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LIFE WAS GETTING OUT OF THE Zivot je izmicao kontroli

Susan Harr unplugs her gadgets and Susan Harr iskljucuje svoje napravice i ponovo
rediscovers the joys of manual labour. otkriva radosti rucnog rada.
Everyone is in love with technology. Svi su zaljubljeni u tehnologiju.
It gives us all those marvellous gadgets Ona nam pruza razne naprave koje nam
that make life easier and leave us so olaksavaju nase zivote , te nam pruzaju vise
vremena za druge stvari.
much more time to do other things.
A gradual, though not particularly subtle, Postepen, mada ne bas neprimjentan oblik
form of brainwashing has persuaded us ispiranja mozga nas je uvjerio da je tehnologija
zakon, I da je to sasvim Ok.
that technology rules, and that it is OK.
We have come to believe that we could Poceli smo vjerovati da bez nje ne mozemo
not do without it, and if we do resist the zivjeti,
i ako se odupremo ideji da bi naši životi
notion that our lives would be postali nezamisljivi bez tehnoloskih aparata,
unmanageable without the appliances of svakako ne želimo da ih se odreknemo.
science, we certainly do not want to
relinquish them.
Pity the generations whose lives were Zalimo generacije čiji su životi bili uništeni
blighted by tedious and blister-inducing dosadnim i žestokim naporom.
Even our brains are relieved of exertion Čak su i naši mozgovi oslobođeni napora od
strane kompjutera koji ne samo da izvode čudesne
by computers that not only perform
proračune sa zadivljujućom brzinom, već sada
miraculous calculations with amazing pružaju i zabavu.
speed, but now provide entertainment.
However, a recent unhappy experience Međutim, skorasnje nesrecno iskustvo sa mojim
neispravnim programom za obradu teksta,
with my malfunctioning word processor –
naknadom za pozive od 48 funti, naknadom za
a £48 call-out fee, a labour charge rad od 15 funti za 15 minuta, plus sa troškovima
of £15 per quarter of an hour, plus parts dijelova i njihove zamjene, potvrdilo je moju
and replacement costs - has confirmed a sumnju da naprave često nisu vrijedne niti
troškova niti nevolje.
suspicion that gadgets are often not
worth the expense or the trouble.
Are we as dependent on technology as Da li smo zaista onoliko ovisni o tehnologiji
we imagine? koliko smatramo da jesmo ?
Bit by bit, I have been letting the Malo po malo, pocela sam pustati da
household technology fall by the wayside kućanski aparati pocnu propadati, jer njihov
prirodni i često kratki život ističe.
as its natural and often short life expires.
First to go was the dishwasher. Prvo cega sam se rijesila bila je perilica sudja .
I had always felt that by the time we had
collected enough dishes for a worthwhile Uvijek sam osjećala da do perioda kada
skupimo dovoljno sudja za pranje , stavimo
load, put in the soap and the rinse aid, sapun i sredstvo za ispiranje, ispraznimo filter
emptied the filter of the disgusting gunge koji je pun odvratnih necistoca koje su se
nakupile i napunimo ga sa posebnom soli,
it collected and filled it with special salt, I mogla sam to uraditi rucno.
could have done the lot by hand.
So when the thing started making curious Stoga kad je masina pocela proizvoditi cudne
noises, which continued even when it was zvukove , koje je nastavila prozivoditi iako ju je
isljucio zbunjeni serviser, ostavila sam je u
disconnected by a puzzled service agent, I
dvoristu , gdje sada sama sebi sapuce kao neki
abandoned it to the backyard, where it robotski duh .
whispers damply to itself like some robot
Meanwhile I have regained control of my U međuvremenu sam ponovo pocela koristit
sink, where I plunge my hands into the svoj sudoper, gdje utpoim ruke u sapun i
sanjarim dok peredm sudje Jos uvijek
suds and daydream while doing the ugodna, Iako privremeno
washing up - an agreeable, if temporarily zaboravljena,aktivnost
forgotten, activity.
Of course, there are some gadgets I Naravno postoje I naprave bez kojih ne bi zeljela
would not like to be without. da budem.
A year living without a washing machine Godinu dana života bez perilice za rublje uvjerilo
me je u vrijednost elektricnog sudopera.
convinced me of the value of the electric
But there are others whose loss has Ali postoje i drugi čiji je gubitak donio
brought unexpected delight. neočekivano zadovoljstvo.
Feeling that we were becoming too apt to Osećajući se da postajemo previše sposobni
collapse in front of the television, or slot da se srušimo ispred televizora, ili slota na
videu, poslala sam unajmljenu opremu za
in a video, I sent back the rented color boju i vratili smo se malom crno-belom
equipment and we returned to the small prenosivom uređaju.
black-and-white portable.
It is a real strain on the eyes and To je pravi napor za oči i koncentriše um na
concentrates the mind on what is really ono što je zaista vredno gledanja.
worth watching.
We now spend a lot more time walking Sada provodimo mnogo više vremena šetajući psa
(koji ionako nikad nije volio televiziju), čitajući,
the dog (who never liked television
pričajući ili istrazujuci druge hobije.
anyway), reading, talking or pursuing
other hobbies.
