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Importance of Interpersonal Relationship

Interpersonal Relationship has been one of the most important aspects of the human life since times of
existence. Not only with the family members, but also with others, it has played important roles that led to a
better and healthy development and evolution of human culture and society. Interpersonal relationship is one
aspect that a man develops sometimes consciously and sometimes without his knowledge as well, but both
ways, it is helpful for his well-being.
An interpersonal relationship can develop between individuals working together in the same organization,
working in the same team, between a man and a woman (Love, Marriage), with immediate family members
and relatives, of a child with his parents, between friends, between teacher and student, between individuals
sharing any favourites, between individuals playing a certain sports together, etc.

Interpersonal relationship is a very important aspect of life. Some of the important aspects of the importance
of interpersonal relationship is summarised in the following points -
 An individual cannot work or play alone; neither can he spend his life alone.
Human beings need people to talk to and share our feelings. Imagine yourself working in an organization
with no friends around. We are social animals and we need friends around. An individual living in
isolation is more prone to stress and anxiety. It is essential to have trustworthy people around with whom
one can share all his feelings, issues and secrets. We must have friends who can give us honest feedback.
 Ability of decision-making.
We need people to discuss various issues, evaluate pros and cons and reach to solutions benefiting not
only the participants/employees or the people but also the organization, society or group overall. More
no. of people can brainstorm together and develop better ideas, strategies and tactics to tackle a problem
in front of them. Strategies must be discussed on an open platform where every individual has the liberty
to express his/her views. Meetings should take place at least once in a week to promote open
communication. Interaction on a regular basis is important for healthy relationship.
 Need of Appreciation and Motivation
It is essential to have some trustworthy colleagues in the organization who not only appreciate us when
we do some good work but also tell us our mistakes. A pat on the back, a small word of motivation or
some appreciation in the group goes a long way in extracting the best out of individuals. One needs to
have people in the organization who are more like mentors than mere colleagues are.
 It always pays to have individuals around who really care for us.
The core of interpersonal relationship relies on the principle of do well to get well. We need colleagues
to fall back and help us on at the times of crisis. If one remains in isolation or is arrogant or ignorant of
his colleagues, no one would come to your help when you actually need him or her.
 Completing tasks and assignments.
An Individual working all alone is overburdened and never finishes tasks within deadlines. Support of
fellow workers is important. You just cannot do everything on your own. Roles and responsibilities must
be delegated as per specialization, educational qualification and interests of individuals. An individual
needs help of his fellow to complete assignments on time and for better results.
Lastly, human beings are social animals, who cannot live in isolation unless they are suffering from any
disease, which causes them to do so. Maintaining different relations with different people helps, they develop
them as a better human being with respect to their mind, body and soul. Therefore, it is necessary for them
to maintain interpersonal relationship with the individuals of their surroundings for making their life better
in many aspects.

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