, Mr. Rodel Rebuldela will remain
as member to take charge of Sports and Ms. Joan Bugayong will be the
chairman since she can take charge of both cultural and sports activities.
As Chairman of this Committee, Ms. Joan Bugayong will automatically be
the Adviser of the Youth Club.
- The Other Committees will remain as previously organized.
V. New Business
1. Letter of Mr. Edison Valdez. A request letter from Mr. Edison Valdez, who bought
a house and lot along Ruby Street, was read to the body by the Chairman. It
contained his request to the Board for a representation to LUECO to transfer the
electric post situated on the front center of the lot and which will affect a second
storey which he intend to build. Dr. Dag-o presented a letter to LUECO which
she crafted for the Board’s consideration. The Board approved the letter and Dr.
Calaustro volunteered to deliver the letter. Dr, Dag-o informed the body that Ms.
Andres has previously agreed to make follow-up moves after the letter had been

2. Installation of a filing cabinet at the club house for record safe-keeping. The idea
of a filing cabinet was brought before Chairman by the former President Ms.
Emy Tayaban and by Ms. Andres, the Treasurer. due to their observation that
records had been turned over from one set of officers to the next every year. On
motion duly seconded, the Board unanimously agreed to authorize the
Organization to purchase a steel filing cabinet which will be termite-resistant
and is far better than a wooden cabinet. The President, Ms. Tugade agreed to
scout for a suitable steel cabinet.

3. Action Plan for 2016. The Board discussed and agreed to the following:
a. Clean-up drive. The need for a cleaner and greener SLV is the concern of
every member of the subdivision. To ensure such cleanliness, it was
suggested that each member household should contribute a monthly
amount to be included in the monthly dues which will be used exclusively
for cleaning purposes. However, the body was reminded of a previous
agreement during one general membership meeting that each household
will pay Php50.00 when the need to clean arises. The Board agreed to try
the latter since it was approved by the members themselves. The
Maintenance Committee of Ms. Labiano, together with the Treasurer, Ms.
Andres, will make plans to implement this agreement.

b. Communication Service. It was observed that sometimes information is

needed to be disseminated ASAP. To facilitate dissemination, a two-way
radio was suggested which can connect to the San Juan Police. Another
suggestion was the updating of CP numbers of each household and
providing every household with the phone numbers of the San Juan
Police Station.
The second suggestion was approved by the Board and Ms. Gabriel
provided the following Police numbers: CP 09473249303 and Tel. No,
072-607-4718. In addition, Ms. Labiano’s Committee was tasked to work
with Mr. Harold Estrada to come up with a house numbering scheme.
House owners with more than one lot adjacent to each other will have one
house number and in case of future construction, such houses will bear
the same number plus letters such as A, B or C.
Dr. Dag-o also provided the body with a copy of the census of SLV
households with their contact numbers. This should be updated every
year. A copy of this document should include the police numbers and
distributed to each household. The Secretary will take charge of this

c. Other Matters:

1. Bringas Residence. Ms. Labiano apprised the body of the termite-eaten

condition of the abandoned house of Mr. Bringas which she said is
about to collapse. She requested for the possibility of contacting him
to update him of the condition of his house. Dr. Dag-o relayed the
information that the house’s amortization is being paid by someone
else according to the COOP staff. Ms. Tugade volunteered to inquire
from Pag-ibig as to the identity of the person paying the amortization.

2. Time Schedule of the Guard. Dr. Calaustro cited the on-going

construction within the subdivision and hence the presence of
construction workers. To forestall possible thefts of construction
materials and property of subdivision residents, he suggested that the
Guard should report from 7:30-5:30, or a one-hour overtime which
will be paid for by the Association. In reaction, the Board suggested
that instead of paying overtime, the Guard reports from 8:30 -5:30, so
that the homeowners will not be burdened financially and the
contractor should take the responsibility to ensuring the safety of
materials in the construction site by assigning one or two workers to
stay 24 hours on site.
In answer to an inquiry, Dr. Calaustro informed the body that he had
been checking the logbook of the Guard and everything seems to be in
Further, to enhance the security of the subdivision, the Board
approved the suggestion that bushes and shrubs will be planted along
the back perimeter of vacant lots. This will be done at the onset of the
rainy season.

3. Non-implementation of some Association policies. The body was

reminded of the policy prohibiting pet owners to allow their pets to
freely roam the streets of the subdivision and also the no parking/ no
double parking along the streets. It was pointed out that these are not
still being abided with completely. The Chairman regrets to inform the
body that the implementation of such policies is being done by the
Officers but the cooperation of everyone concerned is a major factor in
as much as the effectiveness of such implementation is assured not by
sanctions but by goodwill. The Officers however, may have to remind
those concerned about the policies.
4. SLV Youth Club. Ms. Gabriel informed the body that as of the present,
the Youth Club President, Jeremy Rosales, has not yet submitted his
financial report. Ms. Gabriel was asked to follow up the report. The
Board reiterated that all activities of the Youth Club should be first be
approved by the Board before they are implemented. It was also
pointed out that most of the Youth Club members do not know their
by-laws and other policies. The Board agreed that as PRO, Mr. Harold
Estrada should orient these youth members in coordination with the
current Adviser, Ms. Joan Bugayong. This should be discussed by the
President with the Officers during their regular meeting.

VI. Adjournment. There being no other matter to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at
6:14 pm.

Prepared by: Approved:

Ms. Naty S. Nigos Dr. Antonia N. Dag-o

BOD Secretary BOD Chairman

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