The Role of Science and Technology in Nation Building

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Science and technology has made a lot of contributions in the advancements of the society we live in and
in the nation building itself. Science and technology are absolute necessaries in every sector of a society.
Both hold the key to the door of progress and development of every nation. Science and technology plays
a fundamental role in economy, wealth, and overall improvement of the quality of life of every individual.
We would never know the life we live in today if it were not with the development of science and
technology that has impacted a lot in the nation building of a society.
In the poster we made, we chose 6 major points in which the science and technology made a great impact
on the society and nation building. These points namely are: 1) Education, 2) Communication, 3)
Transportation, 4) Agriculture, 5) Health, and 6) Economy.
Science and technology paved the way for educational enhancements and advancements to happen. A lot
of technological instruments and devices were invented and innovated that helped learning and education
become more accessible for everybody on the go. This led for a higher intellectual capability and
encouraged more people for non-stop learning including the toddlers, which are very intelligent nowadays
in the age of technology. This helped in developing and improving the nation in terms of knowledge and
intellect which are used in every aspect of life.
Science and technology became the thread and needle that sewed the gap between people far away and
the bridge to the places apart from each other. Advancements in science and technology made a lot of
contributions in the development of communication and transportation. People can talk and connect to
each other in a variety of ways. Communication is very useful in every areas of development. The
government uses the technological advancements of communication to rule the country. The people use
advancements in communication for their personal lives and matters. Together with communication,
technological advancements and innovation in transportation made travelling easier and more convenient.
These advancements helped the people, the whole nation in their everyday lives. These advancements
contributed a lot to the people’s and country’s needs.
Agriculture is the major livelihood in the Philippines. Innovations and developments in the agricultural
aspect of the country’s livelihood was a big help for the Filipino farmers, the Filipinos and to the whole
Philippines itself. These paved the way for new instruments for agriculture and farming to be invented
and create a better lifestyle for people, which in further generations and in right use, could be an
instrument in reducing poverty and inequality.
A lot of scientific and technological advancements helped in the study of modern medical science. These
developments include several drugs, techniques, machines and devices which cured illnesses and saved a
lot of lives. These advancements played a very crucial role in the lives of every individual and in the
whole nation.
With all of the points mentioned above, everything has a great impact in the economy of the country.
Science and technology paved the way for these advancements to be one of the greatest factors in the
development of the whole nation and acted like an economic powerhouse. Advancements in the
education, communication, transportation, agriculture, health and economy of the society are all factors in
the building of a stronger and developing nation. These aspects of the society helped the whole nation to
be in unity, in cooperation, and to have a better perspective in life and in the development of the whole
nation. Science and technology made the nation be as one in different and unique ways. Science and
technology holds the major key for national development.

-Group 6: Aquino, Justine; Cabusao, Trisha.; Mensi, Xena Mae; Paragas, Catherine; Pasion, Jeisha;

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