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 Published on August 22, 2018

Oleg Vishnepolsky

Oleg Vishnepolsky

Global CTO at DailyMail Online and Metro.Co.Uk

218 articles

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I am so impressed by people

 who help job seekers on LinkedIn by putting likes and comments on their posts
 who help others despite struggling with their own difficulties
 who try to see the positives in everyone they meet
 who are the sunshine for others in negative situations
 who treat everyone with respect, not just those they need to impress
 who maintain integrity and honesty regardless of the pressure they are under
 who stand up for people who can not stand up for themselves
 who are big enough to admit their mistakes and strong enough to correct them
 who take real risks to give someone a chance
 who consider a day wasted if they did not help someone who can never repay them back

But most of all, I am impressed by people like you - who get up, show up, give it all you got, and
never give up.

Gan senior ada yang tau gak cara instal TEKLA STRUCTURE 17 gimana?

Mohon pencerahanya.......
Kutip Balas

japanizu 08-05-2012 11:32

Kaskus Addict Posts: 1,607

Original Posted By IlyasterkutuK►Gan senior ada yang tau gak cara instal TEKLA
STRUCTURE 17 gimana?

Mohon pencerahanya.......

Gunakan PATCH gan, sesuai dengan berapa bit yang agan gunakan 32bit or 64bit

Trus misalnya agan menggunakan windows 7 klik kanan terlebih dahulu, gunakan menu Run as
Administrator, lalu tujukan ke folder Tekla Structures agan :\...\Tekla Structure
t\bin, cari Tekla Structure.exe lalu lakukan proses patcing pada .exe tersebut.

Misalnya menggunakan XP, langsung aja gan, tanpa melalui proses Run As Administrator,
sesuaikan denga metode patching yang saya jelaskan di atas

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