A Review of Analysis of Factors Influencing Learners

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A Review of Leong and Ahmadi’s article: Analysis of Factors Influencing

Learners’ English Speaking Skill

Almira Hadita
Universitas Lancang Kuning


Speaking is one of the most important skills as a communication tool and skill that is
difficult for students to learn in language. Speaking is the most important aspect of
all four language skills. Speaking skills are very important for human success. The
importance of speaking skills is observed in people's daily activities. Speaking is a
way of communicating ideas and thoughts in the form of real communication. The
problem they face when speaking is that they cannot find a suitable word and fear
criticism. This article aims to focus on factors that affect students' English language
skills. This article explores research about the terms of speaking, the importance of
speaking, the characteristics of speech, the problem of speaking, and the factors that
influence speaking performance. This study can be useful for teachers and
researchers to consider the speaking needs of their language learners in the context of
learning and teaching English.

Keywords: speaking, importance, characteristics, problems, factors

1. INTRODUCTION be mastered is speaking, because
speaking is important for everyone, every
In March 2017, two scholars of the day they will meet people in the
University of Malaysia (USM) and the environment and interact with one
University of Guilan published an 8-page another.
speaking research article entitled "An
Analysis of Factors for Influencing The purpose of teaching English is to
Learners' English Speaking Skil". give students the ability to use English
Professor Lai-Mei Leong and Seyedeh effectively in communication. However,
Masoumeh Ahmadi stated that this article in fact they are difficult to express their
aims to investigate what are the factors expressions in oral language in public,
that influence speaking skills. and to think about what will be said.
because they don't often read books and
Learning english speaking skills is where their knowledge is not extensive.
english is used as a Foreign Language /
Second Language. In learning this When we talk about speaking, we don't
language depends on where someone has just say words by mouth. Speaking skills
improved their oral language skills in are often overlooked in some classes.
everyday life. Language skills will make Teachers lack the opportunity for
it easier to interact with others and make students to speak English in class or
it easier for someone to convey outside the classroom. Learners need a lot
information both orally and in writing. In of speech training in order to improve
general there are four language skills, their speaking skills through listening and
namely listening, speaking, reading and repeating.
writing. One aspect of language that must
One language skill that is very important communication. The results of this study
in everyday life is speaking skills as an indicate that students have difficulties in
effective oral communication medium. using English. Students lack mastery in
speaking is very important because it can the four components of speech. Therefore
help students be more courageous, not their students have low English skills.
feel anxious, and develop their speaking One way to improve speaking skills is to
skills. interact with others, learn from others,
and choose topics based on the interests
In page-2 the aim is to facilitate speaking of students.
skills, increase vocabulary, improve
language structure, and train hearing so Lukitasari (2003) conducts research in
that it is easy to capture messages from overcoming the problem of speaking
the other person. students. As a result, students face a lot
of speech difficulties such as obstacles,
2. METHODOLOGY difficulty finding suitable words, low
participation, and use of mother tongue in
In this article we use a qualitative
their speaking class. In overcoming it
approach to analyze the article "Analysis
students must learn three components of
of Factors of Influencing Learners'
speech called vocabulary, grammar, and
English Speaking Skill" written by Leong
and Ahadi, which was published on Vol 2
in 2017. In this article, we discuss talking 4. STRENGTHS AND
to students. they worry about making WEAKNESSES
mistakes and are afraid to be criticized by
other students. They are difficult to Judging from the title, this article is titled
express when they want to talk and lack "Analysis of Factors to Affect Learners'
the knowledge of reading books. English Speaking Skills". The title is
clear and the reader immediately
3. LITERATURE REVIEW understands the article. from the title
alone we have understood this article to
In this section, previous studies relating
discuss the factors that influence English
to factors that influence speaking skills
Speaking Skills in Students.
are reviewed. Park and Lee investigated
the relationship between student anxiety, However, the title is synchronized well
confidence, and speaking performance. In through abstracts, which are written as
Korea, there are one hundred thirty-two perfect summaries of all articles. Abstract
who show their anxiety level is higher captures the overall information in the
and have a negative relationship with article very well, so that when the reader
