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13. 14, Il. Ill. . A length-scale (2) depends on . Write the The dimension of (44,2) ?is {Main AIPMT 2011] (a) length (b) time (©) velocity (d) force Planck’s constant (h), speed of light in vacuum (c) and Newton's gravitational constant (G) are taken as three fundamental constants. Which of the following combinations of these has the dimension of length?. [NEET 2016 (phase II)] (b) oe @l he the permittivity (¢) of a dielectric material, Boltzmann constant (k,), the absolute temperature (T), the number per unit volume (n) of certain charged particles, Short Answer Questions . Briefly explain the types of physical quantities. . How will you measure the diameter of the Moon using parallax method? rules significant figures. for determining Long Answer Questions i) Explain the use of screw gauge and vernier caliper in measuring small- er distances. ii) Write a note on triangulation method and radar method to measure larger distances. and the charge (q) carried by each of the particles. Which of the following expression for I is dimensionally correct?, [JEE (advanced) 2016] = =a o r= PEt ng Ol= |S ewk,T z = ON ener Answers: a 2)d 3)d Aye 5)d 6c ab 8a 9d 10)b Ie 12) W3)c 14)a_— 15) |. Whatare the limitations of dimensional analysis? . Define precision and accuracy. Explain with one example. . Explain in detail the various types of errors. . What do you mean by propagation of errors? Explain the propagation of errors in addition and multiplication.

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