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Glenshire Lake & Commons Board Meeting May 7, 2019

Present: Susan Johnston, Paul Terrio, Sharon Hecht, Judy Seyb, Clark Ahlden, Pete Fernandes, Jim

Recording: Judy Seyb

Call to Order: Susan called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the March 19 meeting were read. Pete motioned to approve the
minutes as presented. Clark seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Paul presented the report.

Lake assessments: Susan reported everyone has now paid lake dues, except for the 1510 Glenshire
property, which is now vacant. Susan is looking into filing an assessment lien. She would like to
meet with a lawyer and all charges will also be applied to the lien. Clark motioned that Susan has
authority to meet with an attorney to prepare a lien to collect dues for the 1510 Glenshire
property. Sharon seconded, the motion passed.

Addling of Goose Eggs: There are new eggs laid since the last addling, so members will try to addle
again on Thursday or whenever enough people will be present to addle.

Lake Maintenance: Susan has done one application of dye. Susan also bought lake chemicals and
receipts were turned over to Paul. Sharon reports the beds need weeding. She is also concerned
about the maple tree by the 4014 Danbury property and the pine tree by the 1502 Glenshire
property. They may need to be taken down at some time in the future. Debbie will not be able to
do commons maintenance this year. We will try to find someone to replace her. Pete reports that
the homeowner at 1406 Glenshire reported to him they have contacted an exterminator about a
problem with voles. The exterminator found a large nest under the large rock in the commons
next to that property. We have agreed they can pay an exterminator to deal with the voles. If
successful, we will discuss helping to pay for this at our next meeting.

Website: Susan reports Lee has updated the site and will begin posting the minutes.

Scouts: Susan has contacted and will meet soon with them to present the check for their lake cleanup

New Neighbors: None.

New Business: None.

Next meeting: May 28, 2019 6:30pm at Sharon’s home.

Adjournment: Jim motioned to adjourn the meeting, Pete seconded. Susan adjourned the meeting at 7:15

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