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For Filling

 1 medium kamote, peeled, boiled and mashed
 ½ cup white sugar

Mash boiled sweet potato in a bowl. Add sugar, mash again and
mix well. Set aside.

For Dough

 4 cups glutinous rice flour (sweet rice)
 1 ½ cups water
 4 tablespoons sugar
 ¼ salt
 1 ½ cups sesame seeds
 3 cups cooking oil

1. In a mixing bowl, mix glutinous rice flour, sugar, salt and water
until it forms into a dough.
2. Set aside for 15 minutes
3. Divide dough into small pieces. Roll into balls and shape forming
a flat circle.
4. Scoop a teaspoon of mashed kamote on the middle and mold
the dough until round.
5. Roll each buchi ball in a plate of sesame seeds. Make sure that
the sesame seeds stick on the dough.
6. Using a pan, heat cooking oil in medium heat. Deep fry the
buchi till golden brown or for about 5-10 minutes.
7. Remove buchi from the oil, place in a layer of paper towel to
remove excess cooking oil.
8. Serve hot and enjoy!

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