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Chapter 1.

Protection and Management 17

1. Protection and Management

J. A . Enemark

Wadden Sea QSR 1999

Wadden Sea QSR 1999

18 Chapter 1. Protection and Management

Wadden Sea QSR 1999

Chapter 1. Protection and Management 19

1.1 Introduction other relevant directives - with regard to the com-

prehensive protection of the Wadden Sea region
as a whole including its fauna and flora. To this
Nature protection in the Wadden Sea is not a new end, the countries will intensify and broaden the
phenomenon. Already at the start of the century contacts between the responsible administrations
nature reserves were established all over the Wad- including holding regular Wadden Sea Ministers
den Sea e.g. Jordsand, Noorderoog, Griend, Mem- Conferences. The Common Wadden Sea Secretar-
mert and Mellum, but they were confined mostly iat was established in 1987 to facilitate and sup-
to smaller uninhabited islands as mainly wildlife port the cooperation.
reserves. In the 1960s and 1970s, it became ap- It is important to accentuate that the Joint Dec-
parent that the impacts resulting from both di- laration and other arrangements made in the
rect and indirect use of the Wadden Sea through framework of the cooperation including the Min-
embankments, agricultural use, fisheries and rec- isterial Declarations of the Wadden Sea Confer-
reation and the discharges of pollutants were such ences are arrangements of an internationally le-
that they potentially could imperil the sustaina- gally non-binding, character contrary to an inter-
bility of the Wadden Sea and a wider understand- national cooperation on the basis of a treaty or a
ing of the need for an extensive protection ma- convention. The decisions, agreements and actions
tured. In the 1970s, a process began resulting in concluded at the ministerial conferences are po-
comprehensive protection schemes for the Wad- litical agreements between the countries which
den Sea which are, world-wide, still one of the will be implemented nationally by the instruments
few examples of such exhaustive schemes. chosen by the parties. The trilateral cooperation
The national protection and the cooperation may, however, in substantive terms, not differ from
between the three Wadden Sea countries on the such international legal bindings, arrangements
protection of the Wadden Sea developed in par- and, furthermore, the arrangements have a cer-
allel. The first Trilateral Governmental Conference tain flexibility. An exception to this rule is the
was held in 1978 and the first comprehensive pro- 'Agreement on the Conservation of Seals in the
tection schemes were introduced nationally in Wadden Sea’ concluded by the parties in 1990,
1979-1980 in all three countries. The trilateral which is an agreement under the Convention for
Wadden Sea Cooperation has developed to con- the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild
stitute the overall framework for the protection Animals (Bonn Convention).
of the Wadden Sea as one entire shared ecosys- The arrangements of the Wadden Sea cooper-
tem. The following serves to introduce the main ation are the results of consecutive Wadden Sea
elements of the protection schemes trilaterally and Conferences which, since the Stade Conference
nationally without going into details about regu- of 1997, are embedded in the Trilateral Wadden
lation of human activities since they will be dealt Sea Plan (1997). The Wadden Sea Plan (WSP) en-
with under the description of uses and activities. tails policies, measures, projects and actions which
have been agreed upon by the three countries.
The Plan is a framework for the overall Wadden
1.2 The joint protection Sea management and will be revised at regular
intervals. It is a statement on how the three coun-
and management regime tries envisage the future coordinated and inte-
grated management of the Wadden Sea Area and
the projects and actions that must be carried out
As indicated above, the first trilateral Danish-Ger-
to achieve the commonly agreed Targets (WSP,
man-Dutch Governmental Conference on the Pro-
Chapter I, § 4).
tection of the Wadden Sea was held in 1978 in
The Hague. It marked the official start of the co-
operation which has as its formal basis the Joint 1.2.1 Delimitation
Declaration on the Protection of the Wadden Sea
signed at the Third Wadden Sea Conference in The area for which the Wadden Sea Plan is valid
Copenhagen in 1982. The Joint Declaration is a is the Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation Area, in
declaration of intent of the countries to consult short, the Wadden Sea Area, from Den Helder, The
each other in order to coordinate their activities Netherlands to Blåvandshuk, Denmark delimited
and measures to implement a number of legal in- by the 3 nautical miles offshore and the main sea
struments - Ramsar Convention, Bonn Conven- walls or, where sea walls are absent, the spring-
tion, Bern Convention, EC Birds Directives and high-tide-water line, and in the rivers, the brack-