their verbal performance. does not want to read the entire article, by
reading the abstract alone the reader has
Tanveer (2007), the factors that cause
understood the entire contents of the
anxiety for students in speaking ability
and the impact of anxiety on the target
language communication. The results On page 1 this article discusses talking
obtained that students experience stress about being ignored in school. The reason
and anxiety who want to stop their is because the emphasis on grammar and
learning. teacher-student balance is not profitable.
It is unfortunate because by speaking they
Eissa, Misbah, and Najat (1988)
can practice the ability to speak in public.
conducted a study of the difficulties of
By mastering public speaking, you have a
using English as a means of teaching and
wide opportunity to reach all potential
before anyone. Therefore, language The next main points of discussion are
speakers have more opportunities to get Factors Affecting Speaking Skills (pg. 4),
jobs in various organizations and the discussion is very clear. First is the
companies. performance condition. conditions have
an impact on speaking in class and
According to Ur speakers (2006) on the involving time pressure. Students become
page it is very clear that speaking is one stressed because the class situation is too
of the most important skills among other crowded and too long. Seingga shows the
language skills such as listening, reading, condition of students who are tired,
and writing. Speaking, an ability that is makes students very weak, lacks
very necessary for conversation. Students concentration with the task when they are
must know important components in asked to speak.
speech such as pronunciation,
vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and Second, affective factors are one of the
understanding. The essence of speaking is important factors in learning. Among
to help students develop their vocabulary affective variables include motivation,
and grammar skills and develop them confidence, and anxiety. Brown (2011)
into writing. They can express emotions, motivation is divided into two parts,
ideas, and discuss. namely: intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation. Self-confidence is another
On page 3 the characteristics of speaking affective factor in using communication
skills and speaking accuracy. Fluency for strategies. Based on observations, some
students to speak in ways that are students do not feel confident to speak in
understood and understood and do not English in public. Anxiety is one of the
damage communication. Students must affective factors that are generally
practice speaking in and out of class. considered to affect mastery of the
Accuracy for students must be fluent in second language. Anxiety is associated
learning foreign languages. Students with feelings of anxiety, frustration,
focus on the structure of grammar, hesitation, fear, or worry.
vocabulary, and pronunciation.
Third, listening ability. Students must
The author discusses three problems for understand what is said to them to have a
speaking skills. The first is a barrier. successful dialogue. Thus, speaking is
When they talk in class, they are worried closely related to listening.
that they will make mistakes, be ashamed
of the attention of other students, and fear In the fourth factor, the language used is
criticism. The second is when they will not understood and lacks understanding.
talk often, they cannot remember The factor is topical knowledge. Topicals
anything to say and often this happens. here are what and why are related to
Supported by a statement from Rivers factors that affect speaking.
(1968) "students often say nothing
because their teacher has chosen a topic 5. CONCLUSION
that is not suitable for them and they are
This article discusses the factors that
not informed about it. The third is very
influence students' English language
low participation in the class. In
skills. The factors mentioned have an
classrooms with a large number of
important role in developing students'
students , each student has a very short
speaking skills. These factors make
time to speak, because only one student
students less comfortable with class
speaks to spend time and other students
conditions, lack of confidence, high
listen to it.
anxiety, low motivation, and low
participation. If students have high Davies, P., & Pearse, E. (2000). Success
motivation and low anxiety, their in English Teaching. Oxford University
speaking skills are very easy and Press.
effective. Based on research, the teacher
must understand students 'interests and Efrizal, D. (2012). Improving Students’
talents, improve students' self-confidence, Speaking through Communicative
and good teaching methods so students Language Teaching Method at Mts Ja-
do not feel bored and more concentrated alhaq, Sentot Ali Basa Islamic Boarding
in the classroom. The teacher also builds School of Bengkulu, Indonesia.
good relationships between students, International Journal of Humanities and
making them happy and enthusiastic Social Science,2(20), 127-134.
about learning English. The teacher gives
students many opportunities to talk and Eissa, A., Misbah, & Najat, A. (1988).
correct student mistakes so that they are Problems of Using English as a Medium
not afraid to make mistakes. of Instruction and Communication at the
College of Science, Kuwait University.
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