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Listening Section

1. Boy : Hello, Nadya

Girl : Hello, Rangga
Boy : Where are the other OSIS Staff members?
Girl : They have not come yet. It is ten to two. We still have ten minutes left.
Boy : I see. Anyway, have you prepared the agenda for this meeting?
Girl : yes, I have.
Boy : Good. We should be well prepared for everything. You know, the principal
will also attend this meeting.
Girl : I know
1) What are the speakers going to do? They are going to have a meeting.
2) Where does the dialog probably take place? At school.
3) What time will the meeting begin? At two o’clock.
4) Besides the OSIS staff members, who will attend the meeting? The principal.
5) The girl says, “they have not come yet.” What does they refer to? It refers to the
other OSIS staff members.

2. Irfan : Hi, Rosita. What are you doing?

Rosita : just reading a magazine. What’s up?
Irfan : look at who is coming with me. Please meet Dandy, my new classmate.
Dandy, this is Rosita, my sister.
Rosita : Nice to meet you.
Dandy : Nice to meet you too.
Rosita : um … it seems that I have seen you before.
Irfan : of course, you have. He is Mr. Adly’s son, our new neighbor.
Rosita : O, yeah. I remember. But … you said that he is your classmate?
Irfan : yes. He is a new student in my class.
Rosita : I see.

1) Where does the dialog probably take place? At Irfan and Rosita’s house.
2) What is Rosita doing? She is reading a magazine.
3) Who is Dandy? He is Irfan’s new classmate/neighbor.
4) Irfan says, “Please meet Dandy, my new classmate.” What does he mean? He
introduces Dandy to Rosita.
5) Irfan says, “He is Mr. Adly’s son, our new neighbor.” What does ‘he’ refer to? It
refers to Dandy.

3. Galih : Hi, Alice. Don’t go anywhere during break time?

Alice : Oh, hi, Galih. No, I prefer staying here.
Galih : where is Leo?
Alice : he went to the canteen with his friends just now. What’s up?
Galih : I want to return his dictionary. Anyway will you give it to him when he
returns to class?
Alice : sure.
Galih : thank you. Bye.
Alice : you are welcome. Bye bye.

1) Where is Leo? In the canteen.
2) Why is the boy looking for Leo? He wants to return Leo’s dictionary.

4. Boy : excuse me. May I sit here?

Girl : sure.
Boy : are you waiting for someone?
Girl : yes. My friend will meet me at four thirty.
Boy : I see. Well, I am Ryan. And you?
Girl : I am Shinta. What are you doing here?
Boy : Just hanging out. I often walk around the park during the late afternoon, to
refresh myself.
Girl : do you live nearby?
Boy : yes, about five hundred meters from here. There’s a girl approaching. It
must be your friend. I’ll have to go now. Bye.
Girl : bye.

1) Where does the dialog take place? In a park
2) What is the girl doing there? She is waiting for her friend

5. I had a close friend named Rossy. She was my desk mate when I was in Junior High.
We had many unforgettable experiences and I’ll tell you one of them.
One day, we went to a reservoir near my house. It was very quiet. Nobody else was
there then. There was an empty boat moored at the bank of the reservoir. Rossy asked
me to ride on the boat, but I declined. You know, I could not swim then. However,
Rossy insisted we ride on the boat and told me that everything would be fine. She
convinced me that she could swim. After considering, I agreed to get on the boat.
Rossy took the cars and gave me one of them. Then, one of us paddled the boat
together. We paddled and paddled. We didn’t realized that we had paddled a long way.
Suddenly, the wind blew hard. Our boat lost its balanced and we plunged into the water.
I was very panicky. Since I could not swim.
Fortunately, Rossy was adroit. She swam, with me on her back. After a hard struggle,
we finally reached the bank of the reservoir.

6. Since that moment, I learned to swim. It was really a memorable experience. It was
Monday morning. I arrived at school very early. Nobody else had arrived yet.
As usual I walked towards my desk on the third row. When I wanted to take a seat, I
was very surprised. You know what! There was a gift on my chair. It was small and
looked nice. It was neatly wrapped in pink paper and tied with red ribbons.
I took it and put it on my desk, but I didn’t dare to open it. I was terrified. I remembered
the terror bomb threat, which recently happened. I gazed around, but nobody was there.
I tried to convince myself that it was not a bomb. It was a gift for me. However, it was
not my birthday.
Finally, my courage rose. I was sure it was a gift for me. I carefully opened the
wrapping paper and untied the ribbons. I opened the small box and found a very nice
hairclip. Wow! It was the hairclip which I wanted to buy. I tried to get the sender’s
name, but I found nothing. Who had put it here then? How could the person know what
I wanted?
Before I stopped wondering, my desk mate appeared at the door. I told her about the
gift. As a response, she just smiled and said, “That is for you.”
Understanding the response, I knew that she was the one who had given me the gift. I
hurriedly grabbed her and said thanks.

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