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The 10 golden rules of occupational

safety and health

For me – for you – for all of us.
Every accident is one accident too many!
Occupational safety and health is an integral part of our corporate
culture at thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions.

When it comes to safety, we‘re all in it together:

occupational safety and health specialists1),

of thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions and its business partners.

Occupational safety and health specialists, company physicians, representatives of employees‘ interests, safety officers

The following 10 basic rules for safety at work

are a necessary prerequisite.

01 Safety and health are our absolute priority. 06 We put safety first when working at height.

02 We always wear the specified personal 07 We prevent falling objects.

protective equipment.
08 We only work on machines and plants that
03 We keep our working environment have been properly locked out.
clean, orderly and tidy.
09 We use cranes, forklift trucks and lifting
04 We always use our equipment properly. platforms safely.

05 We put safety first when working 10 We use our safety tools and procedures
in confined spaces. systematically.

Non-compliance has consequences!

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG, thyssenkrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany, Contact:
Rule 1:
Safety and health
are our absolute priority.

The success of our company depends on our employees. The
health of our most valuable asset - our employees - must be pro-
tected. Therefore, safety and health are of paramount importance.
This is enshrined in our mission statement as a top priority. This
same priority also applies to our contractors and business partners.

As a manager
I ensure that my employees and those of our contractors and busi-
ness partners work safely. I lead by example and praise those who
act safely. I respond to any unsafe practices and unsafe conditions

As an employee
I work in a way that does not endanger my colleagues or myself. I set
a good example and draw any unsafe practices and conditions to the
attention of superiors and colleagues. I have the right and a responsi-
bility to stop any works immediately in the event of immediate danger.

Safety and health should never be overlooked when


Time pressure is no excuse for ignoring work safety.

This means: I only do something if I can do it safely!

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG, thyssenkrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany, Contact:
Rule 2:
We always wear the specified
personal protective equipment.

It is not always possible to avoid all hazards. This is particularly true
in workshops and in places like construction sites where the environ-
ment and working conditions are always changing. That‘s why per-
sonal protective equipment is required.

As a manager
I ensure that the personal protective equipment to be worn is defined
in consultation with the occupational safety and health specialists. I
always wear the specified personal protective equipment and ensure
that my employees also protect themselves properly.

As an employee
I always wear the specified personal protective equipment. I keep an
eye on my colleagues and approach them if they are not protecting
themselves properly.

The personal protective equipment that needs to be worn is

defined in a risk assessment. For example, the following must
be worn on construction sites:

hard hat

safety shoes

eye protection

hearing protection

hand protection

high-visibility vest or other high-visibility warning clothing

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG, thyssenkrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany, Contact:
Rule 3:
We keep our working environment
clean, orderly and tidy.

If a working environment isn‘t kept clean and tidy enough, there is a
greater risk of accident or fire.

As a manager
I am responsible for ensuring that my employees keep the working
environment clean and tidy.

As an employee
I always keep my work area clean and tidy.

For example:

eliminate slip and trip hazards

remove cable from walkways

clean and pack away tools

put equipment and materials away

clear away waste and residues and dispose of them


thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG, thyssenkrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany, Contact:
Rule 4:
We always use our equipment properly.

Damaged or wrongly used equipment, i.e. tools, devices, machines
and systems, are a danger and pose an accident hazard.

As a manager
I ensure that my employees are provided with the necessary equip-
ment. Besides briefings and trainings, I arrange for risk assessments,
the organisation of regular inspections and maintenance and proper

As an employee
I use the right equipment. I check it prior to use to ensure that it is in
proper working order. I send equipment to be tested if it is faulty, does
not have a test sticker or has only an illegible test sticker. I inform
my superiors immediately about any equipment that is faulty or not

For example:

In the case of grinders, ensure the right grinding disc

has been selected for the task in hand.

Check ladders and stepstools for damage and secure


Check scaffolding visually for completeness (top rail,

mid rail, toe board, scaffolding deck, certificate of
approval). Enter approved scaffolding only.

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG, thyssenkrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany, Contact:
Rule 5:
We put safety first when working in confined spaces.

Entering confined spaces, such as containers, tanks, structural cavi-
ties, cellars, recesses or excavation pits entails a number of hazards
and requires special precautions.

Hazards arising from gases

Danger of suffocation due to a lack of oxygen
Hazards due to the work process, such as welding or grinding
Electrical hazards arising from conductive surfaces
Mechanical hazards arising from moving parts
Narrow access points

As a manager
I ensure that confined spaces are only entered following a permit-to-
work procedure. I ensure that my employees are briefed on the neces-
sary safety precautions, and that emergency response procedures for
rescuing people have been defined.

