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Engineering Geology 152 (2013) 87–95

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Jet grouting with a newly developed technology: The Twin-Jet method

Shui-Long Shen a,⁎, Zhi-Feng Wang a, Suksun Horpibulsuk b, Yong-Hyun Kim c
Department of Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering, Shanghai 200240, China
School of Civil Engineering, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand
Korea Foundation Technology (KFT) Co., Ltd., Anyang City, Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Twin-Jet method, a newly developed jet grouting technology for the instant solidification of soft ground, is
Received 31 August 2012 presented. The basic principles of the Twin-Jet method are introduced and sodium silicate (water-glass) is selected
Accepted 13 October 2012 as the binder to accelerate the hardening process of an admixture of grout and soil. Two case histories of the
Available online 8 November 2012
Twin-Jet Method, conducted in both a vertical (constructed in sandy soils) and a horizontal (constructed in clay
soils) direction, are presented to show their effectiveness. Field construction shows that the admixture of grout
Jet grouting
and soil can be gelled within 5 to 10 seconds. For the case history constructed in sandy soils, coring samples indi-
Quick gelling cate that the jet grout columns are properly formed with a total core recovery of 80–100%, a rock quality designa-
Sandy soil tion (RQD) of 81–95% and a column diameter reaching 1.1 m, while unconfined compressive strength (UCS) tests
Clayey soil suggests that the 28-day UCS is within the range of 5.0–6.0 MPa. For the case history constructed in clay soils, field
Case history cone penetration tests (CPT) suggest that the column diameter can reach 1.2 m, and the UCS test results show that
the 14-day UCS can reach 0.5 MPa. All of these test results demonstrate the applicability of this newly developed
technology in both sandy and clay soils.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction days to gel and attain strength for the admixture.

(b) When jet grouting is applied in sandy soil under the ground-
Soft soil improvement technologies by chemical reactions such as water table, it is easy to create quicksand, which may cause a
deep mixing (Bergado et al., 1999; Horpibulsuk et al., 2004, 2011, separation of sand and cement particles before hardening
2012a,b; Yin and Fang, 2006; Fang and Yin, 2007; Han et al., 2007; (e.g., Shen et al., 2009b).
Shen et al., 2008b; Huang and Han, 2009; Yin and Fang, 2010; Chai and (c) When jet grouting is conducted horizontally, the fluid admix-
Carter, 2011; Chen et al., 2012; Sun et al., 2012) and jet grouting ture may flow out of the horizontal hole and increase the diffi-
(Bergado and Lorenzo, 2003; Shen et al., 2009b) are commonly used to culty of horizontal construction.
improve the soft deposit to ensure safety during construction of tunnels
(Coulter and Martin, 2006) and deep excavations (Peng et al., 2011; Tan To solve these problems, the hardening process of the grout-soil
and Li, 2011; Tan and Wei, 2012). Jet grouting technology utilizes the mixture must be accelerated. Therefore, based on the triple fluid tech-
injection of high-speed fluids into the subsoil through small-diameter nology of jet grouting, a Twin-Jet Method for instant solidification of
nozzles to erode the soil; the eroded soil is then mixed with injected soft ground using two types of binders has been developed (Shen
grout to form a soil–cement column of a quasi-cylindrical shape. et al., 2008a, 2009a).
Depending on the different fluids injected into the subsoil, the jet The objectives of this paper are i) to introduce the basic principles of
grouting technology can be classified as (a) a single fluid system (only the Twin-Jet Method and ii) to demonstrate the applicability of this
grout), (b) a double fluid system (grout+air) or (c) a triple fluid system newly developed technology through two case histories of the Twin-Jet
(water+grout+air) (Croce and Flora, 2000; Brill et al., 2003; Burke, Method, conducted in both vertical and horizontal directions.
2004; Fang et al., 2006).
However, because the jetting pressure of the water (or grout) is very 2. Basic principles
high, the process of soil erosion may cause the following problems:
To achieve a quick gel of soft ground after jet grouting, the hardening
(a) The admixture of cement and soil is in a fluid state due to the
process of an admixture of grout-soil must be accelerated by adding a
large amount of injected water. It requires several hours or
binder into the admixture of grout-soil. When water-glass is selected
as the binder, the admixture of grout-soil can gel within 5 to 10 seconds.
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 21 3420 4301; fax: +86 21 6419 1030.
Thus, the Twin-Jet Method is developed based on this traditional triple
E-mail addresses: (S.-L. Shen), (Z.-F. Wang), fluid system (Shen et al., 2009a). Fig. 1 shows the schematic diagram of (S. Horpibulsuk), (Y.-H. Kim). the materials using the transporting process in the formation of a jet

