Applied Social Science Handouts

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Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Science

Applied Social Science is the application of social science theories, concepts, methods,
and findings to problems identified to wider society.
Social Science – are discipline concerned with systematic study of social phenomena.
 It is a branch of science that deals with the institutions, and functioning
of human society, and with the interpersonal relationship of individuals
as members of society.
Disciplines of Social Science
Anthropology Criminology
Economics Psychology
Sociology Geology
Political science Economics
History Communication studies
Discipline of Counseling - is a relationship characterized by application appropriate of
one or more psychological theories and recognized set of communication skills
appropriate to client’s intimate concerns, problems, or aspirations.
Counseling – the process of guiding a person during stage of life when reassessment or
decision have to be made about himself and his or her life course.
Counselor – are professionally trained and certified to performed counseling.
Psychometrics – is a branch of psychology that deals with the design, administration
and interpretation of quantitative test for measurement of psychological variables such
as intelligent, aptitude, interest, and personality traits.
Psychiatry – which is a branch of general medicine that deals with the treatment of
mentally ill by medically-trained professionals using clinical interventions including
drugs, surgical procedures, and non-physical approaches.
Factors should be managed well to contribute toward the success of the engagement.
Client Factor. The client factors are everything that client brings to the counseling
context. The success or failure of the counseling process depends so much on the
Counselor Factor. It refers to the personality, skills, and personal quantities of a
counselor can significantly impact the outcome of the counseling relationship.
Contextual Factor. It refers to environment and atmosphere where to conduct the
Process Factor. It refers to actual counseling undertaking.
6 Stages in Process of Counseling
a. Developing Trust. This involves providing warmth, genuineness, and empathy.
b. Exploring problem areas. This involves providing a clear and deep analysis of
what the problem is, where it comes from, its triggers, and why it may have
c. Helping to set goals. This involves setting and managing goal-directed
d. Empowering into action. This means fostering action to achieve set goals.
e. Helping maintaining change. This means providing support and other
techniques to enable the client to maintain changes.
f. Agreeing when to end the helping relationship. This implies that assurances
are there that guarantee the process is being directed by the client and towards
Goals of Counseling
 Understanding oneself, (acceptance, appreciation, manage oneself
 Client Empowerment. (means that they develop skills and abilities that
required self-management.
 Improve motivation
 Developed Positive outlook.
 Improve relationship with others.
Principles of Counseling
 Advise. Advise giving has to avoid breeding a relationship in which the
counselee feels inferior and emotionally dependent on the counselor.
 Reassurance. Reassurance is valuable principles because it can bring about a
sense of relief that may empower a client to function normally again.
 Release of emotional tension
 Clarified thinking. Clarified thinking encourages client to accept responsibility
for problems and to be more realistic in solving them.
 Reorientation. It involves a change in the client’s emotional self through a
change in basic goals and aspirations.
 Listening skills. Good listening helps counselors to understand the concerns
being presented.
 Respect. This is basic element of counseling without this the success of
counseling will never be possible.
 Empathy and positive regard. Empathy requires the counselor to listen and
understand the feelings and perspective of the client and positive regard is an
aspect of respect.
 Clarification, confrontation, and interpretation. Clarification is an attempts by
the counselor to restate what the client is either saying or feeling, so the client
may learn something or understand the issue better.
 Transference and countertransference. When clients are helped to understand
aspects of their emotional life. Countertransference helps both client and
counselors to understand the emotional and perceptional reactions and how to
effectively manage them.

