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Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Designing

Following Activities were completed on each day:

Day 1:
1. We learnt about PCB designing in theoretical part.
2. Downloaded the Eagle Software.
3. We designed “LED MODULE “ in schematic part.
4. Later, the “LED MODULE” design in Layout part.

(a) Frames- LETTER-L
(b) led –LED- LED5MM-8led
(c) Register-rcl-R_US –R-US_0207/10 – 8 register
(d) Connector- con-lstb- MA09-1

DAY 2and DAY 3:

Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Designing Report | [Pick the date]


1. Design POWER SUPPLY in the software using components in
(a) Frames-: LETTER-L
(b) Trafo-:E148-1
(c) rectifier-: RB1A- W04
(d) rcl-:CP0L-US- CPOL-USES.13-1000uf
(e) rcl-: C-EU- C-EU025-024X044-0.1uf
(f) v-reg-:78XXS
(g) rcl-:R_US-R_US_0207/10-1K
(h) rcl-: CPOL-USE3-5.8-100uf

(i) led-:LED-LED5MM
(j) con-amp-quick-: M02
(k) v-reg-:LM317TS- LM317
(l) diode-: 1N4004- 1N4007
(m) pot-: TRIM_US- TRIN_US_CA6V- 5K
(n) rcl-: CPOL_US- CPOL_USE2.56- 10uf/35V

2. Using NET all the components were connected together.

3. After schematic design we went through the Layout design.
4. Now, at the end of the Day 3, the design of “ POWER
SUPPLY” is completed.

DAY 4:
Design L293D MODULE
1. To design L293D MODULE in software we needed
some components in schematic.
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Designing Report | [Pick the date]
2. Components are following below-:
(a) L293D-: st.micro-electronics – L293D
(b) VCC
(c) GND
(d) 2 pin-: con-amp-quick – M02
(e) 3 pin-: con-amp-quick – M03
(f) 2 pin-: con-ptr500 – AK500/2
3. All components were connected using “NET” .
4. Now we design in “LAYOUT”.

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DAY 5:
1. To design Microcontroller using LCD first we have to design
in software.
2. In software we design first in schematic.
3. The following components were used in schematic :
(a) AT89551-: atmel- ATat89551*- AT89551_24P
(b) Switch-: omron- 10-xx
(c) Resistor-: rcl- R_US – R_US-0207/10
(d) Capacitor-: rcl- C_EU – C_EU025 – 024X004
(e) Crystal-: CRYSTALHC – 495
(f) Pot 10K-: pot- TRIM_US – TRIM_US_CA6
(g) Display-: lcd – TUXGR.16X2_R2
(h) Connector-: con-amp-quick – M02
(i) VCC
(j) GND
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Designing Report | [Pick the date]

4. We connected all the components using “ NET” .

5. Now we design in “ LAYOUT”.
6. And at the end of Day 5, the design of “Microcontroller
using LCD” is completed.

DAY 6 and DAY 7:

1. To design “DCJOCK” in software we used two steps.
2. One is schematic.
3. In schematic we used components.
4. Components are given below-:
(a) DCJOCK-: con-JOCK – DCJ0303
(b) Rectifier-: DF*3 – DFOUS
(c) Capacitor-: rcl – CPOL-US –CPOL_USE5-10.5 – 1000uf
(d) rcl-: C-EU – C-EUC0603K – 0.1uf
(e) rcl-: C-EU – C-EUC0603K – 100uf
(f) led-: LED – LEDCHIPLED – 1206
(g) rcl-: R_US – R_US_MELF0204W
(h) con-amp-quick-:M02
(i) v-reg-: XC63FP – XC63FPP

5. All the components are connected together using “ NET”.

6. Now the design is completed.

DAY 8 and DAY 9t

1. In hardware we have Cu-clad piece. Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Designing Report | [Pick the date]

2. Following steps are done in Cu-clad.

(a) Cu-clad clean with send paper.
(b) After that, we have printout of “layout” stick the
printout in cu-clad.
(c) After that we iron the stick on cu-clad for 6
(d) Now we have mirror image of layout in cu-clad.

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(e) Now we dip the cu-clad in the solution of ferric
chloride for 30 minutes.
(f) Again, we clean the cu-clad using send paper.
(g) Now we drill the cu-clad for making holes.
(h) And all the components put in the holes of cu-
(i) After that we do soldering iron.
(j) Finally we check the connection using voltage and
current regulator.
(k) We check whether the connection is rightor not.
(l) And finally we got “ PRINTED CIRCUIT

DAY 10:
FEED BACK Session-:
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Designing Report | [Pick the date]

1. On 10th day, there a feedback session was organized.

2. All the students gave their feedback.
3. After feedback, we did test in software “ EAGAL”.
4. And trainers taught us how to remove our minor
mistakes and asked about the quality of training.

We were very happy that WIT had organized a useful

practical training in PCB Designing for us!
We thank our teachers, external trainers and WIT for their
efforts in this regard.

Leena Kashyap

Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Designing Report | [Pick the date]

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