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EARTH SCIENCE Evolution of the Universe According to the BIG

1. Dark matter – has gravity but does not emit light 1.13.8 billion years ago (0 until 10-43 sec)
2. Baryonic matter – consist of protons, electrons, -all matter and energy existed as a hot, dense, tiny state
and neutron, that comprises atoms, planets, -until 10 seconds: existence of quarks, hadrons and
stars, galaxies, and other bodies. leptons
3. Dark energy – source of anti-gravity 2. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
4. Light years – distant light can travel in a year; -production of protons, neutrons, atomic nuclei, and
measure astronomical distance then H, He, and Li
5. Protostar – early stage in the formation of a star -20 mins: sufficient cooling did NOT allow further
resulting to gravitational collapse of gases nucleosynthesis
6. Nucleosynthesis – formation of heavier 3. 380 000 years
elements within star from lighter elements thru -cooling universe entered a matter-dominated period
when photons decoupled from matter and light in the
fusion reactions
form of cosmic microwave background radiation
7. Galaxy – cluster of billions of stars; cluster of
4. 380 000 years
galaxies from superclusters -continuation to cool down
ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE -matter collected into clouds = stars; galaxies after 100
million years
I. NON-SCIENTIFIC -thru nucleosynthesis in stars = production of carbon and
a. Monotheistic Religions – a supreme being created 5. 9.8 billion years to present
universe -universe became dark energy dominated and
b. Ancient Egyptians – world arose from an infinite sea underwent accelerating expansion
at the first rising of the sun
c. Kuba People (Central America) – Mbombo or Mumba The BIG BANG THEORY withstood the test for
(Creator God) felt an intense stomach pain and then exapansion:
vomited the stars, sun and moon 1. the redshift
d. India: God sacrificed Purusha, the primal man whose 2. abundance of H, He, Li
head, feet, eyes, and mind became the sky, earth, sun, 3. uniformly pervasive cosmic microwave background
and moon respectively radiation the remnant heat from the BANG
a. Steady State Model a. General Relativity
- proposed by Bondli, Gould, and Hoyle in 1948 -Albert Einstein’s: gravity as a distortion of space time
- new matter is created as the universe expands thereby and no longer described by a gravitational field
maintaining its density -Isaac Newton’s: peculiarities of the orbit of mercury and
-rejected the discovery of the cosmic microwave the bending of light by the sun has passed rigorous test
background b. Cosmological Principle
b. Big bang Theory -the universe is homogenous and isotropic when average
- most accepted theory of the universe over large scales
- 13.8 billion years ago, the universe expanded from tiny,
hot and dense mass to its present size and much cooler EVIDENCES THAT SUPPORTS THE BIG BANG THEORY
state 1. Hubble’s Law
- event of expansion from singularity that happened 12- - “red shift” phenomenon where the speed of galaxies
15 billion years ago moving away from each other causing change in the light
-predicted that the age of universe is approximately 13.8 spectrum (Albert Einstein’s).
billion years old 2. Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Radiation
-thought to produce two main types of particles: -accidentally discovered by Arno Penzias and Robert
MATTER and ANTI-MATTER which is in equal quantities Wilson
cancel each other -this radiation observed as a strikingly uniform faint glow
in the microwave band from all directions- blackbody
radiation with an ave. temp. about 2.7 degrees above
3. Composition of Universe (OLD GALAXIES) - PROTOSTAR
-“OUTSIDE” the universe confirms that the early universe o Caused by instabilities within clouds that results
is made up of 93% H. 7% He, and trace Li into gravitational collapse, rotation, heating up.
(3 most abundant elements in the universe) o Core of the future star as thermonuclear
reactions set in
COMPOSITION of the UNIVERSE - Stellar Interiors are like furnace where elements are
a. 71.4% dark energy synthesized or combine/fused together
-source of anti-gravity which enables the expansion of - Main sequence star – where most stars and the sun
universe. belong
-observed accelerating expansion of the universe - H atoms are fused thru thermonuclear reactions to
b. 24% cold dark matter make He atoms in the cores of stars
-has gravity but does not emit light - Massive main sequence stars burn up their H faster than
-it could be holding the galaxies together because the smaller stars
low total mass is insufficient for the gravity alone to do - Sun burns up H in about 10 B years
c. 4.6% baryonic matter - The remaining dust and gas may end up as planets,
-“ordinary matter” consisting protons, electrons, atoms, asteroids and other bodies
planets, stars and other bodies
Two ways by which astronomers estimate the age of the 1. Nebular Hypothesis
universe - the sun and its planets supposedly condensed out of
1. estimating the age of the looking oldest stars swirling eddies of cold, dark, interstellar clouds of gas
2. measuring the rate of expansion of the universe and and dust.
extrapolating back to the Big bang - Weakness – Gerald Kuiper- before the gravitational
attraction would become significant, the particles would
HYDROGEN AND HELIUM have to be big as the mood.
-most abundant elements 2. Fission Theory
-lowest mass - the sun burst one day, and all our planets came from it
-first elements to be formed in the big bang model 3. Capture Theory