Wadden Sea QSR 1999

20 Chapter 1. Protection and Management

ish-water limit including Ramsar and/or EC Bird Wadden Sea (WSP, Chapter I, § 7).
Directive areas designated inland . It is recognized A map of the Wadden Sea Area and the Conser-
that within the Wadden Sea Area there are areas vation Area is in Figure 1.1. The Wadden Sea Area
in which human use has the priority. covers an area of about 13,500 km2.
The trilateral conservation area, in short the The disputed area between The Netherlands and
Conservation Area, is situated within the Wadden Germany in the Ems-Dollard region is subject to
Sea Area, and consists of: bilateral arrangements in the framework of the
• in The Netherlands, the areas under the Wad- Ems-Dollard Treaty, 1960, the Supplementary
Figure 1.1. The Wadden Sea den Sea Memorandum including the Dollard; Agreement 1962 and the Environmental Proto-
Area and the Conservation
• in Germany, the Wadden Sea national parks col. The permanent Dutch-German Transbounda-
It should be noted that on and protected areas under the existing Na- ry Waters Commission has adopted a common
the map the Schleswig- ture Conservation Act seaward of the main action plan for water and nature management in
Holstein part of the dike and the brackish water limit including the 1998 for the disputed area in accordance with
Conservation Area has not
yet been adapted to the
Dollard; the Trilateral Wadden Sea Plan.
Schleswig-Holstein • in Denmark, the Nature and Wildlife Reserve
National Park Law of 1999
(see 1.3.2 and Figure 1.4).

Wadden Sea Area and Conservation Area




Wadden Sea Area

Intertidal Area (eulittoral)

Conservation Area Tønder

Disputed Border area according to the Ems-Dollard-treaty of 1960,

the Supplementary Agreement of 1962 and
the Environmental Protocol of 1996

0 10 20 30 40 50 Kilometers
UTM-projection zone 32




C h



Leeuwarden Groningen

Den Helder

Wadden Sea QSR 1999

Chapter 1. Protection and Management 21

1.2.2 Shared Principles • the Principle of Careful Decision Making, i.e.

to take decisions on the basis of the best
available information;
The Guiding Principle of the trilateral Wadden Sea • the Principle of Avoidance, i.e. activities which
policy is ‘to achieve, as far as possible, a natural are potentially damaging to the Wadden Sea
and sustainable ecosystem in which natural proc- should be avoided;
esses proceed in an undisturbed way’ (Esbjerg • the Precautionary Principle, i.e. to take action
Declaration, 1991, § 1). The Principle is directed to avoid activities which are assumed to have

Varde Å
Blåvands Huk Ho

Habitats in the Wadden Sea Area Skallingen

Legend Mandø

Wadden Sea Area

Offshore Area

Intertidal Area (eulittoral)

Salt Marshes Sylt

Beaches and Dunes

Rural Area
Norderoog- Pellworm
0 Husum
10 20 30 40 50 Kilometers Nordstrand

UTM-projection zone 32 sand



Trischen Bucht



Großer Cuxhaven
Minsener Oog
Norderney Baltrum Oldoog

Borkum Memmert

Rottumerplaat Rottumeroog
Leybucht Bremerhaven
Schiermonnikoog Wilhelmshaven
Terschelling Jadebusen

Ems Emden
Griend Delfzijl

Leeuwarden Groningen


Den Helder

Figure 1.2. Wadden Sea

towards the protection of the tidal area, salt significant damaging impact on the environ- habitats.
marshes, beaches and dunes (Leeuwarden Decla- ment, even where there is no sufficient scien-
ration, 1994, § 8). tific evidence to prove a causal link between
In addition, seven Management Principles have activities and their impact;
been adopted which are fundamental to decisions • the Principle of Translocation, i.e. to translo-
concerning the protection and management with- cate activities which are harmful to the Wad-
in the Wadden Sea Area (Esbjerg Declaration, den Sea environment to areas where they will
1991, § 3): cause less environmental impact;

