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Learning experiences:
I have learned that: mind/thinking/thoughts can produce positive or negative things; good or bad
things. “we are what we think” “Garbage in, garbage out”

I have learned that we can attract things through our thoughts. Whatever that we have in our lives is
the product of our thoughts

I have learned that thinking (wishful) without action will not work. As in having faith without action is
nothing. Act on what you think you are in order for it to come true.
…in order that what you want comes alive…act on it “strike while the iron is hot”

I have learned that positive thinking attracts positive vibe. “turn every life situation into a positive one”
– Bryne

I have learned that gratitude…to be grateful (thankful) for all the happenings in your life…”Gratitude is
absolutely the way to bring more into your life” - Marci Shimoff

I have learned about the importance of visualization – creating pictures in your mind of what you want
“when you visualize then you materialize” Denis Waitley
“Visualizing is the greatest secret of success” Genevieve Behrend

Feeling that you have what you want creates the power of the attraction
“Love thy self” it is when you are filled up that you can overflow…Fill up yourself with love so you can
overflow love…

On relationship: love and respect yourself – fill yourself with love for you to overflow love…”love
begets love, respect begets respect”

On health: laughter is the best medicine

The law of attraction is a natural law…it is from the universe…it is a mindset…having the right
mindset about things…..To become what you want is to believe you are…
To be what you want is to assume that you are what you want

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