0013-7952/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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88 S.-L. Shen et al. / Engineering Geology 152 (2013) 87–95

Fig. 1. Illustration of formation of a jet grout column using Twin-Jet Method.

grout column while using the Twin-Jet Method. In the Twin-Jet Method, The major technical feature of the Twin-Jet Method is the new mon-
high-pressurized grout shrouded by compressed air is jetted out to erode itor design. The schematic views of the monitor and triple rod in differ-
the soil, and the admixture of grout-soil is formed. Then, the ent directions are presented in Fig. 2. Fig. 2a illustrates the configuration
water-glass solution shrouding the high-pressurized grout is jetted into of the monitor, which is mounted at the end of a triple rod. The monitor
the admixture for a quick gel, and a jet grout column can be formed is equipped with a one-way valve at the tip and two injection nozzles
after hardening. (#1 and #2) on the opposite side. The one-way valve is connected to


Fig. 2. Illustration of monitor and triple rod: (a) cross section in longitudinal direction; (b) cross section in transverse direction.
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S.-L. Shen et al. / Engineering Geology 152 (2013) 87–95 89

Table 1 tabulates the construction parameters used in this case. The

water-cement ratio by weight used to form the grout was approxi-
mately 1:1 and the concentration of water-glass in the water-glass
solution was approximately 17°Be'.

Fig. 3. Plan view of excavated pit.

3.1.1. Design requirements
The design requirements for quality control are summarized
the inner pipe and can automatically control the liquid flow through the as follows:
fluid pressure. The first nozzle (#1) has dual outlets that are connected
to the inner pipe and the second pipe for simultaneously injecting the (a) Designed depth of improvement: from ground surface to 24.0 m.
highly pressurized grout and water-glass solution. The second nozzle (b) Target diameter of the columns (D): 1.0 m.
(#2) also has dual outlets connected to the inner pipe and the outer (c) Average 28-day UCS: larger than 3.5 MPa.
pipe to jet the pressurized grout and air at the same time. The first
erosion of in-situ soil is performed by the highly pressurized grout The diameter of the jet grout columns can be verified through coring
(approximately 10–40 MPa) shrouded by compressed air (approxi- samples from the external edge of the jet grout columns, and the UCS
mately 0.7–1.0 MPa), which is dispensed from the composite nozzle. can be obtained through laboratory tests on the core samples extracted
Then, the highly pressurized grout (approximately 10–40 MPa) and from the field.
low-pressure water-glass solution (approximately 2–3 MPa) are coaxi-
ally jetted out from the nozzle (#1) to erode the ground for a second
time and simultaneously mix with the eroded soil. 3.1.2. Geotechnical conditions
Fig. 2a also schematically illustrates the configuration of the two Fig. 5 depicts the geological profile and soil properties, which show
nozzles (#1 and #2). Nozzle #1 gradually reduces to several millime- that this site consists of four types of soil from 0.0 to 24 m deep: clayey
ters, while the inner outlet recesses into the outer outlet. Within the silt (from 0.0 to 7.0 m), silty sand (from 7 to 10.5 m), sand (from 10.5 to
recession distance of the inner outlet, the outer outlet becomes 14 m) and gravel sand (from 14 to 24 m). Under the depositional layer,
funnel-shaped to prevent the backflow of the highly pressurized it is a weathered rock. The water content of these natural soils was in
grout from the outlet to the water-glass solution. Nozzle #2 also grad- the range of 17% to 48%, and the blow count of the standard penetration
ually narrows to several millimeters near the nozzle exit. The grout test (SPT) ranged from 5 to 30.
that jets out from the inner outlet is surrounded by compressed air
dispensed from the outer outlet, which can increase the eroding abil-
ity of the grout and enlarge the diameter of the column. 3.1.3. Jet Grout formation
During construction, it was found that the hardening process of the
3. Two case histories with the Twin-Jet Method admixture of grout-soil was significantly accelerated and could reach a
gel state in 5–10 seconds. After construction, some core samples were
3.1. Field construction of a vertical Twin-Jet Method in Seoul, Korea extracted from the improvement depth, as indicated in Fig. 6. For all
the obtained core samples, the total core recovery varied from 80% to
A field construction using a vertical Twin-Jet Method was 100% and the rock quality designation (RQD) varied from 81% to 95%,
conducted to improve the ground in the excavated pit of a subway indicating the good quality of the in-situ columns. Verification of core
station in the Construction Area 914 of Metro Line 9, Seoul, Korea. samples extracted from the external edge of the jet grout columns
The length of the pit is 300 m and the width is 25 m, as shown in showed that the diameters of these columns could reach 1.1 m, which
Fig. 3. Fig.4 shows that the jet grout columns were used as the was larger than the target diameter. The results from UCS tests on the
retaining wall combined with I-shaped steel and were arranged, core samples showed that the 28-day UCS was in the range of 5.0–
with a spacing distance of 0.8 m. Fig. 5 depicts a cross-section 6.0 MPa. Consequently, these test results indicated that both the
through the jet grout zone. As observed, the improved zone was lo- diameter and the strength of jet grout columns could completely meet
cated at a depth between 0 m and 24.0 m below the ground surface. the design requirements.

