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Stage 1 Chemistry – Task 1: Investigations Folio

Refer to Program 1

Practical Investigation: Effectiveness of solid oxygen bleach in stain removal

The aim of this investigation is to design an experiment to investigate the following problem:
“Is the effectiveness of solid oxygen bleach in removing stains from fabrics
affected by different water temperatures?”
Solid oxygen bleach contains the compound sodium percarbonate, a colourless, crystalline,
hygroscopic and water-soluble solid. When dissolved in water, it forms a mixture of hydrogen peroxide
and sodium carbonate ("soda ash"). - cite_note-
The hydrogen peroxide decomposes to form water and oxygen. Both hydrogen peroxide and oxygen
act as bleaching agents. Bleaches breakdown stains into smaller, more soluble units that are easily
removed in water.
Part A: Experimental Design

Students work individually to deconstruct the problem and design an experimental procedure to
investigate the problem. They:
- consider how various factors could affect the outcome of the investigation
- write a hypothesis
- identify the dependent and independent variables
- consider factors that should be held constant and explain why and how they will attempt to
control these factors
- identify factors that may not be able to be controlled
- prepare a list of materials required
- write a method to test the hypothesis
- consider how the data will be displayed and analysed
- identify safety considerations.

The design is submitted to the teacher at the end of the lesson.

Part B: Investigation
Students work in pairs. In consultation with the teacher, one of the two students’ methods will be
selected, and modified if appropriate, for the investigation. Students will then submit a materials and
equipment request form. They may collect their own samples of fabric for pre-testing before the double
lesson in which the experiment will be conducted.
Each student should record their own data.
Part C: Report
Each student writes an individual report, to be submitted two days after the experiment is completed,
using the following headings:
Introduction – an outline of the purpose of the investigation, relevant chemistry concepts, the
hypothesis, and identification of variables.
Results – presentation of data and observations in a table and graph.
Discussion – analysis of the data identifying trends and linking results to concepts, and evaluation of
the method identifying sources of uncertainty and their effects on the data.
Conclusion –a conclusion, with justification, relating to the hypothesis
Assessment Conditions for this task:
Part A – One lesson supervised in class.
Part B – A double lesson to undertake the practical in pairs.
Part C – Each student to complete a practical report at home.
Word Count: maximum of 1000 words or 6 minutes for an oral presentation for the introduction,
discussion and conclusion sections only of the report.

Page 1 of 2 Stage 1 Chemistry task AT1-Investigations Folio – Task 1

Ref: A513120
© SACE Board of South Australia 2016, updated January 2019
Stage 1 Chemistry – Task 1: Investigations Folio
Refer to Program 1

Performance Standards for Stage 1 Chemistry


Critically deconstructs a Logically deconstructs a Deconstructs a problem and Prepares a basic Attempts a simple
1 problem and designs a logical, problem and designs a well- designs a considered and deconstruction of a problem deconstruction of a problem
coherent, and detailed considered and clear chemistry generally clear chemistry and an outline of a chemistry and a procedure for a
chemistry investigation. investigation. investigation. investigation. chemistry investigation.
2 Obtains records, and Obtains, records, and Attempts to record and
represents data, using Obtains, records, and represents data, using Obtains, records, and represent some data with
appropriate conventions and represents data, using generally appropriate represents data, using limited accuracy or
appropriate conventions and conventions and formats
Investigation, formats accurately and highly
formats mostly accurately and
conventions and formats with
inconsistently, with occasional
Analysis and effectively. some errors but generally
3 effectively. accurately and effectively. accuracy and effectiveness.
Evaluation Systematically analyses and Attempts to describe results
interprets data and evidence to Logically analyses and Undertakes some analysis and Describes data and undertakes and/or interpret data to
formulate logical conclusions interprets data and evidence to interpretation of data and some basic interpretation to formulate a basic conclusion.
with detailed justification. formulate suitable conclusions evidence to formulate generally formulate a basic conclusion.
4 with reasonable justification. appropriate conclusions with
some justification. Acknowledges that procedures
Critically and logically Attempts to evaluate affect data.
evaluates procedures and their Logically evaluates procedures Evaluates procedures and procedures or suggest an
effects on data. and their effects on data. some of their effects on data. effect on data.

Demonstrates deep and broad Demonstrates some depth and Demonstrates knowledge and Demonstrates some basic Demonstrates some limited
1 knowledge and understanding breadth of knowledge and understanding of a general knowledge and partial recognition and awareness of
of a range of chemical understanding of a range of range of chemical concepts. understanding of chemical chemical concepts.
concepts. chemical concepts. concepts.
Applies chemical concepts Applies chemical concepts Applies chemical concepts Applies some chemical Attempts to apply chemical
generally effectively in new or concepts in familiar contexts.
2 highly effectively in new and mostly effectively in new and
familiar contexts.
concepts in familiar contexts.
familiar contexts. familiar contexts. Attempts to explore and
Partially explores and
Knowledge Critically explores and Logically explores and Explores and understands recognises aspects of the identify an aspect of the
and 3 understands in depth the understands in some depth the aspects of the interaction interaction between science interaction between science
Application interaction between science interaction between science between science and society. and society. and society.
and society. and society. Communicates knowledge and Communicates basic chemical Attempts to communicate
Communicates knowledge and Communicates knowledge and understanding of chemistry information, using some
generally effectively using information about chemistry.
understanding of chemistry understanding of chemistry appropriate terms,
4 coherently with highly effective mostly coherently with effective some appropriate terms, conventions, and/or
use of appropriate terms, use of appropriate terms, conventions, and representations.
conventions and conventions, and representations.
representations. representations.

Page 2 of 2 Stage 1 Chemistry task AT1-Investigations Folio – Task 1

Ref: A5131204
© SACE Board of South Australia 2016, updated January 2019

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