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Lord Barron M.

BSA 2-1
Living in the IT Era

1. Discuss the Internet, including their origins, the three generations of the
web, and the most common uses.

The internet is a large global network that connects smaller networks all over the globe,
was launched in 1969. The web and the internet are two separate things where the web
is part of the internet. It originally started as research.
The first generation was “read-only web.” It allowed us to search for information and
read it., the second generation was “read-write” web as Berners-Lee described it. It’s
the ability to contribute content and interact with other web users., and the third
generation is “read-write-execute.” contained computer-generated information
requiring less human interaction. The internet is commonly used for communicating,
shopping, entertainment, education, and searching.

2. Describe how to access the Internet. What are the providers? Define
browsers and discuss URLs, HTML, JavaScript, AJAX, Applets, and mobile
The most common way to access the internet is through an Internet Service Provider,
also known as the ISP. Typical ISP’s are Verizon, Comcast, Sprint, T-Mobile, and
AT&T. A browser allows you to explore the web. A URL is the address or location that
allows you to connect to other resources. Many URLs have additional parts specifying
directory paths and file names. Browsers interpret the HTML codes and formatting
instructions to display the page. In order to create interactive web sites, you need to use
technologies such as JavaScript and AJAX. They use HTML documents to trigger
interactive features. Applets are used to present animation, display graphics, and
provide interactive games. Mobile Browsers are designed to run on portable devices
and contain special navigational tools for convenience to pinch and stretch.

3. What are Web utilities? Discuss plug-ins, filters, file transfer utilities, and
Internet security suites
Web utilities are specialized utility programs that make using the Internet and web
easier and safer. Plug-ins are programs that start automatically and operate as part of
your Browser. Filters block access to selected sites. File transfer protocols receive files
from the Internet and upload copying a file to the Internet. Internet security suites are
collections of utility programs designed to maintain your security and privacy while you
are on the Web.
4. Discuss Internet communications, including client-based and web-based
email, instant and text messaging, social networking, blogs, microblogs,
webcasts, podcasts, and wikis.
You are able to communicate on the internet through e-mails, messaging, social
networking, blogs, microblogs, webcasts, podcasts, and wikis. Client-based email
systems require installation of an e-mail client. Web-based e-mail systems require no
email program on your program. Text messaging is sending short electronic messages
between mobile devices and has become one of the most widely used ways to send
short messages. Instant messaging is an extension of email that allows two or more
people to contact each other via direct, live communication. Some services include
video and file-sharing. Social networking is one of the fastest growing uses of the
Internet and it connects individuals to one another. Blogs are personal news pages that
are date and time-stamped and arranged with the most recent items shown first, while
microblogs are short status updates. Webcasts are streaming technology for live
broadcast of audio and video. Podcasts are audio and video files that can be
downloaded to your computer or media player. Wikis are specially designed web sites
that allow visitors to edit the contents.

5. Define search tools including search services. Discuss search engines

and specialized search engines. Describe how to evaluate the content of a
web site.
Search tools are specialized programs that assist you in locating information on the
Web and the Internet. Search services maintain the database that helps you get where
you want. Search engines assist you to locate specific information. They use keywords
or phrase search to look for phrases than individual words. Specialized search engines
are programs that focus on subject specific web sites. In order to evaluate the content of
a web site, you must be sure to check the authority, accuracy, objectivity, and currency.

6. Describe electronic commerce, including business-to-consumer,

consumer-to-consumer, and business-to-business e-commerce, and
E-commerce, or electronic commerce, is buying and selling over the internet. There are
three basic types of electronic commerce. Business to consumer commerce (B2C) is
the fastest growing type of e-commerce. It involves the sale of a product orservice to the
general public or end user. The three types of B2C is online banking, financial trading,
and shopping. Consumer to consumer (C2C) e-commerce involves individuals selling to
individuals and is Web auctions. Buyers and sellers rarely meet face-to-face. The last
type of e-commerce is business to business (B2B) e-commerce. It involves sales of a
product or service from one business to another.

7. What is cloud computing? Describe the three basic components of cloud

E-commerce, or electronic commerce, is buying and selling over the internet. There are
three basic types of electronic commerce. Business to consumer commerce (B2C) is
the fastest growing type of e-commerce. It involves the sale of a product or service to
the general public or end user. The three types of B2C is online banking, financial
trading, and shopping. Consumer to consumer (C2C) e-commerce involves individuals
selling to individuals and is Web auctions. Buyers and sellers rarely meet face-to-face.
The last type of e-commerce is business to business (B2B) e-commerce. It involves
sales of a product or service from one business to another.

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