Fig. 4. Layout of jet grout columns in excavated pit.

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90 S.-L. Shen et al. / Engineering Geology 152 (2013) 87–95

Fig. 5. Soil profile, soil properties and a cross section through the jet grout zone. wn, natural water content of soil; γt, unit weight of soil; N, standard penetration test (SPT) blow

3.2. Field trial of a horizontal Twin-Jet Method in Shanghai, China The diameter of the jet grout column can be obtained through the
CPT in the field, and the UCS can be obtained through laboratory tests
The entrance shaft of the Baili Road Station of Metro Line 11, the on the core samples extracted from the field.
test construction site, is located in a northwest part of Shanghai.
Fig. 7 depicts the layout of the field test construction. As observed,
the length and width of the shield shaft are 18.9 m and 24.2 m, re- 3.2.2. Geotechnical conditions
spectively. The centerline of the tunnel is 11.65 m below the ground The altitude of the construction site is 3.8 to 4.02 m above sea level.
surface. A rainwater pipe exists above the tunnel with a buried The groundwater level fluctuated between 1 and 2 m below the ground
depth of 1.5 m. Fig. 7b shows the layout of the five columns. Five surface. Fig. 9 shows the geotechnical profile and soil properties at the
horizontal jet grout columns (labeled as C1–C5) were installed in construction site. The site consisted of four types of soil from 0.0 to
the central range of the tunnel entrance. Table 2 summarizes the 28.5 m deep: backfill (from 0.0 to 1.6 m), clayey silt (from 1.6 to
construction parameters. Fig. 8 shows photographs of the equipment 3.7 m), soft silty clay (from 3.7 to 13.0 m) and very soft clay (from 13.0
field testing. to 28.5 m). The field test was conducted in the soft silty clay layer, with
high water content, low strength, and high compressibility (Chai et al.,
3.2.1. Design requirements 2002; Xu et al., 2009; Shen and Xu, 2011; Zhang and Chen, 2012). The
The design requirements for quality control are summarized as soft soils were normally to slightly over-consolidated and were classified
follows: as low-plasticity clays (CL) under the Unified Soil Classification System
(USCS). The water content of these soils ranged from 30% to 50%, with
(a) Designed length of the columns: 9 m (for C1–C5). an unconfined compressive strength (qu) varying between 30 and 55
(b) Target diameter of the columns (D): 0.8 m. kPa.
(c) Average 14-day UCS: qu > 0.5 MPa.

Table 1
Construction parameters used in vertical Twin-Jet Method.
Table 2
Properties Range Construction parameters used in horizontal Twin-Jet Method.
Nozzle diameter 2.5 mm
Properties Range
Rod drilling rate 50 cm/min
Rod lifting rate 60 cm/min Pressure of compressed air 0.7 MPa
Rod rotation rate 12 rpm Flow rate of compressed air 6 m3/min
Pressure of grout 15–25 MPa Pressure of water-glass solution 3.6–7.8 MPa
Flow rate of grout 80–120 L/min Flow rate of water-glass solution 18–26.5 L/min
Pressure of water-glass solution 2–3 MPa Pressure of grout 10–15 MPa
Flow rate of water-glass solution 20 L/min Flow rate of grout 80.12–98.01 L/min
Pressure of air 0.7 MPa Rod withdrawal rate 0.6–0.7 m/min
Flow rate of air 6–7 m3/min Rod rotation rate 15 rpm
Water-cement ratio by weight 1:1 Water-cement ratio by weight 1:1
Concentration of water-glass 17°Be' Concentration of water-glass 17°Be'
Author's personal copy