As an employee
I check the work and ensure once again that the required safety
precautions have been taken and documented. I meticulously
observe the defined safety precautions. If I am in any doubt, I
consult my superior.

A valid permit to work is required.

All defined safety precautions must be taken.

The confined space must be clearly marked

“Access forbidden”.

It is only permitted to enter a confined space under the

constant supervision of a second person who is present.

In the event of hazards due to a lack of oxygen or

hazardous substances, measurements are required.

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG, thyssenkrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany, Contact:
Rule 6:
We put safety first when
working at height.

Falls from height may result in very severe injuries or death.
The following in particular entail a risk of falling from height

openings in floors and gratings

working on roofs
the erection of steel structures
working on ladders.

As a manager
I conduct a risk assessment to ensure that
all necessary precautions for preventing falls from height
are defined and taken.

As an employee
I observe the precautions. I never approach an edge unless secured.
I check that my protective equipment is in good working order. I
stay within the approved area. If I notice fall hazards, I inform my

Fall protection includes:

full guard rail system consisting of top rail, mid rail,

toe board

fall arrest nets

fall restraint system with a lanyard to stop the wearer

from reaching any edge over which he/she can fall

fall arrest system with shock absorbing lanyard and an

anchor point that is able to bear a sufficient load.

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG, thyssenkrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany, Contact:
Rule 7:
We prevent falling objects.

Falling objects may cause severe injury or death.

As a manager
I define the precautions for preventing falling objects.

As an employee
I ensure that materials and tools are transported and stored in
a way that nothing can fall. I do not enter areas that have been
cordoned off.

A container or a shoulder bag, for example, must be

used to transport tools and small items safely.

Loose parts must be secured if stored on scaffolding.

Danger zones must be cordoned off, e.g. under mobile

elevating work platforms.

Secure danger zones using safety nets or solid covers.

Cover openings.

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG, thyssenkrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany, Contact:
Rule 8:
We only work on machines and plants that
have been properly locked out.

Not switching off machines and plants safely can lead to severe
accidents, for example during maintenance and repair work.

Crushing by machines
Escape of hazardous substances, such as acids or alkaline solutions
Risk of electric shock

As a manager
I ensure that the necessary precautions for working on special
machinery and plants are defined within the framework of a logout/
tagout procedure.

As an employee
I observe the lockout/tagout regulations.

The 5 safety rules for working on electrical systems are

to be observed when working on energised parts.
When switching off machinery, the hazards posed by
stored energy (hydraulic systems, compressed gases)
must be taken into account.

Even after pressing an emergency stop button or a

pull-cord operated switch, the machinery still needs
to be shut down at the main switch.

Before commissioning and maintaining chemical plants,

the instrumentation and control systems must be
secured against accidental and unauthorised activation
by means of padlocks and warning plates.

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG, thyssenkrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany, Contact:
Rule 9:
We use cranes, forklift trucks
and lifting platforms safely.
There are many dangers emanating from the use of such machinery
as a result of

falling objects,
machines overturning,
persons being hit / crushed,
plant sections being damaged.

As a manager
I ensure that cranes, forklift trucks and lifting platforms are used by
suitable, trained employees only and that these are properly author-
ised. I make sure that such machines are used safely and warn of
any dangers. A banksman is to be employed in areas with restricted

As an employee
I only operate cranes, forklift trucks and lifting platforms if I am
suitable, trained and authorised. I observe the rules for safe oper-
ation. I secure the machines from unauthorised use. I do not walk
under suspended loads or enter areas that have been cordoned off.

Transport and work areas are to be secured and, if

necessary, cordoned off.
Lifting platforms must not be used for permanent
access to elevated places of work. If necessary,
a scaffold is to be erected.
When on lifting platforms it is essential to use personal
fall protection equipment with a safety line attached to an
anchor point that is able to bear a sufficient load.

Restraint systems in forklift trucks (for example belt,

enclosed driver’s cab) are to be used.

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG, thyssenkrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany, Contact:
Rule 10:
We use our safety tools
and procedures systematically.

Systematic use of the available tools and procedures enables a
uniform safety standard to be realised.

As a manager
I inform myself about the available tools and procedures. I use them
systematically and make suggestions for further development. They
help me to ensure the necessary precautions are taken and to provide
employees with all the required information. I urge my employees to
act in compliance with the safety standards.

As an employee
these tools and procedures help me to observe the safety rules. I do
not begin work until all of the identified safety requirements have been
met. I check this following work interruptions as well.

The following tools are among those that are available:

risk assessment
small projects risk assessment
last minute risk analysis
safety on site – basic rules & regulations
comic posters
safe practices / ”Bausteine” of the Employers’ Liability
Insurance Association for the Construction Industry

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG, thyssenkrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, Germany, Contact:

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