Wadden Sea QSR 1999

22 Chapter 1. Protection and Management

Special Protection Areas (SPAs)
according to the EC Bird Directive

Wadden Sea Area




The Netherlands

Disputed Border area according to the Ems-Dollard-treaty of 1960,

the Supplementary Agreement of 1962 and
the Environmental Protocol of 1996
0 10 20 30 40 50 Kilometers Husum

UTM-projection zone 32






Groningen Niedersachsen GERMANY


Den Helder

Figure 1.3. Special

Protection Areas (SPAs).
It should be noted that the
map has not been amended • the Principle of Compensation, i.e. that the Unreasonable impairments of the interests of the
for recent changes in harmful effect of activities which cannot be local population and its traditional uses in the
international designations avoided, must be balanced by compensatory Wadden Sea Area have to be avoided. Any user
(see 1.2.4). measures; in those parts of the Wadden Sea, interests have to be weighed on a fair and equi-
where the Principle has not yet been imple- table basis in the light of the purpose of protec-
mented, compensatory measures will be ai- tion in general, and the particular case concerned
med for; (WSP, Chapter I, § 8).
• the Principle of Restoration, i.e. that, where
The Paris Convention was
replaced by the OSPAR
possible, parts of the Wadden Sea should be 1.2.3 Common Targets
Convention in 1998 and
restored if it can be demonstrated by reference
the Paris Convention studies that the actual situation is not opti- The trilateral conservation policy and management
Recommendations mal, and that the original state is likely to be is directed towards achieving the full scale of hab-
regarding BAT and BEP re-established; itat types which belong to a natural and dynamic
dissolved. The concepts of
BAT and BEP have now
• the Principles of Best Available Techniques and Wadden Sea. Each of these habitats needs a cer-
been defined in Appendix 1 Best Environmental Practice, as defined by the tain quality (natural dynamics, absence of distur-
of the OSPAR Convention Paris Commission1 . bance, absence of pollution), which can be reached