S.-L. Shen et al. / Engineering Geology 152 (2013) 87–95 91

and the average 14-day UCS was more than 0.5 MPa. E50 represents
the tangent modulus of elasticity at 50% of qu. Fig. 12 shows the variation
of E50 with qu. E50/qu was equal to 96.3 by regression analysis, falling in
the range of 30 to 120 suggested by Kauschinger et al. (1992).

3.2.4. CPT in field

At 14 and 15 days after construction, a CPT was carried out in the
field. The CPT results are presented in Fig. 13. The CPT curve of C5 in
Fig. 13 shows that the columns (C1, C2 and C5) have overlapped with
each other, which indicates that the quality of these jet grout columns
was good. The results of the CPT indicated that the diameters of C4
and C5 reached 1.4 m and 1.2 m, respectively, which is larger than
the designed diameter. Fig. 13 also suggests that the cone tip resis-
tance at the center of the jet grout column was the highest, reaching
10.58 MPa (C4) and 9.62 MPa (C5).
There is an empirical equation to evaluate the UCS (qu) using cone
tip resistance (qc), as follows (Huang and Gao, 2005; Shen et al., 2010):
Fig. 6. Twin-jet core samples.

qu ¼ 0:1qc ð1Þ
3.2.3. Unconfined Compressive Strength
At 14 days after construction, cylindrical cores drilled from jet grout
column C2 were transported to the laboratory and were prepared for 12 By adopting Eq. (1) and the CPT results, the UCS (qu) at the center of
samples (labeled as UCS1–UCS12) to conduct the USC tests. Fig. 10 the jet grout column was estimated to be approximately 1.0 MPa, which
shows the sectional view of the coring site in the field. As observed, was in agreement with the results from the UCS test of core samples.
the coring section through the body of the jet grout column can be di-
vided into four parts: S1, S2, S3 and S4, and all 12 samples were taken 4. Discussion on calculating column diameters
from these parts. Fig. 11 shows the samples extracted from jet
grout column C2. The results of the UCS tests are presented in Two factors influence the diameter of the jet grout columns: i) the
Table 3, which indicate that the UCS of the central part of jet grout soil properties and ii) the jetting parameters. To obtain a better pre-
column was greater than the marginal part of the jet grout column, diction of the diameter of a jet grout column, both factors require


Fig. 7. Layout of field construction site: (a) plan view; (b) sectional view.
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92 S.-L. Shen et al. / Engineering Geology 152 (2013) 87–95

Fig. 8. Field construction: (a) testing of monitor; (b) horizontal drilling.

comprehensive consideration. There are two existing methods for factors on column diameter calculation cannot be completely taken
predicting the diameter of jet grout columns: into account with these methods.
(a) Empirical approaches. These calculation methods are developed Modoni et al. (2006) presented three different theoretical models of the
according to engineering experience. However, these methods do mechanical phenomena induced by a single fluid jet grouting in three dif-
not appear to have a clear physical meaning (Croce and Flora, ferent soils: a seepage model for gravel soils and an erosion model for
2000). Shibazaki (2003) presented an empirical equation to calcu- both sandy and clay soils. In the erosion models of sandy and clay soils,
late the diameter of a column: the penetration rate and the acting time of the jetting fluid on the soils
are proposed to calculate column diameter in the following equation:
α β γ δ
Rc ¼ KP Q N =V n ð2Þ
Rc ¼ ∫0 V c t dt ð3Þ
where Rc = the predicted radius of the jet grout column (m);
P = the jetting pressure (MPa); Q = the Flow rate (m 3/min); where Rc = the predicted radius of the jet grout column; Vc = the pene-
N = the number of repetitions; Vn = the nozzle moving velocity tration rate of the jetting fluid in the soils; and t⁎ = the acting time of
(m/sec); K = a coefficient of the ground; and α, β, γ and δ = the the jetting fluid on the soils. The penetration rate of the jetting fluid
empirical coefficients. The value of the empirical coefficients was increases with increased fluid speed and decreases with increased soil
resistance. The acting time of the jetting fluid on the soils increases
proposed through experiments: K =0.315, α = 0.003, β =2.186,
with increased length of the lifting steps and decreased rod withdrawal
γ = 0.135, δ =0.198.
rate. To obtain the penetration rate and the acting time of the jetting
(b) Theoretical approaches. These calculation methods are developed
fluid in the soils, the construction parameters (e.g., fluid characteristics,
based on the theory of turbulent jets. Phenomena induced by jet flow rate, nozzle diameter, withdrawal rate and number of nozzles) and
grouting, such as the interaction between grout and soils, can be soil resistance are considered. More details of this method can be
well explained through these methods. However, the influencing referred to in Modoni et al. (2006).

