F5 Command

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Monday, February 11, 2013 Blog Archive Followers

► 2016 (1)
BIGIP F5 Command Line (bigpipe Vs tmsh)
► 2015 (1)

b arp show show /net arp all ► 2014 (1)

▼ 2013 (3)
b arp all delete tmsh delete /net arp all
▼ February (1)
modify ltm data-group DATA-
b class DATA- BIGIP F5
GROUP access-mode read- Command
GROUP mode read
only Line
(bigpipe Vs
show running-config /ltm data- tmsh)
b class show
► January (2)
b cluster show show /sys cluster all-properties
► 2012 (9)
b config load file.ucs load /sys ucs file.ucs
► 2011 (4)
b config save file.ucs save /sys ucs file.ucs
► 2010 (1)
run /cm config-sync from-
b config sync group/to-group ► 2009 (10)

b conn show show /sys connection

show /sys connection all- Subscribe To
b conn show all Show all connection table properties
b conn ss server delete /sys connection ss-
node-ip:node-port server-addr node-ip ss-server- Delete connection table entries for node-ip node-port Comments
delete port node-port
list /sys daemon-ha all-
b daemon list
b db < key name > < modify /sys db < key name >
Modify database values
value > value < value >
b db tmsh modify sys db
Platform.PowerSupply platform.powersupplymonitor Disables PSU alert if only one PSU in use on Dual PSU system
Monitor disable value disable
show running-config /sys db -
b db show
hidden all-properties
b export my.config.scf save /sys scf my.config.scf v10.x only
save /sys config file
b export my.config.scf my.config.scf tar-file v11.0+
b failover standby run /sys failover standby v11+
b fo show show /sys failover
b fo standby run /util bigpipe fo standby v10+
show /sys ha-status all-
b ha table
b hardware baud rate modify /sys console baud-rate v10: sol10621 | v11: sol13325
show /sys ha-status all-
b ha table show
b httpd list list /sys httpd To list httpd configuration.
b import my.config.scf load /sys scf my.config.scf v10.x only
load /sys config file
b import my.config.scf my.config.scf tar-file v11.0+
show /net interface -hidden all- -hidden is not tab completable, but should be shown in the command output on
b interface show -j
properties iHealth.
b load load sys config partitions all

b merge load /sys config merge Added in v11. In v10 use bigpipe
b merge tmsh load /sys config file
Merge a file into the BIG-IP configuration. Added in v11. In v10, use bigpipe
/path/to/file.txt /path/to/file.txt merge
show running-config /sys
b mgmt show
show running-config /ltm
b monitor show
monitor (?)
The two tmsh commands are required here since b nat show will list the unit
show /ltm nat all or list /ltm nat
b nat show preference and ARP status. Statistical information is shown via “show” while
configuration information is shown via “list”.
b node all monitor
list ltm node monitor
b node show show /ltm node
b ntp servers modify sys ntp servers add { }
b packet filter all show show /net packet-fliter
b partition list auth partition no “show” command yet, list will only show written partitions
tmsh show ltm persistence
b persist
b platform show /sys hardware
b pool list list /ltm pool
b pool show show /ltm pool members
b profile access all
b profile auth all show The tmsh auth command does not display associated OCSP information shown by
b profile auth all show The tmsh auth command does not display associated OCSP information shown by
show /ltm auth profile all
all bigpipe.
b profile http
show /ltm profile http
ramcache show
b profile http stats show /ltm profile http
b profile ssl stats show /ltm profile ssl
b profile persist tmsh list ltm persistence
profile_name list all profile_name all-properties
b profile tcp show show /ltm profile tcp
b profile tcp stats show /ltm profile tcp
b profile udp show show /ltm profile udp
b profile udp stats show /ltm profile udp
b profile xml show show /ltm profile xml
b reset load / sys default-config v10.x
b reset load / sys config default v11.x
b route show show /net route all
b rule < rule > show
show /ltm rule < rule >
b rule show show /ltm rule all
b rule stats reset reset-stats /ltm rule < rule >
b save save sys config partitions all
b self show show running-config /net self
b snat show /ltm snat
b snatpool show show /ltm snatpool
b software show sys software
install sys software image
b software desired
NAME volume HDX.Y reboot
install sys software image
b software desired NAME create-volume volume v11.0+ : Creates volume and installs software. (Cannot create empty volumes in v11)
install sys software hotfix
b software desired Installs desired Hotfix to the specified Volume.
NAME volume HDX.Y
show running-config /net stp
b stp show
b syslog list all list sys syslog all-properties
b syslog remote modify sys syslog remote-
server none servers none
b syslog remote modify sys syslog remote-
You can append “remote-port 517″ for example to the end of the command to specify
server test-srv host servers add {test-srv{host
the port}}
b syslog remote modify sys syslog remote-
server test-srv local ip servers modify {test-srv{local-ip The self ip must be non-floating}}
modify sys global-settings
b system hostname hostname
b trunk show -j show /net trunk -hidden all
b trunk all lacp show show /net trunk detail
b unit show
b verify load load sys config verify
Takes grep (but not “head” as in “b version |head”) – for example, grep on build: tmsh
b version show /sys version
show sys version |grep -i build
show /ltm virtual-address all-
b virtual address show “show” does not show the objects used by the virtual, and list does not show statistics.
show /ltm virtual all-properties
b virtual all show all “show” does not show the objects used by the virtual, and list does not show statistics.
or list /ltm virtual all-properties
b vlan all show all -j show /net vlan -hidden
b vlangroup all show
show /net vlan-group all
show|start|stop|restart sys
load sys config from-terminal
bpsh (?)

Posted by Tux at 8:47 AM

Labels: bigip, F5, loadbalancer



Anonymous October 31, 2013 at 10:00 AM

Thank you for this list of comparison, most helpfull!

Anonymous January 9, 2014 at 4:02 AM

Thank you so much!!!! This is a life saver! :)


Anonymous January 29, 2015 at 4:51 PM

Thank you, a set of very good examples!
Anonymous January 10, 2016 at 12:45 AM

Thank you very much....these are very useful commands


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