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English 7
November 2018
Time Allotment: 50 mins

Name: ____________________________________________ Score: ______________________

(Last Name) (First Name) (M.I.)

Section: __________________ Teacher: Mr. Reyby Riel E. Percal / Ms. Gloria C. Artillaga

General Instruction
 Use black/blue ball pen only. (Do not use friction pen)
 Answer clearly!(answers that are not understandable are considered wrong)

Test I: Reading comprehension.

The King's New Turban

Of old time there was a great king. One day a man came before him and said, "My king, I shall
weave a turban such that one born in wedlock will see it, while the bastard will see it not."

The king marveled and ordered that that weaver should weave that turban; and the weaver
received an allowance from the king and tarried a long while. One day he folded up this side
and that side of a paper and brought it and laid it before the king and said, "Oh king, I have
woven that turban."

So the king opened the paper and saw that there was nothing; and all the viziers and nobles
who stood there looked on the paper and saw nothing. Then the king said in his heart, "Do you
see? I am then a bastard"; and he was sad. And he thought, "Now, the remedy is this, that I say
it is a goodly turban and admire it, else will I be put to shame before the folk." And he said,
"Blessed by God! Oh master, it is a goodly turban, I like it much."Then that weaver youth said,
"Oh king, let them bring a cap that I may wind the turban for the king."They brought a cap, and
the weaver youth laid that paper before him and moved his hands as though he wound the
turban, and he put it on the king's head. All the nobles who were standing there said, "Blessed
be it! Oh king, how fair, how beautiful a turban!" and they applauded it much.

Then the king rose and went with two viziers into a private room and said, "Oh viziers, I am
then a bastard; I see not the turban."

The viziers said, "Oh king, we too see it not." At length they knew of a surety that the turban
had not existence, and that that weaver had thus played a trick for the sake of money.
.Answer the question below, write your answers on the space provided. (2pts each)
_______1. Why did the king accepted the offer of the man.
a. Because the king has nothing to wear c. Because it was magic
b. Because the king loves turbans d. Because the king can afford it
_______2. The turban came with what at the time it was given to the king.
a. A crown c. an allowance
b. A drink d. a paper
_______3. What did the king saw inside the paper.
a. Nothing c. A turban
b. A bastard d. A cap
_______4. What was the main theme of the story?
a. Never buy a turban c. Don’t trust easily
b. The truth always prevail d. Just follow the crowd
_______5. In the story what does the word “Bastard” mean?
a. A bad person c. a person who has no many
b. A stupid person d. an offspring of unwedded people
Test II: Multiple choice. Write the letter of your answers to the spaces provided.
_______1. Who approached the Filipino farmer to ask for direction?
a. Thomas b. James c. Joe d. Edison
_______2. What is the only drink that the narrator in the story could offer?
a. Whisky b. Beer c. Tuba d. Lambanog
_______3. What was the distinguishable part of the soldier’s attire?
a. Bottle b. Combat boots c. Uniform d. Cape
_______4. While drinking joe mistaken his tie for what?
a. A snake b. His hair c. His tounge d. His ear
_______5. This is included in making lambanog to prevent combustion?
a. Coconut leaf b. Coconut bark c. Coconut husk d. Coconut roots
_______6 The maid who shared an activity of seeing the face of the lady’s future
a. Agueda b. Badoy c. Anastasia d. Lisa
_______8. Against her will who went down and lloked into the mirror, and recited the
a. Agueda b. Badoy c. Anastasia d. Lisa
_______9. Who is the narrator in the story “May day eve”?
a. Agueda b. Badoy c. Anastatsia d. Lisa
_______10. The point of view used in the story “We Filipinos are mild drinkers is.
a. First b. Second Limited c. omniscient d. Supporting character
_______11. A type of point of view where you’ll see the word I, Me, Us.
a. First b. Second Limited c. omniscient d. Supporting character
_______12. A point of view where the narrator is all knowing.
a. First b. Second Limited c. omniscient d. Supporting character
_______13. A Point of view where the author uses other characters to tell the story.
a. First b. Second Limited c. omniscient d. Supporting character
_______14. is particularly common in newspapers, online and other periodicals which may be
sold or distributed free of charge. are much cheaper than larger display advertisements
used by businesses, although display advertising is more widespread.
a. Headline b. clsified ad c. Banner d. Obituary
_______15. Where current events in sports inside and outside the country are available.
a. a. Headline b. clsified ad c. Banner d. Obituary
_______16. The main and most important news inside a newspaper.
a. Headline b. clsified ad c. Editorial d. Obituary
_______17. Where journalist can share and cascade their ideas and beliefs.
a. Headline b. clsified ad c. Editorial d. Obituary
_______18. Affirmative, active, and simple sentences are called.
a. Kernel b. Dependent c. Embedded d. Interogative
_______19. Group of words that is added to provide further information or to support an
a. Kernel b. Dependent c. Embedded d. Interogative
_______20. Words that are joined together by a hyphen.
a. Clipping b. Origin c. Blending d. Compound
Test III. Identify the words that are being described in the following sentences. Some
letter are provided to help you. (20pts)
Z _ _ K _ _ p _ r 1. The person who tends to the animals in a park.
_ e _ s _ p _ _ e _ 2. A daily or weekly periodical.
F _ e _ _ m y 3. A fake friend.
C _ n _ o t 4. Unable to.
_ i r e _ l _ e s 5. A nocturnal insect.
_ n _ i _ e 6. The inner side or surface of a thing
_ _ s t _ e a m 7. Meaning against the current
_ _ m e _ _ m e s 8. Pertains to the frequency of an activity
O _ e r – _ _ e – c o _ n t _ r 9. Ordinary retail purchase, with no need for a
prescription or license
_ n e – h _ l _ 10. The exact division of an object into two.
Test IV. Matching type. Match the parts of the news paper to their description, write
your answer on the space provided.(20 pts)
_______1. Headline a. Written from beliefs and opinions of the writer.
_______2. Lead b. The first paragraph in a news.
_______3. Classified ads. c. an informative narration of happenings.
_______4.Sports news d. Cheaper than larger display advertisement.
_______5. Feature story e. usually takes the form of a square or a rectangular grid of white and
_______6. Obituary f. The most important news.
_______7.Comics g. Events in the world of sports
_______8. Puzzles h. Listing of deaths.
_______9. News i. are interesting topics chosen by the editors.
_______10.Editorial j. paneled graphics that are humorous.

Test VI. Convert the following word into plural form. (15 pts)
1. Person = 6. Elf = 11. Datum =
2. Box = 7. Cactus = 12. News =
3. Penny = 8. Fungus = 13. Jeans =
4. Knife = 9. City = 14. Phenomenon =
5. Potato= 10. Oasis = 15. Spy =
Test VII. Give a homonym for each of the following words. (15 pts)
1.Ad = 6. Chili = 11. Fair =
2. Air = 7. Sight = 12. Feet =
3. Band = 8. Coarse = 13. Flee =
4. Beat = 9. Cruise = 14. Flour =
5. Blew = 10. Dew = 15. Groan =

Do or Do Not. There is No try.

-Master Yoda.

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