Fig. 9. Geotechnical profiles and soil properties.

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S.-L. Shen et al. / Engineering Geology 152 (2013) 87–95 93

Table 3
14-day UCS of the field samples.

Samples Average UCS qu (kPa)

UCS1–3 (taken from S1) 578.2

UCS4–6 (taken from S2) 987.3
UCS7–9 (taken from S3) 1056.7
UCS10–12 (taken from S4) 674.8

In this paper, with the construction parameters of these two cases,

both the empirical (Shibasaki's method) and theoretical methods
(Modoni's and Ho's methods) were employed to calculate the diameters
of the jet grout columns, and the calculated results are presented in
Table 4. For the empirical method of Shibazaki (2003), the average
calculated diameters for the cases in Seoul and Shanghai are 0.0087 m
and 0.0061 m, respectively—a large difference from the average mea-
sured diameters. The empirical method is not suitable for these two
engineering cases because the empirical coefficients in Eq. (2) are
obtained from a special site with specific construction parameters. To
obtain reasonable diameters from the empirical approach for these
two cases, the coefficient (K) in Eq. (2) needs to be modified. If the
Fig. 10. Sectional view of coring position in field. value of K is adjusted as 125× 0.315 for the case in Seoul and 200 ×
0.315 for the case in Shanghai, respectively, the field-measured data
can be well predicted. However, it still cannot confirm that this method
Ho (2007) proposed a calculation method as the following would be applicable in other cases.
equation: It also can be observed that, for Ho's method and Modoni's method,
the average calculated diameters for these two cases are both smaller
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffi than the measured diameters, and the possible reason may be:
Rc ¼ 6:25d0 þ 0 ð4Þ
qbu 2
(1) The construction parameters for jet grouting cannot be perfectly
considered in these two methods, such as the influence of the
where qbu = the ultimate bearing resistance of the soil; d0 = the withdrawal rate, the rotation speed of the rod and the effect of
diameter of the nozzle; and D0 = the diameter of the monitor. Ho the presence of compressed air are not considered in Ho's
(2007) demonstrated that for a cohesive soil with undrained shear method, while the influence of rotation speed of the rod and
strength (su), qbu can be estimated through the equation qbu = Ncsu the effect of the presence of compressed air are not considered
(Nc is the bearing capacity coefficient, approximately 2.4); for a cohe- in Modoni's method.
sionless soil, qbu can be estimated through the equation qbu = 12 N (2) Since the soil could be eroded twice by the highly pressurized
(N is the SPT blow count). grout in the Twin-Jet Method, a larger diameter could be
achieved. However, this effect of enlarging the diameter is not
considered in these two methods.

5. Conclusions

The Twin-Jet Method, based on the triple-rod method, is presented as

a new jet grouting technology for the instant solidification of soft ground

Fig. 11. Samples extracted from Twin-jet grout column. Fig. 12. Variation of E50 with qu for different samples.
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94 S.-L. Shen et al. / Engineering Geology 152 (2013) 87–95

Fig. 13. CPT curve for C4 and C5 after construction.

Table 4 carried out the field construction for the horizontal jet grouting case in
Comparison of the measured and the calculated diameters. Shanghai and Korea Foundation Technology Co. Ltd., Korea, did the ver-
tical jet grouting case in Seoul. These financial supports are gratefully
Case Average calculated diameters (m) Average measured
diameters (m) acknowledged.
Shibasaki's Modoni's Ho's
method method method

Seoul 0.0087 0.59 0.46 1.1 m

Shanghai 0.0061 0.78 0.62 1.2 m
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