- our planets and moons were wandering around space
 Star’s energy comes from combining light into and the planets were captured by the gravity of the sun,
heavier elements by fusion/nuclear and the moons were captured by the planets
burning/nucleosynthesis 4. Accretion Theory
 The formation of He from H gives off lots of energy - condensation, nebular contraction, or “dust cloud”
- natural hydrogen bomb - small chunks of material separately formed themselves
 Nucleosynthesis requires very high temp. - into our earth and moon
minimum temp. for H fusion is 5×106°C 5. Planetary Collision Theory
 Universe is 13.8 billion years old. - our world is said to have collided with a small planet
 Diameter – possibly infinite but should be atleast 91 - the resulting explosion threw off rocks with formed our
B light years (1 ly=9.4607×1012 km) orbiting moon
 Density – 4.5×10-31 g/cm3 6. Stellar Collision Theory
- our planets, moons, and sun all spun off from a collision
STARS between stars
- formed in clouds of gas and dust known as nebulae 7. Gas Cloud Theory
- nuclear reactions at the center/core of stars provides - gas clouds were captured by the sun, which the
enough energy to make them shine brightly for many mysteriously formed themselves at a distance into
years planets and moons
- the exact lifetime depends very much on its size
- Galaxy is a cluster of billions of stars 6 More Flaws in the Solar System Theories
- Superclusters are clusters of galaxies 1. do NOT explain where stars, planets, and moons
- The empty space between galaxies appears to be originated
homogenous and isotropic 2. assume that the orbits came about by chance
- Isotropic means having physical properties that are 3. all came from the sun or a common stellar collision?
same when measured in different directions 4. do NOT fit into the laws of physics
5. fanciful theories The SOLAR SYSTEM
6. cannot come up with a rational explanation of the - located in the Milky Way galaxy; Local group of galaxies
intricate balancing and orbital motions of moons and Local group of galaxies is in turn a part of the Virgo super
planets cluster of galaxies.
Milky Way galaxy is a huge disc and spiral-shaped
Other Version on the Theories on the Origin of the Solar aggregation of about at least 100 billion stars and other
System bodies.
1. ENCOUNTER HYPOTHESIS - This galaxy is about 100 million light years across
a. Sun-comet encounter (1 ly=9.4607×1012 km)
 Buffon (1749) - Revolves around galactic center once in about
 Sent matter to form planet 240 million years.
b. Sun-star encounter or Near-collision Hypothesis - radioactive of meteorites suggests that the Earth and
 James Jean (1917) solar system are 4.6 billion years old younger than the
 Would have drawn from the sun matter that universe which is 13.8 billion years of age
would condense to planets
c. Planetesimal Hypothesis Large Scale Features of the Solar System
 T.C. Chamberlain and F.R. Moulton (1904)  All planets are located at REGULAR intervals
 A star much bigger than the Sun passed by the from the Sun.
sun and draws gaseous filaments from both,  Much of the MASS of the solar system is
which planetesimals were formed concentrated at the CENTER (Sun) while
d. Protoplanet Hypothesis ANGULAR MOMENTUM is held by OUTER
 Ray Lyttleton (1940) planets.
 Sun’s companion star colliding with another to  The ORBITS of the planets are ELLIPTICAL and are
form a proto-planet on the SAME plane.
e. Accretion Theory  All planets REVOLVE AROUND the sun, and the
 Otto Schmidt periods of the planets increase with increasing
 The sun passed through a dense interstellar distance from the sun; the INNERMOST planet
cloud and emerged with a dusty, gaseous moves FASTEST, the OUTERMOST, the SLOWEST.
envelope that eventually became the planets
f. Capture Theory Small Scale Features of the Solar System
 M.M Woolfson  Most planets ROTATE PROGRADE.
 Variation of James Jean’s near-collision Prograde is the counterclockwise rotation of
hypothesis planets viewed from above the Earth’s North
 The sun drags from a near proto-star a filament Pole.
material which becomes the planets  Mercury’s orbit does NOT conform to the rest of
- Nobel Prize winner Harold (1950s) on compositional the planets in the solar system. It does not
studies on meteorites behave according to Newton’s Laws.
2. PROTOPLANET HYPOTHESIS  The motion of Mercury is referred to as a
 Current hypothesis retrograde motion.
 About 4.6 B years ago, in the Orion arm of the
Milky Way galaxy, a slowly-rotating gas and dust Inner terrestrial planets are called the “ROCKY” Planets.
cloud dominated by H and He starts to contract  Mostly rocks and metal at the core which are
due to gravity. made of materials with high melting points such
as silicates, iron, and nickel.
NOTES:  They rotate SLOWER
o Common theme of these hypotheses involves  Have thin or no atmosphere
between the sun and another celestial body  Higher densities
o 2 major flaws of the rival hypothesis  Lower contents of volatiles – hydrogen, helium
a) Fails to explain how planets are formed and noble gases
b) This type of encounters is extremely rare
o Accretion and bombardment generate hear Outer four planets are called “GAS GIANTS” because of
(kinetic energy is transformed to heat) which the dominance of gases and their larger sizes.
was partly retained by the Earth as internal heat  Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
 They rotate FASTER
 Have thick atmosphere
 Lower densities
 Fluid interiors rich in H, He, and ices (water,
ammonia, methane)

