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TUESDAY Juty 16,201e w w,iqi. $'lr & n { $a t $ $"}} * $ " *} s ll

15-21 term sharing

'':ONSOLIDATION would have senatorto 6le theirtop 10 priorities Time sharing as an option is ing force He has to crack the whip its last three years and winning a
o";been the usual route after or pet bills. Researchers can readily hard to enforce in the three-year and push the legislative agenda of midterm by almost a sweep,
successful electoral campaign ZILCH compare the campaign promises term ofthe bigger chamber There President Duterte. And coming in Cayetano is NP, Romualdez
ut the victory of the regional made with the measures hled. No is no stabiliry predictability and after Arroyo, liose are huge shoes is NLIP and Velasco is PDP You
lnP and national PDP has been r0uRDfs senator "slole" measures filed be- sustainability. Months in Congress fill. Not much politics since she would think that PDP would
rogt-lived, with the disarray in TIQUIA fore, unlike the practice of some are not 28 working dals but three was in the sunset of her political get it b€ing the adopied party of
re House of Representatives and years back where others meiely session days a week, or 12 session career but she rose tothe occasion Presid€nt Duterte. And just like
r the selectign ofthe Speaker for qpon unless a vote is made in copied and filed the measures of days a month. Gone is the practice and delivered foicountry lt was 68 that, because the leader is unable
re 18th Congress. Surely, the last plenary President Rodrigo Duterte termed-out colleagues or were too ofl00 session days straight befor e a session days ofall work, work and to crack the whip, the Mindanao
:gular session of fie 17th Con- can only endorse but the final de- fast on the draw and took otherc as recess. At most, a regular session is work. She was able to harness all agenda has been qacrificed tbat
ress under Speaker Gibria Ma- cision will still be the votes of304 their own. Senator Sotto remains the 78 session days. Fifteen months is because she was a former president even a Sid appears to be on the
lpagal Anoyo is aheady a hard members in the people's chamber Senate Presidentfor the 18th Congress one regular se5siori. There are three who knew her economics and sidelines. And you would think
:t to follow what with a historic and that of 24 members in the and it looks like things have been regular sessions per Congress. tt could get the numben behind a the frapo ways are gone wirh
:cord ofaccomplishments in just Senate. The House is composed ironed out. There are 43 standing takes until late September before policy initiative. Dutert€ win. lt appears the top
ne single session. Some would of 243 district representatives and committees and three special bodies: the House can organize itself to Among the noisiest candidates political "assassin" got bne foot
onder the move made just a few 61 pafty list, serving threeyears of the Commission on Appointments, . do business. Patly because ofthe for speaker today, the presumptive in, same doggone persistehce
ays before the 2018 SONA. Had thre€ consecutive terms while the Senate hlectoral Tribrrhal ,rnd the ,horse tading on chairmanships of Cayetano shows a lot of political when he got the \? in the 20i 6
reaker Bebot Alvarez not bden Senate is elected at large, seruing Judicial and Bar Councii ' committees, approval ofthe rules immaturity in his *ays. Frorn ticket of Duterte. The edifying
:moved, would the 17th Con- sir years oftwo consecutive terms. As for the House, the counsliip' and the designation of officers of the get go, "l am running to be years of Cayetano's political ca-
'ess have ended on such .a high The Senate was able to control continues amongthe thr€e nam€s the chamber There are 60 standing .Speaker" to the threat to the presi- reer is summed up bywhat? From
ote?With hindsigh! the removal ihe so-called changing fortunes of and some others that are beilg committees and 15 special com' dential daughter re breaking the president Arroyo to Manny Villai
:rved well the legislative agenda leadership by passing a resolution floated as possible compromise mittees. I{ow would time shar coalition, 1o €xtending the term to Iuan Ponce Enrile ro vice nrcsi
I President Rodrigo Dute(e and in support of Senate President Tito candidates. The three are Repre ing work? How would the 15-21 ofthe members ofthe.House, cut- dent lejomar Binay and yes, ltsusj
rve unique support in policy Sotto 3rd in the last day ofthe 17th sentatives Alan Peter Cayetano, pan out? Consideritg 2022 is ting the terms of members of the Chrisr the Lord has heen invokedl
rrmulation and adoption when Congress. lmmediately after the Martin Romualdez and Lord Allan presidentia) election year, congres- Sendte; cleating more bureaucracy in all these political plays.'l'ell rnel
came to dealing with inflation elections, the wirning 12 broke Velasco. The other names floated sionalworkwould begin to wane at in the House which by design is what's truei The vice presi,.lrntiall
rd basic commodities like rice; bread with the leadership and are those of Representatives Rufus starting in December 2020. So, already a legislative maze,.among c.rndidares in -201 6 were six bui de-l
)art from the push for revbnuq the motion u;as set in on how to Rodriguez, Ronnie Zamora and what of 15-21? Would the othefs. And just like that, with signed to have threeTrojans {Cay-j
rhancement measures and social deal with and anive at hegoti;ted Sid Ungab. President Duterte was House first vote on. the time- the announcement by President etano, Escudero and ltillanesl tol
:oteciion legislation. decisions oa the chairmalships of asked bythe 6rstthree tO interyene sharing option, ther vote on Dutefte of his endorseinent of harm who and ensure the victoryl
Congress is a deliberative standing committees as well as the since no one appears to be willing the speakdrship? How would it Cayeta4o, came "if . Romualdez of whom? Would 1,1 todav votel
rdy. Much of the work is done oflicers of the chamber The new to give way. The endorsemeni is be imf lemented? will consider VP," he will support for the plesumptivet Not hird tol
a consensus and compio- system offiling for legislative mea' valuable but still, being a delibera- That is why the Speaker has to it. The trial balloons.are every- figure that one. For as Bonapan{
ise. Decision-making is inher- sures for each senator was a most tive body, the decision lies with be primus inter pares, first among where and that does.not augur well said, "in politics, an absurdiry jd
rtly plenary Nothing is decided welcome reform ag it allowed eaclr the plenary equals. He has to be the stabiliz- for an administratibn which is on not a handicap." I
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