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PMSg Adonis C Buyao

PSJLC CL 2019-01
Alpha Company

Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government
Philippine Public Safety College
National Police Training Institute
Teachers’ Camp, Baguio City

Understanding and Learning to the subject: Strategic Leadership.

In an organization or a business, leadership is the most critical

and crucial thing that should be considered and not to be overlooked
since leadership is the backbone of it to grow, to be effective and attain
success. To attain success which is the main goal of every
organization/business the leader should consider what kind and type of
leadership they should adopt and apply.

As Visionary and Managerial Leader:

In the PNP organization like other organizations, the PNP has its
Vision and Mission. Since a vision and mission will guide certain group
or individual in achieving certain goal/s that they want to achieve with a
certain timeframe. For the PNP Vision “Imploring the aid of the
Almighty, by 2030 we shall be highly capable and effective and
credible Police service working in partnership with a responsive
community towards the attainment of a safer place to live, work and do
business”. In order for the PNP attain its vision, it should put or should
have a leader that is visionary and managerial in style, a pro-active
leader for the PNP to continuously develop choices and adopt fresh
and timely approaches to be applied down to the lowest level/rank of
the PNP to guide it from its path toward its Vision and Mission.

As a Strategic Leader:

Since the PNP has its Vision and Mission from its creation, the
PNP needs leader/s that is not only visionary and managerial type but

PSJLC 2019-01 Alpha Coy – Team 1 Page 1

it should also have a strategic skills in order to consider tactics to
communicate the vision and off course it has the ability to manages,
motivates and persuades staff up to the lowest position of the PNP
organization to do the same vision (through media pronouncement,
memorandum, and influence). Considering the size of the PNP
organization, the leader distributed responsibilities to the following
positions from the Chief PNP as the overall leader, Directorate for
Administration, Directorate for Operation, Directorial Staff down to the
lowest unit which is the Municipal Police Station/Company that have
COP’s/ Commanding Officers, Deputy, Admin PCO/PNCO, Operation
PCO/PNCO down to the lowest designation.

Since Policing belongs to uncertain environment, it encounters

complex problems brought about by the diversity of the
people/community involve because of cultural and traditional
differences plus family upbringings. In order to deal with these
problems, the leaders/COP’s in their certain Area of Responsibility
(AOR) develop strategies by continuously developing leadership skills
of its personnel through training/schooling, and involving their
subordinates and elements in creating strategies such in identifying
opportunities and challenges to be considered in planning that they are
going to apply and eventually divided the tasks by designation wherein
up to the lowest person in the PNP have their specific tasks.
Collectively, by the leader’s managing skill the Vision and Mission are
slowly being achieved.

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