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Although there have been concerted crackdowns on illegal logging over the past few years,the
problem is still rampant.
Based on a tip-off from a resident, a team from the Daily News visited the site in Selayang. We saw
many logging tracks on the hill near Empangan Batu in Ulu Yam, which can only be seen from the top of
a hill in Taman Selayang Mulia.
According to a resident, illegal loggers seem very adept at dodging law enforcers and they move to
another site when one is raided. For example, lorries carrying timber from an illegal logging area in
Selayang Utara are sneaking out at night through the residential areas to evade the authorities.
Another resident, who lives near the site, said he used to see huge 16-wheiller lorries laden with
timber emerging from the jungle at night opposite his house. However, he said that now all is quiet. He
suspects that the lorries are using a different route and, as evidence, he pointed to the logging track
visible on the hill.
The residents hope the Selangor Forestry Department and the Selayang Municipal Council will put
an immediate stop to the illegal logging activities in the area.

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