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Advanced Chemistry I

Molecular Geometry Practice Problems

Basic Overview
1. According to VSEPR theory, how will the lone pairs and bonded atoms try to arrange themselves (close
together, far apart, in a line, etc.)?

2. In a geometry drawing, how do you show bonds coming toward you, away from you, and to the sides?

3. Do a geometry drawing for QX4, which has one X going away, one coming toward, and two on the side.

4. Name the molecular shape of each type of compound listed below (use your notes):
a. AB b. AB2 c. AB3 d. AB4

e. ABE f. AB2E c. AB3E d. AB2E2

Molecular Geometry
5. Without making a Lewis structure, predict the shape of the following molecules:
a. NF3 b. CF4 c. SF2 d. H2O

6. Draw a Lewis structure for each of the following molecules:

a. NF3 b. CF4 c. SF2 d. H2O

7. Use the Lewis structure you created to determine the actual geometry (shape) of each molecule:
a. NF3 b. CF4 c. SF2 d. H2O

8. Create a geometry drawing for each of the following molecules:

a. NF3 b. CF4 c. SF2 d. H2O
9. Without making a Lewis structure, predict the shape of the following molecules:
a. SnCl4 b. CO2 c. CCl4 d. HCN

10. Draw a Lewis structure for each of the following molecules:

a. SnCl4 b. CO2 c. CCl4 d. HCN

11. Use the Lewis structure you created to determine the actual geometry (shape) of
each molecule:
a. SnCl4 b. CO2 c. CCl4 d. HCN

12. Create a geometry drawing for each of the following molecules:

a. SnCl4 b. CO2 c. CCl4 d. HCN

13. Without making a Lewis structure, predict the shape of the following molecules:
a. GeO2 b. SiH4 c. TeCl2

14. Draw a Lewis structure for each of the following molecules:

a. GeO2 b. SiH4 c. TeCl2

15. Use the Lewis structure you created to determine the actual geometry (shape) of each molecule:
a. GeO2 b. SiH4 c. TeCl2

16. Create a geometry drawing for each of the following molecules:

a. GeO2 b. SiH4 c. TeCl2

Bonus: Which of the following molecules is/are tetrahedral?

a. CCl4 b. NH3 c. H2O d. CBr2Cl2 e. C2H2

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