One of these, in my own case, is sewing; Jedan od njih, u mom slučaju, je šivanje; i tu je još
jedan naprava prestala biti koristena.
and here another gadget went by the
My old Singer, beyond repair, is now an Moja stara masina Singerica, koja se ne može
popraviti, sada je stol za ukrasne biljke, te buduci
ornamental plant table, and as I cannot
da ne mogu priuštiti da je zamijenim, pocela sam
ručno šivati.
afford to replace it I have taken to sewing
by hand.
Quite wrongly, I had tended to think with Sasvim pogresno, uzasavala sam se na pomisao
horror of the women who sewed da žene ručno šiju odjeću u dijelovima, mantile,
lanene haljine, posteljinu I kucne predmete.
elaborate garments, robes, linen and
household items by hand.
I thought of those long hours, the strain Pomislila bi na te duge sate, naprezanje očiju
on the eyes and so on. i tako dalje.
In fact, the time I now spend placidly U stvari, vrijeme koje sada provodim mirno
stitching is anything but tedious, and the sivajuci je sve osim dosadnog, a prednosti su
advantages are numerous.
For a start, I can sew and listen to the Za početak, mogu šivati i slušati radio, sto
radio - another rediscovered pleasure - or predstavlja još jedno otkriveno zadovoljstvo
ili mogu razgovarati sa porodicom i
I can talk with family and friends. prijateljima.
If it is a simple task, I can watch the Ako je u pitanju nesto jednostavno za siti , mogu
gledati programe koje želim da vidim na televiziji,
programmes I do want to see on
ali da ublažim svoju puritansku krivicu dok
television, and alleviate my puritanical sjedim ispred televizora radim nešto korisno u
guilt at sitting in front of the box by doing isto vrijeme.
something useful at the same time.
And what a lovely, cosy feeling it is to sit Veoma je lijep i ugodan osjećaj sjediti pored
vatre i siti uz soljicu caja da vam pravi društvo.
by the fire and sew with a pot of tea for
I am not tied to a noisy, whirring Nisam vezana za bučne i zujave mašine , sa
machine, with my head bent and my back pognutom glavom i okrenutim leđima ka
svetu, mogu da posvetim vise vreme za
turned on the world, and I can take my odeću.koju sijem.
time over the garment.
In any case, I was always slightly alarmed U svakom slučaju, uvijek sam bila malo
by those electric machines that dash uznemirena električnim strojevima koji prelete
preko tkanine prema vašim prstima.
across the fabric towards your fingers.
Best of all, I can pop the whole lot into a Najbolje od svega, mogu da stavim sve u
carrier bag and take it with me wherever I papirnu kesu i ponesem sa sobom gdje god
There is a wonderfully soothing quality Postoji cudesno umirujuća osobina prilikom
about executing a craft by hand, a great izvođenja zanata rukama. Takodjer tu je
prisutan I osjecaj velikog zadovoljstva u
satisfaction in watching one's work gledanju svog rada kako postaje urednije, I
become neater, more assured. potpunije.
I find things get done surprisingly quickly, Smatram da se stvari obavljaju iznenađujuće brzo,
a tempo života iznenada usporava u ritmu mojih
and the pace of life suddenly slows down
to the rhythm of my own hands.
I am also freed from one of the most Takođe sam oslobođena jednog od najodvratnijih
detestable aspects of late-20th century aspekata života u kasnom 20. veku a to jeste
potrebe da žurim da završim neku aktivnost kako
life - the need to rush to finish an activity bih mogla zapoceti neku drugu.
so that I can rush to the next.
This makes me wonder just what 'time' Zbog toga se pitam koliko nam tehnologija
“vremena" zapravo daje.
technology actually gives us.
The time to take up more activities for Onoliko vremena da zapocnemo nove aktivnosti,
which we must buy more gadgets? zbog kojih bi morali kupiti nove naprave ?
If so, hats off to the marketing experts: Ako je tako, skidam kapu marketinskim
but I think they are conning us. ekspertima, ali mislim da nas varaju.
There are also implications for the Postoje posljedice i za životnu sredinu.
A craft executed by hand uses nothing Zanati koji predstavljaju domace rukotvorine
from the precious power supply being ne koristi ništa od dragocjenog napajanja koje
jede naša pohlepna rasa; pokreti mojih prstiju
eaten up by our greedy race; the ne uzima nimalo energije iz nacionale mreže
movement of my fingers takes nothing napajanja i ne zagađuju okolinu.
from the national grid and it does not
pollute the environment.
The result of all this brooding is that I Rezultat svega ovoga je da sada sumnjivo
now prowl the house with a speculative gledam po kući.
Do we really need the freezer, the Da li nam je zaista potreban zamrzivač,
microwave oven, that powered lawn mikrotalasna , ili motorna kosilica?
Come to think of it, we could save an Kada razmislim o tome , mogli bismo
awful lot of money by doing without uštedjeti mnogo novca bez električnih
electric lights.

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