Wadden Sea QSR 1999

Chapter 1. Protection and Management 23

by proper conservation and management. The qual- major parts of the Wadden Sea will be included in
ity of the habitats shall be maintained or improved NATURA 2000.
by working towards achieving Targets which have
been agreed upon for six habitat types: Salt Mar- International Conventions and Programs
shes, Tidal Area, Beaches and Dunes, Estuaries, The Convention on Wetlands of International Im-
Offshore Area and Rural Area (Figure 1.2). Targets portance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat 1971
on the quality of water and sediment are valid for (Ramsar Convention) is a world wide treaty for the
all habitats. In addition, supplementary Targets on conservation of wetlands: shallow open waters and
birds and marine mammals have been adopted, as any land regularly or intermittently covered or sat-
well as Targets on landscape and cultural aspects urated by water. In the framework of the Conven-
(WSP, Chapter I, § 8). tion, wetlands of international importance are des-
The contents of the Targets and an assessment ignated by the contracting parties. Major parts of
on the progress in their implementation is given the Wadden Sea have been designated as Ramsar
in the Assessment Chapter 6. sites: The Dutch part of the Conservation Area, to-
For each Target category, trilateral policy and gether with the coastel zone and parts of the is-
management and proposals for trilateral projects lands, is a Ramsar site. In Germany, the Wadden
and actions necessary for the implementation of Sea Ramsar sites is basically the German Conser-
the Targets are entailed in the Trilateral Wadden vation Area and a number of areas on the islands
Sea Plan. The trilateral policy and management and the adjacent mainland. In Denmark, the Wad-
is the core of the agreements on the common den Sea Ramsar site consists of the uninhabited
protection and management of all relevant uses parts of islands, adjacent marsh areas on the main-
and activities. These are presented in more detail land and the Danish part of the Conservation Area,
in the appropriate section. except for the shipping lane from the North Sea to
Esbjerg and the Esbjerg harbor.
1.2.4 International designations Biosphere Reserves are protected areas of rep-
resentative terrestrial and coastal environments
EC Directives which have been internationally recognized un-
The Council Directive 79/409/EEC 1979 (EC Bird der the Man and Biosphere (MAB) Program of the
Directive) aims at the protection of all species of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cul-
naturally occurring birds in the territory of the tural Organization (UNESCO) MAB Program for
member states. According to the Bird Directive, their value in conservation and in providing the
member states shall classify the most suitable scientific knowledge, skills and human values to
territories for the conservation of these species, support sustainable economical development. The
including migratory species, as special protection German and the Dutch parts of the Conservation
areas (SPAs). The Dutch part of the Conservation Area have been designated as Biosphere Reserves.
Area has been designated as SPA1. In Germany,
the Niedersachsen, Hamburg and the Schleswig- 1.2.5 The Wadden Sea Area and
Holstein part of the Conservation Area has been
designated as SPA and five adjacent areas to the
external impacts
Schleswig-Holstein Conservation Area and the
German part of the Dollard. In Denmark, the Dan- The Wadden Sea is a coastal sea and there are
ish part of the Conservation Area, with the ex- many interactions with the North Sea and the
ception of the shipping lane from the North Sea northwestern European mainland. The quality of
to Esbjerg, the uninhabited parts of the islands water, sediment and marine habitats of the Wad-
and the adjacent marsh areas on the mainland den Sea is, to an important degree, affected by
have been designated as SPAs (Figure 1.3) the North Sea and activities in the catchment ar-
The Council Directive 92/43/EEC 1992 (EC Hab- eas of the debouching rivers. The Wadden Sea is
itat Directive) aims at the conservation of habi- an important nursery area for North Sea fish and
tats of wild flora and fauna in the member states. some species of marine mammals. For these rea- 1 Currently an extension of
In the framework of the Habitat Directive, a co- sons, the trilateral policy and management regard- the SPA is under
herent ecological network, called NATURA 2000, ing pollution, species and habitat protection is- discussion. The extension
sues have been and are closely related to devel- will include the North Sea
shall be established. NATURA 2000 will consist
offshore zone within the
of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) desig- opments within the framework of the North Sea Wadden Sea Area and parts
nated according to the Habitat Directive, and the Conferences, and the Convention for the Protec- of the islands and the
SPAs of the Bird Directive. The designation of SACs tion of the Marine Environment of the North-East adjacent IJsselmeer and
Atlantic (OSPAR Convention, Paris 1992) which Lauwersmeer.
will be undertaken in the forthcoming years and