Core Values of Counselor

1. Respect human dignity. This mean that the counselor must provide a client
unconditional positive regards, compassion, non- judgmental attitude, empathy,
and trust.
2. Partnership. A counselor has to foster partnership with various disciplines that
come together to support an integrated healing that encompasses various
aspects such physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual.
3. Autonomy. This entails respect for confidentiality and trust in a relationship of
counseling and ensuring a safe environment that is needed for healing.
4. Responsible caring. This primarily means respecting the potential of every
human being to change and continue learning throughout his/her life, and
especially in the environment of counseling.
5. Personal Integrity. Counselors must reflect personal integrity, honesty, and
truthfulness with client.
6. Social Justice. This mean accepting and respecting the diversity of the clients,
the diversity of individuals, their cultures, languages, lifestyles, identities,
ideologies, intellectual capacities, personalities, and capabilities regardless of
presented issues.
Ethical Principles of Counseling
Counselor Shall:
1. Act with care and respect for individual and cultural differences and diversity of
human experience.
2. Avoid doing harm in all their professional work.
3. Respect the confidences with which they are entrusted.
4. Promote safety and well-being of individuals, families, and communities
5. Seek to increase the range of choices and opportunities for client.
6. Be honest and trustworthy in all their professional relationships.
7. Practice within the scope of their competence.
8. Treat colleagues and other professionals with respect.
GUIDANCE COUNSELORS – as natural person who has been professionally
registered and licensed by a legitimate state entity and by virtue of specialized training
to perform the functions of guidance and counseling.
Roles of Guidance Counselors
 To assist the person or clients in realizing a change in behavior or attitude,
 To assist them to seek achievement and goals,
 To assist them to find help
 Teaching of social skills
 Effective communication
 Spiritual guidance
 Decision making
 Career choices
Function of Guidance Counselors
1. helping a client develop potentials to the fullest.
2. Helping client plan to utilize his or her potentials to the fullest;
3. Helping client plan his or her future in accordance with his or her abilities,
interest, and needs;
4. Sharing and applying the knowledge related to counseling such as counseling
theories, tools, and techniques; and
5. Administering a wide range of human development services.
Foundation Skills in Guidance Counseling
1. Attending and listening.
2. Reflective skills
3. Probing skills
Common Skills in Studying the curriculum of accumulated scientific knowledge
across disciplines,
1. Communication Skills. This includes ability to actively listen, demonstrate
understanding, ask appropriate questions, and provide information as needed.
2. Motivational Skills. These skills are the one that influence a client to take action
after helping session and consultation.
3. Problem-solving Skills. These include differentiating between symptoms and
the problem, pinpointing probable causes and triggers for the problem, then
generating range of possible solutions to the actual problem.
4. Conflict resolution skills. These involves learning about styles of conflict
resolutions. It also includes recognizing the signs of it and learning the process of
conflict resolutions.
1. Child development and counseling. It includes parent education, preschool
counseling, early childhood education, elementary school counseling, child
counseling in mental health agencies, and counseling with battered and abused
children and their families.
2. Adolescent development and counseling. It covers middle and high school
counseling, psychological education, career development specialist, adolescent
counseling in mental health agencies, youth work in a residential facility, and
youth probation offices.
3. Gerontology (the aged).
4. Marital relationship counseling. includes premarital counseling, marriage
counseling, family counseling, sex education, sexual dysfunction counseling,
divorce mediation.
5. Health. Health as area of specialization offers possibility for nutrition counseling,
exercise and health education, nurse-counselor, rehabilitation counseling, stress
management counseling, holistic health counseling, anorexia counseling, and
genetic counseling.
6. Career/lifestyle. Includes guidance of choices and decision-making pertaining to
career or lifestyle; guidance on career development;
7. College and university. It offers opportunities; college student counseling,
student activities, student personnel work, residential hall or dormitory counselor,
and counselor educators.
8. Drug. Drug as area of specialization has several options such as substance
abuse counseling, alcohol counseling, drug counseling, stop smoking program
manager, and crisis intervention counseling.
9. Consultation. Covers agency and corporation consulting, organization
development director, industrial psychology specialist, and training manager.
10. Business and industry. Includes training and development personnel, quality
and work-life or quality circles manager, employee assistance programs
manager, employee career development officer, affirmative action, or equal
opportunity specialist.
11. Other specialist. Phobia counseling, agoraphobia, self-management, intra-
personal management, interpersonal relationship management, grief counseling.
Career Opportunities for Counselors
Educational and School Counselor. They offer personal, educational, social, and
academic counseling services.
Vocational or career counselor. These professional facilitate career decision-
making. They aid individuals or groups in determining jobs that are best suited to
their needs, skills, and interests.
Marriage and family counselor. These professionals offer wide range of services
for couples and families.
Addictions and behavioral counselor. These professionals work with people
suffering from addictions. These may range from drugs, alcohol, sex, eating
disorder, to gambling.
Mental health counselor. These professionals work with people suffering from
mental or psychological distress such as anxiety, phobias, depressions, grief,
esteem issues, trauma, sunstance abuse, and related issue. They aim at promoting
mental health.
Rehabilitation Counselor. These professionals are engaged with individuals
suffering from physical or emotional disabilities.
Genetic Counselor. These professionals operate in very specialized context of
dealing with genetic information for individuals and decisions that come with it.
Guidance Counselor code of ethics.
 Respect human right and dignity
 Respect for the client’s right to be self-governing
 A commitment to promoting the client well-being
 Fostering responsible caring.
 Fair treatment of all clients and the provision of adequate services
 Equal opportunity to clients availing counseling services
 Ensuring the integrity to practitioners-client relationship
 Fostering the practitioner’s self-knowledge and care for self.
 Enhancing the equality of professional knowledge and its application
 Responsibility to the society

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