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Regular Meeting

November 1, 2010

Meeting called to order at 7:30 with the following in attendance: Darren Wetzel, David Becker, Bekki Hill,
Scott Leverson, Randy Teberg, Jim Richards, Jeremy Denault, Tamara Tandsater, and Mary Howatt.

Minutes & balance report approved.

Motion Teberg – Second Hill to pay bills as follows: Cass County Electric 525.60, Newman Traffic Signs
88.29, The Forum 41.76, Dan Madsen 300.60, Nedrebo Backhoe Service 2400.00, Scott Leverson 150.00,
Qwest 56.41, Jeff Monson 59.30, Cass County Electric 469.50, City of Fargo 14.00, Cass Rural Water 2147.28,
Metro Disposal 1805.40, 77.88, ND Sewage Pump Lift Station 2790.50, Office Max
106.77, USPS 220.00. Motion carried.

Leverson reported park signs are ready to install and blocked culverts will be cleared soon. Teberg provided
update on the generator installation. Wetzel reported the city received notice of Cass County Highway 4 being
widened from Cass County 11 to Cass County 81 during construction season 2011 and 2012.

Cass Rural Water is increasing water rates $.30 per thousand gallons. Motion Teberg – second Becker to
maintain the city’s base rate of $15.90 for the first 2000 gallons and increase the additional rate $.30 to $4.25
per thousand effective January 1, 2011. Motion carried.

Motion Leverson – second Hill to appoint Teberg as Board President. Motion carried.

The mosquito abatement has been suspended; however, the fund is depleting. Motion Leverson – second
Becker to reinstate the fee at $3.50 a month beginning January 1, 2011. Motion carried.

Tandsater reported on behalf of the Park Board regarding increased vandalism at the city park related to activity
at the old school. The council discussed options. The city will draft a letter to Baumler, the property owner,
regarding action needed for public safety.

Richards requested tapping into the city water line for the home he is constructing east of Richwood Estates.
No objections from the council.

Motion Teberg – second Hill to authorize up to $300 for the new edition of the Harwood Area Directory for
community members.

Denault inquired about a city recycling program. Howatt will contact Metro Disposal for more information.

Teberg reported the hydrant in the northwest corner of the city is inoperable and needs replacement. Teberg
will compile an expense estimate for board approval. He requested residents remember to clear hydrant areas
throughout winter.

December Council Meeting is changed to Tuesday, December 7, at 7:30 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.

Mary Howatt - auditor

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