Wadden Sea QSR 1999

24 Chapter 1. Protection and Management

entered into force on 25 March 1998. It was rec- for seals and the important breeding, moulting,
ognized at the Wadden Sea Conference in 1997 feeding and resting areas for waterfowl; these
that the quality of the Wadden Sea Area may be areas are closed to public admittance the whole
influenced significantly by activities taking place year round with the exception of a few areas
outside or pollution stemming from sources out- where this only applies for part of the year. This
side the Wadden Sea Area. It was therefore agreed zone covers approximately 10% of the Nature and
to address such external impacts through the re- Wildlife Reserve.
duction of inputs of nutrients, hazardous sub- A zone which consists of areas east of the base-
stances and oil and relevant activities in the ad- line, except for the main shipping routes and the
jacent areas (Stade Declaration, 1997, §§ 13-17). areas of the core zone, where recreational boat-
ing and other recreational activities are regulat-
ed; this zone covers approximately 60 % of the
Nature and Wildlife Reserve.
1.3 National protection A zone which consists of the areas west of the
and management regimes baseline and the main shipping routes, where gen-
erally no restrictions apply other than the general
ones mentioned below; this zone covers the re-
The national protection and management regimes maining 30 % of the Nature and Wildlife Reserve.
are the total legal and administrative instruments The Wadden Sea Area outside the Conserva-
that have been enacted and implemented to pro- tion Area consists of the islands, except for most
tect, conserve and manage the Wadden Sea in a of the beaches and some state owned areas, salt
sustainable way corresponding with the trilateral marshes in the Varde estuary, Ho Bay, Måde on
objectives, principles and agreements. The heart Rømø and Fanø, and the fresh marshes behind
of the regime is the Wadden Sea Conservation the seawalls. The Danish Wadden Sea Area is des-
Area consisting of the Wadden Sea national parks ignated as Ramsar site and Special Protection Area
and nature reserves but, for the Wadden Sea Area under the Birds Directive with the exception of
in total, other instruments are also being applied. the inhabited parts of the islands and the ship-
ping lane to Esbjerg and the Esbjerg harbor. In
1.3.1 Denmark addition, larger parts of the islands have also been
designated as nature conservation areas accord-
ing to the Nature Conservation Act. Furthermore,
The Danish part of the Conservation Area is the
the dunes and salt marshes as well as other rele-
Nature and Wildlife Reserve Wadden Sea which
vant habitats, such as fresh meadows, are subject
was enacted by Statutory Orders in 1979 on a
to a general biotope protection regime according
Wildlife Reserve and in 1982 on a Nature Reserve.
to Section 3 of the Nature Conservation Act.
The Orders were merged into one Order in 1992
Ramsar sites and SPA and habitat areas are
which was amended in 1998 to incorporate the
subject to a comprehensive planning and regula-
agreements resulting from the Trilateral Wadden
tion regime. The ‘Executive Order on the Demar-
Sea Plan.
cation and Administration of International Na-
The area covered by the Nature and Wildlife
ture Protection Areas’, 1998 delineates the areas
Reserve is the Wadden Sea outside the seawalls
and lays down binding rules for the authorities
on the mainland and islands - where seawalls are
with regard to administration of the areas pursu-
absent, the mean high water mark is the border -
ant to the provisions of the Bird and Habitat Di-
and, on the North Sea, delimited by 3 nautical-
rectives and the Ramsar Convention. The Order
miles west of the baseline. Since the amendment
stipulates that new infrastructural installations
in 1998, the area also includes most of Skallingen
may not be built, new areas may not be desig-
and state owned beaches and salt marshes on the
nated as urban zones or summer cottage areas,
islands of Rømø, Mandø and Fanø. The whole area,
new areas may not be developed for raw material
covered by the Nature and Wildlife Reserve, is al-
exploitation on land and installations for recrea-
most 1,000 km2.
tion purposes or other purposes may not be
The provisions of the Nature and Wildlife Re-
planned if they will bring about a deterioration of
serve apply to public access, shipping and other
the areas or significantly disturb the species for
activities which are deemed harmful to the natu-
which these areas have been designated.
ral environment. Three zones can be distinguished:
A core zone which consists of a scientific ref-
erence area, the main resting and nursery areas

Wadden Sea QSR 1999

Chapter 1. Protection and Management 25

1.3.2 Germany tional Park is divided into two zones in which dif-
ferent activities are allowed:
The core zone, zone 1 covers 70% of the area;
The vast majority of the German Wadden Sea Con- admittance is prohibited and a number of activi-
servation Area is constituted by the national parks ties, including commercial ones such as fishery,
designated by the responsible federal states are prohibited.
Schleswig-Holstein, Niedersachsen and Hamburg Zone 2 covers the remaining 30% and includes
in accordance with the Federal Nature Conserva- the island Neuwerk, a smaller area around this island
tion Act. Additional areas are the nature reserves and the area situated directly on the mainland side.
in the Ems-Dollard and the Elbe estuary. Small scale activities are generally allowed.
Schleswig-Holstein Niedersachsen
The Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park The Niedersachsen Wadden Sea National Park was
was established in 1985 by state law, which was designated in 1986 by state statutory order,which
amended in October 1999. In comparison with the
1985 law the amended law entails in particular a
seaward extension of the National Park, a new
definition of the protection objective and the in-
troduction of a new zoning system.
The National Park is bordered on the mainland a
and along the coasts of the islands and hallig is-
tection are

lands by a line which runs at a distance of 150 m

seaward of the dikes, geest and dunes. Offshore the
National Park is bordered by the 3 sea-mile line, in-
whale pro

