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relationship between the company and

Designing Web Based customers, companies need a web-based

transactions. Where the purpose of writing
Sales Information System this thesis itself is building a web-based sales
at Pempek Nony 168 information systems that can provide
information both for the company and the
Palembang customers themselves. The methodology used
for the design of this system is the RUP
methodology, programming languages and
databases used in the manufacture of this
NIM : 20160803006
system is a PHP and MySQL. With the
construction of this system can expand
Abstract : Pempek Palembang is a typical pempek sales promotion, in order to facilitate
food are much in demand by the local customers who are outside the city of
community as well outside the city of Palembang be able to close the sale and
Palembang. The number of sales of existing increase revenue.
pempek in Palembang, for example Pempek
Nony 168 which currently have a media that Key Words : Information System, Transaction,
can help customers outside the city to make Sale, web, RUP
transactions easily. Therefore to facilitate the

Hal - 1
1. INTRODUCTION 2.3 System Development Methodology

In modern times like today, Electronic

Commerce or E-Commerce provides RUP (Rational Unified Process) is an
considerable growth in the economic growth iterative approach to software
of society. With this E-Commerce, development, focusing on architecture
operational costs can be increased and can (architecture-centric), more directed
increase sales turnover. based on case use (use case driven) (U.S.
Rosa, 2011, h.105).
Pempek Nony 168 has different
characteristics and different from companies The 4 working stages of the RUP are as
that sell similar products. The products sold follows:
by Pempek Nony 168 are all made by Ms.
Henny herself. Pempek Nony 168 itself does
not intend to open a branch out of town while 1. Inception Phase (Beginning)
waiting for the production process to only
take place in Palembang.
This stage is more about modeling the
From these considerations, the author agrees required business processes (business
to prepare a thesis report with the title modeling) and defining the system
"Designing Information Systems requirements that will be created
Web Based Sales at Pempek Nony 168 (requirements).
Palembang ".
2. Elaboration Phase

The stage can also detect whether the

2.1 Information System desired system architecture can made or
not. Detect the risks that might occur
from the architecture made. This stage is
Information System is a unit of elements
more about system analysis and design
that interact systematically and regularly
and system implementation that focuses
to create and form a flow of information
on system prototypes.
that will support decision making and
control the running of the company (Budi
Sutedjo, 2002, h.11). 1. Phase Construction (Construction)

2.2 E-Commerce This phase is focused on developing

components and system features. This
stage is more on the implementation and
E-Commerce is a dynamic set of
testing of systems that focus on the
technologies, applications, and business
implementation of software in the
processes that connect companies,
program code.
consumers and certain communities
through electronic transactions and trade
in goods, services and information carried 2. Transition Phase
out electronically (Onno W. Purbo, 2001,
This stage is more of a system

Hal - 2
deployment or installation so that it can offered because transactions are only made
be understood by the user. Activities at via telephone.
this stage include the user training,
maintenance and testing of the system
whether it meets user expectations. 3. Economics (Economics)

The promotion costs for advertising through

2.4 PHP
local media (newspapers and radio) are quite
expensive especially through national media.
PHP (formerly known as the Personal 4. Control (Control or Security)
Home Page, now PHP: Hypertext
Preprocessor) is a program developed There is no special authority for employees to
jointly by programmers from all over the validate data before sending.
world who pursue the opensource world.
PHP was developed specifically to access 5. Efficiency
and manipulate data in open source
database servers such as MySQL (Teguh Unable to make transactions via telephone at
Wahyono, 2005, h.5). the same time.

