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Ho-Ren-So Workshop


• Lecture
– Introduction of Ho-Ren-So
– Report
– Inform
– Consult

• Group Work
Introduction of
What is Ho-Ren-So
Houkoku : Report
Renraku : Inform
Soudan : Consult

• Basic communication framework.

• Improve your personal business skill
• Change the company to Learning Organization
Communication Paths
Inside Outside


Colleague You


Basic of Communication
• Always take memo
• Clarify 5W1H
• Put yourself in the counterpart’s shoes.
• No work without purpose and Deadline
• Appropriate way
– Verbal : Urgent and important issue
– Telephone : Urgent
– Email : Not urgent. Leave evidence
報告 Houkoku

Order & Report - Deliver information vertically

- Once you receive order, you

always have to report


Order Report
Staff Order Report Order Report
Type of Report
• Order Confirmation
– Understanding the order correctly is the first
step to work appropriately.

• Problem Report
– When any trouble happen, report as soon as

• Progress Report
– Update progress and prospect periodically.

• Result Report
– Report after the work.
Order Confirmation
• Understand all of 5W1H

What? Contents
When? Time line, Dead line
Who? Related party
Where? Venue
Why? Purpose
How? Process, Method
• Confirm with boss by rephrasing the order in your
Result Report
• No work without result report
• Earlier report will be welcomed.
– Save time for review and revision

• Conclusion first, Detail later.

• Must have answer to “Purpose” of order.
– Avoid too much detail
– Focus on information what your boss needs
Problem/Progress Report
• Report ASAP even if you may delay deadline.
– “Incomplete in time” is better than “Complete but delay”

• Report honestly even if you make mistake.

– Earlier the better to take action immediately.
– The worst is “Hiding the mistake.”
– Boss will help you to recover the mistake.
– No Excuse!! Only Fact!!

• Sharing responsibility with your boss.

– Don’t try to solve the problem only by yourself.
連絡 Renraku

Inform for Teamwork
- Horizontally spread and share information

- Accelerate collaboration

- Knowledge Sharing

Vendor Customer
Order Report

Accurate Information
• Again, 5W1H
NG: Tomorrow
OK: 15th Aug
What? Contents
When? Time line, Dead line
Who? Related party
Where? Venue
Why? Purpose
How? Process, Method
• Confirm by rephrasing the information.
Meaning of “Inform”
• No need “Hero”, but “Team worker.”
– Hero: I have my own special skill. No one but I can do this.
– Team worker: I’m willing to share my knowledge.

• Put yourself in someone’s shoes.

– Someone: Customer, Colleague, Boss, Subordinate…
– Investigate the meaning and impact of your stakeholders
相談 Soudan

Strengthening Company

Order Report


Order Report


Order Report

Purpose of “Consult”
• Ask advice to work appropriately
– Boss and senior colleague have better ways.
– Don’t hesitate to ask advice.
Asking help won’t lower your evaluation.

• Strengthening Personal and Organizational Skill

– Learn from other members
– Share knowledge and experience internally
Good Way of “Consult”
• Take 10 minutes to prepare for asking advice
– Brief and proper explanation of current situation
5W1H, Purpose, Consultation first

• Explain from purpose and conclusion first

– Why you need help, what is your problem.

• Next Step: Prepare your idea

– NG: “I’m in trouble. I don’t know what to do. Please help.”
– Good: “My solution is XXXX. How do you think?”
Group Work
Discussion 1
I. Please discuss
1. What you and your organization are doing
2. What not doing
from the points of the lecture.
II. Share your experience of any problem happened
because of lack of Ho-Ren-So.
Discussion 2
I. What are you going to do from tomorrow to
improve your communication?
II. What are you going to tell your team members to
do to improve the communication in your

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