cluding a whale protection area off the islands of

Sylt and Amrum bordered by the 12 sea-mile line.
The National Park covers approximately 4,410 km2.
A map of the National Park is in Figure 1.4.
The National Park is divided into two zones, in
which different activities are allowed. The core
zone, zone 1, comprises coherent tidal basins and
covers about 36% of the National Park. Public
access is prohibited with the exception of e.g.
adjacent tidal areas, tidal flat walking routes, and zero use zone
commercial fishery as stipulated in Section 6 (2)
of the law. Within the core zone an area south of core zone (Zone I)
the Hindenburg causeway of 12,500 ha has been
Zone II
designated as a zone in which all resource use
has been fully prohibited. It is only allowed to
navigate in the zero use zone on the marked ship-
ping lanes. The area covers about 3% of the Na-
tional Park area.
Any activity which could cause destruction,
damage or change to the protected area or any
part thereof or that could lead to lasting distur-
bance, is prohibited. Permitted activities are ex-
plicitly stated in Section 6 of the National Park
Law. The kind and location of activities is primari-
ly determined by the zoning concept. was given the status of state law in 1999. The Figure 1.4. The Schleswig-
Niedersachsen National Park is delimited on the Holstein National Park

Hamburg mainland by the dikes, dunes, geest or estuaries

The Hamburg Wadden Sea National Park was es- and on the seaward side by the islands and in-
tablished in 1990 by state law. The National Park cludes the uninhabited parts of these islands. The
covers the Hamburg part of the Wadden Sea in- disputed area in the Ems-Dollard including the
cluding the islands Neuwerk, Scharhörn and Ni- German part of the Dollard, the Jade, Weser and
gehörn and is approximately 100 km2. The Na- Elbe shipping lanes are not included in the na-

Wadden Sea QSR 1999

26 Chapter 1. Protection and Management

tional park. The National Park covers an area of vation Act respectively the State Nature Conser-
approximately 2,400 km2 which is divided into vation Acts.
three zones. The regulation of navigation in the German
Zone 1- the core zone - covers 54% of the Wadden Sea Conversation Area is covered by an
total area and includes the ecologically most val- order issued by the Federal Ministry of Traffic in
uable areas. All activities which destroy, damage 1992 and amended in 1995 because of the com-
or change the National Park or its component parts petency of the federal government for such mat-
are prohibited. Public admittance is prohibited ters related to so-called federal waterways. The
with the exception of admittance on assigned Navigation Order for the Conservation Area order
paths and routes. Exceptions have been made in was prolonged in 1997.
section 6-9 of the Order for certain activities re- According to the Order, the majority of seal
garding farming, hunting, fishing and access. In nursing places and birds’ moulting and staging
addition, a list of accepted utilization in various areas in the German part of the Wadden Sea Area
parts of the core zone beyond the ones mentioned are protected as seal and bird reserves, where ship-
in section 6-9 has been annexed to the Order. ping is prohibited part of the year or the whole
Zone 2 - the intermediate zone - covers 45% year. They do not cover the whole core zones area.
of the total area. All activities which change the Shipping is prohibited, where appropriate, in gen-
character of the Wadden Sea including the islands, eral in the core zone only during the six hours of
in particular the scenic value or nature impres- low tide.
sion, are prohibited. A list of specifically prohibit- In the core zone, the allowed maximum speed
ed activities is annexed to the Order. Admittance outside the navigation routes is 8 knots and in
is allowed to this zone with the exception of the the navigation routes 12 knots, in the remaining
salt marshes during the breeding season for birds area outside the navigation routes, 12 knots and
from 1 April until 31 July. in the navigation routes 16 knots. The said speed
Zone 3 - the recreational zone - covers about 1% limits do not affect the two vessels which have
of the total area. Only recreational activities and been operational before the amendment of the
health resort activities are allowed. Order, for such ships the maximum allowed speed
is 24 knots.
The Wadden Sea area of Bremen at Bremerhaven 1.3.3 The Netherlands
is about 110 ha. In connection with the extension
of the container terminal in the mid 1990s, na- The Dutch Wadden Sea Conservation Area is the
ture restoration measures have been implement- area subject to the Wadden Sea Memorandum.
ed to maintain and improve the ecological state The Memorandum is a national physical planning
of the area. Currently the area is not subject to document, which is the basis for all further plan-
conservation measures. ning, conservation and management for the area
The remaining part of the German Conserva- of all state, regional and local authorities. The
tion Area comprises the nature reserve in the Ger- planning document is subject to parliamentary
man part of the Dollard designated in 1980 and endorsement. The area covered by the Memoran-
the nature reserves on southern river banks of the dum is delimited by the dikes and dunes includ-
Elbe. Further, hereto, there are several nature re- ing those areas of the islands which are regularly
serves outside the Conservation Area on the flooded. It covers about 2,400 km2. The first Na-
Schleswig-Holstein islands and the mainland tional Wadden Sea Memorandum was issued in
within the Wadden Sea Area with a status com- 1980 and amended in 1993. A new Memorandum
parable to the Conservation Area. is presently being elaborated. It will be valid for a
The Wadden Sea Area outside the Conserva- 10 year period starting in the beginning of the
tion Area consists of offshore areas, the major coming decade.
shipping lanes, the estuaries and the islands, hal- In 1980/82 a major part was designated as na-
ligen and adjacent Ramsar sites and Special Pro- ture reserve (State Nature Monument and Pro-
tections Areas under the Bird Directive in the Sch- tected Natural Monuments) by Executive Order
leswig-Holstein section. covering an area of about 60% of the Memoran-
The tidal areas, dunes and salt and brackish dum Area. The nature reserve designation was
marshes irrespective of whether they are within extended in 1993 by a supplementary Executive
or outside the Conservation Area are protected in Order to cover about 95% of the area. The ship-
the framework of the general biotope protection ping lanes, areas adjacent to the inhabited parts
regime according to the Federal Nature Conser- of the islands and the disputed area in the Ems-