6. Service (Service or Service)

2.5 MySQL

There are no services that make it easier for

MySQL is a database server program that customers outside the city to make
is able to receive and send data very transactions and see the variety of products
quickly, multi-user, and uses standard offered by Pempek Nony 168.
SQL (Structured Query Language)
commands (Bunafit Nugroho, 2005, h.1). 3.2 Needs Analysis

In analyzing a need to develop an information

3. SYSTEM ANALYSIS system, the author uses use case modeling.

3.1 Problem Analysis 4. SYSTEM PLANNING

To help identify, analyze and solve problems 4.1 Logical System Design
4.2 Logical system design consists of 3
PIECES framework is used. The stages of the diagrams
PIECES framework are as follows:
namely activity diagrams, sequence diagrams,
1. Performance (Performance) and class diagrams.

The process of checking data takes a long 4.2.1 Activity Transaction Diagram
Activity check system usage diagrams are
2. Information (Information) carried out when the user member selects the
login menu. This diagram shows the
Companies find it difficult to provide interaction of member users with the system
information about the variety of products when the user wants to make an order
Hal - 3

4.2.2 Sequence of Transaction Diagrams

This diagram describes the actor adding data

to the system called add transaction.

4.3 Interface Design

The interface design consists of a back end

and front end interface design.

4.3.1 Back End Screen Design

Here is one example of a back end screen

design that appears when the admin logs in.

4.3.2 Front End Screen Design

Here is one example of a front end screen

design that first appeared on the Pempek
Nony 168 website.

4.4 Implementation Plan

After analyzing and designing the system in

detail, the next step is planning
implementation. The implementation plan is
intended primarily to regulate the costs and
time needed during the system
implementation phase.

Hal - 4
5. CLOSING customers who access this website.
4. It is hoped that this website can be
5.1 Conclusions developed again by making sales reports in
graphical form.
Based on report making and system
development carried out by the author at BIBLIOGRAPHY
Pempek Nony 168 Palembang. So the writer
[1] US, Rosa and M. Shalahuddin 2011,
can conclude that:
Software Engineering Learning Modules,
1. Website built by the author consists of two
Modula, Bandung.
sides, namely from the front end (customer)
consisting of the Home feature, About Us,
[2] Aziz, M. Farid 2005, Object Oriented
Products, Login, How to Order, Order
Programming with PHP 5, Elex Media
History, Testimonials, Info and Your Account
Komputindo, Jakarta.
and from the back end (admin ) consists of
Manage User features, Manage Information
[3] Jogiyanto 2005, Analysis & Design, Andi
& Testimonials, Manage Products, Member
Offset, Yogyakarta.
Data Reports and Sales Reports that are
useful for companies and customers.
[4] Kotler, P. and Gary Armstrong 2010,
2. With this website, companies can expand
Principles of Marketing: Third Edition,
product promotions, increase sales markets
Pearson Education, Inc. United States of
and increase sales turnover.
3. Both companies and customers are easier
to conduct and monitor transactions that have
[5] Computers, Wahana 2001, What and How
been carried out.
E-Commerce, Andi Offset, Yogyakarta.
4. With the website at Pempek Nony 168,
companies can introduce Palembang's
[6] Leffingwell, Dean and DonWidrig 2003,
specialty foods and are more advanced in IT
Managing Software Requirements: A Use
utilization compared to similar companies.
Case Approach: Second Edition, Addison
Wesley, United States of America.
6. Suggestions
[7] Nugroho, Bunafit 2005, Relational
Database with MySQL, Andi, Yogyakarta.
Based on the results of the analysis that has
[8] Oetomo, Budi Sutedjo Dharma 2002,
been done, the author wants to give advice
Information System Planning &
that can develop the system in Pempek Nony
Development, Andi Offset, Yogyakarta.
168, here are suggestions given by the author
at Pempek Nony 168 Palembang:
[9] Purbo, Onno W. Wahyudi, Aang Arif
1. Pempek Nony 168 must provide
2001, Getting to know e-commerce, Elex
information to customers so that customers
Media Komputindo, Jakarta
from out of town or in the city can order
Pempek Nony 168 products through the
2. Further development is expected to be able
to make payment transactions online to make
it easier for customers inside
make a transaction.
3. The appearance of the website needs to be
improved in order to attract customer
attention so that it can increase the number of

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