Element Abundance on Earth, Meteorites, and Universe

- It is easy to make Earth if most H and He are removed;
the sun and large planets have enough mass and gravity
to retain H and He.
- Inert gases are RARE on EARTH, too light for Earth’s
gravity to hold.
- “Cold” and solid particles remain while HOT would have
been LOST.
- Meteorites are believed to be remnants of materials
from which the solar system was derived.
- The presence of heavy elements such as lead, silver, and
uranium on Earth suggests that it was derived from
remnants of a supernova and that the sun is a second-
generation star made by recycling materials.


Humanity’s failure to protect the environment is likely
due to the ff:
a) Inability to recognize the full consequence of
his/her actions.
b) Lack of appreciation of the uniqueness of the

 The blue coloration of the Earth is very apparent

due to the presence of water.
 The SIZE and MASS and even the ROTATION
SPEED of Venus and Earth are very similar; TWIN
 Mars is about half the Earth’s size.
- surface of mars: brine (salty water)
 Venus, Earth and Mars have a spheroidal shape.
- part of the inner terrestrial or “rocky” planets
- densities are NOT too different from each other
 Orbital period and velocity are related to the
planet’s distance from the sun.
 The composition of the atmosphere (amount of
greenhouse gases) influences the planet
 The amount of solar radiation that a planet
receive is a primarily function of distance from
the sun.
 On Earth, nutrients are cycled thru the
 Internal heat drives plate tectonics; the ability of
a planet to maintain internal heat is related to

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