Wadden Sea QSR 1999

Chapter 1. Protection and Management 27

Dollard are not part of the nature reserve. is the recreational zoning system which, to a large
The Memorandum lays down policy guidelines extent, follows the above zoning, namely a zone
for the different activities in the Wadden Sea. The in which recreation is basically prohibited, a zone
Executive Order for the nature reserve determines in which recreational activities are subject to reg-
that, without permission, it is prohibited to un- ulation and finally a zone in which recreation is
dertake activities which disturb, damage or de- only subject to marginal regulations.
stroy the protected area including its flora and The Wadden Sea Area outside the Conserva-
fauna or its scientific importance. tion Area embodies the vast parts of the islands
The Memorandum, in combination with the na- and the offshore zone. The policy for the offshore
ture reserve stipulations, enables the discrimina- zone is formulated in the North Sea System Man-
tion between three zones of protection and man- agement Plan which stipulates the objective that
agement. Specific protection zones are closed for the coastal zone (up to the 20-m isobath) and
public admittance for the whole or part of the the Frisian Front - Klaverbank area obtain a spe-
year. This area includes areas important for seals cial level of protection. This will be achieved by
and breeding areas for birds and constitutes about implementation of stricter regulations for con-
7% of the Conservation Area. The zones can be tamination and disturbances by certain human
designated in different places each year. uses in order to contribute to the protection, re-
The remaining part of the nature reserve in covery and development of the entire ecosystem
which the provisions of the Nature Conservation North Sea.
Act apply constitutes a second zone. The area cov- As to the islands, the large majority constitutes
ers some 88% of the Conservation Area. core areas within the national ecological network.
The area outside the nature reserve, but within Core areas are areas with (inter)nationally impor-
the Conservation Area as indicated above, is the tant ecosystems and the national policy is to be
third zone where other regulations than the Na- directed towards sustainable protection of the
ture Conservation Act apply. The area constitutes natural values. Furthermore, there are several na-
the remaining 5% of the Conservation Area. ture reserves on the islands already providing pro-
The three-zone system is, however, more an ex- tection of such values.
pression of the legal status of the areas than a Finally, the Wadden Sea Area up to 1 km off-
specific regulation of the activities. The policies shore has been brought under provincial and mu-
entailed in the Memorandum, the legal stipula- nicipal jurisdiction. A regional and local planning
tions of the Nature Conservation Act, the man- system has been established in accordance with
agement plan for the Conservation Area and oth- the general objective of the Memorandum. Local
er government plans establish a complex activi- development plans are legally binding for indi-
ty-zoning system which addresses each activity vidual citizens.
individually. An example of such a zoning scheme

Wadden Sea QSR 1999

28 Chapter 1. Protection and Management

Wadden Sea QSR 1999

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