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The objective of this research study is to determine the level of assertiveness of

students in the fourth grade of the secondary level of the Carlos Noriega Jiménez Educational

Institution N° 154, San Juan de Lurigancho-2019.

The type of study is a cross-sectional descriptive, non-experimental design, since only

variables are observed in their natural context and at a given time. The instrument used for

data collection was the Assertiveness Test (ADCA-1). Probalistic sampling was used for data

collection and analysis. The sample is made up of 55 students of the fourth grade of the

secondary level of the I.E. Carlos Noriega Jiménez.

The results show that there is a high level of assertiveness (65%) in the students of

the fourth grade of the secondary level, from which a high level of self-asertvity (87%) and

low level of heteroassertiveness (27%) were obtained.

KeyWords: Assertiveness, fourth grade high school students.

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